def get(station): cursor.execute( """ SELECT valid, sknt, tmpf, dwpf from alldata where station = %s and tmpf is not null and dwpf is not null and valid > '1971-01-01' ORDER by valid ASC """, (station,), ) hits = {} running = False startr = None for row in cursor: relh = met.relh(temperature(row[2], "F"), temperature(row[3], "F")).value("%") if relh > 25 or row[1] < (25.0 / 1.15): if running: delta = (row[0] - startr).seconds if delta >= 60 * 60 * 1: # print station, delta, row hits[row[0].strftime("%Y%m%d")] = 1 running = False else: running = True startr = row[0] return len(hits.keys())
def test_relh(self): """ Simple check of bad units in temperature """ tmp = datatypes.temperature(24, 'C') dwp = datatypes.temperature(24, 'C') relh = meteorology.relh(tmp, dwp) self.assertEquals(100.0, relh.value("%")) tmp = datatypes.temperature(32, 'C') dwp = datatypes.temperature(10, 'C') relh = meteorology.relh(tmp, dwp) self.assertAlmostEquals(25.79, relh.value("%"), 2) tmp = datatypes.temperature(32, 'C') dwp = datatypes.temperature(15, 'C') relh = meteorology.relh(tmp, dwp) self.assertAlmostEquals(35.81, relh.value("%"), 2) tmp = datatypes.temperature(5, 'C') dwp = datatypes.temperature(4, 'C') relh = meteorology.relh(tmp, dwp) self.assertAlmostEquals(93.24, relh.value("%"), 2)
def test_relh(): """ Simple check of bad units in temperature """ tmp = datatypes.temperature(24, 'C') dwp = datatypes.temperature(24, 'C') relh = meteorology.relh(tmp, dwp) assert relh.value("%") == 100. tmp = datatypes.temperature(32, 'C') dwp = datatypes.temperature(10, 'C') relh = meteorology.relh(tmp, dwp) assert abs(25.79 - relh.value("%")) < 0.01 tmp = datatypes.temperature(32, 'C') dwp = datatypes.temperature(15, 'C') relh = meteorology.relh(tmp, dwp) assert abs(35.81 - relh.value("%")) < 0.01 tmp = datatypes.temperature(5, 'C') dwp = datatypes.temperature(4, 'C') relh = meteorology.relh(tmp, dwp) assert abs(93.24 - relh.value("%")) < 0.01
def test_relh(): """ Simple check of bad units in temperature """ tmp = datatypes.temperature(24, "C") dwp = datatypes.temperature(24, "C") relh = meteorology.relh(tmp, dwp) assert relh.value("%") == 100.0 tmp = datatypes.temperature(32, "C") dwp = datatypes.temperature(10, "C") relh = meteorology.relh(tmp, dwp) assert abs(25.79 - relh.value("%")) < 0.01 tmp = datatypes.temperature(32, "C") dwp = datatypes.temperature(15, "C") relh = meteorology.relh(tmp, dwp) assert abs(35.81 - relh.value("%")) < 0.01 tmp = datatypes.temperature(5, "C") dwp = datatypes.temperature(4, "C") relh = meteorology.relh(tmp, dwp) assert abs(93.24 - relh.value("%")) < 0.01
def computeOthers(d): r = {} # Need something to compute other values needed for output for sid in d.keys(): ob = d[sid] ob["ticks"] = calendar.timegm(ob['utc_valid'].timetuple()) if ob['sknt'] is not None: ob["sped"] = ob["sknt"] * 1.17 if ob.get('tmpf') is not None and ob.get('dwpf') is not None: tmpf = temperature(ob['tmpf'], 'F') dwpf = temperature(ob['dwpf'], 'F') ob["relh"] = meteorology.relh(tmpf, dwpf).value('%') else: ob['relh'] = None if ob['relh'] == 'M': ob['relh'] = None if (ob.get('tmpf') is not None and ob.get('dwpf') is not None and ob.get('sped') is not None): ob['feel'] = meteorology.mcalc_feelslike( masked_array([ob['tmpf'], ], units('degF'), mask=[False, ]), masked_array([ob['dwpf'], ], units('degF'), mask=[False, ]), masked_array([ob['sped'], ], units('mile per hour'), mask=[False, ]) ).to(units('degF')).magnitude[0] else: ob['feel'] = None if ob['feel'] == 'M': ob['feel'] = None ob["altiTend"] = 'S' ob["drctTxt"] = util.drct2text(ob["drct"]) if ob["max_drct"] is None: ob["max_drct"] = 0 ob["max_drctTxt"] = util.drct2text(ob["max_drct"]) ob["20gu"] = 0 if ob['gust'] is not None: ob["gmph"] = ob["gust"] * 1.17 if ob['max_gust'] is not None: ob["max_sped"] = ob["max_gust"] * 1.17 else: ob['max_sped'] = 0 ob['pday'] = 0 if ob['pday'] is None else ob['pday'] ob['pmonth'] = 0 if ob['pmonth'] is None else ob['pmonth'] ob["gtim"] = "0000" ob["gtim2"] = "12:00 AM" if ob["max_gust_ts"] is not None and ob["max_gust_ts"] != "null": ob["gtim"] = ob["max_gust_ts"].strftime("%H%M") ob["gtim2"] = ob["max_gust_ts"].strftime("%-I:%M %p") r[sid] = ob return r
def computeOthers(d): r = {} # Need something to compute other values needed for output for sid in d.keys(): ob = d[sid] ob["ticks"] = calendar.timegm(ob['utc_valid'].timetuple()) if ob['sknt'] is not None: ob["sped"] = ob["sknt"] * 1.17 if ob.get('tmpf') is not None and ob.get('dwpf') is not None: tmpf = temperature(ob['tmpf'], 'F') dwpf = temperature(ob['dwpf'], 'F') ob["relh"] = meteorology.relh(tmpf, dwpf).value('%') else: ob['relh'] = None if ob['relh'] == 'M': ob['relh'] = None if (ob.get('tmpf') is not None and ob.get('dwpf') is not None and ob.get('sped') is not None): tmpf = temperature(ob['tmpf'], 'F') dwpf = temperature(ob['dwpf'], 'F') sknt = speed(ob['sped'], 'MPH') ob["feel"] = meteorology.feelslike(tmpf, dwpf, sknt).value("F") else: ob['feel'] = None if ob['feel'] == 'M': ob['feel'] = None ob["altiTend"] = 'S' ob["drctTxt"] = util.drct2text(ob["drct"]) if ob["max_drct"] is None: ob["max_drct"] = 0 ob["max_drctTxt"] = util.drct2text(ob["max_drct"]) ob["20gu"] = 0 if ob['gust'] is not None: ob["gmph"] = ob["gust"] * 1.17 if ob['max_gust'] is not None: ob["max_sped"] = ob["max_gust"] * 1.17 else: ob['max_sped'] = 0 ob['pday'] = 0 if ob['pday'] is None else ob['pday'] ob['pmonth'] = 0 if ob['pmonth'] is None else ob['pmonth'] ob["gtim"] = "0000" ob["gtim2"] = "12:00 AM" if ob["max_gust_ts"] is not None and ob["max_gust_ts"] != "null": ob["gtim"] = ob["max_gust_ts"].strftime("%H%M") ob["gtim2"] = ob["max_gust_ts"].strftime("%-I:%M %p") r[sid] = ob return r
def grid_relh(nc, ts, rs): lats = [] lons = [] vals = [] for i in range(len(rs)): if rs[i]['max_tmpf'] is not None and rs[i]['max_dwpf'] is not None: lats.append(nt.sts[rs[i]['station']]['lat']) lons.append(nt.sts[rs[i]['station']]['lon']) vals.append((meteorology.relh(temperature(rs[i]['max_tmpf'], 'F'), temperature(rs[i]['max_dwpf'], 'F')) ).value('%')) if len(vals) < 4: print "No RELH data at all for time: %s" % (ts,) return grid = griddata((lons, lats), np.array(vals), (XI, YI), method='nearest') offset = int((ts - BASE).total_seconds() / 3600.) if grid is not None: nc.variables['relh'][offset, :, :] = np.where(grid < 12., 12., grid) else: print "RELH gridding failed, len vals %s" % (len(vals),)
