Example #1
 def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
     TestWSGIController.__init__(self, *args, **kargs)
     self.baseenviron = {}
     app = ControllerWrap(FilteredWSGIController)
     app = self.sap = SetupCacheGlobal(app, self.baseenviron)
     app = RegistryManager(app)
     self.app = TestApp(app)
Example #2
def make_app(controller_klass, environ={}):
    """Creates a ``TestApp`` instance."""
    # The basic middleware:
    app = ControllerWrap(controller_klass)
    app = SetupCacheGlobal(app, environ, setup_cache=True, setup_session=True)
    app = RegistryManager(app)
    app = SessionMiddleware(app, {}, data_dir=session_dir)
    app = CacheMiddleware(app, {}, data_dir=os.path.join(data_dir, 'cache'))

    # We're not going to use groups or permissions-related predicates here:
    groups_adapters = None
    permissions_adapters = None

    # Setting repoze.who up:
    cookie = AuthTktCookiePlugin('secret', 'authtkt')
    identifiers = [('cookie', cookie)]

    app = setup_auth(app,

    app = httpexceptions.make_middleware(app)
    return TestApp(app)
    def setUp(self):
        from pylons.testutil import ControllerWrap, SetupCacheGlobal
        ValidatingController = make_validating_controller()

        app = SetupCacheGlobal(ControllerWrap(ValidatingController),
        app = RegistryManager(app)
        self.app = TestApp(app)
 def setUp(self):
     from pylons.testutil import ControllerWrap, SetupCacheGlobal
     ProtectedController = make_protected()
     app = ControllerWrap(ProtectedController)
     app = SetupCacheGlobal(app, self.environ, setup_session=True)
     app = SessionMiddleware(app, {}, data_dir=session_dir)
     app = RegistryManager(app)
     self.app = TestApp(app)
Example #5
 def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
     from pylons.testutil import ControllerWrap, SetupCacheGlobal
     BasicWSGIController, FilteredWSGIController = make_controllers()
     TestWSGIController.__init__(self, *args, **kargs)
     self.baseenviron = {}
     app = ControllerWrap(FilteredWSGIController)
     app = self.sap = SetupCacheGlobal(app, self.baseenviron)
     app = RegistryManager(app)
     self.app = TestApp(app)
Example #6
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        from pylons.testutil import ControllerWrap, SetupCacheGlobal

        BaseJSONRPCController = make_basejsonrpc()
        TestWSGIController.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.baseenviron = {}
        self.baseenviron['pylons.routes_dict'] = {}
        app = ControllerWrap(BaseJSONRPCController)
        app = self.sap = SetupCacheGlobal(app, self.baseenviron)
        app = RegistryManager(app)
        self.app = TestApp(app)
 def setUp(self):
     from pylons.testutil import ControllerWrap, SetupCacheGlobal
     HttpsController = make_httpscontroller()
     from routes import Mapper
     map = Mapper()
     app = ControllerWrap(HttpsController)
     app = SetupCacheGlobal(app, self.environ, setup_cache=False)
     app = RoutesMiddleware(app, map)
     app = RegistryManager(app)
     self.app = TestApp(app)
Example #8
def make_app(controller_klass=None, environ=None):
    """Creates a `TestApp` instance."""
    if environ is None:
        environ = {}
    environ['pylons.routes_dict'] = {}
    environ['pylons.routes_dict']['action'] = "routes_placeholder"

    if controller_klass is None:
        controller_klass = TGController

    app = ControllerWrap(controller_klass)
    app = SetupCacheGlobal(app, environ, setup_cache=True, setup_session=True)
    app = RegistryManager(app)
    app = beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware(app, {}, data_dir=session_dir)
    app = CacheMiddleware(app, {}, data_dir=os.path.join(data_dir, 'cache'))
    app = httpexceptions.make_middleware(app)
    return TestApp(app)
Example #9
    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
        TestWSGIController.__init__(self, *args, **kargs)

        class Callable(object):
            def __init__(self): self.called = False
            def __call__(self, *args, **kargs): self.called = True

        self.before_callable = Callable()
        self.after_callable = Callable()

        from pylons.controllers import WSGIController
        class Controller(WSGIController):
            def index(self): return 'index'
            __before__ = self.before_callable
            __after__ = self.after_callable

        from pylons.testutil import ControllerWrap, SetupCacheGlobal
        self.baseenviron = {}
        app = ControllerWrap(Controller)
        app = self.sap = SetupCacheGlobal(app, self.baseenviron)
        app = RegistryManager(app)
        self.app = TestApp(app)
Example #10
def make_app(controller_klass, environ={}, with_errors=False):
    """Creates a ``TestApp`` instance."""
    # The basic middleware:
    app = ControllerWrap(controller_klass)
    app = SetupCacheGlobal(app, environ, setup_cache=True, setup_session=True)
    if with_errors:
        app = ErrorHandler(app, {}, debug=False)
        app = StatusCodeRedirect(app, [403, 404, 500])
    app = RegistryManager(app)
    app = SessionMiddleware(app, {}, data_dir=session_dir)
    app = CacheMiddleware(app, {}, data_dir=os.path.join(data_dir, 'cache'))

    # Setting repoze.who up:
    cookie = AuthTktCookiePlugin('secret', 'authtkt')
    identifiers = [('cookie', cookie)]

    app = setup_auth(app, TGAuthMetadata(),
                     identifiers=identifiers, skip_authentication=True,
                     authenticators=[], challengers=[])

    app = httpexceptions.make_middleware(app)
    return TestApp(app)
Example #11
def make_app(controller_klass, environ={}):
    """Creates a `TestApp` instance."""

