def generate_subview(self, node: ast.Assign, view_name: str) -> cppast.DeclStmt: subview_args: List[cppast.Expr] = [cppast.DeclRefExpr(view_name)] slice_node = node.value for dim in slice_node.slice.dims: if isinstance(dim, ast.Index): subview_args.append(self.visit(dim)) else: if dim.lower is None and dim.upper is None: subview_args.append(cppast.DeclRefExpr("Kokkos::ALL")) elif dim.lower is not None and dim.upper is not None: make_pair = cppast.CallExpr("std::make_pair", [self.visit(dim.lower), self.visit(dim.upper)]) subview_args.append(make_pair) else: self.error( slice_node, "Partial slice not supported, use [n:m] or [:]") if len(node.targets) > 1: self.error(node, "Multiple declarations of subview not supported") auto = cppast.ClassType("auto") target = node.targets[0] target_ref = cppast.DeclRefExpr( if target_ref in self.views: self.error( node, "Redeclaration of existing subview") else: self.views[target_ref] = None self.subviews[target_ref.declname] = view_name call = cppast.CallExpr("Kokkos::subview", subview_args) decl = cppast.DeclStmt(cppast.VarDecl(auto, self.visit(target), call)) return decl
def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: ast.AnnAssign) -> cppast.Stmt: if isinstance(node.value, ast.Call): decltype: cppast.Type = visitors_util.get_type( node.annotation, self.pk_import) if decltype is None: self.error(node, "Type not supported") declname: cppast.DeclRefExpr = self.visit( function_name: str = visitors_util.get_node_name(node.value.func) # Call to a TeamMember method if function_name in dir(TeamMember): vardecl = cppast.VarDecl(decltype, declname, self.visit(node.value)) return cppast.DeclStmt(vardecl) # Nested parallelism if function_name in ("parallel_reduce", "parallel_scan"): args: List[cppast.Expr] = [ self.visit(a) for a in node.value.args ] initial_value: cppast.Expr if len(args) == 3: initial_value = args[2] else: initial_value = cppast.IntegerLiteral(0) vardecl = cppast.VarDecl(decltype, declname, initial_value) declstmt = cppast.DeclStmt(vardecl) work_unit: str = args[1].declname function = cppast.DeclRefExpr(f"Kokkos::{function_name}") call: cppast.CallExpr if work_unit in self.nested_work_units: call = cppast.CallExpr( function, [args[0], self.nested_work_units[work_unit], declname]) else: call = cppast.CallExpr( function, [args[0], f"pk_id_{work_unit}", declname]) callstmt = cppast.CallStmt(call) return cppast.CompoundStmt([declstmt, callstmt]) return super().visit_AnnAssign(node)
def visit_For(self, node: ast.For) -> cppast.ForStmt: if not isinstance(, ast.Name): self.error(, "Must use single loop variable") if node.orelse: self.error(node.orelse, "Else clause not supported for translation") if ( not isinstance(node.iter, ast.Call) or != "range" ): # TODO: support other iterators? self.error( node.iter, "Only range() iterator is supported for translation") index: cppast.DeclRefExpr = self.visit( start: cppast.Expr end: cppast.Expr step: cppast.Expr = cppast.IntegerLiteral(1) op = cppast.BinaryOperatorKind.LT args = node.iter.args if len(args) == 1: start = cppast.IntegerLiteral(0) end = self.visit(args[0]) else: start = self.visit(args[0]) end = self.visit(args[1]) if len(args) == 3: step = self.visit(args[2]) # Negative step sizes are only handled correctly if they're # written with a preceeding minus sign if ( isinstance(args[2], ast.UnaryOp) and isinstance(args[2].op, ast.USub) ): op = cppast.BinaryOperatorKind.GT body = cppast.CompoundStmt([self.visit(b) for b in node.body]) init = cppast.DeclStmt(cppast.VarDecl( cppast.PrimitiveType(cppast.BuiltinType.INT), index, start)) condition = cppast.BinaryOperator(index, end, op) increment = cppast.BinaryOperator( index, step, cppast.BinaryOperatorKind.AddAssign) forstmt = cppast.ForStmt(init, condition, increment, body) return forstmt
def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: ast.AnnAssign) -> cppast.DeclStmt: if not isinstance(, ast.Name): self.generic_error(node) decltype: cppast.Type = visitors_util.get_type(node.annotation, self.pk_import) if decltype is None: self.error(node, "Type not supported") target: cppast.DeclRefExpr = self.visit( value: cppast.Expr = self.visit(node.value) # Add the name of the list to self.lists # and add the length of the list to its name if isinstance(node.annotation, ast.Subscript): self.lists.append(target.declname) target.add_length(len(node.value.elts)) annassign = cppast.DeclStmt(cppast.VarDecl(decltype, target, value)) return annassign
