Example #1
    def deserialize(self, info):
        Restore serialized state of Feature from dict

        info: dict | str
            Restore keyword/value pairs from dict.
            Alternatively restore dict from named file.
        if info is None:
        if isinstance(info, str):
            with open(info, 'rb') as f:
                info = json.load(f)
        if 'model' in info.keys():
            if info['model'] == 'LMHologram':
                self.model = LMHologram()
                self.model.properties = {
                    k: info[k]
                    for k in self.model.properties.keys()
        if 'coordinates' in info.keys():
            if hasattr(self.model, 'coordinates'):
                args = info['coordinates']
                self.model.coordinates = coordinates(*args)
        if 'data' in info.keys():
            data = np.array(info['data'])
            if 'shape' in info.keys():
                data = data.reshape(info['shape'])
            self.data = data
        if 'label' in info.keys():
            self.label = info['label']
Example #2
def fit(data, a_p, n_p, z_p, plot=False, return_img=False):
    feature = Feature(model=LMHologram())
    px = int(np.sqrt(data.size))

    ins = feature.model.instrument
    ins.wavelength = wv
    ins.magnification = mag
    ins.n_m = n_m

    feature.optimizer.mask.settings['distribution'] = 'fast'
    feature.optimizer.mask.settings['percentpix'] = .1

    feature.model.coordinates = coordinates((px, px), dtype=np.float32)
    p = feature.model.particle

    p.r_p = [px // 2, px // 2, z_p / mag]
    p.a_p = a_p
    p.n_p = n_p
    feature.data = np.array(data)
    result = feature.optimize(method='lm', verbose=False)
    if plot:
        plt.imshow(np.hstack([data, feature.model.hologram().reshape(shape)]))
    a_fit = feature.model.particle.a_p
    n_fit = feature.model.particle.n_p
    z_fit = feature.model.particle.z_p

    if return_img:
        return feature.model.hologram(), a_fit, n_fit, z_fit
        return a_fit, n_fit, z_fit
Example #3
 def data(self, data):
     self._data = data / self.background
     self._data /= np.mean(self._data)
     self.data_coords = coordinates(data.shape)
     self.ui.x_p.setRange(0, data.shape[1] - 1)
     self.ui.y_p.setRange(0, data.shape[0] - 1)
     self.ui.bbox.setRange(0, min(data.shape[0] - 1, data.shape[1] - 1))
Example #4
    #from pylorenzmie.theory.cuholo import cucoordinates as coordinates
    import cv2
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from time import time

    a = Feature(model=LMHologram())

    # Read example image
    img = cv2.imread('../tutorials/crop.png')
    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    img = img / np.mean(img)
    shape = img.shape
    a.data = img

    # Instrument configuration
    a.model.coordinates = coordinates(shape, dtype=np.float32)
    ins = a.model.instrument
    ins.wavelength = 0.447
    ins.magnification = 0.048
    ins.n_m = 1.34

    # Initial estimates for particle properties
    p = a.model.particle
    p.r_p = [shape[0] // 2, shape[1] // 2, 330.]
    p.a_p = 1.1
    p.n_p = 1.4
    # add errors to parameters
    p.r_p += np.random.normal(0., 1, 3)
    p.z_p += np.random.normal(0., 30, 1)
    p.a_p += np.random.normal(0., 0.1, 1)
    p.n_p += np.random.normal(0., 0.04, 1)
Example #5
def crop_feature(img_list=[], xy_preds=[], new_shape=(201, 201)):
    img_list: list of images (np.ndarray) with shape: old_shape
    xy_preds is the output of a yolo prediction: list of list of dicts
    xy_preds[i] corresponds to img_list[i]

    list of list of feature objects

    numfiles = len(img_list)
    numpreds = len(xy_preds)
    if numfiles != numpreds:
        raise Exception(
            'Number of images: {} does not match number of predictions: {}'.
            format(numfiles, numpreds))

    frame_list = []
    est_input_img = []
    est_input_scale = []
    for num in range(numfiles):
        feature_list = []
        img_local = img_list[num]
        preds_local = xy_preds[num]
        for pred in preds_local:
            f = Feature(model=LMHologram())
            conf = pred["conf"] * 100
            (x, y, w, h) = pred["bbox"]
            xc = int(np.round(x))
            yc = int(np.round(y))
            ext = np.amax([int(w), int(h)])
            if ext <= new_shape[0]:
                crop_shape = new_shape
                scale = 1
                scale = int(np.floor(ext / new_shape[0]) + 1)
                crop_shape = np.multiply(new_shape, scale)
            cropped, corner1 = crop_center(img_local, (xc, yc), crop_shape)
            cropped = cropped[:, :, 0]
            est_img = cropped[::scale, ::scale]
            newcenter = [int(x) for x in np.divide(crop_shape, 2)]
            ext_shape = (ext, ext)
            data, corner2 = crop_center(cropped, newcenter, ext_shape)
            corner = np.add(corner1, corner2)
            data = np.array(data) / 100.
            f.data = data
            coords = coordinates(shape=ext_shape, corner=corner)
            f.model.coordinates = coords
            f.model.particle.x_p = x
            f.model.particle.y_p = y
        feature_list = np.array(feature_list)
    frame_list = np.array(frame_list)
    frlistsize = 0
    for frame in frame_list:
        frlistsize += len(frame)
    est_input_img = np.array(est_input_img)
    est_input_scale = np.array(est_input_scale)
    if frlistsize != len(est_input_img):
        print('error in output sizes')
        print('Frame list size:', frlistsize)
        print('Estimator input size:', len(est_input_img))
    return frame_list, est_input_img, est_input_scale