Example #1
def build_geometry(self, alpha=0, delta=0, is_simplified=False):
    """Compute the curve (Line) needed to plot the Slot.
    The ending point of a curve is the starting point of the next curve in
    the list

    self : HoleM52
        A HoleM52 object
    alpha : float
        Angle to rotate the slot (Default value = 0) [rad]
    delta : complex
        Complex to translate the slot (Default value = 0)
    is_simplified : bool
       True to avoid line superposition

    surf_list: list
        List of SurfLine needed to draw the HoleM51

    if self.get_is_stator():  # check if the slot is on the stator
        st = "_Stator"
        st = "_Rotor"
    Rbo = self.get_Rbo()

    alpha1 = self.comp_alpha()
    Z1 = (Rbo - self.H0) * exp(1j * alpha1 / 2)
    Z9 = (Rbo - self.H0) * exp(-1j * alpha1 / 2)

    Z0 = (Z1 + Z9) / 2
    Z5 = Z0 - self.H1

    Z4 = Z5 + 1j * self.W0 / 2
    Z6 = Z4.conjugate()

    Z3 = Z4 + self.H2
    Z7 = Z3.conjugate()

    W1 = self.comp_W1()
    Z2 = Z3 + 1j * W1
    Z8 = Z2.conjugate()

    Z11 = Z3 + (self.H1 - self.H2)
    Z10 = Z7 + (self.H1 - self.H2)

    # Creation of the air curve
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z1, Z2))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2, Z3))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z3, Z11))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z11, Z1))
    point_ref = (Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z11) / 4
    S1 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # Creation of the magnet curve
    curve_list_mag = list()
    if is_simplified:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z3, Z11))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z7, Z10))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z4, Z11))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z11, Z10))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z10, Z6))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z6, Z4))
    point_ref = (Z11 + Z4 + Z6 + Z10) / 4
    # Defining type of magnetization of the magnet
    if self.magnet_0:
        if self.magnet_0.type_magnetization == 0:
            type_mag = "_Radial"
            type_mag = "_Parallel"
        type_mag = "None"
    magnet_label = "HoleMagnet" + st + type_mag + "_N_R0_T0_S0"
    S2 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_mag,

    # Creation of the second air curve
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z7, Z8))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8, Z9))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z9, Z10))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z10, Z7))
    point_ref = (Z7 + Z8 + Z9 + Z10) / 4
    S3 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # Area with no magnet (S1 + S2 + S3)
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z1, Z2))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2, Z3))
    if self.H2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z3, Z4))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z4, Z6))
    if self.H2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6, Z7))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z7, Z8))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8, Z9))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z9, Z1))
    point_ref = (Z11 + Z4 + Z6 + Z10) / 4
    S4 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    if self.magnet_0:
        S1.label = S1.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S3.label = S3.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S1, S2, S3]
        S4.label = S4.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S4]

    # Apply the transformations
    for surf in surf_list:

    return surf_list
Example #2
def build_geometry(self, alpha=0, delta=0, is_simplified=False):
    """Compute the curve (Segment) needed to plot the Slot.
    The ending point of a curve is the starting point of the next curve in
    the list

    self : HoleM50
        A HoleM50 object
    alpha : float
        Angle to rotate the slot (Default value = 0) [rad]
    delta : complex
        Complex to translate the slot (Default value = 0)
    is_simplified : bool
       True to avoid line superposition

    surf_list: list
        List of SurfLine needed to draw the HoleM50


    if self.get_is_stator():  # check if the slot is on the stator
        st = "_Stator"
        st = "_Rotor"
    Rbo = self.get_Rbo()

    # magnet pole pitch angle, must be <2*pi/2*p
    alpham = 2 * arcsin(self.W0 / (2 * (Rbo - self.H1)))  # angle (Z9,0,Z9')

    Harc = (Rbo - self.H1) * (1 - cos(alpham / 2))
    # alpha on schematics
    gammam = arctan(
        (self.H0 - self.H1 - Harc) / (self.W0 / 2.0 - self.W1 / 2.0))
    #  betam = pi/2-alpham/2-gammam;#40.5
    hssp = pi / self.Zh

    x78 = (self.H3 - self.H2) / cos(gammam)  # distance from 7 to 8
    Z9 = Rbo - Harc - self.H1 - 1j * self.W0 / 2
    Z8 = Rbo - self.H0 - 1j * self.W1 / 2
    Z7 = Rbo - self.H0 - x78 - 1j * self.W1 / 2
    Z1 = (Rbo - self.H1) * exp(1j * (-hssp + arcsin(self.W3 /
                                                    (2 * (Rbo - self.H1)))))
    Z11 = (Z1 * exp(1j * hssp) + self.H4) * exp(-1j * hssp)
    Z10 = (Z9 * exp(1j * hssp) + self.H4) * exp(-1j * hssp)

    # Magnet coordinate with Z8 as center and x as the top edge of the magnet
    Z8b = self.W2
    Z8c = Z8b + self.W4
    Z5 = Z8b - 1j * self.H3
    Z4 = Z8c - 1j * self.H3
    Z6 = Z5 + 1j * self.H2
    Z3 = Z4 + 1j * self.H2

    Zmag = array([Z8b, Z6, Z5, Z4, Z3, Z8c])
    Zmag = Zmag * exp(1j * angle(Z9 - Z8))
    Zmag = Zmag + Z8

