Example #1
def test_random_pubs():

    index = Index("eval/venues")

    #	queries = ["BMC MEDICAL GENETICS",
    #						 "PHYSICA D",
    #						 "In Proceedings 4th Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics at SIGKDD",
    #						 "In Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Machine Learning"]

    pubs = db.select(["id", "title", "venue"],
                     where="(venue IS NOT NULL) AND (venue != '')",
    pubs = random.sample(pubs, 20)

    for id, title, venue in pubs:
        venue = remove_terms(venue.lower(), IGNORE_TERMS)

        #		print "[Title]", title
        print "[Venue]", venue
        docs, scores = index.search(venue,
                                    search_fields=["abbrev", "name"],
                                    return_fields=["abbrev", "name"],

        #		docs = index.get_documents(ids, fields=["abbrev", "name"])
        if len(scores) and scores[0] >= 1.0:
            for i in range(len(docs)):
                abbrev, name = docs[i]
                print "  [%.3f] %s - %s" % (scores[i], abbrev, name)
Example #2
def add_venues_to_pubs():

    index = Index(config.DATA + "index_venues")

    #	bad_venues = db.select(fields=["papers.id", "bad_venues.name"],
    #						table=["papers", "bad_venues"],
    #						join_on=('venue_id', 'id'),
    #						limit=10000)

    bad_venues = db.select(["paper_id", "venue_name"], table="temp_venues")
    #	bad_venues = random.sample(bad_venues, 200)

    for pub_id, vname in progress(bad_venues):

        vname = remove_terms(vname.lower(), IGNORE_TERMS)
        cvenues, scores = index.search(vname,
                                       return_fields=["id", "name"],

        # Show the best matches
        #		print "\n---------------"
        #		print vname
        #		for i in range(len(cvenues)) :
        #			cid, cname = cvenues[i]
        #			print "  [%.3f] %s" % (scores[i], cname)

        # If at least one candidate was found and the score is sufficient, update the venue
        if (len(cvenues) > 0) and (scores[0] >= 1.0):
            right_venue_id = int(cvenues[0][0])
                      set="venue_id=%d" % right_venue_id,
                      where="id='%s'" % pub_id)
Example #3
    def __init__(self):
        self.index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH)

        # Get citation counts and store into dict for fast lookup
        db = MyMySQL(db=config.DB_NAME,

        ncitations = db.select_query(
            "SELECT cited, COUNT(*) from graph GROUP BY cited")
        self.ncitations = dict(ncitations)
Example #4
def find_ids_unsupervised(titles, index_folder):

    db = MyMySQL(db='csx')
    index = Index(index_folder)

    found = 0
    doc_ids = []
    for title in titles:
        top_docs, scores = index.search(title,
        #		ids = index.get_documents(top_docs, fields="id")

        # To decide if the most similar title in the index is a hit we check if its score
        # is significantly higher than those of the hits that follow it (second to sixth)

        if len(scores) > 2 and (scores[0] > 2 * np.mean(scores[1:])):
            found += 1

        # Only enable for debugging and finding a threshold
        if 0:
            print "-------"
            print "%s" % (title)
            print "-------"
            for i, (id, ) in enumerate(top_docs):
                title = db.select_one("title",
                                      where="id='%s'" % id)
                print "%.2f\t%s" % (scores[i], title.encode("UTF-8"))

            if (scores[0] > 2 * np.mean(scores[1:])):
                print "Found!",
                op = '>'
                print "Not found!",
                op = '<'

            print "(%.2f %s %.2f)\n" % (scores[0], op, 2 * np.mean(scores[1:]))

    return doc_ids
Example #5
    def __init__(self):
        self.index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH)

        # Checks if the full graph for this dataset was already ranked.
        # If not, run page rank and store the results
        pr_file_path = "%s/page_rank/%s.p" % (config.DATA, config.DATASET)
        if not os.path.exists(pr_file_path):
            g = nx.DiGraph()

            print "Running pageRank with %d nodes." % g.number_of_nodes()
            self.pr = nx.pagerank(g)

            cPickle.dump(self.pr, open(pr_file_path, "w"))

        # Else, just loads it
            self.pr = cPickle.load(open(pr_file_path, 'r'))
Example #6
def write_citations_query_set_files(db, prefix1, n1, prefix2, n2) :
	Sample random papers meeting some criteria to be used as ground truth
	(title is used as query and the citations as the expected list of
	relevant papers).

