Example #1
 def test_centered_bins(self):
     """See that we can compute some nice centered bins"""
     a = plot.centered_bins(10, bins=9)
     self.assertEquals(a[0], -12)
     a = plot.centered_bins(55, bins=9)
     self.assertEquals(a[0], -56)
     a = plot.centered_bins(99, bins=9)
     self.assertEquals(a[0], -100)
     a = plot.centered_bins(0.9, bins=9)
     self.assertEquals(a[0], -0.9)
Example #2
def test_centered_bins():
    """See that we can compute some nice centered bins"""
    a = centered_bins(10, bins=9)
    assert a[0] == -12
    a = centered_bins(55, bins=9)
    assert a[0] == -56
    a = centered_bins(99, bins=9)
    assert a[0] == -100
    a = centered_bins(0.9, bins=9)
    assert a[0] == -0.9
Example #3
 def test_centered_bins(self):
     """See that we can compute some nice centered bins"""
     a = plot.centered_bins(10, bins=9)
     self.assertEquals(a[0], -12)
     a = plot.centered_bins(55, bins=9)
     self.assertEquals(a[0], -56)
     a = plot.centered_bins(99, bins=9)
     self.assertEquals(a[0], -100)
     a = plot.centered_bins(0.9, bins=9)
     self.assertEquals(a[0], -0.9)
Example #4
def plotter(fdict):
    """ Go """
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='coop', host='iemdb', user='******')
    ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
    state = ctx['state'][:2]
    sector = ctx['sector']
    opt = ctx['opt']
    p1syear = ctx['p1syear']
    p1eyear = ctx['p1eyear']
    p2syear = ctx['p2syear']
    p2eyear = ctx['p2eyear']
    varname = ctx['var']

    table = "alldata"
    if sector == 'state':
        table = "alldata_%s" % (state, )

    df = read_sql("""
    WITH season1 as (
        SELECT station, year,
        min(case when month > 7 and low < 32 then
            extract(doy from day) else 366 end) as first_freeze,
        max(case when month < 7 and low < 32 then
            extract(doy from day) else 0 end) as last_freeze
        from """ + table + """ WHERE
        year >= %s and year <= %s GROUP by station, year),
    season2 as (
        SELECT station, year,
        min(case when month > 7 and low < 32 then
            extract(doy from day) else 366 end) as first_freeze,
        max(case when month < 7 and low < 32 then
            extract(doy from day) else 0 end) as last_freeze
        from """ + table + """ WHERE
        year >= %s and year <= %s GROUP by station, year),
    agg as (
        SELECT p1.station, avg(p1.first_freeze) as p1_first_fall,
        avg(p1.last_freeze) as p1_last_spring,
        avg(p2.first_freeze) as p2_first_fall,
        avg(p2.last_freeze) as p2_last_spring
        from season1 as p1 JOIN season2 as p2 on (p1.station = p2.station)
        GROUP by p1.station)

    SELECT station, ST_X(geom) as lon, ST_Y(geom) as lat,
    d.* from agg d JOIN stations t ON (d.station = t.id)
    and substr(station, 3, 1) != 'C' and substr(station, 3, 4) != '0000'
                  params=[p1syear, p1eyear, p2syear, p2eyear],
    df['p1_season'] = df['p1_first_fall'] - df['p1_last_spring']
    df['p2_season'] = df['p2_first_fall'] - df['p2_last_spring']
    df['season_delta'] = df['p2_season'] - df['p1_season']
    df['spring_delta'] = df['p2_last_spring'] - df['p1_last_spring']
    df['fall_delta'] = df['p2_first_fall'] - df['p1_first_fall']
    # Reindex so that most extreme values are first
    df = df.reindex(df[varname +

    title = PDICT3[varname]
    m = MapPlot(sector=sector,
                title=('%.0f-%.0f minus %.0f-%.0f %s Difference') %
                (p2syear, p2eyear, p1syear, p1eyear, title),
                subtitle=('based on IEM Archives'),
    # Create 9 levels centered on zero
    abval = df[varname + '_delta'].abs().max()
    levels = centered_bins(abval)
    if opt in ['both', 'contour']:
                   df[varname + '_delta'].values,
    if sector == 'state':
    if opt in ['both', 'values']:
                      df[varname + '_delta'].values,