    # final complex numbers Zmag=[Z8b Z6 Z5 Z4 Z3 Z8c]
    (Z8b, Z6, Z5, Z4, Z3, Z8c) = Zmag

    # Rotation so [Z1,Z2] is parallel to the x axis
    Z3r, Z1r, Z6r = Z3 * exp(1j * hssp), Z1 * exp(1j * hssp), Z6 * exp(
        1j * hssp)
    # numerical resolution to find the last point Z2
    x = fsolve(lambda x: np_imag((Z3r - (Z1r - x)) / (Z6r - Z3r)),
               self.H3 - self.H2)
    Z2 = (Z1r - x[0]) * exp(-1j * hssp)

    # Symmetry
    Z1s = Z1.conjugate()
    Z2s = Z2.conjugate()
    Z3s = Z3.conjugate()
    Z4s = Z4.conjugate()
    Z5s = Z5.conjugate()
    Z6s = Z6.conjugate()
    Z7s = Z7.conjugate()
    Z8s = Z8.conjugate()
    Z9s = Z9.conjugate()
    Z10s = Z10.conjugate()
    Z11s = Z11.conjugate()
    Z8cs = Z8c.conjugate()
    Z8bs = Z8b.conjugate()

    surf_list = list()

    # Create all the surfaces for all the cases
    # Air surface (W3) with magnet_0
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z1, Z2))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2, Z3))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z3, Z8c))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8c, Z9))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z9, Z10))
        Arc1(Z10, Z11, -Rbo + self.H1, is_trigo_direction=False))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z11, Z1))
    point_ref = (Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z8c + Z9 + Z10 + Z11) / 7
    S1 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # Magnet_0 surface
    curve_list_mag = list()
    if is_simplified:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z8c, Z3))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z6, Z8b))
        if Z3 != Z4:  # Z5 == Z6 if H2 = 0
            curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z3, Z4))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z4, Z5))
        if Z5 != Z6:  # Z5 == Z6 if H2 = 0
            curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z5, Z6))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z6, Z8b))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z8b, Z8c))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z8c, Z3))
    point_ref = (Z3 + Z4 + Z5 + Z6 + Z8b + Z8c) / 6
    # Defining type of magnetization of the magnet
    if self.magnet_0:
        if self.magnet_0.type_magnetization == 0:
            type_mag = "_Radial"
            type_mag = "_Parallel"
        type_mag = "None"
    magnet_label = "HoleMagnet" + st + type_mag + "_N_R0_T0_S0"
    S2 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_mag,

    # Air surface with magnet_0 and W1 > 0
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6, Z7))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z7, Z8))
    if self.W2 > 0:  # if W2=0 Z8 = Z8b
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8, Z8b))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8b, Z6))
    point_ref = (Z6 + Z7 + Z8 + Z8b) / 4

    S3 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # Symmetry Air surface (W3) with magnet_1
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z1s, Z2s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2s, Z3s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z3s, Z8cs))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8cs, Z9s))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z9s, Z10s))
        Arc1(Z10s, Z11s, -Rbo + self.H1, is_trigo_direction=False))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z11s, Z1s))
    point_ref = (Z1s + Z2s + Z3s + Z8cs + Z9s + Z10s + Z11s) / 7

    S4 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # magnet_1 surface
    curve_list_mag = list()
    if is_simplified:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z8cs, Z3s))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z6s, Z8bs))
        if Z3s != Z4s:  # Z5 == Z6 if H2 = 0
            curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z3s, Z4s))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z4s, Z5s))
        if Z5s != Z6s:  # Z5 == Z6 if H2 = 0
            curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z5s, Z6s))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z6s, Z8bs))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z8bs, Z8cs))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z8cs, Z3s))
    point_ref = (Z3s + Z4s + Z5s + Z6s + Z8bs + Z8cs) / 6
    # Defining type of magnetization of the magnet
    if self.magnet_1:
        if self.magnet_1.type_magnetization == 0:
            type_mag = "_Radial"
            type_mag = "_Parallel"
        type_mag = "None"
    magnet_label = "HoleMagnet" + st + type_mag + "_N_R0_T1_S0"
    S5 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_mag,

    # Air surface with magnet_1 and W1 > 0
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6s, Z7s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z7s, Z8s))
    if self.W2 > 0:  # if W2=0: Z8s = Z8bs
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8s, Z8bs))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8bs, Z6s))
    point_ref = (Z6s + Z7s + Z8s + Z8bs) / 4

    S6 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # Air surface both magnet and W1 = 0 (S6 + S3)
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6, Z7))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z7, Z6s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6s, Z8bs))
    if self.W2 > 0:  # If W2 = 0: Z8b = Z8 = Z8bs
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8bs, Z8s))
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8s, Z8b))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8b, Z6))
    point_ref = (Z6 + Z7 + Z6s + Z8s + Z8bs + Z8b) / 6
    S7 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # Air surface without magnet_0 and W1 > 0 (S1 + S2 + S3)
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z1, Z2))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2, Z3))
    if self.H2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z3, Z4))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z4, Z5))
    if self.H2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z5, Z6))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6, Z7))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z7, Z8))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8, Z9))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z9, Z10))
        Arc1(Z10, Z11, -Rbo + self.H1, is_trigo_direction=False))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z11, Z1))
    point_ref = (Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z8c + Z9 + Z10 + Z11) / 7
    S8 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # Air surface without magnet_1 and W1 > 0
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z1s, Z2s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2s, Z3s))
    if self.H2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z3s, Z4s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z4s, Z5s))
    if self.H2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z5s, Z6s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6s, Z7s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z7s, Z8s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8s, Z9s))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z9s, Z10s))
        Arc1(Z10s, Z11s, -Rbo + self.H1, is_trigo_direction=False))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z11s, Z1s))
    point_ref = (Z1s + Z2s + Z3s + Z8cs + Z9s + Z10s + Z11s) / 7
    S9 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # Air surface with magnet_0 without magnet_1 and W1 = 0
    # (S4 + S5 + S7)
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z1s, Z2s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2s, Z3s))
    if self.H2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z3s, Z4s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z4s, Z5s))
    if self.H2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z5s, Z6s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6s, Z7s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z7s, Z6))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6, Z8b))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8b, Z8s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8s, Z9s))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z9s, Z10s))
        Arc1(Z10s, Z11s, -Rbo + self.H1, is_trigo_direction=False))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z11s, Z1s))
    point_ref = (Z1s + Z2s + Z3s + Z8cs + Z9s + Z10s + Z11s) / 7
    S10 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                   label="Hole" + st,