	Two non overlapping sets are created to be used as tuning and testing.

	# The index is used to find very similar publications
	index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH)

#	random.seed(86)  #@UndefinedVariable
	docs = db.select(["id", "title", "year"],
									 where="use_it AND (year IS NOT NULL) AND (year != 0)")

	sample = []
	while (len(sample) < (n1+n2)) :

		pub_id, title, year = random.choice(docs)  #@UndefinedVariable
		title = title.strip()

		citations = utils.get_cited(db, pub_id)
		if (len(citations) >= 20) :

			if not has_similar_pub(db, index, pub_id, title, citations) :
				query = to_query(title)
				sample.append((pub_id, title, query, year))
				print len(sample)
			else :
				print "Ignoring: \t'%s'" % title

	# Shuffle before splitting the sets into tuning and testing
	random.shuffle(sample)  #@UndefinedVariable
	set1 = sample[:n1]
	set2 = sample[n1:]

	save_to_file(prefix1, set1)
	save_to_file(prefix2, set2)
Example #7
class PageRankFilterAfterSearcher():
	Ranks using a simple PageRank algorithm in the unweighted citation
	network. To account for the query, after running the page rank, the
	top values WHICH CONTAIN at least one term of the query are used as
	the result list.
    def __init__(self):
        self.index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH)

        # Checks if the full graph for this dataset was already ranked.
        # If not, run page rank and store the results
        pr_file_path = "%s/page_rank/%s.p" % (config.DATA, config.DATASET)
        if not os.path.exists(pr_file_path):
            g = nx.DiGraph()

            print "Running pageRank with %d nodes." % g.number_of_nodes()
            self.pr = nx.pagerank(g)

            cPickle.dump(self.pr, open(pr_file_path, "w"))

        # Else, just loads it
            self.pr = cPickle.load(open(pr_file_path, 'r'))

    def name(self):
        return "PageRank(pos)"

    def search(self, query, force=False, exclude=[], limit=20):

        # Sorts documents decreasingly by page rank value
        ids, _values = zip(
            *sorted(self.pr.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v, reverse=True))

        # Fetches all document that have at least one of the terms
        pubs = self.index.search(query,
                                 search_fields=["title", "abstract"],

        # Unpack and convert to a set for fast lookup
        pubs = set([pub_id for (pub_id, ) in pubs])

        results = []
        for id in ids:
            if id in pubs:
                if len(results) == limit:

        return results
Example #8
def write_manual_queries() :

	raw_folder = config.DATA + "manual_raw"
	matched_folder = config.QUERY_SETS_PATH + "manual/"

	# The index is used to find very similar publications
	index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH)

	# Create folder if it doesn't exist
	if not os.path.exists(matched_folder) :

	file_names = sorted(os.listdir(raw_folder))[:3]
#	file_names = ['9.txt', '10.txt']

	for file_name in file_names :
#		print '\n-- %s --\n' % file_name

		raw_file_path = os.path.join(raw_folder, file_name)
		matched_file_path = os.path.join(matched_folder, file_name)
		match_pubs(index, raw_file_path, matched_file_path)
    def __init__(self, include_attributes=False):
    Initializes structures and load data into memory, such as the text index and
    the citation graph.
        # Build text index if non-existing
        if not os.path.exists(config.INDEX_PATH):
            indexer = Indexer()
            indexer.add_papers(config.INDEX_PATH, include_text=False)

        # Load text index
        self.index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH, similarity="tfidf")

        # Graph structure that allows fast access to nodes and edges
        self.edges_lookup = GraphBuilder(get_all_edges())

        # If attributes should be fetched and included in the model for each type of node.
        # Should be true for visualization and false for pure relevance calculation.
        self.include_attributes = include_attributes

