def track(self, image): test_patch = utils.get_subwindow(image, self.pos,, scale_factor=self.currentScaleFactor) hog_feature_t = pyhog.features_pedro(test_patch / 255., 1) hog_feature_t = np.lib.pad(hog_feature_t, ((1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)), 'edge') xt = np.multiply(hog_feature_t, self.cos_window[:, :, None]) xtf = np.fft.fft2(xt, axes=(0, 1)) response = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(np.divide(np.sum(np.multiply(self.x_num, xtf), axis=2), (self.x_den + self.lamda)))) v_centre, h_centre = np.unravel_index(response.argmax(), response.shape) vert_delta, horiz_delta = \ [(v_centre - response.shape[0] / 2) * self.currentScaleFactor, (h_centre - response.shape[1] / 2) * self.currentScaleFactor] self.pos = [self.pos[0] + vert_delta, self.pos[1] + horiz_delta] st = utils.get_scale_subwindow(image, self.pos, self.base_target_size, self.currentScaleFactor * self.scaleSizeFactors, self.scale_window, self.scale_model_sz) stf = np.fft.fftn(st, axes=[0]) scale_reponse = np.real(np.fft.ifftn(np.sum(np.divide(np.multiply(self.s_num, stf), (self.s_den[:, None] + self.lamda_scale)), axis=1))) recovered_scale = np.argmax(scale_reponse) self.currentScaleFactor = self.currentScaleFactor * self.scaleFactors[recovered_scale] if self.currentScaleFactor < self.min_scale_factor: self.currentScaleFactor = self.min_scale_factor elif self.currentScaleFactor > self.max_scale_factor: self.currentScaleFactor = self.max_scale_factor # update update_patch = utils.get_subwindow(image, self.pos,, scale_factor=self.currentScaleFactor) hog_feature_l = pyhog.features_pedro(update_patch / 255., 1) hog_feature_l = np.lib.pad(hog_feature_l, ((1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)), 'edge') xl = np.multiply(hog_feature_l, self.cos_window[:, :, None]) xlf = np.fft.fft2(xl, axes=(0, 1)) new_x_num = np.multiply(self.yf[:, :, None], np.conj(xlf)) new_x_den = np.real(np.sum(np.multiply(xlf, np.conj(xlf)), axis=2)) sl = utils.get_scale_subwindow(image, self.pos, self.base_target_size, self.currentScaleFactor * self.scaleSizeFactors, self.scale_window, self.scale_model_sz) slf = np.fft.fftn(sl, axes=[0]) new_s_num = np.multiply(self.ysf[:, None], np.conj(slf)) new_s_den = np.real(np.sum(np.multiply(slf, np.conj(slf)), axis=1)) self.x_num = (1 - self.interp_factor) * self.x_num + self.interp_factor * new_x_num self.x_den = (1 - self.interp_factor) * self.x_den + self.interp_factor * new_x_den self.s_num = (1 - self.interp_factor) * self.s_num + self.interp_factor * new_s_num self.s_den = (1 - self.interp_factor) * self.s_den + self.interp_factor * new_s_den self.target_size = self.base_target_size * self.currentScaleFactor return vot.Rectangle(self.pos[1] - self.target_size[1] / 2, self.pos[0] - self.target_size[0] / 2, self.target_size[1], self.target_size[0] )
def get_subwindow(im, pos, sz, feature='raw'): """ Obtain sub-window from image, with replication-padding. Returns sub-window of image IM centered at POS ([y, x] coordinates), with size SZ ([height, width]). If any pixels are outside of the image, they will replicate the values at the borders. The subwindow is also normalized to range -0.5 .. 0.5, and the given cosine window COS_WINDOW is applied (though this part could be omitted to make the function more general). """ if np.isscalar(sz): # square sub-window sz = [sz, sz] ys = np.floor(pos[0]) + np.arange(sz[0], dtype=int) - np.floor(sz[0] / 2) xs = np.floor(pos[1]) + np.arange(sz[1], dtype=int) - np.floor(sz[1] / 2) ys = ys.astype(int) xs = xs.astype(int) # check for out-of-bounds coordinates and set them to the values at the borders ys[ys < 0] = 0 ys[ys >= im.shape[0]] = im.shape[0] - 1 xs[xs < 0] = 0 xs[xs >= im.shape[1]] = im.shape[1] - 1 out = im[np.ix_(ys, xs)] if feature == 'hog': hog_feature = pyhog.features_pedro(out / 255., 1) out = np.lib.pad(hog_feature, ((1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)), 'edge') return out
