Example #1
    def distance_squared(self, com1, p1, com2, p2):
        distance measure between 2 angle axis bodies of same type
            center of mass of 1st site
            angle axis vector of 1st site
            center of mass of 2nd site
            angle axis vector of 2nd site    
        sitetype: AASiteType, optional
            angle axis site type with mass and moment of inertia tensor
            distance squared
        return _aadist.sitedist(self.get_smallest_rij(com1, com2), p1, p2, self.S, self.W, self.cog)

        R1 = rotations.aa2mx(p1)
        R2 = rotations.aa2mx(p2)
        dR = R2 - R1
        dR = dR
        d_M = self.W*np.sum((com2-com1)**2)
        # dR_kl S_lm dR_km 
        d_P = np.trace(np.dot(dR, np.dot(self.S, dR.transpose()))) 
        d_mix = 2.*self.W * np.dot((com2-com1), np.dot(dR, self.cog))
        return d_M + d_P + d_mix
Example #2
def compareTransformed(coords1, coords2, x1, x2, M):
    # the lattice matrix
    ml1 = lattice.lowerTriangular(coords1.lattice)
    ml2 = lattice.lowerTriangular(coords2.lattice)
    # the inerse lattice matrix
    iml2 = vec3.invert3x3(ml2)
    for i in xrange(coords1.nrigid):
        ptest = coords1.rotRigid[i]
        ptrans = rotations.mx2aa(rotations.np.dot(M, rotations.aa2mx(ptest)))
        for d in [np.zeros(3),[0.,1.,0.],[0.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,1.]]:
            xtest = coords1.posRigid[i] + np.array(d) - x1
            xtrans = np.dot(iml2, np.dot(M, np.dot(ml1, xtest)))
            match = False
            for j in xrange(coords1.nrigid):
                dx = coords2.posRigid[j] - xtrans - x2
                dx = dx - np.floor(dx)
                dp = rotations.mx2aa(np.dot(vec3.invert3x3(rotations.aa2mx(ptrans)),rotations.aa2mx(coords2.rotRigid[j])))
                match = np.linalg.norm(np.dot(ml2, dx)) < tol_shift \
                    and np.linalg.norm(dp) < tol_rot
            if(not match):
                return False
    return True
Example #3
 def distance_squared(self, com1, p1, com2, p2):
     distance measure between 2 angle axis bodies of same type
         center of mass of 1st site
         angle axis vector of 1st site
         center of mass of 2nd site
         angle axis vector of 2nd site    
     sitetype: AASiteType, optional
         amgle axis site type with mass and moment of inertia tensor
         distance squared
     R1 = rotations.aa2mx(p1)
     R2 = rotations.aa2mx(p2)
     dR = R2 - R1
     dR = dR
     d_M = self.W*np.sum((com2-com1)**2)
     # dR_kl S_lm dR_km 
     d_P = np.trace(np.dot(dR, np.dot(self.S, dR.transpose()))) 
     d_mix = 2.*self.W * np.dot((com2-com1), np.dot(dR, self.cog))
     return d_M + d_P + d_mix
Example #4
 def zeroEV(self, x):
     zev = []
     ca = self.coords_adapter(x)
     cv = self.coords_adapter(np.zeros(x.shape))
     translate_rigid = zeroev.zeroEV_translation(ca.posRigid)
     for v in translate_rigid:
         cv.posRigid[:] = v
     #rotate_r = zeroev.zeroEV_rotation(ca.posRigid)
     #rotate_aa = 
     transform = TransformAngleAxisCluster(self)
     d = 1e-5
     dx = x.copy()
     transform.rotate(dx, rotations.aa2mx(np.array([d, 0, 0])))
     self.align_path([x, dx])
     dx -= x
     dx /= np.linalg.norm(dx)
     dy = x.copy()
     transform.rotate(dy, rotations.aa2mx(np.array([0, d, 0])))
     self.align_path([x, dy])
     dy -= x
     dy /= np.linalg.norm(dy)
     dz = x.copy()
     transform.rotate(dz, rotations.aa2mx(np.array([0, 0, d])))
     self.align_path([x, dz])
     dz -= x
     dz /= np.linalg.norm(dz)
     #print "Zero eigenvectors", zev         
     return zev + [dx, dy, dz]
Example #5
def compareStructures(coords1, coords2):    
    for refmol1 in xrange(coords1.nrigid):
        for refmol2 in xrange(refmol1, coords1.nrigid):
            x1 = coords1.posRigid[refmol1]
            x2 = coords2.posRigid[refmol2]
            pref1 = coords1.rotRigid[refmol1]
            pref2 = coords2.rotRigid[refmol2]
            #print "pref",pref1,pref2
            M = vec3.invert3x3(rotations.aa2mx(pref1))
            M = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(pref2), M)
            # print x1,x2
            ptest = pref1
            ptrans = rotations.mx2aa(rotations.np.dot(M, rotations.aa2mx(ptest)))
            #print "---------------- start try",refmol1,refmol2
            match1 = compareTransformed(coords1, coords2, x1, x2, M)
            match2 = compareTransformed(coords2, coords1, x2, x1, vec3.invert3x3(M))
            if(match1 and match2):
                #print "Structures match"
                return True
    #import dmagmin_ as GMIN
    #GMIN.writeCIF("1.cif", coords1.coords)
    #GMIN.writeCIF("2.cif", coords2.coords)
    #import pickle
    #pickle.dump(coords1, open("1.dat", "w"))
    #pickle.dump(coords2, open("2.dat", "w"))
    return False
Example #6
    def test_dist(self):
        aadistance(self.v1, self.v2)

        v1n = np.linalg.norm(self.v1)
        v2n = np.linalg.norm(self.v2)

        v1inn = np.linalg.norm(self.v1in)
        v1inn = np.linalg.norm(self.v1in)

        distbefore = np.linalg.norm(self.v1in - self.v2in)
        distafter = np.linalg.norm(self.v1 - self.v2)

        self.assertTrue(distbefore >= distafter,
                        "distance between aa vectors increased")

        import pygmin.utils.rotations as rot

        rot1 = rot.aa2mx(self.v1)
        rot1i = rot.aa2mx(self.v1in)
        self.assertTrue(all((rot1 == rot1i)[:].tolist()),
                        "aa vector returned different rotation matrix")

        rot2 = rot.aa2mx(self.v2)
        rot2i = rot.aa2mx(self.v2in)
        self.assertTrue(all((rot2 == rot2i)[:].tolist()),
                        "aa vector returned different rotation matrix")
Example #7
    def takeStep(self, coords, **kwargs):
        # easy access to coordinates
        ca = CoordsAdapter(nrigid=coords.size/6, coords = coords)

