Example #1
    def recheckPackage(self, pid):
        """Check online status of all files in a package, also a default action when package is added. """

    def restartFailed(self):
        """Restarts all failed failes."""

    def stopAllDownloads(self):
        """Aborts all running downloads."""
        for pyfile in self.core.files.cachedFiles():
            if self.hasAccess(pyfile):

    def stopDownloads(self, fids):
        """Aborts specific downloads.

        :param fids: list of file ids
        pyfiles = self.core.files.cachedFiles()
        for pyfile in pyfiles:
            if pyfile.id in fids and self.hasAccess(pyfile):

if Api.extend(DownloadApi):
    del DownloadApi
Example #2
class CollectorApi(ApiComponent):
    """ Link collector """

    def getCollector(self):

    def addToCollector(self, links):

    def addFromCollector(self, name, new_name):

    def deleteCollPack(self, name):

    def renameCollPack(self, name, new_name):

    def deleteCollLink(self, url):

if Api.extend(CollectorApi):
    del CollectorApi
Example #3
        :param plugin: pluginName
        :return: list of :class:`AddonInfo`
        return self.core.addonManager.getInfo(plugin)

    def getAddonHandler(self):
        """ Lists all available addon handler

        :return: dict of plugin name to list of :class:`AddonService`
        handler = {}
        for name, data in self.core.addonManager.iterAddons():
            if data.handler:
                handler[name] = data.handler.values()
        return handler

    def invokeAddon(self, plugin, func, func_args):
        """ Calls any function exposed by an addon """
        return self.core.addonManager.invoke(plugin, func, func_args)

    def invokeAddonHandler(self, plugin, func, pid_or_fid):
        """ Calls an addon handler registered to work with packages or files  """
        return self.invokeAddon(plugin, func, (pid_or_fid, ))

if Api.extend(AddonApi):
    del AddonApi
Example #4
    def getUserData(self):
        """ Retrieves :class:`UserData` for the currently logged in user. """

    def setPassword(self, username, old_password, new_password):
        """ Changes password for specific user. User can only change their password.
        Admins can change every password! """

    def getAllUserData(self):
        """ Retrieves :class:`UserData` of all exisitng users."""

    def addUser(self, username, password):
        """ Adds an user to the db.

        :param username: desired username
        :param password: password for authentication

    def updateUserData(self, data):
        """ Change parameters of user account.  """

    def removeUser(self, uid):
        """ Removes user from the db.

        :param uid: users uid

if Api.extend(UserApi):
    del UserApi
Example #5
        # requires at least plugin permissions, but only admin can load core config
        config, values = self.core.config.getSection(name, self.primaryUID)
        return toConfigHolder(name, config, values)

    def saveConfig(self, config):
        """Used to save a configuration, core config can only be saved by admins

        :param config: :class:`ConfigHolder`
        for item in config.items:
            # save the changes
        self.core.config.saveValues(self.primaryUID, config.name)

    def deleteConfig(self, plugin):
        """Deletes modified config

        :param plugin: plugin name
        #TODO: delete should deactivate addons?
        self.core.config.delete(plugin, self.primaryUID)

if Api.extend(ConfigApi):
    del ConfigApi
Example #6
        :return: updated account info
        return self.core.accountManager.updateAccount(aid, plugin, loginname,

    def updateAccountInfo(self, account):
        """ Update account settings from :class:`AccountInfo` """
        inst = self.core.accountManager.getAccount(account.aid, account.plugin,
        if not inst:

        inst.activated = to_bool(account.activated)
        inst.shared = to_bool(account.shared)

    def removeAccount(self, account):
        """Remove account from pyload.

        :param account: :class:`ÀccountInfo` instance
        self.core.accountManager.removeAccount(account.aid, account.plugin,

if Api.extend(AccountApi):
    del AccountApi
Example #7
        :param name: Name of plugin or config section
        :rtype: ConfigHolder
        # requires at least plugin permissions, but only admin can load core config
        config, values = self.core.config.getSection(name, self.primaryUID)
        return toConfigHolder(name, config, values)

    def saveConfig(self, config):
        """Used to save a configuration, core config can only be saved by admins

