def test_bad_character(self):
     """this test validates that non UTF-8 characters will cause an error
     test_case = TestCase()
     steps = TestSteps()
     with self.assertRaises(PylarionLibException):  # check _obj_setter
         test_case.status = u"é".encode('latin')
     with self.assertRaises(PylarionLibException):  # check _custom_setter
         test_case.tcmscaseid = u"é".encode('latin')
     with self.assertRaises(PylarionLibException):  # check _regular_setter
         test_case.title = u"é".encode('latin')
     with self.assertRaises(PylarionLibException):  # check _arr_obj_setter
         steps.keys = [u"é".encode('latin')]
 def test_006_create_work_item(self):
     tc = TestCase()
     tc.title = "regression"
     tc.description = "regression document test"
     tc.status = "draft"
     tc.caseimportance = "high"
     tc.caselevel = "component"
     tc.caseautomation = "notautomated"
     tc.caseposneg = "positive"
     tc.testtype = "functional"
     tc.subtype1 = "-"
     doc = Document(uri=self.doc_create.uri)
     wi = doc.create_work_item(None, tc)
     doc_wis = doc.get_work_items(None, True)
     doc_wi_ids = [doc_wi.work_item_id for doc_wi in doc_wis]
     self.assertIn(wi.work_item_id, doc_wi_ids)
     global WI_ID
     WI_ID = wi.work_item_id
Example #3
 def test_019_update(self):
     tc = TestCase(project_id=DEFAULT_PROJ, work_item_id=self.work_item_id)
     tc.status = "approved"
     tc2 = TestCase(project_id=DEFAULT_PROJ, work_item_id=self.work_item_id)
     self.assertEqual(tc2.status, "approved")
Example #4
	# if tc.description:
	# 	tc.description = tc._check_encode(tc.description)
	# else:

	# tc.description = "TBD"
	# tc.description.decode('utf-8')

	# tc.automation_script = ""
	# auto_test_id = tc.get_custom_field('automation-test-id').value
	# tc.automation_script = auto_test_id
		# tc.add_approvee('achernet')
		# tc.edit_approval('achernet','approved')
		# if tc.customerscenario == False:
		tc.status = 'proposed'
		# tc.automation_script =  tc._check_encode(tc.automation_script)
		# tc.customerscenario = True
	except StandardError:
		print 'Why, like this?'
		print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
	# except:
	# 	print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]


	# tc.get_custom_field('automation-test-id').value = tc._check_encode(tc.get_custom_field('automation-test-id').value)