        # Pre-load the year and venue of each publication for faster access later
        self.pub_years = {}
        self.pub_venues = {}
        rows = db.select(fields=["id", "year", "venue_id"], table="papers")
        for pub, year, venue in rows:
            self.pub_years[str(pub)] = int(year or 0)
            if venue:
                self.pub_venues[pub] = venue

        # Create a helper boolean to check if citation contexts are
        # going to be used (some datasets don't have it available)
        self.use_contexts = (config.DATASET == 'csx')

        # Load vocabulary for the tokens in the citation contexts
        # if self.use_contexts:
        #   self.ctxs_vocab, self.nctx = words.read_vocab(config.CTXS_VOCAB_PATH)

        log.debug("ModelBuilder constructed.")
def fix_venues():
    ''' Matches venues to the DBLP index so there are less dirty entries.

    index = Index(config.DATA + "index_venues",
                      DocField("id", stored=True, indexed=False),
                      DocField("abbrev", stored=True, indexed=True),
                      DocField("name", stored=True, indexed=True)

    #	db = MyMySQL(db='aminer')
    venues = db.select(["id", "name"], table="venues")
    for _vid, vname in venues:

        vname = remove_terms(vname.lower(), IGNORE_TERMS)
        pubs, scores = index.search(vname,
                                    search_fields=["abbrev", "name"],
                                    return_fields=["abbrev", "name"],

        # Show the best matches
        print "\n---------------"
        print vname
        #		if len(scores) and (scores[0]>=1.0):
        for i in range(len(pubs)):
            abbrev, name = pubs[i]
            print "  [%.3f] %s - %s" % (scores[i], abbrev, name)

        if len(pubs) == 0:

        if (len(scores) == 1) or ((scores[0] >= 1.0) and
                                  (scores[0] >= 1.5 * scores[1])):
            print "Matched!"
Example #11
    def add_papers(self, index_folder, include_text=True):

        print "Adding %s documents to index in '%s'" % (len(
            self.pub_ids), index_folder)

        fields = [
            DocField("id", stored=True, indexed=True),
            DocField("title", stored=True, indexed=True),
            DocField("abstract", stored=False, indexed=True)
        if include_text:
            fields.append(DocField("text", stored=False, indexed=True))

        index = Index(index_folder, fields)
        #		for i, (id, (title, abstract)) in enumerate(self.pubs.items()) :
        for i, pub_id in enumerate(self.pub_ids):

            title, abstract = self.get_texts(pub_id)
            field_values = {'id': pub_id, 'title': title, 'abstract': abstract}

            # Check if we are including to text before loading it
            if include_text:
                with open(os.path.join(config.TXT_PATH % pub_id),
                          "r") as txt_file:
                    text = txt_file.read()
                field_values['text'] = text


            # Commit and print progress every 1000 entries
            if i and i % 1000 == 0:
                log.info("%d documents added." % i)

Example #12
class PageRankFilterBeforeSearcher():
	Ranks using a simple PageRank algorithm in the unweighted citation
	network. To account for the query, only the documents that contain
	at least one term of the query are included in the citation network
	prior to running the PageRank.
    def __init__(self):
        self.index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH)

        # Get all possible edges
        self.edges = model.get_all_edges()

    def name(self):
        return "PageRank(pre)"

    def search(self, query, exclude=[], force=False, limit=20):

        # Fetches all document that have at least one of the terms
        pubs = self.index.search(query,
                                 search_fields=["title", "abstract"],

        # Unpack and convert to a set for fast lookup
        pubs = set([pub_id for (pub_id, ) in pubs])

        # index_ids, _scores = self.index.search(query, ["title", "abstract"], limit=limit, mode="ALL")
        # docs = set(self.index.get_documents(index_ids, "id"))

        g = nx.DiGraph()
        for u, v in self.edges:
            if (u in pubs) and (v in pubs):
                g.add_edge(u, v)

