Example #1
class IMULocation:
    def __init__(self):
        self.N = 10
        self.M = 3
        self.x = zeros((1,self.N))[0]
        self.R = eye(3)*0.02
        self.P = Q
        self.time = -1
        self.state_equation = copy.deepcopy(state_equation)
    def ukfinit(self):

        self.ukf = AdditiveUnscentedKalmanFilter(n_dim_obs = self.M, n_dim_state = self.N,
                                        transition_functions     = self.transition_function,
                                        observation_functions    = self.observation_function,
                                        transition_covariance    = Q,
                                        observation_covariance   = self.R,
                                        initial_state_mean       = self.x,
                                        initial_state_covariance = Q)

    def locate(self, state, state_cov, delt_time, euler_angle, linear_acc, angular_rate):
        self.delt_time = delt_time
        self.u = tuple((hstack((linear_acc, angular_rate))))
        (self.x, self.P) = self.ukf.filter_update(state, state_cov, euler_angle)
        print linalg.norm(euler_angle-self.x[3:6])
        return (self.x, self.P)

    def transition_function(self, state):
        return odeint(self.state_equation, state, [0, self.delt_time], tuple([self.u]))[1]

    def observation_function(self, state):
        return hstack((state[3:6]))
Example #2
class UWBLocation:
    def __init__(self):
        self.N = 10
        self.M = 4
        self.x = zeros((1, self.N))[0]
        self.R = eye(4) * 0.0001
        self.R[1:4, 1:4] = eye(3) * 0.000001
        self.P = Q
        self.time = -1
        self.state_equation = copy.deepcopy(state_equation)
        self.u = tuple([[0, 0, -g, 0, 0, 0]])

    def ukfinit(self):

        self.ukf = AdditiveUnscentedKalmanFilter(

    def locate(self, state, state_cov, delt_time, anchor_dis, anchor_pos,
               euler_angle, linear_acc, angular_rate):
        self.anchor_pos = anchor_pos
        self.delt_time = delt_time
        # [phi, theta, psi]        = [state[3], state[4], state[5]]
        # [cp, sp, ct, st, cs, ss] = [cos(phi), sin(phi), cos(theta),
        #                             sin(theta), cos(psi), sin(psi)]

        #self.u = tuple([[g * st, -g * ct * sp, -g * ct * cp,0,0,0]])
        self.u = tuple([hstack((linear_acc, angular_rate))])
        #print self.u

         self.P) = self.ukf.filter_update(state, state_cov,
                                          hstack((anchor_dis, euler_angle)))
        return (self.x, self.P)

    def transition_function(self, state):
        return odeint(self.state_equation, state, [0, self.delt_time],

    def observation_function(self, state):
        return hstack((linalg.norm(state[0:3] - self.anchor_pos), state[3:6]))
Example #3
class UWBLocation:
    def __init__(self):
        self.N = 10
        self.M = 4
        self.x = zeros((1,self.N))[0]
        self.R = eye(4)*0.0001
        self.R[1:4,1:4] = eye(3)*0.000001
        self.P = Q
        self.time = -1
        self.state_equation = copy.deepcopy(state_equation)
        self.u = tuple([[0,0,-g,0,0,0]])
    def ukfinit(self):

        self.ukf = AdditiveUnscentedKalmanFilter(n_dim_obs = self.M, n_dim_state = self.N,
                                        transition_functions     = self.transition_function,
                                        observation_functions    = self.observation_function,
                                        transition_covariance    = Q,
                                        observation_covariance   = self.R,
                                        initial_state_mean       = self.x,
                                        initial_state_covariance = Q)

    def locate(self, state, state_cov, delt_time, anchor_dis, anchor_pos, euler_angle, linear_acc, angular_rate):
        self.anchor_pos = anchor_pos
        self.delt_time  = delt_time 
        # [phi, theta, psi]        = [state[3], state[4], state[5]]
        # [cp, sp, ct, st, cs, ss] = [cos(phi), sin(phi), cos(theta), 
        #                             sin(theta), cos(psi), sin(psi)]   

        #self.u = tuple([[g * st, -g * ct * sp, -g * ct * cp,0,0,0]])
        self.u = tuple([hstack((linear_acc, angular_rate))])
        #print self.u

