Example #1
 def setUp(self):
     ins = Instrument(magnification=.048, wavelength=.447, n_m=1.335)
     p1 = Sphere(r_p=[150, 150, 200], a_p=1., n_p=1.45)
     p2 = Sphere(r_p=[75, 75, 150], a_p=1.25, n_p=1.61)
     coords = coordinates((201, 201))
     self.model = GeneralizedLorenzMie(coords, [p1, p2], ins)
     self.fast_model = FastGeneralizedLorenzMie(coords, [p1, p2], ins)
     self.cuda_model = CudaGeneralizedLorenzMie(coords, [p1, p2], ins)
Example #2
def feature_extent(sphere, config, nfringes=20):
    '''Radius of holographic feature in pixels'''
    s = Sphere()
    s.a_p = sphere.a_p
    s.n_p = sphere.n_p
    s.z_p = sphere.z_p
    h = LMHologram(coordinates=np.arange(300))
    h.instrument.properties = config['instrument']
    h.particle = sphere
    # roughly estimate radii of zero crossings
    b = h.hologram() - 1.
    ndx = np.where(np.diff(np.sign(b)))[0] + 1
    return float(ndx[nfringes])
Example #3
def make_sample(config):
    '''Returns an array of Sphere objects'''
    particle = config['particle']
    nrange = particle['nspheres']
    mpp = config['instrument']['magnification']
    if nrange[0] == nrange[1]:
        nspheres = nrange[0]
        nspheres = np.random.randint(nrange[0], nrange[1])
    sample = []
    for n in range(nspheres):
        sphere = Sphere()
        for prop in ('a_p', 'n_p', 'k_p', 'z_p'):
            setattr(sphere, prop, make_value(particle[prop]))
        ##Making sure separation between particles is large enough##
        close = True
        aval = sphere.a_p
        zval = sphere.z_p
        while close:
            close = False
            xval = make_value(particle['x_p'])
            yval = make_value(particle['y_p'])
            for s in sample:
                xs, ys, zs = s.x_p, s.y_p, s.z_p
                atest = s.a_p
                dist = np.sqrt((xs - xval)**2 + (ys - yval)**2 +
                               (zs - zval)**2)
                threshold = (atest + aval) / mpp
                if dist < threshold:
                    close = True
        setattr(sphere, 'x_p', xval)
        setattr(sphere, 'y_p', yval)
    return sample
Example #4
 def __init__(self,
     a_p : float or numpy.ndarray, optional
         Starting radius of sphere.  Alternatively, can be
         an array of radii of concentric shells within the sphere
     n_p : complex or numpy.ndarray, optional
         Starting refractive index of sphere.  Alternatively,
         can be an array of refractive indexes of the shells.
     r_p : numpy.ndarray or list, optional
         coordinates of sphere center: (x_p, y_p, z_p)
     super(LorenzMie, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     self.particle = Sphere()
     if a_p is not None:
         self.particle.a_p = a_p
     if n_p is not None:
         self.particle.n_p = n_p
     if r_p is not None:
         self.particle.r_p = r_p
Example #5
def make_sample(config):
    '''Returns an array of Sphere objects'''
    particle = config['particle']
    nrange = particle['nspheres']
    nspheres = np.random.randint(nrange[0], nrange[1])
    sample = []
    for n in range(nspheres):
        sphere = Sphere()
        for prop in ('a_p', 'n_p', 'k_p', 'x_p', 'y_p', 'z_p'):
            setattr(sphere, prop, make_value(particle[prop]))
    return sample
Example #6
 def setUp(self):
     self.particle = Sphere()
     self.fast_particle = FastSphere()
     self.particle.r_p = (100, 200, 300)
     self.fast_particle.r_p = (100, 200, 300)
Example #7
class TestSphere(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.particle = Sphere()
        self.fast_particle = FastSphere()
        self.particle.r_p = (100, 200, 300)
        self.fast_particle.r_p = (100, 200, 300)

    def test_set_ap(self):
        value = 1.
        self.particle.a_p = value
        self.assertEqual(value, self.particle.a_p)
        value = [1., 1.5]
        self.particle.a_p = value
        self.assertSequenceEqual(value, self.particle.a_p.tolist())

    def test_set_np(self):
        value = 1.5
        self.particle.n_p = value
        self.assertEqual(value, self.particle.n_p)
        value = [1.5, 1.51]
        self.particle.n_p = value
        self.assertSequenceEqual(value, self.particle.n_p.tolist())

    def test_fast(self):
        self.particle.a_p = 1.
        self.particle.n_p = 1.45
        self.fast_particle.a_p = 1.
        self.fast_particle.n_p = 1.45
        n_m = 1.34
        wavelength = 0.447
        ab = self.particle.ab(n_m, wavelength)
        fast_ab = self.fast_particle.ab(n_m, wavelength)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ab[0:20, :], fast_ab[0:20, :]))

    def test_coefficients(self):
        self.particle.a_p = 1.
        self.particle.n_p = 1.45
        n_m = 1.34
        wavelength = 0.447
        ab = self.particle.ab(n_m, wavelength)

