def data_to_ch(data): ch = {} for ch_ind in range(1, 97): ch[ch_ind] = {} ch[ch_ind]["bl"] = data[ch_ind]["blanks"] ch[ch_ind]["bl_mu"] = pl.mean(ch[ch_ind]["bl"]) ch[ch_ind]["bl_sem"] = pl.std(ch[ch_ind]["bl"]) / pl.sqrt(len(ch[ch_ind]["bl"])) for ind in sorted(data[ch_ind].keys()): if ind != "blanks": k = ind[0] if k not in ch[ch_ind]: ch[ch_ind][k] = {} ch[ch_ind][k]["fr"] = [] ch[ch_ind][k]["fr_mu"] = [] ch[ch_ind][k]["fr_sem"] = [] ch[ch_ind][k]["pos_y"] = [] ch[ch_ind][k]["dprime"] = [] ch[ch_ind][k]["fr"].append(data[ch_ind][ind]["on"]) ch[ch_ind][k]["fr_mu"].append(pl.mean(data[ch_ind][ind]["on"])) ch[ch_ind][k]["fr_sem"].append(pl.std(data[ch_ind][ind]["on"]) / pl.sqrt(len(data[1][ind]["on"]))) ch[ch_ind][k]["pos_y"].append(ind[2]) # print ch[ch_ind][k]['pos_y'] # print pl.std(data[ch_ind][ind]['on']) ch[ch_ind][k]["dprime"].append( (pl.mean(data[ch_ind][ind]["on"]) - ch[ch_ind]["bl_mu"]) / ((pl.std(ch[ch_ind]["bl"]) + pl.std(data[ch_ind][ind]["on"])) / 2) ) # print ch[ch_ind]['OSImage_5']['pos_y'] return ch
def corr_score(file1, file2, delta, bin=1., dur=100., ncell=500): """Similarity score by correlation coefficient. The spike trains are convolved with a triangular kernel.""" d1 = numpy.loadtxt(file1) d2 = numpy.loadtxt(file2) x = numpy.zeros(int(ncell * dur / bin)) y = numpy.zeros(int(ncell * dur / bin)) for j in range(ncell): if d1.size == 2: s1 = numpy.array(d1[0] * (d1[1] == j)) else: s1 = d1[d1[:, 1] == j, 0] if d2.size == 2: s2 = numpy.array(d2[0] * (d2[1] == j)) else: s2 = d2[d2[:, 1] == j, 0] kern = numpy.append(numpy.arange(delta / bin), numpy.arange(delta / bin, -1, -1)) ts1, dump = pylab.histogram(s1, numpy.arange(0., dur + bin, bin)) ts2, dump = pylab.histogram(s2, numpy.arange(0., dur + bin, bin)) x[j * dur / bin:(j + 1) * dur / bin] = numpy.convolve( ts1, kern, 'same') y[j * dur / bin:(j + 1) * dur / bin] = numpy.convolve( ts2, kern, 'same') x = x - pylab.mean(x) y = y - pylab.mean(y) cor = sum(x * y) / (len(x) * pylab.std(x) * pylab.std(y)) return cor
def scatter_stats(db, s1, s2, f1=None, f2=None, **kwargs): if f1 == None: f1 = lambda x: x # constant function if f2 == None: f2 = f1 x = [] xerr = [] y = [] yerr = [] for k in db: x_k = [f1(x_ki) for x_ki in db[k].__getattribute__(s1).gettrace()] y_k = [f2(y_ki) for y_ki in db[k].__getattribute__(s2).gettrace()] x.append(pl.mean(x_k)) xerr.append(pl.std(x_k)) y.append(pl.mean(y_k)) yerr.append(pl.std(y_k)) pl.text(x[-1], y[-1], " %s" % k, fontsize=8, alpha=0.4, zorder=-1) default_args = {"fmt": "o", "ms": 10} default_args.update(kwargs) pl.errorbar(x, y, xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, **default_args) pl.xlabel(s1) pl.ylabel(s2)
def compare_models(db, stoch="itn coverage", stat_func=None, plot_type="", **kwargs): if stat_func == None: stat_func = lambda x: x X = {} for k in sorted(db.keys()): c = k.split("_")[2] X[c] = [] for k in sorted(db.keys()): c = k.split("_")[2] X[c].append([stat_func(x_ki) for x_ki in db[k].__getattribute__(stoch).gettrace()]) x = pl.array([pl.mean(xc[0]) for xc in X.values()]) xerr = pl.array([pl.std(xc[0]) for xc in X.values()]) y = pl.array([pl.mean(xc[1]) for xc in X.values()]) yerr = pl.array([pl.std(xc[1]) for xc in X.values()]) if plot_type == "scatter": default_args = {"fmt": "o", "ms": 10} default_args.update(kwargs) for c in X.keys(): pl.text(pl.mean(X[c][0]), pl.mean(X[c][1]), " %s" % c, fontsize=8, alpha=0.4, zorder=-1) pl.errorbar(x, y, xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, **default_args) pl.xlabel("First Model") pl.ylabel("Second Model") pl.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], alpha=0.5, linestyle="--", color="k", linewidth=2) elif plot_type == "rel_diff": d1 = sorted(100 * (x - y) / x) d2 = sorted(100 * (xerr - yerr) / xerr) pl.subplot(2, 1, 1) pl.title("Percent Model 2 deviates from Model 1") pl.plot(d1, "o") pl.xlabel("Countries sorted by deviation in mean") pl.ylabel("deviation in mean (%)") pl.subplot(2, 1, 2) pl.plot(d2, "o") pl.xlabel("Countries sorted by deviation in std err") pl.ylabel("deviation in std err (%)") elif plot_type == "abs_diff": d1 = sorted(x - y) d2 = sorted(xerr - yerr) pl.subplot(2, 1, 1) pl.title("Percent Model 2 deviates from Model 1") pl.plot(d1, "o") pl.xlabel("Countries sorted by deviation in mean") pl.ylabel("deviation in mean") pl.subplot(2, 1, 2) pl.plot(d2, "o") pl.xlabel("Countries sorted by deviation in std err") pl.ylabel("deviation in std err") else: assert 0, "plot_type must be abs_diff, rel_diff, or scatter" return pl.array([x, y, xerr, yerr])
def scatter_stats(db, s1, s2, f1=None, f2=None, **kwargs): if f1 == None: f1 = lambda x: x # constant function if f2 == None: f2 = f1 x = [] xerr = [] y = [] yerr = [] for k in db: x_k = [f1(x_ki) for x_ki in db[k].__getattribute__(s1).gettrace()] y_k = [f2(y_ki) for y_ki in db[k].__getattribute__(s2).gettrace()] x.append(pl.mean(x_k)) xerr.append(pl.std(x_k)) y.append(pl.mean(y_k)) yerr.append(pl.std(y_k)) pl.text(x[-1], y[-1], ' %s' % k, fontsize=8, alpha=.4, zorder=-1) default_args = {'fmt': 'o', 'ms': 10} default_args.update(kwargs) pl.errorbar(x, y, xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, **default_args) pl.xlabel(s1) pl.ylabel(s2)
def plot2(): import pylab as pl hs, ds = [], [] for event, time in load(): if event == main_start: start_time = time elif event == main_end: d0, h0 = days_hours(start_time) d1, h1 = days_hours(time) hs.append((h0, h1)) ds.append((d0, d1)) pl.plot([d0, d1], [h0, h1], 'b') ihs, fhs = zip(*hs) ids, fds = zip(*ds) pl.plot(ids, ihs, 'g') pl.plot([ids[0], ids[-1]], [pl.mean(ihs)] * 2, 'g--') pl.plot(fds, fhs, 'r') pl.plot([fds[0], fds[-1]], [pl.mean(fhs)] * 2, 'r--') f, i = pl.mean(fhs), pl.mean(ihs) pl.plot([fds[0], fds[-1]], [(f + i) / 2] * 2, 'b--') print i, f, f - i, (f + i) / 2 std_i, std_f = pl.std(ihs), pl.std(fhs) print std_i, std_f pl.xlim(ids[0], fds[-1]) pl.ylim(4, 28) pl.grid(True) pl.xlabel('Time [day]') pl.ylabel('Day interval [hours]')
def stderr(X,Y=None): if len(X) <= 1: return 0.0 stderr_x = pow(pylab.std(X),2)/len(X) if Y: if len(Y) <= 1: return 0.0 stderr_y = pow(pylab.std(Y),2)/len(Y) else: stderr_y = 0 return math.sqrt(stderr_x + stderr_y)
def stderr(X, Y=None): if len(X) <= 1: return 0.0 stderr_x = pow(pylab.std(X), 2) / len(X) if Y: if len(Y) <= 1: return 0.0 stderr_y = pow(pylab.std(Y), 2) / len(Y) else: stderr_y = 0 return math.sqrt(stderr_x + stderr_y)
def Vplot(Ws): """Calculate the potential function and plot it""" N_bstrp = input("Please enter the number of bootstraps: ") N_bin = input("Please enter the bin size: ") style = raw_input("Please enter a linestyle: ") Ws = bin(Ws,N_bin) aVs = pl.zeros((N_bstrp,) + pl.shape(Ws)[1:]) bs = pl.zeros((N_bstrp,3)) for i in xrange(N_bstrp): W = pl.mean(bootstrap(Ws),axis=0) aVs[i] = calcaV(W,method="fit") bs[i] = potfit(aVs[i,:,0]) r = pl.arange(1,7) aV = pl.mean(aVs,axis=0) aVerr = pl.std(aVs,axis=0) b = pl.mean(bs,axis=0) a_s = 0.5 / pl.sqrt((1.65 + bs[:,1]) / bs[:,0]) sigmas = bs[:,0] / a_s**2 Bs = bs[:,1] As = bs[:,2] / a_s a = pl.mean(a_s) aerr = pl.std(a_s) sigma = pl.mean(sigmas) sigmaerr = pl.std(sigmas) B = pl.mean(Bs) Berr = pl.std(Bs) A = pl.mean(As) Aerr = pl.std(As) print("Fit parameters:") print("sigma = %f +/- %f fm^-2 = %f +/- %f MeV^2" % (sigma, sigmaerr, sigma * 197**2, sigmaerr * 197**2)) print("B = %f +/- %f" % (B, Berr)) print("A = %f +/- %f fm^-1 = %f +/- %f MeV" % (A, Aerr, A*197, Aerr*197)) print("Lattice spacing, a = %f +/- %f fm = %f +/- %f MeV^-1" % (a, aerr, a/197, aerr/197)) r_fit = pl.arange(0.25,r[-1]+1,0.1) aV_fit = V(b,r_fit) handles = [] handles.append(pl.errorbar(r,aV[:,0],yerr=aVerr[:,0],fmt='o'+style[0])) handles.append(pl.plot(r_fit,aV_fit,style)) pl.ylim([0,pl.nanmax(aV)+0.25]) pl.xlim([0,pl.nanmax(r_fit)+0.25]) pl.xlabel("$r / a$") pl.ylabel("$aV(r)$") return aV,handles
def calcavesky(): input = open("noise.dat", 'r') aperture = [] counts = [] area = [] #j=0 for line in input: if line.find('#') > -1: #skip lines with '#' in them continue if line.find('.fits') > -1: #skip lines with '#' in them j = 0 continue j = j + 1 if (j > 3): t = line.split() aperture.append(float(t[0])) counts.append(float(t[1])) area.append(float(t[2])) input.close() aperture = N.array(aperture, 'f') counts = N.array(counts, 'f') area = N.array(area, 'f') ap = N.zeros(npoints, 'f') aparea = N.zeros(nap, 'f') aveap = N.zeros(nap, 'f') aveaperr = N.zeros(nap, 'f') avearea = N.zeros(nap, 'f') aveareaerr = N.zeros(nap, 'f') #for i in range(len(ap)): for i in range(nap): #print i, len(ap),aperture[i],aperture[i+1] if (i < (nap - 1)): ap = N.compress( (aperture >= aperture[i]) & (aperture < aperture[i + 1]), counts) aparea = N.compress( (aperture >= aperture[i]) & (aperture < aperture[i + 1]), area) else: ap = N.compress((aperture >= aperture[i]) & (aperture < 20.), counts) aparea = N.compress((aperture >= aperture[i]) & (aperture < 20.), area) #print ap #aparea=N.compress((aperture >= aperture[i]) & (aperture < aperture[i+1]),area) aveap[i] = N.average(ap) aveaperr[i] = pylab.std(ap) avearea[i] = N.average(aparea) aveareaerr[i] = pylab.std(aparea) print "ave sky = %8.4f +/- %8.4f" % (N.average(ap), pylab.std(ap)) print "ave area = %8.4f +/- %8.4f" % (N.average(aparea), pylab.std(aparea)) return aveap, aveaperr, avearea, aveareaerr
def neuron_type_alphas(df): print "-----------------------------------------------------" df2 = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['neuron name', 'neuron type']) types = [] alphas = [] dists = [] for neuron_type, group in df2.groupby('neuron type'): print "------------" print neuron_type print "mean alpha", pylab.mean(group['alpha']), '+/-',\ pylab.std(group['alpha'], ddof=1) print "mean distance", pylab.mean(group['dist']), '+/-',\ pylab.std(group['dist'], ddof=1) types.append(neuron_type) alphas.append(pylab.array(group['alpha'])) dists.append(pylab.array(group['dist'])) indices = range(len(types)) def alphas_chisquare(alphas1, alphas2): counts1 = defaultdict(int) counts2 = defaultdict(int) unique_alphas = set() for alpha in alphas1: counts1[alpha] += 1 unique_alphas.add(alpha) for alpha in alphas2: counts2[alpha] += 1 unique_alphas.add(alpha) f_obs = [] f_exp = [] for alpha in sorted(unique_alphas): f_obs.append(counts1[alpha]) f_exp.append(counts2[alpha]) return chisquare(f_obs, f_exp) for idx1, idx2 in combinations(indices, 2): print "------------" type1, type2 = types[idx1], types[idx2] alphas1, alphas2 = alphas[idx1], alphas[idx2] dists1, dists2 = dists[idx1], dists[idx2] print type1 + ' vs. ' + type2 #print ttest_ind(dist1, dist2, equal_var=False) #print mannwhitneyu(dist1, dist2, alternative='two-sided') print "alphas ks-test", ks_2samp(alphas1, alphas2) print "alphas mann-whitney test", mannwhitneyu(alphas1, alphas2) print "alphas earth movers distance", wasserstein_distance( alphas1, alphas2) print "alphas chi square", alphas_chisquare(alphas1, alphas2) print "alphas welchs t-test", len(alphas1), len(alphas2), ttest_ind( alphas1, alphas2, equal_var=False) print "dists welch's t-test", len(dists1), len(dists2), ttest_ind( dists1, dists2, equal_var=False)
def main(data): ave = pylab.mean(data) std = pylab.std(data) ave_p_std = ave + std ave_m_std = ave - std pylab.hist(data, bins=range(0, 111, 5)) ylims = pylab.ylim() pylab.plot([ave_m_std] * 2, ylims, 'r') pylab.plot([ave_p_std] * 2, ylims, 'r') pylab.grid() pylab.title('average = %g, std = %g' % (pylab.mean(data), pylab.std(data)))
def readDatDirectory(key, directory): global stats #Don't read data in if it's already read if not key in DATA["mean"]: data = defaultdict(array) #Process the dat files for datfile in glob.glob(directory + "/*.dat"): fileHandle = open(datfile, 'rb') keys, dataDict = csvExtractAllCols(fileHandle) stats = union(stats, keys) for aKey in keys: if not aKey in data: data[aKey] = reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))) else: data[aKey] = append(data[aKey], reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))), axis=0) #Process the div files' for datfile in glob.glob(directory + "/*.div"): fileHandle = open(datfile, 'rb') keys, dataDict = csvExtractAllCols(fileHandle) stats = union(stats, keys) for aKey in keys: if not aKey in data: data[aKey] = reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))) else: data[aKey] = append(data[aKey], reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))), axis=0) #Iterate through the stats and calculate mean/standard deviation for aKey in stats: if aKey in data: DATA["mean"][key][aKey] = mean(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["median"][key][aKey] = median(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["std"][key][aKey] = std(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["ste"][key][aKey] = std(data[aKey], axis=0) / sqrt( len(data[aKey])) DATA["min"][key][aKey] = mean(data[aKey], axis=0) - amin( data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["max"][key][aKey] = amax(data[aKey], axis=0) - mean( data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["actual"][key][aKey] = data[aKey]
def collapse_sims(mort_draws): med = pl.mean(mort_draws, axis=0) lower = pl.array(sp.mquantiles(mort_draws,axis=0,prob=.025))[0] upper = pl.array(sp.mquantiles(mort_draws,axis=0,prob=.975))[0] std = pl.std(mort_draws,axis=0) return[med,lower,upper,std], [('med','<f8'),('lower','<f8'),('upper','<f8'),('std','<f8')])
def generate_normalized_test_data(self, channels, time_points, function, sampling_frequency, initial_phase=0.0): """ A method which generates a normalized (mu = 0, sigma =1) signal for testing, with the specified number of "channels" which are all generated using the given function """ #Generate an empty ndarray data = numpy.zeros((time_points, channels)) #Compute the values for all channels for channel_index in range(channels): for time_index in range(time_points): data[time_index, channel_index] = function(2.0 * numpy.pi * (channel_index + 1) * (time_index / sampling_frequency + initial_phase)) current_channel = data[:, channel_index] current_channel = (current_channel - pylab.mean(current_channel))/pylab.std(current_channel) data[:, channel_index] = current_channel #Generate a time series build out of the data test_data = TimeSeries(input_array = data, channel_names = [("test_channel_%s" % i) for i in range(channels)], sampling_frequency = sampling_frequency, start_time = initial_phase, end_time = float(time_points) / sampling_frequency + initial_phase) return test_data
def zeroPaddData(self,desiredLength,paddmode='zero',where='end'): #zero padds the time domain data, it is possible to padd at the beginning, #or at the end, and further gaussian or real zero padding is possible #might not work for gaussian mode! desiredLength=int(desiredLength) #escape the function if desiredLength<0: return 0 #calculate the paddvectors if paddmode=='gaussian': paddvec=py.normal(0,py.std(self.getPreceedingNoise())*0.05,desiredLength) else: paddvec=py.ones((desiredLength,self.tdData.shape[1]-1)) paddvec*=py.mean(self.tdData[-20:,1:]) timevec=self.getTimes() if where=='end': #timeaxis: newtimes=py.linspace(timevec[-1],timevec[-1]+desiredLength*self.dt,desiredLength) paddvec=py.column_stack((newtimes,paddvec)) longvec=py.row_stack((self.tdData,paddvec)) else: newtimes=py.linspace(timevec[0]-(desiredLength+1)*self.dt,timevec[0],desiredLength) paddvec=py.column_stack((newtimes,paddvec)) longvec=py.row_stack((paddvec,self.tdData)) self.setTDData(longvec)
def gen_std_devs(climate, multi_cities, years): """ For each year in years, compute the standard deviation over the averaged yearly temperatures for each city in multi_cities. Args: climate: instance of Climate multi_cities: the names of cities we want to use in our std dev calculation (list of str) years: the range of years to calculate standard deviation for (list of int) Returns: a pylab 1-d array of floats with length = len(years). Each element in this array corresponds to the standard deviation of the average annual city temperatures for the given cities in a given year. """ combined_avg_temp = [] for year in years: avgdailytemp = [] for city in multi_cities: temp_tempdata = climate.get_yearly_temp(city,year) if avgdailytemp == []: avgdailytemp = temp_tempdata else: avgdailytemp += temp_tempdata #= pylab.concatenate((avgdailytemp,temp_tempdata)) avgdailytemp = avgdailytemp / len(multi_cities) combined_avg_temp.append(pylab.std(avgdailytemp)) return combined_avg_temp
def gen_std_devs(climate, multi_cities, years): """ For each year in years, compute the standard deviation over the averaged yearly temperatures for each city in multi_cities. Args: climate: instance of Climate multi_cities: the names of cities we want to use in our std dev calculation (list of str) years: the range of years to calculate standard deviation for (list of int) Returns: a pylab 1-d array of floats with length = len(years). Each element in this array corresponds to the standard deviation of the average annual city temperatures for the given cities in a given year. """ std_dev_list = [] for year in years: daily_sum = 0 #sum up the daily temperatures for each city for city in multi_cities: daily_sum += climate.get_yearly_temp(city, year) daily_avg = daily_sum / len(multi_cities) #average across the cities #standard deviations of the daily averages for the whole year std_dev = pylab.std(daily_avg) std_dev_list.append(std_dev) #add to list return pylab.array(std_dev_list) # return array of the list
def _CalcMutualNearestNeighbors(hull_points, all_points): all_points_list = list(all_points) ds = distance.pdist(list(all_points)) std_d = p.std(ds) square_ds = distance.squareform(ds) nearest_neighbors = {} for i, point in enumerate(all_points_list): if point not in hull_points: continue my_ds = [(d, j) for j, d in enumerate(square_ds[i]) if j != i] my_ds.sort() nearest_neighbors[point] = set([j for d,j in my_ds[:3]]) no_mutual = set() for i, point in enumerate(all_points_list): if point not in hull_points: continue no_nbrs = True for neighbor_index in nearest_neighbors.get(point, []): neighbor = all_points_list[neighbor_index] neighbor_set = nearest_neighbors.get(neighbor, []) if i in neighbor_set: no_nbrs = False if no_nbrs: no_mutual.add(point) return no_mutual
def gen_std_devs(climate, multi_cities, years): """ For each year in years, compute the standard deviation over the averaged yearly temperatures for each city in multi_cities. Args: climate: instance of Climate multi_cities: the names of cities we want to use in our std dev calculation (list of str) years: the range of years to calculate standard deviation for (list of int) Returns: a pylab 1-d array of floats with length = len(years). Each element in this array corresponds to the standard deviation of the average annual city temperatures for the given cities in a given year. """ # TODO multi_cities_std_dev = list() for year in years: daily_temp = list() for day in range(1, get_days(year) + 1): tmdate = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(day - 1) city_temp = list() for city in multi_cities: city_temp.append(climate.get_daily_temp(city, tmdate.month,, year)) daily_temp.append(pylab.mean(city_temp)) multi_cities_std_dev.append(pylab.std(daily_temp)) return pylab.array(multi_cities_std_dev)
def gen_std_devs(climate, multi_cities, years): """ For each year in years, compute the standard deviation over the averaged yearly temperatures for each city in multi_cities. Args: climate: instance of Climate multi_cities: the names of cities we want to use in our std dev calculation (list of str) years: the range of years to calculate standard deviation for (list of int) Returns: a pylab 1-d array of floats with length = len(years). Each element in this array corresponds to the standard deviation of the average annual city temperatures for the given cities in a given year. """ # TODO all_std = pylab.array([]) for year in years: days = len(climate.get_yearly_temp('NEW YORK', year)) each_year_overall = pylab.array([0] * days) for city in multi_cities: each_year_city = climate.get_yearly_temp(city, year) each_year_overall = each_year_city + each_year_overall each_year_avg = each_year_overall / len(multi_cities) each_year_std = pylab.std(each_year_avg) all_std = pylab.append(all_std, each_year_std) return all_std
def mpcorr_nospk5(filename, maxtime=10000., pre=0., post=50., path='./'): data = numpy.loadtxt(path + 'v' + filename) cor5 = [] f = open(path + filename, 'r') f.readline() f.readline() f.readline() f.readline() if f.readline() != '': datasp = numpy.loadtxt(path + filename) issubth = numpy.ones(data[:, 1].size, dtype=bool) for j in range(datasp.size / 2): if datasp.size == 2: id0 = numpy.argmin((data[:, 1] - (datasp[j] - pre))**2) else: id0 = numpy.argmin((data[:, 1] - (datasp[j, 0] - pre))**2) issubth[id0:id0 + 2 * int((pre + post) / 0.1)] = 0 # if stepsize = 0.1 for j in range(5): mp = data[(data[:, 1] >= j * maxtime / 5.) * (data[:, 1] < (j + 1) * maxtime / 5.), 0:3:2] mp = mp[issubth[j * maxtime * 10 / 5.:(j + 1) * maxtime * 10 / 5.], :] cor5.append( miscfunc.corrcoef(mp[mp[:, 0] == 1, 1], mp[mp[:, 0] == 2, 1])) cor = pylab.mean(cor5) sc = pylab.std(cor5) return cor, sc
def update(self,dt,val): avrg = Wmavrg.update(self,dt,val) std = pylab.std(self.samples_nonone)*self.k # this takes long if avrg != None: return avrg,avrg+std,avrg-std else: return (None,None,None)
def get_times(paths, runs, pattern): """ extracts times """ time_min = [] time_mean = [] time_std = [] fails = [] for path in paths: temptime = [] fails.append(0.) for run in runs: tempnew = ex.extract(path + 'output' + str(run), pattern, isarray=False) if isinstance(tempnew, pl.ndarray): if tempnew: temptime.append(tempnew[0]) else: fails[-1] += 1. else: temptime.append(tempnew) time_min.append(min(temptime)) time_mean.append(pl.mean(temptime)) time_std.append(pl.std(temptime)) fails[-1] /= len(runs) return time_min, fails, time_mean, time_std
