from pylagrit import PyLaGriT import numpy as np lg = PyLaGriT() # Create base layer from x=10 to x=21 to match bert02 mesh x = np.linspace(10., 21, (21. - 10.) / 0.25 + 1) y = [0., 0.25] top = lg.gridder(x, y, elem_type='quad', connect=True) # Create top of mesh # Collapse y values top.addatt('y_save', type='vdouble', rank='scalar') top.copyatt('yic', 'y_save') top.setatt('yic', 0.) # Read in top elevations d = np.genfromtxt("./Topo_Profile_NS_ERT.csv", delimiter=",", names=True) surf_pts = lg.points(x=d['Distance_m'], z=d['Z'], elem_type='quad') surf_pts.addatt('z_save', type='vdouble', rank='scalar') surf_pts.copyatt('zic', 'z_save') surf_pts.setatt('zic', 0.) # Interpolate surface elevations to top top.addatt('z_val', type='vdouble', rank='scalar') top.interpolate_voronoi('z_val', surf_pts, 'z_save') top.copyatt('y_save', 'yic') top.copyatt('z_val', 'zic') # Save top top.setatt('imt', 1)
from pylagrit import PyLaGriT # Create pylagrit object lg = PyLaGriT() # Define polygon points in clockwise direction # and create tri mesh object coords = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1000.0, 0.0], [2200.0, 200.0, 0.0], [2200.0, 0.0, 0.0]] motri = lg.tri_mo_from_polyline(coords) # Triangulate polygon motri.triangulate() motri.setatt('imt', 1) motri.setatt('itetclr', 1) # refine mesh with successively smaller edge length constraints edge_length = [1000, 500, 250, 125, 75, 40, 20, 15] for i, l in enumerate(edge_length): motri.resetpts_itp() motri.refine(refine_option='rivara', refine_type='edge', values=[l], inclusive_flag='inclusive') motri.smooth() motri.recon(0) # provide additional smoothing after the last refine for i in range(5): motri.smooth() motri.recon(0)
""" This tutorial explains how to generate a grid in a unit cube containing two materials separated by a plane. (translated from LaGriT to PyLaGriT) """ from pylagrit import PyLaGriT import numpy as np """ (1) Define mesh objects --------------------------------------------------- - create a 3D tetrahedral mesh object and name it 3dmesh """ lg = PyLaGriT() m = lg.create(name='3Dmesh') """ (2) Define an enclosing volume --------------------------------------------------- - Define an enclosing volume using the surface command - Since we are defining an exterior boundary, the boundary type is reflect. """ # # not really sure how to do this in pylagrit... # mini = 0.0 # maxi = 1.0 # x = np.array([mini,maxi]) # y = x # z = y # # cube = lg.gridder(x,y,z)
from pylagrit import PyLaGriT import numpy as np # User parameters ####################### # Discretization nx = 61 ny = 61 # Polygon delineation filename polygon_file = '2d_mesh.avs' # User parameters ####################### l = PyLaGriT() # Read in polygon delineation mesh mopoly = # Create quad using polygon min and max coordinates xs = np.linspace(mopoly.xmin, mopoly.xmax, nx) ys = np.linspace(mopoly.ymin, mopoly.ymax, ny) moquad = l.gridder(xs, ys, elem_type='quad', connect=True) mopoly.setatt('itetclr', 1) # Create extruded quad to tet and center at z=0 mopoly.extrude(1.0) moprism = mopoly.extrude(1.0) moprism.trans((0., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 0.5)) motet = moprism.grid2grid_prismtotet3() # Clean up a little mopoly.delete() moprism.delete()
