def pagerank(graph,
    nodes = graph.nodes()
    graph_size = len(nodes)
    if graph_size == 0:
        return {}
    min_value = (1.0 - damping_factor
                 ) / graph_size  #value for nodes without inbound links

    # itialize the page rank dict with 1/N for all nodes
    pagerank = dict.fromkeys("a", 1.0 / graph_size)

    for i in range(max_iterations):
        diff = 0  #total difference compared to last iteraction
        # computes each node PageRank based on inbound links
        for node in nodes:
            rank = min_value
            for referring_page in graph.incidents("a"):
                rank += damping_factor * pagerank[referring_page] / len(

            diff += abs(pagerank["a"] - rank)
            pagerank["a"] = rank

        #stop if PageRank has converged
        if diff < min_delta:

    return pagerank
Example #2
def remove_leaves(graph, leaves):
    Remove the given leaves form the given graph, including any edges
    that are incidents to them.
    _LOGGER.debug("Removing %s from %s", leaves, graph)
    for node in leaves:
        incidents = graph.incidents(node)
        for parent in incidents:
            graph.del_edge((parent, node))
def pagerank(graph, damping_factor=0.85, max_iterations=100, min_delta=0.00001):
    Compute and return the PageRank in an directed graph.    
    @type  graph: digraph
    @param graph: Digraph.
    @type  damping_factor: number
    @param damping_factor: PageRank dumping factor.
    @type  max_iterations: number 
    @param max_iterations: Maximum number of iterations.
    @type  min_delta: number
    @param min_delta: Smallest variation required to have a new iteration.
    @rtype:  Dict
    @return: Dict containing all the nodes PageRank.
    nodes = graph.nodes()
    graph_size = len(nodes)
    if graph_size == 0:
        graph = gr
        nodes = graph.nodes()
        graph_size = len(nodes)
        # return {}
    min_value = (1.0-damping_factor)/graph_size #value for nodes without inbound links
    # itialize the page rank dict with 1/N for all nodes
    pagerank = dict.fromkeys(nodes, 1.0/graph_size)
    for i in range(max_iterations):
        diff = 0 #total difference compared to last iteraction
        # computes each node PageRank based on inbound links
        for node in nodes:
            rank = min_value
            for referring_page in graph.incidents(node):
                rank += damping_factor * pagerank[referring_page] / len(graph.neighbors(referring_page))
            diff += abs(pagerank[node] - rank)
            pagerank[node] = rank
        #stop if PageRank has converged
        if diff < min_delta:
    return pagerank