Example #1
    def __init__(self):
        pubsub = PubSub()
        events_dispatcher = EventsDispatcher(pubsub)
        display = self.display_surface()
        repo = Repository(config["repo_path"])
        branches = repo.listall_branches()
        drawer = Drawer(repo, branches, display, pubsub)

        pubsub.sub("on_program_exit", self.exit_program)

        self.main_loop = MainLoop(display, drawer, events_dispatcher)
Example #2
def _list_remote_branches(
        repo: pygit2.Repository,
        remote: str = 'origin',
        exclude_remote_of_head: bool = True) -> Iterator[pygit2.Branch]:
    remote_prefix = remote + '/'
    remote_head = remote + '/HEAD'
    remote_of_local_head = remote + '/' + repo.head.shorthand
    for branch_name in repo.listall_branches(pygit2.GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE):
        if not branch_name.startswith(remote_prefix):
        if branch_name == remote_head:
        if exclude_remote_of_head and branch_name == remote_of_local_head:
        yield repo.lookup_branch(branch_name, pygit2.GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE)
Example #3
def test_install(repo: Repository, template_repo: Repository):
    battenberg = Battenberg(repo)
    battenberg.install(template_repo.workdir, no_input=True)

    assert battenberg.is_installed()
    # Ensure we have the appropriate branches we expect.
    assert not {'master', 'template'} - set(repo.listall_branches())

    # Ensure we have a valid structure for the template branch.
    template_oids = {
        for ref in repo.references['refs/heads/template'].log()
    template_commits = [repo[oid].message for oid in template_oids]
    assert template_commits == ['Prepared template installation']

    # Ensure we have valid merge commit from the template branch -> master.
    template_install_message = f'commit (merge): Installed template \'{template_repo.workdir}\''
    master_merge_ref = find_ref_from_message(repo, template_install_message)
    assert master_merge_ref
    # Ensure the merge commit was derived from the template branch.
    assert not template_oids - set(repo[master_merge_ref.oid_new].parent_ids)
Example #4
class GitStorage(BaseStorage):

    _backend = None

    def __init__(self, context, repo_path=None):
        self.context = context
        rp = IStorageInfo(context).path

            self.repo = Repository(discover_repository(rp))
        except KeyError:
            # discover_repository may have failed.
            raise PathNotFoundError('repository does not exist at path')

        self.checkout()  # defaults to HEAD.

    def empty_root(self):
        return {'': '_empty_root'}

    def _get_empty_root(self):
        return self.empty_root

    def _get_obj(self, path, cls=None):
        if path == '' and self._commit is None:
            # special case
            return self._get_empty_root()

        if self._commit is None:
            raise PathNotFoundError('repository is empty')

        root = self._commit.tree
            breadcrumbs = []
            fragments = list(reversed(path.split('/')))
            node = root
            oid = None
            while fragments:
                fragment = fragments.pop()
                if not fragment == '':
                    # no empty string entries, also skips over '//' and
                    # leaves the final node (if directory) as the tree.
                    oid = node[fragment].oid
                    node = self.repo.get(oid)
                if node is None:
                    # strange.  Looks like it's either submodules only
                    # have entry nodes or pygit2 doesn't fully support
                    # this.  Try to manually resolve the .gitmodules
                    # file.
                    if cls is None:
                        # Only return this if a specific type was not
                        # expected.
                        submods = parse_gitmodules(self.repo.get(
                        submod = submods.get('/'.join(breadcrumbs))
                        if submod:
                            return {
                                '': '_subrepo',
                                'location': submod,
                                'path': '/'.join(fragments),
                                'rev': oid.hex,

            if node and (cls is None or isinstance(node, cls)):
                return node
        except KeyError:
            # can't find what is needed in repo, raised by pygit2
            raise PathNotFoundError('path not found')

