Example #1
def problem81(matrix,graph,n_rows, n_cols):
    for r in xrange(n_rows):
        for c in xrange(n_cols):
            cur = matrix[r][c]
            # right
            if(c < n_cols - 1):
                right = matrix[r][c+1]
                graph.add_edge((cur, right), wt=right.value)
            # bottom, don't allow leftmost column to go down
            if(r < n_rows - 1 and c > 0):
                bottom = matrix[r+1][c]
                graph.add_edge((cur, bottom), wt=bottom.value)

    _, node_to_cost = pygraph.algorithms.minmax.shortest_path(graph, matrix[0][0])
    goal = matrix[n_rows - 1][n_cols - 1]
    print goal, node_to_cost[goal]
Example #2
def problem81(matrix, graph, n_rows, n_cols):
    for r in xrange(n_rows):
        for c in xrange(n_cols):
            cur = matrix[r][c]
            # right
            if (c < n_cols - 1):
                right = matrix[r][c + 1]
                graph.add_edge((cur, right), wt=right.value)
            # bottom, don't allow leftmost column to go down
            if (r < n_rows - 1 and c > 0):
                bottom = matrix[r + 1][c]
                graph.add_edge((cur, bottom), wt=bottom.value)

    _, node_to_cost = pygraph.algorithms.minmax.shortest_path(
        graph, matrix[0][0])
    goal = matrix[n_rows - 1][n_cols - 1]
    print goal, node_to_cost[goal]
Example #3
def build_knn_graph(raw_data):
    :param raw_data: (pts_num, 3)
    nbrs = spatial.cKDTree(raw_data)
    dists, idxs = nbrs.query(raw_data, k=5)

    ## build graph
    graph = pygraph.classes.graph.graph()
    sid = 0
    for idx, dist in zip(idxs, dists):
        for eid, d in zip(idx, dist):
            if not graph.has_edge((sid, eid)) and eid < len(raw_data):
                graph.add_edge((sid, eid), d)
        sid = sid + 1

    return graph
Example #4
def problem82(matrix, graph,n_rows, n_cols):
    for r in xrange(n_rows):
        for c in xrange(n_cols):
            cur = matrix[r][c]
            # right
            if(c < n_cols - 1):
                right = matrix[r][c+1]
                graph.add_edge((cur, right), wt=right.value)
            # bottom, don't allow leftmost column to go down
            if(r < n_rows - 1 and c > 0):
                bottom = matrix[r+1][c]
                graph.add_edge((cur, bottom), wt=bottom.value)
            # top, don't allow leftmost column to go down
            if(r > 0 and c > 0):
                top = matrix[r-1][c]
                graph.add_edge((cur, top), wt=top.value)
    min_cost = 10e100
    for r in xrange(n_rows):
        print "row", r
        path, distances = pygraph.algorithms.minmax.shortest_path(graph, matrix[r][0])
        for r2 in xrange(n_rows):
            cur = matrix[r2][n_cols - 1]
            if cur in distances and distances[cur] < min_cost:
                min_cost = distances[cur]
                min_start = matrix[r][1]
                min_end = cur
                min_path = path
    print min_cost, min_start, min_end
Example #5
def problem82(matrix, graph, n_rows, n_cols):
    for r in xrange(n_rows):
        for c in xrange(n_cols):
            cur = matrix[r][c]
            # right
            if (c < n_cols - 1):
                right = matrix[r][c + 1]
                graph.add_edge((cur, right), wt=right.value)
            # bottom, don't allow leftmost column to go down
            if (r < n_rows - 1 and c > 0):
                bottom = matrix[r + 1][c]
                graph.add_edge((cur, bottom), wt=bottom.value)
            # top, don't allow leftmost column to go down
            if (r > 0 and c > 0):
                top = matrix[r - 1][c]
                graph.add_edge((cur, top), wt=top.value)
    min_cost = 10e100
    for r in xrange(n_rows):
        print "row", r
        path, distances = pygraph.algorithms.minmax.shortest_path(
            graph, matrix[r][0])
        for r2 in xrange(n_rows):
            cur = matrix[r2][n_cols - 1]
            if cur in distances and distances[cur] < min_cost:
                min_cost = distances[cur]
                min_start = matrix[r][1]
                min_end = cur
                min_path = path
    print min_cost, min_start, min_end