    # Air surface with magnet_1 without magnet_0 and W1 = 0
    # (S1 + S2 + S7)
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z1, Z2))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2, Z3))
    if self.H2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z3, Z4))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z4, Z5))
    if self.H2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z5, Z6))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6, Z7))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z7, Z6s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6s, Z8bs))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8bs, Z8))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8, Z9))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z9, Z10))
        Arc1(Z10, Z11, -Rbo + self.H1, is_trigo_direction=False))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z11, Z1))
    point_ref = (Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z8c + Z9 + Z10 + Z11) / 7
    S11 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                   label="Hole" + st,

    # Air surface without magnet and W1 = 0
    # (S4 + S5 + S7 + S2 + S1)
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z1, Z2))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2, Z3))
    if Z3 != Z4:  # if H2 = 0
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z3, Z4))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z4, Z5))
    if Z5 != Z6:  # if H2 = 0
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z5, Z6))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6, Z7))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z7, Z6s))
    if Z5s != Z6s:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6s, Z5s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z5s, Z4s))
    if Z3s != Z4s:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z4s, Z3s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z3s, Z2s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2s, Z1s))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z1s, Z11s))
        Arc1(Z11s, Z10s, -Rbo + self.H1, is_trigo_direction=False))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z10s, Z9s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z9s, Z8s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8s, Z9))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z9, Z10))
        Arc1(Z10, Z11, -Rbo + self.H1, is_trigo_direction=False))
    if self.H4 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z11, Z1))

    point_ref = (Z6 + Z8b + Z7 + Z8 + Z6s + Z8bs) / 6
    S12 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                   label="Hole" + st,

    # Create the surface list by selecting the correct ones
    if self.magnet_0 and self.magnet_1 and self.W1 > 0:
        S1.label = S1.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S3.label = S3.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        S6.label = S6.label + "_R0_T2_S0"  # Hole
        S4.label = S4.label + "_R0_T3_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S1, S2, S3, S6, S5, S4]
    elif self.magnet_0 and self.magnet_1 and self.W1 == 0:
        S1.label = S1.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S7.label = S7.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        S4.label = S4.label + "_R0_T2_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S1, S2, S7, S5, S4]
    elif self.magnet_0 and not self.magnet_1 and self.W1 > 0:
        S1.label = S1.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S3.label = S3.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        S9.label = S9.label + "_R0_T2_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S1, S2, S3, S9]
    elif self.magnet_0 and not self.magnet_1 and self.W1 == 0:
        S1.label = S1.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S10.label = S10.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S1, S2, S10]
    elif not self.magnet_0 and self.magnet_1 and self.W1 > 0:
        S8.label = S8.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S6.label = S6.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        S4.label = S4.label + "_R0_T2_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S8, S6, S5, S4]
    elif not self.magnet_0 and self.magnet_1 and self.W1 == 0:
        S11.label = S11.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S4.label = S4.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S11, S5, S4]
    elif not self.magnet_0 and not self.magnet_1 and self.W1 > 0:
        S8.label = S8.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S9.label = S9.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S8, S9]
    elif not self.magnet_0 and not self.magnet_1 and self.W1 == 0:
        S12.label = S12.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S12]

    # Apply the transformations
    for surf in surf_list:

    return surf_list
Example #3
def build_geometry(self, alpha=0, delta=0, is_simplified=False):
    """Compute the curve (Segment) needed to plot the Hole.
    The ending point of a curve is the starting point of the next curve in the

    self : HoleM53
        A HoleM53 object
    alpha : float
        Angle to rotate the slot (Default value = 0) [rad]
    delta : complex
        Complex to translate the slot (Default value = 0)
    is_simplified : bool
       True to avoid line superposition

    surf_list: list
        List of Magnet Surface and Air Surface on the slot

    if self.get_is_stator():  # check if the slot is on the stator
        st = "_Stator"
        st = "_Rotor"
    Rbo = self.get_Rbo()

    Z7 = Rbo - self.H0 - 1j * self.W1 / 2
    Z6 = Z7 - 1j * (self.H2 - self.H3) * cos(self.W4)
    Z8 = Z7 + (self.H2 - self.H3) * sin(self.W4)

