Example #1
    def test_pixel_array(self):
        index = get_indexed_datasets(self.uid)
        ds = index['US1_J2KR.dcm']['ds']

        arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert arr.flags.writeable
        assert 'uint8' == arr.dtype
        assert (ds.Rows, ds.Columns, ds.SamplesPerPixel) == arr.shape

        # Values checked against GDCM
        assert [
            [180,  26,   0],
            [172,  15,   0],
            [162,   9,   0],
            [152,   4,   0],
            [145,   0,   0],
            [132,   0,   0],
            [119,   0,   0],
            [106,   0,   0],
            [ 87,   0,   0],
            [ 37,   0,   0],
            [  0,   0,   0],
            [ 50,   0,   0],
            [100,   0,   0],
            [109,   0,   0],
            [122,   0,   0],
            [135,   0,   0],
            [145,   0,   0],
            [155,   5,   0],
            [165,  11,   0],
            [175,  17,   0]] == arr[175:195, 28, :].tolist()
Example #2
 def test_get_pixeldata_no_lj_syntax(self):
     """Test exception raised if syntax not supported."""
     index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
     ds = index['JPEGBaseline_1s_1f_u_08_08.dcm']['ds']
     msg = (r"Unable to convert the pixel data as there are no pylibjpeg "
            r"plugins available to decode pixel data encoded using 'JPEG")
     with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=msg):
Example #3
    def test_missing_required(self):
        """Test missing required element raises."""
        index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
        ds = index['JPEGBaseline_1s_1f_u_08_08.dcm']['ds']
        del ds.SamplesPerPixel

        msg = r"'FileDataset' object has no attribute 'SamplesPerPixel'"
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg):
Example #4
 def test_missing_required(self):
     """Test missing required element raises."""
     index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
     ds = index['JPEGBaseline_1s_1f_u_08_08.dcm']['ds']
     del ds.SamplesPerPixel
     msg = (r"Unable to convert the pixel data as the following required "
            r"elements are missing from the dataset: SamplesPerPixel")
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg):
Example #5
 def test_pixel_array(self):
     # Should basically just not mess up the usual pydicom behaviour
     index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
     ds = index['JPEGBaseline_1s_1f_u_08_08.dcm']['ds']
     msg = (
         r"Unable to convert the Pixel Data as the 'pylibjpeg-libjpeg' "
         r"plugin is not installed"
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=msg):
Example #6
 def test_get_pixeldata_no_syntax(self):
     """Test exception raised if syntax not supported."""
     index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
     ds = index['JPEGBaseline_1s_1f_u_08_08.dcm']['ds']
     ds.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID = ''
     msg = (
         r"Unable to convert the pixel data as there are no pylibjpeg "
         r"plugins available to decode pixel data encoded using ''")
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=msg):
Example #7
 def test_pixel_array(self):
     # Should basically just not mess up the usual pydicom behaviour
     index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
     ds = index['JPEGBaseline_1s_1f_u_08_08.dcm']['ds']
     msg = (
         r"The following handlers are available to decode the pixel data "
         r"however they are missing required dependencies: GDCM \(req. "
         r"GDCM\), Pillow \(req. Pillow\)")
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=msg):
Example #8
    def test_generate_frames_1s(self):
        """Test with multiple frames, 1 sample/px."""
        index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
        ds = index['emri_small_jpeg_2k_lossless.dcm']['ds']
        assert ds.NumberOfFrames > 1
        assert 1 == ds.SamplesPerPixel
        frames = generate_frames(ds)
        arr = next(frames)

        assert arr.flags.writeable
        assert 'uint16' == arr.dtype
        assert (ds.Rows, ds.Columns) == arr.shape
        assert 163 == arr[12, 23]
Example #9
    def test_pixel_array(self):
        index = get_indexed_datasets(self.uid)
        ds = index['MR_small_jpeg_ls_lossless.dcm']['ds']
        assert self.uid == ds.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID

        arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert arr.flags.writeable
        assert 'int16' == arr.dtype
        assert (ds.Rows, ds.Columns) == arr.shape

