def __init__(self, window_shape, randomize=None, randomize_once=None, center=None, rng=(2013, 2, 20), pad_randomized=0, flip=True): self._window_shape = tuple(window_shape) # Defined in setup(). A dict that maps Datasets in self._randomize and # self._randomize_once to zero-padded versions of their topological # views. self._original = None self._randomize = randomize if randomize else [] self._randomize_once = randomize_once if randomize_once else [] self._center = center if center else [] self._pad_randomized = pad_randomized self._flip = flip if randomize is None and randomize_once is None and center is None: warnings.warn(self.__class__.__name__ + " instantiated without " "any dataset arguments, and therefore does nothing", stacklevel=2) self._rng = make_np_rng(rng, which_method="random_integers")
def __init__(self, window_shape, center_shape=None, central_window_shape=None, randomize=None, randomize_once=None, center=None, rotate=True, scale_diff=0.0, rng=(2013, 0o2, 20), shear=0.0, translation=0.0, preprocess=None): self._window_shape = window_shape self._center_shape = center_shape self._central_window_shape = central_window_shape self._randomize = randomize if randomize else [] self._randomize_once = randomize_once if randomize_once else [] self._center = center if center else [] self._rotate = rotate self._scale_diff = scale_diff self._shear = shear self._translation = translation self._preprocess = preprocess self._rng = make_np_rng(rng, which_method="random_integers")
def make_random_conv3D(irange, input_axes, output_axes, signal_shape, filter_shape, kernel_stride=(2, 2, 1), pad=0, message="", rng=None, partial_sum=None): if rng is None: rng = make_np_rng(rng, default_seed, which_method='uniform') ### b 0 1 t c _filter_5d_shape = (filter_shape[0], filter_shape[1], filter_shape[2], filter_shape[3], filter_shape[4]) # initialize weights print(_filter_5d_shape) W = sharedX(rng.uniform(-irange, irange, (_filter_5d_shape))) print 'w is set' return Conv3DB01TC(filters=W, input_axes=input_axes, output_axes=output_axes, signal_shape=signal_shape, filter_shape=filter_shape, kernel_stride=kernel_stride, pad=pad, message=message, partial_sum=partial_sum)
def __init__(self, which_set='debug', start=None, end=None, shuffle=True, lazy_load=False, rng=_default_seed): assert which_set in ['debug', 'train', 'test'] if which_set == 'debug': maxlen, n_samples, n_annotations, n_features = 10, 12, 13, 14 X = N.zeros(shape=(n_samples, maxlen)) X_mask = X # same with X Z = N.zeros(shape=(n_annotations, n_samples, n_features)) elif which_set == 'train': pass else: pass self.X, self.X_mask, self.Z = (X, X_mask, Z) self.sources = ('features', 'target') self.spaces = CompositeSpace([ SequenceSpace(space=VectorSpace(dim=self.X.shape[1])), SequenceDataSpace(space=VectorSpace(dim=self.Z.shape[-1])) ]) self.data_spces = (self.spaces, self.sources) # self.X_space, self.X_mask_space, self.Z_space # Default iterator self._iter_mode = resolve_iterator_class('sequential') self._iter_topo = False self._iter_target = False self._iter_data_specs = self.data_spces self.rng = make_np_rng(rng, which_method='random_intergers')
def __init__(self, data=None, data_specs=None, rng=_default_seed, preprocessor=None, fit_preprocessor=False): # data_specs should be flat, and there should be no # duplicates in source, as we keep only one version assert is_flat_specs(data_specs) if isinstance(data_specs[1], tuple): assert sorted(set(data_specs[1])) == sorted(data_specs[1]) space, source = data_specs space.np_validate(data) # TODO: assume that data[0] is num example => error if channel in c01b # assert len(set(elem.shape[0] for elem in list(data))) <= 1 = data self.data_specs = data_specs # TODO: assume that data[0] is num example => error if channel in c01b self.num_examples = list(data)[-1].shape[0] # TODO: list(data)[0].shape[0] self.compress = False self.design_loc = None self.rng = make_np_rng(rng, which_method='random_integers') # Defaults for iterators self._iter_mode = resolve_iterator_class('sequential') if preprocessor: preprocessor.apply(self, can_fit=fit_preprocessor) self.preprocessor = preprocessor
def make_random_conv2D(irange, input_space, output_space, kernel_shape, batch_size=None, \ subsample = (1,1), border_mode = 'valid', message = "", rng = None): """ .. todo:: WRITEME properly Creates a Conv2D with random kernels """ rng = make_np_rng(rng, default_seed, which_method='uniform') W = sharedX(rng.uniform( -irange, irange, (output_space.num_channels, input_space.num_channels, kernel_shape[0], kernel_shape[1]) )) return Conv2D( filters=W, batch_size=batch_size, input_space=input_space, output_axes=output_space.axes, subsample=subsample, border_mode=border_mode, filters_shape=W.get_value(borrow=True).shape, message=message )