         # random rotation for angle-axis vectors
        for j in xrange(ca.nrigid):
            # choose bond to rotate around, index is first bead that changes
            index = np.random.randint(1, ca.nrigid)
            # determine backbone beads
            a1 = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(ca.rotRigid[index-1]), np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
            a2 = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(ca.rotRigid[index]), np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
            x1 = ca.posRigid[index-1] - 0.4*a1 # backbone bead
            x2 = ca.posRigid[index]   - 0.4*a2 # backbone bead
            # get bond vector as axis of rotation + random magnitude
            p = x2 - x1
            p /= np.linalg.norm(p)
            p *= np.random.random()*self.stepsize
            # convert random rotation to a matrix
            mx = rotations.aa2mx(p)
            # center of rotation is in middle of backbone bond
            center = 0.5*(x1 + x2)
            # apply rotation to positions and orientations
            for i in xrange(index, ca.nrigid):
                a = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(ca.rotRigid[i]), np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
                ca.rotRigid[i] = rotations.rotate_aa(p, ca.rotRigid[i])
                x = ca.posRigid[i] - 0.4*a
                ca.posRigid[i] = np.dot(mx, x - center) + center
                a = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(ca.rotRigid[i]), np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
Example #8
 def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
     delta = (event.posF() - self.last_mouse_pos)*0.01
     self.last_mouse_pos = event.posF()
     if(event.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton):
         drot = rot.aa2mx(-np.array([delta.y(), delta.x(), 0.]))
         self.rotation = np.dot(self.rotation, drot)
     elif(event.buttons() == Qt.RightButton):
         drot = rot.aa2mx(np.array([0., 0., delta.x()]))
         self.rotation = np.dot(self.rotation, drot)
         self.zoom *= 1.0 - 0.2*delta.y()
Example #9
 def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
     delta = (event.posF() - self.last_mouse_pos) * 0.01
     self.last_mouse_pos = event.posF()
     if (event.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton):
         drot = rot.aa2mx(-np.array([delta.y(), delta.x(), 0.]))
         self.rotation = np.dot(self.rotation, drot)
     elif (event.buttons() == Qt.RightButton):
         drot = rot.aa2mx(np.array([0., 0., delta.x()]))
         self.rotation = np.dot(self.rotation, drot)
         self.zoom *= 1.0 - 0.2 * delta.y()
Example #10
def export_xyz(fl, coords):
    ca = CoordsAdapter(nrigid=coords.size/6, coords = coords)
    for i in xrange(ca.nrigid):
        a = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(ca.rotRigid[i]), np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
        x_back = ca.posRigid[i] - 0.4*a # backbone bead
        x_stack = ca.posRigid[i] + 0.4*a
        a = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(ca.rotRigid[i]), np.array([0., 0., 1.]))
        x_tmp = x_back + 0.2*a
        fl.write("C %f %f %f\n"%(x_back[0], x_back[1], x_back[2]))
        fl.write("H %f %f %f\n"%(x_stack[0], x_stack[1], x_stack[2]))
Example #11
def export_xyz(fl, coords):
    ca = CoordsAdapter(nrigid=coords.size / 6, coords=coords)
    fl.write("%d\n\n" % (2 * ca.nrigid))
    for i in xrange(ca.nrigid):
        a = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(ca.rotRigid[i]), np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
        x_back = ca.posRigid[i] - 0.4 * a  # backbone bead
        x_stack = ca.posRigid[i] + 0.4 * a

        a = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(ca.rotRigid[i]), np.array([0., 0., 1.]))
        x_tmp = x_back + 0.2 * a

        fl.write("C %f %f %f\n" % (x_back[0], x_back[1], x_back[2]))
        fl.write("H %f %f %f\n" % (x_stack[0], x_stack[1], x_stack[2]))
Example #12
 def Align(self, coords1, coords2):
     from pygmin.mindist import rmsfit,aamindist
     potential = GMINPotential(GMIN)
     ca1 = CoordsAdapter(nrigid=coords1.size/6, coords = coords1)
     ca2 = CoordsAdapter(nrigid=coords2.size/6, coords = coords2)
     rot = rmsfit.findrotation_kabsch(ca2.posRigid, ca1.posRigid)
     ca2.posRigid[:] = np.dot(rot,ca2.posRigid.transpose()).transpose()
     for p in ca2.rotRigid:
         p[:] = rotations.mx2aa((np.dot(rot, rotations.aa2mx(p))))
     print "before"
     print potential.getEnergy(coords1), potential.getEnergy(coords2)
     print ca2.rotRigid - ca1.rotRigid
     for p1,p2 in zip(ca1.rotRigid, ca2.rotRigid):
         p1[:],p2[:] = aamindist.aadistance(p1, p2)
     print "after"
     print potential.getEnergy(coords1), potential.getEnergy(coords2)
     print ca2.rotRigid - ca1.rotRigid
     path = InterpolatedPath(coords1, coords2, 40)
     print potential.getEnergy(path[0])
     print "Interpolated energies"
     for x in InterpolatedPath(coords1, coords2, 40):
         print potential.getEnergy(x)
     print "done"
     return coords1, coords2
Example #13
def test_distpot():
    #define two structures
    natoms = 12
    X1 = np.random.uniform(-1,1,[natoms*3])*(float(natoms))**(1./3)
    X2 = np.random.uniform(-1,1,[natoms*3])*(float(natoms))**(1./3)
    #make X2 a rotation of X1
    print "testing with", natoms, "atoms, with X2 a rotated and permuted isomer of X1"
    aa = rot.random_aa()
    rot_mx = rot.aa2mx( aa )
    for j in range(natoms):
        i = 3*j
        X2[i:i+3] = np.dot( rot_mx, X1[i:i+3] )
    #import random, mindistutils
    #perm = range(natoms)
    #random.shuffle( perm )
    #print perm
    #X2 = mindistutils.permuteArray( X2, perm)

    pot = MinPermDistPotential(X1, X2, L = .2)
    aa = rot.random_aa()
    e = pot.getEnergy(aa)
    print "energy", e
    de, dg = pot.getEnergyGradient(aa)
    print "energy from gradient", de, "diff", e-de
    den, dgn = pot.getEnergyGradientNumerical(aa)
    maxgrad= np.max( np.abs( dg ) )
    maxdiff = np.max( np.abs( dg - dgn ) )
    print "maximum gradient", maxgrad
    print "max difference in analytical vs numerical gradient", maxdiff
Example #14
    def testBLJ_isomer(self):
        test with BLJ potential.  We have two classes of permutable atoms  
        test case where X2 is an isomer of X1.
        import pygmin.utils.rotations as rot
        X1i = np.copy(self.X1)
        X1 = np.copy(self.X1)        
        X2 = np.copy(X1)
        #rotate X2 randomly
        aa = rot.random_aa()
        rot_mx = rot.aa2mx( aa )
        for j in range(self.natoms):
            i = 3*j
            X2[i:i+3] = np.dot( rot_mx, X1[i:i+3] )
        #permute X2
        import random, copy
        from pygmin.mindist.permutational_alignment import permuteArray
        for atomlist in self.permlist:
            perm = copy.copy(atomlist)
            random.shuffle( perm )
            X2 = permuteArray( X2, perm)