        (self.x, self.P) = self.ukf.filter_update(state, state_cov, hstack((anchor_dis, euler_angle)))
        return (self.x, self.P)

    def transition_function(self, state):
        return odeint(self.state_equation, state, [0, self.delt_time], self.u)[1]

    def observation_function(self, state):
        return hstack((linalg.norm(state[0:3] - self.anchor_pos), state[3:6]))
Example #4
class IMULocation:
    def __init__(self):
        self.N = 10
        self.M = 3
        self.x = zeros((1, self.N))[0]
        self.R = eye(3) * 0.02
        self.P = Q
        self.time = -1
        self.state_equation = copy.deepcopy(state_equation)

    def ukfinit(self):

        self.ukf = AdditiveUnscentedKalmanFilter(

    def locate(self, state, state_cov, delt_time, euler_angle, linear_acc,
        self.delt_time = delt_time
        self.u = tuple((hstack((linear_acc, angular_rate))))
        (self.x, self.P) = self.ukf.filter_update(state, state_cov,
        print linalg.norm(euler_angle - self.x[3:6])
        return (self.x, self.P)

    def transition_function(self, state):
        return odeint(self.state_equation, state, [0, self.delt_time],

    def observation_function(self, state):
        return hstack((state[3:6]))
Example #5
class FusionUKF:
    n_state_dims = 11
    n_lidar_obs_dims = 3
    n_radar_obs_dims = 4

    state_var_map = {
        'x': 0,
        'vx': 1,
        'ax': 2,
        'y': 3,
        'vy': 4,
        'ay': 5,
        'z': 6,
        'vz': 7,
        'az': 8,
        'yaw': 9,
        'vyaw': 10

    OK = 0
    NOT_INITED = 2
    RESETTED = 3

    def __init__(self, object_radius):
        self.initial_state_covariance = FusionUKF.create_initial_state_covariance(

        self.radar_observation_function = FusionUKF.create_radar_observation_function(
        self.lidar_observation_covariance = FusionUKF.create_lidar_observation_covariance(
        self.radar_observation_covariance = FusionUKF.create_radar_observation_covariance(

        self.object_radius = object_radius

        # how much noisy observations to reject before resetting the filter
        self.reject_max = 2

        # radar position measurements are coarse at close distance
        # discard radar observations closer than this
        self.min_radar_radius = 0.

        self.max_timejump = 1e9


    def set_min_radar_radius(self, min_radius):
        self.min_radar_radius = min_radius

    def set_max_timejump(self, max_timejump):
        self.max_timejump = max_timejump

    def create_initial_state_covariance():
        # converges really fast, so don't tweak too carefully
        return np.diag([
            2.,  # x
            0.8,  # x'
            0.8,  # x''
            2.,  # y
            0.8,  # y'
            0.8,  # y''
            10.,  # z
            10.,  # z'
            10.,  # z''
            10.,  # alpha
            10.  # alpha

    def create_transition_function(dt):
        dt2 = 0.5 * dt**2
        return lambda s: [
            s[0] + s[1] * dt + s[2] * dt2,
            s[1] + s[2] * dt,
            s[3] + s[4] * dt + s[5] * dt2,
            s[4] + s[5] * dt,
            # let's don't track z velocity and acceleration, because it's unreliable
            # s[6] + s[7] * dt + s[8] * dt2,

    def lidar_observation_function(s):
        m = FusionUKF.state_var_map
        return [s[m['x']], s[m['y']], s[m['z']], s[m['yaw']]]

    def create_radar_observation_function():
        m = FusionUKF.state_var_map
        return lambda s: [s[m['x']], s[m['vx']], s[m['y']], s[m['vy']]]

    def create_transition_covariance():
        return np.diag([
            1e-2,  # x
            1e-2,  # vx
            1e-2,  # ax
            1e-2,  # y
            1e-2,  # vy
            1e-2,  # ay
            1e-5,  # z
            1e-5,  # vz
            1e-5,  # az
            1e-1,  # yaw
            1e-3  # vyaw

    def create_lidar_observation_covariance():
        return np.diag([
            0.05,  # x
            0.05,  # y
            0.05,  # z
            0.001  # yaw

    def create_radar_observation_covariance(object_radius):
        cov_x, cov_vx, cov_y, cov_vy = FusionUKF.calc_radar_covariances(
        print cov_x, cov_vx, cov_y, cov_vy

        return np.diag([cov_x, cov_vx, cov_y, cov_vy])

    def calc_radar_covariances(object_radius):
        # object_radius = radius of the circumscribing circle of the tracked object
        sigma_xy = object_radius / 1.
        cov_xy = sigma_xy**2