def __init__(self, X, y): if (self.dataset_name in dataset_info.aod_datasets and self.which_set == "full"): self.targets, self.novels = self.load_aod_gts() assert self.targets.shape == self.novels.shape if X.shape[0] % self.targets.shape[0] != 0: raise ValueError("AOD data and targets seems to have " "incompatible shapes: %r vs %r" % (X.shape, self.targets.shape)) X = self.preprocess(X) if self.shuffle:"Shuffling data") self.shuffle_rng = make_np_rng(None, [1, 2, 3], which_method="shuffle") for i in xrange(m): j = self.shuffle_rng.randint(m) tmp = X[i].copy() X[i] = X[j] X[j] = tmp tmp = y[i:i + 1].copy() y[i] = y[j] y[j] = tmp max_labels = np.amax(y) + 1"%d labels found." % max_labels) super(MRI, self).__init__(X=X, y=y, view_converter=self.view_converter, y_labels=max_labels) assert not np.any(np.isnan(self.X))
def test_convolutional_compatible(): """ VAE allows convolutional encoding networks """ encoding_model = MLP( layers=[ SpaceConverter( layer_name='conv2d_converter', output_space=Conv2DSpace(shape=[4, 4], num_channels=1) ), ConvRectifiedLinear( layer_name='h', output_channels=2, kernel_shape=[2, 2], kernel_stride=[1, 1], pool_shape=[1, 1], pool_stride=[1, 1], pool_type='max', irange=0.01) ] ) decoding_model = MLP(layers=[Linear(layer_name='h', dim=16, irange=0.01)]) prior = DiagonalGaussianPrior() conditional = BernoulliVector(mlp=decoding_model, name='conditional') posterior = DiagonalGaussian(mlp=encoding_model, name='posterior') vae = VAE(nvis=16, prior=prior, conditional=conditional, posterior=posterior, nhid=16) X = T.matrix('X') lower_bound = vae.log_likelihood_lower_bound(X, num_samples=10) f = theano.function(inputs=[X], outputs=lower_bound) rng = make_np_rng(default_seed=11223) f(as_floatX(rng.uniform(size=(10, 16))))
def __init__(self, num_arms, mean_std=1.0, std_std=1.0): self.rng = make_np_rng(None, [2013, 11, 12], which_method="randn") self.means = sharedX(self.rng.randn(num_arms) * mean_std) self.stds = sharedX(np.abs(self.rng.randn(num_arms) * std_std)) self.theano_rng = make_theano_rng(None, self.rng.randint(2**16), which_method="normal")
def make_weights(input_space, output_space, kernel_shape, **kwargs): rs = make_np_rng(rng, default_seed, which_method='normal') shape = (output_space.num_channels, input_space.num_channels, kernel_shape[0], kernel_shape[1]) return sharedX(rs.normal(0, istd, shape))
def make_weights(input_space, output_space, kernel_shape, **kwargs): rs = make_np_rng(rng, default_seed, which_method='uniform') shape = (output_space.num_channels, input_space.num_channels, kernel_shape[0], kernel_shape[1]) return sharedX(rs.uniform(-irange, irange, shape))
def _create_subset_iterator(self, mode, batch_size=None, num_batches=None, rng=None): subset_iterator = resolve_iterator_class(mode) if rng is None and subset_iterator.stochastic: rng = make_np_rng() return subset_iterator(self.get_num_examples(), batch_size, num_batches, rng)
def setup_rng(self): """ .. todo:: WRITEME """ self.rng = make_np_rng(None, [2012, 10, 17], which_method="uniform")
def __init__(self, X, y): if (self.dataset_name in dataset_info.aod_datasets and self.which_set == "full"): self.targets, self.novels = self.load_aod_gts() assert self.targets.shape == self.novels.shape if X.shape[0] % self.targets.shape[0] != 0: raise ValueError("AOD data and targets seems to have " "incompatible shapes: %r vs %r" % (X.shape, self.targets.shape)) X = self.preprocess(X) if self.shuffle:"Shuffling data") self.shuffle_rng = make_np_rng(None, [1 ,2 ,3], which_method="shuffle") for i in xrange(m): j = self.shuffle_rng.randint(m) tmp = X[i].copy() X[i] = X[j] X[j] = tmp tmp = y[i:i+1].copy() y[i] = y[j] y[j] = tmp max_labels = np.amax(y) + 1"%d labels found." % max_labels) super(MRI, self).__init__(X=X, y=y, view_converter=self.view_converter, y_labels=max_labels) assert not np.any(np.isnan(self.X))
def split_patients(patients, valid_percent, test_percent, rng=(2014, 10, 22)): if isinstance(rng, (list, tuple)): rng = make_np_rng(None, rng, which_method='uniform') vals = np.asarray(patients.values()) keys = np.asarray(patients.keys()) sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit( vals, n_iter=1, test_size=test_percent, random_state=rng) remaining_idx, test_idx = sss.__iter__().next() if valid_percent > 0: # Rate of samples required to build validation set valid_rate = valid_percent / (1 - test_percent) sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit( vals[remaining_idx], n_iter=1, test_size=valid_rate, random_state=rng) tr_idx, val_idx = sss.__iter__().next() valid_idx = remaining_idx[val_idx] train_idx = remaining_idx[tr_idx] else: train_idx = remaining_idx valid_idx = [] train_patients = dict(zip(keys[train_idx], vals[train_idx])) valid_patients = dict(zip(keys[valid_idx], vals[valid_idx])) test_patients = dict(zip(keys[test_idx], vals[test_idx])) return train_patients, valid_patients, test_patients
