Example #1
    def build_reference_graph():
        """ Builds a reference graph which shall be the same
            than the graph of ../test_files.

            A PyGraphml graph is returned.
        g = pgml.Graph()
        f1 = g.add_node("1")
        f2 = g.add_node("2")
        f3 = g.add_node("3")
        f4 = g.add_node("4")
        f5 = g.add_node("5")
        f6 = g.add_node("6")

        f1['key1'] = 'motorcycle_test.rb'
        f2['key1'] = 'lib/motorcycle.rb'
        f3['key1'] = 'motorcycle_2.rb'
        f4['key1'] = 'motorcycle_3.rb'
        f5['key1'] = 'motorcycle_4.rb'
        f6['key1'] = 'lib/sidecar.rb'

        g.add_edge(f1, f2)
        g.add_edge(f1, f3)
        g.add_edge(f1, f4)
        g.add_edge(f1, f5)
        g.add_edge(f4, f6)
        return g
Example #2
def main(args):
    maven_modules = find_maven_modules(args.maven_module_paths)

    graph = pygraphml.Graph()
    nodes_store = NodesStore(graph)

    DependencyGraphBuilder(graph, nodes_store).build_graph(maven_modules)

    if (args.include_parent_edges):
        ParentEdgeBuilder(graph, nodes_store).build_graph(maven_modules)

    write_graph(args.graph_output_path, graph)
Example #3
    def build_reference_graph( self ):
        """ Builds a reference graph which shall be the same
            than the graph of ../test_files.

            A PyGraphml graph is returned.
        g = pgml.Graph()

        f_1_c       = g.add_node( "1" )
        f_2_c       = g.add_node( "2" )
        f_3_c       = g.add_node( "3" )
        existing_h  = g.add_node("4")
        iostream    = g.add_node("5")
        lib_f_1_h   = g.add_node("6")
        lib_f_2_h   = g.add_node("7")
        lib_f_3_h   = g.add_node("8")
        lib2_f_4_h  = g.add_node("9")
        lib2_f_1_h  = g.add_node("10")

        e_1_x       = g.add_node("11")
        e_2_y       = g.add_node("12")

        f_1_c      ['key1'] = 'src/f_1.c'
        f_2_c      ['key1'] = 'src/f_2.c'
        f_3_c      ['key1'] = 'src/f_3.c'
        existing_h ['key1'] = '../non/existing.h'
        iostream   ['key1'] = 'iostream'
        lib_f_1_h  ['key1'] = 'inc/lib/f_1.h'
        lib_f_2_h  ['key1'] = 'inc/lib/f_2.h'
        lib_f_3_h  ['key1'] = 'inc/lib/f_3.h'
        lib2_f_4_h ['key1'] = 'inc/lib2/f_4.h'
        lib2_f_1_h ['key1'] = 'inc/lib2/f_1.h'
        e_1_x      ['key1'] = 'inc/lib/e_1.x'
        e_2_y      ['key1'] = 'inc/lib/e_2.y'

        g.add_edge( f_3_c, existing_h     )
        g.add_edge( f_3_c, iostream       )
        g.add_edge( f_2_c, lib2_f_1_h     )
        g.add_edge( f_1_c, iostream       )
        g.add_edge( f_1_c, lib_f_2_h      )
        g.add_edge( f_1_c, lib_f_1_h      )
        g.add_edge( lib_f_2_h, lib_f_1_h  )
        g.add_edge( lib_f_1_h, lib_f_3_h  )
        g.add_edge( lib_f_1_h, lib2_f_4_h )
        g.add_edge( lib_f_3_h, lib_f_1_h  )
        return g
Example #4
    def build_reference_graph(self):
        """ Builds a reference graph which shall be the same
            than the graph of ../test_files.

            A PyGraphml graph is returned.