        # jitter derived from http://www.araa.asn.au/acra/acra2015/papers/pap167.pdf
        jitter_v = 0.12
        sigma_v = jitter_v / 10.
        cov_v = sigma_v**2

        return cov_xy, cov_v, cov_xy, cov_v

    def obs_as_kf_obs(self, obs):
        if isinstance(obs, RadarObservation):
            return [obs.x, obs.vx, obs.y, obs.vy]
        elif isinstance(obs, LidarObservation):
            return [obs.x, obs.y, obs.z, obs.yaw]
        elif isinstance(obs, EmptyObservation):
            return None
            raise ValueError

    def obs_as_state(obs):
        if isinstance(obs, RadarObservation):
            z = -0.8  # radar doesn't measure Z-coord, so we need an initial estimation of Z.
            return [obs.x, 0., 0., obs.y, 0., 0., z, 0., 0., 0., 0.]
        elif isinstance(obs, LidarObservation):
            return [obs.x, 0., 0., obs.y, 0., 0., obs.z, 0., 0., obs.yaw, 0.]
            raise ValueError

    def looks_like_noise(self, obs):
        if not self.initialized or isinstance(obs, EmptyObservation):

        state_mean = self.last_state_mean
        state_deviation = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.last_state_covar))

        mul = 10.
        deviation_threshold = mul * state_deviation

        oas = np.array(self.obs_as_state(obs))
        oas_deviation = np.abs(oas - state_mean)

        reject_mask = oas_deviation > deviation_threshold
        m = self.state_var_map
        bad_x = reject_mask[m['x']]
        bad_y = reject_mask[m['y']]
        bad_z = reject_mask[m['z']]

        who_bad = ''
        if bad_x:
            who_bad += 'x'
        elif bad_y:
            who_bad += 'y'
        elif bad_z:
            who_bad += 'z'

        return who_bad if who_bad != '' else None

    def check_covar(self):
        if not self.initialized:

        state_deviation = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.last_state_covar))

        mul = 1.5
        deviation_threshold = mul * np.diag(self.initial_state_covariance)

        mask = state_deviation > deviation_threshold

        nz = np.nonzero(mask)[0]
        var_name = [
            'x', 'vx', 'ax', 'y', 'vy', 'ay', 'z', 'vz', 'az', 'yaw', 'vyaw'
        for i in nz:
            print 'Fusion: {} exceeded deviation ({}>{})'.format(
                var_name[i], state_deviation[i], deviation_threshold[i])

        #print mask
        return mask.sum() == 0
        # m = self.state_var_map
        # bad_x = mask[m['x']]
        # bad_y = mask[m['y']]
        # bad_z = mask[m['z']]

        # if bad_x:
        #     return 'x', state_deviation[m['x']]
        # elif bad_y:
        #     return 'y', state_deviation[m['y']]
        # elif bad_z:
        #     return 'z', state_deviation[m['z']]

        #return None

    def reset(self):
        self.kf = AdditiveUnscentedKalmanFilter(n_dim_state=self.n_state_dims)

        self.obs_yaw_lin = YawLinear()

        self.last_state_mean = None
        self.last_state_covar = None
        self.last_obs = None
        self.initialized = False
        self.reject_count = 0

    def filter(self, obs):
        if not self.initialized and isinstance(obs, EmptyObservation):
            return self.NOT_INITED

        if isinstance(
                RadarObservation) and obs.radius() < self.min_radar_radius:
            #print 'rejecting radar observation because its too close'

            return self.UNRELIABLE_OBSERVATION

        #print obs

        # we need initial estimation to feed it to filter_update()
        if not self.initialized:
            if not self.last_obs:
                # need two observations to get a filtered state
                self.last_obs = obs

                return self.NOT_INITED

            last_state_mean = self.obs_as_state(self.last_obs)
            last_state_covar = self.initial_state_covariance
            last_state_mean = self.last_state_mean
            last_state_covar = self.last_state_covar