def gen_std_devs(climate, multi_cities, years): """ For each year in years, compute the standard deviation over the averaged yearly temperatures for each city in multi_cities. Args: climate: instance of Climate multi_cities: the names of cities we want to use in our std dev calculation (list of str) years: the range of years to calculate standard deviation for (list of int) Returns: a pylab 1-d array of floats with length = len(years). Each element in this array corresponds to the standard deviation of the average annual city temperatures for the given cities in a given year. """ std_devs = [] for year in years: yearly_temp = [] for month in range(1, 13): for day in range(1, 32): # for each day of the year city_temps = [] for city in multi_cities: # in each city try: temp = climate.get_daily_temp(city, month, day, year) city_temps.append(temp) except: pass if len(city_temps) > 0: daily_temp = sum(city_temps) / len(city_temps) yearly_temp.append(daily_temp) std_devs.append(pylab.std(yearly_temp)) return pylab.array(std_devs)
def post_lecture(self): STD = std(self.Y, 1) MM = mean(self.Y, 1) TT, self.NN = self.Y.shape if self.centred: for t in xrange(0, TT): self.Y[t, :] = (self.Y[t, :] - MM[t]) / STD[t]
def gen_std_devs(climate, multi_cities, years): """ For each year in years, compute the standard deviation over the averaged yearly temperatures for each city in multi_cities. Args: climate: instance of Climate multi_cities: the names of cities we want to use in our std dev calculation (list of str) years: the range of years to calculate standard deviation for (list of int) Returns: a pylab 1-d array of floats with length = len(years). Each element in this array corresponds to the standard deviation of the average annual city temperatures for the given cities in a given year. """ std_devs = [] for year in years: yearly_temps = [] for month in range(1, 13): for day in range(1, 32): avg_temp = 0 viable = False for city in multi_cities: try: avg_temp += climate.get_daily_temp( city, month, day, year) viable = True except: pass if viable: avg_temp /= len(multi_cities) yearly_temps += [avg_temp] std_devs += [pylab.std(yearly_temps)] return pylab.array(std_devs) """for year in years:
def flow_rate_hist(sheets): ant_rates = [] weights = [] for sheet in sheets: ants, seconds, weight = flow_rate(sheet) ant_rate = seconds / ants #ant_rate = ants / seconds ant_rates.append(ant_rate) weights.append(float(weight)) #weights.append(seconds) weights = pylab.array(weights) weights /= sum(weights) #print "ants per second" print "seconds per ant" mu = pylab.mean(ant_rates) print "mean", pylab.mean(ant_rates) wmean = pylab.average(ant_rates, weights=weights) print "weighted mean", wmean print "median", pylab.median(ant_rates) print "std", pylab.std(ant_rates, ddof=1) ant_rates = pylab.array(ant_rates) werror = (ant_rates - mu) * weights print "weighted std", ((sum(werror ** 2))) ** 0.5 print "weighted std 2", (pylab.average((ant_rates - mu)**2, weights=weights)) ** 0.5 pylab.figure() pylab.hist(ant_rates) pylab.savefig('ant_flow_rates.pdf', format='pdf') pylab.close()
def gen_std_devs(climate, multi_cities, years): """ For each year in years, compute the standard deviation over the averaged yearly temperatures for each city in multi_cities. Args: climate: instance of Climate multi_cities: the names of cities we want to use in our std dev calculation (list of str) years: the range of years to calculate standard deviation for (list of int) Returns: a pylab 1-d array of floats with length = len(years). Each element in this array corresponds to the standard deviation of the average annual city temperatures for the given cities in a given year. """ std_dev = [] for year in years: yearly_temps = None for city in multi_cities: if yearly_temps is None: yearly_temps = climate.get_yearly_temp(city, year) else: yearly_temp = climate.get_yearly_temp(city, year) yearly_temps = pylab.vstack((yearly_temps, yearly_temp)) if yearly_temps.ndim > 1: yearly_temps = pylab.average(yearly_temps, axis=0) std_dev.append(pylab.std(yearly_temps)) return pylab.array(std_dev)
def update(self,t,val): oldavg = self.avg avrg = Ema.update(self,t,val) self.__samples.append((t,self.lastvalue)) self.__samples_nonone.append(self.lastvalue) if oldavg == None: self.first_t = t return (None,None,None) newavg = avrg # check limits of timeframe while t - self.__samples[0][0] > self.timeframe and len(self.__samples) > 2: _, pv = self.__samples.pop(0) del self.__samples_nonone[0] #self.variance += (val-pv)*(val-newavg+pv-oldavg)/(self.timeframe) # this seems to use constant number of samples #std = math.sqrt(self.variance) std = pylab.std(self.__samples_nonone)*self.k # this takes long if avrg != None: return avrg,avrg+std,avrg-std else: return (None,None,None)
def pc_pm_std(data, ndim): """ This is a helper function. It returns the value of +1 * std(x), where x is the ndim-th principal component of the data Parameters: ----------- data: `array` (*n*-by-*d*) the data on which the principal component analysis is performed. ndim: `integer` the number of the principal axis on which the analysis is performed. **NOTE** this is zero-based, i.e. to compute the first principal component, ndim=0 Returns: -------- std_pc: `array` (1-by-*d*) the vector that points in the direction of the *ndim*th principal axis, and has the length of the standard deviation of the scores along this axis. """ u,s,v = svd(data.T, full_matrices = False) direction = u[:, ndim : ndim + 1] scale = std(dot(direction.T, data.T)) return scale * direction.T