        X2i = np.copy(X2)
        #distreturned, X1, X2 = self.runtest(X1, X2)
        distreturned, X1, X2 = self.runtest(X1, X2, minPermDistStochastic)

        #it's an isomer, so the distance should be zero
        self.assertTrue( abs(distreturned) < 1e-14, "didn't find isomer: dist = %g" % (distreturned) )
Example #15
def test_distpot():
    #define two structures
    natoms = 12
    X1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [natoms * 3]) * (float(natoms))**(1. / 3)

    X2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [natoms * 3]) * (float(natoms))**(1. / 3)
    #make X2 a rotation of X1
    print "testing with", natoms, "atoms, with X2 a rotated and permuted isomer of X1"
    aa = rot.random_aa()
    rot_mx = rot.aa2mx(aa)
    for j in range(natoms):
        i = 3 * j
        X2[i:i + 3] = np.dot(rot_mx, X1[i:i + 3])
    #import random, mindistutils
    #perm = range(natoms)
    #random.shuffle( perm )
    #print perm
    #X2 = mindistutils.permuteArray( X2, perm)

    pot = MinPermDistPotential(X1, X2, L=.2)

    aa = rot.random_aa()
    e = pot.getEnergy(aa)
    print "energy", e
    de, dg = pot.getEnergyGradient(aa)
    print "energy from gradient", de, "diff", e - de

    den, dgn = pot.getEnergyGradientNumerical(aa)
    maxgrad = np.max(np.abs(dg))
    maxdiff = np.max(np.abs(dg - dgn))
    print "maximum gradient", maxgrad
    print "max difference in analytical vs numerical gradient", maxdiff
Example #16
def test_binary_LJ(natoms=12, **kwargs):
    import pygmin.defaults
    import pygmin.utils.rotations as rot
    quench = pygmin.defaults.quenchRoutine

    printlist = []

    ntypea = int(natoms * .8)
    from pygmin.potentials.ljpshift import LJpshift
    lj = LJpshift(natoms, ntypea)
    permlist = [range(ntypea), range(ntypea, natoms)]

    X1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [natoms * 3]) * (float(natoms))**(1. / 3) / 2
    printlist.append((X1.copy(), "very first"))
    #quench X1
    ret = quench(X1, lj.getEnergyGradient)
    X1 = ret[0]
    printlist.append((X1.copy(), "after quench"))

    X2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [natoms * 3]) * (float(natoms))**(1. / 3)
    #make X2 a rotation of X1
    print "testing with", natoms, "atoms,", ntypea, "type A atoms, with X2 a rotated and permuted isomer of X1"
    aa = rot.random_aa()
    rot_mx = rot.aa2mx(aa)
    for j in range(natoms):
        i = 3 * j
        X2[i:i + 3] = np.dot(rot_mx, X1[i:i + 3])
    printlist.append((X2.copy(), "x2 after rotation"))

    import random, copy
    from pygmin.mindist.permutational_alignment import permuteArray

    for atomlist in permlist:
        perm = copy.copy(atomlist)
        print perm
        X2 = permuteArray(X2, perm)
    printlist.append((X2.copy(), "x2 after permutation"))

    #X1 = np.array( [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.,] )
    #X2 = np.array( [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.,] )
    X1i = copy.copy(X1)
    X2i = copy.copy(X2)

    atomtypes = ["N" for i in range(ntypea)]
    for i in range(natoms - ntypea):

    print "******************************"
    print "testing binary LJ  ISOMER"
    print "******************************"
    test(X1, X2, lj, atomtypes=atomtypes, permlist=permlist, **kwargs)

    print "******************************"
    print "testing binary LJ  non isomer"
    print "******************************"
    X2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [natoms * 3]) * (float(natoms))**(1. / 3)
    ret = quench(X2, lj.getEnergyGradient)
    X2 = ret[0]
    test(X1, X2, lj, atomtypes=atomtypes, permlist=permlist, **kwargs)
Example #17
    def testBLJ_isomer(self):
        test with BLJ potential.  We have two classes of permutable atoms  
        test case where X2 is an isomer of X1.
        import pygmin.utils.rotations as rot
        X1i = np.copy(self.X1)
        X1 = np.copy(self.X1)
        X2 = np.copy(X1)

        #rotate X2 randomly
        aa = rot.random_aa()
        rot_mx = rot.aa2mx(aa)
        for j in range(self.natoms):
            i = 3 * j
            X2[i:i + 3] = np.dot(rot_mx, X1[i:i + 3])

        #permute X2
        import random, copy
        from pygmin.mindist.permutational_alignment import permuteArray
        for atomlist in self.permlist:
            perm = copy.copy(atomlist)
            X2 = permuteArray(X2, perm)

        X2i = np.copy(X2)

        #distreturned, X1, X2 = self.runtest(X1, X2)
        distreturned, X1, X2 = self.runtest(X1, X2, minPermDistStochastic)