        # not what we were looking for.
        if cls == Tree:
            raise PathNotDirError('path not dir')
        elif cls == Blob:
            raise PathNotFileError('path not file')
        raise PathNotFoundError('path not found')

    def _commit(self):
        return self.__commit

    def rev(self):
        if self.__commit:
            return self.__commit.hex
        return None

    def shortrev(self):
        # TODO this is an interim solution.
        if self.rev:
            return self.rev[:12]

    def basename(self, name):
        return name.split('/')[-1]

    def checkout(self, rev=None):
        # None maps to the default revision.
        if rev is None:
            rev = 'HEAD'

            self.__commit = self.repo.revparse_single(rev)
        except KeyError:
            if rev == 'HEAD':
                # probably a new repo.
                self.__commit = None
            raise RevisionNotFoundError('revision %s not found' % rev)
            # otherwise a RevisionNotFoundError should be raised.

    def files(self):
        def _files(tree, current_path=None):
            results = []
            for node in tree:
                if current_path:
                    name = '/'.join([current_path, node.name])
                    name = node.name

                obj = self.repo.get(node.oid)
                if isinstance(obj, Blob):
                elif isinstance(obj, Tree):
                    results.extend(_files(obj, name))
            return results

        if not self._commit:
            return []
        results = _files(self._commit.tree)
        return results

    def file(self, path):
        return self._get_obj(path, Blob).data

    def listdir(self, path):
        if path:
            tree = self._get_obj(path, Tree)
            if self._commit is None:
                return []
            tree = self._commit.tree

        return [entry.name for entry in tree]

    def format(self, **kw):
        # XXX backwards compatibility??
        return kw

    def log(self, start, count, branch=None, shortlog=False):
        start and branch are literally the same thing.

        def _log(iterator):
            for pos, commit in iterator:
                if pos == count:
                    raise StopIteration
                yield {
                    'author': commit.committer.name,
                    'email': self._commit.committer.email,
                    'date': self.strftime(committer_dt(commit.committer)),
                    'node': commit.hex,
                    'rev': commit.hex,
                    'desc': commit.message

        if start is None:
            # assumption.
            start = 'HEAD'
            except KeyError:
                return []

            rev = self.repo.revparse_single(start).hex
        except KeyError:
            raise RevisionNotFoundError('revision %s not found' % start)

        iterator = enumerate(self.repo.walk(rev, GIT_SORT_TIME))

        return list(_log(iterator))

    def pathinfo(self, path):
        obj = self._get_obj(path)
        if isinstance(obj, Blob):
            return self.format(**{
                'type': 'file',
                'basename': self.basename(path),
                'size': obj.size,
                'date': self.strftime(committer_dt(self._commit.committer)),
        elif isinstance(obj, dict):
            # special cases are represented as dict.
            if obj[''] == '_subrepo':
                return self.format(**{
                    'type': 'subrepo',
                    'date': '',
                    'size': 0,
                    'basename': self.basename(path),
                    # extra field.
                    'obj': obj,

            elif obj[''] == '_empty_root':
                return self.format(**{
                    'type': 'folder',
                    'date': '',
                    'size': 0,
                    'basename': self.basename(path),

        # Assume this is a Tree.
        return self.format(**{
            'basename': self.basename(path),
            'size': 0,
            'type': 'folder',
            'date': '',

    def branches(self):
        return tuple(
            (b, self.repo.lookup_branch(b).target.hex)
            for b in self.repo.listall_branches()

    def tags(self):
        return tuple(
            (b[10:], self.repo.lookup_reference(b).target.hex)
            for b in self.repo.listall_references()
            if b.startswith('refs/tags')
Example #5
    c.execute(sql, {"repo_name": repo_name})
    result = c.fetchall()
    if len(result) > 0:
        # The unique id # for the repo in the database
        repo_id = result[0][0]
        # The repo isn't in the database yet, so we add it
        sql = 'INSERT INTO repo (repo_id, name) VALUES (NULL, :repo_name)'
        c.execute(sql, {"repo_name": repo_name})

        # Retrieve the repo_id value generated by the database for the above insert
        repo_id = c.lastrowid

    # Loop around for each branch, adding their commits to the database
    for branch_name in repo.listall_branches(GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE):

        # Starting with the oldest commit in the branch, add its commits to the database
        branch = repo.lookup_reference('refs/remotes/' + branch_name)
        for commit in repo.walk(branch.target, GIT_SORT_TIME | GIT_SORT_REVERSE):

