def linkdref(dref: DRef, destdir: Optional[Path] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, S=None) -> Path: destdir_ = '.' if destdir is None else destdir name_: str = name if name is not None else ( '_result-' + config_name(store_config(dref, S)) if destdir is None else 'result-' + config_name(store_config(dref, S))) symlink = Path(join(destdir_, name_)) forcelink(Path(relpath(store_dref2path(dref, S), destdir_)), symlink) return symlink
def _either(S: SPath, dref: DRef, ctx: Context, ra: RealizeArg) -> List[Dict[Tag, Path]]: # Write the specified build status to every output def _mark_status(outpaths: List[Dict[Tag, Path]], status: str, exception: Optional[str] = None) -> None: for rg in outpaths: o = rg[tag_out()] writestr(join(o, 'status_either.txt'), status) if exception is not None: writestr(join(o, 'exception.txt'), exception) # Scan all immediate dependecnies of this build, propagate the 'LEFT' status # if any of them has it. for dref_dep in store_deps([dref], S): for rg in context_deref(ctx, dref_dep, S): rref = rg[tag_out()] status = tryreadstr_def( join(store_rref2path(rref, S), 'status_either.txt'), 'RIGHT') if status == 'RIGHT': continue elif status == 'LEFT': outpaths = [{ tag_out(): Path(mkdtemp(prefix="either_tmp", dir=tmp)) }] _mark_status(outpaths, 'LEFT') return outpaths else: assert False, f"Invalid either status {status}" # Execute the original build try: outpaths = f(S, dref, ctx, ra) _mark_status(outpaths, 'RIGHT') except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except BuildError as be: outpaths = be.outgroups _mark_status(outpaths, 'LEFT', format_exc()) except Exception: outpaths = [{ tag_out(): Path(mkdtemp(prefix="either_tmp", dir=tmp)) }] _mark_status(outpaths, 'LEFT', format_exc()) # Return either valid artifacts or a LEFT-substitute return outpaths
def gc_exceptions(keep_paths:List[Path])->Tuple[List[DRef],List[RRef]]: """ Scans `keep_paths` list for references to Pylightnix storage. Ignores unrelated filesystem objects. """ keep_drefs:List[DRef]=[] keep_rrefs:List[RRef]=[] def _check(f:str): nonlocal keep_drefs, keep_rrefs if islink(a): rref=path2rref(a) if rref is not None: keep_rrefs.append(rref) else: dref=path2dref(a) if dref is not None: keep_drefs.append(dref) for path in keep_paths: if islink(path): _check(path) elif isdir(path): for root, dirs, filenames in walk(path, topdown=True): for dirname in sorted(dirs): a=Path(abspath(join(root, dirname))) _check(a) else: pass return keep_drefs,keep_rrefs
def tempdir(tmp: Optional[Path] = None) -> Path: if tmp is None: assert isinstance(PYLIGHTNIX_TMP, str), \ f"Default temp folder location is not a string: {PYLIGHTNIX_TMP}" return Path(PYLIGHTNIX_TMP) else: return tmp
def dircp(src: Path, dst: Path, make_rw: bool = False) -> None: """ Powerful folder copyier. """ assert isdir(src) assert not isdir(dst) tmppath = Path(dst + '.tmp') copytree(src, tmppath) if make_rw: dirrw(tmppath) rename(tmppath, dst)
def store_buildtime(rref: RRef, S=None) -> Optional[str]: """ Return the buildtime of the current RRef in a format specified by the [PYLIGHTNIX_TIME](#pylightnix.utils.PYLIGHTNIX_TIME) constant. [parsetime](#pylightnix.utils.parsetime) may be used to parse stings into UNIX-Epoch seconds. Buildtime is the time when the realization process has started. Some realizations may not provide this information. """ return tryread(Path(join(store_rref2path(rref, S), '__buildtime__.txt')))
def dirrm(path: Path, ignore_not_found: bool = True) -> None: """ Powerful folder remover. Firts rename it to the temporary name. Deal with possible write-protection. """ try: tmppath = Path(path + '.tmp') rename(path, tmppath) dirrw(tmppath) rmtree(tmppath) except FileNotFoundError: if not ignore_not_found: raise