        # supposed ground truth from IDL implementation
        gt = np.array(
            [[0.j, 0.j],
             [0.99922907 - 0.027754991j, 0.99913551 - 0.029389456j],
             [0.99798931 - 0.044795570j, 0.99922896 - 0.027756943j],
             [0.99912817 - 0.029513850j, 0.99536713 - 0.067907302j],
             [0.99113427 - 0.093739712j, 0.99898631 - 0.031822280j],
             [0.99745408 - 0.050392869j, 0.98372746 - 0.12652173j],
             [0.97954507 - 0.14155044j, 0.99484334 - 0.071624499j],
             [0.98344449 - 0.12759869j, 0.97377732 - 0.15979691j],
             [0.97295236 - 0.16222228j, 0.96333549 - 0.18793674j],
             [0.94122462 - 0.23520381j, 0.97203532 - 0.16487164j],
             [0.93923397 - 0.23890065j, 0.90827363 - 0.28863930j],
             [0.90681965 - 0.29068501j, 0.89369866 - 0.30822291j],
             [0.85285635 - 0.35424906j, 0.90527481 - 0.29283498j],
             [0.80640888 - 0.39511213j, 0.79527030 - 0.40350397j],
             [0.74158827 - 0.43776147j, 0.67754233 - 0.46741707j],
             [0.67568826 - 0.46811712j, 0.68941667 - 0.46273246j],
             [0.58974388 - 0.49188010j, 0.67362393 - 0.46888669j],
             [0.39208775 - 0.48821609j, 0.44840396 - 0.49733072j],
             [0.13651257 - 0.34333204j, 0.11909958 - 0.32390565j],
             [0.023845866 - 0.15256881j, 0.014321099 - 0.11881079j],
             [0.0027834357 - 0.052684800j, 0.0012329865 - 0.035092254j],
             [0.00025087072 - 0.015836912j, 8.5639136e-05 - 0.0092537453j],
             [1.7963837e-05 - 0.0042383386j, 4.8214299e-06 - 0.0021957702j],
             [1.0259636e-06 - 0.0010128981j, 2.1937314e-07 - 0.00046837281j],
             [4.6954175e-08 - 0.00021668912j, 8.0932302e-09 - 8.9962382e-05j],
             [1.7358544e-09 - 4.1663586e-05j, 2.4393269e-10 - 1.5618345e-05j],
             [5.2348010e-11 - 7.2351925e-06j, 6.0618245e-12 - 2.4620773e-06j],
             [1.3008375e-12 - 1.1405426e-06j, 1.2536060e-13 - 3.5406299e-07j],
             [2.6896048e-14 - 1.6400015e-07j, 2.1766243e-15 - 4.6654306e-08j],
             [4.6687756e-16 - 2.1607350e-08j, 3.1991070e-17 - 5.6560648e-09j],
             [6.8604036e-18 - 2.6192371e-09j, 4.0101716e-19 - 6.3325905e-10j],
             [8.5980970e-20 - 2.9322501e-10j, 4.3169528e-21 - 6.5703417e-11j],
             [9.2545268e-22 - 3.0421149e-11j, 4.0162615e-23 - 6.3372936e-12j],
             [8.6092607e-24 - 2.9340497e-12j, 3.2488696e-25 - 5.6988406e-13j],
             [6.9664134e-26 - 2.6383515e-13j, 2.3050348e-27 - 4.7906383e-14j],
             [4.9651027e-28 - 2.2178247e-14j, 1.5031287e-29 - 3.7739203e-15j],
             [3.4175377e-30 - 1.7471016e-15j, 1.3633875e-31 - 2.7923729e-16j],
             [4.3729724e-32 - 1.2926869e-16j, 4.4429448e-33 - 1.9447037e-17j],
             [1.9627507e-33 - 9.0026403e-18j, 2.6860514e-34 - 1.2772834e-18j],
             [1.2393948e-34 - 5.9129145e-19j, 1.6573650e-35 - 7.9263326e-20j],
             [7.6708376e-36 - 3.6693179e-20j, 9.7307317e-37 - 4.6553744e-21j],
             [4.5045616e-37 - 2.1550971e-21j, 5.4177177e-38 - 2.5919978e-22j],
             [2.5080037e-38 - 1.1999046e-22j, 2.8639380e-39 - 1.3701950e-23j],
             [1.3258143e-39 - 6.3430989e-24j, 1.4400608e-40 - 6.8896892e-25j],
             [6.6679424e-41 - 3.1901465e-25j, 6.9378818e-42 - 3.3192937e-26j],
             [3.2184201e-42 - 1.5397901e-26j, 3.4506417e-43 - 1.6508920e-27j],
             [1.5867090e-43 - 7.5912988e-28j, 2.7763127e-44 - 1.3282725e-28j]])

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ab[0:20, :], gt[0:20, :]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pylorenzmie.theory.Instrument import Instrument
    from pylorenzmie.theory.Sphere import Sphere
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # Create coordinate grid for image
    x = np.arange(0, 201)
    y = np.arange(0, 201)
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    xv = xv.flatten()
    yv = yv.flatten()
    zv = np.zeros_like(xv)
    coordinates = np.stack((xv, yv, zv))
    # Place a sphere in the field of view, above the focal plane
    particle = Sphere()
    particle.r_p = [125, 75, 100]
    particle.a_p = 0.5
    particle.n_p = 1.45
    # Form image with default instrument
    instrument = Instrument()
    instrument.magnification = 0.135
    instrument.wavelength = 0.447
    instrument.n_m = 1.335
    k = instrument.wavenumber()
    # Use Generalized Lorenz-Mie theory to compute field
    kernel = CudaGeneralizedLorenzMie(coordinates=coordinates,
    field = kernel.field()
    # Compute hologram from field and show it