            # If requested, display the commit info for debugging purposes
            if debug == 1:
                print "commit {0}".format(commit.hex)
                print "Author: {0} <{1}>".format(unicode(commit.author.name).encode("utf-8"), commit.author.email)
                print datetime.utcfromtimestamp(commit.commit_time).strftime('Date:   %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y +0000\n')
                print "   {0}".format(unicode(commit.message).encode("utf-8"))

            # Check if the commit already exists in the database.  Don't add it if its already there
            sql = 'SELECT commit_id, hash FROM commits WHERE repo = :repo AND hash = :hash'
            c.execute(sql, {"repo": repo_id, "hash": commit.hex})
Example #6
def show_status(srcdir,
    def create_upstream_status(repo, head_branch, master_branch,
                               master_remote_branch, tracking_branch):
        status = []
        if not repo.head_is_detached and not has_pending_merge(repo):
            if tracking_branch is not None:
                if master_remote_branch is not None:
                    if tracking_branch.remote_name != master_remote_branch.remote_name:
                        status.append("@!@{rf}remote '%s'" %
                if need_push(repo, head_branch):
                    status.append("@!@{yf}needs push")
                elif need_pull(repo, head_branch):
                    status.append("@!@{cf}needs pull")
                elif not is_up_to_date(repo, head_branch):
                    status.append("@!@{yf}needs pull -M")
                if head_branch:
                    status.append("@!on branch '%s'" % repo.head.shorthand)
                    status.append("empty branch")
                if master_remote_branch is None:
                    status.append("@!@{rf}no remote")
                elif master_branch is None:
                    status.append("@!@{rf}untracked remote")
                if is_up_to_date(repo, master_branch) or need_push(
                        repo, master_branch):
                    if need_pull(repo, head_branch, master_branch):
                        status.append("@!@{cf}needs pull -L")
                        if not is_ancestor(repo, master_branch, head_branch):
                            status.append("@!@{yf}needs merge --from-master")
                        if not is_up_to_date(repo, head_branch, master_branch):
                            status.append("@!@{yf}needs merge --to-master")
            if master_branch is not None and master_remote_branch is not None and (
                    tracking_branch is None
                    or tracking_branch.name != master_remote_branch.name):
                if need_push(repo, master_branch):
                    status.append("@!@{yf}%s needs push" %
                elif need_pull(repo, master_branch):
                    status.append("@!@{cf}%s needs pull" %
                elif not is_up_to_date(repo, master_branch):
                    status.append("@!@{yf}%s needs merge" %
        return status

    def create_local_status(repo, upstream_status, is_dirty):
        status = []
        if repo.head_is_detached:
            status.append("@!@{rf}detached HEAD")
            return status
        if has_pending_merge(repo):
            if repo.index.conflicts:
                status.append("@!@{rf}merge conflicts")
                status.append("@!@{yf}merged, needs commit")
            return status
        if is_dirty:
            status.append("@!@{yf}needs commit")
        status += upstream_status
        if not status:
            if not show_up_to_date:
                return None
        return status

    table = TableView("Package", "Path", "Status")

    found_packages = set()
    for project in projects:
        repo = Repository(os.path.join(srcdir, project.workspace_path, ".git"))
        dirty_files = [
            a for a, b in iteritems(repo.status())
            if b != GIT_STATUS_IGNORED and b != GIT_STATUS_CURRENT
        head_branch = get_head_branch(repo)
        tracking_branch = head_branch.upstream if head_branch else None
        master_remote = get_origin(repo, project)
        if master_remote is not None:
            master_remote_branch = repo.lookup_branch(
                "%s/%s" % (master_remote.name, project.master_branch),
            master_branch = None
            if master_remote_branch is not None:
                for name in repo.listall_branches(GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL):
                    b = repo.lookup_branch(name, GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL)
                    if b.upstream and b.upstream.branch_name == master_remote_branch.branch_name:
                        master_branch = b
            master_remote_branch = None
            master_branch = None
        ws_packages = find_catkin_packages(srcdir,
        found_packages |= set(ws_packages.keys())
        upstream_status = create_upstream_status(repo, head_branch,
        for name, pkg_list in iteritems(ws_packages):
            if name not in packages:
            for pkg in pkg_list:
                is_dirty = False
                local_path = os.path.relpath(pkg.workspace_path,
                if dirty_files and local_path == ".":
                    is_dirty = True
                    for fpath in dirty_files:
                        if path_has_prefix(fpath, local_path):
                            is_dirty = True
                status = create_local_status(repo, upstream_status, is_dirty)
                if status is not None:
                    head, tail = os.path.split(pkg.workspace_path)
                    pkg_path = escape(head + "/" if tail ==
                                      name else pkg.workspace_path)
                    table.add_row(escape(name), pkg_path, status)