def gen_std_devs(climate, multi_cities, years): """ For each year in years, compute the standard deviation over the averaged yearly temperatures for each city in multi_cities. Args: climate: instance of Climate multi_cities: the names of cities we want to use in our std dev calculation (list of str) years: the range of years to calculate standard deviation for (list of int) Returns: a pylab 1-d array of floats with length = len(years). Each element in this array corresponds to the standard deviation of the average annual city temperatures for the given cities in a given year. """ annual_deviations = [] for year in years: cities_temp = pylab.array( [climate.get_yearly_temp(city, year) for city in multi_cities]) daily_mean = cities_temp.mean(axis=0) dev = pylab.std(daily_mean) annual_deviations.append(dev) return pylab.array(annual_deviations)
def null_models_analysis(models_df): print "-----------------------------------------------------" df2 = models_df[models_df['model'] != 'neural'] for model, group in df2.groupby('model'): print '***%s***' % model trials = len(group['success']) successes = sum(group['success']) #success_rate = pylab.mean(group['success']) ratios = group['ratio'] ''' successes = 0 trials = 0 ratios = [] for (neuron_name, neuron_type), group2 in group.groupby(['neuron name', 'neuron type']): group2 = group2.head(n=20) successes += sum(group2['success']) trials += len(group2['success']) ratios.append(pylab.mean(group2['ratio'])) ''' print "success rate", float(successes) / float( trials), "trials", trials print "binomial p-value", binom_test(successes, trials) print "neural to %s ratio" % model, pylab.mean( ratios), "+/-", pylab.std(ratios, ddof=1) print "t-test p-value", len(ratios), ttest_1samp(ratios, popmean=1)
def draw_normal_histogram(x, bins, y_label='', x_label='', title="", body=""): "Plot a histogram chart" # x are matplotlib pylab arrays, body is a StringIO import pylab import matplotlib # clear graph matplotlib.pyplot.clf() matplotlib.use('Agg') n, bins1, patches = pylab.hist(x, bins, histtype='bar', facecolor='green', alpha=0.75) #pylab.setp(patches, 'facecolor', 'g', 'alpha', 0.75) pylab.ylabel(y_label) pylab.xlabel(x_label) # add a line showing the expected distribution mu = pylab.mean(x) sigma = pylab.std(x) y = pylab.normpdf(bins, mu, sigma) l = pylab.plot(bins, y, 'k--', linewidth=1.5) pylab.title(title) pylab.grid(True) pylab.savefig(body) return body.getvalue()
def gen_std_devs(climate, multi_cities, years): """ For each year in years, compute the standard deviation over the averaged yearly temperatures for each city in multi_cities. Args: climate: instance of Climate multi_cities: the names of cities we want to use in our std dev calculation (list of str) years: the range of years to calculate standard deviation for (list of int) Returns: a pylab 1-d array of floats with length = len(years). Each element in this array corresponds to the standard deviation of the average annual city temperatures for the given cities in a given year. """ annual_stds_container = [] for year in years: daily_avgs = [] for month in range(1,13): for day in range(1,32): try: city_day_data = [] for city in multi_cities: city_day_data.append(climate.get_daily_temp(city, month, day, year)) daily_avg = pylab.array(city_day_data).mean() daily_avgs.append(daily_avg) except AssertionError: pass annual_stds_container.append(pylab.std(daily_avgs)) return pylab.array(annual_stds_container)
def getelnNoise(self,tdData): #returns the uncertainty due to electronic noise #signal preceeding the pulse (X and Y channel) precNoise=self.getPreceedingNoise(tdData) #is this normalization really correct?! elnNoise = py.std(precNoise, ddof = 1,axis=0)/py.sqrt(precNoise.shape[0]) return elnNoise
def readDatDirectory(key, directory): global stats #Don't read data in if it's already read if not key in DATA["mean"]: data = defaultdict(array) #Process the dat files for datfile in glob.glob(directory + "/*.dat"): fileHandle = open(datfile, 'rb') keys, dataDict = csvExtractAllCols(fileHandle) stats = union(stats, keys) for aKey in keys: if not aKey in data: data[aKey] = reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))) else: data[aKey] = append(data[aKey], reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))), axis=0) #Process the div files' for datfile in glob.glob(directory + "/*.div"): fileHandle = open(datfile, 'rb') keys, dataDict = csvExtractAllCols(fileHandle) stats = union(stats, keys) for aKey in keys: if not aKey in data: data[aKey] = reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))) else: data[aKey] = append(data[aKey], reshape(array(dataDict[aKey]), (1, len(dataDict[aKey]))), axis=0) #Iterate through the stats and calculate mean/standard deviation for aKey in stats: if aKey in data: DATA["mean"][key][aKey] = mean(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["median"][key][aKey] = median(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["std"][key][aKey] = std(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["ste"][key][aKey] = std(data[aKey], axis=0)/ sqrt(len(data[aKey])) DATA["min"][key][aKey] = mean(data[aKey], axis=0)-amin(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["max"][key][aKey] = amax(data[aKey], axis=0)-mean(data[aKey], axis=0) DATA["actual"][key][aKey] = data[aKey]