def main(): """ Go main Go """ check_load() form = cgi.FieldStorage() try: tzinfo = pytz.timezone(form.getfirst("tz", "Etc/UTC")) except pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError as exp: sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/plain\n\n") sys.stdout.write("Invalid Timezone (tz) provided") sys.stderr.write(" invalid tz: %s\n" % (exp, )) sys.exit() pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='asos', host='iemdb', user='******') acursor = pgconn.cursor('mystream', cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) # Save direct to disk or view in browser direct = True if form.getfirst('direct', 'no') == 'yes' else False report_type = form.getlist('report_type') stations = get_stations(form) if direct: sys.stdout.write('Content-type: application/octet-stream\n') fn = "%s.txt" % (stations[0],) if len(stations) > 1: fn = "asos.txt" sys.stdout.write('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=%s\n\n' % ( fn,)) else: sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/plain \n\n") dbstations = stations if len(dbstations) == 1: dbstations.append('XYZXYZ') dataVars = form.getlist("data") sts, ets = get_time_bounds(form, tzinfo) delim = form.getfirst("format", "onlycomma") if "all" in dataVars: queryCols = ("tmpf, dwpf, relh, drct, sknt, p01i, alti, mslp, " "vsby, gust, skyc1, skyc2, skyc3, skyc4, skyl1, " "skyl2, skyl3, skyl4, presentwx, metar") outCols = ['tmpf', 'dwpf', 'relh', 'drct', 'sknt', 'p01i', 'alti', 'mslp', 'vsby', 'gust', 'skyc1', 'skyc2', 'skyc3', 'skyc4', 'skyl1', 'skyl2', 'skyl3', 'skyl4', 'presentwx', 'metar'] else: for _colname in ['station', 'valid']: if _colname in dataVars: dataVars.remove(_colname) dataVars = tuple(dataVars) outCols = dataVars dataVars = str(dataVars)[1:-2] queryCols = re.sub("'", " ", dataVars) if delim in ["tdf", "onlytdf"]: rD = "\t" queryCols = re.sub(",", "\t", queryCols) else: rD = "," gtxt = {} gisextra = False if form.getfirst("latlon", "no") == "yes": gisextra = True MESOSITE = psycopg2.connect(database='mesosite', host='iemdb', user='******') mcursor = MESOSITE.cursor() mcursor.execute("""SELECT id, ST_x(geom) as lon, ST_y(geom) as lat from stations WHERE id in %s and (network ~* 'AWOS' or network ~* 'ASOS') """, (tuple(dbstations),)) for row in mcursor: gtxt[row[0]] = "%.4f%s%.4f%s" % (row[1], rD, row[2], rD) rlimiter = "" if len(report_type) == 1: rlimiter = " and report_type = %s" % (int(report_type[0]),) elif len(report_type) > 1: rlimiter = (" and report_type in %s" ) % (tuple([int(a) for a in report_type]), ) acursor.execute("""SELECT * from alldata WHERE valid >= %s and valid < %s and station in %s """+rlimiter+""" ORDER by valid ASC""", (sts, ets, tuple(dbstations))) if delim not in ['onlytdf', 'onlycomma']: sys.stdout.write("#DEBUG: Format Typ -> %s\n" % (delim,)) sys.stdout.write("#DEBUG: Time Period -> %s %s\n" % (sts, ets)) sys.stdout.write("#DEBUG: Time Zone -> %s\n" % (tzinfo,)) sys.stdout.write(("#DEBUG: Data Contact -> daryl herzmann " "[email protected] 515-294-5978\n")) sys.stdout.write("#DEBUG: Entries Found -> %s\n" % (acursor.rowcount,)) sys.stdout.write("station"+rD+"valid"+rD) if gisextra: sys.stdout.write("lon"+rD+"lat"+rD) sys.stdout.write(queryCols+"\n") for row in acursor: sys.stdout.write(row["station"] + rD) sys.stdout.write( (row["valid"].astimezone(tzinfo)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + rD) if gisextra: sys.stdout.write(gtxt.get(row['station'], "M%sM%s" % (rD, rD))) r = [] for data1 in outCols: if data1 == 'relh': if row['tmpf'] is not None and row['dwpf'] is not None: tmpf = temperature(row['tmpf'], 'F') dwpf = temperature(row['dwpf'], 'F') val = meteorology.relh(tmpf, dwpf) r.append("%.2f" % (val.value("%"),)) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'sped': if row['sknt'] >= 0: r.append("%.1f" % (speed(row['sknt'], 'KT').value('MPH'), )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'gust_mph': if row['gust'] >= 0: r.append("%.1f" % (speed(row['gust'], 'KT').value('MPH'), )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'p01m': if row['p01i'] >= 0: r.append("%.2f" % (row['p01i'] * 25.4, )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'tmpc': if row['tmpf'] is not None: val = temperature(row['tmpf'], 'F').value('C') r.append("%.2f" % (val, )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'dwpc': if row['dwpf'] is not None: val = temperature(row['dwpf'], 'F').value('C') r.append("%.2f" % (val, )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'presentwx': if row['presentwx'] is not None: r.append("%s" % (row['presentwx'].replace(",", " "), )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 in ["metar", "skyc1", "skyc2", "skyc3", "skyc4"]: if row[data1] is None: r.append("M") else: r.append("%s" % (row[data1].replace(",", " "), )) elif (row.get(data1) is None or row[data1] <= -99.0 or row[data1] == "M"): r.append("M") else: r.append("%2.2f" % (row[data1], )) sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % (rD.join(r),))
from pyiem import meteorology dbconn = psycopg2.connect(database='asos', host='iemdb', user='******') cursor = dbconn.cursor() otmpf = [] odwpf = [] cursor.execute("""SELECT tmpf, dwpf from alldata where station = 'DSM' and tmpf >= 80 and dwpf > 0 and tmpf < 110""") for row in cursor: otmpf.append( row[0] ) odwpf.append( row[1] ) otmpf = dt.temperature(numpy.array(otmpf), 'F') odwpf = dt.temperature(numpy.array(odwpf), 'F') orelh = meteorology.relh(otmpf, odwpf) tmpf = dt.temperature(numpy.arange(80,110), 'F') dwpf = dt.temperature(numpy.arange(40,80), 'F') (t, d) = numpy.meshgrid(tmpf.value("F"), dwpf.value("F")) hindex = meteorology.heatindex(dt.temperature(t,'F'), dt.temperature(d, 'F')) counts = numpy.zeros( numpy.shape(hindex.value("F")), 'f') for otmp, odwp in zip(otmpf.value("F"), odwpf.value("F")): if odwp < 40 or odwp >= 79.5: continue counts[(int(round(odwp)) - 40), int(round(otmp)) - 80 ] += 1.0 ttot = numpy.sum(counts,0) print ttot