            #		print "PageRank with %d nodes." % g.number_of_nodes()
        r = nx.pagerank(g, alpha=0.7)

        if len(r) == 0:
            return []

        ids, _pg = zip(*sorted(r.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v, reverse=True))
        return ids[:limit]
Example #13
class BM25Searcher():
	Returns the top tf-idf scored documents according to the query.
    def __init__(self):
        self.index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH, similarity="BM25")

    def name(self):
        return "BM25"

    def search(self, query, exclude=[], limit=50, force=False):
        # Fetches all document that have at least one of the terms
        pub_ids = self.index.search(query,
                                    search_fields=["title", "abstract"],

        # Filter top n_starting_nodes
        return [pub_id for (pub_id, ) in pub_ids]
Example #14
def index_venues_from_db():

    venues = db.select(["id", "name"], table="venues")

    index = Index(config.DATA + "index_venues",
                      DocField("id", stored=True, indexed=False),
                      DocField("name", stored=True, indexed=True)

    for vid, vname in venues:
        index.add(id=str(vid), name=vname)

    print "%d venues added to the index." % len(venues)
Example #15
class TopCitedGlobalSearcher:
	Ranks by the most cited included all documents that contain all
	the keywords in the query.
    def __init__(self):
        self.index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH)

        # Get citation counts and store into dict for fast lookup
        db = MyMySQL(db=config.DB_NAME,

        ncitations = db.select_query(
            "SELECT cited, COUNT(*) from graph GROUP BY cited")
        self.ncitations = dict(ncitations)

    def name(self):
        return "TopCited"

    def search(self, query, exclude=[], limit=50, force=False):

        # Fetches all document that have at least one of the terms
        docs = self.index.search(query,
                                 search_fields=["title", "abstract"],

        # docs = self.index.get_documents(index_ids, "id")

        # print "%d documents found." % len(docs)
        ncitations = []
        for (doc_id, ) in docs:

            if doc_id in (self.ncitations):
                ncitations.append((self.ncitations[doc_id], doc_id))

        # Sort by number of citations and returned top entries
        _citations, ids = zip(*sorted(ncitations, reverse=True))
        return ids[:limit]
Example #16
 def __init__(self, tau, filter_before=True):
     self.index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH)
     self.tau = tau
Example #17
class CiteRankSearcher():
	Ranks using the CiteRank variant, which is basically a PageRank, but it
	includes a teleportation array defined by the age of each paper. Older
	papers are less likely to be randomly visited by a walker. To account
	for the query, after running the page rank, the top values WHICH CONTAIN
	at least one term of the query are used as the result list.
    def __init__(self, tau, filter_before=True):
        self.index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH)
        self.tau = tau

    def name(self):
        return "CiteRank"

    def search(self, query, exclude=[], limit=20, force=False):

        # import warnings
        # warnings.filterwarnings('error')

        file_path = config.CITERANK_FILE_PATH
        if not os.path.exists(file_path):
            g = nx.DiGraph()

            # Remove documents from the exclude list

            # Get year of each paper for assembling personalization array next
            db = MyMySQL(db=config.DATASET)
            rows = db.select(["id", "year"], table="papers")
            years = {}
            for pub_id, year in rows:
                if year is not None:
                    years[pub_id] = year

            # Calculate the median to use in the missing values
            year_median = np.median(years.values())

            # Create a personalization array by exponentially decaying
            # each paper's factor by its age
            pers = {}
            for node in g.nodes():
                if (node not in years) or (years[node] < 1960) or (years[node]
                                                                   > 2013):
                    years[node] = year_median

                pers[node] = np.exp(float(years[node] - 2013) / self.tau)
            #				try :
            #				except Warning:
            #					print "Warning!"
            #					print node
            #					print year
            #					print

            print "Running PageRank with %d nodes and age defined personalization vector." % g.number_of_nodes(
            r = nx.pagerank(g, personalization=pers)

            print "Writing results"
            cPickle.dump(r, open(file_path, "w"))