def path2dref(p: Path) -> Optional[DRef]: """ Takes either a system path of some realization in the Pylightnix storage or a symlink pointing to such path. Return a `DRef` which corresponds to this path. Note: `path2dref` operates on `p` symbolically. It doesn't actually check the presence of such an object in storage """ if islink(p): p = Path(readlink(p)) _, dref_part = split(p) dref = DRef('dref:' + dref_part) return dref if isdref(dref) else None
def dirrw(o: Path) -> None: for root, dirs, files in walk(o): for d in dirs: mode = stat(join(root, d))[ST_MODE] chmod(join(root, d), mode | (S_IWRITE)) for f in files: if isfile(f): filerw(Path(join(root, f))) if islink(f): warning( f"Pylightnix doesn't guarantee the consistency of symlink '{f}'" ) chmod(o, stat(o)[ST_MODE] | (S_IWRITE | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH))
def val2path(v:Any, ctx:LensContext)->Path: """ Resolve the current value of Lens into system path. Assert if it is not possible or if the result is associated with multiple paths.""" if isdref(v): dref=DRef(v) context=ctx.context if context is not None: if dref in context: rgs=context_deref(context, dref) assert len(rgs)==1, "Lens doesn't support multirealization dependencies" return Path(store_rref2path(rgs[0][tag_out()])) return store_dref2path(dref) elif isrref(v): return store_rref2path(RRef(v),S) elif isrefpath(v): refpath=list(v) # RefPath is list bpath=ctx.build_path context=ctx.context if context is not None: if refpath[0] in context: rgs=context_deref(context,refpath[0],S) assert len(rgs)==1, "Lens doesn't support multirealization dependencies" return Path(join(store_rref2path(rgs[0][Tag('out')],S), *refpath[1:])) else: if bpath is not None: # FIXME: should we assert on refpath[0]==build.dref ? return Path(join(bpath, *refpath[1:])) else: assert False, f"Can't dereference refpath {refpath}" else: assert False, f"Lens couldn't resolve '{refpath}' without a context" elif isinstance(v, Closure): return val2path(v.dref, ctx) elif isinstance(v, Build): assert ctx.build_path is not None, f"Lens can't access build path of '{v}'" return ctx.build_path else: assert False, f"Lens doesn't know how to resolve '{v}'"
def linkrref(rref: RRef, destdir: Optional[Path] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, withtime: bool = False, S=None) -> Path: """ Helper function that creates a symbolic link to a particular realization reference. The link is created under the current directory by default or under the `destdir` directory. Create a symlink pointing to realization `rref`. Other arguments define symlink name and location. Informally, `{tgtpath}/{timeprefix}{name} --> $PYLIGHTNIX_STORE/{dref}/{rref}`. Overwrite existing symlinks. Folder named `tgtpath` should exist. """ destdir_ = '.' if destdir is None else destdir name_: str = name if name is not None else ( '_result-' + config_name(store_config(rref, S)) if destdir is None else 'result-' + config_name(store_config(rref, S))) ts: Optional[str] = store_buildtime(rref, S) if withtime else None timetag_ = f'{ts}_' if ts is not None else '' symlink = Path(join(destdir_, f"{timetag_}{name_}")) forcelink(Path(relpath(store_rref2path(rref, S), destdir_)), symlink) return symlink
def mkdrv_(c: Config, S: SPath) -> DRef: """ Create new derivation in storage `S`. We attempt to do it atomically by creating temp directory first and then renaming it right into it's place in the storage. FIXME: Assert or handle possible (but improbable) hash collision [*] """ assert_store_initialized(S) # c=cp.config assert_valid_config(c) assert_rref_deps(c) refname = config_name(c) dhash = config_hash(c) dref = mkdref(trimhash(dhash), refname) o = Path(mkdtemp(prefix=refname, dir=tempdir())) with open(join(o, 'config.json'), 'w') as f: f.write(config_serialize(c)) filero(Path(join(o, 'config.json'))) drefpath = store_dref2path(dref, S) dreftmp = Path(drefpath + '.tmp') replace(o, dreftmp) try: replace(dreftmp, drefpath) except OSError as err: if err.errno == ENOTEMPTY: # Existing folder means that it has a matched content [*] dirrm(dreftmp, ignore_not_found=False) else: raise return dref