for sid in indices: idx = indices[sid]['idx'] name = nc.variables["stationName"][idx].tostring().replace('\x00','') latitude = nc.variables['latitude'][idx] longitude = nc.variables['longitude'][idx] tmpf = s(nc.variables['temperature'][idx]) dwpf = s(nc.variables['dewpoint'][idx]) qcd = nc.variables['temperatureQCD'][idx][0] if qcd < -10 or qcd > 10: tmpf = "M" dwpf = "M" heat = "M" if tmpf != "M" and dwpf != "M": t = temperature(nc.variables['temperature'][idx], 'K') d = temperature(nc.variables['dewpoint'][idx], 'K') relh = meteorology.relh(t, d).value("%") heat = "%5.1f" % (meteorology.heatindex(t, d).value("F"),) drct = s2( nc.variables['windDir'][idx]) smps = s2( nc.variables['windSpeed'][idx]) sped = "M" if smps != "M": sped = "%5.1f" % (nc.variables['windSpeed'][idx] * 2.23694,) wcht = "M" if tmpf != "M" and sped != "M": t = temperature(nc.variables['temperature'][idx], 'K') sped = speed( nc.variables['windSpeed'][idx], 'MPS') wcht = "%5.1f" % (meteorology.windchill(t, sped).value("F"),) ts = indices[sid]['ts']
from pyiem.datatypes import temperature, speed, distance from pyiem.meteorology import relh pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='asos', host='iemdb', user='******') # air temperature, RH, Radiation, WS, and precipitation df = read_sql("""SELECT valid, tmpf, dwpf, sknt, p01i, extract(month from valid) as month, extract(hour from valid + '10 minutes'::interval) as hour, extract(day from valid + '10 minutes'::interval) as day from alldata WHERE station = 'DSM' and extract(month from valid) in (10, 11) and extract(minute from valid) = 54 and valid > '1986-01-01' """, pgconn, index_col=None) df['relh'] = relh(temperature(df['tmpf'], 'F'), temperature(df['dwpf'], 'F')).value('%') gdf = df.groupby(by=['month', 'day', 'hour']).mean() pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='isuag', host='iemdb', user='******') # air temperature, RH, Radiation, WS, and precipitation df2 = read_sql("""SELECT extract(month from valid) as month, extract(hour from valid + '10 minutes'::interval) as hour, extract(day from valid + '10 minutes'::interval) as day, c800 from hourly WHERE station = 'A130209' and extract(month from valid) in (10, 11) """, pgconn, index_col=None) gdf2 = df2.groupby(by=['month', 'day', 'hour']).mean()
def plotter(fdict): """ Go """ import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='asos', host='iemdb', user='******') ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description()) station = ctx['zstation'] network = ctx['network'] nt = NetworkTable(network) year = ctx['year'] varname = ctx['var'] _ = PDICT[varname] df = read_sql(""" SELECT extract(year from valid) as year, extract(doy from valid) as doy, tmpf, dwpf from alldata where station = %s and dwpf > -50 and dwpf < 90 and tmpf > -50 and tmpf < 120 and valid > '1950-01-01' and report_type = 2 """, pgconn, params=(station,), index_col=None) df['relh'] = relh(temperature(df['tmpf'].values, 'F'), temperature(df['dwpf'].values, 'F')).value('%') df['tmpc'] = temperature(df['tmpf'].values, 'F').value('C') df['svp'] = 0.611 * np.exp(17.502 * df['tmpc'].values / (240.97 + df['tmpc'].values)) df['vpd'] = (1. - (df['relh'] / 100.)) * df['svp'] df['mixing_ratio'] = mixing_ratio( temperature(df['dwpf'].values, 'F')).value('KG/KG') dailymeans = df[['year', 'doy', varname]].groupby(['year', 'doy']).mean() dailymeans = dailymeans.reset_index() df2 = dailymeans[['doy', varname]].groupby('doy').describe() dyear = df[df['year'] == year] df3 = dyear[['doy', varname]].groupby('doy').describe() df3[(varname, 'diff')] = df3[(varname, 'mean')] - df2[(varname, 'mean')] (fig, ax) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8, 6)) multiplier = 1000. if varname == 'mixing_ratio' else 10. ax[0].fill_between(df2[(varname, 'min')].index.values, df2[(varname, 'min')].values * multiplier, df2[(varname, 'max')].values * multiplier, color='gray') ax[0].plot(df2[(varname, 'mean')].index.values, df2[(varname, 'mean')].values * multiplier, label="Climatology") ax[0].plot(df3[(varname, 'mean')].index.values, df3[(varname, 'mean')].values * multiplier, color='r', label="%s" % (year, )) ax[0].set_title(("%s [%s]\nDaily Mean Surface %s" ) % (station, nt.sts[station]['name'], PDICT[varname])) lbl = ("Mixing Ratio ($g/kg$)" if varname == 'mixing_ratio' else PDICT[varname]) ax[0].set_ylabel(lbl) ax[0].set_xlim(0, 366) ax[0].set_ylim(bottom=0) ax[0].set_xticks((1, 32, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 365)) ax[0].set_xticklabels(calendar.month_abbr[1:]) ax[0].grid(True) ax[0].legend(loc=2, fontsize=10) cabove = 'b' if varname == 'mixing_ratio' else 'r' cbelow = 'r' if cabove == 'b' else 'b' rects = ax[1].bar(df3[(varname, 'diff')].index.values, df3[(varname, 'diff')].values * multiplier, facecolor=cabove, edgecolor=cabove) for rect in rects: if rect.get_height() < 0.: rect.set_facecolor(cbelow) rect.set_edgecolor(cbelow) units = '$g/kg$' if varname == 'mixing_ratio' else 'hPa' ax[1].set_ylabel("%.0f Departure (%s)" % (year, units)) ax[1].set_xlim(0, 366) ax[1].set_xticks((1, 32, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 365)) ax[1].set_xticklabels(calendar.month_abbr[1:]) ax[1].grid(True) return fig, df3
