Example #1
 def _ssebop(url_stamped):
     dt, url = url_stamped
     resp = session.get(url)
     zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(resp.content))
     content = zfile.read(zfile.filelist[0].filename)
     ds = geoutils.gtiff2xarray({"eta": content}, _geometry, DEF_CRS)
     return dt, ds.expand_dims({"time": [dt]})
Example #2
def nlcd(
    geometry: Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon, Tuple[float, float, float, float]],
    resolution: float,
    years: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[int]]] = None,
    geo_crs: str = DEF_CRS,
    crs: str = DEF_CRS,
) -> xr.Dataset:
    """Get data from NLCD database (2016).

    Download land use/land cover data from NLCD (2016) database within
    a given geometry in epsg:4326.

    geometry : Polygon, MultiPolygon, or tuple of length 4
        The geometry or bounding box (west, south, east, north) for extracting the data.
    resolution : float
        The data resolution in meters. The width and height of the output are computed in pixel
        based on the geometry bounds and the given resolution.
    years : dict, optional
        The years for NLCD data as a dictionary, defaults to
        {'impervious': 2016, 'cover': 2016, 'canopy': 2016}. Set the value of a layer to None,
        to ignore it.
    geo_crs : str, optional
        The CRS of the input geometry, defaults to epsg:4326.
    crs : str, optional
        The spatial reference system to be used for requesting the data, defaults to

         NLCD within a geometry
    years = {"impervious": 2016, "cover": 2016, "canopy": 2016} if years is None else years
    layers = _nlcd_layers(years)

    _geometry = geoutils.geo2polygon(geometry, geo_crs, crs)

    wms = WMS(ServiceURL().wms.mrlc, layers=layers, outformat="image/geotiff", crs=crs)
    r_dict = wms.getmap_bybox(_geometry.bounds, resolution, box_crs=crs)

    ds = geoutils.gtiff2xarray(r_dict, _geometry, crs)

    if isinstance(ds, xr.DataArray):
        ds = ds.to_dataset()

    for n in ds.keys():
        if "cover" in n.lower():
            ds = ds.rename({n: "cover"})
            ds.cover.attrs["units"] = "classes"
        elif "canopy" in n.lower():
            ds = ds.rename({n: "canopy"})
            ds.canopy.attrs["units"] = "%"
        elif "impervious" in n.lower():
            ds = ds.rename({n: "impervious"})
            ds.impervious.attrs["units"] = "%"

    return ds
Example #3
def test_gtiff2array(geometry_nat):
    url_wms = "https://www.fws.gov/wetlands/arcgis/services/Wetlands_Raster/ImageServer/WMSServer"
    wms = WMS(
    r_dict = wms.getmap_bybox(
    wetlands_box = geoutils.gtiff2xarray(r_dict, geometry_nat.bounds, DEF_CRS)
    wetlands_msk = geoutils.xarray_geomask(wetlands_box, geometry_nat, DEF_CRS)
    wetlands = geoutils.gtiff2xarray(r_dict, geometry_nat, DEF_CRS)

    assert (abs(wetlands_msk.isel(band=0).mean().values.item() - 17.208) < 1e-3
            abs(wetlands.isel(band=0).mean().values.item() - 16.542) < 1e-3)
Example #4
def get_map(
    layers: Union[str, List[str]],
    geometry: Union[Polygon, Tuple[float, float, float, float]],
    resolution: float,
    geo_crs: str = DEF_CRS,
    crs: str = DEF_CRS,
) -> xr.DataArray:
    """Access to `3DEP <https://www.usgs.gov/core-science-systems/ngp/3dep>`__ service.

    The 3DEP service has multi-resolution sources so depending on the user
    provided resolution the data is resampled on server-side based
    on all the available data sources. The following layers are available:
    - "DEM"
    - "Hillshade Gray"
    - "Aspect Degrees"
    - "Aspect Map"
    - "GreyHillshade_elevationFill"
    - "Hillshade Multidirectional"
    - "Slope Map"
    - "Slope Degrees"
    - "Hillshade Elevation Tinted"
    - "Height Ellipsoidal"
    - "Contour 25"
    - "Contour Smoothed 25"

    layers : str or list
        A valid 3DEP layer or a list of them
    geometry : Polygon, MultiPolygon, or tuple
        A shapely Polygon or a bounding box (west, south, east, north)
    resolution : float
        The data resolution in meters. The width and height of the output are computed in pixel
        based on the geometry bounds and the given resolution.
    geo_crs : str, optional
        The spatial reference system of the input geometry, defaults to
    crs : str, optional
        The spatial reference system to be used for requesting the data, defaults to

        The requeted data within the geometry
    if not isinstance(geometry, (Polygon, MultiPolygon, tuple)):
        raise InvalidInputType("geometry", "Polygon or tuple of length 4")

    _geometry = geoutils.geo2polygon(geometry, geo_crs, crs)

    _layers = layers if isinstance(layers, list) else [layers]
    if "DEM" in _layers:
        _layers[_layers.index("DEM")] = "None"

    _layers = [f"3DEPElevation:{lyr}" for lyr in _layers]

    wms = WMS(ServiceURL().wms.nm_3dep, layers=_layers, outformat="image/tiff", crs=crs)
    r_dict = wms.getmap_bybox(_geometry.bounds, resolution, box_crs=crs)

    ds = geoutils.gtiff2xarray(r_dict, _geometry, crs)

    valid_layers = wms.get_validlayers()
    rename = {lyr: lyr.split(":")[-1].replace(" ", "_").lower() for lyr in valid_layers}
    rename.update({"3DEPElevation:None": "elevation"})

    if isinstance(ds, xr.DataArray):
        ds.name = rename[ds.name]
        ds = ds.rename({n: rename[n] for n in ds.keys()})

    return ds