def plot_single_1(fig,xLog,yLog,vx,vy,vlabs,titX,titY,titre): # fig= subplot(1,1,1) fig.grid(color='r', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.2) fig.grid(True) fig.set_xlabel(titX) fig.set_ylabel(titY) fig.set_title(titre) #, fontsize=fontsize) # fig.text(min(vx),max(vy),textt, # fontsize=16,ha = 'left', va = 'top') # fig.set_xlim(0,1.) # fig.set_xlim(1e-3,1e+3) #fig.semilogx(A[iMin:iMax,iX],A[iMin:iMax,iY], 'bo') if xLog and yLog: fig.loglog(vx, vy, 'bo') else: if xLog: fig.semilogx(vx, vy, 'bo') elif yLog: fig.semilogy(vx, vy, 'bo') else: fig.plot(vx, vy, 'bo') if len(vlabs)>0: for label, x, y in zip(vlabs, vx, vy): plt.annotate( label, xy = (x, y), xytext = (-2,2), textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'bottom')
def plot_mixtures_vs_model(K): prefix = "mixtures_vs_model_K%02d" % K plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.clf() for model in models[0:5]: pars = get_pars(model, K) amps = pars[0:K] sigmas = np.sqrt(pars[K:2 * K]) plt.plot(sigmas, amps, "k-", alpha=0.5) plt.plot(sigmas, amps, "ko", ms=3.0) label = model tweak = 0. if model == "ser5": tweak = 5. if model == "dev": tweak = 1. plt.annotate(label, [sigmas[0], amps[0]], xytext=[-2,-10], textcoords="offset points", va="baseline", ha="center") plt.annotate(label, [sigmas[-1], amps[-1]], xytext=[4,-4+tweak], textcoords="offset points", va="baseline", ha="left") model = "ser" plt.xlabel(r"root-variance $\sqrt{v^{\mathrm{%s}}_m}$ (units of half-light radii)" % model) plt.ylabel(r"amplitudes $c^{\mathrm{%s}}_m$" % model) plt.title(r"approximations to ser profiles at $M^{\mathrm{ser}}=%d$" % K) plt.loglog() plt.xlim(0.5e-4, 2.e1) plt.ylim(0.5e-4, 2.e1) hogg_savefig(prefix + ".png") hogg_savefig(prefix + ".pdf") return None
def plot_mixtures_vs_K(model): prefix = "mixtures_vs_K_%s" % model plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.clf() for K in Ks: pars = get_pars(model, K) amps = pars[0:K] sigmas = np.sqrt(pars[K:2 * K]) plt.plot(sigmas, amps, "k-", alpha=0.5) plt.plot(sigmas, amps, "ko", ms=3.0) label = r"%d" % K tweak = 0. if model == "dev" or model == "luv": tweak = 4 if K == 10: tweak = -2 if model == "lux": tweak = 4 * (7 - K) plt.annotate(label, [sigmas[0], amps[0]], xytext=[-4,-4], textcoords="offset points", va="baseline", ha="right") plt.annotate(label, [sigmas[-1], amps[-1]], xytext=[4,-4+tweak], textcoords="offset points", va="baseline", ha="left") plt.xlabel(r"root-variance $\sqrt{v^{\mathrm{%s}}_m}$ (units of half-light radii)" % model) plt.ylabel(r"amplitudes $c^{\mathrm{%s}}_m$" % model) plt.title(r"approximations to %s" % model) plt.loglog() plt.xlim(0.5e-4, 2.e1) plt.ylim(0.5e-4, 2.e1) hogg_savefig(prefix + ".png") hogg_savefig(prefix + ".pdf") return None
def graph_file(obj, func_name, param, range, highlights): ## plots the named function on obj, taking param over its range (start, end) ## highlights are pairs of (x_value, "Text_to_show") to annotate on the graph plot ## saves the plot to a file and returns full file name import numpy, pylab func = getattr(obj, func_name) f = numpy.vectorize(func) x = numpy.linspace(*range) y = f(x) pylab.rc('font', family='serif', size=20) pylab.plot(x, y) pylab.xlabel(param) pylab.ylabel(func_name) hi_pts = [pt for pt, txt in highlights] pylab.plot(hi_pts, f(hi_pts), 'rD') for pt, txt in highlights: pt_y = func(pt) ann = txt + "\n(%s,%s)" % (pt, pt_y) pylab.annotate(ann, xy=(pt, pt_y)) import os, time file = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/generated_graphs/%s.%s.%s.pdf" % (type(obj).__name__, func_name, time.time()) pylab.savefig(file, dpi=300) pylab.close() return file
def scattertext(X, phns, title): assert X.shape[1] == 2 pl.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], s=0) for i, phn in enumerate(phns): pl.annotate(phn, (X[i,0], X[i,1])) pl.title(title)
def plot_words(wordVectors, set1p, set1n, imgFile): X = [] labels = [] for word in set1p+set1n: if word in wordVectors: labels.append(word) X.append(wordVectors[word]) X = numpy.array(X) for r, row in enumerate(X): X[r] /= math.sqrt((X[r]**2).sum() + 1e-6) Y = tsne(X, 2, 80, 20.0); Plot.scatter(Y[:,0], Y[:,1], s=0.1) for label, x, y in zip(labels, Y[:, 0], Y[:, 1]): if label in set1p: Plot.annotate( label, color="green", xy = (x, y), xytext = None, textcoords = None, bbox = None, arrowprops = None, size=10 ) if label in set1n: Plot.annotate( label, color="red", xy = (x, y), xytext = None, textcoords = None, bbox = None, arrowprops = None, size=10 ) Plot.savefig(imgFile, bbox_inches='tight') Plot.close()
def create_plot_2d_speeches(self, withLabels = True): if withLabels: font = { 'fontname':'Tahoma', 'fontsize':0.5, 'verticalalignment': 'top', 'horizontalalignment':'center' } labels= [ (i['who'], i['date']) for i in ] pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom =0.1) pylab.scatter(self.speech_2d[:,0], self.speech_2d[:,1], marker = '.' ,cmap = pylab.get_cmap('Spectral')) for label, x, y in zip(labels, self.speech_2d[:, 0], self.speech_2d[:, 1]): pylab.annotate( label, xy = (x, y), xytext = None, ha = 'right', va = 'bottom', **font) #,textcoords = 'offset points',bbox = dict(boxstyle = 'round,pad=0.5', fc = 'yellow', alpha = 0.5), #arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '->', connectionstyle = 'arc3,rad=0')) pylab.title('U.S. Presidential Speeches(1790-2006)') pylab.xlabel('X') pylab.ylabel('Y') pylab.savefig('plot_with_labels', bbox_inches ='tight', dpi = 1000, orientation = 'landscape', papertype = 'a0') else: pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom =0.1) pylab.scatter(self.speech_2d[:,0], self.speech_2d[:,1], marker = 'o' ,cmap = pylab.get_cmap('Spectral')) pylab.title('U.S. Presidential Speeches(1790-2006)') pylab.xlabel('X') pylab.ylabel('Y') pylab.savefig('plot_without_labels', bbox_inches ='tight', dpi = 1000, orientation = 'landscape', papertype = 'a0') pylab.close()
def PlotNumberOfTags(corpus): word_tag_dict = defaultdict(set) for (word, tag) in corpus: word_tag_dict[word].add(tag) # using Counter for efficiency (leaner than FreqDist) C = Counter(len(val) for val in word_tag_dict.itervalues()) pylab.subplot(211) pylab.plot(C.keys(), C.values(), '-go', label='Linear Scale') pylab.suptitle('Word Ambiguity:') pylab.title('Number of Words by Possible Tag Number')'off') # for better appearance pylab.grid('on') # for better appearance pylab.ylabel('Words With This Number of Tags (Linear)') pylab.legend(loc=0) # add value tags for x,y in zip(C.keys(), C.values()): pylab.annotate(str(y), (x,y + 0.5)) pylab.subplot(212) pylab.plot(C.keys(), C.values(), '-bo', label='Logarithmic Scale') pylab.yscale('log') # to make the graph more readable, for the log graph version'off') # for better appearance pylab.grid('on') # for better appearance pylab.xlabel('Number of Tags per Word') pylab.ylabel('Words With This Number of Tags (Log)') pylab.legend(loc=0) # add value tags for x,y in zip(C.keys(), C.values()): pylab.annotate(str(y), (x,y + 0.5))
def plot_dens(x, y, filename, point): majorLocator = MultipleLocator(1) majorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%d') minorLocator = MultipleLocator(0.2) # fig = pl.figure() fig, ax = plt.subplots() pl.plot(x, y, 'b-', x, y, 'k.') fig.suptitle(filename) # pl.plot(z, R, 'k.') #fig.set_xlim(0,4.0) #fig.set_ylim(0,3) # fig = plt.gcf() plt.xticks(ticki) # plt.xticks(range(0,d_max_y,50)) pl.xlim(0,12) pl.ylim(0,max(y)) pl.xlabel('z [nm]') pl.ylabel('Density [kg/nm3]') # pl.grid(b=True, which='both', axis='both', color='r', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.5) # fig.set_size_inches(18.5,10.5) pl.annotate('first peak', xy=(point[0], point[1]), xycoords='data', xytext=(-50, 30), textcoords='offset points', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->")) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(majorFormatter) #for the minor ticks, use no labels; default NullFormatter ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) ax.xaxis.grid(True, which='minor') ax.yaxis.grid(True, which='major') return fig
def geom_Plot(self,plot_Node_Names = 0,Highlights = None): pp.figure() pp.title('Network Geometry') for i in self.nodes: if i.type == 'Node': symbol = 'o' size = 10 elif i.type == 'Reservoir': symbol = 's' size = 20 elif i.type == 'Tank': symbol = (5,2) size = 20 c = 'k' if i.Name in Highlights: size = 40 c = 'r' pp.scatter([i.xPos],[i.yPos],marker = symbol,s = size,c=c) if plot_Node_Names != 0: pp.annotate(i.Name,(i.xPos,i.yPos)) for i in self.pipes: pp.plot([i.x1,i.x2],[i.y1,i.y2],'k') for i in self.valves: pp.plot([i.x1,i.x2],[i.y1,i.y2],'r') for i in self.pumps: pp.plot([i.x1,i.x2],[i.y1,i.y2],'g') pp.axis('equal')
def display_data(word_vectors, words, target_words=None): target_matrix = word_vectors.copy() if target_words: target_words = [line.strip().lower() for line in open(target_words)][:2000] rows = [words.index(word) for word in target_words if word in words] target_matrix = target_matrix[rows,:] else: rows = np.random.choice(len(word_vectors), size=1000, replace=False) target_matrix = target_matrix[rows,:] reduced_matrix = tsne(target_matrix, 2); Plot.figure(figsize=(200, 200), dpi=100) max_x = np.amax(reduced_matrix, axis=0)[0] max_y = np.amax(reduced_matrix, axis=0)[1] Plot.xlim((-max_x,max_x)) Plot.ylim((-max_y,max_y)) Plot.scatter(reduced_matrix[:, 0], reduced_matrix[:, 1], 20); for row_id in range(0, len(rows)): target_word = words[rows[row_id]] x = reduced_matrix[row_id, 0] y = reduced_matrix[row_id, 1] Plot.annotate(target_word, (x,y)) Plot.savefig("word_vectors.png");
def ManetPlot(): index_mob=0 index_route=00 plotting_time=0 pl.ion() fig,ax=pl.subplots() for index_mob in range(len(time_plot)): # plot the nodes with the positions given by index_mob of x_plot and yplot pl.scatter(x_plot[index_mob],y_plot[index_mob],s=100,c='g') # print x_plot[index_mob],y_plot[index_mob] for i, txt in enumerate(n): pl.annotate(txt,(x_plot[index_mob, i]+10,y_plot[index_mob, i]+10)) pl.xlabel('x axis') pl.ylabel('y axis') # set axis limits pl.xlim(0.0, xRange) pl.ylim(0.0, yRange) pl.title("Position updation at "+str(time_plot[index_mob])) # print time_plot[index_mob],route_table_time[index_route],ntemp,route_table[index_route,1:3] # print_neighbors(neighbor_nodes_time,time_neighb,x_plot[index_mob,:],y_plot[index_mob,:]) pl.pause(.0005) # show the plot on the screen pl.clf()
def draw_results(self, all_results): ## Plot the map # Define some styles for plots found_style = {'linewidth':1.5, 'marker':'o', 'markersize':4, 'color':'w'} executed_style = {'linewidth':4, 'marker':'.', 'markersize':15, 'color':'b'} # pdb.set_trace() for r, run_result in enumerate(all_results): for i, iter_result in enumerate(run_result['iter_results']): # Plot the executed part self.plot_plan_line(iter_result['start_state'], iter_result['plan_executed'], **executed_style) pylab.annotate(str(i), xy=iter_result['start_state'], xytext=(5, 5), textcoords='offset points') # Plot the found plan self.plot_plan_line(iter_result['start_state'], iter_result['plan_found'], **found_style) pylab.savefig('map_' + str(r) + '_it' + str(i) + '.png')
def stringtest(): import Levenshtein strings = [ "King Crimson", "King Lear", "Denis Leary", "George Bush", "George W. Bush", "Barack Hussein Obama", "Saddam Hussein", "George Leary", ] dist = distmatrix(strings, c=lambda x, y: 1 - Levenshtein.ratio(x, y)) p = fastmap(dist, 2) import pylab pylab.scatter([x[0] for x in p], [x[1] for x in p], c="r") for i, s in enumerate(strings): pylab.annotate(s, p[i]) pylab.title("Levenshtein distance mapped to 2D coordinates") # pylab.savefig("fastmap2.png")
def _plot(self, fits_params, tau, tsys, r2, sec_el, fit, hot_sky, path): """ 図の出力、保存 """ fig = pylab.figure() pylab.grid() pylab.ylabel("log((Phot-Psky)/Phot)") pylab.xlabel("secZ") pylab.plot(sec_el, hot_sky, "o", markersize=7) pylab.plot(sec_el, fit) pylab.annotate( "tau = %.2f, Tsys* = %.2f, R^2 = %.3f" % (tau, tsys, r2), xy=(0.6, 0.9), xycoords="axes fraction", size="small", ) # if (fits_params[0]["BACKEND"])[-1]=="1" : direction="H" # elif (fits_params[0]["BACKEND"])[-1]=="2" : direction="V" # else : pass # figure_name = str(fits_params[0]["MOLECULE"])+direction+".png" figure_name = str(fits_params[0]["MOLECULE"]) + ".png" # file_manager.mkdir(path) pylab.savefig(path + figure_name) # file_manager.mkdir('/home/1.85m/data/Qlook/skydip/' + path.split('/')[-1]) # pylab.savefig('/home/1.85m/data/Qlook/skydip/'+ path.split('/')[-1] + '/' + figure_name) """
def tracePlot(outpath, base_name, order_num, raw, fit, mask): pl.figure("Trace Plot", figsize=(6, 5), facecolor='white') pl.title('trace, ' + base_name + ", order " + str(order_num), fontsize=14) pl.xlabel('column (pixels)') pl.ylabel('row (pixels)') # yrange = offraw.max() - offraw.min() x = np.arange(raw.shape[0]) pl.plot(x[mask], raw[mask], "ko", mfc="none", ms=1.0, linewidth=1, label="derived") pl.plot(x, fit, "k-", mfc="none", ms=1.0, linewidth=1, label="fit") pl.plot(x[np.logical_not(mask)], raw[np.logical_not(mask)], "ro", mfc="red", mec="red", ms=2.0, linewidth=2, label="ignored") rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(raw - fit))) pl.annotate('RMS residual = ' + "{:.3f}".format(rms), (0.3, 0.8), xycoords="figure fraction") pl.minorticks_on() pl.grid(True) pl.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 8}) fn = constructFileName(outpath, base_name, order_num, 'trace.png') pl.savefig(fn) pl.close() log_fn(fn) return
def construct_gs_hist(del_bl=8.,num_bl=10,beam_sig=0.09,fq=0.1): save_tag = 'grid_del_bl_{0:.2f}_num_bl_{1}_beam_sig_{2:.2f}_fq_{3:.3f}'.format(del_bl,num_bl,beam_sig,fq) save_tag_mc = 'grid_del_bl_{0:.2f}_num_bl_{1}_beam_sig_{2:.2f}_fq_{3}'.format(del_bl,num_bl,beam_sig,fq) ys = load_mc_data('{0}/monte_carlo/{1}'.format(data_loc,save_tag_mc)) print 'ys ',ys.shape alms_fg = qgea.generate_sky_model_alms(gsm_fits_file,lmax=3) alms_fg = alms_fg[:,2] baselines,Q,lms = load_Q_file(gh='grid',del_bl=del_bl,num_bl=num_bl,beam_sig=beam_sig,fq=fq,lmax=3) N = total_noise_covar(0.1,baselines.shape[0],'{0}/gsm_matrices/gsm_{1}.npz'.format(data_loc,save_tag)) MQN = return_MQdagNinv(Q,N,num_remov=None) print MQN ahat00s = n.array([]) for ii in xrange(ys.shape[1]): #_,ahat,_ = qgea.test_recover_alms(ys[:,ii],Q,N,alms_fg,num_remov=None) ahat = uf.vdot(MQN,ys[:,ii]) ahat00s = n.append(n.real(ahat[0]),ahat00s) #print ahat00s print ahat00s.shape _,bins,_ = p.hist(ahat00s,bins=36,normed=True) # plot best fit line mu,sigma = print "mu, sigma = ",mu,', ',sigma y_fit = mpl.mlab.normpdf(bins,mu,sigma) p.plot(bins, y_fit, 'r--', linewidth=2) p.xlabel('ahat_00') p.ylabel('Probability') p.title(save_tag) p.annotate('mu = {0:.2f}\nsigma = {1:.2f}'.format(mu,sigma), xy=(0.05, 0.5), xycoords='axes fraction') p.savefig('./figures/monte_carlo/{0}.pdf'.format(save_tag)) p.clf()
def createPlot(dataY, dataX, ticksX, annotations, axisY, axisX, dostep, doannotate): if not ticksX: ticksX = dataX if dostep: py.step(dataX, dataY, where='post', linestyle='-', label=axisY) # where=post steps after point else: py.plot(dataX, dataY, marker='o', ms=5.0, linestyle='-', label=axisY) if annotations and doannotate: for note, x, y in zip(annotations, dataX, dataY): py.annotate(note, (x, y), xytext=(2,2), xycoords='data', textcoords='offset points') py.xticks(np.arange(1, len(dataX)+1), ticksX, horizontalalignment='left', rotation=30) leg = py.legend() leg.draggable() py.xlabel(axisX) py.ylabel('time (s)') # Set X axis tick labels as rungs #print zip(dataX, dataY) py.draw() return
def add_timeslices(): times = pylab.array([0,200,400,600,1000,1400,2000,2800,3400,4800]) for t in times: thours = t / 3600. pylab.plot([-400e3,0.],[thours,thours],'k') pylab.annotate('%s seconds' % t,[0.,thours],[30e3,thours],\ arrowprops={'width':1,'color':'k','frac':0.2,'shrink':0.1})
def transmission(path,g,src,dest): global disp_count global bar_colors global edge_colors global node_colors k=0 j=0 list_of_edges = g.edges() for node in path : k=path.index(node) disp_count = disp_count + 1 if k != (len(path)-1): k=path[k+1] j=list_of_edges.index((node,k)) initialize_edge_colors(j) #ec[disp_count].remove(-3000) pylab.subplot(121) nx.draw_networkx(g,pos = nx.circular_layout(g),node_color= node_colors,edge_color = edge_colors) pylab.annotate("Source",node_positions[src]) pylab.annotate("Destination",node_positions[dest]) pylab.title("Transmission") he=initializeEnergies(disp_count) print he pylab.subplot(122)[1,2,3,4,5],height=[300,300,300,300,300],width=0.5,color = ['w','w','w','w','w'],linewidth=0)[1,2,3,4,5],height=initializeEnergies(disp_count),width=0.5,color = 'b') pylab.title("Node energies") #pylab.legend(["already passed throgh","passing" , "yet to pass"]) pylab.xlabel('Node number') pylab.ylabel('Energy') pylab.suptitle('Leach Protocol', fontsize=12) pylab.pause(2) else : return
def plot_prob_effector(sens, fpr, xmax=1, baserate=0.1): """Plots a line graph of P(effector|positive test) against the baserate of effectors in the input set to the classifier. The baserate argument draws an annotation arrow indicating P(pos|+ve) at that baserate """ assert 0.1 <= xmax <= 1, "Max x axis value must be in range [0,1]" assert 0.01 <= baserate <= 1, "Baserate annotation must be in range [0,1]" baserates = pylab.arange(0, 1.05, xmax * 0.005) probs = [p_correct_given_pos(sens, fpr, b) for b in baserates] pylab.plot(baserates, probs, 'r') pylab.title("P(eff|pos) vs baserate; sens: %.2f, fpr: %.2f" % (sens, fpr)) pylab.ylabel("P(effector|positive)") pylab.xlabel("effector baserate") pylab.xlim(0, xmax) pylab.ylim(0, 1) # Add annotation arrow xpos, ypos = (baserate, p_correct_given_pos(sens, fpr, baserate)) if baserate < xmax: if xpos > 0.7 * xmax: xtextpos = 0.05 * xmax else: xtextpos = xpos + (xmax-xpos)/5. if ypos > 0.5: ytextpos = ypos - 0.05 else: ytextpos = ypos + 0.05 pylab.annotate('baserate: %.2f, P(pos|+ve): %.3f' % (xpos, ypos), xy=(xpos, ypos), xytext=(xtextpos, ytextpos), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05)) else: pylab.text(0.05 * xmax, 0.95, 'baserate: %.2f, P(pos|+ve): %.3f' % \ (xpos, ypos))
def graphTSPResults(resultsDir,numberOfTours): x=[] y=[] files=[open("%s/objectiveFunctionReport.txt" % resultsDir), open("%s/fitnessReport.txt" % resultsDir)] for f in files: x.append([]) y.append([]) i=len(x)-1 for line in f: line=line.split(',') if line[0] != "gen": x[i].append(int(line[0])) y[i].append(float(line[1] if i==1 else line[2])) ylen=len(y[0]) pl.subplot(2,1,1) pl.plot(x[0],y[0],'bo') pl.ylabel('Minimum Distance') pl.title("TSP with a %s City Tour" % numberOfTours) pl.annotate("{0:,}".format(y[0][0]),xy=(x[0][0],y[0][0]), xycoords='data', xytext=(30, -30), textcoords='offset points', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->") ) pl.annotate("{0:,}".format(y[0][ylen-1]),xy=(x[0][ylen-1],y[0][ylen-1]), xycoords='data', xytext=(-30,30), textcoords='offset points', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->") ) pl.subplot(2,1,2) pl.plot(x[1],y[1],'go') pl.xlabel('Generation') pl.ylabel('Fitness') pl.savefig("%s/tsp_result.png" % resultsDir) pl.clf()
def plot_datasets(dataset_ids, title=None, legend=True, labels=True): """ Plots one or more dataset. :param dataset_ids: list of datasets to plot :type dataset_ids: list of integers :param title: title of the plot :type title: string :param legend: whether or not to show legend :type legend: boolean :param labels: whether or not to plot point labels :type labels: boolean """ title = title if title else "Datasets " + ",".join( [str(d) for d in dataset_ids]) pl.title(title) data = {k: v for k, v in npoints.items() if k in dataset_ids} lines = [pl.plot(zip(*p)[0], zip(*p)[1], 'o-')[0] for p in data.values()] if legend: pl.legend(lines, data.keys()) if labels: for x, y, l in [i for s in data.values() for i in s]: pl.annotate(str(l), xy=(x, y), xytext=(x, y + 0.1)) pl.grid(True) return pl
def plot_embedding(X, y, labels=None, image_file_name=None, title=None, cmap='gnuplot', density=False): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import offsetbox from PIL import Image if title is not None: plt.title(title) if density: embed_dat_matrix_2D(X, y=y, instance_colormap=cmap) else: plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y, cmap=cmap, alpha=.7, s=30, edgecolors='gray') plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) if image_file_name is not None: num_instances = X.shape[0] ax = plt.subplot(111) for i in range(num_instances): img = + str(i) + '.png') imagebox = offsetbox.AnnotationBbox(offsetbox.OffsetImage(img, zoom=1), X[i], pad=0, frameon=False) ax.add_artist(imagebox) if labels is not None: for id in range(X.shape[0]): label = str(labels[id]) x = X[id, 0] y = X[id, 1] plt.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, 0), textcoords = 'offset points')
def draw_circle_arcs(arcs,n=100,label=False,full=False,dots=False,jitter=None): import pylab for p,poly in enumerate(arcs): X = poly['x'] q = poly['q'] Xn = roll(X,-1,axis=0) l = magnitudes(Xn-X) center = .5*(X+Xn)+.25*(1/q-q).reshape(-1,1)*rotate_left_90(Xn-X) if 0: print 'draw %d: x0 %s, x1 %s, center %s'%(0,X[0],Xn[0],center[0]) radius = .25*l*(1/q+q) print 'radius = %s'%radius assert allclose(magnitudes(X-center),abs(radius)) theta = array([2*pi]) if full else 4*atan(q) points = center.reshape(-1,1,2)+Rotation.from_angle(theta[:,None]*arange(n+1)/n)*(X-center).reshape(-1,1,2) if dots: pylab.plot(X[:,0],X[:,1],'.') if full: for i,pp in enumerate(points): pylab.plot(pp[:,0],pp[:,1],'--') pylab.plot(center[i,0],center[i,1],'+') if label: pylab.annotate(str(arcs.offsets[p]+i),center[i]) else: if label: for i in xrange(len(poly)): pylab.annotate(str(arcs.offsets[p]+i),points[i,n//2]) points = concatenate([points.reshape(-1,2),[points[-1,-1]]]) if jitter is not None: points += jitter*random.uniform(-1,1,points.shape) # Jitter if you want to be able to differentiate concident points: pylab.plot(points[:,0],points[:,1])
def demo(): """ Show the available interface functions and the corresponding probability density functions. """ # Plot the cdf and pdf import pylab w = 10 perf = Erf(w) ptanh = Tanh(w) plinear = Linear(2.35*w) #arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='wedge', connectionstyle='arc3', fc='0.6') #bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', fc='0.8') z = pylab.linspace(-3*w, 3*w, 800) pylab.subplot(211) pylab.plot(z, perf.cdf(z)) pylab.plot(z, ptanh.cdf(z)) pylab.plot(z, plinear.cdf(z)) pylab.axvline(w, linewidth=2) pylab.annotate('1-sigma', xy=(w*1.1, 0.2)) pylab.legend(['erf', 'tanh']) pylab.grid(True) pylab.subplot(212) pylab.plot(z, perf.pdf(z)) pylab.plot(z, ptanh.pdf(z)) pylab.plot(z, plinear.pdf(z)) pylab.axvline(w, linewidth=2) pylab.annotate('1-sigma', xy=(w*1.1, 0.2)) pylab.legend(['erf', 'tanh', 'linear']) pylab.grid(True)
def graphSimpleResults(resultsDir): x=[] y=[] files=[open("%s/objectiveFunctionReport.txt" % resultsDir), open("%s/fitnessReport.txt" % resultsDir)] for f in files: x.append([]) y.append([]) i=len(x)-1 for line in f: line=line.split(',') if line[0] != "gen": x[i].append(int(line[0])) y[i].append(float(line[1])) ylen=len(y[0]) pl.subplot(2,1,1) pl.plot(x[0],y[0],'bo') pl.ylabel('Maximum x') pl.title('Maximizing x**2 with SGA') pl.annotate("{0:,}".format(y[0][0]),xy=(x[0][0],y[0][0]), xycoords='data', xytext=(50, 30), textcoords='offset points', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->") ) pl.annotate("{0:,}".format(y[0][ylen-1]),xy=(x[0][ylen-1],y[0][ylen-1]), xycoords='data', xytext=(-30, -30), textcoords='offset points', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->") ) pl.subplot(2,1,2) pl.plot(x[1],y[1],'go') pl.xlabel('Generation') pl.ylabel('Fitness') pl.savefig("%s/simple_result.png" % resultsDir)
def annotator(data, labels, lang): labelStyle = 'normal' if lang == 'en' else 'italic' color = 'blue' if lang == 'en' else 'red' for label, x, y in zip(labels, data[:, 0], data[:, 1]): if label in ['man','hombre','woman','mujer']: pylab.scatter([x],[y],20,[color]) pylab.annotate(label, xy = (x, y), style = labelStyle)
def plotScoringFunction(data, bestParameterSet, patients, scoringFunction): x = [] y = [] labels = [] for i in range(data.shape[1]): if ( abs((data[:, i][0]) - (bestParameterSet[0])) < 0.00001 and abs((data[:, i][2]) - (bestParameterSet[2])) < 0.00001 and abs((data[:, i][1]) - (bestParameterSet[1])) < 0.00001 and abs((data[:, i][3]) - (bestParameterSet[3])) < 0.00001 and abs((data[:, i][4]) - (bestParameterSet[4])) < 0.00001 ): x += [data[:, i][5]] y += [data[:, i][6]] labels += [patients[i]] scoringFunction(x, y, plot=True) for label, xi, yi in zip(labels, x, y): plt.annotate( label, xy=(xi, yi), textcoords="offset points", ha="right", va="bottom", arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3,rad=0"), )
def demo_fwhm(): """ Show the available interface functions and the corresponding probability density functions. """ # Plot the cdf and pdf import pylab w = 10 perf = Erf.as_fwhm(w) ptanh = Tanh.as_fwhm(w) z = pylab.linspace(-w, w, 800) pylab.subplot(211) pylab.plot(z, perf.cdf(z)) pylab.plot(z, ptanh.cdf(z)) pylab.legend(['erf', 'tanh']) pylab.grid(True) pylab.subplot(212) pylab.plot(z, perf.pdf(z), 'b') pylab.plot(z, ptanh.pdf(z), 'g') pylab.legend(['erf', 'tanh']) # Show fwhm arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle='wedge', connectionstyle='arc3', fc='0.6') bbox = dict(boxstyle='round', fc='0.8') pylab.annotate('erf FWHM', xy=(w/2, perf.pdf(0)/2), xytext=(-35, 10), textcoords="offset points", arrowprops=arrowprops, bbox=bbox) pylab.annotate('tanh FWHM', xy=(w/2, ptanh.pdf(0)/2), xytext=(-35, -35), textcoords="offset points", arrowprops=arrowprops, bbox=bbox) pylab.grid(True)
def sbsplot(spec, output, show_lines, transitions, z, x_axis, x_col, x_min, x_max, y_axis, y_col, identifier): """ """ pdf = PdfPages(output) specs = glob.glob(spec) crrls.natural_sort(specs) # If only one file is passed, it probably contains a list if len(specs) == 1: specs = np.genfromtxt(specs[0], dtype=str) try: specs.shape[1] specs = glob.glob(spec) # Or a single file is to be plotted except IndexError: pass for s in specs: data = np.loadtxt(s) x = data[:, x_col] y = data[:, y_col] # Determine the subband name try: sb = re.findall('{0}\d+'.format(identifier), s)[0] except IndexError: print("Could not find SB number.") print("Will use the file name.") sb = s # Begin ploting fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) fig.suptitle(sb) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, adjustable='datalim') ax.step(x, y, 'k-', lw=1, where='mid') # Mark the transitions? if show_lines: trans = transitions.split(',') for o, t in enumerate(trans): if x[~np.isnan(x)][0] > x[~np.isnan(x)][1]: r = -1 else: r = 1 qns, freqs = crrls.find_lines_sb(x[~np.isnan(x)][::r], t, z) ylbl = for label, i, j in zip(qns, freqs, [ylbl] * len(freqs)): plt.annotate(label, xy=(i, j), xytext=(-10, 15 * o + 5), size='x-small', textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.5', fc='yellow', alpha=0.5), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0')) #if len(qns) > 0: plt.annotate(tprops[t][0], xy=(i, j), xytext=(-4, 0), textcoords='offset points', size='xx-small') plt.plot(freqs, [ylbl] * len(freqs), marker='|', ls='none', ms=25, c=tprops[t][1], mew=8, alpha=0.8) ax.set_xlabel(x_axis) ax.set_ylabel(y_axis) if x_max: ax.set_xlim(x_min, x_max) pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close(fig) pdf.close()
def RunAnimation(arg): import os, sys, time import subprocess import psutil import pylab as pl from IPython import display import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd import numpy as np print("RunAnimation") sys.stdout.flush() deviceCount = arg # Need this only for animation of GPU usage to be consistent with #from py3nvml.py3nvml import * import py3nvml maxNGPUS = int(subprocess.check_output("nvidia-smi -L | wc -l", shell=True)) print("\nNumber of GPUS:", maxNGPUS) py3nvml.py3nvml.nvmlInit() total_deviceCount = py3nvml.py3nvml.nvmlDeviceGetCount() if deviceCount == -1: deviceCount = total_deviceCount #for i in range(deviceCount): # handle = nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(i) # print("Device {}: {}".format(i, nvmlDeviceGetName(handle))) #print ("Driver Version:", nvmlSystemGetDriverVersion()) print("Animation deviceCount=%d" % (deviceCount)) file = os.getcwd() + "/error.txt" print("opening %s" % (file)) fig = pl.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) pl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 14 pl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 14 gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 2, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4) ax1 = pl.subplot(gs[0, -2]) ax2 = pl.subplot(gs[0, 1]) ax3 = pl.subplot(gs[1:, :]) fig.suptitle(' Machine Learning $-$ Generalized Linear Modeling', size=18) pl.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) #cb = False from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap cm = ListedColormap(sns.color_palette("RdYlGn", 10).as_hex()) cc = ax3.scatter([0.001, 0.001], [0, 0], c=[0, 1], cmap=cm) cb = pl.colorbar(cc, ax=ax3) os.system("mkdir -p images") i = 0 while (True): #try: #print("In try i=%d" % i) #sys.stdout.flush() #cpu snapshot = psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True) cpu_labels = range(1, len(snapshot) + 1) plot_cpu_perf(ax1, cpu_labels, snapshot) #gpu gpu_snapshot = [] gpu_labels = list(range(1, deviceCount + 1)) import py3nvml for j in range(deviceCount): handle = py3nvml.py3nvml.nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(j) util = py3nvml.py3nvml.nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(handle) gpu_snapshot.append(util.gpu) gpu_snapshot = gpu_snapshot plot_gpu_perf(ax2, gpu_labels, gpu_snapshot) res = pd.read_csv(file, sep="\s+", header=None, names=[ 'time', 'pass', 'fold', 'a', 'i', 'alpha', 'lambda', 'trainrmse', 'ivalidrmse', 'validrmse' ]) res['rel_acc'] = ((42665 - res['validrmse']) / (42665 - 31000)) res['alpha_prime'] = res['alpha'] + res['fold'].apply( lambda x: new_alpha(x)) best = res.loc[res['rel_acc'] == np.max(res['rel_acc']), :] plot_glm_results(ax3, res, best.tail(1), cb) # flag for colorbar to avoid redrawing #cb = True # Add footnotes footnote_text = "*U.S. Census dataset (predict Income): 45k rows, 10k cols\nParameters: 5-fold cross-validation, " + r'$\alpha = \{\frac{i}{7},i=0\ldots7\}$' + ", "\ 'full $\lambda$-' + "search" #pl.figtext(.05, -.04, footnote_text, fontsize = 14,) pl.annotate(footnote_text, (0, 0), (-30, -50), fontsize=12, xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points', va='top') #update the graphics display.display(pl.gcf()) display.clear_output(wait=True) time.sleep(0.01) #save the images saveimage = 0 if saveimage: file_name = './images/glm_run_%04d.png' % (i, ) pl.savefig(file_name, dpi=200) i = i + 1
def analyse_equil(F, R, Z): s = numpy.shape(F) nx = s[0] ny = s[1] #;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Find critical points ;;;;;;;;;;;;; # # Need to find starting locations for O-points (minima/maxima) # and X-points (saddle points) # Rr = numpy.tile(R, nx).reshape(nx, ny).T # needed for contour Zz = numpy.tile(Z, ny).reshape(nx, ny) contour1 = contour(Rr, Zz, gradient(F)[0], levels=[0.0], colors='r') contour2 = contour(Rr, Zz, gradient(F)[1], levels=[0.0], colors='r') draw() ### --- line crossings --------------------------- res = find_inter(contour1, contour2) rex = numpy.interp(res[0], R, numpy.arange(R.size)).astype(int) zex = numpy.interp(res[1], Z, numpy.arange(Z.size)).astype(int) w = numpy.where((rex > 2) & (rex < nx - 3) & (zex > 2) & (zex < nx - 3)) nextrema = numpy.size(w) rex = rex[w].flatten() zex = zex[w].flatten() #;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Characterise extrema ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; # Fit a surface through local points using 6x6 matrix # This is to determine the type of extrema, and to # refine the location # n_opoint = 0 n_xpoint = 0 # Calculate inverse matrix rio = numpy.array([-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) # R index offsets zio = numpy.array([0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1]) # Z index offsets # Fitting a + br + cz + drz + er^2 + fz^2 A = numpy.transpose([[numpy.zeros(6, + 1], [rio], [zio], [rio * zio], [rio**2], [zio**2]]) A = A[:, 0, :] for e in range(nextrema): # Fit in index space so result is index number print("Critical point " + str(e)) valid = 1 localf = numpy.zeros(6) for i in range(6): # Get the f value in a stencil around this point xi = (rex[e] + rio[i]) #> 0) < (nx-1) # Zero-gradient at edges yi = (zex[e] + zio[i]) #> 0) < (ny-1) localf[i] = F[xi, yi] res, _, _, _ = numpy.linalg.lstsq(A, localf) # Res now contains [a,b,c,d,e,f] # [0,1,2,3,4,5] # This determines whether saddle or extremum det = 4. * res[4] * res[5] - res[3]**2 if det < 0.0: print(" X-point") else: print(" O-point") # Get location (2x2 matrix of coefficients) rinew = old_div((res[3] * res[2] - 2. * res[1] * res[5]), det) zinew = old_div((res[3] * res[1] - 2. * res[4] * res[2]), det) if (numpy.abs(rinew) > 1.) or (numpy.abs(zinew) > 1.0): #; Method has gone slightly wrong. Try a different method. #; Get a contour line starting at this point. Should #; produce a circle around the real o-point. print(" Fitted location deviates too much") if det < 0.0: print(" => X-point probably not valid") print(" deviation = " + numpy.str(rinew) + "," + numpy.str(zinew)) #valid = 0 # else: # # contour_lines, F, findgen(nx), findgen(ny), levels=[F[rex[e], zex[e]]], \ # path_info=info, path_xy=xy # # if np.size(info) > 1 : # # More than one contour. Select the one closest # ind = closest_line(info, xy, rex[e], zex[e]) # info = info[ind] # else: info = info[0] # # rinew = 0.5*(MAX(xy[0, info.offset:(info.offset + info.n - 1)]) + \ # MIN(xy[0, info.offset:(info.offset + info.n - 1)])) - rex[e] # zinew = 0.5*(MAX(xy[1, info.offset:(info.offset + info.n - 1)]) + \ # MIN(xy[1, info.offset:(info.offset + info.n - 1)])) - zex[e] # # if (np.abs(rinew) > 2.) or (np.abs(zinew) > 2.0) : # print " Backup method also failed. Keeping initial guess" # rinew = 0. # zinew = 0. # # if valid: fnew = (res[0] + res[1] * rinew + res[2] * zinew + res[3] * rinew * zinew + res[4] * rinew**2 + res[5] * zinew**2) rinew = rinew + rex[e] zinew = zinew + zex[e] print(" Starting index: " + str(rex[e]) + ", " + str(zex[e])) print(" Refined index: " + str(rinew) + ", " + str(zinew)) x = numpy.arange(numpy.size(R)) y = numpy.arange(numpy.size(Z)) rnew = numpy.interp(rinew, x, R) znew = numpy.interp(zinew, y, Z) print(" Position: " + str(rnew) + ", " + str(znew)) print(" F = " + str(fnew)) if det < 0.0: if n_xpoint == 0: xpt_ri = [rinew] xpt_zi = [zinew] xpt_f = [fnew] n_xpoint = n_xpoint + 1 else: # Check if this duplicates an existing point if rinew in xpt_ri and zinew in xpt_zi: print(" Duplicates existing X-point.") else: xpt_ri = numpy.append(xpt_ri, rinew) xpt_zi = numpy.append(xpt_zi, zinew) xpt_f = numpy.append(xpt_f, fnew) n_xpoint = n_xpoint + 1 scatter(rnew, znew, s=100, marker='x', color='r') annotate(numpy.str(n_xpoint - 1), xy=(rnew, znew), xytext=(10, 10), textcoords='offset points', size='large', color='r') draw() else: if n_opoint == 0: opt_ri = [rinew] opt_zi = [zinew] opt_f = [fnew] n_opoint = n_opoint + 1 else: # Check if this duplicates an existing point if rinew in opt_ri and zinew in opt_zi: print(" Duplicates existing O-point") else: opt_ri = numpy.append(opt_ri, rinew) opt_zi = numpy.append(opt_zi, zinew) opt_f = numpy.append(opt_f, fnew) n_opoint = n_opoint + 1 scatter(rnew, znew, s=100, marker='o', color='r') annotate(numpy.str(n_opoint - 1), xy=(rnew, znew), xytext=(10, 10), textcoords='offset points', size='large', color='b') draw() print("Number of O-points: " + numpy.str(n_opoint)) print("Number of X-points: " + numpy.str(n_xpoint)) if n_opoint == 0: opt_ri = [rinew] opt_zi = [zinew] opt_f = [fnew] n_opoint = n_opoint + 1 print("Number of O-points: " + str(n_opoint)) if n_opoint == 0: print("No O-points! Giving up on this equilibrium") return Bunch(n_opoint=0, n_xpoint=0, primary_opt=-1) #;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Find plasma centre ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; # Find the O-point closest to the middle of the grid mind = (opt_ri[0] - (old_div(numpy.float(nx), 2.)))**2 + ( opt_zi[0] - (old_div(numpy.float(ny), 2.)))**2 ind = 0 for i in range(1, n_opoint): d = (opt_ri[i] - (old_div(numpy.float(nx), 2.)))**2 + ( opt_zi[i] - (old_div(numpy.float(ny), 2.)))**2 if d < mind: ind = i mind = d primary_opt = ind print("Primary O-point is at " + str(numpy.interp(opt_ri[ind], x, R)) + ", " + str(numpy.interp(opt_zi[ind], y, Z))) print("") if n_xpoint > 0: # Find the primary separatrix # First remove non-monotonic separatrices nkeep = 0 for i in range(n_xpoint): # Draw a line between the O-point and X-point n = 100 # Number of points farr = numpy.zeros(n) dr = old_div((xpt_ri[i] - opt_ri[ind]), numpy.float(n)) dz = old_div((xpt_zi[i] - opt_zi[ind]), numpy.float(n)) for j in range(n): # interpolate f at this location func = RectBivariateSpline(x, y, F) farr[j] = func(opt_ri[ind] + dr * numpy.float(j), opt_zi[ind] + dz * numpy.float(j)) # farr should be monotonic, and shouldn't cross any other separatrices maxind = numpy.argmax(farr) minind = numpy.argmin(farr) if (maxind < minind): maxind, minind = minind, maxind # Allow a little leeway to account for errors # NOTE: This needs a bit of refining if (maxind > (n - 3)) and (minind < 3): # Monotonic, so add this to a list of x-points to keep if nkeep == 0: keep = [i] else: keep = numpy.append(keep, i) nkeep = nkeep + 1 if nkeep > 0: print("Keeping x-points ", keep) xpt_ri = xpt_ri[keep] xpt_zi = xpt_zi[keep] xpt_f = xpt_f[keep] else: "No x-points kept" n_xpoint = nkeep # Now find x-point closest to primary O-point s = numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(opt_f[ind] - xpt_f)) xpt_ri = xpt_ri[s] xpt_zi = xpt_zi[s] xpt_f = xpt_f[s] inner_sep = 0 else: # No x-points. Pick mid-point in f xpt_f = 0.5 * (numpy.max(F) + numpy.min(F)) print("WARNING: No X-points. Setting separatrix to F = " + str(xpt_f)) xpt_ri = 0 xpt_zi = 0 inner_sep = 0 #;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; # Put results into a structure result = Bunch( n_opoint=n_opoint, n_xpoint=n_xpoint, # Number of O- and X-points primary_opt=primary_opt, # Which O-point is the plasma centre inner_sep=inner_sep, #Innermost X-point separatrix opt_ri=opt_ri, opt_zi=opt_zi, opt_f=opt_f, # O-point location (indices) and psi values xpt_ri=xpt_ri, xpt_zi=xpt_zi, xpt_f=xpt_f) # X-point locations and psi values return result
def loglogplot(self, numin=1.0 * u.GHz, numax=10.0 * u.GHz, plottitle='', params=None, do_annotations=True, dust=False, dustT=False, annotation_xpos=0.7, **kwargs): import pylab as pl x = np.logspace(np.log10(, np.log10(, 500) if params is None: params = self.params if dust: y = inufit_dust(*params)(x) elif dustT: y = inufit_dustT(*params)(x) else: y = inufit(*params)(x) y = u.Quantity(y, u.mJy) pl.loglog(x, y, **kwargs) pl.xlabel('Frequency (GHz)') pl.ylabel('Flux Density (mJy)') pl.title(plottitle) pl.errorbar(,,, zorder=10, fmt='s', markersize=3, alpha=0.75, **kwargs) self.physprops() if do_annotations: #pl.annotate("size (as): {0:0.2g}".format(self.srcsize), [annotation_xpos, .35],textcoords='axes fraction',xycoords='axes fraction') if hasattr(self, 'beta'): pl.annotate("$\\beta$: {0:0.3g}".format(self.beta), [annotation_xpos, .4], textcoords='axes fraction', xycoords='axes fraction') pl.annotate("$T_{{dust}}$: {0:0.2g} K".format(self.dustT), [annotation_xpos, .35], textcoords='axes fraction', xycoords='axes fraction') elif hasattr(self, 'alpha'): pl.annotate("$\\alpha$: {0:0.3g}".format(self.alpha), [annotation_xpos, .35], textcoords='axes fraction', xycoords='axes fraction') pl.annotate("size (au): {0.value:0.2g}{0.unit:latex}".format( self.srcsize), [annotation_xpos, .3], textcoords='axes fraction', xycoords='axes fraction') pl.annotate("mass (msun): {0.value:0.2g}{0.unit:latex}".format( self.mass), [annotation_xpos, .25], textcoords='axes fraction', xycoords='axes fraction') pl.annotate("EM: {0.value:0.2g}{0.unit:latex}".format(self.em), [annotation_xpos, .2], textcoords='axes fraction', xycoords='axes fraction') pl.annotate("Nu(Tau=1): {0:0.2g}".format(self.nutau), [annotation_xpos, .15], textcoords='axes fraction', xycoords='axes fraction') pl.annotate("N(lyc): {0.value:0.2g}{0.unit:latex}".format( self.Nlyc), [annotation_xpos, .1], textcoords='axes fraction', xycoords='axes fraction') pl.annotate("dens: {0.value:0.2g}{0.unit:latex}".format(self.dens), [annotation_xpos, .05], textcoords='axes fraction', xycoords='axes fraction')
right=0.98, wspace=0.5, hspace=0.9, top=0.9) pl.subplot(121) pl.plot(apm.signal_weight_ran,, color=input_color, lw=2, label='Input') pl.plot(apm.signal_weight_ran, grid_out_index[sel_betas_idxs, :].T, '-k', lw=1) for sel_beta, sel_beta_idx in zip(sel_betas, sel_betas_idxs): pl.annotate('$%.2f$' % sel_beta, (0.4, grid_out_index[sel_beta_idx, x_idx]), fontsize=9) pp.custom_axes() pl.xlabel('Input-tuning strength $\\beta$ \n(after learning)') pl.ylabel('Grid tuning index') x_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(apm.signal_weight_ran - 0.25)) pl.subplot(122) pl.plot(apm.signal_weight_ran, grid_amp_index[sel_betas_idxs, :].T, '-k', lw=1) for sel_beta, sel_beta_idx in zip(sel_betas, sel_betas_idxs): pl.annotate('$%.2f$' % sel_beta, (0.25, grid_amp_index[sel_beta_idx, x_idx]), fontsize=9)
def scatter(self, x, y, xerr=None, yerr=None, cov=None, corr=None, s_expr=None, c_expr=None, labels=None, selection=None, length_limit=50000, length_check=True, label=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, errorbar_kwargs={}, ellipse_kwargs={}, **kwargs): """Viz (small amounts) of data in 2d using a scatter plot Convenience wrapper around pylab.scatter when for working with small DataFrames or selections :param x: Expression for x axis :param y: Idem for y :param s_expr: When given, use if for the s (size) argument of pylab.scatter :param c_expr: When given, use if for the c (color) argument of pylab.scatter :param labels: Annotate the points with these text values :param selection: Single selection expression, or None :param length_limit: maximum number of rows it will plot :param length_check: should we do the maximum row check or not? :param label: label for the legend :param xlabel: label for x axis, if None .label(x) is used :param ylabel: label for y axis, if None .label(y) is used :param errorbar_kwargs: extra dict with arguments passed to plt.errorbar :param kwargs: extra arguments passed to pylab.scatter :return: """ import pylab as plt x = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(x) y = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(y) label = str(label or selection) selection = _ensure_strings_from_expressions(selection) if length_check: count = self.count(selection=selection) if count > length_limit: raise ValueError( "the number of rows (%d) is above the limit (%d), pass length_check=False, or increase length_limit" % (count, length_limit)) x_values = self.evaluate(x, selection=selection) y_values = self.evaluate(y, selection=selection) if s_expr: kwargs["s"] = self.evaluate(s_expr, selection=selection) if c_expr: kwargs["c"] = self.evaluate(c_expr, selection=selection) plt.xlabel(xlabel or self.label(x)) plt.ylabel(ylabel or self.label(y)) s = plt.scatter(x_values, y_values, label=label, **kwargs) if labels: label_values = self.evaluate(labels, selection=selection) for i, label_value in enumerate(label_values): plt.annotate(label_value, (x_values[i], y_values[i])) xerr_values = None yerr_values = None if cov is not None or corr is not None: from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse sx = self.evaluate(xerr, selection=selection) sy = self.evaluate(yerr, selection=selection) if corr is not None: sxy = self.evaluate(corr, selection=selection) * sx * sy elif cov is not None: sxy = self.evaluate(cov, selection=selection) cov_matrix = np.zeros((len(sx), 2, 2)) cov_matrix[:, 0, 0] = sx**2 cov_matrix[:, 1, 1] = sy**2 cov_matrix[:, 0, 1] = cov_matrix[:, 1, 0] = sxy ax = plt.gca() ellipse_kwargs = dict(ellipse_kwargs) ellipse_kwargs['facecolor'] = ellipse_kwargs.get('facecolor', 'none') ellipse_kwargs['edgecolor'] = ellipse_kwargs.get('edgecolor', 'black') for i in range(len(sx)): eigen_values, eigen_vectors = np.linalg.eig(cov_matrix[i]) indices = np.argsort(eigen_values)[::-1] eigen_values = eigen_values[indices] eigen_vectors = eigen_vectors[:, indices] v1 = eigen_vectors[:, 0] v2 = eigen_vectors[:, 1] varx = cov_matrix[i, 0, 0] vary = cov_matrix[i, 1, 1] angle = np.arctan2(v1[1], v1[0]) # round off errors cause negative values? if eigen_values[1] < 0 and abs( (eigen_values[1] / eigen_values[0])) < 1e-10: eigen_values[1] = 0 if eigen_values[0] < 0 or eigen_values[1] < 0: raise ValueError('neg val') width, height = np.sqrt(np.max(eigen_values)), np.sqrt( np.min(eigen_values)) e = Ellipse(xy=(x_values[i], y_values[i]), width=width, height=height, angle=np.degrees(angle), **ellipse_kwargs) ax.add_artist(e) else: if xerr is not None: if _issequence(xerr): assert len( xerr ) == 2, "if xerr is a sequence it should be of length 2" xerr_values = [ self.evaluate(xerr[0], selection=selection), self.evaluate(xerr[1], selection=selection) ] else: xerr_values = self.evaluate(xerr, selection=selection) if yerr is not None: if _issequence(yerr): assert len( yerr ) == 2, "if yerr is a sequence it should be of length 2" yerr_values = [ self.evaluate(yerr[0], selection=selection), self.evaluate(yerr[1], selection=selection) ] else: yerr_values = self.evaluate(yerr, selection=selection) if xerr_values is not None or yerr_values is not None: errorbar_kwargs = dict(errorbar_kwargs) errorbar_kwargs['fmt'] = errorbar_kwargs.get('fmt', 'none') plt.errorbar(x_values, y_values, yerr=yerr_values, xerr=xerr_values, **errorbar_kwargs) return s
for n1, v in enumerate(['average', 'absaverage', 'std']): l = { 'average': '\navg\n', 'absaverage': '\nabs\n', 'std': '\nstd\n', }[v] value = { 'average': average, 'absaverage': absaverage, 'std': std, }[v] label += l + ' ' + str(round(value[n], 3)) + '\n' pylab.annotate(label, xy=(n + 0.0, 0.0), xytext=errorslocation(n, n1), arrowprops=None, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=ann_fontsize, ) # plot compounds with largest errors for n, l in enumerate(largest): for n1, (c, e) in enumerate(l): name = latex(c) + '\n' # matplotlib.pyparsing.ParseFatalException: Expected end of math '$' # $\rm{SiH}2_\rm{s}3\rm{B}1\rm{d}$ (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) name = name.replace('\\rm', '') label = name + ' ' + str(round(e, 2)) pylab.annotate(label, xy=(n + 0.05, e), xytext=formulaslocation(n, n1),
t = np.linspace(0.0, t_max, N) s0 = v * t_max s1 = 0 * t + s0 s2 = v * t t2 = np.linspace(0.0, v * t_max, N) tt = 0 * t fig, ax = texfig.subplots() ax.plot(s1, t, color='darkblue', lw=2) ax.plot(s2, t, color='darkblue', lw=2) ax.plot(t2, tt, color='darkblue', lw=2) ax.plot(t2, tt - 0.2, color='darkblue', lw=0) # ajuste de margem # cdt label = pylab.annotate(r"$c\Delta t$", color='darkblue', xy=(v * t_medio - 0.8, t_medio + 0.0), size=fontsize) # vdt label = pylab.annotate(r"$v\Delta t$", color='darkblue', xy=(v * t_medio - 0.1, -0.45), size=fontsize) # cdt' label = pylab.annotate(r"$c\Delta t^\prime$", color='darkblue', xy=(s0 + 0.1, t_medio * 0.8), size=fontsize) # # Legenda Luz 2
pl.plot([t, t], [0, np.cos(t)], color='blue', linewidth=2.5, linestyle="--") pl.plot([0, t], [np.cos(t), np.cos(t)], color='blue', linewidth=2.5, linestyle="--") # pinta linea punteada pl.scatter([ t, ], [ np.cos(t), ], 50, color='blue') #pinta punto pl.annotate(r'$sin(\frac{2\pi}{3})=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}$', xy=(t, np.sin(t)), xycoords='data', xytext=(+30, +30), textcoords='offset points', fontsize=16, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3,rad=.2")) pl.plot([t, t], [0, np.sin(t)], color='red', linewidth=2.5, linestyle="--") pl.scatter([ t, ], [ np.sin(t), ], 50, color='red') pl.annotate(r'$cos(\frac{2\pi}{3})=-\frac{1}{2}$', xy=(t, np.cos(t)), xycoords='data', xytext=(-90, -50),
e = float(sys.argv[4]) # Consumer production efficiency K = float(sys.argv[5]) # Resource carrying capacity gscale = 0.125 # Scaling factor for random Gaussian component of growth rate. # Now define time -- integrate from 0 to 30, using 1000 points: t = sc.arange(0, 100) # CHANGING START POINT WILL NOT CHANGE START TIME OF SIMULATION BELOW!! x0 = 10 y0 = 5 z0 = sc.array([x0, y0]) # initials conditions: 10 prey and 5 predators per unit area pops = sc.array([[x0, y0]]) for timestep in t[:-1]: # All but the last timestep or we'll have one more population step than time steps pops = sc.append(pops, [CR_t1(pops)], axis=0) prey = pops[:,0] predators = pops[:,1] f1 = p.figure() #Open empty figure object p.plot(t, prey, 'g-', label='Resource density') # Plot p.plot(t, predators, 'b-', label='Consumer density') p.grid() # add parameters to plot paramstring = "r = " + str(r) + "\na = " + str(a) + "\nz = " + str(z) + "\ne = " + str(e) + "\nK = " + str(K) + "\neps ~ N(0," + str(gscale) + ")" p.annotate(paramstring, (t.size - 10, 5.1)) p.legend(loc='best') p.xlabel('Timesteps') p.ylabel('Population') p.title('Consumer-Resource discrete population dynamics (w/ random Prey fluctuation)') f1.savefig('../Results/prey_and_predators_5.pdf') # Save figure
# Get the x,y coordinates tuple of lists coords = performTrial(500, f) # Feed the x,y lists to pylab.plot pylab.plot(coords[0], coords[1], marker='D', linestyle=':', color='magenta') xc = coords[0] yc = coords[1] # first coordinates xf = xc[0] yf = yc[0] # last coordinates xl = xc[len(xc) - 1] yl = yc[len(yc) - 1] pylab.plot(xf, yf, marker='*', color='blue') pylab.plot(xl, yl, marker='*', color='blue') pylab.annotate('Start', xy=(xf, yf), color='blue', weight='bold') pylab.annotate('Finish', xy=(xl, yl), color='blue', weight='bold') pylab.title('Roomba Trip', color='blue', weight='bold') pylab.xlabel('East - West of the room', color='blue', weight='bold') pylab.ylabel('North - South of the room', color='blue', weight='bold')
import numpy as Math import pylab as Plot emb = input("Select the file of embeddings ") label = input("Select the file of labels ") matrix = Math.loadtxt(emb) words = [line.strip() for line in open(label)] target_words = [line.strip().lower() for line in open(label)][:2000] rows = [label.index(word) for word in target_words if word in label] target_matrix = matrix[rows, :] reduced_matrix = tsne(target_matrix, 2) Plot.figure(figsize=(200, 200), dpi=100) max_x = Math.amax(reduced_matrix, axis=0)[0] max_y = Math.amax(reduced_matrix, axis=0)[1] Plot.xlim((-max_x, max_x)) Plot.ylim((-max_y, max_y)) Plot.scatter(reduced_matrix[:, 0], reduced_matrix[:, 1], 20) for row_id in range(0, len(rows)): target_word = label[rows[row_id]] x = reduced_matrix[row_id, 0] y = reduced_matrix[row_id, 1] Plot.annotate(target_word, (x, y)) Plot.savefig("embeddings.png")
ax.patch.set_facecolor('none') # ax.view_init(azim=-45, elev=25) ax.view_init(azim=-23, elev=34) plt.xlabel("$\lambda_{\ell_2}$", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("$\lambda_{\mathrm{TV}}$", fontsize=14) plt.title(r"$f(\beta^{(k)}) - f(\beta^{*})$", fontsize=16) x, y, _ = proj3d.proj_transform(0.5, 1.0, np.min(Z), ax.get_proj()) label = pylab.annotate( "$(0.5, 1.0)$", fontsize=14, xy=(x, y), xytext=(50, 20), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', color="white", # bbox=dict(boxstyle='round, pad=0.5', fc='white', alpha=0.5), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle='arc3, rad=0', color="white")) def update_position(e): x, y, _ = proj3d.proj_transform(0.5, 1.0, np.min(Z), ax.get_proj()) label.xy = x, y label.update_positions(fig.canvas.renderer) fig.canvas.draw()
e = 0.75 # Consumer production efficiency K = 35 # Consumer carrying capacity # Now define time -- integrate from 0 to 30, using 1000 points: t = sc.linspace(0, 30, 1000) x0 = 10 y0 = 5 z0 = sc.array([x0, y0]) # initials conditions: 10 prey and 5 predators per unit area pops, infodict = integrate.odeint(dCR_dt, z0, t, full_output=True) infodict['message'] # >>> 'Integration successful.' prey, predators = pops.T # What's this for? print("Final resource population is: %d" % prey[-1]) #print final population levels to terminal print("Final consumer population is: %d" % predators[-1]) f1 = p.figure() # Open empty figure object p.plot(t, prey, 'g-', label='Resource density') # Plot p.plot(t, predators, 'b-', label='Consumer density') p.grid() # add parameters to plot paramstring = "r = " + str(r) + "\na = " + str(a) + "\nz = " + str(z) + "\ne = " + str(e) + "\nK = " + str(K) p.annotate(paramstring, (26, 5.1)) p.legend(loc='best') p.xlabel('Time') p.ylabel('Population') p.title('Consumer-Resource population dynamics') f1.savefig('../Results/prey_and_predators_3.pdf') # Save figure
facecolor="r", edgecolor="r", label="Step Time") ax1.set_ylabel("Time in ms", color="r") ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(x, np.array(loop_times), color="b", linewidth=1.0, linestyle="-", label="Loop Time") ax2.set_ylabel("Time in ms", color="b") ax1.legend(loc='upper left') ax2.legend(loc='upper right') pl.xlabel("Number of Iterations") pl.annotate("Max Loop Time: " + str('%.2f' % (loop_times[max_loop_time])), xy=(max_loop_time + 1, loop_times[max_loop_time])) pl.annotate("Min Loop Time: " + str('%.2f' % (loop_times[min_loop_time])), xy=(min_loop_time + 1, loop_times[min_loop_time])) pl.title("Step & Loop Times") pl.savefig("plots/g19_lab09_plot01.png") pl.clf() #Plot 2 pl.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=80) pl.subplot(1, 1, 1) pl.plot(x, np.array(step_times), color="red", linewidth=1.0, linestyle="-",
fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') c = 'y' m = 'o' xs = 0 ys = 0 zs = 0 ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, s=100, c=c, marker=m) xs, ys, _ = proj3d.proj_transform(1, 1, 1, ax.get_proj()) label = pylab.annotate(params[0], xy=(xs, ys), xytext=(-30, 30), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.5', fc='yellow', alpha=0.5), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0')) def update_position(e): x2, y2, _ = proj3d.proj_transform(1, 1, 1, ax.get_proj()) label.xy = x2, y2 label.update_positions(fig.canvas.renderer) fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', update_position)
#AGREGRA UNA ANOTACION EN UN PUNTO CONOCIDO t = 2 * np.pi / 3 #Para coseno------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pl.plot([t, t], [0, 0], color='blue', linewidth=2.5, linestyle="--") #pl.plot([t, t], [0, np.cos(t)], color='blue', linewidth=2.5, linestyle="--") pl.scatter([ t, ], [ np.cos(t), ], 50, color='blue') #DEFINE LAS CARACTERISTICAS DEN PUNTO (CIRCULO) pl.annotate( r'$sin(\frac{2\pi}{3})=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}$', #DATOS A IMPRIMIR DEL TEXTO xy=(t, np.sin(t)), xycoords='data', #COORDENADAS DE REFERENCIA PARA LA FLECHA Y EL TEXTO xytext=(+10, +30), textcoords='offset points', fontsize=16, #INDICAN POSICION DEL TEXTO arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3,rad=.2")) #DIRECCION DE LA FLECHA #Para seno-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pl.plot([t, t], [0, np.sin(t)], color='red', linewidth=2.5, linestyle="--") pl.scatter([ t, ], [ np.sin(t), ], 50, color='red') pl.annotate( r'$cos(\frac{2\pi}{3})=-\frac{1}{2}$', xy=(t, np.cos(t)), xycoords='data',