def __init__(self, fp, delimiter="\t", require_header=False): """Load matrix of floats into self. File Format: =========== First line: Column titles. ------- First column is row variable name, all other columns are sample IDs e.g.: miRNA_ID sample_id_1 sample_id_2... Next lines: rows of float data. Each row represents a single variable. ----- e.g. hsa-let-7e 332.0 690.0... Args: fp: [*str] like open filepointer to matrix of floats. delimiter: str of column delimiter require_header: bool if to require first line file header from input """ self.rows = {} for line in fp: # Skip header comments if line[0] == "#": continue first_row = line.strip('\n').split(delimiter) # Verify that the first line looks like column headers. if require_header and first_row != "miRNA_ID": # Headers are required but the first row seems malformed. Error. raise ValueError, "Line not valid matrix column table header." elif first_row[0] == "miRNA_ID": # This looks a list of sample_IDs as column titles. Set samples. self.samples = first_row[1:] else: # This looks like a data row. Add it. self.samples = None self._add_row(first_row) break # Exit loop after parsing first non-comment line # Parse all other lines as rows of floats named by the first column entry. for line in fp: # WARNING: DO NOT STRIP TRAILING TABS row = line.strip('\n').split(delimiter) self._add_row(row) # Set matrix dimensions from last row. self.n = len(row) -1 # first entry is variable name self.m = len(self.rows) # Compute and store all variable standard deviations. self.stds = {} for name, values in self.rows.items(): # Remove None's from values; DO NOT remove zeros! std = pylab.std(filter(lambda x: x is not None, values)) self.stds[name] = std
def xyamb(xytab,qu,xyout=''): mytb=taskinit.tbtool() if not isinstance(qu,tuple): raise Exception,'qu must be a tuple: (Q,U)' if xyout=='': xyout=xytab if xyout!=xytab: os.system('cp -r '+xytab+' '+xyout) QUexp=complex(qu[0],qu[1]) print 'Expected QU = ',qu # , ' (',pl.angle(QUexp)*180/pi,')',nomodify=False) QU=mytb.getkeyword('QU')['QU'] P=pl.sqrt(QU[0,:]**2+QU[1,:]**2) nspw=P.shape[0] for ispw in range(nspw): st=mytb.query('SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID=='+str(ispw)) if (st.nrows()>0): q=QU[0,ispw] u=QU[1,ispw] qufound=complex(q,u) c=st.getcol('CPARAM') fl=st.getcol('FLAG') xyph0=pl.angle(pl.mean(c[0,:,:][pl.logical_not(fl[0,:,:])]),True) print 'Spw = '+str(ispw)+': Found QU = '+str(QU[:,ispw]) # +' ('+str(pl.angle(qufound)*180/pi)+')' #if ( (abs(q)>0.0 and abs(qu[0])>0.0 and (q/qu[0])<0.0) or # (abs(u)>0.0 and abs(qu[1])>0.0 and (u/qu[1])<0.0) ): if ( pl.absolute(pl.angle(qufound/QUexp)*180/pi)>90.0 ): c[0,:,:]*=-1.0 xyph1=pl.angle(pl.mean(c[0,:,:][pl.logical_not(fl[0,:,:])]),True) st.putcol('CPARAM',c) QU[:,ispw]*=-1 print ' ...CONVERTING X-Y phase from '+str(xyph0)+' to '+str(xyph1)+' deg' else: print ' ...KEEPING X-Y phase '+str(xyph0)+' deg' st.close() QUr={} QUr['QU']=QU mytb.putkeyword('QU',QUr) mytb.close() QUm=pl.mean(QU[:,P>0],1) QUe=pl.std(QU[:,P>0],1) Pm=pl.sqrt(QUm[0]**2+QUm[1]**2) Xm=0.5*atan2(QUm[1],QUm[0])*180/pi print 'Ambiguity resolved (spw mean): Q=',QUm[0],'U=',QUm[1],'(rms=',QUe[0],QUe[1],')','P=',Pm,'X=',Xm stokes=[1.0,QUm[0],QUm[1],0.0] print 'Returning the following Stokes vector: '+str(stokes) return stokes
def plot_histogram(histogram, html_writer, title='', max_pathway_length=8, xmin=None, xlim=20, error_bars=True, min_to_show=20, legend_loc='upper left'): fig = pylab.figure() pylab.hold(True) reps = 1000 y_offset = 0 offset_step = 0.007 colors = {1:'r', 2:'orange', 3:'green', 4:'cyan', 5:'blue', 'Rest':'violet', 'Not first':'k--', 'No known regulation':'grey', 'Activated':'green', 'Inhibited':'r', 'Mixed regulation':'blue'} for key, value in histogram.iteritems(): if len(value) >= min_to_show: m = stats.cmedian(value) sample_std = None if error_bars: sample_vals = [] i = 0 while i < reps: samples = [] while len(samples) < len(value): samples.append(random.choice(value)) sample_vals.append(pylab.median(samples)) i += 1 sample_std = pylab.std(sample_vals) plotting.cdf(value, label='%s (med=%.1f, N=%d)' % \ (key, m, len(value)), style=colors.get(key, 'grey'), std=sample_std, y_offset=y_offset) y_offset += offset_step xmin = -1 * xlim if xmin == None else xmin pylab.xlim(xmin, xlim) pylab.xlabel('Irreversability') #pylab.xlabel('deltaG') pylab.ylabel('Cumulative distribution') legendfont = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size=11) pylab.legend(loc=legend_loc, prop=legendfont) pylab.title(title) pylab.hold(False) if 'Not first' in histogram: print '%s, first vs. non-first ranksum test: ' % title + '(%f, %f)' % stats.ranksums(histogram[1], histogram['Not first']) if 'Inhibited' in histogram: print '%s, inhibited vs. non-regulated ranksum test: ' % title + '(%f, %f)' % stats.ranksums(histogram['Inhibited'], histogram['No known regulation']) #for k1, h1 in histogram.iteritems(): # for k2, h2 in histogram.iteritems(): # print k1, k2, stats.ranksums(h1, h2) return fig
def old_bar_graph_WOULD_NEED_FIX( img_dst, points, independent, dependent, search): from pylab import arange, xticks, xlim, mean, std # Lines plots = [] labels = [] args = {} for point in points: args[point.get(independent)] = True keys = args.keys() keys.sort() ind = {} bars = {} for k in keys: ind[k] = keys.index(k) bars[k] = {} # Float is necessary ticks = arange(len(args), dtype='float') for point_type in selected: x_val = [] y_val = [] for point in selected[point_type]: x_val.append(point.get(independent)) y_val.append(point.get(dependent)) width = 1./(len(selected)+2) for point in selected[point_type]: pi = point.get(independent) pd = point.get(dependent) # bars[independent][screen] = ([points],position,color) if point_type not in bars[pi].keys(): bars[pi][point_type] = ([pd], \ ind[pi]+width*len(bars[pi]), \ color) else: bars[pi][point_type][0].append(pd) labels.append(label_type(point_type)) plotlist = {} for pi in bars: for pt in bars[pi]: if len(bars[pi][pt][0]) > 1: error = std(bars[pi][pt][0]) else: error = 0 p = bar(bars[pi][pt][1],mean(bars[pi][pt][0]),width,\ color=bars[pi][pt][2], yerr=error) plotlist[pt] = p ticks[ind[pi]] += width/2 plots = plotlist.values() plots.sort() keys = args.keys() keys.sort() xticks(ticks, keys) xlim(-width,len(ticks))