        #it's an isomer, so the distance should be zero
            abs(distreturned) < 1e-14,
            "didn't find isomer: dist = %g" % (distreturned))
Example #18
    def __init__(self, parent):
        QGLWidget.__init__(self, parent)
        self.setMinimumSize(200, 200)
#        glutInit()#sys.argv)
        self.coords = {}
        self.minima = {}
        self.last_mouse_pos = QtCore.QPointF(0., 0.)
        self.rotation = rot.aa2mx(np.array([0.,0.,0.])) # np.array([0., 0.])
        self.zoom = 1.0
Example #19
 def __init__(self, parent):
     QGLWidget.__init__(self, parent)
     self.setMinimumSize(200, 200)
     #        glutInit()#sys.argv)
     self.coords = {1: None, 2: None}
     self.minima = {1: None, 2: None}
     self.last_mouse_pos = QtCore.QPointF(0., 0.)
     self.rotation = rot.aa2mx(np.array([0., 0., 0.]))  # np.array([0., 0.])
     self.zoom = 1.0
Example #20
 def takeStep(self, coords, **kwargs):
     # easy access to coordinates
     ca = CoordsAdapter(nrigid=coords.size/6, coords = coords)
     # random displacement for positions
     ca.posRigid[:] += 2.*self.displace*(np.random.random(ca.posRigid.shape)-0.5)
     # determine backbone beads
     for com, p in zip(ca.posRigid, ca.rotRigid):
         p_rnd = rotations.small_random_aa(self.rotate)
         # adjust center of mass
             a1 = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(p), np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
             x1 = com - 0.4*a1
             mx = rotations.aa2mx(p_rnd) 
             com[:] = np.dot(mx, com - x1) + x1
                         # random rotation for angle-axis vectors
         p[:] = rotations.rotate_aa(p, p_rnd)
Example #21
    def __call__(self, coords1, coords2):
        coords1, coords2 : np.array 
            the structures to align.  X2 will be aligned with X1, both
            the center of masses will be shifted to the origin
        a tripple of (dist, coords1, coords2). coords1 are the unchanged coords1
        and coords2 are brought in best alignment with coords2
        # we don't want to change the given coordinates
        check_inversion = False
        x1 = np.copy(coords1)
        x2 = np.copy(coords2)

        com1 = self.measure.get_com(x1)
        self.transform.translate(x1, -com1)
        com2 = self.measure.get_com(x2)
        self.transform.translate(x2, -com2)

        self.com_shift = com1

        self.mxbest = np.identity(3)
        self.distbest = self.measure.get_dist(x1, x2)
        self.x2_best = x2.copy()

        if self.distbest < self.tol:
            return self.distbest, x1, x2

        for rot, invert in self._standard_alignments(x1, x2):
            self.check_match(x1, x2, rot, invert)
            if self.distbest < self.tol:
                dist, x2 = self.finalize_best_match(coords1)
                return dist, coords1, x2

        # if we didn't find a perfect match here, try random rotations to optimize the match
        for i in range(self.niter):
            rot = rotations.aa2mx(rotations.random_aa())
            self.check_match(x1, x2, rot, False)
            if (self.transform.can_invert()):
                self.check_match(x1, x2, rot, True)

#        self.transform.rotate(X2, mxbest)
#        dist, perm = self.measure.find_permutation(X1, X2)
#        X2 = self.transform.permute(X2, perm)
#        tmp, mx = self.measure.find_rotation(X1.copy(), X2.copy())
#        self.transform.rotate(X2, mx)

# TODO: should we do an additional sanity check for permutation / rotation?

        dist, x2 = self.finalize_best_match(coords1)
        return dist, coords1, x2
Example #22
 def align(self, coords1, coords2):
     c1 = self.topology.coords_adapter(coords1)
     c2 = self.topology.coords_adapter(coords2)
     # now account for symmetry in water
     for p1, p2, site in zip(c1.rotRigid,c2.rotRigid, self.topology.sites):
         theta_min = 10.
         mx2 = rotations.aa2mx(p2)
         mx1 = rotations.aa2mx(p1).transpose()
         mx =  np.dot(mx1, mx2)
         for rot in site.symmetries:
             mx_diff = np.dot(mx, rot)
             theta = np.linalg.norm(rotations.mx2aa(mx_diff))
             theta -= int(theta/2./pi)*2.*pi
             if(theta < theta_min): 
                 theta_min = theta
                 rot_best = rot
         p2[:] = rotations.rotate_aa(rotations.mx2aa(rot_best), p2)
Example #23
    def __call__(self, coords1, coords2):        
        coords1, coords2 : np.array 
            the structures to align.  X2 will be aligned with X1, both
            the center of masses will be shifted to the origin
        a tripple of (dist, coords1, coords2). coords1 are the unchanged coords1
        and coords2 are brought in best alignment with coords2
    # we don't want to change the given coordinates
        check_inversion = False
        x1 = np.copy(coords1)
        x2 = np.copy(coords2)
        com1 = self.measure.get_com(x1)
        self.transform.translate(x1, -com1)
        com2 = self.measure.get_com(x2)
        self.transform.translate(x2, -com2)

        self.com_shift = com1
        self.mxbest = np.identity(3)
        self.distbest = self.measure.get_dist(x1, x2)
        self.x2_best = x2.copy()
        if self.distbest < self.tol:
            return self.distbest, x1, x2
        for rot, invert in self._standard_alignments(x1, x2):
            self.check_match(x1, x2, rot, invert)
            if self.distbest < self.tol:
                dist, x2 = self.finalize_best_match(coords1)
                return dist, coords1, x2
        # if we didn't find a perfect match here, try random rotations to optimize the match
        for i in range(self.niter):
            rot = rotations.aa2mx(rotations.random_aa())
            self.check_match(x1, x2, rot, False)
                self.check_match(x1, x2, rot, True)

#        self.transform.rotate(X2, mxbest)
#        dist, perm = self.measure.find_permutation(X1, X2)
#        X2 = self.transform.permute(X2, perm)
#        tmp, mx = self.measure.find_rotation(X1.copy(), X2.copy())
#        self.transform.rotate(X2, mx)
        # TODO: should we do an additional sanity check for permutation / rotation?        
        dist, x2 = self.finalize_best_match(coords1)                
        return dist, coords1, x2
Example #24
def aa2xyz(XB, AA):
    Rotate XB according to angle axis AA
    nsites = len(XB)/3
    XBnew = np.copy(XB)
    rot_mx = rot.aa2mx( AA )
    for j in range(nsites):
        i = 3*j
        XBnew[i:i+3] = np.dot( rot_mx, XBnew[i:i+3] )
    return XBnew
Example #25
def aa2xyz(XB, AA):
    Rotate XB according to angle axis AA
    nsites = len(XB) / 3
    XBnew = np.copy(XB)
    rot_mx = rot.aa2mx(AA)
    for j in range(nsites):
        i = 3 * j
        XBnew[i:i + 3] = np.dot(rot_mx, XBnew[i:i + 3])
    return XBnew
Example #26
def test_LJ(natoms = 12, **kwargs):
    from pygmin.potentials.lj import LJ
    from pygmin.optimize import mylbfgs
    import pygmin.utils.rotations as rot
    from pygmin.mindist.permutational_alignment import permuteArray
    import random
    quench = mylbfgs
    lj = LJ()
    X1 = np.random.uniform(-1,1,[natoms*3])*(float(natoms))**(1./3)
    #quench X1
    ret = quench( X1, lj)
    X1 = ret.coords
    X2 = np.random.uniform(-1,1,[natoms*3])*(float(natoms))**(1./3)
    #make X2 a rotation of X1
    print "testing with", natoms, "atoms, with X2 a rotated and permuted isomer of X1"
    aa = rot.random_aa()
    rot_mx = rot.aa2mx( aa )
    for j in range(natoms):
        i = 3*j
        X2[i:i+3] = np.dot( rot_mx, X1[i:i+3] )
    perm = range(natoms)
    random.shuffle( perm )
    print perm
    X2 = permuteArray( X2, perm)