def identify_plot(file, peptide, charge, modi_mass=[], zoom=1): #read file values, params, amplitude = id.read_mgf(file) #procentual amplitdues for relative abundance ampl = (amplitude / max(amplitude)) * 100 #offset and scales for zoom into the spectra if zoom > 0 and zoom <= 1: offset = (max(ampl) * zoom) / 4 y_lim_scale = max(ampl) * zoom one_per = y_lim_scale / 100 # create theoretical fragmentation of given peptide theo_y = list(id.fragments_y(peptide, maxcharge=charge)) theo_b = list(id.fragments_b(peptide, maxcharge=charge)) # create plot title headline = 'File: ' + file + ', Peptide: ' + peptide + ' (charge ' + str( charge) + ')' #headline = 'File: '+ file #create figure py.figure() py.xlabel('m/z') py.ylabel('Intensity, rel. units %') py.title(headline) # plot experimental spectra in grey, ampl, width=2.5, linewidth=0.1, color='grey', alpha=0.3, label='data') # some label and axis configs py.xlim(xmin=0) py.ylim(ymax=y_lim_scale) py.xticks(np.arange(0, max(values) + 1, 50)) py.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=8) py.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=5) # # --- 0. benchmarks #0.1 plot theoretical spectras if no modi given if modi_mass == []:, np.ones(len(theo_y)) * offset, linewidth=0.1, width=2.5, alpha=0.3, color='red', label='theo y'), np.ones(len(theo_y)) * offset, linewidth=0.1, width=3.5, alpha=0.3, color='lightgreen', label='theo b') # 0.2 annotate peaks #0.2.1 theo y ions for i in np.arange(0, len(peptide)): py.annotate(peptide[i], xy=(theo_y[i], offset), xytext=(theo_y[i], offset + 2 * one_per), bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.2', fc='red', alpha=0.5)) # 0.2.1 theo b ion py.annotate(peptide[i], xy=(theo_b[i], offset), xytext=(theo_b[i], offset + 6 * one_per), bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.2', fc='lightgreen', alpha=0.5)) alpha = 0.75 for mass in modi_mass: # --- 1. mono matches if mass == 0: # 1.0 use def identify to find matching aa sequences y_seq, y_mz, y_amp, b_seq, b_mz, b_amp = id.identify( file, peptide, charge, ['cc'], 0) # 1.1 plot peaks, y_amp, width=5, linewidth=0.1, color='red', label='y [M+1H]+' + str(charge)), b_amp, width=5, linewidth=0.1, color='lightgreen', label='b [M+1H]+' + str(charge)) # 1.2 annotate labels to peak hits # 1.2.1 y ion label for i in np.arange(0, len(peptide)): if y_seq[i] == '-': py.annotate(y_seq[i], xy=(theo_y[i], 0), xytext=(theo_y[i], offset + 4 * one_per)) else: py.annotate(y_seq[i], xy=(y_mz[i], offset), xytext=(y_mz[i], offset + 4 * one_per), bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.2', fc='red')) # 1.2.2 b ion label if b_seq[i] == '-': py.annotate(b_seq[i], xy=(theo_b[i], 0), xytext=(theo_b[i], offset + 8 * one_per)) else: py.annotate(b_seq[i], xy=(b_mz[i], offset), xytext=(b_mz[i], offset + 8 * one_per), bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.2', fc='lightgreen')) # --- 2. cc matches else: #compute sequence y_seq, y_mz, y_amp, b_seq, b_mz, b_amp = id.identify( file, peptide, charge, ['cc'], mass) # 2.1. plot peaks, y_amp, width=5, linewidth=0.1, color='orange', label='y + ' + str(int(mass)) + '[M+1H]+' + str(charge), alpha=alpha), b_amp, width=5, linewidth=0.1, color='blue', label='b + ' + str(int(mass)) + '[M+1H]+' + str(charge), alpha=alpha) # 2.2.annotate labels to peak # 2.2.1 y ions offset = offset + 12 * one_per for i in np.arange(0, len(peptide)): if y_seq[i] == '-': py.annotate(y_seq[i], xy=(theo_y[i] + (mass / charge), 0), xytext=(theo_y[i] + (mass / charge), offset)) else: py.annotate(y_seq[i], xy=(y_mz[i], offset), xytext=(y_mz[i], offset), bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.2', fc='orange', alpha=alpha)) # 2.2.2 b ions if b_seq[i] == '-': py.annotate(b_seq[i], xy=(theo_b[i] + (mass / charge), 0), xytext=(theo_b[i] + (mass / charge), offset + 4 * one_per)) else: py.annotate(b_seq[i], xy=(b_mz[i], offset), xytext=(b_mz[i], offset + 4 * one_per), bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.2', fc='blue', alpha=alpha)) alpha = alpha - 0.25 #--- 3. reporter matches reporter = [284, 447] r_val = [] r_amp = [] # 3.1 check for occurence for i in reporter: closest = min(values, key=lambda x: abs(x - i)) if round(closest) == i: r_val.append(closest) r_amp.append(ampl[values.tolist().index(closest)]) # 3.2 plot occurence if r_val != []:, r_amp, width=5, color='yellow', label='reporter') # 3.2.1 annotate occurence for i in np.arange(0, len(r_val)): py.annotate(int(round(r_val[i])), xy=(r_val[i], r_amp[i]), ha='center', xytext=(r_val[i], r_amp[i] + 2 * one_per), bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.2', fc='yellow')) py.legend(loc=2, prop={'size': 11})
def main(): savePDF = True solidDens = False Lx = 12.0 Ly = 12.0 az = 47.5 ay = 2.0 bulkVol = 2.0 * Lx * Ly * az lowX7 = -6.0 #lowX7 = -4.0 # boltzmannons highX7 = 2.9 #highX7 = 2.5 # boltzmannons # define some plotting colors colors = [ 'Navy', 'DarkViolet', 'MediumSpringGreen', 'Salmon', 'Fuchsia', 'Yellow', 'Maroon', 'Salmon', 'Blue' ] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # bulk and film density on same plot figg = pl.figure(1) ax = figg.add_subplot(111) pl.xlabel(r'$\text{Potential Shift}\ [K]$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel('Spatial Density ' + r'$[\si{\angstrom}^{-d}]$', fontsize=20) pl.grid(True) pl.xlim([-5.5, 3.5]) #pl.ylim([0,0.07]) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=16) yticks = ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks() yticks[0].set_visible(False) # bulk SVP density line bulkVert = -30 minMus = -5.5 maxMus = 2.0 boxSubtract = 1.6 pl.plot([minMus, maxMus], [0.02198, 0.02198], 'k-', lw=3) pl.annotate( '3d SVP', xy=(maxMus - boxSubtract, 0.02195), #xycoords='data', xytext=(-10, bulkVert), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=90,rad=10"), ) # film SVP density line pl.plot([minMus, maxMus], [0.0432, 0.0432], 'k-', lw=3) pl.annotate( '2d SVP', xy=(maxMus - boxSubtract, 0.0432), #xycoords='data', xytext=(30, -30), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=90,rad=10"), ) if solidDens: pl.plot([minMus, maxMus], [0.0248, 0.0248], 'k-', lw=3) pl.annotate( 'HCP solid SVP', xy=(maxMus - boxSubtract, 0.0248), #xycoords='data', xytext=(-10, 30), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=90,rad=10"), ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # bulk density figg2 = pl.figure(2) ax2 = figg2.add_subplot(111) pl.xlabel(r'$\text{Potential Shift}\ [K]$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel('Bulk Density ' + r'$[\si{\angstrom}^{-3}]$', fontsize=20) pl.grid(True) pl.xlim([-5.5, 0.5]) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=16) yticks = ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks() yticks[0].set_visible(False) # set up bulk SVP densities for plot bulkVert = 30 # changes text box above (positive) or below (negative) line boxSubtract = 1.6 pl.plot([minMus, maxMus], [0.02198, 0.02198], 'k-', lw=3) pl.annotate( '3d SVP', xy=(maxMus - boxSubtract, 0.02198), #xycoords='data', xytext=(-50, bulkVert), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=90,rad=10"), ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # number of particles in film region pl.figure(3) pl.xlabel(r'$\text{Potential Shift}\ [K]$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel(r'$N_{\text{film}}$', fontsize=20) pl.grid(True) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=16) yticks = ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks() yticks[0].set_visible(False) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # normalized angular winding pl.figure(4) pl.xlabel(r'$\text{Potential Shift}\ [K]$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel(r'$\Omega$', fontsize=20) pl.grid(True) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=16) yticks = ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks() yticks[0].set_visible(False) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # film density figg5 = pl.figure(5) ax5 = figg5.add_subplot(111) pl.xlabel(r'$\text{Potential Shift}\ [K]$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel(r'$\text{Film Density}\ [\si{\angstrom}^{-2}]$', fontsize=20) pl.ylim([0.03, 0.05]) pl.xlim([-5.5, 0.5]) pl.grid(True) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=16) yticks = ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks() yticks[0].set_visible(False) # film SVP density line pl.plot([lowX7, highX7], [0.0432, 0.0432], 'k-', lw=3) pl.annotate( '2d SVP', xy=(-4, 0.0432), #xycoords='data', xytext=(30, -30), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=90,rad=10"), ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # superfluid fraction pl.figure(6) pl.xlabel(r'$\text{Potential Shift}\ [K]$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel(r'$\rho_S/\rho$', fontsize=20) pl.grid(True) pl.xlim([-5.5, 0.5]) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=16) yticks = ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks() yticks[0].set_visible(False) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # film/bulk densities subplot pl.figure(7) ax7a = pl.subplot(211) pl.ylabel(r'$\text{Film Density}\ [\si{\angstrom}^{-2}]$', fontsize=20) pl.ylim([0.035, 0.05]) pl.grid(True) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=16) yticks = ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks() yticks[0].set_visible(False) # film SVP density line pl.plot([lowX7, highX7], [0.0432, 0.0432], 'k-', lw=3) pl.annotate( '2d SVP', xy=(-2, 0.0432), #xycoords='data', xytext=(30, -30), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=90,rad=10"), ) pl.setp(ax7a.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax7b = pl.subplot(212, sharex=ax7a) pl.xlabel(r'$\text{Potential Shift}\ [K]$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel('Bulk Density ' + r'$[\si{\angstrom}^{-3}]$', fontsize=20) pl.grid(True) pl.xlim([lowX7, highX7]) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=16) yticks = ax7b.yaxis.get_major_ticks() yticks[0].set_visible(False) # set up bulk SVP densities for plot bulkVert = 15 # changes text box above (positive) or below (negative) line boxSubtract = 1.6 pl.plot([lowX7, highX7], [0.02198, 0.02198], 'k-', lw=3) pl.annotate( '3d SVP', xy=(1.2, 0.02198), #xycoords='data', xytext=(-50, bulkVert), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="angle,angleA=0,angleB=90,rad=10"), ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # number of particles in bulk pl.figure(8) pl.xlabel(r'$\text{Potential Shift}\ [K]$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel(r'$N_{\text{bulk}}$', fontsize=20) pl.grid(True) pl.xlim([-5.5, 0.5]) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) pl.