        # Loads cached page rank values for every node
        r = cPickle.load(open(file_path, "r"))

        # Sorts documents decreasingly by page rank value
        ids, _score_ = zip(
            *sorted(r.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v, reverse=True))

        # Fetches all document that have at least one of the terms.
        # Store them in a set for fast lookup
        pub_ids = self.index.search(query,
                                    search_fields=["title", "abstract"],

        pub_ids = set([pid for (pid, ) in pub_ids])

        results = []
        for id in ids:
            if id in pub_ids:
                if len(results) == limit:

        return results
Example #18
 def __init__(self):
     self.index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH, similarity="BM25")
Example #19
 def __init__(self):
     self.index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH)
class ModelBuilder:
  Main class for building the graphical model. The layers are built separately in their
  corresponding methods. Every layer is cached in a folder defined by the main parameters.
    def __init__(self, include_attributes=False):
    Initializes structures and load data into memory, such as the text index and
    the citation graph.
        # Build text index if non-existing
        if not os.path.exists(config.INDEX_PATH):
            indexer = Indexer()
            indexer.add_papers(config.INDEX_PATH, include_text=False)

        # Load text index
        self.index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH, similarity="tfidf")

        # Graph structure that allows fast access to nodes and edges
        self.edges_lookup = GraphBuilder(get_all_edges())

        # If attributes should be fetched and included in the model for each type of node.
        # Should be true for visualization and false for pure relevance calculation.
        self.include_attributes = include_attributes

        # Pre-load the year and venue of each publication for faster access later
        self.pub_years = {}
        self.pub_venues = {}
        rows = db.select(fields=["id", "year", "venue_id"], table="papers")
        for pub, year, venue in rows:
            self.pub_years[str(pub)] = int(year or 0)
            if venue:
                self.pub_venues[pub] = venue

        # Create a helper boolean to check if citation contexts are
        # going to be used (some datasets don't have it available)
        self.use_contexts = (config.DATASET == 'csx')

        # Load vocabulary for the tokens in the citation contexts
        # if self.use_contexts:
        #   self.ctxs_vocab, self.nctx = words.read_vocab(config.CTXS_VOCAB_PATH)

        log.debug("ModelBuilder constructed.")

    def query_tfidf(self, query):
        return words.get_tfidf(query, self.ctxs_vocab, self.nctx)

    def get_context_based_weights_file(self, query, nodes, edges):
    Get edge weights according to textual similarity between
    the query and the citation context.
        # If the dataset doesn't not support citation contexts,
        # just use weight=1
        if not self.use_contexts:
            return [(u, v, 1.0) for (u, v) in edges]

        # Load contexts around citations for the provided edges
        ctxs = self.get_edge_contexts(nodes, edges)

        # Get TF-IDF representation for the query
        query_vec = self.query_tfidf(query)

        # Weights the edges according to the similarity to contexts' similarity to the query
        weighted_edges = []
        self.ctx_query_sims = []
        for u, v in edges:
            if (u, v) in ctxs:
                ctx_query_sim = similarity(query_vec, ctxs[(u, v)])
                ctx_query_sim = 0.0

            weighted_edges.append((u, v, ctx_query_sim))

        return weighted_edges

    def get_context_based_weights(self, query, nodes, edges):
    Get edge weights according to textual similarity between
    the query and the citation context.
        # If the dataset doesn't not support citation contexts,
        # just use weight=1
        if not self.use_contexts:
            return [(u, v, 1.0) for (u, v) in edges]

        ctxs = []
        for citing, cited in edges:
            ctx = db.select_one(fields="context",
                                where="citing='%s' AND cited='%s'" %
                                (citing, cited))

            if ctx == None: ctx = u''
            # Remove placeholders marked with =-= and -=-
            beg_idx = ctx.find("=-=")
            end_idx = ctx.find("-=-", beg_idx) + 3

            ctx = ctx[:beg_idx] + ctx[end_idx:]

        # Get the TF_IDF vector representation for the contexts
        vec = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=2,
                              ngram_range=(1, 3))
        vctxs = vec.fit_transform(ctxs)