        dt = obs.timestamp - self.last_obs.timestamp

        if np.abs(dt) > self.max_timejump:
            print 'Fusion: {}s time jump detected, allowed is {}s. Resetting.'.format(
                dt, self.max_timejump)
            return self.RESETTED

        who_is_bad = self.looks_like_noise(obs)
        if who_is_bad is not None:
            print 'Fusion: rejected noisy observation (bad {}): {}'.format(
                who_is_bad, obs)

            self.reject_count += 1

            if self.reject_count > self.reject_max:
                print 'Fusion: resetting filter because too much noise'

                return self.RESETTED

            return self.UNRELIABLE_OBSERVATION

        if isinstance(obs, LidarObservation):
            transition_function = self.create_transition_function(dt)
            transition_covariance = self.create_transition_covariance()
            observation_function = self.lidar_observation_function
            observation_covariance = self.lidar_observation_covariance
        elif isinstance(obs, RadarObservation):
            transition_function = self.create_transition_function(dt)
            transition_covariance = self.create_transition_covariance()
            observation_function = self.radar_observation_function
            observation_covariance = self.radar_observation_covariance
        else:  # EmptyObservation
            transition_function = self.create_transition_function(dt)
            transition_covariance = self.create_transition_covariance()
            observation_function = None
            observation_covariance = None

            self.last_state_mean, self.last_state_covar =\
            print 'Fusion: ====== WARNING! ====== filter_update() failed!'

        #bad_covar = self.check_covar()
        #if bad_covar is not None:
        #print 'Fusion: ({}) resetting filter because too high deviation in {}={}'.format(obs.timestamp, bad_covar[0], bad_covar[1])
        if self.check_covar() == False:
            print 'Fusion: resetting filter because too high deviation'


            return self.RESETTED

        self.last_obs = obs
        self.initialized = True

        return self.OK
Example #6
class Kalman:
  """ Handles a Kalman filter for computing drone and transmitter locations. """
  # Our initial uncertainty of our drone positions. GPS is not terribly
  # innacurate, so there isn't a ton of uncertainty here.
  # Out initial uncertainly of our drone velocities. This is reasonably accurate
  # as well.
  # Our initial uncertainty on our LOBs.
  # TODO(danielp): I have zero idea of what this should be. Figure that out.
  LOB_UNCERTAINTY = np.radians(5)

  # The indices of various elements in the state.
  _POS_X = 0
  _POS_Y = 1
  _VEL_X = 2
  _VEL_Y = 3
  # The index of the first LOB.
  _LOB = 4

  # Indices of x and y in coordinate tuples.
  _X = 0
  _Y = 1

  def __init__(self, position, velocity):
      position: Where we are. (X, Y)
      velocity: How fast we're going. (X, Y) """
    # The transmitter x and y position should technically never change, so it's
    # not part of our state.
    self.__transmitter_positions = []

    # We need an x and y position, an x and y velocity. (LOBs go after that.)
    self.__state = np.array([position[self._X], position[self._Y],
                             velocity[self._X], velocity[self._Y]])
    logger.debug("Initial state: %s" % (self.state))
    self.__state_size = self.__state.shape[0]
    # Default observations.
    self.__observations = np.copy(self.__state)

    # Build a covariance matrix. We will use our initial uncertainty constants,
    # and assume that nothing in the state is correlated with anything else.
    self.__state_covariances = np.zeros((self.__state_size, self.__state_size))
    # Calculate our diagonal fill, which will repeat, since the state repeats
    # for each drone.
    diagonal_fill = [self.DRONE_POSITION_UNCERTAINTY,
    diagonal_indices = np.diag_indices(self.__state_size)
    self.__state_covariances[diagonal_indices] = diagonal_fill
    logger.debug("Initializing state covariances: %s" % \

    # Since our initial state is directly what's measured from our sensors, it
    # seems logical that the initial observation covariances would be about what
    # our initial state covariances are.
    self.__observation_covariances = np.copy(self.__state_covariances)

    # Initialize the Kalman filter.
    self.__kalman = \
    AdditiveUnscentedKalmanFilter( \

  def __transition_function(self, current_state):
    """ Transition function. Tells us how to get the next state from the current
      current_state: The current state.
      The next state. """

    new_state = np.copy(current_state)

