def get_rep(self): """Returns number of repetitions in Waveform generation mode. On the hardware level, it is just a pair of attributes NIHSDIO_ATTR_REPEAT_MODE and NIHSDIO_ATTR_REPEAT_COUNT which are not bound to any specific waveform. :return: (int) repeat mode + number of repetitions: 0 - repeat infinitely positive integer - finite, number of repetitions PGenError exception - error """ rep_mode = self._get_attr_int32(NIConst.NIHSDIO_ATTR_REPEAT_MODE) if rep_mode == NIConst.NIHSDIO_VAL_CONTINUOUS.value: rep_num = 0 elif rep_mode == NIConst.NIHSDIO_VAL_FINITE.value: rep_num = self._get_attr_int32(NIConst.NIHSDIO_ATTR_REPEAT_COUNT) else: msg_str = 'get_rep(): DLL call returned unknown repetition mode code {}'.format( rep_mode) self.log.error(msg_str=msg_str) raise PGenError(msg_str) return rep_num
def _er_chk(self, error_code): # C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\Errors\English\IVI-errors.txt if error_code == 0: # Success return 0 else: # Warning or Error # Create buffer for DLL function to output the error message string msg_buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256) # Call DLL function to generate readable error message self.dll.niHSDIO_error_message( self._handle, # ViSession vi NITypes.ViStatus(error_code), # ViStatus errorCode msg_buf # ViChar errorMessage[256] ) msg_str = msg_buf.value.decode('ascii') if error_code > 0: # Warning self.log.warn(msg_str=msg_str) return error_code else: # Error self.log.error(msg_str=msg_str) raise PGenError(msg_str)
def set_mode(self, mode_string): """ :param mode_string: (str) "W" - Waveform, "S" - Scripted :return: actual run mode string ("W"/"S") """ if mode_string == 'W': run_mode = NIConst.NIHSDIO_VAL_WAVEFORM elif mode_string == 'S': run_mode = NIConst.NIHSDIO_VAL_SCRIPTED else: msg_str = 'set_mode({0}): invalid argument. Valid values: "W" - Waveform, "S" - scripted. \n' \ 'Run mode was not changed. Actual run mode string was returned.'.format(mode_string) self.log.error(msg_str=msg_str) raise PGenError(msg_str) # Call DLL function self._er_chk( self.dll.niHSDIO_ConfigureGenerationMode( self._handle, # ViSession vi run_mode # ViInt32 generationMode )) # Return actual run mode return self.get_mode()
def __init__(self, dev_name_str, logger=None): # # Define internal variables # self.log = LogHandler(logger=logger) self.map_dict = dict() self.writn_wfm_set = set() # # "Load" niHSDIO DLL # try: self.dll = ctypes.WinDLL(NI_HSDIO_DLL_PATH) except OSError: msg_str = 'DLL loading failed. \n' \ 'Ensure that niHSDIO DLL path is correct: \n' \ 'it should be specified in \n' \ 'Current value is: \n' \ '"{}"'.format(NI_HSDIO_DLL_PATH) self.log.error(msg_str=msg_str) raise PGenError(msg_str) # Build C-prototypes (in particular, specify the return # types such that Python reads results correctly) build_c_func_prototypes(self.dll) # # Connect to device # # Create blank session handle self._handle = NITypes.ViSession() # Convert dev_name to the DLL-readable format self._dev_name = NITypes.ViRsrc(dev_name_str.encode('ascii')) self._er_chk( self.dll.niHSDIO_InitGenerationSession( self._dev_name, # ViRsrc resourceName NIConst.VI_TRUE, # ViBoolean IDQuery NIConst.VI_TRUE, # ViBoolean resetDevice NIConst. VI_NULL, # ViConstString optionString - not used, set to VI_NULL ctypes.byref(self._handle) # ViSession * session_handle )) # Log info message serial_str = self._get_attr_str(NIConst.NIHSDIO_ATTR_SERIAL_NUMBER) 'Connected to NI HSDIO card {0}. Serial number: {1}. Session handle: {2}' ''.format(dev_name_str, serial_str, self._handle))