def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign) -> cppast.Stmt: target = node.targets[0] if isinstance(node.value, ast.Call): name: str = visitors_util.get_node_name(node.value.func) # Create Timer object if name == "Timer": decltype = cppast.ClassType("Kokkos::Timer") declname = cppast.DeclRefExpr("timer") return cppast.DeclStmt(cppast.VarDecl(decltype, declname, None)) # Call Timer.seconds() if name == "seconds": target_name: str = visitors_util.get_node_name(target) if target_name not in self.timer_result_queue: self.timer_result_queue.append(target_name) call = cppast.CallStmt(self.visit(node.value)) target_ref = cppast.DeclRefExpr(target_name) target_view_ref = cppast.DeclRefExpr( f"timer_result_{target_name}") subscript = cppast.ArraySubscriptExpr( target_view_ref, [cppast.IntegerLiteral(0)]) assign_op = cppast.BinaryOperatorKind.Assign # Holds the result of the reduction temporarily temp_ref = cppast.DeclRefExpr("pk_acc") target_assign = cppast.AssignOperator([target_ref], temp_ref, assign_op) view_assign = cppast.AssignOperator([subscript], target_ref, assign_op) return cppast.CompoundStmt([call, target_assign, view_assign]) if name in ("BinSort", "BinOp1D", "BinOp3D"): args: List = node.value.args # if not isinstance(args[0], ast.Attribute): # self.error(node.value, "First argument has to be a view") view = cppast.DeclRefExpr(visitors_util.get_node_name(args[0])) if view not in self.views: self.error(args[0], "Undefined view") view_type: cppast.ClassType = self.views[view] is_subview: bool = view_type is None if is_subview: parent_view = cppast.DeclRefExpr( self.subviews[view.declname]) view_type = self.views[parent_view] view_type_str: str = visitors_util.cpp_view_type(view_type) if name != "BinSort": dimension: int = 1 if name == "BinOp1D" else 3 cpp_type = cppast.DeclRefExpr( BinOp.get_type(dimension, view_type_str)) # Do not translate the first argument (view) constructor = cppast.CallExpr( cpp_type, [self.visit(a) for a in args[1:]]) else: bin_op_type: str = f"decltype({visitors_util.get_node_name(args[1])})" cpp_type = cppast.DeclRefExpr( BinSort.get_type(view_type_str, bin_op_type)) binsort_args: List[cppast.DeclRefExpr] = [ self.visit(a) for a in args ] constructor = cppast.CallExpr(cpp_type, binsort_args) cpp_target: cppast.DeclRefExpr = self.visit(target) auto_type = cppast.ClassType("auto") return cppast.DeclStmt( cppast.VarDecl(auto_type, cpp_target, constructor)) if name in ("get_bin_count", "get_bin_offsets", "get_permute_vector"): if not isinstance(target, ast.Attribute) or != "self": self.error( node, "Views defined in pk.main must be an instance variable" ) cpp_target: str = visitors_util.get_node_name(target) cpp_device_target = f"pk_d_{cpp_target}" cpp_target_ref = cppast.DeclRefExpr(cpp_device_target) sorter: cppast.DeclRefExpr = self.visit(node.value.func.value) initial_target_ref = cppast.DeclRefExpr( f"_pk_{cpp_target_ref.declname}") function = cppast.MemberCallExpr(sorter, cppast.DeclRefExpr(name), []) # Add to the dict of declarations made in pk.main if name == "get_permute_vector": # This occurs when a workload is executed multiple times # Initially the view has not been defined in the workload, # so it needs to be classified as a pkmain_view. if cpp_target in self.views: self.views[cpp_target_ref].add_template_param( cppast.PrimitiveType(cppast.BuiltinType.INT)) return cppast.AssignOperator( [cpp_target_ref], function, cppast.BinaryOperatorKind.Assign) # return f"{cpp_target} = {sorter}.{name}();" self.pkmain_views[cpp_target_ref] = cppast.ClassType( "View1D") else: self.pkmain_views[cpp_target_ref] = None auto_type = cppast.ClassType("auto") decl = cppast.DeclStmt( cppast.VarDecl(auto_type, initial_target_ref, function)) # resize the workload's vector to match the generated vector resize_call = cppast.CallStmt( cppast.CallExpr(cppast.DeclRefExpr("Kokkos::resize"), [ cpp_target_ref, cppast.MemberCallExpr(initial_target_ref, cppast.DeclRefExpr("extent"), [cppast.IntegerLiteral(0)]) ])) copy_call = cppast.CallStmt( cppast.CallExpr(cppast.DeclRefExpr("Kokkos::deep_copy"), [cpp_target_ref, initial_target_ref])) # Assign to the functor after resizing functor = cppast.DeclRefExpr("pk_f") functor_access = cppast.MemberExpr(functor, cpp_target) functor_assign = cppast.AssignOperator( [functor_access], cpp_target_ref, cppast.BinaryOperatorKind.Assign) return cppast.CompoundStmt( [decl, resize_call, copy_call, functor_assign]) # Assign result of parallel_reduce if type(target) not in {ast.Name, ast.Subscript } and == "self": target_name: str = visitors_util.get_node_name(target) if target_name not in self.reduction_result_queue: self.reduction_result_queue.append(target_name) call = cppast.CallStmt(self.visit(node.value)) target_ref = cppast.DeclRefExpr(target_name) target_view_ref = cppast.DeclRefExpr( f"reduction_result_{target_name}") subscript = cppast.ArraySubscriptExpr(target_view_ref, [cppast.IntegerLiteral(0)]) assign_op = cppast.BinaryOperatorKind.Assign # Holds the result of the reduction temporarily temp_ref = cppast.DeclRefExpr("pk_acc") target_assign = cppast.AssignOperator([target_ref], temp_ref, assign_op) view_assign = cppast.AssignOperator([subscript], target_ref, assign_op) return cppast.CompoundStmt([call, target_assign, view_assign]) return super().visit_Assign(node)