    return m.fig, df
Example #5
def plotter(fdict):
    """ Go """
    pgconn = get_dbconn('coop')
    ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())

    state = ctx['state']
    varname = ctx['var']
    sector = ctx['sector']
    threshold = ctx['threshold']
    opt = ctx['opt']
    month = ctx['month']
    p1syear = ctx['p1syear']
    p1eyear = ctx['p1eyear']
    p1yearreq = (p1eyear - p1syear)
    p2syear = ctx['p2syear']
    p2eyear = ctx['p2eyear']
    p2yearreq = (p2eyear - p2syear)
    opt1 = ctx['opt1']

    if month == 'all':
        months = range(1, 13)
    elif month == 'fall':
        months = [9, 10, 11]
    elif month == 'winter':
        months = [12, 1, 2]
    elif month == 'spring':
        months = [3, 4, 5]
    elif month == 'summer':
        months = [6, 7, 8]
    elif month == 'gs':
        months = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
        ts = datetime.datetime.strptime("2000-"+month+"-01", '%Y-%b-%d')
        # make sure it is length two for the trick below in SQL
        months = [ts.month]

    table = "alldata"
    if sector == 'state':
        # optimization
        table = "alldata_%s" % (state,)

    df = read_sql("""
    WITH period1 as (
        SELECT station, year, sum(precip) as total_precip,
        avg((high+low) / 2.) as avg_temp, avg(high) as avg_high,
        avg(low) as avg_low,
        sum(gddxx(50, 86, high, low)) as sum_gdd,
        sum(case when high > 86 then high - 86 else 0 end) as sum_sdd,
        sum(case when high >= %s then 1 else 0 end) as days_high_above
        from """ + table + """ WHERE year >= %s and year < %s
        and month in %s GROUP by station, year),
    period2 as (
        SELECT station, year, sum(precip) as total_precip,
        avg((high+low) / 2.) as avg_temp, avg(high) as avg_high,
        avg(low) as avg_low,
        sum(gddxx(50, 86, high, low)) as sum_gdd,
        sum(case when high > 86 then high - 86 else 0 end) as sum_sdd,
        sum(case when high >= %s then 1 else 0 end) as days_high_above
        from """ + table + """ WHERE year >= %s and year < %s
        and month in %s GROUP by station, year),
    p1agg as (
        SELECT station, avg(total_precip) as precip,
        avg(avg_temp) as avg_temp, avg(avg_high) as avg_high,
        avg(avg_low) as avg_low, avg(sum_sdd) as sdd,
        avg(sum_gdd) as gdd,
        avg(days_high_above) as avg_days_high_above,
        count(*) as count
        from period1 GROUP by station),
    p2agg as (
        SELECT station, avg(total_precip) as precip,
        avg(avg_temp) as avg_temp, avg(avg_high) as avg_high,
        avg(avg_low) as avg_low, avg(sum_sdd) as sdd,
        avg(sum_gdd) as gdd,
        avg(days_high_above) as avg_days_high_above,
        count(*) as count
        from period2 GROUP by station),
    agg as (
        SELECT p2.station,
        p2.precip as p2_total_precip, p1.precip as p1_total_precip,
        p2.gdd as p2_gdd, p1.gdd as p1_gdd,
        p2.sdd as p2_sdd, p1.sdd as p1_sdd,
        p2.avg_temp as p2_avg_temp, p1.avg_temp as p1_avg_temp,
        p1.avg_high as p1_avg_high, p2.avg_high as p2_avg_high,
        p1.avg_low as p1_avg_low, p2.avg_low as p2_avg_low,
        p1.avg_days_high_above as p1_days_high_above,
        p2.avg_days_high_above as p2_days_high_above
        from p1agg p1 JOIN p2agg p2 on
        (p1.station = p2.station)
        WHERE p1.count >= %s and p2.count >= %s)