def __init__(self, cost=None, batch_size=None, batches_per_iter=None, updates_per_batch=10, monitoring_batch_size=None, monitoring_batches=None, monitoring_dataset=None, termination_criterion=None, set_batch_size=False, reset_alpha=True, conjugate=False, min_init_alpha=.001, reset_conjugate=True, line_search_mode=None, verbose_optimization=False, scale_step=1., theano_function_mode=None, init_alpha=None, seed=None): self.__dict__.update(locals()) del self.self if monitoring_dataset is None: assert monitoring_batches is None assert monitoring_batch_size is None self._set_monitoring_dataset(monitoring_dataset) self.bSetup = False self.termination_criterion = termination_criterion self.rng = make_np_rng(seed, [2012, 10, 16], which_method=["randn", "randint"])
def __init__(self, dataset_size, batch_size, num_batches=None, rng=None): self._rng = make_np_rng(rng, which_method=["random_integers", "shuffle"]) assert num_batches is None or num_batches >= 0 self._dataset_size = dataset_size if batch_size is None: if num_batches is not None: batch_size = int(np.ceil(self._dataset_size / num_batches)) else: raise ValueError("need one of batch_size, num_batches " "for sequential batch iteration") elif batch_size is not None: if num_batches is not None: max_num_batches = np.ceil(self._dataset_size / batch_size) if num_batches > max_num_batches: raise ValueError("dataset of %d examples can only provide " "%d batches with batch_size %d, but %d " "batches were requested" % (self._dataset_size, max_num_batches, batch_size, num_batches)) else: num_batches = np.ceil(self._dataset_size / batch_size) self._batch_size = batch_size self._num_batches = int(num_batches) self._next_batch_no = 0 self._idx = 0 self._batch_order = list(range(self._num_batches)) self._rng.shuffle(self._batch_order)
def __init__(self, dataset_size, batch_size, num_batches, rng=None): super(ShuffledSequentialSubsetIterator, self).__init__(dataset_size, batch_size, num_batches, None) self._rng = make_np_rng(rng, which_method=["random_integers", "shuffle"]) self._shuffled = np.arange(self._dataset_size) self._rng.shuffle(self._shuffled)
def make_sparse_random_local(num_nonzero, input_space, output_space, kernel_shape, batch_size, \ kernel_stride = (1,1), border_mode = 'valid', message = "", rng=None): """ .. todo:: WRITEME """ raise NotImplementedError("Not yet modified after copy-paste from " "pylearn2.linear.conv2d_c01b") """ Creates a Conv2D with random kernels, where the randomly initialized values are sparse""" rng = make_np_rng(rng, default_sparse_seed, which_method=['randn', 'randint']) W = np.zeros(( output_space.num_channels, input_space.num_channels, \ kernel_shape[0], kernel_shape[1])) def random_coord(): return [rng.randint(dim) for dim in W.shape] for i in xrange(num_nonzero): o, ch, r, c = random_coord() while W[o, ch, r, c] != 0: o, ch, r, c = random_coord() W[o, ch, r, c] = rng.randn() W = sharedX(W)
def __init__(self, nvis, nhid, init_lambda, init_p, init_alpha, learning_rate): """ .. todo:: WRITEME """ self.nvis = int(nvis) self.nhid = int(nhid) self.init_lambda = float(init_lambda) self.init_p = float(init_p) self.init_alpha = N.cast[config.floatX](init_alpha) self.tol = 1e-6 self.time_constant = 1e-2 self.learning_rate = N.cast[config.floatX](learning_rate) self.predictor_learning_rate = self.learning_rate self.rng = make_np_rng(None, [1, 2, 3], which_method="randn") self.error_record = [] self.ERROR_RECORD_MODE_MONITORING = 0 self.error_record_mode = self.ERROR_RECORD_MODE_MONITORING self.instrumented = False self.redo_everything()
def test_convolutional_compatible(): """ VAE allows convolutional encoding networks """ encoding_model = MLP( layers=[ SpaceConverter(layer_name="conv2d_converter", output_space=Conv2DSpace(shape=[4, 4], num_channels=1)), ConvRectifiedLinear( layer_name="h", output_channels=2, kernel_shape=[2, 2], kernel_stride=[1, 1], pool_shape=[1, 1], pool_stride=[1, 1], pool_type="max", irange=0.01, ), ] ) decoding_model = MLP(layers=[Linear(layer_name="h", dim=16, irange=0.01)]) prior = DiagonalGaussianPrior() conditional = BernoulliVector(mlp=decoding_model, name="conditional") posterior = DiagonalGaussian(mlp=encoding_model, name="posterior") vae = VAE(nvis=16, prior=prior, conditional=conditional, posterior=posterior, nhid=16) X = T.matrix("X") lower_bound = vae.log_likelihood_lower_bound(X, num_samples=10) f = theano.function(inputs=[X], outputs=lower_bound) rng = make_np_rng(default_seed=11223) f(as_floatX(rng.uniform(size=(10, 16))))
def make_random_conv2D(irange, input_channels, input_axes, output_axes, output_channels, kernel_shape, kernel_stride=(1, 1), pad=0, message="", rng=None, partial_sum=None, sparse_init=None): """ .. todo:: WRITEME properly Creates a Conv2D with random kernels. Should be functionally equivalent to pylearn2.linear.conv2d.make_random_conv2D """ rng = make_np_rng(rng, default_seed, which_method='uniform') W = sharedX( rng.uniform(-irange,irange,(input_channels, \ kernel_shape[0], kernel_shape[1], output_channels))) return Conv2D(filters=W, input_axes=input_axes, output_axes=output_axes, kernel_stride=kernel_stride, pad=pad, message=message, partial_sum=partial_sum)