    # Updating the position is easy, we just add the velocity.
    new_state[self._POS_X] += current_state[self._VEL_X]
    new_state[self._POS_Y] += current_state[self._VEL_Y]

    for i in range(0, len(self.__transmitter_positions)):
      position = self.__transmitter_positions[i]
      # We can calculate our LOB too, based on our position.
      new_state[self._LOB + i] = np.arctan2(position[self._X] - current_state[self._POS_X],
                                    position[self._Y] - current_state[self._POS_Y])
      # We use the velocity vector to gauge the drone's heading, and correct the
      # LOB accordingly.
      heading_correction = np.arctan2(current_state[self._VEL_X],
      new_state[self._LOB + i] -= heading_correction

    logger.debug("New state prediction: %s" % (new_state))
    return new_state

  def __observation_function(self, current_state):
    """ Observation function. Tells us what our sensor readings should look like
    if our state estimate were correct and our sensors were perfect.
      The sensor readings we would expect. """
    # We basically measure our state directly, so this isn't all that
    # interesting.
    return current_state

  def set_observations(self, position, velocity, *args):
    """ Sets what our observations are.
      position: Where the GPS thinks we are. (X, Y)
      velocity: How fast we think we're going. (X, Y)
      Additional arguments are the LOBs on any transmitters we are tracking. """
    observations = [position[self._X], position[self._Y], velocity[self._X],

    expecting_lobs = self.__observations.shape[0] - len(observations)
    if len(args) != expecting_lobs:
      raise ValueError("Expected %d LOBs, got %d." % (expecting_lobs,

    self.__observations = np.array(observations)
    logger.debug("Setting new observations: %s" % (self.__observations))

  def update(self):
    """ Updates the filter for one iteration. """
    logger.info("Updating kalman filter.")
    output = self.__kalman.filter_update(self.__state, self.__state_covariances,
    self.__state, self.__state_covariances = output
    logger.debug("New state: %s, New state covariance: %s" % \
                 (self.__state, self.__state_covariances))

  def state(self):
      The current state. """
    return self.__state

  def state_covariances(self):
    """ Returns: The current state covariances. """
    return self.__state_covariances

  def add_transmitter(self, lob, location):
    """ Adds a new transmitter for us to track.
      lob: Our LOB to the transmitter.
      location: Where we think that the transmitter is located. """

    # Add the LOB to the state.
    self.__state = np.append(self.__state, lob)
    new_state_size = self.__state.shape[0]
    # Make sure the observations vector is the proper size.
    self.__observations = np.append(self.__observations, lob)

    # Now resize everything else to make it fit. Start by adding an extra row
    # and column of zeros to the state covariance matrix.
    new_state_cov = _expand_matrix(self.__state_covariances)
    # Add in a new default value for the variance of the new LOB.
    new_state_cov[new_state_size - 1, new_state_size - 1] = \

    self.__state_covariances = new_state_cov
    self.__state_size = new_state_size
    logger.debug("New state size: %d" % (self.__state_size))
    logger.debug("New state covariances: %s" % (self.__state_covariances))

    # Do the same thing for the observation covariances.
    new_observation_cov = _expand_matrix(self.__observation_covariances)
    new_observation_cov[new_state_size - 1, new_state_size - 1] = \

    self.__observation_covariances = new_observation_cov
    logger.debug("New observation covariances: %s" % \

  def position_error_ellipse(self, stddevs):
    """ Gets a confidence error ellipse for our drone position
      stddevs: How many standard deviations we want the ellipse to encompass.
      The width, the height, and the angle to the x axis of the ellipse,
      (radians) in a tuple in that order. """
    # Take the subset of the covariance matrix that pertains to our position.
    position_covariance = self.__state_covariances[:2, :2]

    # Calculate its eigenvalues, and sort them.
    eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eigh(position_covariance)
    order = eigenvalues.argsort()[::-1]
    eigenvalues = eigenvalues[order]
    eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:, order]