    SELECT station, ST_X(geom) as lon, ST_Y(geom) as lat,
    d.* from agg d JOIN stations t ON (d.station = t.id)
    WHERE t.network ~* 'CLIMATE'
    and substr(station, 3, 1) != 'C' and substr(station, 3, 4) != '0000'
    """, pgconn, params=[threshold, p1syear, p1eyear, tuple(months),
                         threshold, p2syear, p2eyear, tuple(months),
                         p1yearreq, p2yearreq],
    df['total_precip'] = df['p2_total_precip'] - df['p1_total_precip']
    df['avg_temp'] = df['p2_avg_temp'] - df['p1_avg_temp']
    df['avg_high'] = df['p2_avg_high'] - df['p1_avg_high']
    df['avg_low'] = df['p2_avg_low'] - df['p1_avg_low']
    df['gdd'] = df['p2_gdd'] - df['p1_gdd']
    df['sdd'] = df['p2_sdd'] - df['p1_sdd']
    df['days_high_above'] = (df['p2_days_high_above'] -
    column = varname
    title = "%s %s" % (MDICT[month], PDICT3[varname])
    title = title.replace("[Threshold]", '%.1f' % (threshold,))
    if opt1 == 'p1':
        column = 'p1_%s' % (varname,)
        title = '%.0f-%.0f %s' % (p1syear, p1eyear, title)
        title = ('%.0f-%.0f minus %.0f-%.0f %s Difference'
                 ) % (p2syear, p2eyear, p1syear, p1eyear, title)

    # Reindex so that most extreme values are first
    df = df.reindex(df[column].abs().sort_values(ascending=False).index)
    # drop 5% most extreme events, too much?
    df2 = df.iloc[int(len(df.index) * 0.05):]

    mp = MapPlot(sector=sector, state=state, axisbg='white', title=title,
                 subtitle=('based on IEM Archives'),
    if opt1 == 'diff':
        # Create 9 levels centered on zero
        abval = df2[column].abs().max()
        levels = centered_bins(abval)
        levels = [round(v, PRECISION[varname])
                  for v in np.percentile(df2[column].values, range(0, 101,
    if opt in ['both', 'contour']:
        mp.contourf(df2['lon'].values, df2['lat'].values,
                    df2[column].values, levels,
                    cmap=plt.get_cmap(('seismic_r' if varname == 'total_precip'
                                       else 'seismic')),
    if sector == 'state':
    if opt in ['both', 'values']:
        mp.plot_values(df2['lon'].values, df2['lat'].values,
                       fmt='%%.%if' % (PRECISION[varname],), labelbuffer=5)

    return mp.fig, df
Example #6
def plotter(fdict):
    """ Go """
    pgconn = get_dbconn("coop")
    ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
    state = ctx["state"][:2]
    sector = ctx["sector"]
    opt = ctx["opt"]
    p1syear = ctx["p1syear"]
    p1eyear = ctx["p1eyear"]
    p2syear = ctx["p2syear"]
    p2eyear = ctx["p2eyear"]
    varname = ctx["var"]

    table = "alldata"
    if sector == "state":
        table = "alldata_%s" % (state,)

    df = read_sql(
    WITH season1 as (
        SELECT station, year,
        min(case when month > 7 and low < 32 then
            extract(doy from day) else 366 end) as first_freeze,
        max(case when month < 7 and low < 32 then
            extract(doy from day) else 0 end) as last_freeze
        from """
        + table
        + """ WHERE
        year >= %s and year <= %s GROUP by station, year),
    season2 as (
        SELECT station, year,
        min(case when month > 7 and low < 32 then
            extract(doy from day) else 366 end) as first_freeze,
        max(case when month < 7 and low < 32 then
            extract(doy from day) else 0 end) as last_freeze
        from """
        + table
        + """ WHERE
        year >= %s and year <= %s GROUP by station, year),
    agg as (
        SELECT p1.station, avg(p1.first_freeze) as p1_first_fall,
        avg(p1.last_freeze) as p1_last_spring,
        avg(p2.first_freeze) as p2_first_fall,
        avg(p2.last_freeze) as p2_last_spring
        from season1 as p1 JOIN season2 as p2 on (p1.station = p2.station)
        GROUP by p1.station)