def __init__(self, nvis, nhid, coeff): self.nvis = nvis self.nhid = nhid self.coeff = float(coeff) self.rng = make_np_rng(None, [1, 2, 3], which_method="randn") self.redo_everything()
def reset_rng(self): """ .. todo:: WRITEME """ self.rng = make_np_rng([1,2,3], which_method=['randn','uniform'])
def __init__(self, min_x=-6.28, max_x=6.28, std=.05, rng=_default_seed): """ Constructor. """ super(CosDataset, self).__init__() #: lower limit for x as in cos(x) self.min_x = min_x #: higher limit for x as in cos(x) self.max_x = max_x #: standard deviation for the noise added to the values we generate self.std = std # argument to resolve_iterator_class() can be either # a string from [sequential, shuffled_sequential, random_slice, # random_uniform, batchwise_shuffled_sequential, even_sequential, # even_shuffled_sequential, even_batchwise_shuffled_sequential, # even_sequences] or a SubsetIterator sublass. #: default iterator implementation (a class to be instantiated) self._iter_subset_class = resolve_iterator_class('sequential') #: default data specifications for iterator self._iter_data_specs = (VectorSpace(2), 'features') #: default batch size for the iterator self._iter_batch_size = 100 #: default number of batches for the iterator self._iter_num_batches = 10 #: random number generator self.rng = make_np_rng(rng, which_method=['uniform', 'randn'])
def __init__( self, cost=None, batch_size=None, batches_per_iter=None, updates_per_batch=10, monitoring_batches=None, monitoring_dataset=None, termination_criterion=None, set_batch_size=False, reset_alpha=True, conjugate=False, min_init_alpha=0.001, reset_conjugate=True, line_search_mode=None, verbose_optimization=False, scale_step=1.0, theano_function_mode=None, init_alpha=None, seed=None, ): self.__dict__.update(locals()) del self.self if monitoring_dataset is None: assert monitoring_batches == None self._set_monitoring_dataset(monitoring_dataset) self.bSetup = False self.termination_criterion = termination_criterion self.rng = make_np_rng(seed, [2012, 10, 16], which_method=["randn", "randint"])
def make_sparse_random_conv2D(num_nonzero, input_space, output_space, kernel_shape, pad=0, kernel_stride=(1, 1), border_mode='valid', message="", rng=None, partial_sum=None): """ .. todo:: WRITEME properly Creates a Conv2D with random kernels, where the randomly initialized values are sparse """ rng = make_np_rng(rng, default_sparse_seed, which_method=['randn', 'randint']) W = np.zeros((input_space.num_channels, kernel_shape[0], kernel_shape[1], output_space.num_channels)) def random_coord(): return [rng.randint(dim) for dim in W.shape[0:3]] for o in xrange(output_space.num_channels): for i in xrange(num_nonzero): ch, r, c = random_coord() while W[ch, r, c, o] != 0: ch, r, c = random_coord() W[ch, r, c, o] = rng.randn() W = sharedX(W) return Conv2D(filters=W, input_axes=input_space.axes, output_axes=output_space.axes, kernel_stride=kernel_stride, pad=pad, message=message, partial_sum=partial_sum)
def __init__(self, nvis, nhid, init_lambda, init_p, init_alpha, learning_rate): """ .. todo:: WRITEME """ self.nvis = int(nvis) self.nhid = int(nhid) self.init_lambda = float(init_lambda) self.init_p = float(init_p) self.init_alpha = N.cast[config.floatX](init_alpha) self.tol = 1e-6 self.time_constant = 1e-2 self.learning_rate = N.cast[config.floatX](learning_rate) self.predictor_learning_rate = self.learning_rate self.rng = make_np_rng(None, [1,2,3], which_method="randn") self.error_record = [] self.ERROR_RECORD_MODE_MONITORING = 0 self.error_record_mode = self.ERROR_RECORD_MODE_MONITORING self.instrumented = False self.redo_everything()
def __init__(self, data=None, data_specs=None, rng=_default_seed, preprocessor=None, fit_preprocessor=False): # data_specs should be flat, and there should be no # duplicates in source, as we keep only one version assert is_flat_specs(data_specs) if isinstance(data_specs[1], tuple): assert sorted(set(data_specs[1])) == sorted(data_specs[1]) space, source = data_specs space.np_validate(data) assert len(set(elem.shape[0] for elem in list(data))) <= 1 = data self.data_specs = data_specs self.num_examples = list(data)[0].shape[0] self.compress = False self.design_loc = None self.rng = make_np_rng(rng, which_method='random_integers') # Defaults for iterators self._iter_mode = resolve_iterator_class('sequential') if preprocessor: preprocessor.apply(self, can_fit=fit_preprocessor) self.preprocessor = preprocessor
def make_random_conv2D(irange, input_channels, input_axes, output_axes, output_channels, kernel_shape, kernel_stride = (1,1), pad=0, message = "", rng = None, partial_sum = None, sparse_init = None): """ .. todo:: WRITEME properly Creates a Conv2D with random kernels. Should be functionally equivalent to pylearn2.linear.conv2d.make_random_conv2D """ rng = make_np_rng(rng, default_seed, which_method='uniform') W = sharedX( rng.uniform(-irange,irange,(input_channels, \ kernel_shape[0], kernel_shape[1], output_channels))) return Conv2D(filters = W, input_axes = input_axes, output_axes = output_axes, kernel_stride = kernel_stride, pad=pad, message = message, partial_sum=partial_sum)
