def stackElements(S1, S2): # Reursive relations, eq (59-62) in "A combined three-dimensional finite element and scattering matrix # method for the analysis of plane wave diffraction by bi-periodic, multilayered structures" # (Dossou 2012a) RIn1, TIn1, TOut1, ROut1 = StoRT(S1) RIn2, TIn2, TOut2, ROut2 = StoRT(S2) I = pl.identity(RIn1.shape[0]) RIn = RIn1 + TOut1 * RIn2 * pl.inv(I - ROut1 * RIn2) * TIn1 TIn = TIn2 * pl.inv(I - ROut1 * RIn2) * TIn1 ROut = ROut2 + TIn2 * ROut1 * pl.inv(I - RIn2 * ROut1) * TOut2 TOut = TOut1 * pl.inv(I - RIn2 * ROut1) * TOut2 return RTtoS(RIn, TIn, TOut, ROut)
def compute_registeration(P0, Yk): ''' compute the registeration. which is transformation martix ref: Input: P0: Point set Yk: P0 corresponding Point set Output: qk: transform matrix ''' # compute mu p and mu x mup = np.mean(P0, axis=0) Nx = len(P0) mux = np.mean(Yk, axis=0) # Cross-covariance martix sigma_px sigma_px = (,Yk) -,mux))/Nx Aij = sigma_px - sigma_px.T tr = trace(sigma_px) Sym = sigma_px + sigma_px.T - tr*identity(3) Q_sigma_px = np.array([ [tr, Aij[1][2], Aij[2][0], Aij[0][1]], [Aij[1][2], Sym[0][0], 0, 0], [Aij[2][0], 0, Sym[1][1], 0], [Aij[0][1], 0, 0, Sym[2][2]]]) # eigenvalue to get optimal R and T w, v = np.linalg.eig(Q_sigma_px) qR = v[:, argmin(w)] R = get_rotation_matrix(qR) qT = (mux.T - return qR, qT
# inputs un = array([0]) # control vector zn = [] # measurement vector # outputs xn = array([3]) # newest estimate of true state pn = array([1]) # newest estimate of average error # constants A = array ([1]) # state transition matrix, used to convert last time's state to newest state B = array([0]) # control matrix H = array([1]) # observation matrix, used to convert measurement to state Q = array([0.00001]) # estimated process error covariance R = array([0.1]) # estimated measurement error covariance I = identity(1) # A is 1 as the state is constant # H is 1 as the measurement is already in voltage measure_count = 500 measurements = [] estimations = [] for i in range(measure_count): zn = 0.75 + random.random () xn = A*xn + B*un pn = A * pn * A.transpose () + Q y = zn - H * xn S = H * pn * H.transpose () + R K = pn * H.transpose () * (1/S)
# Apply the acceleration to velocity. self.velocity = map(self.add, self.velocity, sliced_acceleration) sliced_velocity = map(self.mult, self.velocity, timeslicevec ) # Apply the velocity to location. self.loc = map(self.add, self.loc, sliced_velocity) # Cannonballs shouldn't go into the ground. if self.loc[1] < 0: self.loc[1] = 0 # constants g = -9.81 dt = 0.1 A = matrix ([[1, dt, 0, 0], [0,1,0,0], [0,0,1,dt], [0,0,0,1]]) # state transition matrix, used to convert last time's state to newest state B = matrix([[0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,0,1,0], [0,0,0,1]]) # control matrix H = identity (4) # observation matrix, used to convert measurement to state Q = zeros ((4,4)) # estimated process error covariance R = identity(4) * 0.2 # estimated measurement error covariance I = identity (4) # inputs un = matrix([[0], [0], [0.5 * g * dt * dt], [g * dt]]) # control vector zn = [] # measurement vector # outputs xn = matrix([[0], [100 * math.cos (math.pi/4)], [500], [100 * math.sin (math.pi / 4)]]) # newest estimate of true state pn = identity (4) # newest estimate of average error cannon_ball = CannonBall (dt, 30) measure_count = 144 measurements = []
def main(): # do we want an image of the loops in 3D for different A? loops = False # do we want to make a movie of the stability multipliers in the complex plane? mk_stab_mov = True if loops: fig3d = pl.figure d3ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') #os.mkdir('LoopImgs') # make a directory for the stability multiplier images --> this will be a movie as a function of # A if mk_stab_mov: os.mkdir('StabMovie') # this variable just exsits so we dont print the A value of the bifurcation point more than # once. found_bif = False # make file to store q (periodicity) q_file = open("qdata.txt","w") # make file to store stability multipliers eig_file = open("data.txt","w") eig_file.write("eig1 eig2 A\n") dt = .001 # total number of iterations to perform # totIter = 10000000 totIter = 50000 totTime = totIter*dt time = pl.arange(0.0,totTime,dt) beta = .6 qq = 1.0 # how many cells is till periodicity use x = n*pi/k (n must be even #) modNum = 2*pl.pi/k modNum = 2.0*pl.pi # initial conditions for p1 and p2 p1_init_x = pl.pi p1_init_vx = 0.0 p2_init_x = 0.0 p2_init_vx = 0.0 A_start = 0.2 A = A_start A_max = .8 A_step = .01 count = 0 # make arrays to keep eigen values. There willl be four eigen values for N=2 so lets hve two seperate # arrays for them eigs1 = pl.array([]) eigs2 = pl.array([]) eigs3 = pl.array([]) eigs4 = pl.array([]) # file to write final poition of particle to final = open("final_position.txt","w") final.write("Last position of orbit, A\n") x0 = pl.array([p1_init_vx,p2_init_vx,p1_init_x,p2_init_x]) previous_q = 0.0 while A < A_max: # initial conditions vector # set up: [xdot,ydot,x,y] apx = Two_Particle_Sin1D(A,beta,qq,dt) sol = odeint(apx.f,x0,time) print("x0") print(x0) #sol[:,2]=sol[:,2]%(2*pl.pi) # find a single loop of the limit cycle. Might be periodoc over more than one cycle # returns the solution of just that loop AND the periodicity of the loop # takes a threshhold number. If it cant find a solution where the begining and end of the # trajectroy lye within this threshold value than it quits and prints an error #thresh is distance in the phase place #thresh = .01 thresh = .00005 # change this back for bifrucation other than FIRST PI BIF #loop = find_one_full_closed(sol,thresh,dt) loop = pl.zeros([int(2.0*pl.pi/dt),4]) loop[:,2]+=pl.pi # the other particle needs to be at zero. Already is if "stop" in loop: break loop_t = pl.arange(0.0,(len(loop))*dt,dt) if loops : d3ax.plot(pl.zeros(len(loop))+A,loop[:,2],loop[:,0],color="Black") #fig = pl.figure() #ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ##ax.scatter([0.0,pl.pi,2.0*pl.pi],[0.0,0.0,0.0],color="Red") ##ax.plot(loop[:,2],loop[:,0],":",color="Black") #ax.plot(loop[:,2],loop[:,0],color="Black") #ax.set_xlabel("$x_1$",fontsize=25) #ax.set_ylabel("$x_2$",fontsize=25) ##ax.set_xlim([pl.pi-pl.pi/3.0,pl.pi+pl.pi/3.0]) ##ax.set_ylim([-.3,.3]) #fig.tight_layout() #fig.savefig("LoopImgs/"+str(A)+".png",dpi = 300,transparent=True) ##os.system("open LoopImgs/" +str(A)+".png") #pl.close(fig) apx.set_sol(loop) # solution matrix at t=0 is identity matrix -> we need it in 1d arrar form for odeint though # -> reshape takes care of the the form w0 = pl.identity(4).reshape(-1) w_of_t = odeint(,w0,loop_t,hmax=dt,hmin=dt) #w_of_t = odeint(,w0,loop_t) current_q = loop_t[-1]/(2.0*pl.pi) # print the period of the orbit we are working on print("q: " + str(current_q)) q_file.write(str(loop_t[-1]/(2.0*pl.pi))+" "+str(A)+"\n") if current_q > (previous_q+1.0): print("bifurcation point. A = " +str(A)) previous_q=current_q # make the matrix form of w_of_t matrix = w_of_t[-1,:].reshape(4,4) print('solution matrix is:') for i in range(len(matrix)): print(str(matrix[i,:])) # print('solution matrix times the initial conditions vector:') # This is wrong because the x0 needs to be re-ordered to b e consistant with the way the # Jacobian is set up. # print(,x0)) # use linalg to get the eigen values of the W(t=q) where q is the period time of the orbit vals,vect = numpy.linalg.eig(matrix) print('the trace is' + str(matrix.trace())) print('determinant is: '+ str(pl.det(matrix))) if((abs(vals[0])<=1.0) and (not found_bif)): print("this is the bifurcation point (l1)") print(A) found_bif = True if(abs(vals[1])<=1.0 and (not found_bif)): print("this is the bifurcation point (l2)") print(A) found_bif = True print('number of eigen values is: ' + str(len(vals))) eigs1 = pl.append(eigs1,vals[0]) eigs2 = pl.append(eigs2,vals[1]) eigs3 = pl.append(eigs3,vals[2]) eigs4 = pl.append(eigs4,vals[3]) eig_file.write(str(vals[0])+" "+str(vals[1])+" "+str(vals[2])+" "+str(vals[3])+" "+str(A)+"\n") count+=1 x0 = loop[-1,:] final.write(str(x0)[1:-1]+" "+str(A) +"\n") A += A_step print("A: "+str(A)) theta = pl.arange(0,10,.05) A_arr = pl.arange(A_start,A,A_step) print('we are above') while len(A_arr)>len([k.real for k in eigs1]): A_arr = A_arr[:-1] while len(A_arr)<len([k.real for k in eigs1]): A_arr = pl.append(A_arr,A_arr[-1]+A_step) print('we are below') fig1 = pl.figure() ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(pl.cos(theta),pl.sin(theta)) ax1.plot([k.real for k in eigs1],[l.imag for l in eigs1]) ax1.set_xlabel("Re[$\lambda_1$]",fontsize=25) ax1.set_ylabel("Im[$\lambda_1$]",fontsize=25) fig1.tight_layout() fig1.savefig("eig1.png") os.system("open eig1.png") fig2 = pl.figure() ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111) ax2.plot(pl.cos(theta),pl.sin(theta)) ax2.plot([k.real for k in eigs2],[l.imag for l in eigs2]) ax2.set_xlabel("Re[$\lambda_2$]",fontsize=25) ax2.set_ylabel("Im[$\lambda_2$]",fontsize=25) fig2.tight_layout() fig2.savefig("eig2.png") os.system("open eig2.png") fig3, ax3 = pl.subplots(2,sharex=True) ax3[0].plot(A_arr,[k.real for k in eigs1],color='k') ax3[1].plot(A_arr,[k.imag for k in eigs1],color='k') ax3[0].set_ylabel("Re[$\lambda_1$]",fontsize = 25) ax3[1].set_ylabel("Im[$\lambda_1$]",fontsize = 25) ax3[1].set_xlabel("$A$",fontsize = 25) fig3.tight_layout() fig3.savefig("A_vs_eig1.png") os.system("open A_vs_eig1.png") fig4, ax4 = pl.subplots(2,sharex=True) ax4[0].plot(A_arr,[k.real for k in eigs2], color = 'k') ax4[1].plot(A_arr,[k.imag for k in eigs2], color = 'k') ax4[0].set_ylabel("Re[$\lambda_2$]",fontsize = 25) ax4[1].set_ylabel("Im[$\lambda_2$]",fontsize = 25) ax4[1].set_xlabel("$A$",fontsize = 25) fig4.tight_layout() fig4.savefig("A_vs_eig2.png") os.system("open A_vs_eig2.png") eig_file.close() final.close() ## make text file with all extra information #outFile = open("info.dat","w") #outFile.write("Info \n coefficient: " + str(coef) \ # + "\nwave number: " +str(k)\ # + "\nomega: " + str(w)\ # + "\ndamping: " + str(damp)\ # + "\ng: " + str(g)\ # + "\ntime step: " + str(dt)\ # + "\ntotal time: " + str(dt*totIter)\ # + "\ntotal iterations: " + str(totIter)\ # + "\nInitial Conditions: \n" + # "initial x: " +str(initx) \ # +"\ninitial y: " +str(inity) \ # +"\ninitial vx: " +str(initvx)\ # +"\ninitial vy: " +str(initvy) ) #outFile.close() # line for stable static point if loops: line = pl.arange(start_A-.01,start_A,A_step) pi_line = pl.zeros(len(line))+pl.pi z_line = pl.zeros(len(line)) d3ax.plot(line,pi_line,z_line,color="Black") d3ax.set_xlabel("$A$",fontsize=25) d3ax.set_ylabel("$x_1$",fontsize=25) d3ax.set_zlabel("$x_2$",fontsize=25) d3fig.tight_layout() d3fig.savefig("loops.png",dpi=300) if mk_stab_mov: for i in range(len(eigs1)): s_fig = pl.figure() s_ax = s_fig.add_subplot(111) s_ax.plot(pl.cos(theta),pl.sin(theta)) s_ax.scatter(eigs1[i].real,eigs1[i].imag,c='r',s=20) s_ax.scatter(eigs2[i].real,eigs2[i].imag,c='b',s=20) s_ax.scatter(eigs3[i].real,eigs3[i].imag,c='b',s=20) s_ax.scatter(eigs4[i].real,eigs4[i].imag,c='b',s=20) s_ax.set_xlabel("Re[$\lambda$]",fontsize=25) s_ax.set_ylabel("Im[$\lambda$]",fontsize=25) s_fig.tight_layout() s_fig.savefig("StabMovie/%(num)0.5d_stbl.png"%{"num":i}) pl.close(s_fig)
# Apply the velocity to location. self.loc = map(self.add, self.loc, sliced_velocity) # Cannonballs shouldn't go into the ground. if self.loc[1] < 0: self.loc[1] = 0 # constants g = -9.81 dt = 0.1 A = matrix( [[1, dt, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, dt], [0, 0, 0, 1]] ) # state transition matrix, used to convert last time's state to newest state B = matrix([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) # control matrix H = identity(4) # observation matrix, used to convert measurement to state Q = zeros((4, 4)) # estimated process error covariance R = identity(4) * 0.2 # estimated measurement error covariance I = identity(4) # inputs un = matrix([[0], [0], [0.5 * g * dt * dt], [g * dt]]) # control vector zn = [] # measurement vector # outputs xn = matrix([[0], [100 * math.cos(math.pi / 4)], [500], [100 * math.sin(math.pi / 4)]]) # newest estimate of true state pn = identity(4) # newest estimate of average error cannon_ball = CannonBall(dt, 30) measure_count = 144
un = array([0]) # control vector zn = [] # measurement vector # outputs xn = array([3]) # newest estimate of true state pn = array([1]) # newest estimate of average error # constants A = array( [1] ) # state transition matrix, used to convert last time's state to newest state B = array([0]) # control matrix H = array([1]) # observation matrix, used to convert measurement to state Q = array([0.00001]) # estimated process error covariance R = array([0.1]) # estimated measurement error covariance I = identity(1) # A is 1 as the state is constant # H is 1 as the measurement is already in voltage measure_count = 500 measurements = [] estimations = [] for i in range(measure_count): zn = 0.75 + random.random() xn = A * xn + B * un pn = A * pn * A.transpose() + Q y = zn - H * xn S = H * pn * H.transpose() + R K = pn * H.transpose() * (1 / S)
def pade(N, lam0, dlam, M, P, x): N = 2 #The current implementation is only valid for N=2 #diferenctaite all the elemnts of K by k #Fvec has relation to k_0 through alpha - facter hthat #if possible separte Fvec out into elements of facters of alpha #equal to eq 3 in papser, make into coo_matrix for input A, B = P.interpolate(x) Mvv_0 = assembleMvv(A, B, M, P) Mrv_0, Mvr_0, Mtv_0, Mvt_0, fvn_0, frn_0, FFUp_0, FFDown_0 = assembleMxxfx( M, P) Mvv_1 = assembledev1Mvv(A, B, M, P) Mrv_1, Mvr_1, Mtv_1, Mvt_1, fvn_1, frn_1, FFUp_1, FFDown_1 = assembledev1Mxxfx( M, P, FFUp_0, FFDown_0) Mvv_2 = assembledev2Mvv(A, B, M, P) #check fvn. frn Mrv_2, Mvr_2, Mtv_2, Mvt_2, fvn_2, frn_2 = assembledev2Mxxfx( M, P, FFUp_0, FFDown_0, FFUp_1, FFDown_1) # These matrices are just used for checks later on: I = pl.identity(M.NM) #Identity matrix Z = pl.zeros((M.NM, M.NM)) P_0 = pl.bmat([[Mvv_0, Mvr_0, Mvt_0], [Mrv_0, M.lx * I, Z], [Mtv_0, Z, M.lx * I]]) P_1 = pl.bmat([[Mvv_1, Mvr_1, Mvt_1], [Mrv_1, Z, Z], [Mtv_1, Z, Z]]) P_2 = pl.bmat([[Mvv_2, Mvr_2, Mvt_2], [Mrv_2, Z, Z], [Mtv_2, Z, Z]]) #Note that u contains the same content as sol,r and t u = [] sol = [] r = [] t = [] #Note that the LU factorisation on calcvrt0 can be reused for calculating all the u's! #(which would speed up things, but not change the result obviously...) frn_0[M.Nm, 0] = -M.lx #mode 0 incidence ftn_0 = pl.zeros(frn_0.shape, dtype=complex) sol_0, r_0, t_0 = calcvrt0(M, Mvv_0, Mrv_0, Mvr_0, Mtv_0, Mvt_0, fvn_0, frn_0, ftn_0) sol.append(sol_0) r.append(r_0) t.append(t_0) u.append(pl.concatenate((sol_0, r_0, t_0))) if 1: #Check that the solution is correct f = pl.concatenate((fvn_0, frn_0, ftn_0)) print("Solution error for 0'th order: ", abs(P_0 * u[0] - f).max()) _Mvv = Mvv_0 _Mrv = Mrv_0 _Mvr = Mvr_0 _Mtv = Mtv_0 _Mvt = Mvt_0 _fvn = -(Mvv_1 * sol[0] + Mvr_1 * r[0] + Mvt_1 * t[0]) _frn = -(Mrv_1 * sol[0]) _ftn = -(Mtv_1 * sol[0]) sol_1, r_1, t_1 = calcvrt0(M, _Mvv, _Mrv, _Mvr, _Mtv, _Mvt, _fvn, _frn, _ftn) sol.append(sol_1) r.append(r_1) t.append(t_1) u.append(pl.concatenate((sol_1, r_1, t_1))) if 1: print("Solution error for 1'th order: ", abs(P_0 * u[1] + P_1 * u[0]).max()) #This will not work for our implementation since higher order derivates of the matrix is non-zero #And eqn(19) in Jensen 2007 therefore has to be recalculated for our specific case. This is caused by #derivations of the small dense transmission/reflection matrices (Mrv,Mvt and so on) being non-zero if 0: for i in range(2, N + 1): sol_i, r_i, t_i = calcvrt0( M, Mvv_0, Mrv_0, Mvr_0, Mtv_0, Mvt_0, -(Mvv_1 * sol[i - 1] + Mvr_1 * r[i - 1] + Mvt_1 * t[i - 1]) - (Mvv_2 * sol[i - 2] + Mvr_2 * r[i - 2] + Mvt_2 * t[i - 2]), -(Mrv_1 * sol[i - 1]) - (Mrv_2 * sol[i - 2]), -(Mtv_1 * sol[i - 1]) - (Mtv_2 * sol[i - 2])) sol.append(sol_i) r.append(r_i) t.append(t_i) u.append(pl.concatenate((sol_i, r_i, t_i))) sol_N1, r_N1, t_N1 = calcvrt0( M, Mvv_0, Mrv_0, Mvr_0, Mtv_0, Mvt_0, -(Mvv_1 * sol[N] + Mvr_1 * r[N] + Mvt_1 * t[N]) - (Mvv_2 * sol[N - 1] + Mvr_2 * r[N - 1] + Mvt_2 * t[N - 1]), -(Mrv_1 * sol[N]) - (Mrv_2 * sol[N - 1]), -(Mtv_1 * sol[N]) - (Mtv_2 * sol[N - 1])) _fvn = -(Mvv_1 * sol[1] + Mvr_1 * r[1] + Mvt_1 * t[1]) _fvn += -(Mvv_2 * sol[0] + Mvr_2 * r[0] + Mvt_2 * t[0]) _frn = -(Mrv_1 * sol[1]) _frn += -(Mrv_2 * sol[0]) _ftn = -(Mtv_1 * sol[1]) _ftn += -(Mtv_2 * sol[0]) sol_2, r_2, t_2 = calcvrt0(M, _Mvv, _Mrv, _Mvr, _Mtv, _Mvt, _fvn, _frn, _ftn) sol.append(sol_2) r.append(r_2) t.append(t_2) u.append(pl.concatenate((sol_2, r_2, t_2))) if 1: print("Solution error for 2'th order: ", abs(P_0 * u[2] + P_1 * u[1] + P_2 * u[0]).max()) uconjT = pl.bmat([vec.conj() for vec in u[::-2]]).T urev = pl.bmat(u[::-2]) Pmat = uconjT * urev Q = pl.linalg.inv(Pmat) #Check the inversion... Even though it succeeds if 0: print("Pmax:", abs(Pmat).max()) print("P*Q:") print(Pmat * Q) uplus = Q * uconjT b = -uplus * u[N] #Check if b solves the equation we wanted if 1: print("Error for b:", abs(urev * b + u[N]).max()) a = [] a += [0] #If we start summing at 1, then the 0'th element should be zero #b starts at index 1 and not zero in Jensen 2007, there the elements have to be shifted one a += [u[1] + b[0, 0] * u[0]] if N != 2: exit("this part only implemented for N=2") a += [u[2] + b[0, 0] * u[1] + b[1, 0] * u[0]] #List of wavelengths llam = pl.linspace(lam0 - dlam, lam0 + dlam, 81) #List of sigmas with k0 subtracted lsigma = 2 * pl.pi / llam - 2 * pl.pi / lam0 lR = [] for sigma in lsigma: u_nom = u[0] + a[1] * sigma + a[2] * sigma**2 u_denom = 1 + b[0, 0] * sigma + b[1, 0] * sigma**2 usigma = u_nom / u_denom nnodes = (M.nelx + 1) * (M.nelz + 1) solsigma = usigma[:nnodes] rsigma = usigma[nnodes:nnodes + M.NM] tsigma = usigma[nnodes + M.NM:] mR, thetaR, R, mT, thetaT, T = calcRT(M, P, rsigma, tsigma) lR += [float(R[mR == 0])] return llam, lR
def calcScatteringMatrix2(M, P, x): ## FE analysis to acquire scattering matrices (see Dossou2006) instead of solving for one incident ## condition as done in FE(). # #@param M Model object containing geometrical information #@param P Physics object containing physical parameters #@param x The design domain with 0 corresponding to eps1 and 1 corresponding to eps2 # and intermediate values to weighted averages in between. See physics.interpolate #@return Dictionary containing the matrices R,T,R',T' that the scattering matrix consists of. # as well as normal data # #see also FE() A, B = P.interpolate(x) Mvv = assembleMvv(A, B, M, P) Mrv, Mvr, Mtv, Mvt, fvn, frn = assembleMxxfx(M, P) lu = splu(Mvv) #Mhatrr and Mhattr b = lu.solve(Mvr) Mhatrr = -Mrv * b _addToDiagonal(Mhatrr, M.lx) Mhattr = -Mtv * b #Mhatrt and Mhattt b = lu.solve(Mvt) Mhatrt = -Mrv * b Mhattt = -Mtv * b _addToDiagonal(Mhattt, M.lx) #fhatrn b = lu.solve(fvn) a = Mrv * b fhatrn = frn - a #fhattn b = lu.solve(fvn) a = Mtv * b fhattn = -a MAT = pl.bmat([[Mhatrr, Mhatrt], [Mhattr, Mhattt]]) RHS = pl.bmat([[Mhatrr - 2 * M.lx * pl.identity(M.NM), Mhatrt], [Mhattr, Mhattt - 2 * M.lx * pl.identity(M.NM)]]) #Solve Eq (53) in Dossou 2006 RTtilde = pl.solve(MAT, RHS) #print("pl.diag(pl.asarray(pl.transpose(RTtilde)).reshape(-1))") #print(pl.diag(pl.asarray(pl.transpose(RTtilde)).reshape(-1))) matL = pl.bmat([[pl.diag(pl.sqrt(P.chiIn)), pl.zeros((M.NM, M.NM))], [pl.zeros((M.NM, M.NM)), pl.diag(pl.sqrt(P.chiOut))]]) matR = pl.bmat([[pl.diag(1 / pl.sqrt(P.chiIn)), pl.zeros((M.NM, M.NM))], [pl.zeros((M.NM, M.NM)), pl.diag(1 / pl.sqrt(P.chiOut))]]) V = matL * RTtilde * matR RIn = V[:M.NM, :M.NM] TIn = V[M.NM:, :M.NM] ROut = V[M.NM:, M.NM:] TOut = V[:M.NM, M.NM:] results = {} results["x"] = x results["RIn"] = RIn results["TIn"] = TIn results["ROut"] = ROut results["TOut"] = TOut results.update(M.getParameters()) results.update(P.getParameters()) return results