    for path in other_git:
        repo = Repository(os.path.join(srcdir, path, ".git"))
        dirty_files = [
            a for a, b in iteritems(repo.status())
            if b != GIT_STATUS_IGNORED and b != GIT_STATUS_CURRENT
        head_branch = get_head_branch(repo)
        tracking_branch = head_branch.upstream if head_branch else None
        ws_packages = find_catkin_packages(srcdir, path, cache=cache)
        found_packages |= set(ws_packages.keys())
        upstream_status = create_upstream_status(repo, head_branch, None, None,
        for name, pkg_list in iteritems(ws_packages):
            if name not in packages:
            for pkg in pkg_list:
                is_dirty = False
                local_path = os.path.relpath(pkg.workspace_path, path)
                if dirty_files and local_path == ".":
                    is_dirty = True
                    for fpath in dirty_files:
                        if path_has_prefix(fpath, local_path):
                            is_dirty = True
                status = create_local_status(repo, upstream_status, is_dirty)
                if status is not None:
                    head, tail = os.path.split(pkg.workspace_path)
                    pkg_path = escape(head + "/" if tail ==
                                      name else pkg.workspace_path)
                    table.add_row(escape(name), pkg_path, status)

    missing = set(packages) - found_packages
    for name in missing:
        path_list = []
        status = "no git"
        if name in ws_state.ws_packages:
            for pkg in ws_state.ws_packages[name]:
                if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(srcdir, pkg.workspace_path)):
                    status = "@{rf}deleted"
                head, tail = os.path.split(pkg.workspace_path)
                    escape(head + "/" if tail == name else pkg.workspace_path))
        table.add_row(escape(name), path_list, status)
    if table.empty():
        if found_packages:
            msg("Everything is @!@{gf}up-to-date@|.\n")
            warning("no Git repositories\n")
Example #7
def show_status(srcdir, packages, projects, other_git, ws_state, show_up_to_date=True, cache=None):
    def create_upstream_status(repo, head_branch, master_branch, master_remote_branch, tracking_branch):
        status = []
        if not repo.head_is_detached and not has_pending_merge(repo):
            if tracking_branch is not None:
                if master_remote_branch is not None:
                    if tracking_branch.remote_name != master_remote_branch.remote_name:
                        status.append("@!@{rf}remote '%s'" % tracking_branch.remote_name)
                if need_push(repo, head_branch):
                    status.append("@!@{yf}needs push")
                elif need_pull(repo, head_branch):
                    status.append("@!@{cf}needs pull")
                elif not is_up_to_date(repo, head_branch):
                    status.append("@!@{yf}needs pull -M")
                if head_branch:
                    status.append("@!on branch '%s'" % repo.head.shorthand)
                    status.append("empty branch")
                if master_remote_branch is None:
                    status.append("@!@{rf}no remote")
                elif master_branch is None:
                    status.append("@!@{rf}untracked remote")
                if is_up_to_date(repo, master_branch) or need_push(repo, master_branch):
                    if need_pull(repo, head_branch, master_branch):
                        status.append("@!@{cf}needs pull -L")
                        if not is_ancestor(repo, master_branch, head_branch):
                            status.append("@!@{yf}needs merge --from-master")
                        if not is_up_to_date(repo, head_branch, master_branch):
                            status.append("@!@{yf}needs merge --to-master")
            if master_branch is not None and master_remote_branch is not None and (tracking_branch is None or tracking_branch.name != master_remote_branch.name):
                if need_push(repo, master_branch):
                    status.append("@!@{yf}%s needs push" % master_branch.shorthand)
                elif need_pull(repo, master_branch):
                    status.append("@!@{cf}%s needs pull" % master_branch.shorthand)
                elif not is_up_to_date(repo, master_branch):
                    status.append("@!@{yf}%s needs merge" % master_branch.shorthand)
        return status