    SELECT station, ST_X(geom) as lon, ST_Y(geom) as lat,
    d.* from agg d JOIN stations t ON (d.station = t.id)
    WHERE t.network ~* 'CLIMATE'
    and substr(station, 3, 1) != 'C' and substr(station, 3, 4) != '0000'
        params=[p1syear, p1eyear, p2syear, p2eyear],
    if df.empty:
        raise NoDataFound("No Data Found")
    df["p1_season"] = df["p1_first_fall"] - df["p1_last_spring"]
    df["p2_season"] = df["p2_first_fall"] - df["p2_last_spring"]
    df["season_delta"] = df["p2_season"] - df["p1_season"]
    df["spring_delta"] = df["p2_last_spring"] - df["p1_last_spring"]
    df["fall_delta"] = df["p2_first_fall"] - df["p1_first_fall"]
    # Reindex so that most extreme values are first
    df = df.reindex(
        df[varname + "_delta"].abs().sort_values(ascending=False).index

    title = PDICT3[varname]
    mp = MapPlot(
        title=("%.0f-%.0f minus %.0f-%.0f %s Difference")
        % (p2syear, p2eyear, p1syear, p1eyear, title),
        subtitle=("based on IEM Archives"),
    # Create 9 levels centered on zero
    abval = df[varname + "_delta"].abs().max()
    levels = centered_bins(abval)
    if opt in ["both", "contour"]:
            df[varname + "_delta"].values,
    if sector == "state":
    if opt in ["both", "values"]:
            df[varname + "_delta"].values,

    return mp.fig, df
Example #7
File: p151.py Project: Xawwell/iem
def plotter(fdict):
    """ Go """
    pgconn = get_dbconn("coop")
    ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())

    state = ctx["state"]
    varname = ctx["var"]
    sector = ctx["sector"]
    threshold = ctx["threshold"]
    opt = ctx["opt"]
    month = ctx["month"]
    p1syear = ctx["p1syear"]
    p1eyear = ctx["p1eyear"]
    p1yearreq = p1eyear - p1syear
    p2syear = ctx["p2syear"]
    p2eyear = ctx["p2eyear"]
    p2yearreq = p2eyear - p2syear
    opt1 = ctx["opt1"]

    if month == "all":
        months = range(1, 13)
    elif month == "fall":
        months = [9, 10, 11]
    elif month == "winter":
        months = [12, 1, 2]
    elif month == "spring":
        months = [3, 4, 5]
    elif month == "summer":
        months = [6, 7, 8]
    elif month == "gs":
        months = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
        ts = datetime.datetime.strptime("2000-" + month + "-01", "%Y-%b-%d")
        # make sure it is length two for the trick below in SQL
        months = [ts.month]

    table = "alldata"
    if sector == "state":
        # optimization
        table = "alldata_%s" % (state, )

    df = read_sql(
    WITH period1 as (
        SELECT station, year, sum(precip) as total_precip,
        avg((high+low) / 2.) as avg_temp, avg(high) as avg_high,
        avg(low) as avg_low,
        sum(gddxx(50, 86, high, low)) as sum_gdd,
        sum(case when high > 86 then high - 86 else 0 end) as sum_sdd,
        sum(case when high >= %s then 1 else 0 end) as days_high_above
        from """ + table + """ WHERE year >= %s and year < %s
        and month in %s GROUP by station, year),
    period2 as (
        SELECT station, year, sum(precip) as total_precip,
        avg((high+low) / 2.) as avg_temp, avg(high) as avg_high,
        avg(low) as avg_low,
        sum(gddxx(50, 86, high, low)) as sum_gdd,
        sum(case when high > 86 then high - 86 else 0 end) as sum_sdd,
        sum(case when high >= %s then 1 else 0 end) as days_high_above
        from """ + table + """ WHERE year >= %s and year < %s
        and month in %s GROUP by station, year),
    p1agg as (
        SELECT station, avg(total_precip) as precip,
        avg(avg_temp) as avg_temp, avg(avg_high) as avg_high,
        avg(avg_low) as avg_low, avg(sum_sdd) as sdd,
        avg(sum_gdd) as gdd,
        avg(days_high_above) as avg_days_high_above,
        count(*) as count
        from period1 GROUP by station),
    p2agg as (
        SELECT station, avg(total_precip) as precip,
        avg(avg_temp) as avg_temp, avg(avg_high) as avg_high,
        avg(avg_low) as avg_low, avg(sum_sdd) as sdd,
        avg(sum_gdd) as gdd,
        avg(days_high_above) as avg_days_high_above,
        count(*) as count
        from period2 GROUP by station),
    agg as (
        SELECT p2.station,
        p2.precip as p2_total_precip, p1.precip as p1_total_precip,
        p2.gdd as p2_gdd, p1.gdd as p1_gdd,
        p2.sdd as p2_sdd, p1.sdd as p1_sdd,
        p2.avg_temp as p2_avg_temp, p1.avg_temp as p1_avg_temp,
        p1.avg_high as p1_avg_high, p2.avg_high as p2_avg_high,
        p1.avg_low as p1_avg_low, p2.avg_low as p2_avg_low,
        p1.avg_days_high_above as p1_days_high_above,
        p2.avg_days_high_above as p2_days_high_above
        from p1agg p1 JOIN p2agg p2 on
        (p1.station = p2.station)
        WHERE p1.count >= %s and p2.count >= %s)