        """ List of files by doing:
	 find -iname '*.py' -or -iname '*.pyw' -or -iname '*.py3'

        Use as basis for constructing the graph

        g = pgml.Graph()

        f1 = g.add_node("1")
        f2 = g.add_node("2")
        f3 = g.add_node("3")

        p1_f1 = g.add_node("4")
        p1_f2 = g.add_node("5")
        p1_f3 = g.add_node("6")
        p1_init = g.add_node("7")

        p1_s1_f1 = g.add_node("8")
        p1_s1_f2 = g.add_node("9")
        p1_s1_f3 = g.add_node("10")
        p1_s1_init = g.add_node("11")

        p2_f1 = g.add_node("12")
        p2_f2 = g.add_node("13")
        p2_f3 = g.add_node("14")
        p2_init = g.add_node("15")

        p3_f1 = g.add_node("16")
        p3_init = g.add_node("17")

        bogusfile = g.add_node("18")
        filecmp = g.add_node("19")
        os = g.add_node("20")
        pickle = g.add_node("21")
        sys = g.add_node("22")

        f1['key1'] = 'file1.py'
        f2['key1'] = 'file2.py3'
        f3['key1'] = 'file3.pyw'

        p1_f1['key1'] = 'pack1/file1.py'
        p1_f2['key1'] = 'pack1/file2.py'
        p1_f3['key1'] = 'pack1/file3.py'
        p1_init['key1'] = 'pack1/__init__.py'

        p1_s1_f1['key1'] = 'pack1/subpack1/file1.py'
        p1_s1_f2['key1'] = 'pack1/subpack1/file2.py'
        p1_s1_f3['key1'] = 'pack1/subpack1/file3.py'
        p1_s1_init['key1'] = 'pack1/subpack1/__init__.py'

        p2_f1['key1'] = 'pack2/file1.py'
        p2_f2['key1'] = 'pack2/file2.py'
        p2_f3['key1'] = 'pack2/file3.py'
        p2_init['key1'] = 'pack2/__init__.py'

        p3_f1['key1'] = 'pack3/file1.py'
        p3_init['key1'] = 'pack3/__init__.py'

        bogusfile['key1'] = 'bogusfilename'
        filecmp['key1'] = 'filecmp'
        os['key1'] = 'os'
        pickle['key1'] = 'pickle'
        sys['key1'] = 'sys'

	# Root
        g.add_edge(f1, p1_s1_f1)
        g.add_edge(f1, p1_init)
        g.add_edge(f1, p2_init)

        g.add_edge(f2, sys)
        g.add_edge(f2, p1_s1_init) # *-import
        g.add_edge(f2, p1_f1)
        g.add_edge(f2, os)
        g.add_edge(f2, p2_init)

        g.add_edge(f3, p2_init) # *-import
        g.add_edge(f3, bogusfile)

        # Pack 1
        g.add_edge(p1_f1, p1_s1_f1)
        g.add_edge(p1_f1, p2_f1)

        g.add_edge(p1_f2, f1)
        g.add_edge(p1_f2, f3)
        g.add_edge(p1_f2, p1_s1_f1)

        g.add_edge(p1_f3, sys)

        g.add_edge(p1_init, pickle)

        # Pack 1, Subpack 1
        g.add_edge(p1_s1_f1, f3)

        g.add_edge(p1_s1_f2, sys)
        g.add_edge(p1_s1_f2, f1)

        g.add_edge(p1_s1_f3, filecmp)

        # Pack 2 (__init__ has __all__ import)
        g.add_edge(p2_f2, filecmp)

        g.add_edge(p2_f3, p1_f2)

        g.add_edge(p2_init, p2_f1)
        g.add_edge(p2_init, p2_f2)
        g.add_edge(p2_init, p2_f3)

        # Pack 3 (__init__ has __all__ import)
        g.add_edge(p3_init, p3_f1)

        return g
Example #5
import pymongo
import pygraphml

# MongoDB
db = pymongo.MongoClient('', 27017).superblogger

g = pygraphml.Graph()

nodes = dict()
for user in db.users.find({
        'counts.followed_by': {
            '$gte': 1000000
        'follows': {
            '$exists': True
    nodes[user['id']] = g.add_node(user['username'])
    nodes[user['id']]['follows'] = user['counts']['follows']
    nodes[user['id']]['followed_by'] = user['counts']['followed_by']

for user in db.users.find({
        'counts.followed_by': {
            '$gte': 1000000
        'follows': {
            '$exists': True
    for followed_user_id in user['follows']:
        if followed_user_id in nodes: