Example #1
 def test_initialization_from_data(self):
     n_e = 50
     hs = N.ones(n_e)*1./n_e
     n_cp = 3
     nlp = NLPCollocationLagrangePolynomials(self.model, n_e, hs, n_cp)
     self.data = ResultDymolaTextual(
     self.assert_all_trajectories(['x', 'der(x)', 'u'])
    def test_initialization_from_data(self):
        n_e = 50
        hs = N.ones(n_e) * 1. / n_e
        n_cp = 3

        nlp = NLPCollocationLagrangePolynomials(self.model, n_e, hs, n_cp)
        nlp.set_initial_from_dymola(self.expected, hs, 0, 1)
        self.data = ResultDymolaTextual(
        self.assert_all_trajectories(['x', 'der(x)', 'u'])
    def test_init(self):

        m = JMUModel(self.jn)

        # Create a new collocation object
        n_e = 30
        coll = NLPCollocationLagrangePolynomials(m, n_e, N.ones(n_e) / n_e, 3)

        # Initialize with optimization result
        coll.set_initial_from_dymola(self.res.result_data, N.array([]), 0, 1)

        # Write initial point to file

        # Load result
        res_init = ResultDymolaTextual('Init_res.txt')

        # Load test fixture
        res_init_fix = ResultDymolaTextual(
            self.curr_dir + '/../files/Results/MinTimeInit_init_fix.txt')

        # Extract trajectories
        dx = res_init.get_variable_data('der(x)')
        dv = res_init.get_variable_data('der(v)')
        x = res_init.get_variable_data('x')
        v = res_init.get_variable_data('v')
        u = res_init.get_variable_data('u')

        dx_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('der(x)')
        dv_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('der(v)')
        x_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('x')
        v_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('v')
        u_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('u')

        # Comparison tests
        N.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(dx_fix.x, dx.x)
        N.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(dv_fix.x, dv.x)
        N.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(x_fix.x, x.x)
        N.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(v_fix.x, v.x)
        N.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(u_fix.x, u.x)

        if False:
            plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
            plt.plot(x.t, x.x, 'r')
            plt.plot(v.t, v.x, 'r')
            plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
            plt.plot(u.t, u.x, 'r')
Example #4
    def test_init(self):

        m = JMUModel(self.jn)

        # Create a new collocation object
        n_e = 30
        coll = NLPCollocationLagrangePolynomials(m,n_e, N.ones(n_e)/n_e, 3)

        # Initialize with optimization result

        # Write initial point to file

        # Load result
        res_init = ResultDymolaTextual('Init_res.txt')

        # Load test fixture
        res_init_fix = ResultDymolaTextual(self.curr_dir + '/../files/Results/MinTimeInit_init_fix.txt')

        # Extract trajectories
        dx = res_init.get_variable_data('der(x)')
        dv = res_init.get_variable_data('der(v)')
        x = res_init.get_variable_data('x')
        v = res_init.get_variable_data('v')
        u = res_init.get_variable_data('u')

        dx_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('der(x)')
        dv_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('der(v)')
        x_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('x')
        v_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('v')
        u_fix = res_init_fix.get_variable_data('u')

        # Comparison tests

        if False:
Example #5
class TestOptInitBlockingFactors:
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__));
        mofile = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Modelica', 

        m = compile_jmu("BlockingInitPack.M_init", mofile)
        cls.model = JMUModel(m)
        m = compile_jmu("BlockingInitPack.M_Opt",mofile)
        cls.opt_model = JMUModel(m)
    @testattr(ipopt = True)
    def setUp(self):
        resfile = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Results', 
        self.res_init = ResultDymolaTextual(resfile)

        self.n_e = 5 # Number of elements 
        self.hs = N.ones(self.n_e)*1./self.n_e # Equidistant points
        self.n_cp = 3; # Number of collocation points in each element

        # Blocking factors for control parametrization

        self.nlp = NLPCollocationLagrangePolynomials(self.opt_model,

        self.nlp.set_initial_from_dymola(self.res_init, self.hs, 0., 10.)


        self.res_init2 = ResultDymolaTextual('qwe.txt')

    @testattr(ipopt = True)
    def test_initialization(self):

        m_x1_1 = self.res_init.get_variable_data("m.x[1]").x
        m_x1_2 = self.res_init2.get_variable_data("m.x[1]").x
        m_x2_1 = self.res_init.get_variable_data("m.x[2]").x
        m_x2_2 = self.res_init2.get_variable_data("m.x[2]").x
        m_y_1 = self.res_init.get_variable_data("m.y").x
        m_y_2 = self.res_init2.get_variable_data("m.y").x
        u_1 = self.res_init.get_variable_data("u").x
        u_2 = self.res_init2.get_variable_data("u").x
        (n_x, n_g, n_h, dg_n_nz, dh_n_nz) = self.nlp.opt_coll_get_dimensions()
        x_init = N.zeros(n_x)
        nbr_dx = self.nlp._model._n_real_dx.value
        nbr_x  = self.nlp._model._n_real_x.value
        nbr_u  = self.nlp._model._n_real_u.value
        nbr_w  = self.nlp._model._n_real_w.value
        offs1 = nbr_dx + nbr_x + nbr_u + nbr_w
        offs2 = offs1 - 1
        #print nbr_dx, nbr_x, nbr_u, nbr_w, offs1, offs2
        offs_x_el_junc = offs1 + offs2*self.n_e*self.n_cp + self.n_e
        x_el_junc = N.zeros((self.n_e,3))
        for i in range(self.n_e):
            x_el_junc[i,:] = x_init[offs_x_el_junc + i*3:offs_x_el_junc + (i+1)*3]

        t_f = 10.

        t_x_el_junc = N.linspace(0,t_f,self.n_e+1)
        t_x_el_junc = t_x_el_junc[1:]

        offs_dx_p = offs1 + offs2*self.n_e*self.n_cp + 4*self.n_e
        offs_x_p = offs_dx_p + nbr_dx
        offs_u_p = offs_x_p + nbr_x
        offs_w_p = offs_u_p + nbr_u

        n_tp = 10
        dx_p = N.zeros((n_tp,nbr_dx))
        x_p  = N.zeros((n_tp,nbr_x))
        u_p  = N.zeros((n_tp,nbr_u))
        w_p  = N.zeros((n_tp,nbr_w))
        for i in range(n_tp):
            dx_p[i,:] = x_init[offs_dx_p + i*offs1:offs_dx_p + i*offs1 + nbr_dx]
            x_p[i,:]  = x_init[offs_x_p  + i*offs1:offs_x_p  + i*offs1 + nbr_x]
            u_p[i,:]  = x_init[offs_u_p  + i*offs1:offs_u_p  + i*offs1 + nbr_u]
            w_p[i,:]  = x_init[offs_w_p  + i*offs1:offs_w_p  + i*offs1 + nbr_w]

        t_tp = N.linspace(1,10,10)

        #print N.max(N.abs(h))

#         plt.figure(3)
#         plt.clf()
#         plt.plot(m_x1_1.t,m_x1_1.x)
#         plt.plot(m_x1_2.t,m_x1_2.x)
#         plt.plot(t_x_el_junc,x_el_junc[:,1],'x')
#         plt.plot(t_tp,x_p[:,1],'o')
#         plt.title("x[1]")
#         plt.grid()
#         plt.show()
#         plt.figure(4)
#         plt.clf()
#         plt.plot(m_x2_1.t,m_x2_1.x)
#         plt.plot(m_x2_2.t,m_x2_2.x)
#         plt.plot(t_x_el_junc,x_el_junc[:,2],'x')
#         plt.plot(t_tp,x_p[:,2],'o')
#         plt.title("x[2]")
#         plt.grid()
#         plt.show()

#         plt.figure(5)
#         plt.clf()
#         plt.plot(m_y_1.t,m_y_1.x)
#         plt.plot(m_y_2.t,m_y_2.x)
#         plt.plot(t_tp,w_p[:,0],'o')
#         plt.title("y")
#         plt.grid()
#         plt.show()
#         plt.figure(6)
#         plt.clf()
#         plt.plot(m_u_1.t,m_u_1.x)
#         plt.plot(m_u_2.t,m_u_2.x)
#         plt.plot(t_tp,u_p[:,0],'o')
#         plt.title("u")
#         plt.grid()
#         plt.show()

        m_x1_2_res = N.array([ 1.        ,  0.96503702,  0.80699964,  0.81708186,  0.82968423,
                               0.73425843,  0.4641878 ,  0.30274918, -0.22539661, -0.45405707,
                               -0.47988416, -0.25883339,  0.07728009,  0.22367095,  0.49688434,
        m_x2_2_res = N.array([ 1.        ,  0.77648496,  0.75474237,  0.86572509,  0.85523243,
                               0.47651669, -0.02410645, -0.24417425, -0.68431665, -0.61607295,
                               -0.48363351,  0.15624317,  0.56793272,  0.66948745,  0.56283272,
        u_2_res = N.array([ 0.        ,  0.30515581,  0.30515581,  0.30515581,  0.73893649,
                              0.73893649,  0.73893649, -0.920168  , -0.920168  , -0.920168  ,
                              0.0269131 ,  0.0269131 ,  0.0269131 ,  0.89776804,  0.89776804,
        m_y_2_res = N.array([ 2.        ,  1.74152198,  1.56174201,  1.68280695,  1.68491666,
                              1.21077512,  0.44008136,  0.05857493, -0.90971326, -1.07013001,
                              -0.96351767, -0.10259022,  0.64521281,  0.8931584 ,  1.05971706,
        x_el_junc_res = N.array([[  3.91403795,   0.81708186,   0.86572509],
                                 [  6.38519639,   0.4641878 ,  -0.02410645],
                                 [  8.53595865,  -0.45405707,  -0.61607295],
                                 [  9.99351048,   0.07728009,   0.56793272],
                                 [ 11.69233416,   0.42028466,   0.14759305]])
        dx_p_res = N.array([[ 1.89614716, -0.13108396,  0.13906756],
                            [ 2.24392408,  0.04864298,  0.04357222],
                            [ 1.05980345, -0.15348176, -0.49911689],
                            [ 0.78887658, -0.48829925, -0.73269738],
                            [ 1.29975129, -0.52999439, -0.34773495],
                            [ 0.66373748, -0.16201457,  0.33665916],
                [ 0.56780963,  0.31891731,  0.70407499],
                            [ 1.30735387,  0.49065263,  0.42142531],
                            [ 0.81705525,  0.20439241, -0.24969127],
                            [ 0.49438075, -0.27269124, -0.69161393]])
        x_p_res = N.array([[  1.71039492,   0.83348678,   0.70240363],
                           [  3.91403795,   0.81708186,   0.86572509],
                           [  5.61520049,   0.79371837,   0.64023676],
                           [  6.38519639,   0.4641878 ,  -0.02410645],
                           [  7.48469697,  -0.08119087,  -0.61118532],
                           [  8.53595865,  -0.45405707,  -0.61607295],
                           [  9.01802285,  -0.36600637,  -0.04708865],
                           [  9.99351048,   0.07728009,   0.56793272],
                           [ 11.15957068,   0.45741668,   0.66180933],
                           [ 11.69233416,   0.42028466,   0.14759305]])
        u_p_res = N.array([[ 0.84147098],
                           [ 0.90929742],
                           [ 0.14112001],
                           [ 0.6569871 ],
                           [ 0.98935824],
                           [ 0.41211848],
        w_p_res = N.array([[ 1.53589041,  0.84147098],
                           [ 1.68280695,  0.90929742],
                           [ 1.43395513,  0.14112001],
                           [ 0.44008136, -0.75680257],
                           [-0.69237618, -0.95892497],
                           [-1.07013001, -0.27941585],
                           [-0.41309502,  0.6569871 ],
                           [ 0.64521281,  0.98935824],
                           [ 1.11922602,  0.41211848],
                           [ 0.56787771, -0.54402111]])
        assert N.sum(N.abs(m_x1_2-m_x1_2_res))<1e-3
        assert N.sum(N.abs(m_x2_2-m_x2_2_res))<1e-3
        assert N.sum(N.abs(u_2-u_2_res))<1e-3
        assert N.sum(N.abs(m_y_2-m_y_2_res))<1e-3
        assert N.sum(N.abs(x_el_junc-x_el_junc_res))<1e-3
        assert N.sum(N.abs(dx_p-dx_p_res))<1e-3
        assert N.sum(N.abs(x_p-x_p_res))<1e-3
        assert N.sum(N.abs(u_p-u_p_res))<1e-3
        assert N.sum(N.abs(w_p-w_p_res))<1e-3
        optimizer = CollocationOptimizer(self.nlp)
class TestOptInitBlockingFactors:
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        mofile = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Modelica',

        m = compile_jmu("BlockingInitPack.M_init", mofile)
        cls.model = JMUModel(m)

        m = compile_jmu("BlockingInitPack.M_Opt", mofile)
        cls.opt_model = JMUModel(m)

    def setUp(self):
        resfile = os.path.join(get_files_path(), 'Results',
        self.res_init = ResultDymolaTextual(resfile)

        self.n_e = 5  # Number of elements
        self.hs = N.ones(self.n_e) * 1. / self.n_e  # Equidistant points
        self.n_cp = 3
        # Number of collocation points in each element

        # Blocking factors for control parametrization
        blocking_factors = N.ones(self.n_e, dtype=N.int)

        self.nlp = NLPCollocationLagrangePolynomials(self.opt_model, self.n_e,
                                                     self.hs, self.n_cp,

        self.nlp.set_initial_from_dymola(self.res_init, self.hs, 0., 10.)


        self.res_init2 = ResultDymolaTextual('qwe.txt')

    def test_initialization(self):

        m_x1_1 = self.res_init.get_variable_data("m.x[1]").x
        m_x1_2 = self.res_init2.get_variable_data("m.x[1]").x

        m_x2_1 = self.res_init.get_variable_data("m.x[2]").x
        m_x2_2 = self.res_init2.get_variable_data("m.x[2]").x

        m_y_1 = self.res_init.get_variable_data("m.y").x
        m_y_2 = self.res_init2.get_variable_data("m.y").x

        u_1 = self.res_init.get_variable_data("u").x
        u_2 = self.res_init2.get_variable_data("u").x

        (n_x, n_g, n_h, dg_n_nz, dh_n_nz) = self.nlp.opt_coll_get_dimensions()

        x_init = N.zeros(n_x)

        nbr_dx = self.nlp._model._n_real_dx.value
        nbr_x = self.nlp._model._n_real_x.value
        nbr_u = self.nlp._model._n_real_u.value
        nbr_w = self.nlp._model._n_real_w.value

        offs1 = nbr_dx + nbr_x + nbr_u + nbr_w
        offs2 = offs1 - 1
        #print nbr_dx, nbr_x, nbr_u, nbr_w, offs1, offs2
        offs_x_el_junc = offs1 + offs2 * self.n_e * self.n_cp + self.n_e

        x_el_junc = N.zeros((self.n_e, 3))

        for i in range(self.n_e):
            x_el_junc[i, :] = x_init[offs_x_el_junc + i * 3:offs_x_el_junc +
                                     (i + 1) * 3]

        t_f = 10.

        t_x_el_junc = N.linspace(0, t_f, self.n_e + 1)
        t_x_el_junc = t_x_el_junc[1:]

        offs_dx_p = offs1 + offs2 * self.n_e * self.n_cp + 4 * self.n_e
        offs_x_p = offs_dx_p + nbr_dx
        offs_u_p = offs_x_p + nbr_x
        offs_w_p = offs_u_p + nbr_u

        n_tp = 10

        dx_p = N.zeros((n_tp, nbr_dx))
        x_p = N.zeros((n_tp, nbr_x))
        u_p = N.zeros((n_tp, nbr_u))
        w_p = N.zeros((n_tp, nbr_w))

        for i in range(n_tp):
            dx_p[i, :] = x_init[offs_dx_p + i * offs1:offs_dx_p + i * offs1 +
            x_p[i, :] = x_init[offs_x_p + i * offs1:offs_x_p + i * offs1 +
            u_p[i, :] = x_init[offs_u_p + i * offs1:offs_u_p + i * offs1 +
            w_p[i, :] = x_init[offs_w_p + i * offs1:offs_w_p + i * offs1 +

        t_tp = N.linspace(1, 10, 10)

        h = N.zeros(n_h)
        #print N.max(N.abs(h))

        #         plt.figure(3)
        #         plt.clf()
        #         plt.plot(m_x1_1.t,m_x1_1.x)
        #         plt.plot(m_x1_2.t,m_x1_2.x)
        #         plt.plot(t_x_el_junc,x_el_junc[:,1],'x')
        #         plt.plot(t_tp,x_p[:,1],'o')
        #         plt.title("x[1]")
        #         plt.grid()
        #         plt.show()

        #         plt.figure(4)
        #         plt.clf()
        #         plt.plot(m_x2_1.t,m_x2_1.x)
        #         plt.plot(m_x2_2.t,m_x2_2.x)
        #         plt.plot(t_x_el_junc,x_el_junc[:,2],'x')
        #         plt.plot(t_tp,x_p[:,2],'o')
        #         plt.title("x[2]")
        #         plt.grid()
        #         plt.show()

        #         plt.figure(5)
        #         plt.clf()
        #         plt.plot(m_y_1.t,m_y_1.x)
        #         plt.plot(m_y_2.t,m_y_2.x)
        #         plt.plot(t_tp,w_p[:,0],'o')
        #         plt.title("y")
        #         plt.grid()
        #         plt.show()

