def extract_docstring_highlighted(id): lines = open('testish/lib/').readlines() docstring = [] in_function = False in_quotes = False for line in lines: if 'def %s('%id in line: in_function = True elif 'def ' in line: in_function = False if in_function and not in_quotes and ' """' in line: in_quotes = True elif in_function and in_quotes and ' """' in line: in_quotes = False if in_quotes and in_function and ' """' not in line and 'def %s('%id not in line: docstring.append( line ) docstring = ''.join(docstring) try: from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import MakoHtmlLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter return highlight(docstring, MakoHtmlLexer(), HtmlFormatter()) except ImportError: return docstring
def render_highlight_code(text, path, **kwargs): try: if path.endswith(('.html', '.mako')): lexer = MakoHtmlLexer(encoding='utf-8') elif path.endswith('.ptl'): lexer = PythonLexer(encoding='utf-8') elif path.endswith('.md'): lexer = RstLexer(encoding='utf-8') else: if path.endswith(IGNORE_FILE_EXTS): text = 'Hmm.., this is binary file.' lexer = guess_lexer_for_filename(path, text) lexer.encoding = 'utf-8' lexer.stripnl = False except ClassNotFound: # no code highlight lexer = TextLexer(encoding='utf-8') formatter = CodeHtmlFormatter return highlight(text, lexer, formatter(linenos='inline', lineanchors='L', anchorlinenos=True, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs))
def highlight_code(path, src, div=False, **kwargs): src = decode_charset_to_unicode(src) try: if path.endswith(('.html', '.mako')): lexer = MakoHtmlLexer(encoding='utf-8') elif path.endswith('.ptl'): lexer = PythonLexer(encoding='utf-8') elif path.endswith('.md'): lexer = RstLexer(encoding='utf-8') else: if path.endswith(IGNORE_FILE_EXTS): src = 'Hmm.., this is binary file.' lexer = guess_lexer_for_filename(path, src) lexer.encoding = 'utf-8' lexer.stripnl = False except ClassNotFound: # no code highlight lexer = TextLexer(encoding='utf-8') if div: formatter = _CodeHtmlFormatter else: formatter = HtmlFormatter src = highlight(src, lexer, formatter(linenos=True, lineanchors='L', anchorlinenos=True, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs)) return src