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=16) yticks = ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks() yticks[0].set_visible(False) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tvals = glob.glob('*T*') Markers = ['-o', '-d', '-*'] for nT, Tval in enumerate(sorted(Tvals)): os.chdir(Tval) T = Tval[1:] Svals = glob.glob('S*') # --- loop through known directory structure -------------------------- for nS, Sval in enumerate(sorted(Svals)): os.chdir(Sval) Vdirs = glob.glob('*V*') print os.getcwd() # store bulk separation value S ='\d+', Sval).group(0) # get label for plot if 'distinguishable' in Sval: labell = 'S = ' + str(S) + ', Boltzmannons, T=' + str(T) else: labell = 'S = ' + str(S) + ', Bosons, T=' + str(T) shortlabell = 'S = ' + str(S) + ', T=' + str(T) # projected area of film region projArea = float(S) * Lx # accessible volume in cell #accessibleVol = Lx*(Ly*(float(S)+2.0*az) - float(S)*(Ly-2.0*ay)) accessibleVol = 2.0 * Lx * Ly * az + 2.0 * ay * Lx * float(S) # multiply angular winding by norm. to be fixed in code later omegaNorm = 4.0 * (float(S) + 1.0 * Ly)**2 # Arrays to hold all data Vs = pl.array([]) Films = pl.array([]) Bulks = pl.array([]) filmErrs = pl.array([]) bulkErrs = pl.array([]) Omegas = pl.array([]) omegaErrs = pl.array([]) NumParts = pl.array([]) NumPartErrs = pl.array([]) Supers = pl.array([]) SuperErrs = pl.array([]) # pass potential shift directories for current S value for Vdir in Vdirs: os.chdir(Vdir) # get bipartition file name f = glob.glob('*Bipart*')[0] # get angular winding file name fw = glob.glob('*Ntwind*')[0] # get estimator file name (includes total number) fe = glob.glob('*Estimator*')[0] # get superfrac file name fs = glob.glob('*Super*')[0] # build array of film potential shifts from directory names Vs = pl.append(Vs, float(Vdir[1:])) # --- Densities ----------------------------------------------- filmavg, filmstd, filmbins, bulkavg, bulkstd, bulkbins = pl.genfromtxt( f, unpack=True, usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), delimiter=',') # get rid of any items which are not numbers.. # this is some beautiful Python juju. filmbins = filmbins[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(filmbins))] filmstd = filmstd[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(filmstd))] filmavg = filmavg[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(filmavg))] bulkbins = bulkbins[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(bulkbins))] bulkstd = bulkstd[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(bulkstd))] bulkavg = bulkavg[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(bulkavg))] filmweights = filmbins / pl.sum(filmbins) bulkweights = bulkbins / pl.sum(bulkbins) filmavg *= filmweights bulkavg *= bulkweights filmstd *= filmweights bulkstd *= bulkweights film = pl.sum(filmavg) bulk = pl.sum(bulkavg) filmstdErr = pl.sum(filmstd) bulkstdErr = pl.sum(bulkstd) Films = pl.append(Films, film) Bulks = pl.append(Bulks, bulk) filmErrs = pl.append(filmErrs, filmstdErr) bulkErrs = pl.append(bulkErrs, bulkstdErr) # ---- angular winding ---------------------------------------- omegaAvg, omegaStd, omegaBins = pl.genfromtxt(fw, unpack=True, usecols=(3, 4, 5), delimiter=',') # get rid of any items which are not numbers.. omegaBins = omegaBins[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(omegaBins))] omegaStd = omegaStd[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(omegaStd))] omegaAvg = omegaAvg[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(omegaAvg))] # normalize data. omegaStd *= omegaNorm omegaAvg *= omegaNorm weights = omegaBins / pl.sum(omegaBins) omegaAvg *= weights omegaStd *= weights Omega = pl.sum(omegaAvg) omegaErr = pl.sum(omegaStd) Omegas = pl.append(Omegas, Omega) omegaErrs = pl.append(omegaErrs, omegaErr) # ---- total number ------------------------------------------- numAvg, numStd, numBins = pl.genfromtxt(fe, unpack=True, usecols=(12, 13, 14), delimiter=',') # get rid of any items which are not numbers.. numBins = numBins[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(numBins))] numStd = numStd[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(numStd))] numAvg = numAvg[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(numAvg))] weights = numBins / pl.sum(numBins) numAvg *= weights numStd *= weights numPart = pl.sum(numAvg) numPartErr = pl.sum(numStd) NumParts = pl.append(NumParts, numPart) NumPartErrs = pl.append(NumPartErrs, numPartErr) # ---- superfluid fraction ------------------------------------ supAvg, supStd, supBins = pl.genfromtxt(fs, unpack=True, usecols=(0, 1, 2), delimiter=',') # get rid of any items which are not numbers.. supBins = supBins[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(supBins))] supStd = supStd[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(supStd))] supAvg = supAvg[pl.logical_not(pl.isnan(supAvg))] # normalize data. #supStd /= (1.0*accessibleVol) #supAvg /= (1.0*accessibleVol) weights = supBins / pl.sum(supBins) supAvg *= weights supStd *= weights supPart = pl.sum(supAvg) supPartErr = pl.sum(supStd) Supers = pl.append(Supers, supPart) SuperErrs = pl.append(SuperErrs, supPartErr) os.chdir('..') # Sort data in order of increasing chemical potential. # This is another bit of magical Python juju. Vs, Films, Bulks, filmErrs, bulkErrs, Omegas, omegaErrs,\ NumParts, NumPartErrs, Supers, SuperErrs = pl.asarray( zip(*sorted(zip(Vs, Films, Bulks, filmErrs, bulkErrs, Omegas, omegaErrs, NumParts, NumPartErrs, Supers, SuperErrs)))) pl.figure(1) pl.errorbar(Vs, Films, filmErrs, fmt=Markers[nT], color=colors[nS], label=labell + ', 2d', markersize=8) pl.errorbar(Vs, Bulks, bulkErrs, fmt=Markers[nT], mec=colors[nS], label=labell + ', 3d', mfc='None', markersize=8) pl.figure(2) pl.errorbar(Vs, Bulks, bulkErrs, fmt=Markers[nT], color=colors[nS], label=labell, markersize=8) pl.figure(3) pl.errorbar(Vs, Films * projArea, fmt=Markers[nT], color=colors[nS], label=labell, markersize=8) pl.figure(4) pl.errorbar(Vs, Omegas, omegaErrs, fmt=Markers[nT], color=colors[nS], label=labell, markersize=8) pl.figure(5) pl.errorbar(Vs, Films, filmErrs, fmt=Markers[nT], color=colors[nS], label=labell, markersize=8) pl.figure(6) pl.errorbar(Vs, Supers, SuperErrs, fmt=Markers[nT], color=colors[nS], label=labell, markersize=8) pl.figure(7) ax7a.errorbar(Vs, Films, filmErrs, fmt=Markers[nT], color=colors[nS], label=shortlabell, markersize=8) ax7b.errorbar(Vs, Bulks, bulkErrs, fmt=Markers[nT], color=colors[nS], label=shortlabell, markersize=8) pl.figure(8) pl.errorbar(Vs, Bulks * bulkVol, bulkErrs * bulkVol, fmt=Markers[nT], color=colors[nS], label=labell, markersize=8) os.chdir('..') os.chdir('..') pl.figure(1) pl.legend(loc=1) pl.tight_layout() pl.figure(2) pl.legend(loc=1) pl.tight_layout() pl.figure(3) pl.legend(loc=1) pl.tight_layout() pl.figure(4) pl.legend(loc=1) pl.tight_layout() pl.figure(5) pl.legend(loc=1) pl.tight_layout() pl.figure(6) pl.legend(loc=1) pl.tight_layout() pl.figure(7) pl.legend(loc=1, bbox_to_anchor=(1., 2.1)) major_formatter = FuncFormatter(my_formatter) ax7a.yaxis.set_major_formatter(major_formatter) pl.tight_layout() if savePDF: pl.savefig('Bulk_Film_Dens_vs_Vshift_allS_allT_18APR.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight') pl.figure(8) pl.legend(loc=1) pl.tight_layout()
z0 = sc.array([x0, y0 ]) # initials conditions: 10 prey and 5 predators per unit area pops, infodict = integrate.odeint( dR_dt, z0, t, full_output=True ) #runs dR_dt as an integration with i.c z0 and over time interval t # infodict just checks integration was successful infodict['message'] # >>> 'Integration successful.' prey, predators = pops.T # Transposes to form correct format final_prey = prey[-1] final_predator = predators[-1] f1 = p.figure() #Open empty figure object p.plot(t, prey, 'g-', label='Resource density') # Plot p.plot(t, predators, 'b-', label='Consumer density') p.annotate('Constants: r = %r , a = %r , z = %r , e = %r , K = %r' % (r, a, z, e, K), xy=(20, 5), color="red") p.annotate('Final prey = %.5s , Final predators = %.5s' % (final_prey, final_predator), xy=(25, 2), color="purple") p.grid() p.legend(loc='best') p.xlabel('Time') p.ylabel('Population') p.title('Consumer-Resource population dynamics') f1.savefig('../Results/prey_and_predators_2A.pdf') #Save figure
zorder=10) plt.plot(np.nan, np.nan, '-', c=COLORS['gal'], label=r'${\rm PA_{GAL}} = %.0f$' % pa_gal) plt.plot(np.nan, np.nan, '-', c=COLORS['fk5'], label=r'${\rm PA_{CEL}} = %.0f$' % pa_cel) plt.legend(loc=2, fontsize=10) plt.annotate(r'$\ell,b = %.2f,%.2f$' % (glon, glat), xy=(0.1, 0.1), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=10) plt.annotate(r'${\rm RA,DEC} = %.2f,%.2f$' % (ra, dec), xy=(0.1, 0.15), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=10) #plt.annotate(r'${\rm PA_{GAL}} = %.0f$'%pa_gal,xy=(0.05,0.95),xycoords="axes fraction",fontsize=10) #plt.annotate(r'${\rm PA_{CEL}} = %.0f$'%pa_cel,xy=(0.05,0.90),xycoords="axes fraction",fontsize=10) #plt.annotate(r'${\rm PA_{CEL}} = %.0f$'%(pa_cel-180),xy=(0.05,0.85),xycoords="axes fraction",fontsize=10) ax.set_title('%s (%s)' % (name, frame[:3])) plt.savefig('%s_pa_%s.png' % (name, frame[:3]), bbox_inches='tight') break plt.ion()
def direction(self): """ Perform and plot the two main directions of the peaks, considering their previously calculated scale ,by calculating the Hessian at different sizes as the combination of gaussians and their first and second derivatives """ import pylab i = 0 j = 0 vals = [] vects = [] kpx = self.keypoints.x kpy = self.keypoints.y sigma = self.keypoints.sigma img = self.raw pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest') for y, x, s in itertools.izip(kpy, kpx, sigma): s_patch = numpy.trunc(s * 2) if s_patch % 2 == 0: s_patch += 1 if s_patch < 3: s_patch = 3 if (x > s_patch / 2 and x < img.shape[1] - s_patch / 2 - 1 and y > s_patch / 2 and y < img.shape[0] - s_patch / 2): patch = img[y - (s_patch - 1) / 2:y + (s_patch - 1) / 2 + 1, x - (s_patch - 1) / 2:x + (s_patch - 1) / 2 + 1] x_patch = numpy.arange(s_patch) Gx = numpy.exp(-4 * numpy.log(2) * (x_patch - numpy.median(x_patch))**2 / s) Gy = Gx[:, numpy.newaxis] dGx = -Gx * 4 * numpy.log(2) / s * 2 * (x_patch - numpy.median(x_patch)) dGy = dGx[:, numpy.newaxis] d2Gx = -8 * numpy.log(2) / s * ( (x_patch - numpy.median(x_patch)) * dGx + Gx) d2Gy = d2Gx[:, numpy.newaxis] Hxx = d2Gx * Gy Hyy = d2Gy * Gx Hxy = dGx * dGy d2x = (Hxx.ravel() * patch.ravel()).sum() d2y = (Hyy.ravel() * patch.ravel()).sum() dxy = (Hxy.ravel() * patch.ravel()).sum() H = numpy.array([[d2y, dxy], [dxy, d2x]]) val, vect = numpy.linalg.eig(H) # print 'new point' # print x, y # print val # print vect # print[0],vect[1]) e = numpy.abs(val[0] - val[1]) / numpy.abs(val[0] + val[1]) j += 1 # print j # print e if numpy.abs(val[1]) < numpy.abs( val[0] ): # reorganisation des valeurs propres et vecteurs propres val[0], val[1] = val[1], val[0] vect = vect[-1::-1, :] pylab.annotate( "", xy=(x + vect[0][0] * val[0], y + vect[0][1] * val[0]), xytext=(x, y), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='red', shrink=0.05), ) pylab.annotate( "", xy=(x + vect[1][0] * val[1], y + vect[1][1] * val[1]), xytext=(x, y), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='red', shrink=0.05), ) pylab.plot(x, y, 'og') vals.append(val) vects.append(vect) return vals, vects
edgecolor='purple') except KeyError: print "No TGT_RA found" wcshead = pywcs.WCS(header) lbfit = wcshead.wcs_pix2sky(fitpars[2:3], fitpars[3:4], 0) radecfit = coords.Position(numpy.concatenate(lbfit), system='galactic').j2000() try: JD = float(header['JD']) if JD > 2.4e6: JD -= 2.4e6 pflux = planetflux(planet, JD) pylab.annotate( 'Model Flux: %8.6g Jy Volts/Jy: %6.3g Error (resid/Jy): %6.3g' % (pflux, ampl / pflux, resid_std / pflux), [0.6, 0.76], xycoords='figure fraction') except KeyError: print "No JD found" file_noprefix = re.compile("(.*/)?(.*)").search(file).groups()[1] pylab.annotate('%s' % file_noprefix, [0.5, 0.94], xycoords='figure fraction', size='large', weight='bold') pylab.annotate('Fitted source_ra=%6.3f,source_dec=%6.3f' % radecfit, [0.6, 0.88], xycoords='figure fraction') pylab.annotate('Mean DC: %3.2f Std DC: %3.2f' % (meandc, stddc), [0.6, 0.85], xycoords='figure fraction')