# X #----- # blocks on either side of the fracture l_block = np.linspace(-dm, -df / 2, 10) # left block r_block = -1 * l_block[::-1] # right block # assemble x = np.concatenate((l_block, r_block), axis=0) #----- # Y #----- y = x #for now, same as x #----- # Z #----- z = np.linspace(-L, 0., int(L) + 1) """ Build mesh """ #---- Create pylagrit object l = PyLaGriT() #---- create mesh object using xyz arrays in gridder m = l.gridder(x, y, z) #---- connect points m.connect() #---- visualize connected mesh using ParaView # (assumes pylagritc is being used) #--THIS NEEDS TO BE HERE (otherwise mo1.inp file doesn't get created) m.paraview( ) # will throw an error on server, can still view mo1.inp on locally mounted paraview
r_block = -1 * l_block[::-1] # right block # assemble x = np.concatenate((l_block, r_block), axis=0) #----- # Y #----- y = x #for now, same as x #----- # Z #----- z = np.linspace(-L, 0., int(L) + 1) """ Build mesh """ #---- Create pylagrit object lg = PyLaGriT() #---- create mesh object using xyz arrays m = lg.gridder(x, y, z) #---- connect points m.connect() #---- visualize connected mesh using ParaView # (assumes pylagritc is being used) #--THIS NEEDS TO BE HERE (otherwise mo1.inp file doesn't get created) m.paraview(filename='fracture_region.inp') # fault coordinates cs = [[-0.0005, -10., 0.], [-0.0005, 10., 0.], [0.0005, 10., 0.], [0.0005, 10., -100.], [0.0005, -10., -100.], [-0.0005, 10., -100.], [-0.0005, -10., -100.], [-0.0005, -10., -100.]] cs = np.array(cs)
N = numpy.where(numpy.isnan(d)==False)[0].shape[0] fh.write(str(N)+' 0 0 0 0\n') # Collect data into avs format # JDM: Not sure if this should be nx*ny? davs = numpy.zeros([nx*ny,4]) ind = 0 for i,row in enumerate(d): for j,v in enumerate(row): davs[ind,:] = [ind + 1, xx[i,j], yy[i,j], v] ind += 1 # Write data to avs file numpy.savetxt(fh,davs,fmt=['%4d','%.1lf','%.1lf','%.8lf']) fh.close() # Crank up pylagrit lg = PyLaGriT() # Read in elevations in avs fromat m ='.avs') # Take a look, change paraview exe # Will need to use glyph filter to view points #m.paraview(exe='paraview') # Copy z values over to attribute m.addatt('z_save',type='vdouble',rank='scalar') m.copyatt('zic','z_save') # Not sure why this has to be done, but not data elements don't get removed otherwise m.setatt('zic',0.) # Create connected quad mesh surface m2 = lg.create() #m2.createpts_xyz((nx,ny,1),[xx.min(),yy.min(),0.],[xx.max(),yy.max(),0],rz_switch=[1,1,1],connect=True)
from pylagrit import PyLaGriT import numpy import sys df = 0.0005 # Fault half aperture lr = 7 # Levels of refinement nx = 4 # Number of base mesh blocks in x direction nz = 20 # Number of base mesh blocks in z direction d_base = df * 2**(lr + 1) # Calculated dimension of base block w = d_base * nx # Calculated width of model d = d_base * nz # Calculated depth of model lg = PyLaGriT() # Create discrete fracture mesh dxyz = numpy.array([d_base, d_base, 0.]) mins = numpy.array([0., -d, 0.]) maxs = numpy.array([w, 0, 0]) mqua = lg.createpts_dxyz(dxyz, mins, maxs, 'quad', hard_bound=('min', 'max', 'min'), connect=True) for i in range(lr): prefine = mqua.pset_geom_xyz(mins - 0.1, (0.0001, 0.1, 0)) erefine = prefine.eltset() erefine.refine() prefine.delete() erefine.delete()