    SELECT station, ST_X(geom) as lon, ST_Y(geom) as lat,
    d.* from agg d JOIN stations t ON (d.station = t.id)
    WHERE t.network ~* 'CLIMATE'
    and substr(station, 3, 1) != 'C' and substr(station, 3, 4) != '0000'
    if df.empty:
        raise NoDataFound("No Data Found.")
    df["total_precip"] = df["p2_total_precip"] - df["p1_total_precip"]
    df["avg_temp"] = df["p2_avg_temp"] - df["p1_avg_temp"]
    df["avg_high"] = df["p2_avg_high"] - df["p1_avg_high"]
    df["avg_low"] = df["p2_avg_low"] - df["p1_avg_low"]
    df["gdd"] = df["p2_gdd"] - df["p1_gdd"]
    df["sdd"] = df["p2_sdd"] - df["p1_sdd"]
    df["days_high_above"] = df["p2_days_high_above"] - df["p1_days_high_above"]
    column = varname
    title = "%s %s" % (MDICT[month], PDICT3[varname])
    title = title.replace("[Threshold]", "%.1f" % (threshold, ))
    if opt1 == "p1":
        column = "p1_%s" % (varname, )
        title = "%.0f-%.0f %s" % (p1syear, p1eyear, title)
        title = ("%.0f-%.0f minus %.0f-%.0f %s Difference") % (

    # Reindex so that most extreme values are first
    df = df.reindex(df[column].abs().sort_values(ascending=False).index)
    # drop 5% most extreme events, too much?
    df2 = df.iloc[int(len(df.index) * 0.05):]

    mp = MapPlot(
        subtitle=("based on IEM Archives"),
    if opt1 == "diff":
        # Create 9 levels centered on zero
        abval = df2[column].abs().max()
        levels = centered_bins(abval)
        levels = [
            round(v, PRECISION[varname])
            for v in np.percentile(df2[column].values, range(0, 101, 10))
    if opt in ["both", "contour"]:
    if sector == "state":
    if opt in ["both", "values"]:
            fmt="%%.%if" % (PRECISION[varname], ),

    return mp.fig, df
Example #8
File: p152.py Project: akrherz/iem
def plotter(fdict):
    """ Go """
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='coop', host='iemdb', user='******')
    ctx = get_autoplot_context(fdict, get_description())
    state = ctx['state'][:2]
    sector = ctx['sector']
    opt = ctx['opt']
    p1syear = ctx['p1syear']
    p1eyear = ctx['p1eyear']
    p2syear = ctx['p2syear']
    p2eyear = ctx['p2eyear']
    varname = ctx['var']

    table = "alldata"
    if sector == 'state':
        table = "alldata_%s" % (state, )