def track(self, image): # ---------------------------------------track--------------------------------- # test_patch = utils.get_subwindow(image, self.pos, hog_feature_t = pyhog.features_pedro(test_patch / 255., 1) hog_feature_t = np.lib.pad(hog_feature_t, ((1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)), 'edge') xt = np.multiply(hog_feature_t, self.cos_window[:, :, None]) xtf = np.fft.fft2(xt, axes=(0, 1)) #计算响应,直接多通道叠加 response = np.real( np.fft.ifft2( np.divide(np.sum(np.multiply(self.x_num, xtf), axis=2), (self.x_den + self.lamda)))) #找响应最大值 v_centre, h_centre = np.unravel_index(response.argmax(), response.shape) vert_delta, horiz_delta = \ [(v_centre - response.shape[0] / 2), (h_centre - response.shape[1] / 2)] #新的位置 self.pos = [self.pos[0] + vert_delta, self.pos[1] + horiz_delta] # ---------------------------------------update--------------------------------- # update_patch = utils.get_subwindow(image, self.pos, hog_feature_l = pyhog.features_pedro(update_patch / 255., 1) hog_feature_l = np.lib.pad(hog_feature_l, ((1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)), 'edge') xl = np.multiply(hog_feature_l, self.cos_window[:, :, None]) xlf = np.fft.fft2(xl, axes=(0, 1)) #更新位置滤波器 new_x_num = np.multiply(self.yf[:, :, None], np.conj(xlf)) new_x_den = np.real(np.sum(np.multiply(xlf, np.conj(xlf)), axis=2)) #滤波器学习 self.x_num = (1 - self.interp_factor ) * self.x_num + self.interp_factor * new_x_num self.x_den = (1 - self.interp_factor ) * self.x_den + self.interp_factor * new_x_den self.target_size = self.base_target_size return vot.Rectangle(self.pos[1] - self.target_size[1] / 2, self.pos[0] - self.target_size[0] / 2, self.target_size[1], self.target_size[0])
def get_scale_subwindow(im, pos, base_target_size, scaleFactors, scale_window, scale_model_sz): from pyhog import pyhog nScales = len(scaleFactors) out = [] for i in range(nScales): patch_sz = np.floor(base_target_size * scaleFactors[i]) scale_patch = get_subwindow(im, pos, patch_sz) im_patch_resized = transform.resize(scale_patch, scale_model_sz, mode='reflect') temp_hog = pyhog.features_pedro(im_patch_resized, 4) out.append(np.multiply(temp_hog.flatten(), scale_window[i])) return np.asarray(out)
def get_scale_sample(self, im, scaleFactors): from pyhog import pyhog resized_im_array = [] for i, s in enumerate(scaleFactors): patch_sz = np.floor(self.first_target_sz * s) im_patch = self.get_subwindow(im, self.pos, patch_sz) # extract image # because the hog output is (dim/4)-2>1: if self.first_target_sz.min() < 12: scale_up_factor = 12. / np.min(self.first_target_sz) im_patch_resized = imresize(im_patch, np.asarray(self.first_target_sz * scale_up_factor).astype('int')) else: im_patch_resized = imresize(im_patch, self.first_target_sz) #resize image to model size features_hog = pyhog.features_pedro(im_patch_resized.astype(np.float64)/255.0, 4) resized_im_array.append(np.multiply(features_hog.flatten(), self.scale_window[i])) return np.asarray(resized_im_array)