from pylagrit import PyLaGriT import numpy x = numpy.arange(0, 10.1, 1) y = [0, 1] #z = [0,1] lg = PyLaGriT() layer = lg.gridder(x=x, y=y, elem_type='quad', connect=True) layer.rotateln([0, layer.ymin - 0.10, 0], [0, layer.ymax + 0.1, 0], 25) layer.dump('tmp_lay_top.inp') # Layer depths? # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 layers = [.1, 1.] addnum = [4, 2] #matnum = [2]*len(layers) matnum = [2, 1] layer_interfaces = numpy.cumsum(layers) mtop = layer.copy() stack_files = ['tmp_lay_top.inp 1,9'] #stack_files.append('tmp_lay_peat_bot.inp 1,33') i = 1 for li, m, a in zip(layer_interfaces, matnum, addnum): layer.math('sub', 'zic', value=li, cmosrc=mtop) stack_files.append('tmp_lay' + str(i) + '.inp ' + str(int(m)) + ', ' + str(a)) layer.dump('tmp_lay' + str(i) + '.inp') i += 1
# blocks on either side of the fracture l_block = np.linspace(-dm, -df / 2, 10) # left block r_block = -1 * l_block[::-1] # right block # assemble x = np.concatenate((l_block, r_block), axis=0) #----- # Y #----- y = x #for now, same as x #----- # Z #----- z = np.linspace(-L, 0., int(L) + 1) #---- Define mesh objects lg = PyLaGriT() m = lg.gridder(x, y, z, connect=True, elem_type='hex', name='3Dfracture_mesh', filename='mesh.inp') # m = lg.create(name='3Dfracture_mesh') # Define enclosing volume box = lg.surface_box([-10., -10., -100.], [10., 10., 0.], name='fullbox', ibtype='reflect') # NOT SURE IF NEED TO DEFINE INTERIOR INTERFACE(S)
# Import PyLaGriT class from pylagrit module from pylagrit import PyLaGriT import numpy # Variables maxX = 4000 # Max value in x direction maxY = 4000 # Max value in y direction maxZ = 3000 # Max value in z direction numX = 51 # Number of points in x direction numY = 51 # Number of points in y direction numZ = 26 # Number of points in z direction # Create PyLaGriT object # This assumes that pylagritrc is being used so that lagrit_exe option does not need to be specified lg = PyLaGriT() #******************************************** # 01 Built HEX Mesh #******************************************** # Create mesh object mo = lg.create_hex() mo.createpts_brick_xyz((numX, numY, numZ), (0, 0, 0), (maxX, maxY, maxZ)) # Save the mesh object mo.dump('tmp_hex_01.inp') # Set vertices (imt) and cells (itetlcr) to 1 mo.setatt('imt', 1) mo.setatt('itetclr', 1)
from pylagrit import PyLaGriT import numpy as np lg = PyLaGriT() # Create base layer, with x matching s from the csv file x = np.linspace(0.,29.75,(29.75-0.)/0.25+1) y = [0.,0.25] top = lg.gridder(x,y,elem_type='quad',connect=True) # Create top of mesh # Collapse y values top.addatt('y_save',vtype='vdouble',rank='scalar') top.copyatt('yic','y_save') top.setatt('yic',0.) # Read in top elevations d = np.genfromtxt("transectNWSE.csv", delimiter=",", names=True) coords = np.column_stack([d['s'],np.zeros_like(d['s']),d['z']]) surf_pts = lg.points(coords,elem_type='quad') surf_pts.addatt('z_save',vtype='vdouble',rank='scalar') surf_pts.copyatt('zic','z_save') surf_pts.setatt('zic',0.) # Interpolate surface elevations to top top.addatt('z_val',vtype='vdouble',rank='scalar') top.interpolate_voronoi('z_val',surf_pts,'z_save') top.copyatt('y_save','yic') top.copyatt('z_val','zic') # Save top
