def execute(*args, **kw): """ List deleted mailboxes """ try: domain = conf.cli_args.pop(0) except: domain = utils.ask_question(_("Domain")) imap = IMAP() imap.connect() auth = Auth() auth.connect() domains = auth.list_domains() folders = [] for primary,secondaries in domains: if not domain == primary and not domain in secondaries: continue folders.extend(imap.lm("user/%%@%s" % (primary))) for secondary in secondaries: folders.extend(imap.lm("user/%%@%s" % (secondary))) print "Deleted folders:" for folder in folders: if not conf.raw: print imap_utf7.decode(folder) else: print folder
def execute(*args, **kw): """ List deleted mailboxes """ imap = IMAP() imap.connect() auth = Auth() auth.connect() domains = auth.list_domains() folders = [] for domain in list(set(domains.keys())): folders.extend(imap.lm("DELETED/*@%s" % (domain))) folders.extend(imap.lm("DELETED/*")) print "Deleted folders:" for folder in folders: mbox_parts = imap.parse_mailfolder(folder) if not conf.raw: print "%s (Deleted at %s)" % (imap_utf7.decode(folder).encode('utf-8'), datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(mbox_parts['hex_timestamp'], 16))) else: print "%s (Deleted at %s)" % (folder, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(mbox_parts['hex_timestamp'], 16)))
def execute(*args, **kw): """ List deleted mailboxes """ imap = IMAP() imap.connect() auth = Auth() auth.connect() domains = auth.list_domains() folders = [] for domain in list(set(domains.keys())): folders.extend(imap.lm("DELETED/*@%s" % (domain))) folders.extend(imap.lm("DELETED/*")) print "Deleted folders:" for folder in folders: utf8_folder = imap_utf7.decode(folder).encode('utf-8') mbox_parts = imap.parse_mailfolder(utf8_folder) ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(mbox_parts['hex_timestamp'], 16)) if not conf.raw: print "%s (Deleted at %s)" % (utf8_folder, ts) else: print "%s (Deleted at %s)" % (folder, ts)
def execute(*args, **kw): """ List mailboxes """ searches = [] # See if conf.cli_args components make sense. for arg in conf.cli_args: if arg == '*': searches.append(arg) if arg.startswith('user'): searches.append(arg) if arg.startswith('shared'): searches.append(arg) if arg.startswith('DELETED'): searches.append(arg) if arg.startswith('news'): searches.append(arg) if len(searches) == 0: searches = [ '' ] imap = IMAP() if not conf.connect_server == None: imap.connect(server=conf.connect_server) else: imap.connect() folders = [] for search in searches: log.debug(_("Appending folder search for %r") % (search), level=8) folders.extend(imap.lm(imap_utf7.encode(search))) for folder in folders: if not conf.raw: print imap_utf7.decode(folder) else: print folder
except: log.error(_("Error deleting folder '%s'") % (folder)) for folder in imap.lm('shared/%%@%s' % (domain)): if conf.dryrun: _("Would have deleted folder '%s' (dryrun)") % (folder)) else:"Deleting folder '%s'") % (folder)) try: except: log.error(_("Error deleting folder '%s'") % (folder)) for folder in [x for x in imap.lm() if not x.startswith('DELETED/')]: folder = imap_utf7.decode(folder) acls = imap.list_acls(folder) for subject in acls.keys(): if subject == 'anyone': _("Skipping removal of ACL %s for subject %s on folder %s") % (acls[subject], subject, folder)) continue if not subject in subjects and not subject in subjects_deleted: if conf.dryrun: _("Would have deleted ACL %s for subject %s on folder %s" ) % (acls[subject], subject, folder))
def folder_utf8(self, folder): from pykolab import imap_utf7 return imap_utf7.decode(folder)
backend = conf.get('kolab', 'imap_backend') admin_login = conf.get(backend, 'admin_login') admin_password = conf.get(backend, 'admin_password') imap.login_plain(admin_login, admin_password, user) subscribed_folders = imap.lsub(folder_pattern) if conf.unsubscribed: unsubscribed_folders = [] all_folders = imap.lm(folder_pattern) for folder in all_folders: if not folder in subscribed_folders: unsubscribed_folders.append(folder) if len(unsubscribed_folders) > 0: if not conf.raw: print "\n".join([imap_utf7.decode(x) for x in unsubscribed_folders]) else: print "\n".join(unsubscribed_folders) else: print _("No unsubscribed folders for user %s") % (user) else: if not conf.raw: print "\n".join([imap_utf7.decode(x) for x in subscribed_folders]) else: print "\n".join(subscribed_folders)
domain = folder.split('@')[1] elif not conf.user == None and len(conf.user.split('@')) > 1: domain = conf.user.split('@')[1] else: domain = conf.get('kolab', 'primary_domain') imap = IMAP() if not conf.user == None: imap.connect(domain=domain, login=False) backend = conf.get(domain, 'imap_backend') if backend == None: backend = conf.get('kolab', 'imap_backend') admin_login = conf.get(backend, 'admin_login') admin_password = conf.get(backend, 'admin_password') imap.login_plain(admin_login, admin_password, conf.user) else: imap.connect(domain=domain) if not imap.has_folder(folder): print >> sys.stderr, _("No such folder %r") % (folder) else: folders = imap.lm(imap_utf7.encode(folder)) for folder in folders: imap.set_metadata(imap_utf7.decode(folder), metadata_path, metadata_value)