    # Compute the coordinate in the ref of Z6 with rotation -W4
    Z5 = self.W2 * exp(-1j * self.W4) + Z6
    Z4 = (self.W2 - 1j * self.H3) * exp(-1j * self.W4) + Z6
    Z3 = (self.W2 + self.W3 - 1j * self.H3) * exp(-1j * self.W4) + Z6
    Z2 = (self.W2 + self.W3) * exp(-1j * self.W4) + Z6
    Z9 = (self.W2 + 1j * (self.H2 - self.H3)) * exp(-1j * self.W4) + Z6
    Z10 = (self.W2 + self.W3 + 1j *
           (self.H2 - self.H3)) * exp(-1j * self.W4) + Z6

    # Z1 and Z11 are defined as intersection between line and circle
    Zlist = inter_line_circle(Z8, Z10, Rbo - self.H1)
    if len(Zlist) == 2 and Zlist[0].imag < 0 and Zlist[0].real > 0:
        Z11 = Zlist[0]
    elif len(Zlist) == 2 and Zlist[1].imag < 0 and Zlist[1].real > 0:
        Z11 = Zlist[1]
        raise Slot53InterError("ERROR: Slot 53, Can't find Z11 coordinates")

    Zlist = inter_line_circle(Z2, Z6, Rbo - self.H1)
    if len(Zlist) == 2 and Zlist[0].imag < 0 and Zlist[0].real > 0:
        Z1 = Zlist[0]
    elif len(Zlist) == 2 and Zlist[1].imag < 0 and Zlist[1].real > 0:
        Z1 = Zlist[1]
        raise Slot53InterError("ERROR: Slot 53, Can't find Z1 coordinates")

    # Symmetry
    Z1s = Z1.conjugate()
    Z2s = Z2.conjugate()
    Z3s = Z3.conjugate()
    Z4s = Z4.conjugate()
    Z5s = Z5.conjugate()
    Z6s = Z6.conjugate()
    Z7s = Z7.conjugate()
    Z8s = Z8.conjugate()
    Z9s = Z9.conjugate()
    Z10s = Z10.conjugate()
    Z11s = Z11.conjugate()

    # Air surface with magnet_0
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z1, Z2))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2, Z10))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z10, Z11))
    curve_list_air.append(Arc1(Z11, Z1, -Rbo + self.H1))
    point_ref = (Z1 + Z2 + Z10 + Z11) / 4
    S1 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # magnet_0 surface
    curve_list_mag = list()
    if is_simplified:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z5, Z9))
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2, Z10))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z3, Z4))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z4, Z9))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z9, Z10))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z10, Z3))
    point_ref = (Z3 + Z4 + Z9 + Z10) / 4
    # Defining type of magnetization of the magnet
    if self.magnet_0:
        if self.magnet_0.type_magnetization == 0:
            type_mag = "_Radial"
            type_mag = "_Parallel"
        type_mag = "None"
    magnet_label = "HoleMagnet" + st + type_mag + "_N_R0_T0_S0"
    S2 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_mag,

    # Air suface with magnet_0 and W1 > 0
    curve_list_air = list()
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z5, Z6))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6, Z7))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z7, Z8))
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8, Z9))
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z9, Z5))
        point_ref = (Z5 + Z6 + Z7 + Z8 + Z9) / 5
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8, Z6))
        point_ref = (Z6 + Z7 + Z8) / 3
    S3 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # Air surface with magnet_1
    curve_list_air = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z1s, Z2s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2s, Z10s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z10s, Z11s))
    curve_list_air.append(Arc1(Z11s, Z1s, Rbo - self.H1))
    point_ref = (Z1s + Z2s + Z10s + Z11s) / 4
    S4 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # magnet_1 surface
    curve_list_mag = list()
    if is_simplified:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z5s, Z9s))
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2s, Z10s))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z3s, Z4s))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z4s, Z9s))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z9s, Z10s))
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z10s, Z3s))
    point_ref = (Z3s + Z4s + Z9s + Z10s) / 4
    # Defining type of magnetization of the magnet
    if self.magnet_1:
        if self.magnet_1.type_magnetization == 0:
            type_mag = "_Radial"
            type_mag = "_Parallel"
        type_mag = "None"
    magnet_label = "HoleMagnet" + st + type_mag + "_N_R0_T1_S0"
    S5 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_mag,

    # Air suface with magnet_1 and W1 > 0
    curve_list_air = list()
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z5s, Z6s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6s, Z7s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z7s, Z8s))
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8s, Z9s))
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z9s, Z5s))
        point_ref = (Z5s + Z6s + Z7s + Z8s + Z9s) / 5
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8s, Z6s))
        point_ref = (Z6s + Z7s + Z8s) / 3
    S6 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # Air with both magnet and W1 = 0
    curve_list_air = list()
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z5, Z6))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6, Z6s))
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z6s, Z5s))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z5s, Z9s))
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z9s, Z8s))
        curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8s, Z9))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z9, Z5))
    point_ref = (Z6 + Z6s + Z8) / 3
    S7 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # first hole without magnet_0 and W1 > 0
    curve_list_mag = list()
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z1, Z2))
    if self.H3 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z2, Z3))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z3, Z4))
    if self.H3 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z4, Z5))
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z5, Z6))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z6, Z7))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z7, Z8))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z8, Z11))
    curve_list_air.append(Arc1(Z11, Z1, -Rbo + self.H1))
    point_ref = (Z3 + Z4 + Z9 + Z10) / 4
    S8 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_mag,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # second hole without magnet_1 and W1 > 0
    curve_list_mag = list()
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z1s, Z2s))
    if self.H3 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z2s, Z3s))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z3s, Z4s))
    if self.H3 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z4s, Z5s))
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z5s, Z6s))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z6s, Z7s))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z7s, Z8s))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z8s, Z11s))
    curve_list_air.append(Arc1(Z11s, Z1s, -Rbo + self.H1))
    point_ref = (Z3s + Z4s + Z9s + Z10s) / 4
    S9 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_mag,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # No magnet_1 and W1 = 0
    curve_list_mag = list()
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z1s, Z2s))
    if self.H3 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z2s, Z3s))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z3s, Z4s))
    if self.H3 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z4s, Z5s))
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z5s, Z6s))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z6s, Z6))
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z6, Z5))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z5, Z9))
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z9, Z8))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z8s, Z11s))
    curve_list_air.append(Arc1(Z11s, Z1s, -Rbo + self.H1))
    point_ref = (Z3s + Z4s + Z9s + Z10s) / 4
    S10 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_mag,
                   label="Hole" + st,

    # No magnet_0 and W1 = 0
    curve_list_mag = list()
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z1, Z2))
    if self.H3 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z2, Z3))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z3, Z4))
    if self.H3 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z4, Z5))
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z5, Z6))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z6, Z6s))
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z6s, Z5s))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z5s, Z9s))
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z9s, Z8s))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z8, Z11))
    curve_list_air.append(Arc1(Z11, Z1, -Rbo + self.H1))
    point_ref = (Z3 + Z4 + Z9 + Z10) / 4
    S11 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_mag,
                   label="Hole" + st,

    # No magnet and W1 = 0
    curve_list_mag = list()
    curve_list_air.append(Arc1(Z1, Z11, Rbo - self.H1))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z11, Z8))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z8, Z11s))
    curve_list_air.append(Arc1(Z11s, Z1s, Rbo - self.H1))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z1s, Z2s))
    if self.H3 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z2s, Z3s))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z3s, Z4s))
    if self.H3 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z4s, Z5s))
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z5s, Z6s))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z6s, Z6))
    if self.W2 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z6, Z5))
    if self.H3 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z5, Z4))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z4, Z3))
    if self.H3 > 0:
        curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z3, Z2))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z2, Z1))

    point_ref = (Z6 + Z8 + Z6s) / 3
    S12 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_mag,
                   label="Hole" + st,

    # Create the surface list by selecting the correct ones
    if self.magnet_0 and self.magnet_1 and self.W1 > 0:
        S1.label = S1.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S3.label = S3.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        S6.label = S6.label + "_R0_T2_S0"  # Hole
        S4.label = S4.label + "_R0_T3_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S1, S2, S3, S6, S5, S4]
    elif self.magnet_0 and self.magnet_1 and self.W1 == 0:
        S1.label = S1.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S7.label = S7.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        S4.label = S4.label + "_R0_T2_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S1, S2, S7, S5, S4]
    elif self.magnet_0 and not self.magnet_1 and self.W1 > 0:
        S1.label = S1.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S3.label = S3.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        S9.label = S9.label + "_R0_T2_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S1, S2, S3, S9]
    elif self.magnet_0 and not self.magnet_1 and self.W1 == 0:
        S1.label = S1.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S10.label = S10.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S1, S2, S10]
    elif not self.magnet_0 and self.magnet_1 and self.W1 > 0:
        S8.label = S8.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S6.label = S6.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        S4.label = S4.label + "_R0_T2_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S8, S6, S5, S4]
    elif not self.magnet_0 and self.magnet_1 and self.W1 == 0:
        S11.label = S11.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S4.label = S4.label + "_R0_T2_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S11, S5, S4]
    elif not self.magnet_0 and not self.magnet_1 and self.W1 > 0:
        S8.label = S8.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S9.label = S9.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S8, S9]
    elif not self.magnet_0 and not self.magnet_1 and self.W1 == 0:
        S12.label = S12.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S12]

    # Apply the transformation
    for surf in surf_list:

    return surf_list
Example #4
def build_geometry(self, alpha=0, delta=0, is_simplified=False):
    """Compute the curve (Line) needed to plot the Hole.
    The ending point of a curve is the starting point of the next curve in
    the list

    self : HoleM51
        A HoleM51 object
    alpha : float
        Angle to rotate the hole (Default value = 0) [rad]
    delta : complex
        Complex to translate the hole (Default value = 0)
    is_simplified : bool
       True to avoid line superposition

    surf_list: list
        List of SurfLine needed to draw the HoleM51

    if self.get_is_stator():  # check if the slot is on the stator
        st = "_Stator"
        st = "_Rotor"
    Rbo = self.get_Rbo()

    # comp point coordinate (in complex)
    alpha = self.comp_alpha()

    Wslot = 2 * sin(self.W1 / 2) * (Rbo - self.H1)
    L = 0.5 * (Wslot - self.W0) / cos(alpha)  # ||P2,P5||

    # Center of the hole
    Z0 = Rbo - self.H0
    Z2 = Z0 + 1j * self.W0 / 2
    Z25 = Z0 - 1j * self.W0 / 2
    Z15 = Z25 - self.H2
    Z1 = Z2 - 1j * self.W2
    Z26 = Z1 - 1j * self.W3
    Z12 = Z2 - self.H2
    Z13 = Z12 - 1j * self.W2
    Z14 = Z13 - 1j * self.W3
    Z11 = Z12 + 1j * tan(alpha / 2) * self.H2
    Z16 = Z15 - 1j * tan(alpha / 2) * self.H2