from pylagrit import PyLaGriT l = PyLaGriT() mhex = l.read_fehm('fehm.grid') #mhex.paraview() mtet = l.create(elem_type='tet') mtet = mhex.copypts() mtet.connect() mtet.paraview()
def main(argv=None): if argv == None: argv = sys.argv parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Convert Modflow to Amanzi") parser.add_argument("-p", "--pfile", help="name of parameter file", default=PARAMETER_FILE) parser.add_argument("-v", "--view", help="view in Paraview", action="store_true", default = False) args = parser.parse_args() PFILE = args.pfile VIEW_IN_PARAVIEW = args.view # Initialize LaGriT l = PyLaGriT() # Load parameters file & check for missing values params = load_params(PFILE) verify_params(params) # Assign parameters to variables input_bnds = params['input_bnds'] export_name = params['export_name'] nrows = int(params['nrows']) ncols = int(params['ncols']) llcorner = [float(params['minx']),float(params['miny'])] D_XY=[float(params['dx']),float(params['dy'])] # IBND and IMAT materials properties ibnd = {"active": int(params['ibnd_active']), "noflow": int(params['ibnd_noflow']),\ "head": int(params['ibnd_head']), "edge": int(params['ibnd_edge']), "halite": int(params['ibnd_halite'])} imat = {"active": int(params['imat_active']), "noflow": int(params['imat_noflow']),\ "head": int(params['imat_head']), "edge": int(params['imat_edge']), "halite": int(params['imat_halite'])} # Cycle through these keys instead of dictionary to preserve sequence mat_keys = ['active','noflow','head','edge','halite'] fs_bottom = int(params['fs_bottom']) fs_top = int(params['fs_top']) fs_east = int(params['fs_east']) fs_north = int(params['fs_north']) fs_west = int(params['fs_west']) fs_south = int(params['fs_south']) fs_halite = int(params['fs_halite']) fs_head = int(params['fs_head']) fs_noflow = int(params['fs_noflow']) rmmat_edge = int(params['rmmat_edge']) maxmat = int(params['maxmat']) EXO_FILE=params['exo_file'] # Generate hexmesh with cell-centered materials and optional elevation hexmesh = l.read_modflow(input_bnds, nrows, ncols, DXY=D_XY, name=MESH_NAME) # Eltset stuff for i, key in enumerate(mat_keys): hexmesh.eltset_attribute("mod_bnds", ibnd[key], boolstr='eq', name="e{}".format(i+1)) hexmesh.setatt("itetclr",imat[key],stride=["eltset","get","e{}".format(i+1)]) l.sendline('cmo/select/{}'.format( # tmp --------------------------------------------------- # Remove edge cells hexmesh.eltset_attribute("itetclr",rmmat_edge,boolstr='eq',name="eremove") # Find edge cells hexmesh.rmpoint_eltset("eremove") # Remove edge cells hexmesh.rmpoint_compress(filter_bool=False, resetpts_itp=True) # compress and reset # Temp facesets for internal side interfaces mo_sides = l.extract_surfmesh(name="mo_sides",cmo_in=hexmesh,stride=[1,0,0],append='-all-',reorder=False,resetpts_itp=False) l.sendline("cmo/select/mo_sides") # Create psets from attributes 1 & 2 ptop = mo_sides.pset_attribute("pts_topbot",2,comparison='eq',stride=(1,0,0),name="ptop") pbot = mo_sides.pset_attribute("pts_topbot",1,comparison='eq',stride=(1,0,0),name="pbot") # Generate