Example #1
def linear_rf_operator(rf_size, phy_params, dt, calculating_brf=False):
    Calculates the linear operator A needed to convert brf to prf & vis-versa
      prf = (A^{-1})brf
      brf = (A)prf

      - size of the prf and/or brf (assumed to be same)
      - physiological parameters
      - time resolution of data:
      - if you wish to calculate brf (return A), or prf (return inverse of A)

      - np.array of size (hrf_size,1) linear operator to convert hrfs
    import numpy as np

    tau_m_inv = 1. / phy_params['tau_m']
    alpha_w = phy_params['alpha_w']
    alpha_w_inv = 1. / phy_params['alpha_w']
    E0 = phy_params['E0']
    V0 = phy_params['V0']
    k1, k2, k3 = create_k_parameters(phy_params)
    c = tau_m_inv * (1 + (1 - E0) * np.log(1 - E0) / E0)

    from pyhrf.sandbox.physio import buildOrder1FiniteDiffMatrix_central
    D = buildOrder1FiniteDiffMatrix_central(rf_size, dt)  # numpy matrix
    eye = np.matrix(np.eye(rf_size))  # numpy matrix

    A3 = -tau_m_inv * ((D + (alpha_w_inv * tau_m_inv) * eye).I)
    A4 = -c * (D + tau_m_inv * eye).I + (D + tau_m_inv * eye).I * (
        (1 - alpha_w) * alpha_w_inv *
        tau_m_inv**2) * (D + alpha_w_inv * tau_m_inv * eye).I
    # A = V0 * ( (k1+k2)*A4 + (k3-k2)* A3 ) # A = h x2^{-1} = Omega^{-1}

    # linear vs non-linear
    if phy_params['linear']:
        sign = 1.
        if phy_params['obata']:  # change of sign
            sign = -1
        # A = h x2^{-1} = Omega^{-1}
        A = V0 * ((k1 + k2) * A4 + sign * (k3 - k2) * A3)
    else:  # non-linear
        A = V0 * \
            (k1 * A4 + k2 *
             (eye - (eye - A4) * np.linalg.inv(eye - A3)) + k3 * A3)

    if (calculating_brf):
        return A.A
    else:  # calculating_prf
        return (A.I).A
Example #2
def linear_rf_operator(rf_size, phy_params, dt, calculating_brf=False):
    Calculates the linear operator A needed to convert brf to prf & vis-versa
      prf = (A^{-1})brf
      brf = (A)prf

      - size of the prf and/or brf (assumed to be same)
      - physiological parameters
      - time resolution of data:
      - if you wish to calculate brf (return A), or prf (return inverse of A)

      - np.array of size (hrf_size,1) linear operator to convert hrfs
    import numpy as np

    tau_m_inv = 1. / phy_params['tau_m']
    alpha_w = phy_params['alpha_w']
    alpha_w_inv = 1. / phy_params['alpha_w']
    E0 = phy_params['E0']
    V0 = phy_params['V0']
    k1, k2, k3 = create_k_parameters(phy_params)
    c = tau_m_inv * (1 + (1 - E0) * np.log(1 - E0) / E0)

    from pyhrf.sandbox.physio import buildOrder1FiniteDiffMatrix_central
    D = buildOrder1FiniteDiffMatrix_central(rf_size, dt)  # numpy matrix
    eye = np.matrix(np.eye(rf_size))  # numpy matrix

    A3 = - tau_m_inv * ((D + (alpha_w_inv * tau_m_inv) * eye).I)
    A4 = - c * (D + tau_m_inv * eye).I + (D + tau_m_inv * eye).I * ((1 - alpha_w)
          * alpha_w_inv * tau_m_inv**2) * (D + alpha_w_inv * tau_m_inv * eye).I
    # A = V0 * ( (k1+k2)*A4 + (k3-k2)* A3 ) # A = h x2^{-1} = Omega^{-1}

    # linear vs non-linear
    if phy_params['linear']:
        sign = 1.
        if phy_params['obata']:  # change of sign
            sign = -1
        # A = h x2^{-1} = Omega^{-1}
        A = V0 * ((k1 + k2) * A4 + sign * (k3 - k2) * A3)
    else:  # non-linear
        A = V0 * \
            (k1 * A4 + k2 *
             (eye - (eye - A4) * np.linalg.inv(eye - A3)) + k3 * A3)

    if (calculating_brf):
        return A.A
    else:  # calculating_prf
        return (A.I).A
Example #3
def linear_rf_operator(rf_size, phy_params, dt, calculating_brf=False):
    Calculates the linear operator A needed to convert brf to prf & vis-versa
      prf = (A^{-1})brf
      brf = (A)prf

      - size of the prf and/or brf (assumed to be same)
      - physiological parameters
      - time resolution of data:
      - if you wish to calculate brf (return A), or prf (return inverse of A)