def main(argv): """Go Main Go""" network = argv[1] wxcfn = argv[2] utc = datetime.datetime.utcnow() utc = utc.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC")) out = open(wxcfn, 'w') out.write("""Weather Central 001d0300 Surface Data TimeStamp=%s 12 5 Station 25 Station Name 8 Lat 10 Lon 2 Hour 2 Minute 5 Air Temperature F 5 Dew Point F 5 Wind Direction deg 5 Wind Speed mph 5 Heat Index F 5 Wind Chill F """ % (utc.strftime("%Y.%m.%d.%H%M"),)) fn = None for i in range(4): now = utc - datetime.timedelta(hours=i) testfn = now.strftime("/mesonet/data/madis/mesonet1/") if os.path.isfile(testfn): fn = testfn break if fn is None: sys.exit() indices = {} BOGUS = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1) BOGUS = BOGUS.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) nc = netCDF4.Dataset(fn, 'r') for i, provider in enumerate(nc.variables["dataProvider"][:]): if provider.tostring().replace('\x00', '') != network: continue sid = nc.variables["stationId"][i].tostring().replace('\x00', '') # We have an ob! ticks = nc.variables["observationTime"][i] ts = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=ticks) ts = ts.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC")) if ts > indices.get(sid, {'ts': BOGUS})['ts']: indices[sid] = {'ts': ts, 'idx': i} for sid in indices: idx = indices[sid]['idx'] name = nc.variables["stationName"][idx].tostring().replace('\x00', '') latitude = nc.variables['latitude'][idx] longitude = nc.variables['longitude'][idx] tmpf = s(nc.variables['temperature'][idx]) dwpf = s(nc.variables['dewpoint'][idx]) qcd = nc.variables['temperatureQCD'][idx][0] if qcd < -10 or qcd > 10: tmpf = "M" dwpf = "M" heat = "M" if tmpf != "M" and dwpf != "M": t = temperature(nc.variables['temperature'][idx], 'K') d = temperature(nc.variables['dewpoint'][idx], 'K') relh = meteorology.relh(t, d).value("%") heat = "%5.1f" % (meteorology.heatindex(t, d).value("F"),) drct = s2(nc.variables['windDir'][idx]) smps = s2(nc.variables['windSpeed'][idx]) sped = "M" if smps != "M": sped = "%5.1f" % (nc.variables['windSpeed'][idx] * 2.23694,) wcht = "M" if tmpf != "M" and sped != "M": t = temperature(nc.variables['temperature'][idx], 'K') sped = speed(nc.variables['windSpeed'][idx], 'MPS') wcht = "%5.1f" % (meteorology.windchill(t, sped).value("F"), ) ts = indices[sid]['ts'] out.write(("%5.5s %25.25s %8.4f %10.4f " "%02i %02i %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s\n" ) % (sid, name, latitude, longitude, ts.hour, ts.minute, tmpf, dwpf, drct, sped, heat, wcht)) nc.close() out.close() pqstr = "data c 000000000000 wxc/wxc_%s.txt bogus txt" % (network.lower(),)"/home/ldm/bin/pqinsert -p '%s' %s" % ( pqstr, wxcfn), shell=True) os.remove(wxcfn)
def plotter(fdict): """ Go """ import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='asos', host='iemdb', user='******') cursor = pgconn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description()) station = ctx['zstation'] network = ctx['network'] month = ctx['month'] nt = NetworkTable(network) if month == 'all': months = range(1, 13) elif month == 'fall': months = [9, 10, 11] elif month == 'winter': months = [12, 1, 2] elif month == 'spring': months = [3, 4, 5] elif month == 'summer': months = [6, 7, 8] else: ts = datetime.datetime.strptime("2000-"+month+"-01", '%Y-%b-%d') # make sure it is length two for the trick below in SQL months = [ts.month, 999] cursor.execute(""" SELECT tmpf::int as t, dwpf from alldata where station = %s and tmpf is not null and dwpf is not null and dwpf <= tmpf and tmpf >= 0 and tmpf <= 140 and extract(month from valid) in %s """, (station, tuple(months))) sums = np.zeros((140,), 'f') counts = np.zeros((140,), 'f') for row in cursor: r = mixing_ratio(temperature(row[1], 'F')).value('KG/KG') sums[row[0]] += r counts[row[0]] += 1 rows = [] for i in range(140): if counts[i] < 3: continue r = sums[i] / float(counts[i]) d = dewpoint_from_pq(pressure(1000, 'MB'), mixingratio(r, 'KG/KG') ).value('F') rh = relh(temperature(i, 'F'), temperature(d, 'F')).value('%') rows.append(dict(tmpf=i, dwpf=d, rh=rh)) df = pd.DataFrame(rows) tmpf = df['tmpf'] dwpf = df['dwpf'] rh = df['rh'] (fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 6)), dwpf, ec='green', fc='green', width=1) ax.grid(True, zorder=11) ax.set_title(("%s [%s]\nAverage Dew Point by Air Temperature (month=%s) " "(%s-%s)\n" "(must have 3+ hourly observations at the given temperature)" ) % (nt.sts[station]['name'], station, month.upper(), nt.sts[station]['archive_begin'].year,, size=10) ax.plot([0, 140], [0, 140], color='b') ax.set_ylabel("Dew Point [F]") y2 = ax.twinx() y2.plot(tmpf, rh, color='k') y2.set_ylabel("Relative Humidity [%] (black line)") y2.set_yticks([0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 100]) y2.set_ylim(0, 100) ax.set_ylim(0, max(tmpf)+2) ax.set_xlim(0, max(tmpf)+2) ax.set_xlabel("Air Temperature $^\circ$F") return fig, df
def do(ts): """Process this date timestamp""" asos = psycopg2.connect(database='asos', host='iemdb', user='******') cursor = asos.cursor() iemaccess = psycopg2.connect(database='iem', host='iemdb') icursor = iemaccess.cursor() cursor.execute(""" select station, network, iemid, drct, sknt, valid at time zone tzname, tmpf, dwpf from alldata d JOIN stations t on ( = d.station) where (network ~* 'ASOS' or network = 'AWOS') and valid between %s and %s and t.tzname is not null ORDER by valid ASC """, (ts - datetime.timedelta(days=2), ts + datetime.timedelta(days=2))) wdata = dict() rhdata = dict() for row in cursor: if row[5].strftime("%m%d") != ts.strftime("%m%d"): continue station = "%s|%s|%s" % (row[0], row[1], row[2]) if row[6] is not None and row[7] is not None: tmpf = temperature(row[6], 'F') dwpf = temperature(row[7], 'F') rh = meteorology.relh(tmpf, dwpf) if station not in rhdata: rhdata[station] = dict(valid=[], rh=[]) rhdata[station]['valid'].append(row[5]) rhdata[station]['rh'].append(rh.value('%')) if row[4] is not None and row[3] is not None: sknt = speed(row[4], 'KT') drct = direction(row[3], 'DEG') (u, v) = meteorology.uv(sknt, drct) if station not in wdata: wdata[station] = {'valid': [], 'sknt': [], 'u': [], 'v': []} wdata[station]['valid'].append(row[5]) wdata[station]['sknt'].append(row[4]) wdata[station]['u'].append(u.value('KT')) wdata[station]['v'].append(v.value('KT')) table = "summary_%s" % (ts.year,) for stid in rhdata: # Not enough data if len(rhdata[stid]['valid']) < 6: continue station, network, iemid = stid.split("|") now = datetime.datetime(ts.year, ts.month, runningrh = 0 runningtime = 0 for i, valid in enumerate(rhdata[stid]['valid']): delta = (valid - now).seconds runningtime += delta runningrh += (delta * rhdata[stid]['rh'][i]) now = valid if runningtime == 0: print(("compute_daily %s has time domain %s %s" ) % (stid, rhdata[stid]['valid'][0], rhdata[stid]['valid'][-1])) continue