def path2rref(p: Path) -> Optional[RRef]: """ Takes either a system path of some realization in the Pylightnix storage or a symlink pointing to such path. Return `RRef` which corresponds to this path. Note: `path2rref` operates on `p` symbolically. It doesn't actually check the presence of such an object in storage """ if islink(p): p = Path(readlink(p)) head, h1 = split(p) _, dref_part = split(head) dref = DRef('dref:' + dref_part) if not isdref(dref): return None h2, nm = undref(dref) return mkrref(HashPart(h1), HashPart(h2), mkname(nm))
def mklogdir(tag: str, logrootdir: Path, subdirs: list = [], symlinks: bool = True, timetag: Optional[str] = None) -> Path: """ Create `<logrootdir>/<tag>_<time>` folder and set `<logrootdir>/_<tag>_latest` symlink to point to it. """ logpath = logdir(tag, logrootdir=logrootdir, timetag=timetag) makedirs(logpath, exist_ok=True) if symlinks: linkname = join( logrootdir, (('_' + str(tag) + '_latest') if len(tag) > 0 else '_latest')) try: symlink(basename(logpath), linkname) except OSError as e: if e.errno == EEXIST: remove(linkname) symlink(basename(logpath), linkname) else: raise e for sd in subdirs: makedirs(join(logpath, sd), exist_ok=True) return Path(logpath)
def reserved(folder: Path, name: str) -> Path: assert name in PYLIGHTNIX_RESERVED, \ f"File name '{name}' expected to be reserved" return Path(join(folder, name))
def store_dref2path(r: DRef, S=None) -> Path: (dhash, nm) = undref(r) return Path(join(storage(S), dhash + '-' + nm))
def store_rref2path(r: RRef, S=None) -> Path: (rhash, dhash, nm) = unrref(r) return Path(join(storage(S), dhash + '-' + nm, rhash))
def store_cfgpath(r: DRef, S=None) -> Path: return Path(join(store_dref2path(r, S), 'config.json'))
def rrefdata(rref: RRef, S=None) -> Iterable[Path]: """ Return the paths of top-level artifacts """ root = store_rref2path(rref, S) for fd in scandir(root): if not (fd.is_file() and in PYLIGHTNIX_RESERVED): yield Path(join(root,
def fetchurl2(m: Manager, url: str, sha256: Optional[str] = None, sha1: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, force_download: bool = False, **kwargs) -> DRef: """ Download file given it's URL addess. Downloading is done by calling `wget` application. Optional unpacking is performed with the `aunpack` script from `atool` package. `sha256` defines the expected SHA-256 hashsum of the stored data. `mode` allows to tweak the stage's behavior: adding word 'unpack' instructs fetchurl to unpack the package, adding 'remove' instructs it to remove the archive after unpacking. If 'unpack' is not expected, then the promise named 'out_path' is created. Agruments: - `m:Manager` the dependency resolution [Manager](#pylightnix.types.Manager). - `url:str` URL to download from. Should point to a single file. - `sha256:str` SHA-256 hash sum of the file. - `model:str='unpack,remove'` Additional options. Format: `[unpack[,remove]]`. - `name:Optional[str]`: Name of the Derivation. The stage will attempt to deduce the name if not specified. - `filename:Optional[str]=None` Name of the filename on disk after downloading. Stage will attempt to deduced it if not specified. - `force_download:bool=False` If False, resume the last download if possible. - `check_promises:bool=True` Passed to `mkdrv` as-is. Example: ```python def hello_src(m:Manager)->DRef: hello_version = '2.10' return fetchurl2( m, name='hello-src', url=f'{hello_version}.tar.gz', sha256='31e066137a962676e89f69d1b65382de95a7ef7d914b8cb956f41ea72e0f516b') rref:RRef=realize(instantiate(hello_src)) print(store_rref2path(rref)) ``` """ import pylightnix.core tmpfetchdir = join(pylightnix.core.PYLIGHTNIX_TMP, 'fetchurl2') assert isabs(tmpfetchdir), (f"Expect absolute PYLIGHTNIX_TMP path, " f"got {tmpfetchdir}") filename_ = filename or basename(urlparse(url).path) assert len(filename_) > 0, ("Downloadable filename shouldn't be empty. " "Try specifying a valid `filename` argument") assert CURL() is not None makedirs(tmpfetchdir, exist_ok=True) if name is None: name = 'fetchurl2' if sha256 is None and sha1 is None: if isfile(url): sha256 = filehash(Path(url)) url = f'file://{url}' else: assert False, ( "Either `sha256` or `sha1` arguments should be specified " "for URLs") def _config() -> dict: args: dict = {'name': name} if sha1 is not None: args.update({'sha1': sha1}) if sha256 is not None: args.update({'sha256': sha256}) args.update({'out': [promise, filename_]}) args.update(**kwargs) return args def _make(b: Build) -> None: c = build_cattrs(b) o = build_outpath(b) download_dir = o if force_download else tmpfetchdir partpath = join(download_dir, filename_ + '.tmp') try: p = Popen( [CURL(), "--continue-at", "-", "--output", partpath, url], cwd=download_dir) p.wait() assert p.returncode == 0, f"Download failed, errcode '{p.returncode}'" assert isfile(partpath), f"Can't find output file '{partpath}'" with open(partpath, "rb") as f: if sha256 is not None: realhash = sha256sum( assert realhash == c.sha256, ( f"Expected sha256 checksum '{c.sha256}', " f"but got '{realhash}'") if sha1 is not None: realhash = sha1sum( assert realhash == c.sha1, ( f"Expected sha1 checksum '{c.sha1}', " f"but got '{realhash}'") fullpath = join(o, filename_) rename(partpath, fullpath) except Exception as e: error(f"Download failed: {e}") error(f"Keeping temporary directory {o}") raise return mkdrv(m, mkconfig(_config()), match_only(), build_wrapper(_make))
def mkrealization(dref: DRef, l: Context, o: Path, leader: Optional[Tuple[Tag, RRef]] = None, S=None) -> RRef: """ Create the [Realization](#pylightnix.types.RRef) object in the storage `S`. Return new Realization reference. Parameters: - `dref:DRef`: Derivation reference to create the realization of. - `l:Context`: Context which stores dependency information. - `o:Path`: Path to temporal (build) folder which contains artifacts, prepared by the [Realizer](#pylightnix.types.Realizer). - `leader`: Tag name and Group identifier of the Group leader. By default, we use name `out` and derivation's own rref. FIXME: Assert or handle possible but improbable hash collision[*] FIXME: Consider(not sure) writing group.json for all realizations[**] """ c = store_config(dref, S) assert_valid_config(c) (dhash, nm) = undref(dref) assert isdir(o), ( f"While realizing {dref}: Outpath is expected to be a path to existing " f"directory, but got {o}") for fn in PYLIGHTNIX_RESERVED: assert not isfile(join(o, fn)), ( f"While realizing {dref}: output folder '{o}' contains file '{fn}'. " f"This name is reserved, please use another name. List of reserved " f"names: {PYLIGHTNIX_RESERVED}") with open(reserved(o, 'context.json'), 'w') as f: f.write(context_serialize(l)) if leader is not None: # [**] tag, group_rref = leader with open(reserved(o, 'group.json'), 'w') as f: json_dump({'tag': tag, 'group': group_rref}, f) rhash = dirhash(o) rref = mkrref(trimhash(rhash), dhash, nm) rrefpath = store_rref2path(rref, S) rreftmp = Path(rrefpath + '.tmp') replace(o, rreftmp) dirchmod(rreftmp, 'ro') try: replace(rreftmp, rrefpath) except OSError as err: if err.errno == ENOTEMPTY: # Folder name contain the hash of the content, so getting here # probably[*] means that we already have this object in storage so we # just remove temp folder. dirrm(rreftmp, ignore_not_found=False) else: # Attempt to roll-back dirchmod(rreftmp, 'rw') replace(rreftmp, o) raise return rref