    #X1 = np.array( [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.,] )
    #X2 = np.array( [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.,] )
    import copy
    X1i = copy.copy(X1)
    X2i = copy.copy(X2)
    print "******************************"
    print "testing normal LJ  ISOMER"
    print "******************************"
    test(X1, X2, lj, **kwargs)
    print "******************************"
    print "testing normal LJ  non isomer"
    print "******************************"
    X2 = np.random.uniform(-1,1,[natoms*3])*(float(natoms))**(1./3)
    ret = quench( X2, lj)
    X2 = ret.coords
    Y = X1.reshape([-1,3])
    X1[:] = Y.flatten()
    test(X1, X2, lj, **kwargs)

    distinit = np.linalg.norm(X1-X2)
    print "distinit", distinit
Example #27
def test(v1in, v2in, aadistfunc=aadistance):
    v1 = np.copy(v1in)
    v2 = np.copy(v2in)

    print v1, v2
    v1n = np.linalg.norm(v1)
    v2n = np.linalg.norm(v2)
    print "initial norms", v1n, v2n

    aadistfunc(v1, v2)

    v3n = np.linalg.norm(v1)
    v4n = np.linalg.norm(v2)
    print "final norms  ", v3n, v4n
    import pygmin.utils.rotations as rot
    print "v1 unchanged:", all((rot.aa2mx(v1) == rot.aa2mx(v1in))[:].tolist())
    print "v2 unchanged:", all((rot.aa2mx(v2) == rot.aa2mx(v2in))[:].tolist())

    print "cartesian distance between vectors before", np.linalg.norm(v1in -
    print "cartesian distance between vectors after ", np.linalg.norm(v1 - v2)
Example #28
def test_LJ(natoms=12, **kwargs):
    from pygmin.potentials.lj import LJ
    from pygmin.optimize import mylbfgs
    import pygmin.utils.rotations as rot
    from pygmin.mindist.permutational_alignment import permuteArray
    import random

    quench = mylbfgs
    lj = LJ()
    X1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [natoms * 3]) * (float(natoms))**(1. / 3)
    #quench X1
    ret = quench(X1, lj)
    X1 = ret.coords
    X2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [natoms * 3]) * (float(natoms))**(1. / 3)
    #make X2 a rotation of X1
    print "testing with", natoms, "atoms, with X2 a rotated and permuted isomer of X1"
    aa = rot.random_aa()
    rot_mx = rot.aa2mx(aa)
    for j in range(natoms):
        i = 3 * j
        X2[i:i + 3] = np.dot(rot_mx, X1[i:i + 3])
    perm = range(natoms)
    print perm
    X2 = permuteArray(X2, perm)

    #X1 = np.array( [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.,] )
    #X2 = np.array( [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.,] )
    import copy
    X1i = copy.copy(X1)
    X2i = copy.copy(X2)

    print "******************************"
    print "testing normal LJ  ISOMER"
    print "******************************"
    test(X1, X2, lj, **kwargs)

    print "******************************"
    print "testing normal LJ  non isomer"
    print "******************************"
    X2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [natoms * 3]) * (float(natoms))**(1. / 3)
    ret = quench(X2, lj)
    X2 = ret.coords

    Y = X1.reshape([-1, 3])
    Y += np.random.random(3)
    X1[:] = Y.flatten()

    test(X1, X2, lj, **kwargs)

    distinit = np.linalg.norm(X1 - X2)
    print "distinit", distinit
Example #29
def coordsApplyRotation(coordsin, aa):
    coords = coordsin.copy()
    nmol = len(coords) / 3 / 2
    rmat = rot.aa2mx(aa)
    #rotate center of mass coords
    for imol in range(nmol):
        k = imol * 3
        coords[k:k + 3] = np.dot(rmat, coords[k:k + 3])
    #update aa coords
    for imol in range(nmol):
        k = nmol * 3 + imol * 3
        coords[k:k + 3] = rot.rotate_aa(coords[k:k + 3], aa)
    return coords
Example #30
def test(v1in, v2in, aadistfunc = aadistance):
    v1 = np.copy(v1in)
    v2 = np.copy(v2in)

    print v1, v2
    v1n = np.linalg.norm(v1)
    v2n = np.linalg.norm(v2)
    print "initial norms", v1n, v2n
    aadistfunc(v1, v2)

    v3n = np.linalg.norm(v1)
    v4n = np.linalg.norm(v2)
    print "final norms  ", v3n, v4n
    import pygmin.utils.rotations as rot
    print "v1 unchanged:", all( (rot.aa2mx( v1) ==  rot.aa2mx( v1in))[:].tolist() )
    print "v2 unchanged:", all( (rot.aa2mx( v2) ==  rot.aa2mx( v2in))[:].tolist() )

    print "cartesian distance between vectors before", np.linalg.norm(v1in-v2in)
    print "cartesian distance between vectors after ", np.linalg.norm(v1-v2)
Example #31
def coordsApplyRotation(coordsin, aa):
    coords = coordsin.copy()
    nmol = len(coords) / 3 / 2
    rmat = rot.aa2mx(aa)
    #rotate center of mass coords
    for imol in range(nmol):
        k = imol*3
        coords[k : k + 3] = np.dot(rmat, coords[k : k + 3])
    #update aa coords
    for imol in range(nmol):
        k = nmol*3 + imol*3
        coords[k : k + 3] = rot.rotate_aa(coords[k : k + 3], aa)
    return coords
Example #32
 def getEnergy_no_rigid_body(self, AA ):
     # Rotate XB0 according to angle axis AA
     rot_mx = rot.aa2mx( AA )
     for j in range(self.nsites):
         i = 3*j
         self.XB[i:i+3] = np.dot( rot_mx, self.XB0[i:i+3] )
     #return distance between XB and XA0
     E = 0.
     for atomlist in self.permlist:
         E -= self.overlap( self.XA0, self.XB, self.L2, atomlist, [self.nsites, len(atomlist)])
         #if E < -10.5:
         #   print E, atomlist, [self.nsites, len(atomlist)], len(self.XA0), len(self.XB)
     return E
Example #33
def _optimizePermRot(X1, X2, niter, permlist, verbose=False, use_quench=True):
    if use_quench:
        pot = MinPermDistPotential(X1, X2.copy(), permlist=permlist)