e = 0.75 # Consumer production efficiency # Now define time -- integrate from 0 to 15, using 1000 points: t = sc.linspace(0, 50, 5000) K = 250 x0 = 10 y0 = 5 z0 = sc.array([x0, y0 ]) # initials conditions: 10 prey and 5 predators per unit area pops, infodict = integrate.odeint( dR_dt, z0, t, full_output=True ) #runs dR_dt as an integration with i.c z0 and over time interval t # infodict just checks integration was successful infodict['message'] # >>> 'Integration successful.' prey, predators = pops.T # Transposes to form correct format f1 = p.figure() #Open empty figure object p.plot(t, prey, 'g-', label='Resource density') # Plot p.plot(t, predators, 'b-', label='Consumer density') p.annotate('r = %r , a = %r , z = %r , e = %r , K = %r' % (r, a, z, e, K), xy=(18, 1), color="red") p.grid() p.legend(loc='best') p.xlabel('Time') p.ylabel('Population') p.title('Consumer-Resource population dynamics') f1.savefig('../Results/prey_and_predators_2.pdf') #Save figure
def bestfit(bestpars, pipe, title, method='polish', outfile='bestfit.pdf', *args, **kwargs): # segs = np.array([[5210,5240], [5360,5375], [5520,5540]]) # segs = np.array([[5160,5190], [5880,5910], [5940,6000]]) # New APF # segs = np.array([[5220, 5250], [5545, 5575], [6120, 6150]]) # APF+Keck compatable # segs = np.array([[5220,5250], [5407,5437], [6120,6150]]) # APF+Keck compatable # segs = np.array([[5160,5190], [5277,5307], [5880,5910]]) # interesting, but not well-fit segs = np.array([[5160, 5190], [5545, 5575], [6120, 6150]]) # include Mg region # segs = np.array([[5250, 5280], [5545, 5575], [6120, 6150]]) # include Mg region teff = bestpars['teff'] logg = bestpars['logg'] feh = bestpars['fe'] vsini = bestpars['vsini'] psf = bestpars['psf'] lib = smsyn.library.read_hdf(pipe.libfile, wavlim=(segs[0][0], segs[-1][-1])) spec = try: absrv = spec.header['ABSRV'] absrv_err = spec.header['ABSRV_ERR'] except KeyError: absrv = absrv_err = 0.0 fitwav = [] fitflux = [] fitres = [] fitmod = [] for s in pipe.segments: segment0 = s[0] output = pipe.polish_output[segment0] wav = output['wav'] flux = output['flux'] resid = output['resid'] model = flux - resid fitwav.append(wav) fitflux.append(flux) fitres.append(resid) fitmod.append(model) wav = np.hstack(fitwav).flatten() flux = np.hstack(fitflux).flatten() resid = np.hstack(fitres).flatten() model = np.hstack(fitmod).flatten() fullwav = spec.wav # fullmod = lib.synth(lib.wav, teff, logg, feh, vsini, psf, rot_method='rotmacro') fullmod = lib.synth(spec.wav, teff, logg, feh, vsini, psf, rot_method='rotmacro') fullspec = spec.flux allres = spec.flux - fullmod wavmask = pipe.wav_exclude # print "Best parameters:\n", bestpars[['teff', 'logg', 'fe', 'vsini']] fig = pl.figure(figsize=(22, 13)) pl.subplot2grid((3, 4), (0, 0)) pl.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.07, left=0.03, right=0.95, wspace=0.01, hspace=0.15, top=0.95) pl.suptitle(title, fontsize=28, horizontalalignment='center') for i, seg in enumerate(segs): pl.subplot2grid((3, 4), (i, 0), colspan=3) crop = np.where((wav >= seg[0]) & (wav <= seg[1]))[0] pltflux = flux[crop] if len(crop) == 0: # print "Unfit data for seg {}".format(seg) crop = np.where((fullwav >= seg[0]) & (fullwav <= seg[1]))[0] pltwav = fullwav[crop] pltflux = fullspec[crop] pltmod = fullmod[crop] pltflux *= (np.mean(pltmod) / np.mean(pltflux)) else: pltwav = wav[crop] pltmod = model[crop] pl.plot(pltwav, pltflux, color='0.2', linewidth=3) pl.plot(pltwav, pltmod, 'b-', linewidth=2) pl.axhline(0, color='r', linewidth=2) pl.plot(pltwav, pltflux - pltmod, 'k-', color='0.2', linewidth=3) for w0, w1 in wavmask: if w0 > seg[0] or w1 < seg[1]: pl.axvspan(w0, w1, color='LightGray') pl.xticks(fontsize=16) pl.yticks(pl.yticks()[0][1:], fontsize=16) pl.ylim(-0.2, 1.15) pl.xlim(seg[0], seg[1]) ax = pl.gca() ax.tick_params(pad=5) pl.xlabel('Wavelength [$\\AA$]', fontsize=20) # ACF plot flux[~np.isfinite(flux)] = 1.0 lag, acftspec = ACF(flux) lag, acfmspec = ACF(model) dv = loglambda_wls_to_dv(wav, nocheck=True) dv = lag * dv + absrv pl.subplot2grid((3, 4), (2, 3)) pl.plot(dv, acftspec, 'k.', color='0.2', linewidth=3, label='ACF of spectrum') pl.plot(dv, acfmspec, color='b', linewidth=2, label='ACF of model') locs, labels = pl.yticks() pl.yticks(locs, [''] * len(locs)) pl.xticks([-100, -50, 0, 50, 100], fontsize=16) pl.xlim(-100 + absrv, 100 + absrv) crop = np.where((dv > -100) & (dv < 100))[0] pl.ylim(min(acfmspec[crop]), max(acfmspec[crop]) + 0.2 * max(acfmspec)) # pl.annotate('ACF', xy=(0.15, 0.85), xycoords='axes fraction') ax = pl.gca() ax.tick_params(pad=5) # CCF plot flux -= np.mean(flux) model -= np.mean(model) lag, ccftspec = CCF(flux, model) dv = loglambda_wls_to_dv(wav, nocheck=True) dv = lag * dv + absrv pl.plot(dv, ccftspec, color='0.2', linewidth=3, linestyle='dotted', label='CCF of model w/\nspectrum') pl.xlabel('$\\Delta v$ [km s$^{-1}$]', fontsize=20) ax = pl.gca() ax.tick_params(pad=5) pl.axvspan(absrv - absrv_err, absrv + absrv_err, color='0.8') pl.axvline(absrv, linestyle='dashed', color='0.5', label=u"RV = {:.01f} ± {:.01f} km/s".format(absrv, absrv_err)) pl.legend(numpoints=2, loc='upper right', fontsize=12) ax = pl.gca() try: mstar, rstar = bestpars['iso_mass'], bestpars['iso_radius'] hasiso = True except KeyError: hasiso = False pl.subplot2grid((3, 4), (0, 3)) afs = 22 # plotiso() plotHR(os.path.join(smsyn.CAT_DIR, 'library_v12.csv'), teff, logg) ax = pl.gca() ax.set_xticks([6500, 5500, 4500, 3500]) labels = ['teff', 'logg', 'fe', 'vsini'] names = ['T$_{\\rm eff}$', '$\\log{g}$', 'Fe/H', '$v\\sin{i}$'] units = ['K', '', '', 'km s$^{-1}$'] if hasiso: labels.append('iso_mass') labels.append('iso_radius') names.append("M$_{\\star}$") names.append("R$_{\\star}$") units.append('M$_{\\odot}$') units.append('R$_{\\odot}$') i = 0 for k, n, u in zip(labels, names, units): val = bestpars[k] if k + '_err' in bestpars.keys(): err = bestpars[k + '_err'] elif k + '_err1' in bestpars.keys(): err = bestpars[k + '_err1'] elif k == 'vsini': err = val * 0.25 if k == 'vsini': if val < 2: pl.annotate("{} $\leq$ 2 {}".format(n, u), xy=(0.76, 0.575 - 0.04 * i), xycoords="figure fraction", fontsize=afs) elif val >= 70: pl.annotate("{} $\geq$ 70 {}".format(n, u), xy=(0.76, 0.575 - 0.04 * i), xycoords="figure fraction", fontsize=afs) else: err = smsyn.plotting.utils.round_sig(err, 2) val, err, err = smsyn.plotting.utils.sigfig(val, err) pl.annotate("{} = {} $\\pm$ {} {}".format(n, val, err, u), xy=(0.76, 0.575 - 0.04 * i), xycoords="figure fraction", fontsize=afs) else: err = smsyn.plotting.utils.round_sig(err, 2) val, err, err = smsyn.plotting.utils.sigfig(val, err) # print n, val, err pl.annotate("{} = {} $\\pm$ {} {}".format(n, val, err, u), xy=(0.76, 0.575 - 0.04 * i), xycoords="figure fraction", fontsize=afs) i += 1 pl.savefig(outfile) return pl.gcf()
def displayFormedClusters(g,src,dest,i): global node_colors global edge_colors global disp_count if i == 1: x=np.linspace(-0.1,1,10) y1=np.linspace(0.8,0.35,10) y2=np.linspace(1.0,0.6,10) pylab.fill_between(x,y1,y2,color = 'pink') nx.draw_networkx(g,pos = nx.circular_layout(g),node_color= node_colors,edge_color = edge_colors) pylab.annotate("Source",node_positions[src]) pylab.annotate("Destination",node_positions[dest]) pylab.annotate("Cluster 1 - Head ",(0.0,0.9)) pylab.suptitle('Leach Protocol', fontsize=12) pylab.title("Leach Protocol - Cluster 1") pylab.pause(2) if i == 2: x=np.linspace(-0.1,0.7,10) y1=np.linspace(0.3,0.15,10) y2=np.linspace(0.15,-0.1,10) pylab.fill_between(x,y1,y2,color = 'pink') nx.draw_networkx(g,pos = nx.circular_layout(g),node_color= node_colors,edge_color = edge_colors) pylab.annotate("Source",node_positions[src]) pylab.annotate("Destination",node_positions[dest]) pylab.annotate("Cluster 2 - Head ",(0.0,0.1)) pylab.title("Leach Protocol - Cluster 2") pylab.suptitle('Leach Protocol', fontsize=12) pylab.pause(2) if i == 3: pylab.fill_between([0.5,0.7],0.9,1.1,color = 'pink') nx.draw_networkx(g,pos = nx.circular_layout(g),node_color= node_colors,edge_color = edge_colors) pylab.annotate("Source",node_positions[src]) pylab.annotate("Destination",node_positions[dest]) pylab.annotate("Cluster 3 - Head ",(0.6,1.1)) pylab.title("Leach Protocol - Cluster 3") pylab.suptitle('Leach Protocol', fontsize=12) pylab.pause(2)
EnvelData = [] os.path.walk(os.getcwd(), LoadEnvelData, EnvelData) GeneData = [] os.path.walk(os.getcwd(), LoadGeneNumbers, GeneData) Tags = [] os.path.walk(os.getcwd(), LoadIterestParam, Tags) p.figure(1, figsize=(10, 6)) p.subplot(221) i = 0 for item in EnvelData: XX = float(item[1][-i - 1]) YY = float(item[0][-3]) ax = p.plot(item[1], item[0], 'k-') ax = p.annotate('%1.3f' % (Tags[i], ), xy=(XX, YY), xycoords='data', fontsize=AnnotateFontSize) i = i + 1 #p.xlabel('turbulence level ($ T $)', fontsize = AxisLabelFontSize) p.ylabel('mean genotype\'s envelope surface', fontsize=AxisLabelFontSize) p.xticks(size=AxisTickFontSize) p.yticks(size=AxisTickFontSize) p.grid() p.subplot(223) i = 0 for item in GeneData: XX = float(item[1][-i - 1]) YY = float(item[0][-3]) ax = p.plot(item[1], item[0], 'k-') ax = p.annotate('%1.3f' % (Tags[i], ),
snr = 10 * log10(peak / noise) lags = linspace(-sample_period * args.NFFT / 2, sample_period * args.NFFT / 2, num=args.NFFT) delay_lag = corr_coeff.argmax() - args.NFFT / 2 if baseline[0] == delref: delays[baseline[1]] = delay_lag elif baseline[1] == delref: delays[baseline[0]] = -delay_lag delay_ns = lags[corr_coeff.argmax()] pylab.plot(lags, corr_coeff) pylab.title('{0} (x) {1}'.format(*baseline)) pylab.annotate( '\nCorr. coef.:{0:.2f}\nSNR: {1:.2f} dB\nDelay (lags): {2}\nDelay (ns): {3:.2f}' .format(peak, snr, delay_lag, delay_ns), xy=(delay_ns, peak), xytext=(0.8, 0.8), textcoords='axes fraction', backgroundcolor='white', arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', width=0.1, headwidth=4, shrink=0.1)) pylab.ylabel('Correlation Coefficient') pylab.xlabel('Delay (ns)') pylab.xlim(-sample_period * args.NFFT / 4, sample_period * args.NFFT / 4) # print out our measured delays for element in elements: min_del = min(delays.values())'{0} delay is {1} samples'.format( element, delays[element] + abs(min_del))) # show all plots
minlen_t = [] v_t = [] theta_t = [] for i in range(0, 1000, 10): minlen, v, theta = 0, v0 + i * 1., 0 print 'v = ', '%.2f' % v pro = PROPER_ANGLE(up, low, n, v, eps) minlen, theta, delta = pro.calculate(x0, y0, v, B_m, a, alpha, T0, g, dt, xtar, ytar) minlen_t.append(minlen) v_t.append(v) theta_t.append(theta) minlen = 10**9 v = 10**9 theta = 0 for i in range(len(v_t)): if minlen_t[i] < 40 and v_t[i] < v: minlen, v, theta = minlen_t[i], v_t[i], theta_t[i] print 'v= %.2f' % v, ' theta= %.2f degree' % (theta * 180 / np.pi) pro = TARGET_PLUS(x0, y0, v, theta, B_m, a, alpha, T0, g, dt) pro.reinit(xtar, ytar, minlen) pro.calculate() pro.plot() pl.scatter([xtar], [ytar], 50) pl.annotate(r'target', xy=(xtar, ytar), xytext=(+5, +15), textcoords='offset points', fontsize=15)
label=legend('Cu(EAM)')) pylab.plot(Tilt_001_Wolf_Au_EAM[:, 0], 1E-3 * Tilt_001_Wolf_Au_EAM[:, 1], color="green", marker='o', linestyle='', label=legend('Au(EAM)')) if not args.labels_off: pylab.xlabel(xlabel(tex(r'[100]') + ' tilt angle ' + tex(r'\theta')), labelpad=xlabelpad) pylab.ylabel(ylabel("Energy " + tex("(J/m^2)")), labelpad=ylabelpad) offset = 0.5 if args.annotate: pylab.annotate(annotate(tex(r'(001)(001)')), xycoords=('data', 'axes fraction'), xy=(0 + offset, 1.05), va="bottom", ha="center", rotation=90) pylab.annotate(annotate(tex(r'(0\bar{1}3)(013)')), xycoords=('data', 'axes fraction'), xy=(36.41 + offset, 1.05), va="bottom", ha="center", rotation=90) pylab.annotate(annotate(tex(r'(0\bar{1}1)(011)')), xycoords=('data', 'axes fraction'), xy=(90 + offset, 1.05), va="bottom", ha="center", rotation=90)