    # Draw the left side with center P2, and X axis =(P2,P5), Y axis=(P2,P10)
    Z3 = self.W4 * exp(1j * (pi / 2 - alpha)) + Z2
    Z4 = (self.W4 + self.W5) * exp(1j * (pi / 2 - alpha)) + Z2
    Z5 = (Rbo - self.H1) * exp(1j * self.W1 / 2)
    Z10 = (1j * self.H2) * exp(1j * (pi / 2 - alpha)) + Z2
    Z9 = (1j * self.H2 + self.W4) * exp(1j * (pi / 2 - alpha)) + Z2
    Z8 = (1j * self.H2 + self.W4 + self.W5) * exp(1j * (pi / 2 - alpha)) + Z2
    Z7 = (1j * self.H2 + L) * exp(1j * (pi / 2 - alpha)) + Z2

    # Draw the right side with center P25, X axis (P25,P23), Y axis(P25,P17)
    Z24 = self.W6 * exp(-1j * (pi / 2 - alpha)) + Z25
    Z23 = (self.W6 + self.W7) * exp(-1j * (pi / 2 - alpha)) + Z25
    Z22 = (Rbo - self.H1) * exp(-1j * self.W1 / 2)
    Z17 = (1j * self.H2) * exp(-1j * (pi / 2 - alpha)) + Z25
    Z18 = (-1j * self.H2 + self.W6) * exp(-1j * (pi / 2 - alpha)) + Z25
    Z19 = (-1j * self.H2 + self.W6 + self.W7) * exp(-1j *
                                                    (pi / 2 - alpha)) + Z25
    Z20 = (-1j * self.H2 + L) * exp(-1j * (pi / 2 - alpha)) + Z25

    # Z6 is the intersection of the line [Z7,Z10] and Circle centre
    # (0,0) radius Rbo - H1
    Zint = inter_line_circle(Z7, Z10, Rbo - self.H1)

    # Select the point with Re(Z) > 0
    if Zint[0].real > 0:
        Z6 = Zint[0]
        Z6 = Zint[1]
    Z21 = Z6.conjugate()

    surf_list = list()
    # Create all the surfaces for all the cases
    # Air surface bore around magnet_0
    curve_list = list()
    curve_list.append(Arc1(Z21, Z22, Rbo - self.H1))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z22, Z23))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z23, Z19))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z19, Z21))
    point_ref = (Z21 + Z22 + Z23 + Z19) / 4
    S1 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list, label="Hole" + st, point_ref=point_ref)

    # Surface for magnet_0
    curve_list = list()
    if is_simplified:
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z24, Z18))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z19, Z23))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z24, Z18))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z18, Z19))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z19, Z23))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z23, Z24))
    point_ref = (Z24 + Z18 + Z19 + Z23) / 4
    # Defining type of magnetization of the magnet
    if self.magnet_0:
        if self.magnet_0.type_magnetization == 0:
            type_mag = "_Radial"
            type_mag = "_Parallel"
        type_mag = "None"
    magnet_label = "HoleMagnet" + st + type_mag + "_N_R0_T0_S0"
    S2 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list,

    # Air surface between magnet_0 and magnet_1
    curve_list = list()
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z24, Z25))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z25, Z26))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z26, Z14))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z14, Z16))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z16, Z18))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z18, Z24))
    point_ref = (Z25 + Z16) / 2
    S3 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list, label="Hole" + st, point_ref=point_ref)

    # Surface for magnet_1
    curve_list = list()
    if is_simplified:
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z1, Z13))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z14, Z26))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z26, Z1))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z1, Z13))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z13, Z14))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z14, Z26))
    point_ref = (Z26 + Z1 + Z13 + Z14) / 4
    # Defining type of magnetization of the magnet
    if self.magnet_1:
        if self.magnet_1.type_magnetization == 0:
            type_mag = "_Radial"
            type_mag = "_Parallel"
        type_mag = "None"
    magnet_label = "HoleMagnet" + st + type_mag + "_N_R0_T1_S0"
    S4 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list,

    # Air surface between magnet_1 and magnet_2
    curve_list = list()
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z1, Z2))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z2, Z3))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z3, Z9))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z9, Z11))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z11, Z13))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z13, Z1))
    point_ref = (Z11 + Z2) / 2
    S5 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list, label="Hole" + st, point_ref=point_ref)

    # Surface for magnet_2
    curve_list = list()
    if is_simplified:
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z4, Z8))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z9, Z3))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z4, Z8))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z8, Z9))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z9, Z3))
        curve_list.append(Segment(Z3, Z4))
    point_ref = (Z4 + Z8 + Z9 + Z3) / 4
    # Defining type of magnetization of the magnet
    if self.magnet_2:
        if self.magnet_2.type_magnetization == 0:
            type_mag = "_Radial"
            type_mag = "_Parallel"
        type_mag = "None"
    magnet_label = "HoleMagnet" + st + type_mag + "_N_R0_T2_S0"
    S6 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list,

    # Air surface bore around magnet_2
    curve_list = list()
    curve_list.append(Arc1(Z5, Z6, Rbo - self.H1))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z6, Z8))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z8, Z4))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z4, Z5))
    point_ref = (Z4 + Z5 + Z6 + Z8) / 4
    S7 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list, label="Hole" + st, point_ref=point_ref)