    def create_local_status(repo, upstream_status, is_dirty):
        status = []
        if repo.head_is_detached:
            status.append("@!@{rf}detached HEAD")
            return status
        if has_pending_merge(repo):
            if repo.index.conflicts:
                status.append("@!@{rf}merge conflicts")
                status.append("@!@{yf}merged, needs commit")
            return status
        if is_dirty:
            status.append("@!@{yf}needs commit")
        status += upstream_status
        if not status:
            if not show_up_to_date:
                return None
        return status

    table = TableView("Package", "Path", "Status")

    found_packages = set()
    for project in projects:
        repo = Repository(os.path.join(srcdir, project.workspace_path, ".git"))
        dirty_files = [a for a, b in iteritems(repo.status()) if b != GIT_STATUS_IGNORED and b != GIT_STATUS_CURRENT]
        head_branch = get_head_branch(repo)
        tracking_branch = head_branch.upstream if head_branch else None
        master_remote = get_origin(repo, project)
        if master_remote is not None:
            master_remote_branch = repo.lookup_branch("%s/%s" % (master_remote.name, project.master_branch), GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE)
            master_branch = None
            if master_remote_branch is not None:
                for name in repo.listall_branches(GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL):
                    b = repo.lookup_branch(name, GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL)
                    if b.upstream and b.upstream.branch_name == master_remote_branch.branch_name:
                        master_branch = b
            master_remote_branch = None
            master_branch = None
        ws_packages = find_catkin_packages(srcdir, project.workspace_path, cache=cache)
        found_packages |= set(ws_packages.keys())
        upstream_status = create_upstream_status(repo, head_branch, master_branch, master_remote_branch, tracking_branch)
        for name, pkg_list in iteritems(ws_packages):
            if name not in packages:
            for pkg in pkg_list:
                is_dirty = False
                local_path = os.path.relpath(pkg.workspace_path, project.workspace_path)
                if dirty_files and local_path == ".":
                    is_dirty = True
                    for fpath in dirty_files:
                        if path_has_prefix(fpath, local_path):
                            is_dirty = True
                status = create_local_status(repo, upstream_status, is_dirty)
                if status is not None:
                    head, tail = os.path.split(pkg.workspace_path)
                    pkg_path = escape(head + "/" if tail == name else pkg.workspace_path)
                    table.add_row(escape(name), pkg_path, status)

    for path in other_git:
        repo = Repository(os.path.join(srcdir, path, ".git"))
        dirty_files = [a for a, b in iteritems(repo.status()) if b != GIT_STATUS_IGNORED and b != GIT_STATUS_CURRENT]
        head_branch = get_head_branch(repo)
        tracking_branch = head_branch.upstream if head_branch else None
        ws_packages = find_catkin_packages(srcdir, path, cache=cache)
        found_packages |= set(ws_packages.keys())
        upstream_status = create_upstream_status(repo, head_branch, None, None, tracking_branch)
        for name, pkg_list in iteritems(ws_packages):
            if name not in packages:
            for pkg in pkg_list:
                is_dirty = False
                local_path = os.path.relpath(pkg.workspace_path, path)
                if dirty_files and local_path == ".":
                    is_dirty = True
                    for fpath in dirty_files:
                        if path_has_prefix(fpath, local_path):
                            is_dirty = True
                status = create_local_status(repo, upstream_status, is_dirty)
                if status is not None:
                    head, tail = os.path.split(pkg.workspace_path)
                    pkg_path = escape(head + "/" if tail == name else pkg.workspace_path)
                    table.add_row(escape(name), pkg_path, status)

    missing = set(packages) - found_packages
    for name in missing:
        path_list = []
        status = "no git"
        if name in ws_state.ws_packages:
            for pkg in ws_state.ws_packages[name]:
                if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(srcdir, pkg.workspace_path)):
                    status = "@{rf}deleted"
                head, tail = os.path.split(pkg.workspace_path)
                path_list.append(escape(head + "/" if tail == name else pkg.workspace_path))
        table.add_row(escape(name), path_list, status)
    if table.empty():
        if found_packages:
            msg("Everything is @!@{gf}up-to-date@|.\n")
            warning("no Git repositories\n")
Example #8
class GitRepo(object):