avg_rh = clean_rh(runningrh / runningtime) min_rh = clean_rh(min(rhdata[stid]['rh'])) max_rh = clean_rh(max(rhdata[stid]['rh'])) def do_update(): icursor.execute("""UPDATE """ + table + """ SET avg_rh = %s, min_rh = %s, max_rh = %s WHERE iemid = %s and day = %s""", (avg_rh, min_rh, max_rh, iemid, ts)) do_update() if icursor.rowcount == 0: print(('compute_daily Adding %s for %s %s %s' ) % (table, station, network, ts)) icursor.execute("""INSERT into """ + table + """ (iemid, day) values (%s, %s)""", (iemid, ts)) do_update() for stid in wdata: # Not enough data if len(wdata[stid]['valid']) < 6: continue station, network, iemid = stid.split("|") now = datetime.datetime(ts.year, ts.month, runningsknt = 0 runningtime = 0 runningu = 0 runningv = 0 for i, valid in enumerate(wdata[stid]['valid']): delta = (valid - now).seconds runningtime += delta runningsknt += (delta * wdata[stid]['sknt'][i]) runningu += (delta * wdata[stid]['u'][i]) runningv += (delta * wdata[stid]['v'][i]) now = valid if runningtime == 0: print(("compute_daily %s has time domain %s %s" ) % (stid, wdata[stid]['valid'][0], wdata[stid]['valid'][-1])) continue sknt = runningsknt / runningtime u = speed(runningu / runningtime, 'KT') v = speed(runningv / runningtime, 'KT') drct = meteorology.drct(u, v).value("DEG") def do_update(): icursor.execute("""UPDATE """ + table + """ SET avg_sknt = %s, vector_avg_drct = %s WHERE iemid = %s and day = %s""", (sknt, drct, iemid, ts)) do_update() if icursor.rowcount == 0: print(('compute_daily Adding %s for %s %s %s' ) % (table, station, network, ts)) icursor.execute("""INSERT into """ + table + """ (iemid, day) values (%s, %s)""", (iemid, ts)) do_update() icursor.close() iemaccess.commit() iemaccess.close()
def main(): """Do Something""" sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/plain \n\n") form = cgi.FormContent() metadata = {} mcursor.execute( """SELECT id, ST_x(geom) as lon, ST_y(geom) as lat from stations WHERE network ~* 'ASOS' or network = 'AWOS' and country = 'US' """ ) for row in mcursor: metadata[row[0]] = {"lon": "%.4f" % (row[1],), "lat": "%.4f" % (row[2],)} year = int(form["year"][0]) month = int(form["month"][0]) day = int(form["day"][0]) hour = int(form["hour"][0]) ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(year, month, day, hour) queryCols = ( "tmpf, dwpf, relh, drct, sknt, p01i, alti, mslp, vsby, " "gust, skyc1, skyc2, skyc3, skyc4, skyl1, skyl2, skyl3, " "skyl4, metar" ) outCols = [ "tmpf", "dwpf", "relh", "drct", "sknt", "p01i", "alti", "mslp", "vsby", "gust", "skyc1", "skyc2", "skyc3", "skyc4", "skyl1", "skyl2", "skyl3", "skyl4", "metar", ] fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" queryStr = """SELECT * from t%s WHERE valid >= '%s' and valid < '%s' ORDER by station ASC """ % ( ts.year, (ts - mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(minutes=10)).strftime(fmt), (ts + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(minutes=1)).strftime(fmt), ) rD = "," acursor.execute("SET TIME ZONE 'UTC'") acursor.execute(queryStr) print "station" + rD + "valid (UTC timezone)" + rD + "lon" + rD + "lat" + rD, print queryCols for row in acursor: if row["station"] not in metadata: continue sys.stdout.write(row["station"] + rD) sys.stdout.write(row["valid"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + rD) sys.stdout.write(metadata[row["station"]]["lon"] + rD) sys.stdout.write(metadata[row["station"]]["lat"] + rD) for data1 in outCols: if data1 == "relh": temp = temperature(row["tmpf"], "F") dewp = temperature(row["dwpf"], "F") val = meteorology.relh(temp, dewp).value("%") if val != "M": sys.stdout.write("%.2f%s" % (val, rD)) else: sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,)) elif data1 == "p01m": if row["p01i"] >= 0: sys.stdout.write("%.2f%s" % (row["p01i"] * 25.4, rD)) else: sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,)) elif data1 == "tmpc": if row["tmpf"] is not None: val = temperature(row["tmpf"], "F").value("C") sys.stdout.write("%.2f%s" % (val, rD)) else: sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,)) elif data1 == "dwpc": if row["dwpf"] is not None: val = temperature(row["dwpf"], "F").value("C") sys.stdout.write("%.2f%s" % (val, rD)) else: sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,)) elif data1 in ["metar", "skyc1", "skyc2", "skyc3", "skyc4"]: sys.stdout.write("%s%s" % (row[data1], rD)) elif row[data1] is None or row[data1] <= -99.0: sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,)) else: sys.stdout.write("%2.2f%s" % (row[data1], rD)) print
from pyiem import meteorology dbconn = psycopg2.connect(database='asos', host='iemdb', user='******') cursor = dbconn.cursor() otmpf = [] odwpf = [] cursor.execute("""SELECT tmpf, dwpf from alldata where station = 'DSM' and tmpf >= 80 and dwpf > 0 and tmpf < 110""") for row in cursor: otmpf.append(row[0]) odwpf.append(row[1]) otmpf = dt.temperature(numpy.array(otmpf), 'F') odwpf = dt.temperature(numpy.array(odwpf), 'F') orelh = meteorology.relh(otmpf, odwpf) tmpf = dt.temperature(numpy.arange(80, 110), 'F') dwpf = dt.temperature(numpy.arange(40, 80), 'F') (t, d) = numpy.meshgrid(tmpf.value("F"), dwpf.value("F")) hindex = meteorology.heatindex(dt.temperature(t, 'F'), dt.temperature(d, 'F')) counts = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(hindex.value("F")), 'f') for otmp, odwp in zip(otmpf.value("F"), odwpf.value("F")): if odwp < 40 or odwp >= 79.5: continue counts[(int(round(odwp)) - 40), int(round(otmp)) - 80] += 1.0 ttot = numpy.sum(counts, 0) print ttot