eltsets from psets etop = ptop.eltset(membership='exclusive',name='etop') ebot = pbot.eltset(membership='exclusive',name='ebot') # Create a single eltset from the above two & remove e_delete = mo_sides.eltset_bool([etop,ebot],boolstr='union',name='e_delete') mo_sides.rmpoint_eltset("e_delete",compress=True,resetpts_itp=False) # NOFLOW faces (west corner) mo_tmp = l.copy(mo_sides, name="mo_tmp") edel = mo_tmp.eltset_attribute("itetclr0",imat["noflow"],boolstr='ne',name='edel') mo_tmp.rmpoint_eltset("edel",compress=True,resetpts_itp=True) mo_fs1 = l.copy(mo_tmp,name="mo_fs1") mo_tmp.delete() # Halite faces (eastern curve) mo_tmp = l.copy(mo_sides,name="mo_tmp") l.sendline("cmo/select/mo_tmp") edel = mo_tmp.eltset_attribute("itetclr0",imat["halite"],boolstr='ne',name='edel') mo_tmp.rmpoint_eltset("edel",compress=True,resetpts_itp=True) mo_fs2 = l.copy(mo_tmp,name="mo_fs2") mo_tmp.delete() mo_sides.delete() l.sendline("cmo/select/{}".format( edel = hexmesh.eltset_attribute("itetclr",maxmat,boolstr='gt',name='edel') hexmesh.rmpoint_eltset("edel",compress=True,resetpts_itp=True) # Final facesets for cropped mesh mo_surf = l.extract_surfmesh(name="mo_surf",cmo_in=hexmesh,stride=[1,0,0],append='external',reorder=False,resetpts_itp=False) mo_surf.addatt("id_normal",vtype='vint',rank='scalar',length='nelements',interpolate='',persistence='',ioflag='',value='') mo_surf.addatt("id_tmp",vtype='vint',rank='scalar',length='nelements',interpolate='',persistence='',ioflag='',value='') l.sendline("cmo/select/mo_surf") mo_surf.settets(method='normal') mo_surf.copyatt('itetclr',attname_sink='id_normal',mo_src=mo_surf) # Tag top and bottom face sets ptop = mo_surf.pset_attribute("pts_topbot",2,comparison='eq',stride=(1,0,0),name="ptop") pbot = mo_surf.pset_attribute("pts_topbot",1,comparison='eq',stride=(1,0,0),name="pbot") etop = ptop.eltset(membership='exclusive',name='etop') ebot = pbot.eltset(membership='exclusive',name='ebot') mo_surf.setatt("itetclr",2,stride=["eltset","get","etop"]) mo_surf.setatt("itetclr",1,stride=["eltset","get","ebot"]) mo_fs1.setatt("itetclr",1) mo_surf.setatt("id_tmp",0) mo_surf.interpolate('map','id_tmp',mo_fs1,'itetclr',stride=[1,0,0]) etmp = mo_surf.eltset_attribute('id_tmp',1,boolstr='eq',name='etmp') mo_surf.setatt('itetclr',fs_noflow,stride=['eltset','get','etmp']) etmp.delete() # Interface between material 1 and halite and head cells mo_fs2.setatt('itetclr',1) mo_surf.setatt('id_tmp',0) mo_surf.interpolate('map','id_tmp',mo_fs2,'itetclr',stride=[1,0,0]) etmp = mo_surf.eltset_attribute('id_tmp',1,boolstr='eq',name='etmp') mo_surf.setatt('itetclr',fs_halite,stride=['eltset','get','etmp']) etmp.delete() mo_surf.addatt('id_side',vtype='VINT',rank='scalar',length='nelements',interpolate='',persistence='',ioflag='',value='') mo_surf.copyatt('itetclr',attname_sink='id_side',mo_src=mo_surf) # Check for continuous connected boundary of 1 mo_chk = l.copy(mo_surf,name='mo_chk') l.boundary_components(style='element',reset=False) mo_chk.delete() # Make sure to remove all attributes except idelem1 and idface1 bad_atts = ['id_normal','itetclr0','idnode0','idelem0','facecol','itetclr1','idface0','id_tmp','ncon50','nconbnd','icontab'] for