    ''' git repo class '''

    def __init__(self, path):
            self.__repo = Repository(path)
        except Exception as e:
            self.__repo = None

    def get_info(self):
        if not self.__repo:
            return None
        signature = self.__repo.default_signature
        result = {
            'path': self.__repo.path,
            'workdir': self.__repo.workdir,
            'bare': self.__repo.is_bare,
            'empty': self.__repo.is_empty,
            'name': signature.name,
            'email': signature.email,
            'time': signature.time,
            'offset': signature.offset,
        return result

    def get_all_references(self):
        return self.__repo.listall_references()

    def get_reference(self, name):
        if not self.__repo:
            return None
        ref = None
            ref = self.__repo.lookup_reference(name)
        except Exception as e:
        return ref

    def get_all_branches(self, branch_type=None):
        if not self.__repo:
            return None
        if branch_type:
            return self.__repo.listall_branches(branch_type)
        r = self.__repo.listall_branches(GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL | GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE)
        return r

    def get_branch(self, name, branch_type=GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL):
        if not self.__repo:
            return None
        return self.__repo.lookup_branch(name, branch_type)

    def check_branch(self, name, branch_type=None):
        if not branch_type:
            if '/' in name:
                branch_type = GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE
                branch_type = GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL
            result = self.get_branch(name, branch_type)
            return result
        except Exception as e:
            return False

    def get_current_commit(self):
        if not self.__repo:
            return None
        commit = self.__repo.revparse_single('HEAD')
        return self.get_commit(commit)

    def get_commit_by_branch(self, branch):
        if not self.__repo:
            return None
        query = 'refs/'
        if hasattr(branch, 'remote_name'):
            query += 'remotes/'
            query += 'heads/'
        query += branch.branch_name
            ref = self.get_reference(query)
            commit = ref.target
            return self.get_commit(commit)
        except Exception as e:
            return None

    def get_commit_by_tag(self, tag):
        if self.__repo is None:
            return None
        if tag:
            commit = tag.get_object()
            return self.get_commit(commit)
        return None

    def get_commit(self, oid_or_commit):
        ''' return a commit w/ json '''
        if not self.__repo or not oid_or_commit:
            return None
            commit = oid_or_commit
            if not isinstance(oid_or_commit, Commit):
                commit = self.__repo.get(oid_or_commit)
            if commit and commit.type == GIT_OBJ_COMMIT:
                # t1 = self.__repo.revparse_single('HEAD^')
                # t2 = self.__repo.revparse_single('HEAD^^')
                # patches = self.__repo.diff(t1, t2)
                # for p in patches:
                #     print(p.new_file_path)
                result = {
                    'id': str(commit.id),
                    'author': commit.author.name,
                    'commiter': commit.committer.name,
                    'message': commit.message,
                    'message_encoding': commit.message_encoding,
                    'tree': str(commit.tree_id),
                    'parent': [str(pid) for pid in commit.parent_ids],
                    'time': str(commit.commit_time),
                    'time_offset': str(commit.commit_time_offset),
                return result
        except Exception as e:
        return None

    def get_commits(self, depth=10, oid_or_commit=None):
        result = []
        if depth == 0:
            return result
        if oid_or_commit:
            commit = self.get_commit(oid_or_commit)
            commit = self.get_current_commit()
        if not commit:
            return result
        # TODO: starting from a commit or its parent
        # TODO: author
        depth -= 1
        if commit and commit['parent']:
            for parent in commit['parent']:
                    result.extend(self.get_commits(depth, parent))
        return result

    def get_commits_by_branch(self, name, path=None):
        if not self.__repo:
            return None
        if self.check_branch(name):
            ref = self.get_reference('refs/heads/' + name)
            if ref:
                commit = ref.target
                commits = self.get_commits(commit)
                result = {}
                for key, val in commits.items():
                    if self.check_commit_by_path(val, path):
                        result[key] = val
                return result
        return None

    def check_tag(self, name):
            ref = self.get_reference('refs/tags/' + name)
            return ref
        except Exception:
            return False

