Example #1
 def _query_uniform_block(self, location: int) -> Tuple[int, int, str]:
     """Query active uniform block by retrieving the name and index and size"""
     # Query name
     u_size = gl.GLint()
     buf_size = 192  # max uniform character length
     u_name = create_string_buffer(buf_size)
         self._glo,  # program to query
         location,  # location to query
         256,  # max size if the name
         u_size,  # length
     # Query index
     index = gl.glGetUniformBlockIndex(self._glo, u_name)
     # Query size
     b_size = gl.GLint()
     gl.glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(self._glo, index,
                                  gl.GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, b_size)
     return index, b_size.value, u_name.value.decode()
Example #2
 def binding(self) -> int:
     """int: Get or set the binding point for this uniform block"""
     binding = gl.GLint()
     gl.glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(self.glo, self.index, gl.GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING, binding)
     return binding.value