    distbest = getDistxyz(X1, X2)
    mxbest = np.identity(3)
    X20 = X2.copy()
    for i in range(niter):
        #get and apply a random rotation
        aa = random_aa()
        if not use_quench:
            mx = aa2mx(aa)
            mxtot = mx
            #print "X2.shape", X2.shape
            #optimize the rotation using a permutationally invariand distance metric
            ret = defaults.quenchRoutine(aa, pot.getEnergyGradient, tol=0.01)
            aa1 = ret[0]
            mx1 = aa2mx(aa1)
            mxtot = mx1
        X2 = applyRotation(mxtot, X20)
        #optimize the permutations
        dist, X1, X2 = findBestPermutation(X1, X2, permlist)
        if verbose:
            print "dist", dist, "distbest", distbest
        #print "X2.shape", X2.shape
        #optimize the rotation
        dist, Q2 = getAlignRotation(X1, X2)
#        print "dist", dist, "Q2", Q2
        mx2 = q2mx(Q2)
        mxtot = np.dot(mx2, mxtot)
        if dist < distbest:
            distbest = dist
            mxbest = mxtot
    return distbest, mxbest
Example #34
def _optimizePermRot(X1, X2, niter, permlist, verbose=False, use_quench=True):
    if use_quench:
        pot = MinPermDistPotential(X1, X2.copy(), permlist=permlist)

    distbest = getDistxyz(X1, X2)
    mxbest = np.identity(3)
    X20 = X2.copy()
    for i in range(niter):
        #get and apply a random rotation
        aa = random_aa()
        if not use_quench:
            mx = aa2mx(aa)
            mxtot = mx
            #print "X2.shape", X2.shape
            #optimize the rotation using a permutationally invariand distance metric
            ret = defaults.quenchRoutine(aa, pot.getEnergyGradient, tol=0.01)
            aa1 = ret[0]
            mx1 = aa2mx(aa1)
            mxtot = mx1
        X2 = applyRotation(mxtot, X20)

        #optimize the permutations
        dist, X1, X2 = findBestPermutation(X1, X2, permlist)
        if verbose:
            print "dist", dist, "distbest", distbest
        #print "X2.shape", X2.shape

        #optimize the rotation
        dist, Q2 = getAlignRotation(X1, X2)
        #        print "dist", dist, "Q2", Q2
        mx2 = q2mx(Q2)
        mxtot = np.dot(mx2, mxtot)

        if dist < distbest:
            distbest = dist
            mxbest = mxtot
    return distbest, mxbest
Example #35
 def getSymmetries(self, com, aa):
     a generator which iteratively returns the absolute xyz coordinates
     of the molecule subject to it's symmetries  
     com: the center of mass coords of the molecule
     aa: the orientation of the molecule in angle-axis  
     com = np.array(com)
     rmat = rot.aa2mx(aa)  #rotation matrix
     #first yield the unaltered molecule
     xyz = self.getxyz_rmat(rmat, com=com)
     yield xyz, aa
     #now loop through the symmetries
     for p in self.symmetrylist_rot:
         #combine the two rotations into one
         rmat_comb = np.dot(rmat, rot.aa2mx(p))
         xyz = self.getxyz_rmat(rmat_comb, com=com)
         newaa = rot.rotate_aa(p, aa)
         #print rmat_comb
         #print rot.aa2mx( newaa)
         yield xyz, newaa
Example #36
    def test_dist(self):
        aadistance(self.v1, self.v2)
        v1n = np.linalg.norm(self.v1)
        v2n = np.linalg.norm(self.v2)
        v1inn = np.linalg.norm(self.v1in)
        v1inn = np.linalg.norm(self.v1in)

        distbefore = np.linalg.norm(self.v1in - self.v2in)
        distafter = np.linalg.norm(self.v1 - self.v2)

        self.assertTrue(distbefore >= distafter, "distance between aa vectors increased")
        import pygmin.utils.rotations as rot
        rot1 = rot.aa2mx( self.v1 )
        rot1i = rot.aa2mx( self.v1in )
        self.assertTrue( all( (rot1 == rot1i)[:].tolist() ), "aa vector returned different rotation matrix" )
        rot2 = rot.aa2mx( self.v2 )
        rot2i = rot.aa2mx( self.v2in )
        self.assertTrue( all( (rot2 == rot2i)[:].tolist() ), "aa vector returned different rotation matrix" )
Example #37
 def getSymmetries(self, com, aa ):
     a generator which iteratively returns the absolute xyz coordinates
     of the molecule subject to it's symmetries  
     com: the center of mass coords of the molecule
     aa: the orientation of the molecule in angle-axis  
     com = np.array(com)
     rmat = rot.aa2mx(aa) #rotation matrix
     #first yield the unaltered molecule
     xyz = self.getxyz_rmat(rmat, com=com)
     yield xyz, aa
     #now loop through the symmetries
     for p in self.symmetrylist_rot:
         #combine the two rotations into one
         rmat_comb = np.dot( rmat, rot.aa2mx(p) )
         xyz = self.getxyz_rmat(rmat_comb, com=com)
         newaa = rot.rotate_aa(p, aa)
         #print rmat_comb
         #print rot.aa2mx( newaa)
         yield xyz, newaa
Example #38
 def getEnergy_no_rigid_body(self, AA):
     # Rotate XB0 according to angle axis AA
     rot_mx = rot.aa2mx(AA)
     for j in range(self.nsites):
         i = 3 * j
         self.XB[i:i + 3] = np.dot(rot_mx, self.XB0[i:i + 3])
     #return distance between XB and XA0
     E = 0.
     for atomlist in self.permlist:
         E -= self.overlap(self.XA0, self.XB, self.L2, atomlist,
                           [self.nsites, len(atomlist)])
         #if E < -10.5:
         #   print E, atomlist, [self.nsites, len(atomlist)], len(self.XA0), len(self.XB)
     return E
Example #39
def test_LJ(natoms = 12, **kwargs):
    from pygmin.potentials.lj import LJ
    import pygmin.defaults
    import pygmin.utils.rotations as rot
    from pygmin.mindist.permutational_alignment import permuteArray
    import random