def make_sparse_random_local(num_nonzero, input_space, output_space, kernel_shape, batch_size, \ kernel_stride = (1,1), border_mode = 'valid', message = "", rng=None): """ .. todo:: WRITEME """ raise NotImplementedError("Not yet modified after copy-paste from " "pylearn2.linear.conv2d_c01b") """ Creates a Conv2D with random kernels, where the randomly initialized values are sparse""" rng = make_np_rng(rng, default_sparse_seed, which_method=['randn','randint']) W = np.zeros(( output_space.num_channels, input_space.num_channels, \ kernel_shape[0], kernel_shape[1])) def random_coord(): return [ rng.randint(dim) for dim in W.shape ] for i in xrange(num_nonzero): o, ch, r, c = random_coord() while W[o, ch, r, c] != 0: o, ch, r, c = random_coord() W[o, ch, r, c] = rng.randn() W = sharedX( W)
def make_random_conv3D(irange, input_axes, output_axes, signal_shape, filter_shape, kernel_stride = (1,1), pad=0, message = "", rng = None, partial_sum = None): if rng is None: rng = make_np_rng(rng, default_seed, which_method='uniform') _filter_5d_shape = ( filter_shape[0], filter_shape[1], filter_shape[2], filter_shape[3],filter_shape[4]) # initialize weights W = sharedX(rng.uniform(-irange,irange,(_filter_5d_shape))) return Conv3DBCT01(filters = W, input_axes = input_axes, output_axes = output_axes, signal_shape = signal_shape, filter_shape = filter_shape, kernel_stride = kernel_stride, pad=pad, message = message, partial_sum=partial_sum)
def build_stacked_ae(nvis, nhids, act_enc, act_dec, tied_weights=False, irange=1e-3, rng=None, corruptor=None, contracting=False): """ .. todo:: WRITEME properly Allocate a stack of autoencoders. """ rng = make_np_rng(rng, which_method='randn') layers = [] final = {} # "Broadcast" arguments if they are singular, or accept sequences if # they are the same length as nhids for c in [ 'corruptor', 'contracting', 'act_enc', 'act_dec', 'tied_weights', 'irange' ]: if type(locals()[c]) is not str and hasattr(locals()[c], '__len__'): assert len(nhids) == len(locals()[c]) final[c] = locals()[c] else: final[c] = [locals()[c]] * len(nhids) # The number of visible units in each layer is the initial input # size and the first k-1 hidden unit sizes. nviss = [nvis] + nhids[:-1] seq = izip( nhids, nviss, final['act_enc'], final['act_dec'], final['corruptor'], final['contracting'], final['tied_weights'], final['irange'], ) # Create each layer. for (nhid, nvis, act_enc, act_dec, corr, cae, tied, ir) in seq: args = (nvis, nhid, act_enc, act_dec, tied, ir, rng) if cae and corr is not None: raise ValueError("Can't specify denoising and contracting " "objectives simultaneously") elif cae: autoenc = ContractiveAutoencoder(*args) elif corr is not None: autoenc = DenoisingAutoencoder(corr, *args) else: autoenc = Autoencoder(*args) layers.append(autoenc) # Create the stack return StackedBlocks(layers)
def spatiotemporal_cubes(file_tuples, shape, n_patches=numpy.inf, rng=None): """ Generator function that yields a stream of (filename, slicetuple) representing a spatiotemporal patch of that file. Parameters ---------- file_tuples : list of tuples Each element should be a 2-tuple consisting of a filename (or arbitrary identifier) and a (length, height, width) shape tuple of the dimensions (number of frames in the video, height and width of each frame). shape : tuple A shape tuple consisting of the desired (length, height, width) of each spatiotemporal patch. n_patches : int, optional The number of patches to generate. By default, generates patches infinitely. rng : RandomState object or seed, optional The random number generator (or seed) to use. Defaults to None, meaning it will be seeded from /dev/urandom or the clock. Returns ------- generator : generator object A generator that yields a stream of (filename, slicetuple) tuples. The slice tuple is such that it indexes into a 3D array containing the entire clip with frames indexed along the first axis, rows along the second and columns along the third. """ frame_lookup = FrameLookup([(a, b[0]) for a, b in file_tuples]) file_lookup = OrderedDict(file_tuples) patch_length, patch_height, patch_width = shape done = 0 rng = make_np_rng(rng, which_method="random_integers") while done < n_patches: frame = rng.random_integers(0, len(frame_lookup) - 1) filename, file_length, frame_no = frame_lookup[frame] # Check that there is a contiguous block of frames starting at # frame_no that is at least as long as our desired cube length. if file_length - frame_no < patch_length: continue _, video_height, video_width = file_lookup[filename][:3] # The last row and column in which a patch could "start" to still # fall within frame. last_row = video_height - patch_height last_col = video_width - patch_width row = rng.random_integers(0, last_row) col = rng.random_integers(0, last_col) patch_slice = ( slice(frame_no, frame_no + patch_length), slice(row, row + patch_height), slice(col, col + patch_width), ) done += 1 yield filename, patch_slice