def main(): """ Go main Go """ form = cgi.FieldStorage() try: tzinfo = pytz.timezone(form.getfirst("tz", "Etc/UTC")) except: sys.stdout.write("Invalid Timezone (tz) provided") sys.exit() # Save direct to disk or view in browser direct = True if form.getfirst('direct', 'no') == 'yes' else False stations = get_stations(form) if direct: sys.stdout.write('Content-type: application/octet-stream\n') fn = "%s.txt" % (stations[0],) if len(stations) > 1: fn = "asos.txt" sys.stdout.write('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=%s\n\n' % ( fn,)) else: sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/plain \n\n") dbstations = stations if len(dbstations) == 1: dbstations.append('XYZXYZ') dataVars = form.getlist("data") sts, ets = get_time_bounds(form, tzinfo) delim = form.getfirst("format") if "all" in dataVars: queryCols = ("tmpf, dwpf, relh, drct, sknt, p01i, alti, mslp, " "vsby, gust, skyc1, skyc2, skyc3, skyc4, skyl1, " "skyl2, skyl3, skyl4, presentwx, metar") outCols = ['tmpf', 'dwpf', 'relh', 'drct', 'sknt', 'p01i', 'alti', 'mslp', 'vsby', 'gust', 'skyc1', 'skyc2', 'skyc3', 'skyc4', 'skyl1', 'skyl2', 'skyl3', 'skyl4', 'presentwx', 'metar'] else: dataVars = tuple(dataVars) outCols = dataVars dataVars = str(dataVars)[1:-2] queryCols = re.sub("'", " ", dataVars) if delim == "tdf": rD = "\t" queryCols = re.sub("," , "\t", queryCols) else: rD = "," gtxt = {} gisextra = False if form.getfirst("latlon", "no") == "yes": gisextra = True mcursor.execute("""SELECT id, ST_x(geom) as lon, ST_y(geom) as lat from stations WHERE id in %s and (network ~* 'AWOS' or network ~* 'ASOS')""", (tuple(dbstations),)) for row in mcursor: gtxt[row[0]] = "%.4f%s%.4f%s" % (row['lon'], rD, row['lat'], rD) acursor.execute("""SELECT * from alldata WHERE valid >= %s and valid < %s and station in %s ORDER by valid ASC""", (sts, ets, tuple(dbstations))) sys.stdout.write("#DEBUG: Format Typ -> %s\n" % (delim,)) sys.stdout.write("#DEBUG: Time Period -> %s %s\n" % (sts, ets)) sys.stdout.write("#DEBUG: Time Zone -> %s\n" % (tzinfo,)) sys.stdout.write(("#DEBUG: Data Contact -> daryl herzmann " "[email protected] 515-294-5978\n")) sys.stdout.write("#DEBUG: Entries Found -> %s\n" % (acursor.rowcount,)) sys.stdout.write("station"+rD+"valid"+rD) if gisextra: sys.stdout.write("lon"+rD+"lat"+rD) sys.stdout.write(queryCols+"\n") for row in acursor: sys.stdout.write(row["station"] + rD) sys.stdout.write( (row["valid"].astimezone(tzinfo)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + rD ) if gisextra: sys.stdout.write( gtxt.get(row['station'], "M%sM%s" % (rD, rD)) ) r = [] for data1 in outCols: if data1 == 'relh': if row['tmpf'] is not None and row['dwpf'] is not None: tmpf = temperature(row['tmpf'], 'F') dwpf = temperature(row['dwpf'], 'F') val = meteorology.relh( tmpf, dwpf ) r.append("%.2f" % (val.value("%"),)) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'sped': if row['sknt'] >= 0: r.append("%.1f" % (row['sknt'] * 1.14, )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'gust_mph': if row['gust'] >= 0: r.append("%.1f" % (row['gust'] * 1.14, )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'p01m': if row['p01i'] >= 0: r.append("%.2f" % (row['p01i'] * 25.4, )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'tmpc': if row['tmpf'] is not None: val = temperature( row['tmpf'] , 'F').value('C') r.append("%.2f" % (val, )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'dwpc': if row['dwpf'] is not None: val = temperature( row['dwpf'], 'F').value('C') r.append("%.2f" % (val, )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'presentwx': if row['presentwx'] is not None: r.append("%s" % (row['presentwx'].replace(",", " "), )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 in ["metar","skyc1","skyc2","skyc3","skyc4"]: if row[data1] is None: r.append("M") else: r.append("%s" % (row[data1], )) elif row[ data1 ] is None or row[ data1 ] <= -99.0 or row[ data1 ] == "M": r.append("M") else: r.append("%2.2f" % (row[ data1 ],)) sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % (rD.join(r),))
pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='asos', host='iemdb', user='******') # air temperature, RH, Radiation, WS, and precipitation df = read_sql("""SELECT valid, tmpf, dwpf, sknt, p01i, extract(month from valid) as month, extract(hour from valid + '10 minutes'::interval) as hour, extract(day from valid + '10 minutes'::interval) as day from alldata WHERE station = 'DSM' and extract(month from valid) in (10, 11) and extract(minute from valid) = 54 and valid > '1986-01-01' """, pgconn, index_col=None) df['relh'] = relh(temperature(df['tmpf'], 'F'), temperature(df['dwpf'], 'F')).value('%') gdf = df.groupby(by=['month', 'day', 'hour']).mean() pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='isuag', host='iemdb', user='******') # air temperature, RH, Radiation, WS, and precipitation df2 = read_sql("""SELECT extract(month from valid) as month, extract(hour from valid + '10 minutes'::interval) as hour, extract(day from valid + '10 minutes'::interval) as day, c800 from hourly WHERE station = 'A130209' and extract(month from valid) in (10, 11) """, pgconn, index_col=None)
for sid in indices: idx = indices[sid]['idx'] name = nc.variables["stationName"][idx].tostring().replace('\x00', '') latitude = nc.variables['latitude'][idx] longitude = nc.variables['longitude'][idx] tmpf = s(nc.variables['temperature'][idx]) dwpf = s(nc.variables['dewpoint'][idx]) qcd = nc.variables['temperatureQCD'][idx][0] if qcd < -10 or qcd > 10: tmpf = "M" dwpf = "M" heat = "M" if tmpf != "M" and dwpf != "M": t = temperature(nc.variables['temperature'][idx], 'K') d = temperature(nc.variables['dewpoint'][idx], 'K') relh = meteorology.relh(t, d).value("%") heat = "%5.1f" % (meteorology.heatindex(t, d).value("F"), ) drct = s2(nc.variables['windDir'][idx]) smps = s2(nc.variables['windSpeed'][idx]) sped = "M" if smps != "M": sped = "%5.1f" % (nc.variables['windSpeed'][idx] * 2.23694, ) wcht = "M" if tmpf != "M" and sped != "M": t = temperature(nc.variables['temperature'][idx], 'K') sped = speed(nc.variables['windSpeed'][idx], 'MPS') wcht = "%5.1f" % (meteorology.windchill(t, sped).value("F"), ) ts = indices[sid]['ts']
if met.heatindex(t, td).value('F') > 90: heat = 'Y' if t.value('F') < 50: print t.value('F'), td.value('F'), met.heatindex(t, td).value('F') if row2[1] < 32 and row2[3] > 10: windchill = 'Y' #approx sky = 'Clear' if 'OVC' in [row2[4], row2[5], row2[6]]: sky = 'Overcast' elif 'BKN' in [row2[4], row2[5], row2[6]]: sky = 'Broken' elif 'FEW' in [row2[4], row2[5], row2[6]]: sky = 'Fair Skies' if row2[0].hour > 7 and row2[0].hour < 18: relh.append( met.relh(t,td).value('%') ) tmpf.append( row2[1] ) if sky in ['Overcast', 'Broken']: clcount += 1 cloudy = 'N' if clcount > 4: cloudy = 'Y' relh = np.array(relh) tmpf = np.array(tmpf) avgrelh = np.average(relh) avgtmpf = np.average(tmpf) climatetmpf = (climate[day.strftime("%m%d")]['high'] + climate[day.strftime("%m%d")]['low']) / 2.0 T = 'BELOW' if avgtmpf > climatetmpf:
