def cd_updates(self):
        Return a dictionary of shared variable updates that implements contrastive divergence
        learning by stochastic gradient descent with an annealed learning rate.

        ups = {}

        if self.persistent_chains:
            grads = self.contrastive_grads()
            cd1_sampler, final_p, cd1_updates = self.rbm.CD1_sampler(self.visible_batch,
            self._last_cd1_sampler = cd1_sampler # hacked in here for the unit test
            #ignore the cd1_sampler
            grads = self.contrastive_grads(neg_v = final_p)

        # contrastive divergence updates
        # TODO: sgd_updates is a particular optization algo (others are possible)
        #       parametrize so that algo is plugin
        #       the normalization normVF might be sgd-specific though...

        # TODO: when sgd has an annealing schedule, this should
        #       go through that mechanism.

        lr = TT.clip(
                self.learn_rate * TT.cast(self.lr_anneal_start / (self.iter+1), floatX),
                0.0, #min
                self.learn_rate) #max

                    stepsizes=[a*lr for a in self.learn_rate_multipliers])))

        ups[self.iter] = self.iter + 1

        # add trainer updates (replace CD update of U)
        ups[self.rbm.U], ups[self.normVF] = self.normalize_U(ups[self.rbm.U])

        if (self.l1_penalty_start > 0) and (self.l1_penalty != 0.0):
            ups[self.effective_l1_penalty] = TT.switch(
                    self.iter >= self.l1_penalty_start,

        if getattr(self,'p_lr', None):
            ups[self.p_lr] = TT.switch(self.iter > self.p_training_start,
            new_P = ups[self.rbm.P] * self.p_mask
            no_pos_P = TT.switch(new_P<0, new_P, 0)
            ups[self.rbm.P] = - no_pos_P / no_pos_P.sum(axis=0) #normalize to that columns sum 1

        return ups
Example #2
    def cd_updates(self):
        Return a dictionary of shared variable updates that implements contrastive divergence
        learning by stochastic gradient descent with an annealed learning rate.

        ups = {}

        if self.persistent_chains:
            grads = self.contrastive_grads()
            cd1_sampler, final_p, cd1_updates = self.rbm.CD1_sampler(
                self.visible_batch, self.batchsize)
            self._last_cd1_sampler = cd1_sampler  # hacked in here for the unit test
            #ignore the cd1_sampler
            grads = self.contrastive_grads(neg_v=final_p)

        # contrastive divergence updates
        # TODO: sgd_updates is a particular optization algo (others are possible)
        #       parametrize so that algo is plugin
        #       the normalization normVF might be sgd-specific though...

        # TODO: when sgd has an annealing schedule, this should
        #       go through that mechanism.

        lr = TT.clip(
            self.learn_rate * TT.cast(self.lr_anneal_start /
                                      (self.iter + 1), floatX),
            0.0,  #min
            self.learn_rate)  #max

                    stepsizes=[a * lr for a in self.learn_rate_multipliers])))

        ups[self.iter] = self.iter + 1

        # add trainer updates (replace CD update of U)
        ups[self.rbm.U], ups[self.normVF] = self.normalize_U(ups[self.rbm.U])

        if (self.l1_penalty_start > 0) and (self.l1_penalty != 0.0):
            ups[self.effective_l1_penalty] = TT.switch(
                self.iter >= self.l1_penalty_start, self.l1_penalty, 0.0)

        if getattr(self, 'p_lr', None):
            ups[self.p_lr] = TT.switch(self.iter > self.p_training_start,
                                       self.p_training_lr, 0)
            new_P = ups[self.rbm.P] * self.p_mask
            no_pos_P = TT.switch(new_P < 0, new_P, 0)
            ups[self.rbm.P] = -no_pos_P / no_pos_P.sum(
                axis=0)  #normalize to that columns sum 1

        return ups
Example #3
    def updates(self, gradients):
        Return symbolic updates to apply given a set of gradients
        on the parameters being optimized.

        gradients : list of tensor_likes
            List of symbolic gradients for the parameters contained
            in self.params, in the same order as in self.params.

        updates : dict
            A dictionary with the shared variables in self.params as keys
            and a symbolic expression of how they are to be updated each
            SGD step as values.

        `cost_updates` is a convenient helper function that takes all
        necessary gradients with respect to a given symbolic cost.
        ups = {}
        # Add the learning rate/iteration updates
        l_ups, learn_rates = self.learning_rate_updates()
        safe_update(ups, l_ups)

        # Get the updates from sgd_updates, a PyLearn library function.
        p_up = dict(sgd_updates(self.params, gradients, learn_rates))

        # Add the things in p_up to ups
        safe_update(ups, p_up)

        # Clip the values if needed.
        # We do not want the clipping values to force an upcast
        # of the update: updates should have the same type as params
        for param, (p_min, p_max) in self.clipping_values.iteritems():
            p_min = tensor.as_tensor(p_min)
            p_max = tensor.as_tensor(p_max)
            dtype = param.dtype
            if p_min.dtype != dtype:
                p_min = tensor.cast(p_min, dtype)
            if p_max.dtype != dtype:
                p_max = tensor.cast(p_max, dtype)
            ups[param] = tensor.clip(ups[param], p_min, p_max)

        # Return the updates dictionary.
        return ups
Example #4
    def updates(self, gradients):
        Return symbolic updates to apply given a set of gradients
        on the parameters being optimized.

        gradients : list of tensor_likes
            List of symbolic gradients for the parameters contained
            in self.params, in the same order as in self.params.

        updates : dict
            A dictionary with the shared variables in self.params as keys
            and a symbolic expression of how they are to be updated each
            SGD step as values.

        `cost_updates` is a convenient helper function that takes all
        necessary gradients with respect to a given symbolic cost.
        ups = {}
        # Add the learning rate/iteration updates
        l_ups, learn_rates = self.learning_rate_updates()
        safe_update(ups, l_ups)

        # Get the updates from sgd_updates, a PyLearn library function.
        p_up = dict(sgd_updates(self.params, gradients, learn_rates))

        # Add the things in p_up to ups
        safe_update(ups, p_up)

        # Clip the values if needed.
        # We do not want the clipping values to force an upcast
        # of the update: updates should have the same type as params
        for param, (p_min, p_max) in self.clipping_values.iteritems():
            p_min = tensor.as_tensor(p_min)
            p_max = tensor.as_tensor(p_max)
            dtype = param.dtype
            if p_min.dtype != dtype:
                p_min = tensor.cast(p_min, dtype)
            if p_max.dtype != dtype:
                p_max = tensor.cast(p_max, dtype)
            ups[param] = tensor.clip(ups[param], p_min, p_max)

        # Return the updates dictionary.
        return ups