def __init__( self, learning_rate, cost=None, batch_size=None, monitoring_batches=None, monitoring_dataset=None, monitor_iteration_mode="sequential", termination_criterion=None, update_callbacks=None, learning_rule=None, init_momentum=None, set_batch_size=False, train_iteration_mode=None, batches_per_iter=None, theano_function_mode=None, monitoring_costs=None, seed=[2012, 10, 5], ): if isinstance(cost, (list, tuple, set)): raise TypeError( "SGD no longer supports using collections of " + "Costs to represent a sum of Costs. Use " + "pylearn2.costs.cost.SumOfCosts instead." ) if init_momentum: warnings.warn( "init_momentum interface is deprecated and will " "become officially unsuported as of May 9, 2014. Please use the " "`learning_rule` parameter instead, providing an object of type " "`pylearn2.training_algorithms.learning_rule.Momentum` instead" ) # Convert to new interface under the hood. self.learning_rule = Momentum(init_momentum) else: self.learning_rule = learning_rule self.learning_rate = sharedX(learning_rate, "learning_rate") self.cost = cost self.batch_size = batch_size self.set_batch_size = set_batch_size self.batches_per_iter = batches_per_iter self._set_monitoring_dataset(monitoring_dataset) self.monitoring_batches = monitoring_batches self.monitor_iteration_mode = monitor_iteration_mode if monitoring_dataset is None: if monitoring_batches is not None: raise ValueError("Specified an amount of monitoring batches " + "but not a monitoring dataset.") self.termination_criterion = termination_criterion self._register_update_callbacks(update_callbacks) if train_iteration_mode is None: train_iteration_mode = "shuffled_sequential" self.train_iteration_mode = train_iteration_mode self.first = True self.rng = make_np_rng(seed, which_method=["randn", "randint"]) self.theano_function_mode = theano_function_mode self.monitoring_costs = monitoring_costs
def __call__(self): print('loading model') model_path = self.model_path self.model = serial.load(model_path) self.model.set_dtype('float32') input_space = self.model.get_input_space() #This code all assumes the model works on vectors assert isinstance(input_space, VectorSpace) nvis = input_space.dim self.size = int(np.sqrt(nvis/3)) rng = make_np_rng(None, [1,2,3], which_method="randint") #Generate the random pooling structure num_filters =[0] idxs = rng.randint(0,num_filters,(self.num_output_features,)) top = idxs.copy() bottom = idxs.copy() left = idxs.copy() right = idxs.copy() for i in xrange(self.num_output_features): top[i] = rng.randint(num_superpixels) bottom[i] = rng.randint(top[i],num_superpixels) left[i] = rng.randint(num_superpixels) right[i] = rng.randint(left[i],num_superpixels) #output[i] will pool over detector feature map i self.idxs = idxs #output [i] will pool over a rectangle with upper left coordinates (top[i],left[i]) #and lower right coordinates (bottom[i],right[i]) = top self.bottom = bottom self.left = left self.right = right #Run the experiment if self.chunk_size is not None: dataset_family = self.dataset_family which_set = self.which_set dataset_descriptor = self.dataset_family[which_set][size] num_examples = dataset_descriptor.num_examples assert num_examples % self.chunk_size == 0 self.chunk_id = 0 for i in xrange(0,num_examples, self.chunk_size): self.restrict = (i, i + self.chunk_size) self._execute() self.chunk_id += 1 else: self._execute()
def reset_RNG(self): """ Restore the default seed of the rng used for choosing random examples. """ if "default_rng" not in dir(self): self.default_rng = make_np_rng(None, [17, 2, 946], which_method="random_integers") self.rng = copy.copy(self.default_rng)
def spatiotemporal_cubes(file_tuples, shape, n_patches=numpy.inf, rng=None): """ Generator function that yields a stream of (filename, slicetuple) representing a spatiotemporal patch of that file. Parameters ---------- file_tuples : list of tuples Each element should be a 2-tuple consisting of a filename (or arbitrary identifier) and a (length, height, width) shape tuple of the dimensions (number of frames in the video, height and width of each frame). shape : tuple A shape tuple consisting of the desired (length, height, width) of each spatiotemporal patch. n_patches : int, optional The number of patches to generate. By default, generates patches infinitely. rng : RandomState object or seed, optional The random number generator (or seed) to use. Defaults to None, meaning it will be seeded from /dev/urandom or the clock. Returns ------- generator : generator object A generator that yields a stream of (filename, slicetuple) tuples. The slice tuple is such that it indexes into a 3D array containing the entire clip