        :param config: :class:`ConfigHolder`
        for item in config.items:
            self.core.config.set(config.name, item.name, item.value, sync=False, user=self.primaryUID)
            # save the changes
        self.core.config.saveValues(self.primaryUID, config.name)

    def deleteConfig(self, plugin):
        """Deletes modified config

        :param plugin: plugin name
        #TODO: delete should deactivate addons?
        self.core.config.delete(plugin, self.primaryUID)

if Api.extend(ConfigApi):
    del ConfigApi
            urls += [x[0] for x in urlmatcher.findall(html)]
        if url:
            page = getURL(url)
            urls += [x[0] for x in urlmatcher.findall(page)]

        return self.checkLinks(uniqify(urls))

    def pollResults(self, rid):
        """ Polls the result available for ResultID

        :param rid: `ResultID`
        :return: `OnlineCheck`, if rid is -1 then there is no more data available
        result = self.core.threadManager.getInfoResult(rid)
        if result and result.owner == self.primaryUID:
            return result.toApiData()

    def generatePackages(self, links):
        """ Parses links, generates packages names from urls

        :param links: list of urls
        :return: package names mapped to urls
        result = parseNames((x, x) for x in links)
        return result

if Api.extend(DownloadPreparingApi):
    del DownloadPreparingApi
Example #9
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pyload.Api import Api, RequirePerm, Permission

from ApiComponent import ApiComponent

CACHE = {}

class StatisticsApi(ApiComponent):
    """ Retrieve download statistics and quota """
    def recordDownload(self, pyfile):
        """ Add download record to the statistics """
        del CACHE[:]

    def calcQuota(self, uid):
        return QUOTA_UNLIMITED

    def getQuota(self):
        """ Number of bytes the user has left for download  """
        return self.calcQuota(self.user.true_primary)

if Api.extend(StatisticsApi):
    del StatisticsApi
Example #10
    def getUserData(self):
        """ Retrieves :class:`UserData` for the currently logged in user. """

    def setPassword(self, username, old_password, new_password):
        """ Changes password for specific user. User can only change their password.
        Admins can change every password! """

    def getAllUserData(self):
        """ Retrieves :class:`UserData` of all exisitng users."""

    def addUser(self, username, password):
        """ Adds an user to the db.
        :param username: desired username
        :param password: password for authentication

    def updateUserData(self, data):
        """ Change parameters of user account.  """

    def removeUser(self, uid):
        """ Removes user from the db.

        :param uid: users uid

if Api.extend(UserApi):
    del UserApi
Example #11
        return self.checkOnlineStatus(urls)

    def pollResults(self, rid):
        """ Polls the result available for ResultID

        :param rid: `ResultID`
        :return: `OnlineCheck`, if rid is -1 then there is no more data available
        result = self.core.threadManager.getInfoResult(rid)

        if "ALL_INFO_FETCHED" in result:
            del result["ALL_INFO_FETCHED"]
            return OnlineCheck(-1, result)
            return OnlineCheck(rid, result)

    def generatePackages(self, links):
        """ Parses links, generates packages names from urls

        :param links: list of urls
        :return: package names mapped to urls
        result = parseNames((x, x) for x in links)
        return result

if Api.extend(DownloadPreparingApi):
    del DownloadPreparingApi
Example #12
        :param fids: list of file ids
        :param pid: destination package
        :return: False if files can't be moved
        return self.core.files.moveFiles(fids, pid)

    def orderPackage(self, pid, position):
        """Set new position for a package.

        :param pid: package id
        :param position: new position, 0 for very beginning
        self.core.files.orderPackage(pid, position)

    def orderFiles(self, fids, pid, position):
        """ Set a new position for a bunch of files within a package.
        All files have to be in the same package and must be **continuous**\
        in the package. That means no gaps between them.

        :param fids: list of file ids
        :param pid: package id of parent package
        :param position:  new position: 0 for very beginning
        self.core.files.orderFiles(fids, pid, position)

if Api.extend(FileApi):
    del FileApi
Example #13
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pyload.Api import Api, RequirePerm, Permission

from ApiComponent import ApiComponent

CACHE = {}

class StatisticsApi(ApiComponent):
    """ Retrieve download statistics and quota """

    def recordDownload(self, pyfile):
        """ Add download record to the statistics """
        del CACHE[:]

    def calcQuota(self, uid):
        return QUOTA_UNLIMITED

    def getQuota(self):
        """ Number of bytes the user has left for download  """
        return self.calcQuota(self.user.true_primary)

if Api.extend(StatisticsApi):
    del StatisticsApi
Example #14
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pyload.Api import Api, RequirePerm, Permission

from ApiComponent import ApiComponent

class AddonApi(ApiComponent):
    """ Methods to interact with addons """

    def getAllInfo(self):
        """Returns all information stored by addon plugins. Values are always strings

        :return: {"plugin": {"name": value } }
        return self.core.addonManager.getAllInfo()

    def getInfoByPlugin(self, plugin):
        """Returns information stored by a specific plugin.