        # Get TF-IDF vector representation for the query (given and returned as a vector)
        vquery = vec.transform([query])[0]

        # Weights the edges according to the similarity to contexts' similarity to the query
        weighted_edges = [(citing, cited, cosine_similarity(vquery,
                          for i, (citing, cited) in enumerate(edges)]

        # print "-- %s --" % query
        # for i, ctx in enumerate(ctxs):
        #   print
        #   print ctx
        #   print weighted_edges[i][2]

        return weighted_edges

    def get_pubs_layer(self,
    First the top 'n_starting_nodes' documents are retrieved using an index
    and ranked using standard TF-IDF . Then we follow n_hops from these nodes
    to have the first layer of the graph (papers).
        # Must be called on every thread accessing the index

        # Fetches all document that have at least one of the terms
        docs = self.index.search(query,
                                 search_fields=["title", "abstract"],

        # Store normalized query similarities for each matched document in a class attribute.
        # Non matched paper will get a 0.0 value given by the defaultdict.
        #		self.query_sims = defaultdict(int)
        #		max_query_sim = max(scores)
        #		for i in xrange(len(docs)) :
        #			self.query_sims[docs[i]['id']] = scores[i]/max_query_sim

        # Add the top n_starting_nodes as long as not in exclude list
        #		i = 0
        #		doc_ids = []
        #		while (len(doc_ids) < n_starting_nodes) :
        #			if (docs[i]['id'] not in exclude_list) :
        #				doc_ids.append(docs[i]['id'])
        #			i += 1
        #		doc_ids = [doc['id'] for doc in docs[:n_starting_nodes]]

        #		if len(exclude_list)==0 :
        #			raise Exception("No pubs in the exclude list.")

        #		most_similar = docs[0][0]
        #		pub_id = list(exclude_list)[0]

        #		c1 = utils.get_cited(db, pub_id)
        #		c2 = utils.get_cited(db, most_similar)
        #		print query
        #		print utils.get_title(db, most_similar)
        #		print len(c1), len(c2), len(set(c1)&set(c2))

        # Get doc ids as uni-dimensional list
        nodes = set([str(doc[0]) for doc in docs])
        new_nodes = nodes

        # We hop h times including all the nodes from these hops
        for h in xrange(n_hops):
            new_nodes = self.edges_lookup.follow_nodes(new_nodes)

            # Remove documents from the exclude list and keep only processed ids
            new_nodes -= exclude_list
            #			new_nodes &= self.allowed_ids

            # Than add them to the current set

            log.debug("Hop %d: %d nodes." % (h + 1, len(nodes)))

        # Get the query similarities from the index. They'll be used latter when
        # assembling the layers into a NetworkX graph
        self.query_scores = self.index.get_query_scores(
            query, fields=["title", "abstract"], doc_ids=nodes)

        # Get the edges between the given nodes and add a constant the weight for each
        edges = self.edges_lookup.subgraph(nodes)

        # Get edge weights according to textual similarity between
        # the query and the citation context
        weighted_edges = self.get_context_based_weights(query, nodes, edges)

        # To list to preserve element order
        nodes = list(nodes)

        # Save into cache for reusing
        # 		cPickle.dump((nodes, edges, self.query_sims), open(cache_file, 'w'))

        return nodes, weighted_edges

    def get_authors(self, doc_id):
    Return the authors associated with the given paper, if available.
        #		return db.select("cluster", table="authors_clean", where="paperid='%s'" % doc_id)
        return db.select("author_id",
                         where="paper_id='%s'" % doc_id)

    def get_cached_coauthorship_edges(self, authors):
    Return all the collaboration edges between the given authors. Edges to authors not provided are
    not included.
        # For efficient lookup
        authors = set(authors)

        edges = set()
        for author_id in authors:
            coauthors = db.select(["author1", "author2", "npapers"],
                                  where="author1=%d OR author2=%d" %
                                  (author_id, author_id))
            for a1, a2, npapers in coauthors:

                # Apply log transformation to smooth values and avoid outliers
                # crushing other values after normalization
                npapers = 1.0 + np.log(npapers)

                if (a1 in authors) and (a2 in authors):
                    edge = (a1, a2, 1.0) if a1 < a2 else (a2, a1, 1.0)

        # Normalize by max value and return them as a list
        return normalize_edges(edges)

    def get_coauthorship_edges(self, authors):
    Return all the collaboration edges between the given authors. Edges to authors not provided are
    not included.
        # For efficient lookup
        authors = set(authors)

        edges = set()
        for author_id in authors:
            coauthorships = db.select_query("""SELECT b.author_id FROM authorships a, authorships b
                                         WHERE (a.author_id=%d) AND (b.author_id!=%d) AND a.paper_id=b.paper_id""" \
                            % (author_id, author_id))

            # Count coauthorshiped pubs
            coauthors = defaultdict(int)
            for (coauthor, ) in coauthorships:
                if coauthor in authors:
                    coauthors[(author_id, coauthor)] += 1

            for (a1, a2), npapers in coauthors.items():

                # Apply log transformation to smooth values and avoid outliers
                # crushing other values after normalization
                weight = 1.0 + np.log(npapers)

                if (a1 in authors) and (a2 in authors):
                    edge = (a1, a2, weight) if a1 < a2 else (a2, a1, weight)

        # Normalize by max value and return them as a list
        return normalize_edges(edges)

    def get_authorship_edges(self, papers_authors):
    Return authorship edges [(doc_id, author), ...]
        edges = []
        for doc_id, authors in papers_authors.items():
            edges.extend([(doc_id, author, 1.0) for author in authors])

        return edges

    def get_authors_layer(self, papers, ign_cache=False):
    Retrieve relevant authors from DB (author of at least one paper given as argument)
    and assemble co-authorship and authorship nodes and edges.

        # Try to load from cache
        # 		cache_file = "%s/authors.p" % self.cache_folder
        # 		if (not ign_cache) and os.path.exists(cache_file) :
        # 			return cPickle.load(open(cache_file, 'r'))

        all_authors = set()
        papers_authors = {}
        for paperid in papers:
            paper_authors = self.get_authors(paperid)

            papers_authors[paperid] = paper_authors

        #		coauth_edges = self.get_coauthorship_edges(all_authors)
        coauth_edges = self.get_cached_coauthorship_edges(all_authors)
        auth_edges = self.get_authorship_edges(papers_authors)
        all_authors = list(all_authors)

        # Save into cache for reuse
        # 		cPickle.dump((all_authors, coauth_edges, auth_edges), open(cache_file, 'w'))

        return all_authors, coauth_edges, auth_edges

    def get_relevant_topics(self, doc_topics, ntop=None, above=None):
    Get the most important topics for the given document by either:
      * Taking the 'ntop' values if 'ntop' id provided or
      * Taking all topics with contributions greater than 'above'.
        if ntop:
            return np.argsort(doc_topics)[::-1][:ntop]

        if above:
            return np.where(doc_topics > above)[0]

        raise TypeError("Arguments 'ntop' and 'above' cannot be both None.")

    def get_frequent_topic_pairs(self, topics_per_document, min_interest):

        freqs1 = defaultdict(int)  # Frequencies of 1-itemsets
        freqs2 = defaultdict(int)  # Frequencies of 2-itemsets
        for topics in topics_per_document:
            for t in topics:
                freqs1[t] += 1

            if len(topics) >= 2:
                for t1, t2 in itertools.combinations(topics, 2):
                    freqs2[sorted_tuple(t1, t2)] += 1

        total = float(len(topics_per_document))

        rules = []
        for (t1, t2), v in sorted(freqs2.items(),
                                  key=lambda (k, v): v):

            int12 = float(v) / freqs1[t1] - freqs1[t2] / total
            int21 = float(v) / freqs1[t2] - freqs1[t1] / total

            if int12 >= min_interest: rules.append((t1, t2, int12))
            if int21 >= min_interest: rules.append((t2, t1, int21))