    # Ellipse parameters.
    angle = np.arctan2(*eigenvectors[:, 0][::-1])
    width, height = 2 * stddevs * np.sqrt(eigenvalues)
    logger.debug("Position error: width: %f, height: %f, angle: %f" % \
        (width, height, angle))

    return (width, height, angle)

  def lob_confidence_intervals(self, stddevs):
    """ Gets confidence intervals for our LOBs.
      stddevs: How many standard deviations we want the interval to encompass.
      A list of the margin of errors for each LOB measurement. """
    # Get the indices of the LOB covariances.
    indices = np.diag_indices(self.__state_size)
    # The first four are the position and velocity variances.
    indices = (indices[0][self._LOB:], indices[1][self._LOB:])
    if not indices[0]:
      # We're not tracking any transmitters:
      return []

    # Get the variances.
    variances = self.__state_covariances[indices]
    omega = np.sqrt(variances)

    margins_of_error = stddevs * omega
    logger.debug("Margins of error for LOBs: %s" % (margins_of_error))
    return margins_of_error

  def transmitter_error_region(self, stddevs):
    """ Calculates error ellipses for all the
    transmitter positions. It does this by looking at the worst-case scenario for
    both the error on the drone position and the error on the LOB.
      A list of data for each transmitter. Each item in the list is itself
      a list of 8 points that define the error region for that transmitter. This
      region is roughly fan shaped, and the points are in clockwise order,
      starting from the bottom left corner. """
    # Basically, we're taking every point on the ellipse and projecting it
    # through the LOB to reach a new error region, which is sort of fan-shaped.
    # Start by finding both the error regions for our position and lobs.
    ellipse_width, ellipse_height, ellipse_angle = \

    # Turn the error ellipse into a set of points.
    center = (self.__state[self._POS_X], self.__state[self._POS_Y])
    spread_x = ellipse_width / 2.0
    spread_y = ellipse_height / 2.0
    low_x = (center[self._X] - spread_x * np.cos(ellipse_angle),
             center[self._Y] - spread_x * np.sin(ellipse_angle))
    high_x = (center[self._X] + spread_x * np.cos(ellipse_angle),
              center[self._Y] + spread_x * np.sin(ellipse_angle))
    low_y = (center[self._X] - spread_y * np.sin(ellipse_angle),
             center[self._Y] - spread_y * np.cos(ellipse_angle))
    high_y = (center[self._X] + spread_y * np.sin(ellipse_angle),
              center[self._Y] + spread_y * np.cos(ellipse_angle))

    lob_errors = self.lob_confidence_intervals(stddevs)
    lobs = self.__state[self._LOB:]
    output = []
    for i in range(0, len(lobs)):
      lob = lobs[i]
      lob_error = lob_errors[i]
      transmitter_position = self.__transmitter_positions[i]

      lob_low = lob - lob_error
      lob_high = lob + lob_error
      # Figure out what the transmitter position would be for each of these
      # scenarios.
      radius = np.sqrt((transmitter_position[self._X] - center[self._X]) ** 2 + \
                       (transmitter_position[self._Y] - center[self._Y]) ** 2)
      transmitter_low = (radius * np.cos(lob_low), radius * np.sin(lob_low))
      transmitter_high = (radius * np.cos(lob_high), radius * np.sin(lob_high))

      # Calculate points on the error ellipse when centered about all three of
      # these positions.
      recenter_vector_low = (transmitter_low[self._X] - center[self._X],
                             transmitter_low[self._Y] - center[self._Y])
      recenter_vector_mean = (transmitter_position[self._X] - center[self._X],
                              transmitter_position[self._Y] - center[self._Y])
      recenter_vector_high = (transmitter_high[self._X] - center[self._X],
                              transmitter_high[self._Y] - center[self._Y])

      bottom_left = map(add, low_y, recenter_vector_low)
      left_middle = map(add, low_x, recenter_vector_low)
      top_left = map(add, high_y, recenter_vector_low)
      top_middle = map(add, high_y, recenter_vector_mean)
      top_right = map(add, high_y, recenter_vector_high)
      right_middle = map(add, high_x, recenter_vector_high)
      bottom_right = map(add, low_y, recenter_vector_high)
      bottom_middle = map(add, low_y, recenter_vector_mean)

      # These points define our error region.
      error_region = [bottom_left, left_middle, top_left, top_middle, top_right,
                      right_middle, bottom_right, bottom_middle]
      logger.debug("Error region for transmitter at %s: %s" % \
                   (transmitter_position, error_region))

    return output