        # Reference values from GDCM handler
        assert [1194, 879, 127, 661, 1943, 1885, 1857, 1746,
                1699] == (arr[55:65, 38].tolist())
Example #10
    def test_generate_frames_3s_0p(self):
        """Test with multiple frames, 3 sample/px, 0 planar conf."""
        index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
        ds = index['color3d_jpeg_baseline.dcm']['ds']
        assert ds.NumberOfFrames > 1
        assert 3 == ds.SamplesPerPixel
        assert 0 == ds.PlanarConfiguration
        frames = generate_frames(ds)
        arr = next(frames)

        assert arr.flags.writeable
        assert 'uint8' == arr.dtype
        assert (ds.Rows, ds.Columns, 3) == arr.shape
        assert [48,  128,  128] == arr[159, 290, :].tolist()
Example #11
    def test_pixel_representation_mismatch(self):
        """Test mismatch between Pixel Representation and the J2K data."""
        index = get_indexed_datasets(self.uid)
        ds = index['J2K_pixelrep_mismatch.dcm']['ds']

        arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert arr.flags.writeable
        assert 'int16' == arr.dtype
        assert (512, 512) == arr.shape

        assert -2000 == arr[0, 0]
        assert [621, 412, 138, -193, -520, -767, -907, -966, -988,
                -995] == (arr[47:57, 279].tolist())
        assert [-377, -121, 141, 383, 633, 910, 1198, 1455, 1638,
                1732] == (arr[328:338, 106].tolist())
Example #12
    def test_generate_frames_single_1s(self):
        """Test with single frame, 1 sample/px."""
        index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
        ds = index['693_J2KR.dcm']['ds']
        assert 1 == getattr(ds, 'NumberOfFrames', 1)
        assert 1 == ds.SamplesPerPixel
        frame_gen = generate_frames(ds)
        arr = next(frame_gen)
        with pytest.raises(StopIteration):

        assert arr.flags.writeable
        assert 'int16' == arr.dtype
        assert (ds.Rows, ds.Columns) == arr.shape
        assert ([1022, 1051, 1165, 1442, 1835, 2096, 2074, 1868, 1685,
                 1603] == arr[290, 135:145].tolist())
Example #13
    def test_pixel_array(self):
        index = get_indexed_datasets(self.uid)
        ds = index['JPEGBaseline_1s_1f_u_08_08.dcm']['ds']
        assert self.uid == ds.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID

        arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert arr.flags.writeable
        assert 'uint8' == arr.dtype
        assert (ds.Rows, ds.Columns) == arr.shape

        # Reference values from GDCM handler
        assert  76 == arr[ 5, 50]
        assert 167 == arr[15, 50]
        assert 149 == arr[25, 50]
        assert 203 == arr[35, 50]
        assert  29 == arr[45, 50]
        assert 142 == arr[55, 50]
        assert   1 == arr[65, 50]
        assert  64 == arr[75, 50]
        assert 192 == arr[85, 50]
        assert 255 == arr[95, 50]
Example #14
    def test_pixel_array(self):
        # Should basically just not mess up the usual pydicom behaviour
        index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
        ds = index['JPEGBaseline_1s_1f_u_08_08.dcm']['ds']
        arr = ds.pixel_array

        assert arr.flags.writeable
        assert 'uint8' == arr.dtype
        assert (ds.Rows, ds.Columns) == arr.shape

        # Reference values from GDCM handler
        assert  76 == arr[ 5, 50]
        assert 167 == arr[15, 50]
        assert 149 == arr[25, 50]
        assert 203 == arr[35, 50]
        assert  29 == arr[45, 50]
        assert 142 == arr[55, 50]
        assert   1 == arr[65, 50]
        assert  64 == arr[75, 50]
        assert 192 == arr[85, 50]
        assert 255 == arr[95, 50]
Example #15
    def test_pixel_representation_mismatch(self):
        """Test mismatch between Pixel Representation and the J2K data."""
        index = get_indexed_datasets(self.uid)
        ds = index['J2K_pixelrep_mismatch.dcm']['ds']

        msg = (
            r"value '1' \(signed\) in the dataset does not match the format "
            r"of the values found in the JPEG 2000 data 'unsigned'"
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=msg):
            arr = ds.pixel_array
        assert arr.flags.writeable
        assert 'int16' == arr.dtype
        assert (512, 512) == arr.shape

        assert -2000 == arr[0, 0]
        assert [621, 412, 138, -193, -520, -767, -907, -966, -988, -995] == (
            arr[47:57, 279].tolist()
        assert [-377, -121, 141, 383, 633, 910, 1198, 1455, 1638, 1732] == (
            arr[328:338, 106].tolist()
Example #16
 def test_ybr_full_422(self):
     """Test YBR_FULL_422 data decoded."""
     index = get_indexed_datasets('1.2.840.10008.')
     ds = index['SC_rgb_dcmtk_+eb+cy+np.dcm']['ds']
     assert 'YBR_FULL_422' == ds.PhotometricInterpretation
     arr = ds.pixel_array