    def get_commits_by_tag(self, tag, path=None):
        if not self.__repo:
            return None
        if tag:
            commit = tag.target
            commits = self.get_commits(commit)
            result = {}
            for key, val in commits.items():
                if self.check_commit_by_path(val, path):
                    result[key] = val
            return result
        return None

    def check_commit_by_path(self, commit, path):
        if not commit:
            return False
        if path is None or len(path) == 0:
            return True
        result = self.get_tree(commit['tree'])

        if not isinstance(path, list):
            path = path.strip().split('/')

        for name in path:
            name = name.strip()
            if name in result:
                oid = result[name]
                result = self.get_tree(oid)

                if not result:
                    result = self.get_blob(oid)
        return result is not None

    def get_tree(self, oid, ppath=None):
        if not self.__repo:
            return None
            tree = self.__repo.get(oid)
            if tree and tree.type == GIT_OBJ_TREE:
                result = {}
                for entry in tree:
                    item = {
                        'id': str(entry.id)
                    obj = self.__repo.get(entry.id)
                    if obj.type == GIT_OBJ_BLOB:
                        item['type'] = 'blob'
                    elif obj.type == GIT_OBJ_TREE:
                        item['type'] = 'tree'
                    item['ppath'] = ppath
                    result[entry.name] = item
                return result
        except Exception as e:
        return None

    def get_tree_by_commit(self, commit, path=None):
        if not commit:
            return None
        result = self.get_tree(commit['tree'])
        if not path:
            return result

        # if not isinstance(path, list):
        #     path = path.strip().split('/')

            for name in path:
                oid = result[name]['id']
                p = result[name]['ppath']
                p = name if not p else p + '/' + name
                result = self.get_tree(oid, p)
                if not result:
        except Exception as e:
            result = None
        return result

    def get_current_root(self):
        tree = self.get_current_commit()
        if tree:
            return self.get_tree(tree['tree'])
        return None

    def get_whole_tree(self, oid):
        ''' tree w/ json '''
        if not self.__repo:
            return None
        result = tree_walker(self.__repo, oid)
        return result

    def get_blob(self, oid):
        ''' blob w/ json '''
        if not self.__repo or not oid:
            return None
            blob = self.__repo.get(oid)
            if blob and blob.type == GIT_OBJ_BLOB:
                content = blob.is_binary and None or blob.data.decode(
                    'utf8', 'ignore')
                result = {
                    'id': str(blob.id),
                    'content': content,
                    'size': blob.size,
                return result
        except Exception as e:
        return None

    def get_blob_by_commit(self, commit, path=None):

            tree = self.get_tree_by_commit(commit, path[:-1])
            oid = tree[path[-1]]['id']
            result = self.get_blob(oid)
            return result
        except Exception as e:
            return None

    def get_tag(self, oid):
        ''' blob w/ json '''
        if not self.__repo or not oid:
            return None
            tag = self.__repo.get(oid)
            if tag and tag.type == GIT_OBJ_TAG:
                result = {
                    'id': str(oid),
                    'name': tag.name,
                    'target': str(tag.target.id),
                    'tagger': tag.tagger,
                    'message': tag.message,
                return result
        except Exception as e:
        return None

    def get_patches(self, a=None, b=None):
            if not a:
                a = 'HEAD'
            if not b:
                b = a + '^'
            t1 = self.__repo.revparse_single(a)
            t2 = self.__repo.revparse_single(b)
            patches = self.__repo.diff(t1, t2)
            result = []
            for patch in patches:
                p = {
                    'old_file_path': patch.old_file_path,
                    'new_file_path': patch.new_file_path,
                    'old_oid': str(patch.old_oid),
                    'new_oid': str(patch.new_oid),
                    'status': patch.status,
                    'similarity': patch.similarity,
                    'additions': patch.additions,
                    'deletions': patch.deletions,
                    'binary': patch.is_binary,
                    'hunks': [],
                for hunk in patch.hunks:
                    h = {
                        'old_start': hunk.old_start,
                        'old_lines': hunk.old_lines,
                        'new_start': hunk.new_start,
                        'new_lines': hunk.new_lines,
                        'lines': hunk.lines,
            return result
        except Exception as e:
        return None