def plotter(fdict): """ Go """ import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='asos', host='iemdb', user='******') station = fdict.get('zstation', 'AMW') network = fdict.get('network', 'IA_ASOS') nt = NetworkTable(network) year = int(fdict.get('year', 2015)) varname = fdict.get('var', 'mixing_ratio') _ = PDICT[varname] df = read_sql(""" SELECT extract(year from valid) as year, extract(doy from valid) as doy, tmpf, dwpf from alldata where station = %s and dwpf > -50 and dwpf < 90 and tmpf > -50 and tmpf < 120 and valid > '1950-01-01' and report_type = 2 """, pgconn, params=(station,), index_col=None) df['relh'] = relh(temperature(df['tmpf'].values, 'F'), temperature(df['dwpf'].values, 'F')).value('%') df['tmpc'] = temperature(df['tmpf'].values, 'F').value('C') df['svp'] = 0.611 * np.exp(17.502 * df['tmpc'].values / (240.97 + df['tmpc'].values)) df['vpd'] = (1. - (df['relh'] / 100.)) * df['svp'] df['mixing_ratio'] = mixing_ratio( temperature(df['dwpf'].values, 'F')).value('KG/KG') dailymeans = df[['year', 'doy', varname]].groupby(['year', 'doy']).mean() dailymeans = dailymeans.reset_index() df2 = dailymeans[['doy', varname]].groupby('doy').describe() df2 = df2.unstack(level=-1) dyear = df[df['year'] == year] df3 = dyear[['doy', varname]].groupby('doy').describe() df3 = df3.unstack(level=-1) df3['diff'] = df3[(varname, 'mean')] - df2[(varname, 'mean')] (fig, ax) = plt.subplots(2, 1) multiplier = 1000. if varname == 'mixing_ratio' else 10. ax[0].fill_between(df2.index.values, df2[(varname, 'min')] * multiplier, df2[(varname, 'max')] * multiplier, color='gray') ax[0].plot(df2.index.values, df2[(varname, 'mean')] * multiplier, label="Climatology") ax[0].plot(df3.index.values, df3[(varname, 'mean')] * multiplier, color='r', label="%s" % (year, )) ax[0].set_title(("%s [%s]\nDaily Mean Surface %s" ) % (station, nt.sts[station]['name'], PDICT[varname])) lbl = ("Mixing Ratio ($g/kg$)" if varname == 'mixing_ratio' else PDICT[varname]) ax[0].set_ylabel(lbl) ax[0].set_xlim(0, 366) ax[0].set_ylim(bottom=0) ax[0].set_xticks((1, 32, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 365)) ax[0].set_xticklabels(calendar.month_abbr[1:]) ax[0].grid(True) ax[0].legend(loc=2, fontsize=10) cabove = 'b' if varname == 'mixing_ratio' else 'r' cbelow = 'r' if cabove == 'b' else 'b' rects = ax[1].bar(df3.index.values, df3['diff'] * multiplier, facecolor=cabove, edgecolor=cabove) for rect in rects: if rect.get_y() < 0.: rect.set_facecolor(cbelow) rect.set_edgecolor(cbelow) units = '$g/kg$' if varname == 'mixing_ratio' else 'hPa' ax[1].set_ylabel("%.0f Departure (%s)" % (year, units)) ax[1].set_xlim(0, 366) ax[1].set_xticks((1, 32, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 365)) ax[1].set_xticklabels(calendar.month_abbr[1:]) ax[1].grid(True) return fig, df3
def plotter(fdict): """ Go """ import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='asos', host='iemdb', user='******') cursor = pgconn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) station = fdict.get('zstation', 'AMW') network = fdict.get('network', 'IA_ASOS') month = fdict.get('month', 'all') nt = NetworkTable(network) if month == 'all': months = range(1, 13) elif month == 'fall': months = [9, 10, 11] elif month == 'winter': months = [12, 1, 2] elif month == 'spring': months = [3, 4, 5] elif month == 'summer': months = [6, 7, 8] else: ts = datetime.datetime.strptime("2000-"+month+"-01", '%Y-%b-%d') # make sure it is length two for the trick below in SQL months = [ts.month, 999] cursor.execute(""" SELECT tmpf::int as t, dwpf from alldata where station = %s and tmpf is not null and dwpf is not null and dwpf <= tmpf and tmpf >= 0 and tmpf <= 140 and extract(month from valid) in %s """, (station, tuple(months))) sums = np.zeros((140,), 'f') counts = np.zeros((140,), 'f') for row in cursor: r = mixing_ratio(temperature(row[1], 'F')).value('KG/KG') sums[row[0]] += r counts[row[0]] += 1 rows = [] for i in range(140): if counts[i] < 3: continue r = sums[i] / float(counts[i]) d = dewpoint_from_pq(pressure(1000, 'MB'), mixingratio(r, 'KG/KG') ).value('F') rh = relh(temperature(i, 'F'), temperature(d, 'F')).value('%') rows.append(dict(tmpf=i, dwpf=d, rh=rh)) df = pd.DataFrame(rows) tmpf = df['tmpf'] dwpf = df['dwpf'] rh = df['rh'] (fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1), dwpf, ec='green', fc='green', width=1) ax.grid(True, zorder=11) ax.set_title(("%s [%s]\nAverage Dew Point by Air Temperature (month=%s) " "(%s-%s)\n" "(must have 3+ hourly observations at the given temperature)" ) % (nt.sts[station]['name'], station, month.upper(), nt.sts[station]['archive_begin'].year,, size=10) ax.plot([0, 140], [0, 140], color='b') ax.set_ylabel("Dew Point [F]") y2 = ax.twinx() y2.plot(tmpf, rh, color='k') y2.set_ylabel("Relative Humidity [%] (black line)") y2.set_yticks([0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 100]) y2.set_ylim(0, 100) ax.set_ylim(0, max(tmpf)+2) ax.set_xlim(0, max(tmpf)+2) ax.set_xlabel("Air Temperature $^\circ$F") return fig, df