def __init__(self, v, bin_precision=5): self.size = len(v) self.mean = pylab.mean(v) self.std = pylab.std(v) self.min = min(v) self.max = min(v) self.bins = {} for x in v: key = ("%%.%df" % precision) % x bins[key] = bins.get(key, 0) + 1
def getMeans(self, function, particles): m = []; v = []; for d in range(function.dim): tab = [] for part in range(len(particles)): tab.append(particles[part].pos[d]); m.append(pl.mean(tab)); v.append(pl.std(tab)); return m, v;
def DFA(data, npoints=None, degree=1, use_median=False): """ computes the detrended fluctuation analysis returns the fluctuation F and the corresponding window length L :args: data (n-by-1 array): the data from which to compute the DFA npoints (int): the number of points to evaluate; if omitted the log(n) will be used degree (int): degree of the polynomial to use for detrending use_median (bool): use median instead of mean fluctuation :returns: F, L: the fluctuation F as function of the window length L """ # max window length: n/4 #0th: compute integral integral = cumsum(data - mean(data)) #1st: compute different window lengths n_samples = npoints if npoints is not None else int(log(len(data))) lengths = sort(array(list(set( logspace(2,log(len(data)/4.),n_samples,base=exp(1)).astype(int) )))) #print lengths all_flucs = [] used_lengths = [] for wlen in lengths: # compute the fluctuation of residuals from a linear fit # according to Kantz&Schreiber, ddof must be the degree of polynomial, # i.e. 1 (or 2, if mean also counts? -> see in book) curr_fluc = [] # rrt = 0 for startIdx in arange(0,len(integral),wlen): pt = integral[startIdx:startIdx+wlen] if len(pt) > 3*(degree+1): resids = pt - polyval(polyfit(arange(len(pt)),pt,degree), arange(len(pt))) # if abs(wlen - lengths[0]) < -1: # print resids[:20] # elif rrt == 0: # print "wlen", wlen, "l0", lengths[0] # rrt += 1 curr_fluc.append(std(resids, ddof=degree+1)) if len(curr_fluc) > 0: if use_median: all_flucs.append(median(curr_fluc)) else: all_flucs.append(mean(curr_fluc)) used_lengths.append(wlen) return array(all_flucs), array(used_lengths)
def calcunc(self,tdDatas): #not used anymore, older version, should we remove it??? #tdDatas is a np array of tdData measurements if tdDatas.shape[0]==1: repeatability=py.zeros((len(tdDatas[0,:,0]),2)) else: repeatability=py.std(py.asarray(tdDatas[:,:,1:3]),axis=0, ddof = 1)/py.sqrt(self.numberOfDataSets) #this line is wrong elnNoise=tdDatas[0,:,3:] uncarray = py.sqrt(repeatability**2 + elnNoise**2) return uncarray
def sigclip(im,nsig): # returns min and max values of image inside nsig sigmas temp = im.ravel() sd = pl.std(temp) m = pl.average(temp) gt = temp > m-nsig*sd lt = temp < m+nsig*sd temp = temp[gt*lt] mini = min(temp) maxi = max(temp) return mini,maxi
def print_statistics(self, diffrent_data=None): if diffrent_data is None: data = self.dictionary else: data = diffrent_data for key in data:"Key > {}".format(key)) data[key] = [float(i) for i in data[key]]"\tMax > {}".format(max(data[key])))"\tMin > {}".format(min(data[key])))"\tAvg > {}".format(pylab.mean(data[key])))"\tStd > {}".format(pylab.std(data[key])))
def doclength_histogram(path, prefix): values = p.array(raw_doc_lengths(prefix).values()) num_bins = 1000 bin_upper_limit = p.mean(values) + 3 * p.std(values) print "UL: "+ str(bin_upper_limit) bins = p.array(range(1,1001)) * (bin_upper_limit/1000.0) p.hist(values, bins) p.xlabel('Document size (unicode codepoints)') p.ylabel('Number of documents') p.title('Document Size Histogram for %s' % prefix) p.savefig(path, dpi=72) p.close()
def densityplot(data): """ Plots a histogram of daily returns from data, plus fitted normal density. """ dailyreturns = percent_change(data) pylab.hist(dailyreturns, bins=200, normed=True) m, M = min(dailyreturns), max(dailyreturns) mu = pylab.mean(dailyreturns) sigma = pylab.std(dailyreturns) grid = pylab.linspace(m, M, 100) densityvalues = pylab.normpdf(grid, mu, sigma) pylab.plot(grid, densityvalues, 'r-')
def ar_similar(x): """ returns an ar(1)-process that has the same autocorrelation(1), same amplitude (std) and mean as the given 1D vector x parameters ---------- x : *array* The data to which a similar ar(1)-process is sought returns ------- y : *array* Result of a random ar(1)-process with same correlation coefficient as x """ dat = x - mean(x) alpha = dot(dat[1:], dat[:-1]) / sqrt(dot(dat[1:], dat[1:]) * dot(dat[:-1], dat[:-1])) res = ar_process(len(dat), alpha).squeeze() res = res - mean(res) return res / std(res) * std(dat) + mean(x)
def printFrameInfo(self): """ Prints data about frame times """ intervalsMS = numpy.array(self.window.frameIntervals)*1000 self.intervalsms = intervalsMS m=pylab.mean(intervalsMS) sd=pylab.std(intervalsMS) distString= "Mean=%.1fms, s.d.=%.1f, 99%%CI=%.1f-%.1f" %(m,sd,m-3*sd,m+3*sd) nTotal=len(intervalsMS) nDropped=sum(intervalsMS>(1.5*m)) self.droppedframes = ([x for x in intervalsMS if x > (1.5*m)],[x for x in range(len(intervalsMS)) if intervalsMS[x]>(1.5*m)]) droppedString = "Dropped/Frames = %i/%i = %.3f%%" %(nDropped,nTotal,nDropped/float(nTotal)*100) print "Actual vsyncs displayed:",self.vsynccount print "Frame interval statistics:", distString print "Drop statistics:", droppedString