att in bad_atts: mo_surf.delatt(att) l.sendline("cmo/select/mo_surf") filenames = ['bottom','top','east','north','west','south','head','noflow'] ss_ids = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] # WRITE ALL FACESET FILES for i in range(0,len(ss_ids)): l.sendline('define/FILENAME/fs_{}.faceset'.format(filenames[i])) l.sendline('define/SS_ID/{}'.format(ss_ids[i])) write_fs_file(l) #hexmesh.dump_exo(EXO_FILE,facesets=['fs_bottom.faceset','fs_top.faceset','fs_east.faceset']) l.sendline('dump / exo / {} / {} / / / facesets &\n fs_bottom.faceset fs_top.faceset fs_east.faceset &\n fs_north.faceset fs_west.faceset fs_south.faceset &\n fs_head.faceset fs_noflow.faceset'.format(EXO_FILE, hexmesh.dump_avs2(export_name) if (VIEW_IN_PARAVIEW == True): hexmesh.paraview()
""" 3D Quarter-model mesh domain of fracture and cavity (no matrix). author: jportiz 11/15/18 """ from pylagrit import PyLaGriT import numpy as np from math import log10 l = PyLaGriT() # domain lengths in each dimension xl = 50. #[m] yl = 50. #[m] zl = 100. #[m] depth df = 0.05 largedf = 0.05 #[m] fracture aperture lr = 3 #levels of mesh refinement # d_base = df/2.*2**(lr+1) #calculated dimension of base block cav_center_depth = 70. #[m] depth of cavity center radius = 20. #[m] cavity radius # grid discretization dx = 1. dy = 1. dz = 1. dxyz = np.array([dx,dy,dz]) # (1) ---- Model domain x = np.arange(0,xl+dx,dx)
""" Making a sphere object in pylagrit. (For cavity/chimney). """ # Import PyLaGriT class from pylagrit module from pylagrit import PyLaGriT import numpy as np l = PyLaGriT() # create emppty mesh object data structure m = l.create() # """ # Define enclosing volume useing 'surface' # """ sph_surf =
from pylagrit import PyLaGriT import numpy x = numpy.arange(0, 10.1, 1) y = x z = [0, 1] lg = PyLaGriT() mqua = lg.gridder(x, y, z, elem_type='hex', connect=True) mqua.rotateln([mqua.xmin - 0.1, 0, 0], [mqua.xmax + 0.1, 0, 0], 25) mqua.dump_exo('rotated.exo') mqua.dump_ats_xml('rotated.xml', 'rotated.exo') mqua.paraview()
from pylagrit import PyLaGriT import numpy lg = PyLaGriT() # Read in mesh motet ='tet_matclr.inp') # Jim Bridger fault coordinates in feet from John Ziao cs = [[498000., 381946., 0.], [497197., 381946., 0.], [494019., 384890., 0.], [490326., 386959., 0.], [487822., 388599., 0.], [486337., 390755., 0.], [486337., 392000., 0.]] # Convert to meters cs = numpy.array(cs) / 3.28 # Create surfaces of fault ss = [] for p1, p2 in zip(cs[:-1], cs[1:]): p3 = p1.copy() p3[2] = -4000. ss.append(lg.surface_plane(p1, p2, p3)) # Create region by boolean operations of fault surfaces boolstr = '' for i, s in enumerate(ss): if not i == 0: boolstr += ' and ' boolstr += 'le ' + r = lg.region_bool(boolstr) # Create pset from region
""" 3D Quarter-model mesh domain of DFN fracture and simplified explosion cavity (quarter-sphere). author: jportiz 7/17/18 """ from pylagrit import PyLaGriT import numpy as np from math import log10 l = PyLaGriT() # domain lengths in each dimension xl = 50. #[m] yl = 50. #[m] zl = 100. #[m] depth df = 0.01 #[m] fracture aperture lr = 3 #levels of mesh refinement d_base = df / 2. * 2**(lr + 1) #calculated dimension of base block cav_center_depth = 70. #[m] depth of cavity center radius = 20. #[m] cavity radius # grid discretization dx = 1. dy = 1. dz = 1. dxyz = np.array([dx, dy, dz]) # (1) ---- Model domain x = np.arange(0, xl + dx, dx) telx = np.concatenate((np.array([0., df / 2.]),