      - np.array of size (hrf_size,1) linear operator to convert hrfs
    import numpy as np

    tau_m_inv = 1. / phy_params['tau_m']
    alpha_w = phy_params['alpha_w']
    alpha_w_inv = 1. / phy_params['alpha_w']
    E0 = phy_params['E0']
    V0 = phy_params['V0']
    k1 = phy_params['k1']
    k2 = phy_params['k2']
    k3 = phy_params['k3']
    c = tau_m_inv * (1 + (1 - E0) * np.log(1 - E0) / E0)

    from pyhrf.sandbox.physio import buildOrder1FiniteDiffMatrix_central
    D = buildOrder1FiniteDiffMatrix_central(rf_size, dt)  #numpy matrix
    eye = np.matrix(np.eye(int(rf_size)))  #numpy matrix

    A3 = tau_m_inv * ((D + (alpha_w_inv * tau_m_inv) * eye).I)
    A4 = c * (D + tau_m_inv * eye).I - (D + tau_m_inv * eye).I * (
        (1 - alpha_w) * alpha_w_inv *
        tau_m_inv**2) * (D + alpha_w_inv * tau_m_inv * eye).I
    A = V0 * ((k1 + k2) * A4 + (k3 - k2) * A3)  # A = h x2^{-1} = Omega^{-1}

    if (calculating_brf):
        return -A.A
    else:  #calculating_prf
        return -(A.I).A
Example #4
def linear_rf_operator(rf_size, phy_params, dt, calculating_brf=False):
    Calculates the linear operator A needed to convert brf to prf & vis-versa
      prf = (A^{-1})brf
      brf = (A)prf

      - size of the prf and/or brf (assumed to be same)
      - physiological parameters
      - time resolution of data:
      - if you wish to calculate brf (return A), or prf (return inverse of A)

      - np.array of size (hrf_size,1) linear operator to convert hrfs
    import numpy as np

    tau_m_inv = 1./phy_params['tau_m']
    alpha_w = phy_params['alpha_w']
    alpha_w_inv = 1./phy_params['alpha_w']
    E0 = phy_params['E0']
    V0 = phy_params['V0']
    k1 = phy_params['k1']
    k2 = phy_params['k2']
    k3 = phy_params['k3']
    c = tau_m_inv * ( 1 + (1-E0)*np.log(1-E0)/E0 )

    from pyhrf.sandbox.physio import buildOrder1FiniteDiffMatrix_central
    D = buildOrder1FiniteDiffMatrix_central(rf_size,dt) #numpy matrix
    eye = np.matrix(np.eye(rf_size))  #numpy matrix

    A3 = tau_m_inv*( (D + (alpha_w_inv*tau_m_inv)*eye).I )
    A4 = c * (D+tau_m_inv*eye).I - (D+tau_m_inv*eye).I*((1-alpha_w)*alpha_w_inv* tau_m_inv**2)* (D+alpha_w_inv*tau_m_inv*eye).I
    A = V0 * ( (k1+k2)*A4 + (k3-k2)* A3 )

    if (calculating_brf):
        return -A.A
    else: #calculating_prf
        return -(A.I).A
Example #5
def calc_linear_rfs(simu_brf, simu_prf, phy_params, dt, normalized_rfs=True):
    Calculate 'prf given brf' and 'brf given prf' based on the a linearization
    around steady state of the physiological model as described in Friston 2000.

      - simu_brf, simu_prf: brf and prf from the physiological simulation
                            from which you wish to calculate the respective
                            prf and brf.
                            Assumed to be of size (1,hrf.size)
      - phy_params
      - normalized_rfs: set to True if simu_hrfs are normalized

      - calc_brf, calc_prf: np.arrays of shape (hrf.size, 1)
      - q_linear, v_linear: q and v calculated according to the linearized model

    These calculations do not account for any rescaling between brf and prf.
    This means the input simu_brf, simu_prf should NOT be rescaled.

   ** Warning**:
      - this function assumes prf.size == brf.size and uses this to build D, I
      - if making modifications:
        calc_brf, calc_prf have a truncation error (due to the finite difference        matrix used) on the order of O(dt)^2. If for any reason a hack is later         implemented to set the y-intecepts of brf_calc, prf_calc to zero by
        setting the first row of X4, X3 = 0, this will raise a singular matrix
        error in the calculation of calc_prf (due to X.I command), so this error        is helpful in this case

    D = buildOrder1FiniteDiffMatrix_central(simu_prf.size, dt)  #numpy matrix
    I = np.matrix(np.eye(simu_prf.size))  #numpy matrix
    #TODO: elimlinate prf.size dependency

    tau_m = phy_params['tau_m']
    tau_m_inv = 1. / tau_m  #when tau_m=1, singular matrix formed by (D+tau_m_inv*I)
    alpha_w = phy_params['alpha_w']
    alpha_w_inv = 1. / phy_params['alpha_w']
    E0 = phy_params['E0']
    V0 = phy_params['V0']
    k1 = phy_params['k1']
    k2 = phy_params['k2']
    k3 = phy_params['k3']

    c = tau_m_inv * (1 + (1 - E0) * np.log(1 - E0) / E0)

    #transform to (hrf.size,1) matrix for calcs
    simu_prf = np.matrix(simu_prf).transpose()
    simu_brf = np.matrix(simu_brf).transpose()

    X3 = tau_m_inv * ((D + (alpha_w_inv * tau_m_inv) * I).I)

    X4= c *(D+tau_m_inv*I).I - (D+tau_m_inv*I).I*((1-alpha_w)*alpha_w_inv*\
                               tau_m_inv**2)* (D+alpha_w_inv*tau_m_inv*I).I

    X = V0 * ((k1 + k2) * X4 + (k3 - k2) * X3)

    #for error checking
    q_linear = 1 - X4 * (-simu_prf)
    v_linear = 1 - X3 * (-simu_prf)

    calc_brf = X * (-simu_prf)

    calc_prf = -X.I * simu_brf

    #convert to np.arrays
    calc_prf = calc_prf.A
    calc_brf = calc_brf.A
    q_linear = q_linear.A
    v_linear = v_linear.A

    if normalized_rfs:
        calc_prf /= (calc_prf**2).sum()**.5
        calc_brf /= (calc_brf**2).sum()**.5

    return calc_brf, calc_prf, q_linear, v_linear
Example #6
def calc_linear_rfs(simu_brf, simu_prf, phy_params, dt, normalized_rfs=True):
    Calculate 'prf given brf' and 'brf given prf' based on the a linearization
    around steady state of the physiological model as described in Friston 2000.

      - simu_brf, simu_prf: brf and prf from the physiological simulation
                            from which you wish to calculate the respective
                            prf and brf.
                            Assumed to be of size (1,hrf.size)
      - phy_params
      - normalized_rfs: set to True if simu_hrfs are normalized

      - calc_brf, calc_prf: np.arrays of shape (hrf.size, 1)
      - q_linear, v_linear: q and v calculated according to the linearized model

    These calculations do not account for any rescaling between brf and prf.
    This means the input simu_brf, simu_prf should NOT be rescaled.

   ** Warning**:
      - this function assumes prf.size == brf.size and uses this to build D, I
      - if making modifications:
        calc_brf, calc_prf have a truncation error (due to the finite difference        matrix used) on the order of O(dt)^2. If for any reason a hack is later         implemented to set the y-intecepts of brf_calc, prf_calc to zero by
        setting the first row of X4, X3 = 0, this will raise a singular matrix
        error in the calculation of calc_prf (due to X.I command), so this error        is helpful in this case

    D = buildOrder1FiniteDiffMatrix_central(simu_prf.size,dt) #numpy matrix
    I = np.matrix(np.eye(simu_prf.size))  #numpy matrix
    #TODO: elimlinate prf.size dependency

    tau_m = phy_params['tau_m']
    tau_m_inv = 1./tau_m #when tau_m=1, singular matrix formed by (D+tau_m_inv*I)
    alpha_w = phy_params['alpha_w']
    alpha_w_inv = 1./phy_params['alpha_w']
    E0 = phy_params['E0']
    V0 = phy_params['V0']
    k1 = phy_params['k1']
    k2 = phy_params['k2']
    k3 = phy_params['k3']

    c = tau_m_inv * ( 1 + (1-E0)*np.log(1-E0)/E0 )

    #transform to (hrf.size,1) matrix for calcs
    simu_prf = np.matrix(simu_prf).transpose()
    simu_brf = np.matrix(simu_brf).transpose()

    X3 = tau_m_inv*( (D + (alpha_w_inv*tau_m_inv)*I).I )

    X4= c *(D+tau_m_inv*I).I - (D+tau_m_inv*I).I*((1-alpha_w)*alpha_w_inv*\
                               tau_m_inv**2)* (D+alpha_w_inv*tau_m_inv*I).I

    X = V0 * ( (k1+k2)*X4 + (k3-k2)* X3 )

    #for error checking
    q_linear = 1-X4*(-simu_prf)
    v_linear = 1-X3*(-simu_prf)

    calc_brf = X*(-simu_prf)

    calc_prf = -X.I*simu_brf

    #convert to np.arrays
    calc_prf = calc_prf.A
    calc_brf = calc_brf.A
    q_linear  = q_linear.A
    v_linear  = v_linear.A

    if normalized_rfs:
        calc_prf /= (calc_prf**2).sum()**.5
        calc_brf /= (calc_brf**2).sum()**.5

    return calc_brf, calc_prf, q_linear, v_linear