with frames indexed along the first axis, rows along the second and columns along the third. """ frame_lookup = FrameLookup([(a, b[0]) for a, b in file_tuples]) file_lookup = OrderedDict(file_tuples) patch_length, patch_height, patch_width = shape done = 0 rng = make_np_rng(rng, which_method="random_integers") while done < n_patches: frame = rng.random_integers(0, len(frame_lookup) - 1) filename, file_length, frame_no = frame_lookup[frame] # Check that there is a contiguous block of frames starting at # frame_no that is at least as long as our desired cube length. if file_length - frame_no < patch_length: continue _, video_height, video_width = file_lookup[filename][:3] # The last row and column in which a patch could "start" to still # fall within frame. last_row = video_height - patch_height last_col = video_width - patch_width row = numpy.random.random_integers(0, last_row) col = numpy.random.random_integers(0, last_col) patch_slice = (slice(frame_no, frame_no + patch_length), slice(row, row + patch_height), slice(col, col + patch_width)) done += 1 yield filename, patch_slice
def __init__(self, nvis, nhid, act_enc, act_dec, tied_weights=False, irange=1e-3, rng=9001): super(Autoencoder, self).__init__() assert nvis > 0, "Number of visible units must be non-negative" assert nhid > 0, "Number of hidden units must be positive" self.input_space = VectorSpace(nvis) self.output_space = VectorSpace(nhid) # Save a few parameters needed for resizing self.nhid = nhid self.irange = irange self.tied_weights = tied_weights self.rng = make_np_rng(rng, which_method="randn") self._initialize_hidbias() if nvis > 0: self._initialize_visbias(nvis) self._initialize_weights(nvis) else: self.visbias = None self.weights = None seed = int(self.rng.randint(2 ** 30)) # why a theano rng? should we remove it? self.s_rng = make_theano_rng(seed, which_method="uniform") if tied_weights and self.weights is not None: self.w_prime = self.weights.T else: self._initialize_w_prime(nvis) def _resolve_callable(conf, conf_attr): """ .. todo:: WRITEME """ if conf[conf_attr] is None or conf[conf_attr] == "linear": return None # If it's a callable, use it directly. if hasattr(conf[conf_attr], "__call__"): return conf[conf_attr] elif conf[conf_attr] in globals() and hasattr(globals()[conf[conf_attr]], "__call__"): return globals()[conf[conf_attr]] elif hasattr(tensor.nnet, conf[conf_attr]): return getattr(tensor.nnet, conf[conf_attr]) elif hasattr(tensor, conf[conf_attr]): return getattr(tensor, conf[conf_attr]) else: raise ValueError("Couldn't interpret %s value: '%s'" % (conf_attr, conf[conf_attr])) self.act_enc = _resolve_callable(locals(), "act_enc") self.act_dec = _resolve_callable(locals(), "act_dec") self._params = [self.visbias, self.hidbias, self.weights] if not self.tied_weights: self._params.append(self.w_prime)
def __init__(self, learning_rate, cost=None, batch_size=None, monitoring_batches=None, monitoring_dataset=None, monitor_iteration_mode='sequential', termination_criterion=None, update_callbacks=None, learning_rule=None, init_momentum=None, set_batch_size=False, train_iteration_mode=None, batches_per_iter=None, theano_function_mode=None, monitoring_costs=None, seed=[2012, 10, 5]): if isinstance(cost, (list, tuple, set)): raise TypeError("SGD no longer supports using collections of " + "Costs to represent a sum of Costs. Use " + "pylearn2.costs.cost.SumOfCosts instead.") if init_momentum: warnings.warn( "init_momentum interface is deprecated and will " "become officially unsuported as of May 9, 2014. Please use the " "`learning_rule` parameter instead, providing an object of type " "`pylearn2.training_algorithms.learning_rule.Momentum` instead" ) # Convert to new interface under the hood. self.learning_rule = Momentum(init_momentum) else: self.learning_rule = learning_rule self.learning_rate = sharedX(learning_rate, 'learning_rate') self.cost = cost self.batch_size = batch_size self.set_batch_size = set_batch_size self.batches_per_iter = batches_per_iter self._set_monitoring_dataset(monitoring_dataset) self.monitoring_batches = monitoring_batches self.monitor_iteration_mode = monitor_iteration_mode if monitoring_dataset is None: if monitoring_batches is not None: raise ValueError("Specified an amount of monitoring batches " + "but not a monitoring dataset.") self.termination_criterion = termination_criterion self._register_update_callbacks(update_callbacks) if train_iteration_mode is None: train_iteration_mode = 'shuffled_sequential' self.train_iteration_mode = train_iteration_mode self.first = True self.rng = make_np_rng(seed, which_method=["randn", "randint"]) self.theano_function_mode = theano_function_mode self.monitoring_costs = monitoring_costs
def __init__(self, num_examples, rng=(2013, 5, 17)): """ .. todo:: WRITEME """ rng = make_np_rng(rng, self._default_seed, which_method='uniform') X = rng.uniform(-1, 1, size=(num_examples, 2)) y = _four_regions_labels(X) super(FourRegions, self).__init__(X=X, y=y, y_labels=4)