    quench = pygmin.defaults.quenchRoutine
    lj = LJ()
    X1 = np.random.uniform(-1,1,[natoms*3])*(float(natoms))**(1./3)
    #quench X1
    ret = quench( X1, lj.getEnergyGradient)
    X1 = ret[0]
    X2 = np.random.uniform(-1,1,[natoms*3])*(float(natoms))**(1./3)
    #make X2 a rotation of X1
    print "testing with", natoms, "atoms, with X2 a rotated and permuted isomer of X1"
    aa = rot.random_aa()
    rot_mx = rot.aa2mx( aa )
    for j in range(natoms):
        i = 3*j
        X2[i:i+3] = np.dot( rot_mx, X1[i:i+3] )
    perm = range(natoms)
    random.shuffle( perm )
    print perm
    X2 = permuteArray( X2, perm)

    #X1 = np.array( [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.,] )
    #X2 = np.array( [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.,] )
    import copy
    X1i = copy.copy(X1)
    X2i = copy.copy(X2)
    print "******************************"
    print "testing normal LJ  ISOMER"
    print "******************************"
    test(X1, X2, lj, **kwargs)
    print "******************************"
    print "testing normal LJ  non isomer"
    print "******************************"
    X2 = np.random.uniform(-1,1,[natoms*3])*(float(natoms))**(1./3)
    ret = quench( X2, lj.getEnergyGradient)
    X2 = ret[0]
    test(X1, X2, lj, **kwargs)

    distinit = np.linalg.norm(X1-X2)
    print "distinit", distinit
Example #40
 def draw(self, coordslinear, index):
     ca = CoordsAdapter(nrigid=coordslinear.size/6,coords=coordslinear)
     from OpenGL import GL,GLUT
     com=np.mean(ca.posRigid, axis=0)                  
     for xx, rot in zip(ca.posRigid, ca.rotRigid):
         p = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(rot), np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
         x = x - 0.4*p
         self.drawCylinder([0.,0.,0.], p)
Example #41
 def takeStep(self, coords, **kwargs):
     # easy access to coordinates
     ca = CoordsAdapter(nrigid=coords.size/6, coords = coords)
     backbone = np.zeros(3)
     # random rotation for angle-axis vectors
     for pos, rot in zip(ca.posRigid, ca.rotRigid):
         backbone = backbone + rotations.vec_random( )*0.7525            
         # choose a random rotation
         rot[:] = rotations.random_aa()
         # calcualte center of base from backgone
         a1 = np.dot(rotations.aa2mx(rot), np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
         pos[:]  = backbone + 0.4 * a1                        
Example #42
def test_LJ(natoms=12, **kwargs):
    from pygmin.potentials.lj import LJ
    import pygmin.defaults
    import pygmin.utils.rotations as rot
    from pygmin.mindist.permutational_alignment import permuteArray
    import random

    quench = pygmin.defaults.quenchRoutine
    lj = LJ()
    X1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [natoms * 3]) * (float(natoms))**(1. / 3)
    #quench X1
    ret = quench(X1, lj.getEnergyGradient)
    X1 = ret[0]
    X2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [natoms * 3]) * (float(natoms))**(1. / 3)
    #make X2 a rotation of X1
    print "testing with", natoms, "atoms, with X2 a rotated and permuted isomer of X1"
    aa = rot.random_aa()
    rot_mx = rot.aa2mx(aa)
    for j in range(natoms):
        i = 3 * j
        X2[i:i + 3] = np.dot(rot_mx, X1[i:i + 3])
    perm = range(natoms)
    print perm
    X2 = permuteArray(X2, perm)

    #X1 = np.array( [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.,] )
    #X2 = np.array( [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.,] )
    import copy
    X1i = copy.copy(X1)
    X2i = copy.copy(X2)

    print "******************************"
    print "testing normal LJ  ISOMER"
    print "******************************"
    test(X1, X2, lj, **kwargs)

    print "******************************"
    print "testing normal LJ  non isomer"
    print "******************************"
    X2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [natoms * 3]) * (float(natoms))**(1. / 3)
    ret = quench(X2, lj.getEnergyGradient)
    X2 = ret[0]
    test(X1, X2, lj, **kwargs)

    distinit = np.linalg.norm(X1 - X2)
    print "distinit", distinit
Example #43
    def distance_squared_grad(self, com1, p1, com2, p2):
        calculate spring force between 2 sites
            center of mass of 1st site
            angle axis vector of 1st site
            center of mass of 2nd site
            angle axis vector of 2nd site    
        sitetype: AASiteType, optional
            amgle axis site type with mass and moment of inertia tensor
        returns: tuple
            spring cart, spring rot
        return _aadist.sitedist_grad(self.get_smallest_rij(com1, com2), p1, p2, self.S, self.W, self.cog)
        R1, R11, R12, R13 = rotMatDeriv(p1, True)
        R2 = rotations.aa2mx(p2)
        dR = R2 - R1
        dR = dR
        g_M = -2.*self.W*(com2-com1)
        # dR_kl S_lm dR_km
        g_P = np.zeros(3) 
        g_P[0] = -2.*np.trace(np.dot(R11, np.dot(self.S, dR.transpose())))
        g_P[1] = -2.*np.trace(np.dot(R12, np.dot(self.S, dR.transpose())))
        g_P[2] = -2.*np.trace(np.dot(R13, np.dot(self.S, dR.transpose())))
        g_M -= 2.*self.W *  np.dot(dR, self.cog)
        g_P[0] -= 2.*self.W * np.dot((com2-com1), np.dot(R11, self.cog))
        g_P[1] -= 2.*self.W * np.dot((com2-com1), np.dot(R12, self.cog))
        g_P[2] -= 2.*self.W * np.dot((com2-com1), np.dot(R13, self.cog))