    df = read_sql("""
    WITH season1 as (
        SELECT station, year,
        min(case when month > 7 and low < 32 then
            extract(doy from day) else 366 end) as first_freeze,
        max(case when month < 7 and low < 32 then
            extract(doy from day) else 0 end) as last_freeze
        from """ + table + """ WHERE
        year >= %s and year <= %s GROUP by station, year),
    season2 as (
        SELECT station, year,
        min(case when month > 7 and low < 32 then
            extract(doy from day) else 366 end) as first_freeze,
        max(case when month < 7 and low < 32 then
            extract(doy from day) else 0 end) as last_freeze
        from """ + table + """ WHERE
        year >= %s and year <= %s GROUP by station, year),
    agg as (
        SELECT p1.station, avg(p1.first_freeze) as p1_first_fall,
        avg(p1.last_freeze) as p1_last_spring,
        avg(p2.first_freeze) as p2_first_fall,
        avg(p2.last_freeze) as p2_last_spring
        from season1 as p1 JOIN season2 as p2 on (p1.station = p2.station)
        GROUP by p1.station)

    SELECT station, ST_X(geom) as lon, ST_Y(geom) as lat,
    d.* from agg d JOIN stations t ON (d.station = t.id)
    and substr(station, 3, 1) != 'C' and substr(station, 3, 4) != '0000'
    """, pgconn, params=[p1syear, p1eyear,
                         p2syear, p2eyear],
    df['p1_season'] = df['p1_first_fall'] - df['p1_last_spring']
    df['p2_season'] = df['p2_first_fall'] - df['p2_last_spring']
    df['season_delta'] = df['p2_season'] - df['p1_season']
    df['spring_delta'] = df['p2_last_spring'] - df['p1_last_spring']
    df['fall_delta'] = df['p2_first_fall'] - df['p1_first_fall']
    # Reindex so that most extreme values are first
    df = df.reindex(df[varname + '_delta'].abs().sort_values(

    title = PDICT3[varname]
    m = MapPlot(sector=sector, state=state, axisbg='white',
                title=('%.0f-%.0f minus %.0f-%.0f %s Difference'
                       ) % (p2syear, p2eyear, p1syear, p1eyear, title),
                subtitle=('based on IEM Archives'),
    # Create 9 levels centered on zero
    abval = df[varname + '_delta'].abs().max()
    levels = centered_bins(abval)
    if opt in ['both', 'contour']:
        m.contourf(df['lon'].values, df['lat'].values,
                   df[varname + '_delta'].values, levels,
    if sector == 'state':
    if opt in ['both', 'values']:
        m.plot_values(df['lon'].values, df['lat'].values,
                      df[varname + '_delta'].values,
                      fmt='%.1f', labelbuffer=5)

    return m.fig, df
Example #9
def plotter(fdict):
    """ Go """
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    pgconn = psycopg2.connect(database='coop', host='iemdb', user='******')

    state = fdict.get('state', 'IA')[:2]
    varname = fdict.get('var', 'total_precip')
    sector = fdict.get('sector', 'state')
    threshold = float(fdict.get('threshold', -99))
    opt = fdict.get('opt', 'both')
    month = fdict.get('month', 'all')
    p1syear = int(fdict.get('p1syear', 1951))
    p1eyear = int(fdict.get('p1eyear', 1980))
    p2syear = int(fdict.get('p2syear', 1981))
    p2eyear = int(fdict.get('p2eyear', 2010))

    if month == 'all':
        months = range(1, 13)
    elif month == 'fall':
        months = [9, 10, 11]
    elif month == 'winter':
        months = [12, 1, 2]
    elif month == 'spring':
        months = [3, 4, 5]
    elif month == 'summer':
        months = [6, 7, 8]
    elif month == 'gs':
        months = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
        ts = datetime.datetime.strptime("2000-"+month+"-01", '%Y-%b-%d')
        # make sure it is length two for the trick below in SQL
        months = [ts.month]

    table = "alldata"
    if sector == 'state':
        # optimization
        table = "alldata_%s" % (state,)