        #         plt.figure(6)
        #         plt.clf()
        #         plt.plot(m_u_1.t,m_u_1.x)
        #         plt.plot(m_u_2.t,m_u_2.x)
        #         plt.plot(t_tp,u_p[:,0],'o')
        #         plt.title("u")
        #         plt.grid()
        #         plt.show()

        m_x1_2_res = N.array([
            1., 0.96503702, 0.80699964, 0.81708186, 0.82968423, 0.73425843,
            0.4641878, 0.30274918, -0.22539661, -0.45405707, -0.47988416,
            -0.25883339, 0.07728009, 0.22367095, 0.49688434, 0.42028466

        m_x2_2_res = N.array([
            1., 0.77648496, 0.75474237, 0.86572509, 0.85523243, 0.47651669,
            -0.02410645, -0.24417425, -0.68431665, -0.61607295, -0.48363351,
            0.15624317, 0.56793272, 0.66948745, 0.56283272, 0.14759305

        u_2_res = N.array([
            0., 0.30515581, 0.30515581, 0.30515581, 0.73893649, 0.73893649,
            0.73893649, -0.920168, -0.920168, -0.920168, 0.0269131, 0.0269131,
            0.0269131, 0.89776804, 0.89776804, 0.89776804

        m_y_2_res = N.array([
            2., 1.74152198, 1.56174201, 1.68280695, 1.68491666, 1.21077512,
            0.44008136, 0.05857493, -0.90971326, -1.07013001, -0.96351767,
            -0.10259022, 0.64521281, 0.8931584, 1.05971706, 0.56787771

        x_el_junc_res = N.array([[3.91403795, 0.81708186, 0.86572509],
                                 [6.38519639, 0.4641878, -0.02410645],
                                 [8.53595865, -0.45405707, -0.61607295],
                                 [9.99351048, 0.07728009, 0.56793272],
                                 [11.69233416, 0.42028466, 0.14759305]])

        dx_p_res = N.array([[1.89614716, -0.13108396, 0.13906756],
                            [2.24392408, 0.04864298, 0.04357222],
                            [1.05980345, -0.15348176, -0.49911689],
                            [0.78887658, -0.48829925, -0.73269738],
                            [1.29975129, -0.52999439, -0.34773495],
                            [0.66373748, -0.16201457, 0.33665916],
                            [0.56780963, 0.31891731, 0.70407499],
                            [1.30735387, 0.49065263, 0.42142531],
                            [0.81705525, 0.20439241, -0.24969127],
                            [0.49438075, -0.27269124, -0.69161393]])

        x_p_res = N.array([[1.71039492, 0.83348678, 0.70240363],
                           [3.91403795, 0.81708186, 0.86572509],
                           [5.61520049, 0.79371837, 0.64023676],
                           [6.38519639, 0.4641878, -0.02410645],
                           [7.48469697, -0.08119087, -0.61118532],
                           [8.53595865, -0.45405707, -0.61607295],
                           [9.01802285, -0.36600637, -0.04708865],
                           [9.99351048, 0.07728009, 0.56793272],
                           [11.15957068, 0.45741668, 0.66180933],
                           [11.69233416, 0.42028466, 0.14759305]])

        u_p_res = N.array([[0.84147098], [0.90929742], [0.14112001],
                           [-0.75680257], [-0.95892497], [-0.27941585],
                           [0.6569871], [0.98935824], [0.41211848],

        w_p_res = N.array([[1.53589041, 0.84147098], [1.68280695, 0.90929742],
                           [1.43395513, 0.14112001], [0.44008136, -0.75680257],
                           [-0.69237618, -0.95892497],
                            -0.27941585], [-0.41309502, 0.6569871],
                           [0.64521281, 0.98935824], [1.11922602, 0.41211848],
                           [0.56787771, -0.54402111]])

        assert N.sum(N.abs(m_x1_2 - m_x1_2_res)) < 1e-3
        assert N.sum(N.abs(m_x2_2 - m_x2_2_res)) < 1e-3
        assert N.sum(N.abs(u_2 - u_2_res)) < 1e-3
        assert N.sum(N.abs(m_y_2 - m_y_2_res)) < 1e-3

        assert N.sum(N.abs(x_el_junc - x_el_junc_res)) < 1e-3

        assert N.sum(N.abs(dx_p - dx_p_res)) < 1e-3
        assert N.sum(N.abs(x_p - x_p_res)) < 1e-3
        assert N.sum(N.abs(u_p - u_p_res)) < 1e-3
        assert N.sum(N.abs(w_p - w_p_res)) < 1e-3

        optimizer = CollocationOptimizer(self.nlp)