    # Air surface bore around magnet_2 (no magnet_2 and magnet_1)
    curve_list = list()
    curve_list.append(Arc1(Z5, Z6, Rbo - self.H1))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z6, Z11))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z11, Z13))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z13, Z1))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z1, Z2))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z2, Z5))
    point_ref = (Z2 + Z11) / 2
    S8 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list, label="Hole" + st, point_ref=point_ref)

    # Air surface bore around magnet_0 (no magnet_0 and magnet_1)
    curve_list = list()
    curve_list.append(Arc1(Z21, Z22, Rbo - self.H1))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z22, Z25))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z25, Z26))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z26, Z14))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z14, Z16))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z16, Z21))
    point_ref = (Z25 + Z16) / 2
    S9 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list, label="Hole" + st, point_ref=point_ref)

    # Air surface bore around magnet_1 (no magnet_1 and magnet_0 and magnet_2)
    curve_list = list()
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z24, Z25))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z25, Z2))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z2, Z3))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z3, Z9))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z9, Z11))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z11, Z16))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z16, Z18))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z18, Z24))
    point_ref = (Z1 + Z13) / 2
    S10 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list,
                   label="Hole" + st,

    # Air surface bore around magnet_1 (no magnet_1 and no magnet_0 and magnet_2)
    curve_list = list()
    curve_list.append(Arc1(Z21, Z22, Rbo - self.H1))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z22, Z25))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z25, Z2))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z2, Z3))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z3, Z9))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z9, Z11))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z11, Z16))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z16, Z21))
    point_ref = (Z1 + Z13) / 2
    S11 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list,
                   label="Hole" + st,

    # Air surface bore around magnet_1 (no magnet_1 and magnet_0 and no magnet_2)
    curve_list = list()
    curve_list.append(Arc1(Z5, Z6, Rbo - self.H1))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z6, Z11))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z11, Z16))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z16, Z18))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z18, Z24))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z24, Z25))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z25, Z2))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z2, Z5))
    point_ref = (Z1 + Z13) / 2
    S12 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list,
                   label="Hole" + st,

    # Air surface No magnet
    curve_list = list()
    curve_list.append(Arc1(Z5, Z6, Rbo - self.H1))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z6, Z11))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z11, Z16))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z16, Z21))
    curve_list.append(Arc1(Z21, Z22, Rbo - self.H1))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z22, Z25))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z25, Z2))
    curve_list.append(Segment(Z2, Z5))
    point_ref = (Z1 + Z13) / 2
    S13 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list,
                   label="Hole" + st,

    # Create the surface list by selecting the correct ones
    if self.magnet_0 and self.magnet_1 and self.magnet_2:
        S1.label = S1.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S3.label = S3.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        S5.label = S5.label + "_R0_T2_S0"  # Hole
        S7.label = S7.label + "_R0_T3_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7]
    elif not self.magnet_0 and self.magnet_1 and self.magnet_2:
        S9.label = S9.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S5.label = S5.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        S7.label = S7.label + "_R0_T2_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S9, S4, S5, S6, S7]
    elif self.magnet_0 and not self.magnet_1 and self.magnet_2:
        S1.label = S1.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S10.label = S10.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        S7.label = S7.label + "_R0_T2_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S1, S2, S10, S6, S7]
    elif not self.magnet_0 and not self.magnet_1 and self.magnet_2:
        S11.label = S11.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S7.label = S7.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S11, S6, S7]
    elif self.magnet_0 and self.magnet_1 and not self.magnet_2:
        S1.label = S1.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S3.label = S3.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        S8.label = S8.label + "_R0_T2_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S1, S2, S3, S4, S8]
    elif not self.magnet_0 and self.magnet_1 and not self.magnet_2:
        S9.label = S9.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S8.label = S8.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S9, S4, S8]
    elif self.magnet_0 and not self.magnet_1 and not self.magnet_2:
        S1.label = S1.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S12.label = S12.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S1, S2, S12]
    elif not self.magnet_0 and not self.magnet_1 and not self.magnet_2:
        S13.label = S13.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S13]

    for surf in surf_list:

    return surf_list
Example #5
def build_geometry(self, alpha=0, delta=0, is_simplified=False):
    """Compute the curve (Line) needed to plot the Slot.
    The ending point of a curve is the starting point of the next curve in
    the list

    self : HoleMLSRPM
        A HoleMLSRPM object
    alpha : float
        Angle to rotate the slot (Default value = 0) [rad]
    delta : complex
        Complex to translate the slot (Default value = 0)
    is_simplified : bool
       True to avoid line superposition

    surf_list: list
        List of SurfLine needed to draw the HoleM51

    if self.get_is_stator():  # check if the slot is on the stator
        st = "_Stator"
        st = "_Rotor"
    Rbo = self.get_Rbo()

    # Z1
    delta1 = arcsin((self.R1 + self.W2) / (self.R1 + self.R3))
    alpha1 = self.W1 - delta1
    Z1 = self.R3 * exp(-1j * alpha1)

    # Zc1
    Zc1 = (self.R3 + self.R1) * exp(-1j * alpha1)
    xc1 = (self.R3 + self.R1) * cos(alpha1)
    yc1 = -(self.R3 + self.R1) * sin(alpha1)

    # Z2
    x2 = (-1 / tan(self.W1) * xc1 + yc1 -
          self.W2 / cos(self.W1)) / -(tan(self.W1) + 1 / tan(self.W1))
    y2 = -tan(self.W1) * x2 + self.W2 / cos(self.W1)
    Z2 = x2 + 1j * y2