def test_np_rng(): """ Tests that the four possible ways of creating a numpy RNG give the same results with the same seed """ rngs = [make_np_rng(rng_or_seed=42, which_method='uniform'), make_np_rng(rng_or_seed=numpy.random.RandomState(42), which_method='uniform'), make_np_rng(default_seed=42), make_np_rng()] random_numbers = rngs[0].uniform(size=(100,)) equals = numpy.ones((100,)) for rng in rngs[1:]: equal = random_numbers == rng.uniform(size=(100,)) equals *= equal assert equals.all()
def __init__(self, min_x=-6.28, max_x=6.28, std=.05, rng=None): """ .. todo:: WRITEME """ self.min_x, self.max_x, self.std = min_x, max_x, std rng = make_np_rng(rng, [17, 2, 946], which_method=['uniform', 'randn']) self.default_rng = copy.copy(rng) self.rng = rng
def reset_RNG(self): """ Restore the default seed of the rng used for choosing random examples. """ if 'default_rng' not in dir(self): self.default_rng = make_np_rng(None, [17, 2, 946], which_method="random_integers") self.rng = copy.copy(self.default_rng)
def __call__(self): print 'loading model' model_path = self.model_path self.model = serial.load(model_path) self.model.set_dtype('float32') input_space = self.model.get_input_space() #This code all assumes the model works on vectors assert isinstance(input_space, VectorSpace) nvis = input_space.dim self.size = int(np.sqrt(nvis / 3)) rng = make_np_rng(None, [1, 2, 3], which_method="randint") #Generate the random pooling structure num_filters =[0] idxs = rng.randint(0, num_filters, (self.num_output_features, )) top = idxs.copy() bottom = idxs.copy() left = idxs.copy() right = idxs.copy() for i in xrange(self.num_output_features): top[i] = rng.randint(num_superpixels) bottom[i] = rng.randint(top[i], num_superpixels) left[i] = rng.randint(num_superpixels) right[i] = rng.randint(left[i], num_superpixels) #output[i] will pool over detector feature map i self.idxs = idxs #output [i] will pool over a rectangle with upper left coordinates (top[i],left[i]) #and lower right coordinates (bottom[i],right[i]) = top self.bottom = bottom self.left = left self.right = right #Run the experiment if self.chunk_size is not None: dataset_family = self.dataset_family which_set = self.which_set dataset_descriptor = self.dataset_family[which_set][size] num_examples = dataset_descriptor.num_examples assert num_examples % self.chunk_size == 0 self.chunk_id = 0 for i in xrange(0, num_examples, self.chunk_size): self.restrict = (i, i + self.chunk_size) self._execute() self.chunk_id += 1 else: self._execute()
def __init__(self, dataset_size, batch_size, num_batches, rng=None): super(ShuffledSequentialSubsetIterator, self).__init__( dataset_size, batch_size, num_batches, None ) self._rng = make_np_rng(rng, which_method=["random_integers", "shuffle"]) self._shuffled = np.arange(self._dataset_size) self._rng.shuffle(self._shuffled)
def test_np_rng(): """ Tests that the four possible ways of creating a numpy RNG give the same results with the same seed """ rngs = [ make_np_rng(rng_or_seed=42, which_method='uniform'), make_np_rng(rng_or_seed=numpy.random.RandomState(42), which_method='uniform'), make_np_rng(default_seed=42), make_np_rng() ] random_numbers = rngs[0].uniform(size=(100, )) equals = numpy.ones((100, )) for rng in rngs[1:]: equal = random_numbers == rng.uniform(size=(100, )) equals *= equal assert equals.all()
def shuffle(X, Y): shuffle_rng = make_np_rng(None, [1, 2, 3], which_method="shuffle") for i in xrange(X.shape[0]): j = shuffle_rng.randint(len(X)) # Copy ensures that memory is not aliased. tmp = X[i, :, :, :].copy() X[i, :, :, :] = X[j, :, :, :] X[j, :, :, :] = tmp tmp = Y[i:i + 1].copy() Y[i] = Y[j] Y[j] = tmp
def __init__(self, nvis, prior, conditional, posterior, nhid, learn_prior=True, kl_integrator=None, batch_size=None, seed=None): super(VAE, self).__init__() self.__dict__.update(locals()) del self.self self.rng = make_np_rng(self.seed, default_seed, ['uniform', 'randint', 'randn']) self.prior.set_vae(self) self.conditional.set_vae(self) self.posterior.set_vae(self) self.learn_prior = learn_prior # Space initialization self.input_space = VectorSpace(dim=self.nvis) self.input_source = 'features' self.latent_space = VectorSpace(dim=self.nhid) # Parameter initialization self.prior.initialize_parameters(nhid=self.nhid) self.conditional.initialize_parameters(input_space=self.latent_space, ndim=self.nvis) self.posterior.initialize_parameters(input_space=self.input_space, ndim=self.nhid) self._params = (self.get_posterior_params() + self.get_conditional_params()) if self.learn_prior: self._params += self.get_prior_params() names = [] for param in self._params: if not in names: names.append( else: raise Exception( "no two parameters must share the same name: " + # Look for the right KLIntegrator if it's not specified if self.kl_integrator is None: self.kl_integrator = find_integrator_for(self.prior, self.posterior)