def get_user_or_group(gitea_api: pygitea.API, project: gitlab.v4.objects.Project) -> T.Dict: result = None response: requests.Response = gitea_api.get("/users/" + project.namespace['path']) if response.ok: result = response.json() else: response: requests.Response = gitea_api.get("/orgs/" + name_clean(project.namespace["name"])) if response.ok: result = response.json() else: print_error("Failed to load user or group " + project.namespace["name"] + "! " + response.text) return result
def repo_exists(gitea_api: pygitea.API, owner: string, repo: string) -> bool: repo_response: requests.Response = gitea_api.get("/repos/" + owner + "/" + repo) if repo_response.ok: print_warning("Project " + repo + " does already exist in Gitea, skipping!") else: print("Project " + repo + " not found in Gitea, importing!") return repo_response.ok
def collaborator_exists(gitea_api: pygitea.API, owner: string, repo: string, username: string) -> bool: collaborator_response: requests.Response = gitea_api.get("/repos/" + owner + "/" + repo + "/collaborators/" + username) if collaborator_response.ok: print_warning("Collaborator " + username + " does already exist in Gitea, skipping!") else: print("Collaborator " + username + " not found in Gitea, importing!") return collaborator_response.ok
def organization_exists(gitea_api: pygitea.API, orgname: string) -> bool: group_response: requests.Response = gitea_api.get("/orgs/" + orgname) if group_response.ok: print_warning("Group " + orgname + " does already exist in Gitea, skipping!") else: print("Group " + orgname + " not found in Gitea, importing!") return group_response.ok
def user_exists(gitea_api: pygitea.API, username: string) -> bool: user_response: requests.Response = gitea_api.get("/users/" + username) if user_response.ok: print_warning("User " + username + " does already exist in Gitea, skipping!") else: print("User " + username + " not found in Gitea, importing!") return user_response.ok
def get_milestones(gitea_api: pygitea.API, owner: string, repo: string) -> T.List: existing_milestones = [] milestone_response: requests.Response = gitea_api.get("/repos/" + owner + "/" + repo + "/milestones") if milestone_response.ok: existing_milestones = milestone_response.json() else: print_error("Failed to load existing milestones for project " + repo + "! " + milestone_response.text) return existing_milestones
def get_user_keys(gitea_api: pygitea.API, username: string) -> T.Dict: result = [] key_response: requests.Response = gitea_api.get("/users/" + username + "/keys") if key_response.ok: result = key_response.json() else: print_error("Failed to load user keys for user " + username + "! " + key_response.text) return result
def get_collaborators(gitea_api: pygitea.API, owner: string, repo: string) -> T.List: existing_collaborators = [] collaborator_response: requests.Response = gitea_api.get("/repos/" + owner+ "/" + repo + "/collaborators") if collaborator_response.ok: existing_collaborators = collaborator_response.json() else: print_error("Failed to load existing collaborators for project " + repo + "! " + collaborator_response.text) return existing_collaborators
def get_team_members(gitea_api: pygitea.API, teamid: int) -> T.List: existing_members = [] member_response: requests.Response = gitea_api.get("/teams/" + str(teamid) + "/members") if member_response.ok: existing_members = member_response.json() else: print_error("Failed to load existing members for team " + str(teamid) + "! " + member_response.text) return existing_members
def get_teams(gitea_api: pygitea.API, orgname: string) -> T.List: existing_teams = [] team_response: requests.Response = gitea_api.get("/orgs/" + orgname + "/teams") if team_response.ok: existing_teams = team_response.json() else: print_error("Failed to load existing teams for organization " + orgname + "! " + team_response.text) return existing_teams
def get_issues(gitea_api: pygitea.API, owner: string, repo: string) -> T.List: existing_issues = [] issue_response: requests.Response = gitea_api.get("/repos/" + owner + "/" + repo + "/issues", params={ "state": "all", "page": -1 }) if issue_response.ok: existing_issues = issue_response.json() else: print_error("Failed to load existing issues for project " + repo + "! " + issue_response.text) return existing_issues