    # Z3
    a3 = 1 + tan(self.W1)**2
    b3 = -2 * tan(self.W1) * self.W2 / cos(self.W1)
    c3 = (self.W2 / cos(self.W1))**2 - self.R2**2

    x3 = (-b3 + sqrt(b3**2 - 4 * a3 * c3)) / (2 * a3)
    y3 = -tan(self.W1) * x3 + self.W2 / cos(self.W1)
    Z3 = x3 + 1j * y3
    # Z5
    x5 = Rbo - self.H1
    y5 = -self.W0 / 2
    Z5 = x5 + 1j * y5
    # Zc2
    xc2 = Rbo - self.H1 - self.R1
    yc2 = -self.W0 / 2
    Zc2 = xc2 + 1j * yc2
    # Z4
    a4 = (xc2 - x3)**2 - self.R1**2
    b4 = 2 * (xc2 - x3) * (y3 - yc2)
    c4 = (y3 - yc2)**2 - self.R1**2
    alpha2 = (-b4 - sqrt(b4**2 - 4 * a4 * c4)) / (2 * a4)
    x4 = (xc2 / alpha2 + yc2 + alpha2 * x3 - y3) / (alpha2 + 1 / alpha2)
    y4 = alpha2 * (x4 - x3) + y3
    Z4 = x4 + 1j * y4
    # symmetry
    Z6 = Z5.conjugate()
    Z7 = Z4.conjugate()
    Z8 = Z3.conjugate()
    Z9 = Z2.conjugate()
    Z10 = Z1.conjugate()

    # Creation of the magnet curve
    curve_list_mag = list()
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z3, Z4))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z4, Z7))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z7, Z8))
    curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z8, Z3))

    point_ref = (Z3 + Z4 + Z7 + Z8) / 4

    # curve_list_mag = list()
    # curve_list_mag.append(
    #     Arc1(begin=Z1, end=Z2, radius=self.R1, is_trigo_direction=True)
    # )
    # curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z2, Z3))
    # curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z3, Z4))
    # curve_list_mag.append(
    #     Arc1(begin=Z4, end=Z5, radius=self.R1, is_trigo_direction=True)
    # )
    # curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z5, Z6))
    # curve_list_mag.append(
    #     Arc1(begin=Z6, end=Z7, radius=self.R1, is_trigo_direction=True)
    # )
    # curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z7, Z8))
    # curve_list_mag.append(Segment(Z8, Z9))
    # curve_list_mag.append(
    #     Arc1(begin=Z9, end=Z10, radius=self.R1, is_trigo_direction=True)
    # )
    # curve_list_mag.append(
    #     Arc1(begin=Z10, end=Z1, radius=-self.R3, is_trigo_direction=False)
    # )
    # point_ref = (Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4 + Z5 + Z6 + Z7 + Z8 + Z9 + Z10) / 10
    # Defining type of magnetization of the magnet
    if self.magnet_0:
        if self.magnet_0.type_magnetization == 0:
            type_mag = "_Radial"
            type_mag = "_Parallel"
        type_mag = "None"

    magnet_label = "HoleMagnet" + st + type_mag + "_N_R0_T0_S0"

    # if self.magnet_0:
    #     S1 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_mag, label=magnet_label, point_ref=point_ref)

    # else:
    #     S1 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_mag, label="Hole", point_ref=point_ref)

    # surf_list = [S1]

    S1 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_mag,

    # Creation of the air curve (bottom)

    curve_list_air = list()
        Arc1(begin=Z1, end=Z2, radius=self.R1, is_trigo_direction=True))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2, Z3))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z3, Z8))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8, Z9))
        Arc1(begin=Z9, end=Z10, radius=self.R1, is_trigo_direction=True))
        Arc1(begin=Z10, end=Z1, radius=-self.R3, is_trigo_direction=False))
    point_ref = (Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z8 + Z9 + Z10) / 6

    S2 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # Creation of the second air curve (top)
    curve_list_air = list()
        Arc1(begin=Z4, end=Z5, radius=self.R1, is_trigo_direction=True))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z5, Z6))

        Arc1(begin=Z6, end=Z7, radius=self.R1, is_trigo_direction=True))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z7, Z4))

    point_ref = (Z4 + Z5 + Z6 + Z7) / 4

    S3 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    # Air without magnet (S4=S1+S2+S3)
    curve_list_air = list()
        Arc1(begin=Z1, end=Z2, radius=self.R1, is_trigo_direction=True))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z2, Z3))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z3, Z4))
        Arc1(begin=Z4, end=Z5, radius=self.R1, is_trigo_direction=True))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z5, Z6))
        Arc1(begin=Z6, end=Z7, radius=self.R1, is_trigo_direction=True))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z7, Z8))
    curve_list_air.append(Segment(Z8, Z9))
        Arc1(begin=Z9, end=Z10, radius=self.R1, is_trigo_direction=True))
        Arc1(begin=Z10, end=Z1, radius=-self.R3, is_trigo_direction=False))
    point_ref = (Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4 + Z5 + Z6 + Z7 + Z8 + Z9 + Z10) / 10

    S4 = SurfLine(line_list=curve_list_air,
                  label="Hole" + st,

    if self.magnet_0:
        S2.label = S2.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        S3.label = S3.label + "_R0_T1_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S1, S2, S3]
        S4.label = S4.label + "_R0_T0_S0"  # Hole
        surf_list = [S4]

    # Apply the transformations
    for surf in surf_list:

    return surf_list