def get_status(self): try: # Record current samp_rate to restore it later current_rate = self.get_samp_rate() rate_lims = self.constraints['samp_rate'] test_rate = (rate_lims['min'] + rate_lims['max']) / 2 # Try changing samp_rate op_status = self.dll.niHSDIO_ConfigureSampleClock( self._handle, # ViSession vi NIConst. NIHSDIO_VAL_ON_BOARD_CLOCK_STR, # ViConstString clockSource NITypes.ViReal64(test_rate) # ViReal64 clockRate ) # If device is idle, operation should be successful: # op_status = 0. # Restore original samp rate and return 0 - "idle" if op_status == 0: self.set_samp_rate(samp_rate=current_rate) return 0 # If device is running, attempt to change samp_rate should return # the following error code: # -1074118617 # "Specified property cannot be set while the session is running. # Set the property prior to initiating the session, # or abort the session prior to setting the property." elif op_status == -1074118617: # Device is running return 1 # This method cannot interpret any other error/warning code and has # to raise an exception else: raise PGenError( 'get_status(): the attempt to test-change samp_rate returned unknown error code {}' ''.format(op_status)) # If connection to the device is lost # or any operation fails, raise an exception. except Exception as exc_obj: self.log.exception( 'get_status(): an exception was produced. \n' 'This might mean that connection to the device is lost ' 'or there is some bug in the get_status() method. \n') raise exc_obj
def get_mode(self): """ :return: (str) "W" - Waveform, "S" - Scripted """ mode_id = self._get_attr_int32( attr_id=NIConst.NIHSDIO_ATTR_GENERATION_MODE) if mode_id == NIConst.NIHSDIO_VAL_WAVEFORM.value: return 'W' elif mode_id == NIConst.NIHSDIO_VAL_SCRIPTED.value: return 'S' else: msg_str = 'get_mode(): self._get_attr_int32(NIHSDIO_ATTR_GENERATION_MODE) ' \ 'returned unknown mode_id = {0}'.format(mode_id) self.log.error(msg_str) raise PGenError(msg_str)
def _get_attr_str(self, attr_id, ch=None): """ :param attr_id: :param ch: (int) :return: (str) obtained value in the case of success Exception is produced in the case of error """ # Create buffer where niHSDIO_GetAttribute will store the result buf_size = 1024 # Buffer size of 1024 was chosen for no specific reason. Increase if needed. buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(buf_size) # Convert channel number into C-string # (used to request channel-agnostic/-specific attributes) if ch is None: ch_str = NIConst.VI_NULL else: ch_str = str(ch) # Convert into C-string ch_str = ctypes.c_char_p(ch_str.encode('ascii')) # Call DLL function try: self._er_chk( self.dll.niHSDIO_GetAttributeViString( self._handle, # ViSession vi ch_str, # ViConstString channelName attr_id, # ViAttr attribute NITypes.ViInt32(buf_size), # ViInt32 bufSize buf # ViChar value[] )) return buf.value.decode('ascii') except OSError: # DLL normally handles all "moderate" errors and returns error code, # which is being analyzed by self._er_chk. # "try" handles OSError when the DLL function fails completely # and isn't able to handle the error by itself msg_str = '_get_attr_str(): OSError, DLL function call failed' self.log.error(msg_str=msg_str) raise PGenError(msg_str)
def _get_attr_real64(self, attr_id, ch=None): """ :param attr_id: :param ch: (int) :return: (float) obtained value in the case of success Exception is produced in the case of error """ # Create buffer where niHSDIO_GetAttribute will store the result buf = NITypes.ViReal64() # Convert channel number into C-string # (used to request channel-agnostic/-specific attributes) if ch is None: ch_str = NIConst.VI_NULL else: ch_str = str(ch) # Convert into C-string ch_str = ctypes.c_char_p(ch_str.encode('ascii')) # Call DLL function try: self._er_chk( self.dll.niHSDIO_GetAttributeViReal64( self._handle, # ViSession vi ch_str, # ViConstString channelName attr_id, # ViAttr attribute ctypes.byref(buf) # ViReal64 *value )) return buf.value except OSError: # DLL normally handles all "moderate" errors and returns error code, # which is being analyzed by self._er_chk. # "try" handles OSError when the DLL function fails completely # and isn't able to handle the error by itself msg_str = '_get_attr_real64(): OSError, DLL function call failed' self.log.error(msg_str=msg_str) raise PGenError(msg_str)