def get_scale_window(image, position, target_size, sfs, scale_window, scale_model_sz): # pos = [position[1],position[0]] # ts = np.array([target_size[1],target_size[0]]) out = [] for i in range(len(sfs)): patch_sz = np.floor(target_size * sfs[i]) scale_patch = get_ori(image, position, patch_sz) im_patch_resized = transform.resize(scale_patch, scale_model_sz, mode='reflect') temp_hog = pyhog.features_pedro(im_patch_resized, 4) out.append(np.multiply(temp_hog.flatten(), scale_window[i])) return np.asarray(out)
def get_feature_map(im_patch, feature_list, num_feature_ch, out_size, w2c, cell_size, projection_matrix): #im_patch_size = im_patch.shape #if 'fhog' in feature_list: ## out_size = np.round(np.array([im_patch_size[0],im_patch_size[1]])/cell_size) #if 'fhog' not in feature_list: # out_size = np.round(np.array([im_patch_size[0],im_patch_size[1]])) out = np.zeros(([0]),[1]), num_feature_ch)) print('out_size') print(im_patch.shape) channel_id = 0 if 'gray' in feature_list: print('using gray feature') im_patch_255 = np.floor(im_patch * 255) im_patch_255 = im_patch_255.astype(np.uint8) dstimg = cv2.cvtColor(im_patch_255, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) out[:, :, channel_id] = transform.resize(dstimg, out_size, mode='reflect') channel_id = channel_id + 1 if 'fhog' in feature_list: print('using fhog feature') hog_feature_t = pyhog.features_pedro(im_patch / 255., cell_size) img_crop = np.lib.pad(hog_feature_t, ((1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)), 'edge') img_crop = img_crop[:, :, 18:27] out[:, :, channel_id:channel_id + 9] = img_crop channel_id = channel_id + 9 if 'cn' in feature_list: print('using cn feature') im_patch_255 = np.floor(im_patch * 255) cn_out = im2c(im_patch_255, w2c, ([0]),[1]))) cn_out =, projection_matrix) out[:, :, channel_id:channel_id + 2] = cn_out if 'raw' in feature_list: print('using raw feature') im_patch_255 = np.floor(im_patch * 255) img_colour = im_patch_255 - im_patch_255.mean() out[:, :, channel_id:channel_id + 3] = transform.resize(img_colour, out_size, mode='reflect') print(out.shape) return out
def get_subwindow(im, pos, sz, scale_factor=None, feature='raw'): """ Obtain sub-window from image, with replication-padding. Returns sub-window of image IM centered at POS ([y, x] coordinates), with size SZ ([height, width]). If any pixels are outside of the image, they will replicate the values at the borders. The subwindow is also normalized to range -0.5 .. 0.5, and the given cosine window COS_WINDOW is applied (though this part could be omitted to make the function more general). """ #测试sz是不是标量,如果是,就是方形窗口 if np.isscalar(sz): # square sub-window sz = [sz, sz] sz_ori = sz if scale_factor != None: sz = np.floor(sz * scale_factor) #获取有效区域位置的坐标序号,注意数列/矩阵的运用 ys = np.floor(pos[0]) + np.arange(sz[0], dtype=int) - np.floor(sz[0] / 2) xs = np.floor(pos[1]) + np.arange(sz[1], dtype=int) - np.floor(sz[1] / 2) ys = ys.astype(int) xs = xs.astype(int) # check for out-of-bounds coordinates and set them to the values at the borders # 有可能这个取特征的区域已经超出了图像的范围,将超出的范围置为边界数值 ys[ys < 0] = 0 ys[ys >= im.shape[0]] = im.shape[0] - 1 xs[xs < 0] = 0 xs[xs >= im.shape[1]] = im.shape[1] - 1 out = im[np.ix_(ys, xs)] #misc.imresize函数实现图像的大小调整,可以给数字对表示调整到固定大小,小于1的数字表示按照比例调整,大于1就按照百分比调整 if scale_factor != None: out = misc.imresize(out, sz_ori.astype(int)) if feature == 'hog': from pyhog import pyhog hog_feature = pyhog.features_pedro(out / 255., 1) out = np.lib.pad(hog_feature, ((1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)), 'edge') print('getting hog features in get_subwindow') return out