def get_dk2(): for monitor in fw.get_monitors(): if monitor.physical_size == (71, 126): return monitor return None # If we're still here (no rift?), lets just return the primary display return fw.get_primary_monitor()
def __init__(self): with open("config.json") as cfg_file: game_cfg = load_json(cfg_file) if not glfw.init(): raise RuntimeError("Failed to initialise GLFW") GlfwWindow.hint(samples=game_cfg["aaSamples"]) GlfwWindow.hint(context_ver_major=3) GlfwWindow.hint(context_ver_minor=3) GlfwWindow.hint(forward_compat=True) GlfwWindow.hint(resizable=True) GlfwWindow.hint(opengl_profile=GlfwWindow.CORE_PROFILE) primary_monitor = None if game_cfg["fullscreen"]: primary_monitor = glfw.get_primary_monitor() self.window = GlfwWindow(game_cfg["screenWidth"], game_cfg["screenHeight"], "Tutorial", primary_monitor) if not self.window: raise RuntimeError("Failed to initialise window.") self.window.make_current() self.clock = Clock() self.dispatchTable = DispatchTable(self.window) # setup keyboard and mouse controls self.dispatchTable.registerKey(glfw.Keys.ESCAPE, self.escape) self.dispatchTable.registerKey(glfw.Keys.W, self.moveForward) self.dispatchTable.registerKey(glfw.Keys.S, self.moveBackward) self.dispatchTable.registerKey(glfw.Keys.A, self.moveLeft) self.dispatchTable.registerKey(glfw.Keys.D, self.moveRight) self.dispatchTable.registerMouseButton(glfw.Mice.RIGHT, self.toggleMouseLook) self.renderer = Renderer(self.window) self.renderer.fov = pi / 4. = None self.gameData = GameData() self._mouseLook = False self._terminate = False
def get_rift(): ''' If we could easily read the EDID that'd be much easier Vendor is OVR read-edid barfs w/ Nvida (maybe can use NV-CONTROL) xrandr --verbose works... ''' # For now, lets do the easiest thing and get it by physical size of DK2 for monitor in fw.get_monitors(): if monitor.physical_size == (71, 126): return monitor ### TODO: DK1 physical size # If we're still here (no rift?), lets just return the primary display return fw.get_primary_monitor()
def pos(self, x_y): x, y = x_y self.pos_x = self.cnt_x + x self.pos_y = self.cnt_y + y def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): if action == glfw.Window.PRESS and key == glfw.Keys.ESCAPE: window.should_close = True if __name__ == '__main__': glfw.init() pm = glfw.get_primary_monitor() vm = pm.video_modes[-1] win = glfw.Window(vm.width, vm.height, "nayadra", pm) win.swap_interval(0) win.set_key_callback(on_key) if not win.monitor == pm: raise Exception("Wrong monitor set!") jst = glfw.Joystick(0) with win: render = Render(win.framebuffer_size)
@pos.setter def pos(self, x_y): x, y = x_y self.pos_x = self.cnt_x + x self.pos_y = self.cnt_y + y def on_key(window, key, scancode, action, mods): if action == glfw.Window.PRESS and key == glfw.Keys.ESCAPE: window.should_close = True if __name__ == '__main__': glfw.init() pm = glfw.get_primary_monitor() vm = pm.video_modes[-1] win = glfw.Window(vm.width, vm.height, "nayadra", pm) win.swap_interval(0) win.set_key_callback(on_key) if not win.monitor == pm: raise Exception("Wrong monitor set!") jst = glfw.Joystick(0) with win: render = Render(win.framebuffer_size)