from pylagrit import PyLaGriT import numpy # Variables nx = 50 # Number of points in x direction dy = 0.25 # width of cells in y direction distance = 12.34364319 # distance in x direction l = PyLaGriT() # Create base layer layer = l.create_qua() layer.createpts_xyz((nx, 2, 1), [0., 0., 0.], [distance, dy, 0.], rz_switch=[1, 1, 1], connect=True) layer.setatt('itetclr', 12) layer.minmax_xyz() # Create top of mesh # Collapse y values layer.addatt('y_save', vtype='vdouble', rank='scalar') layer.copyatt('yic', 'y_save') layer.setatt('yic', 0.) # Read in lidar top elevations peat_surf_pts ='surface_coords2.avs') peat_surf_pts.addatt('z_save', vtype='vdouble', rank='scalar') peat_surf_pts.copyatt('zic', 'z_save') peat_surf_pts.setatt('zic', 0.) # Interpolate surface elevations to layer mo
from pylagrit import PyLaGriT lg = PyLaGriT() mesh = lg.create() mins = (0, 0, 0) maxs = (5, 5, 5) eighth = mesh.surface_box(mins, maxs) boolstr1 = 'le ' + boolstr2 = 'gt ' + reg1 = mesh.region(boolstr1) reg2 = mesh.region(boolstr2) mreg1 = mesh.mregion(boolstr1) mreg2 = mesh.mregion(boolstr2) mesh.createpts_brick_xyz((10, 10, 10), (0, 0, 0), (10, 10, 10)) mesh.rmregion(reg1) mesh.dump('reg_test.gmv')
""" 2D mesh domain of fracture and matrix for uniform contaminated zone comparison with 3D quarter-sphere cavity. author: jportiz 7/16/18 """ from pylagrit import PyLaGriT import numpy as np from math import log10 l = PyLaGriT() # domain lengths in each dimension xl = 50. #[m] yl = 50. #[m] zl = 100. #[m] depth df = 0.001 #[m] fracture aperture largedf = 0.05 #[m] fracture aperture lr = 3 #levels of mesh refinement # d_base = df/2.*2**(lr+1) #calculated dimension of base block cav_center_depth = 80. #[m] depth of cavity center radius = 10. #[m] cavity radius # grid discretization dx = 1. dy = 1. dz = 1. dxyz = np.array([dx,dy,dz]) # dxz = np.array([dx,dz])
from pylagrit import PyLaGriT l = PyLaGriT() # Create 2x2x2 cell mesh m = l.create() m.createpts_dxyz((0.5,0.5,0.5),(0.,0.,0.),(1.,1.,1.),rz_switch=[1,1,1],connect=True) m.paraview() #m.gmv() # Create 2x2x2 mesh where maxs will be truncated to nearest value under given maxs m_under = l.create() m_under.createpts_dxyz((0.4,0.4,0.4),(0.,0.,0.),(1.,1.,1.),rz_switch=[1,1,1],connect=True) m_under.paraview() #m_under.gmv() # Create 3x3x3 mesh where maxs will be truncated to nearest value over given maxs m_over = l.create() m_over.createpts_dxyz((0.4,0.4,0.4),(0.,0.,0.),(1.,1.,1.),clip='over',rz_switch=[1,1,1],connect=True) m_over.paraview() #m_over.gmv() # Create 3x3x3 mesh where x and y maxs will be truncated to nearest value over given maxs # and z min will be truncated to nearest value m_mixed = l.create() m_mixed.createpts_dxyz((0.4,0.4,0.4),(0.,0.,-1.),(1.,1.,0.),hard_bound=('min','min','max'),clip=('under','under','over'),rz_switch=[1,1,1],connect=True) m_mixed.paraview() #m_over.gmv()