Example #1
    def step( self, dt ):
        """Updates our scene and triggers the on_draw event.
        This is scheduled in our __init__ method and
        called periodically by pyglet's event callbacks.
        We need to manually call 'on_draw' as we patched
        it our of pyglets event loop when we patched it
        out with pygly.monkey_patch.
        Because we called 'on_draw', we also need to
        perform the buffer flip at the end.
        # setup the scene
        # rotate the scene nodes about their vertical axis
        self.grid_root.transform.object.rotate_y( dt * 0.2 )

        # this will trigger the draw event and buffer flip
        CoreApplication.step( self, dt )

        if self.time_accumulator == 0.0:
            self.mesh_node.mesh.set_skeleton( self.frames[ self.frame ] )
            self.mesh_node.skeleton.set_skeleton( self.frames[ self.frame ] )

        self.time_accumulator += dt
        if self.time_accumulator > self.time_per_frame:
            self.time_accumulator = 0.0

            self.frame += 1
            self.frame %= len( self.frames )
Example #2
    def step(self, dt):
        """Updates our scene and triggers the on_draw event.
        This is scheduled in our __init__ method and
        called periodically by pyglet's event callbacks.
        We need to manually call 'on_draw' as we patched
        it our of pyglets event loop when we patched it
        out with pygly.monkey_patch.
        Because we called 'on_draw', we also need to
        perform the buffer flip at the end.
        # setup the scene
        # rotate the scene nodes about their vertical axis
        self.grid_root.transform.object.rotate_y(dt * 0.2)

        # update our frame rates
        self.frame_rate[:] = [
            mesh_node.mesh.frame_rate for mesh_node in self.renderables

        # increment our frame
        #self.frames += dt * fps
        self.frames += dt * self.frame_rate
        numpy.mod(self.frames, self.renderables[0].mesh.num_frames,

        # print the animation name of the first mesh
        curr_anim = self.renderables[0].mesh.animation
        if self.animation != curr_anim:
            self.animation = curr_anim
            print 'Curren animation:', self.animation

        # this will trigger the draw event and buffer flip
        CoreApplication.step(self, dt)
Example #3
    def step(self, dt):
        """Updates our scene and triggers the on_draw event.
        This is scheduled in our __init__ method and
        called periodically by pyglet's event callbacks.
        We need to manually call 'on_draw' as we patched
        it our of pyglets event loop when we patched it
        out with pygly.monkey_patch.
        Because we called 'on_draw', we also need to
        perform the buffer flip at the end.
        # setup the scene
        # rotate the scene nodes about their vertical axis
        self.grid_root.transform.object.rotate_y(dt * 0.2)

        # update our frame rates
        frame_rate = self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_rate

        # increment our frame
        self.mesh_node.mesh.interpolation += dt * frame_rate

        # calculate the current and next frame
        # and the blending fraction
        fraction, whole = math.modf(self.mesh_node.mesh.interpolation)
        whole = int(whole)

        # check if we're moving to the next keyframe
        if whole > 0:
            # ensure fraction remains < 1.0
            self.mesh_node.mesh.interpolation = fraction

            # increment our frames
            self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_1 += whole
            self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 += whole

            # get the animation's start and end frame
            start, end = self.mesh_node.mesh.animation_start_end_frame(

            num_frames = self.mesh_node.mesh.num_frames
            if start >= num_frames:
                start = num_frames
                end = num_frames
                print 'Animation has insufficient frames'
            elif end >= num_frames:
                end = num_frames
                print 'Animation has insufficient frames'

            # ensure we don't go outside the animation
            animation_size = (end - start) + 1
            if self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_1 > end:
                self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_1 -= animation_size

            if self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 > end:
                self.mesh_node.mesh.frame_2 -= animation_size

        # this will trigger the draw event and buffer flip
        CoreApplication.step(self, dt)
Example #4
    def step(self, dt):
        """Updates our scene and triggers the on_draw event.
        This is scheduled in our __init__ method and
        called periodically by pyglet's event callbacks.
        We need to manually call 'on_draw' as we patched
        it our of pyglets event loop when we patched it
        out with pygly.monkey_patch.
        Because we called 'on_draw', we also need to
        perform the buffer flip at the end.
        # setup the scene
        # rotate the scene nodes about their vertical axis
        self.grid_root.transform.object.rotate_y(dt * 0.2)

        # this will trigger the draw event and buffer flip
        CoreApplication.step(self, dt)