def write_script(self, script_str): # Sanity check: script_str is a string if not isinstance(script_str, str): msg_str = 'write_script(): passed argument is not a string' self.log.error(msg_str=msg_str) raise PGenError(msg_str) plain_script_str = script_str.replace('\n', ' ') # Convert into C-string c_script_str = NITypes.ViConstString(plain_script_str.encode('ascii')) op_status = self._er_chk( self.dll.niHSDIO_WriteScript( self._handle, # ViSession vi c_script_str # ViConstString script )) return op_status
def set_rep(self, rep_num): """Set repeat mode and number of repetitions :param rep_num: (int) repeat mode + number of repetitions: 0 - repeat infinitely positive integer - finite, number of repetitions :return: (int) actual repeat mode + number of repetitions: 0 - repeat infinitely positive integer - finite, number of repetitions PGenError exception - error """ if rep_num == 0: rep_mode = NIConst.NIHSDIO_VAL_CONTINUOUS rep_num = NIConst.VI_NULL elif rep_num > 0: rep_mode = NIConst.NIHSDIO_VAL_FINITE rep_num = NITypes.ViInt32(rep_num) else: msg_str = 'set_rep() invalid argument {} \n' \ 'Valid values: 0 - infinite, positive integer - finite' \ ''.format(rep_num) self.log.error(msg_str=msg_str) raise PGenError(msg_str) self._er_chk( self.dll.niHSDIO_ConfigureGenerationRepeat( self._handle, # ViSession vi rep_mode, # ViInt32 repeatMode rep_num # ViInt32 repeatCount )) return self.get_rep()
def write_wfm(self, pb_obj, len_adj=True): # # Sanity checks # # Only data_width=32 write is currently implemented # (DLL function niHSDIO_WriteNamedWaveformU32) hrdw_data_width = 8 * self._get_attr_int32( NIConst.NIHSDIO_ATTR_DATA_WIDTH) if hrdw_data_width != 32: msg_txt = 'write_wfm(): the card you use has data_width = {0} bits. \n' \ 'The method was written assuming 32-bit width and have to be modified for your card. \n' \ 'Rewrite bit_ar construction part and use niHSDIO_WriteNamedWaveformU{1}() DLL function' \ ''.format(hrdw_data_width, hrdw_data_width) self.log.error(msg_txt) raise PGenError(msg_txt) # # Sample PulseBlock # # Map user-friendly names onto physical channel numbers pb_obj = copy.deepcopy(pb_obj) pb_obj.ch_map(map_dict=self.map_dict) # Sample pulse block samp_rate = self.get_samp_rate() samp_dict, n_pts, add_pts = pb_sample( pb_obj=pb_obj, samp_rate=samp_rate, len_min=self.constraints['wfm_len']['min'], len_max=self.constraints['wfm_len']['max'], len_step=self.constraints['wfm_len']['step'], len_adj=len_adj) wfm_name = del pb_obj 'write_wfm(): sampled PulseBlock "{}". \n' 'Sample array has {} points. {} samples were added to match hardware wfm len step' ''.format(wfm_name, n_pts, add_pts)) # # Pack samp_dict into bit_ar # # Create a blank bit_ar - all elements zero (all channels off) bit_ar = np.zeros(shape=n_pts, dtype=np.uint32) # Iterate through each channel and set corresponding bit to '1' # if value is True for ch_num in samp_dict.keys(): # This number in uint32 representation has all zeros and # exactly one '1' at the ch_num-th bit from the LSB ch_bit_one = 2**ch_num for idx, val in enumerate(samp_dict[ch_num]): if val: bit_ar[idx] += ch_bit_one # TODO: consider making very fast with numpy: # ch_bit_ar = samp_dict[ch_num].astype(int) * 2**ch_num # bit_ar = np.add(bit_ar, ch_bit_ar) # # Load bit_ar to memory # # Delete waveform with the same name, # if it is already present in the memory if wfm_name in self.writn_wfm_set: self.del_wfm(wfm_name=wfm_name) # Create C-pointer to bit_ar using numpy.ndarray.ctypes attribute bit_ar_ptr = bit_ar.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(NITypes.ViUInt32)) # Call DLL function self._er_chk( self.dll.niHSDIO_WriteNamedWaveformU32( self._handle, # ViSession vi NITypes.ViConstString( wfm_name.encode('ascii')), # ViConstString waveformName NITypes.ViInt32(n_pts), # ViInt32 samplesToWrite bit_ar_ptr # ViUInt32 data[] )) self.writn_wfm_set.add(wfm_name) return 0