        return g_M, g_P
Example #44
    xyz = otp.getxyz()
    from pygmin.printing.print_atoms_xyz import printAtomsXYZ as printxyz
    import sys
    #with open("out.xyz", "w") as fout:
    printxyz(sys.stdout, xyz)
    aa = np.array([.2, .3, .4])
    for xyz, aanew in otp.getSymmetries( np.zeros(3), aa):
        printxyz(sys.stdout, xyz, line2="symmetry")
        xyz = otp.getxyz(aa = aanew)
        printxyz(sys.stdout, xyz, line2="symmetry from returned aa")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    aa1 = rot.random_aa()
    aa2 = rot.random_aa()
    rmat1 = rot.aa2mx(aa1)
    rmat2 = rot.aa2mx(aa2)
    rmat21 = np.dot(rmat2, rmat1)
    aa21 = rot.rotate_aa(aa1, aa2)
    rmat21aa = rot.aa2mx(aa21)
    print rmat21
    print rmat21aa
    print abs(rmat21 - rmat21aa) < 1e-12
Example #45
 def getxyz(self, com=np.array([0.,0.,0.]), aa=np.array([0.,0.,1e-6]) ):
     """return the xyz positions of all sites in the molecule-frame"""
     mx = rot.aa2mx(aa)
     return self.getxyz_rmat(mx, com)
Example #46
 x -= np.average(x, axis=0, weights=masses)
 cog = np.average(x, axis=0)
 for i in xrange(3):
     for j in xrange(3):
 site = AASiteType(M=natoms, S=S, W=natoms, cog=cog)
 X1 = 10.1*np.random.random(3)
 X2 = 10.1*np.random.random(3)
 p1 = rotations.random_aa()
 p2 = rotations.random_aa()
 R1 = rotations.aa2mx(p1)
 R2 = rotations.aa2mx(p2)
 x1 = np.dot(R1, x.transpose()).transpose() + X1
 x2 = np.dot(R2, x.transpose()).transpose() + X2
 print "site representation:", np.sum((x1-x2)**2)
 print "distance function:  ", site.distance_squared(X1, p1, X2, p2)
 print site.distance_squared_grad(X1, p1, X2, p2)
 g_M = np.zeros(3)
 g_P = np.zeros(3)
 for i in xrange(3):
     eps = 1e-6
     delta = np.zeros(3)
     delta[i] = eps
Example #47
 def getxyz(self, com=np.array([0., 0., 0.]), aa=np.array([0., 0., 1e-6])):
     """return the xyz positions of all sites in the molecule-frame"""
     mx = rot.aa2mx(aa)
     return self.getxyz_rmat(mx, com)
Example #48
    x -= np.average(x, axis=0, weights=masses)
    cog = np.average(x, axis=0)
    for i in xrange(3):
        for j in xrange(3):
    site = AASiteType(M=natoms, S=S, W=natoms, cog=cog)
    X1 = 10.1*np.random.random(3)
    X2 = 10.1*np.random.random(3)
    p1 = rotations.random_aa()
    p2 = rotations.random_aa()
    R1 = rotations.aa2mx(p1)
    R2 = rotations.aa2mx(p2)
    x1 = np.dot(R1, x.transpose()).transpose() + X1
    x2 = np.dot(R2, x.transpose()).transpose() + X2
    import _aadist
    print "site representation:", np.sum((x1-x2)**2)
    print "distance function:  ", site.distance_squared(X1, p1, X2, p2)

    print "fortran function:  ", _aadist.sitedist(X2 - X1, p1, p2, site.S, site.W, cog)

    coords1 = np.random.random(120)
    coords2 = np.random.random(120)
    import time
Example #49
def test_molecule():
    otp = setupLWOTP()

    xyz = otp.getxyz()
    from pygmin.printing.print_atoms_xyz import printAtomsXYZ as printxyz
    import sys
    #with open("out.xyz", "w") as fout:
    printxyz(sys.stdout, xyz)

    aa = np.array([.2, .3, .4])
    for xyz, aanew in otp.getSymmetries(np.zeros(3), aa):
        printxyz(sys.stdout, xyz, line2="symmetry")
        xyz = otp.getxyz(aa=aanew)
        printxyz(sys.stdout, xyz, line2="symmetry from returned aa")

if __name__ == "__main__":

    aa1 = rot.random_aa()
    aa2 = rot.random_aa()
    rmat1 = rot.aa2mx(aa1)
    rmat2 = rot.aa2mx(aa2)

    rmat21 = np.dot(rmat2, rmat1)
    aa21 = rot.rotate_aa(aa1, aa2)
    rmat21aa = rot.aa2mx(aa21)
    print rmat21
    print rmat21aa
    print abs(rmat21 - rmat21aa) < 1e-12
Example #50
def test_binary_LJ(natoms = 12, **kwargs):
    import pygmin.defaults
    import pygmin.utils.rotations as rot
    quench = pygmin.defaults.quenchRoutine

    printlist = []
    ntypea = int(natoms*.8)
    from pygmin.potentials.ljpshift import LJpshift
    lj = LJpshift(natoms, ntypea)
    permlist = [range(ntypea), range(ntypea, natoms)]

    X1 = np.random.uniform(-1,1,[natoms*3])*(float(natoms))**(1./3)/2
    printlist.append( (X1.copy(), "very first"))
    #quench X1
    ret = quench( X1, lj.getEnergyGradient)
    X1 = ret[0]
    printlist.append((X1.copy(), "after quench"))

    X2 = np.random.uniform(-1,1,[natoms*3])*(float(natoms))**(1./3)
    #make X2 a rotation of X1
    print "testing with", natoms, "atoms,", ntypea, "type A atoms, with X2 a rotated and permuted isomer of X1"
    aa = rot.random_aa()
    rot_mx = rot.aa2mx( aa )
    for j in range(natoms):
        i = 3*j
        X2[i:i+3] = np.dot( rot_mx, X1[i:i+3] )
    printlist.append((X2.copy(), "x2 after rotation"))


    import random, copy
    from pygmin.mindist.permutational_alignment import permuteArray

    for atomlist in permlist:
        perm = copy.copy(atomlist)
        random.shuffle( perm )
        print perm
        X2 = permuteArray( X2, perm)
    printlist.append((X2.copy(), "x2 after permutation"))

    #X1 = np.array( [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.,] )
    #X2 = np.array( [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.,] )
    X1i = copy.copy(X1)
    X2i = copy.copy(X2)
    atomtypes = ["N" for i in range(ntypea)]
    for i in range(natoms-ntypea):
    print "******************************"
    print "testing binary LJ  ISOMER"
    print "******************************"
    test(X1, X2, lj, atomtypes=atomtypes, permlist = permlist, **kwargs)
    print "******************************"
    print "testing binary LJ  non isomer"
    print "******************************"
    X2 = np.random.uniform(-1,1,[natoms*3])*(float(natoms))**(1./3)
    ret = quench( X2, lj.getEnergyGradient)
    X2 = ret[0]
    test(X1, X2, lj, atomtypes=atomtypes, permlist=permlist, **kwargs)