Example #1
Example for running the CCP Stack exploration tool.
import numpy as np
from pyglimer.ccp.ccp import read_ccp
from pyglimer.plot.plot_volume import VolumeExploration

# Change filename and folder to adapt to your database
filename = 'ccp_IU_HRV.pkl'
folder = 'output/ccps'

# Load and plot
ccpstack = read_ccp(filename=filename, folder=folder, fmt=None)

# 3D interpolation without all points has drawbacks! See Documentation
ccpstack.explore(maxz=200, minillum=None)
Example #2
# Given a ``CCPStack`` object there are multiple ways of getting an image of
# the subsurface. You could either compute a three-dimensional volume and plot
# slices with respect to the volume or you can create cross sections slices.
# Compute a volume and slice
# --------------------------
# To do that we first need to read the created ``CCPStack``. Second, we create
# a discretization for the are of interest, and third, we compute the volume and
# some slices.

import numpy as np
from pyglimer.ccp.ccp import read_ccp

# Reading the stack
ccpstack = read_ccp(filename='ccp_IU_HRV.pkl', fmt=None)

# Create discretization
lats = np.arange(41, 43.5, 0.05)
lons = np.arange(-72.7, -69.5, 0.05)
z = np.linspace(-10, 200, 211)

# Plotting the volume and slices
vplot = ccpstack.plot_volume_sections(lons,

# %%
Example #3
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
from pyglimer.ccp.ccp import read_ccp
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
from matplotlib.cm import ScalarMappable
import cartopy.crs as ccrs

# Load Stack
ccp = read_ccp("US_P_0.58_minrad_3D_it_f2.pkl")

# Conclude and keep water, nicer for the illumination plots

# Peter, figure, 5.18
lat, lon = np.array([42.5, 42.5]), np.array([-127, -63])

# Get Cross section
slat, slon, sdists, qlat, qlon, qdists, qz, qillum, qccp, epi_area = \
    ccp.get_profile(lat, lon)

# Get depth slice (mainly for the illumination)
zqlat, zqlon, zqill, zqccp, zextent, z0 = ccp.get_depth_slice(z0=410)
zalpha = np.where(zqill == 0, 0, 0.5)

# Define norms
# Define norms

snorm = Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=sdists[-1])
rfnorm = MidpointNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, midpoint=0.0)
illumnorm = LogNorm(vmin=1, vmax=zqill.max())

# Set illumination boundaries for section plotting