    df = read_sql("""
    WITH period1 as (
        SELECT station, year, sum(precip) as total_precip,
        avg((high+low) / 2.) as avg_temp, avg(high) as avg_high,
        avg(low) as avg_low,
        sum(gddxx(50, 86, high, low)) as sum_gdd,
        sum(case when high > 86 then high - 86 else 0 end) as sum_sdd,
        sum(case when high >= %s then 1 else 0 end) as days_high_above
        from """ + table + """ WHERE year >= %s and year < %s
        and month in %s GROUP by station, year),
    period2 as (
        SELECT station, year, sum(precip) as total_precip,
        avg((high+low) / 2.) as avg_temp, avg(high) as avg_high,
        avg(low) as avg_low,
        sum(gddxx(50, 86, high, low)) as sum_gdd,
        sum(case when high > 86 then high - 86 else 0 end) as sum_sdd,
        sum(case when high >= %s then 1 else 0 end) as days_high_above
        from """ + table + """ WHERE year >= %s and year < %s
        and month in %s GROUP by station, year),
    p1agg as (
        SELECT station, avg(total_precip) as precip,
        avg(avg_temp) as avg_temp, avg(avg_high) as avg_high,
        avg(avg_low) as avg_low, avg(sum_sdd) as sdd,
        avg(sum_gdd) as gdd,
        avg(days_high_above) as avg_days_high_above
        from period1 GROUP by station),
    p2agg as (
        SELECT station, avg(total_precip) as precip,
        avg(avg_temp) as avg_temp, avg(avg_high) as avg_high,
        avg(avg_low) as avg_low, avg(sum_sdd) as sdd,
        avg(sum_gdd) as gdd,
        avg(days_high_above) as avg_days_high_above
        from period2 GROUP by station),
    agg as (
        SELECT p2.station, p2.precip as p2_precip, p1.precip as p1_precip,
        p2.gdd as p2_gdd, p1.gdd as p1_gdd,
        p2.sdd as p2_sdd, p1.sdd as p1_sdd,
        p2.avg_temp as p2_avg_temp, p1.avg_temp as p1_avg_temp,
        p1.avg_high as p1_avg_high, p2.avg_high as p2_avg_high,
        p1.avg_low as p1_avg_low, p2.avg_low as p2_avg_low,
        p1.avg_days_high_above as p1_avg_days_high_above,
        p2.avg_days_high_above as p2_avg_days_high_above
        from p1agg p1 JOIN p2agg p2 on
        (p1.station = p2.station))

    SELECT station, ST_X(geom) as lon, ST_Y(geom) as lat,
    d.* from agg d JOIN stations t ON (d.station = t.id)
    and substr(station, 3, 1) != 'C' and substr(station, 3, 4) != '0000'
    """, pgconn, params=[threshold, p1syear, p1eyear, tuple(months),
                         threshold, p2syear, p2eyear, tuple(months)],
    df['total_precip'] = df['p2_precip'] - df['p1_precip']
    df['avg_temp'] = df['p2_avg_temp'] - df['p1_avg_temp']
    df['avg_high'] = df['p2_avg_high'] - df['p1_avg_high']
    df['avg_low'] = df['p2_avg_low'] - df['p1_avg_low']
    df['gdd'] = df['p2_gdd'] - df['p1_gdd']
    df['sdd'] = df['p2_sdd'] - df['p1_sdd']
    df['days_high_above'] = (df['p2_avg_days_high_above'] -
    # Reindex so that most extreme values are first
    df = df.reindex(df[varname].abs().sort_values(ascending=False).index)
    # drop 5% most extreme events, too much?
    df2 = df.iloc[int(len(df.index) * 0.05):]

    title = "%s %s" % (MDICT[month], PDICT3[varname])
    title = title.replace("[Threshold]", '%.1f' % (threshold,))
    m = MapPlot(sector=sector, state=state, axisbg='white',
                title=('%.0f-%.0f minus %.0f-%.0f %s Difference'
                       ) % (p2syear, p2eyear, p1syear, p1eyear, title),
                subtitle=('based on IEM Archives'),
    # Create 9 levels centered on zero
    abval = df2[varname].abs().max()
    levels = centered_bins(abval)
    if opt in ['both', 'contour']:
        m.contourf(df2['lon'].values, df2['lat'].values,
                   df2[varname].values, levels,
                   cmap=plt.get_cmap(('seismic_r' if varname == 'total_precip'
                                      else 'seismic')),
    if sector == 'state':
    if opt in ['both', 'values']:
        m.plot_values(df2['lon'].values, df2['lat'].values,
                      fmt='%%.%if' % (PRECISION[varname],))

    return m.fig, df