def main(): """ Go main Go """ form = cgi.FieldStorage() try: tzinfo = pytz.timezone(form.getfirst("tz", "Etc/UTC")) except: sys.stdout.write("Invalid Timezone (tz) provided") sys.exit() # Save direct to disk or view in browser direct = True if form.getfirst('direct', 'no') == 'yes' else False stations = get_stations(form) if direct: sys.stdout.write('Content-type: application/octet-stream\n') fn = "%s.txt" % (stations[0], ) if len(stations) > 1: fn = "asos.txt" sys.stdout.write('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=%s\n\n' % (fn, )) else: sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/plain \n\n") dbstations = stations if len(dbstations) == 1: dbstations.append('XYZXYZ') dataVars = form.getlist("data") sts, ets = get_time_bounds(form, tzinfo) delim = form.getfirst("format") if "all" in dataVars: queryCols = ("tmpf, dwpf, relh, drct, sknt, p01i, alti, mslp, " "vsby, gust, skyc1, skyc2, skyc3, skyc4, skyl1, " "skyl2, skyl3, skyl4, presentwx, metar") outCols = [ 'tmpf', 'dwpf', 'relh', 'drct', 'sknt', 'p01i', 'alti', 'mslp', 'vsby', 'gust', 'skyc1', 'skyc2', 'skyc3', 'skyc4', 'skyl1', 'skyl2', 'skyl3', 'skyl4', 'presentwx', 'metar' ] else: dataVars = tuple(dataVars) outCols = dataVars dataVars = str(dataVars)[1:-2] queryCols = re.sub("'", " ", dataVars) if delim == "tdf": rD = "\t" queryCols = re.sub(",", "\t", queryCols) else: rD = "," gtxt = {} gisextra = False if form.getfirst("latlon", "no") == "yes": gisextra = True mcursor.execute( """SELECT id, ST_x(geom) as lon, ST_y(geom) as lat from stations WHERE id in %s and (network ~* 'AWOS' or network ~* 'ASOS')""", (tuple(dbstations), )) for row in mcursor: gtxt[row[0]] = "%.4f%s%.4f%s" % (row['lon'], rD, row['lat'], rD) acursor.execute( """SELECT * from alldata WHERE valid >= %s and valid < %s and station in %s ORDER by valid ASC""", (sts, ets, tuple(dbstations))) sys.stdout.write("#DEBUG: Format Typ -> %s\n" % (delim, )) sys.stdout.write("#DEBUG: Time Period -> %s %s\n" % (sts, ets)) sys.stdout.write("#DEBUG: Time Zone -> %s\n" % (tzinfo, )) sys.stdout.write(("#DEBUG: Data Contact -> daryl herzmann " "[email protected] 515-294-5978\n")) sys.stdout.write("#DEBUG: Entries Found -> %s\n" % (acursor.rowcount, )) sys.stdout.write("station" + rD + "valid" + rD) if gisextra: sys.stdout.write("lon" + rD + "lat" + rD) sys.stdout.write(queryCols + "\n") for row in acursor: sys.stdout.write(row["station"] + rD) sys.stdout.write( (row["valid"].astimezone(tzinfo)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + rD) if gisextra: sys.stdout.write(gtxt.get(row['station'], "M%sM%s" % (rD, rD))) r = [] for data1 in outCols: if data1 == 'relh': if row['tmpf'] is not None and row['dwpf'] is not None: tmpf = temperature(row['tmpf'], 'F') dwpf = temperature(row['dwpf'], 'F') val = meteorology.relh(tmpf, dwpf) r.append("%.2f" % (val.value("%"), )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'sped': if row['sknt'] >= 0: r.append("%.1f" % (row['sknt'] * 1.14, )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'gust_mph': if row['gust'] >= 0: r.append("%.1f" % (row['gust'] * 1.14, )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'p01m': if row['p01i'] >= 0: r.append("%.2f" % (row['p01i'] * 25.4, )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'tmpc': if row['tmpf'] is not None: val = temperature(row['tmpf'], 'F').value('C') r.append("%.2f" % (val, )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'dwpc': if row['dwpf'] is not None: val = temperature(row['dwpf'], 'F').value('C') r.append("%.2f" % (val, )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 == 'presentwx': if row['presentwx'] is not None: r.append("%s" % (row['presentwx'].replace(",", " "), )) else: r.append("M") elif data1 in ["metar", "skyc1", "skyc2", "skyc3", "skyc4"]: if row[data1] is None: r.append("M") else: r.append("%s" % (row[data1], )) elif row[data1] is None or row[data1] <= -99.0 or row[data1] == "M": r.append("M") else: r.append("%2.2f" % (row[data1], )) sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % (rD.join(r), ))
def main(): """Do Something""" sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/plain \n\n") form = cgi.FormContent() metadata = {} mcursor.execute("""SELECT id, ST_x(geom) as lon, ST_y(geom) as lat from stations WHERE network ~* 'ASOS' or network = 'AWOS' and country = 'US' """) for row in mcursor: metadata[row[0]] = {'lon': "%.4f" % (row[1],), 'lat': "%.4f" % (row[2],)} year = int(form["year"][0]) month = int(form["month"][0]) day = int(form["day"][0]) hour = int(form["hour"][0]) ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(year, month, day, hour) queryCols = ("tmpf, dwpf, relh, drct, sknt, p01i, alti, mslp, vsby, " "gust, skyc1, skyc2, skyc3, skyc4, skyl1, skyl2, skyl3, " "skyl4, metar") outCols = ['tmpf', 'dwpf', 'relh', 'drct', 'sknt', 'p01i', 'alti', 'mslp', 'vsby', 'gust', 'skyc1', 'skyc2', 'skyc3', 'skyc4', 'skyl1', 'skyl2', 'skyl3', 'skyl4', 'metar'] fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" queryStr = """SELECT * from t%s WHERE valid >= '%s' and valid < '%s' ORDER by station ASC """ % (ts.year, (ts - mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(minutes=10)).strftime(fmt), (ts + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(minutes=1)).strftime(fmt)) rD = "," acursor.execute("SET TIME ZONE 'UTC'") acursor.execute(queryStr) print "station"+rD+"valid (UTC timezone)"+rD+"lon"+rD+"lat"+rD, print queryCols for row in acursor: if row['station'] not in metadata: continue sys.stdout.write(row["station"] + rD) sys.stdout.write(row["valid"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + rD) sys.stdout.write(metadata[row['station']]['lon'] + rD) sys.stdout.write(metadata[row['station']]['lat'] + rD) for data1 in outCols: if data1 == 'relh': temp = temperature(row['tmpf'], 'F') dewp = temperature(row['dwpf'], 'F') val = meteorology.relh(temp, dewp).value('%') if val != "M": sys.stdout.write("%.2f%s" % (val, rD)) else: sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,)) elif data1 == 'p01m': if row['p01i'] >= 0: sys.stdout.write("%.2f%s" % (row['p01i'] * 25.4, rD)) else: sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,)) elif data1 == 'tmpc': if row['tmpf'] is not None: val = temperature(row['tmpf'], 'F').value('C') sys.stdout.write("%.2f%s" % (val, rD)) else: sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,)) elif data1 == 'dwpc': if row['dwpf'] is not None: val = temperature(row['dwpf'], 'F').value('C') sys.stdout.write("%.2f%s" % (val, rD)) else: sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,)) elif data1 in ["metar", "skyc1", "skyc2", "skyc3", "skyc4"]: sys.stdout.write("%s%s" % (row[data1], rD)) elif row[data1] is None or row[data1] <= -99.0: sys.stdout.write("M%s" % (rD,)) else: sys.stdout.write("%2.2f%s" % (row[data1], rD)) print