        :param plugin: pluginname
        :return: dict of attr names mapped to value {"name": value}
        return self.core.addonManager.getInfo(plugin)

if Api.extend(AddonApi):
    del AddonApi
Example #15
        """ Delete package and all content from disk recursively
        :param pids: list of package ids
        :return: False if any package can't be deleted currently
        # TODO

    def orderPackage(self, pid, position):
        """Set new position for a package.

        :param pid: package id
        :param position: new position, 0 for very beginning
        self.core.files.orderPackage(pid, position)

    def orderFiles(self, fids, pid, position):
        """ Set a new position for a bunch of files within a package.
        All files have to be in the same package and must be **continuous**\
        in the package. That means no gaps between them.

        :param fids: list of file ids
        :param pid: package id of parent package
        :param position:  new position: 0 for very beginning
        self.core.files.orderFiles(fids, pid, position)

if Api.extend(FileApi):
    del FileApi
Example #16
            lines = fh.readlines()
            if offset >= len(lines):
                return []
            return lines[offset:]
            return ['No log available']

    def isTimeDownload(self):
        """Checks if pyload will start new downloads according to time in config.

        :return: bool
        start = self.core.config['downloadTime']['start'].split(":")
        end = self.core.config['downloadTime']['end'].split(":")
        return compare_time(start, end)

    def isTimeReconnect(self):
        """Checks if pyload will try to make a reconnect

        :return: bool
        start = self.core.config['reconnect']['startTime'].split(":")
        end = self.core.config['reconnect']['endTime'].split(":")
        return compare_time(start, end) and self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"]

if Api.extend(CoreApi):
    del CoreApi
Example #17

class CollectorApi(ApiComponent):
    """ Link collector """
    def getCollector(self):

    def addToCollector(self, links):

    def addFromCollector(self, name, new_name):

    def deleteCollPack(self, name):

    def renameCollPack(self, name, new_name):

    def deleteCollLink(self, url):

if Api.extend(CollectorApi):
    del CollectorApi
Example #18
        """Check online status of all files in a package, also a default action when package is added. """

    def restartFailed(self):
        """Restarts all failed failes."""

    def stopAllDownloads(self):
        """Aborts all running downloads."""

        pyfiles = self.core.files.cachedFiles()
        for pyfile in pyfiles:

    def stopDownloads(self, fids):
        """Aborts specific downloads.

        :param fids: list of file ids
        pyfiles = self.core.files.cachedFiles()
        for pyfile in pyfiles:
            if pyfile.id in fids:

if Api.extend(DownloadApi):
    del DownloadApi
Example #19
    def updateAccount(self, plugin, loginname, password):
        """Creates an account if not existent or updates the password

        :return: newly created or updated account info
        # TODO: None pointer
        return self.core.accountManager.updateAccount(plugin, loginname, password, self.user).toInfoData()

    def updateAccountInfo(self, account):
        """ Update account settings from :class:`AccountInfo` """
        inst = self.core.accountManager.getAccount(account.plugin, account.loginname, self.user)
        if not account:

        inst.activated = to_bool(account.activated)
        inst.shared = to_bool(account.shared)

    def removeAccount(self, account):
        """Remove account from pyload.

        :param account: :class:`ÀccountInfo` instance
        self.core.accountManager.removeAccount(account.plugin, account.loginname, self.primaryUID)

if Api.extend(AccountApi):
    del AccountApi
Example #20
            if t.type == Interaction.Notification:

        return tasks

    def setInteractionResult(self, iid, result):
        """Set Result for a interaction task. It will be immediately removed from task queue afterwards

        :param iid: interaction id
        :param result: result as json string
        task = self.core.interactionManager.getTaskByID(iid)
        if task and self.primaryUID == task.owner:

    def getAddonHandler(self):

    def callAddonHandler(self, plugin, func, pid_or_fid):

    def generateDownloadLink(self, fid, timeout):

if Api.extend(UserInteractionApi):
    del UserInteractionApi