    app = ControllerWrap(controller_klass)
    app = SetupCacheGlobal(app, environ, setup_cache=True, setup_session=True)
    app = RegistryManager(app)
    app = SessionMiddleware(app, {}, data_dir=session_dir)
    app = CacheMiddleware(app, {}, data_dir=os.path.join(data_dir, 'cache'))

    # Setting up the source adapters:
    groups_adapters = {'my_groups': FakeGroupSourceAdapter()}
    permissions_adapters = {'my_permissions': FakePermissionSourceAdapter()}
    # Setting up repoze.who:
    cookie = AuthTktCookiePlugin('secret', 'authtkt')
    identifiers = [('cookie', cookie)]
    app = setup_auth(app, groups_adapters, permissions_adapters, 
                     identifiers=identifiers, authenticators=[],
                     challengers=[], skip_authentication=True)

    app = httpexceptions.make_middleware(app)
    return TestApp(app)
Example #12
def make_cache_controller_app():
    from pylons.testutil import ControllerWrap, SetupCacheGlobal
    from pylons.decorators import jsonify
    from pylons.controllers import WSGIController

    class CacheController(WSGIController):
        def test_bad_json(self):
            return ["this is neat"]

        def test_bad_json2(self):
            return ("this is neat", )

        def test_good_json(self):
            return dict(fred=42)

    environ = {}
    app = ControllerWrap(CacheController)
    app = sap = SetupCacheGlobal(app, environ)
    app = RegistryManager(app)
    app = TestApp(app)
    return app, environ
Example #13
def make_cache_controller():
    global sap
    import pylons
    from pylons.decorators.cache import beaker_cache, create_cache_key

    from pylons.controllers import WSGIController, XMLRPCController
    from pylons.testutil import SetupCacheGlobal, ControllerWrap

    class CacheController(WSGIController):
        @beaker_cache(key=None, invalidate_on_startup=True)
        def test_default_cache_decorator_invalidate(self):
            pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
            return 'Counter=%s' % pylons.app_globals.counter

        def test_default_cache_decorator(self):
            pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
            return 'Counter=%s' % pylons.app_globals.counter

        def test_default_cache_decorator_func(self):
            def func():
                pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
                return 'Counter=%s' % pylons.app_globals.counter

            func = beaker_cache(key=None)(func)
            return func()

        def test_response_cache_func(self, use_cache_status=True):
            pylons.response.status_int = 404

            def func():
                pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
                return 'Counter=%s' % pylons.app_globals.counter

            if use_cache_status:
                func = beaker_cache(key=None)(func)
                func = beaker_cache(key=None, cache_response=False)(func)
            return func()

        @beaker_cache(key=None, type='dbm')
        def test_dbm_cache_decorator(self):
            pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
            return 'Counter=%s' % pylons.app_globals.counter

        @beaker_cache(key="param", query_args=True)
        def test_get_cache_decorator(self):
            pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
            return 'Counter=%s' % pylons.app_globals.counter

        def test_get_cache_default(self):
            pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
            return 'Counter=%s' % pylons.app_globals.counter

        def test_expire_cache_decorator(self):
            pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
            return 'Counter=%s' % pylons.app_globals.counter

        def test_expire_dbm_cache_decorator(self):
            pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
            return 'Counter=%s' % pylons.app_globals.counter

        def test_key_cache_decorator(self, id):
            pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
            return 'Counter=%s, id=%s' % (pylons.app_globals.counter, id)

        @beaker_cache(key=["id", "id2"])
        def test_keyslist_cache_decorator(self, id, id2="123"):
            pylons.app_globals.counter += 1
            return 'Counter=%s, id=%s' % (pylons.app_globals.counter, id)

        def test_invalidate_cache(self):
            ns, key = create_cache_key(
            c = pylons.cache.get_cache(ns)

        def test_invalidate_dbm_cache(self):
            ns, key = create_cache_key(
            c = pylons.cache.get_cache(ns, type='dbm')

        @beaker_cache(cache_headers=('content-type', 'content-length',
        def test_header_cache(self):
            pylons.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/special'
            pylons.response.headers['x-powered-by'] = 'pylons'
                'x-dont-include'] = 'should not be included'
            return "Hello folks, time is %s" % time.time()

        def test_cache_key_dupe(self):
            return "Hello folks, time is %s" % time.time()

    app = ControllerWrap(CacheController)
    app = sap = SetupCacheGlobal(app, environ, setup_cache=True)
    app = CacheMiddleware(app, {}, data_dir=cache_dir)
    app = RegistryManager(app)
    app = TestApp(app)

    # This one is missing cache middleware and the cache object to miss on purpsoe
    bad_app = ControllerWrap(CacheController)
    bad_app = SetupCacheGlobal(bad_app, environ, setup_cache=False)
    bad_app = RegistryManager(bad_app)
    bad_app = TestApp(bad_app)
    return app, bad_app
Example #14
            Feature(id=2, geometry=Point(3, 4))
        return FeatureCollection(features)

    @_jsonify(cls=MapFishEncoder, cb='foo')
    def return_feature_with_callback(self):
        return Feature(id=1,
                       geometry=Point(1, 2),
                           "strkey": "strval",
                           "boolkey": True

environ = {}
app = ControllerWrap(Controller)
app = sap = SetupCacheGlobal(app, environ)
app = RegistryManager(app)
app = TestApp(app)

class Test(TestWSGIController):
    def setUp(self):
        self.app = app
        warnings.simplefilter('error', Warning)

    def tearDown(self):
        warnings.simplefilter('always', Warning)

    def test_feature(self):