        # 	for interest, (t1, t2) in sorted(rules, reverse=True) :
        # 		print "(%d -> %d) :\t%f" % (t1, t2, interest) - freqs1[t2]/total
        # 		print "(%d -> %d) :\t%f" % (t2, t1, interest) - freqs1[t1]/total

        return rules

    def get_topics_layer_from_db(self, doc_ids, min_conf_topics):
    Run topic modeling for the content on the given papers and assemble the topic nodes
    and edges.
        # 		topics, doc_topics, tokens = topic_modeling.get_topics_online(doc_ids, ntopics=200, beta=0.1,
        # 																																cache_folder=self.cache_folder, ign_cache=False)

        # Build topic nodes and paper-topic edges
        topic_nodes = set()
        topic_paper_edges = set()

        # Retrieve top topics for each document from the db
        topic_ids_per_doc = []
        for doc_id in doc_ids:

            topics = db.select(fields=["topic_id", "value"],
                               where="paper_id='%s'" % doc_id)
            if len(topics):
                topic_ids, topic_values = zip(*topics)

                # 				topic_values_per_doc.append(topic_values)

                topic_paper_edges.update([(doc_id, topic_ids[t],
                                          for t in xrange(len(topic_ids))])

            # 		for d in xrange(len(doc_ids)) :
            # 			topic_ids = topic_ids_per_doc[d]
            # 			topic_values = topic_values_per_doc[d]

        # Normalize edge weights with the maximum value
        topic_paper_edges = normalize_edges(topic_paper_edges)

        # From the list of relevant topics f
        #		rules = self.get_frequent_topic_pairs(topic_ids_per_doc, min_conf_topics)
        topic_topic_edges = get_rules_by_lift(topic_ids_per_doc,
        topic_topic_edges = normalize_edges(topic_topic_edges)

        # Get the density of the ngram layer to feel the effect of 'min_topics_lift'
        self.topic_density = float(len(topic_topic_edges)) / len(topic_nodes)

        #		get_name = lambda u: db.select_one(fields="words", table="topic_words", where="topic_id=%d"%u)
        #		top = sorted(topic_topic_edges, key=lambda t:t[2], reverse=True)
        #		for u, v, w in top :
        #			uname = get_name(u)
        #			vname = get_name(v)
        #			print "%s\n%s\n%.3f\n" % (uname, vname, w)

        # Cast topic_nodes to list so we can assure element order
        topic_nodes = list(topic_nodes)

        return topic_nodes, topic_topic_edges, topic_paper_edges

    #	def get_topics_layer(self, doc_ids, min_conf_topics) :
    #		'''
    #		Run topic modeling for the content on the given papers and assemble the topic nodes
    #		and edges.
    #		'''
    #		topics, doc_topics, tokens = topic_modeling.get_topics_online(self.cache_folder, ntopics=200,
    #																																beta=0.1, ign_cache=False)
    #		doc_topic_above = DOC_TOPIC_THRES
    #		topic_nodes = set()
    #		topic_paper_edges = set()
    #		topics_per_document = []
    #		for d in xrange(len(doc_ids)) :
    #			relevant_topics = self.get_relevant_topics(doc_topics[d], above=doc_topic_above)
    #			# This data structure is needed for the correlation between topics
    #			topics_per_document.append(relevant_topics)
    #			topic_nodes.update(relevant_topics)
    #			topic_paper_edges.update([(doc_ids[d], t, doc_topics[d][t]) for t in relevant_topics])
    #		# Normalize edge weights with the maximum value
    #		topic_paper_edges = normalize_edges(topic_paper_edges)
    #		# From the list of relevant topics f
    #		rules = self.get_frequent_topic_pairs(topics_per_document)
    #		# Add only edges above certain confidence. These edge don't
    #		# need to be normalized since 0 < confidence < 1.
    #		topic_topic_edges = set()
    #		for interest, (t1, t2) in rules :
    #			if interest >= min_conf_topics :
    #				topic_topic_edges.add( (t1, t2, interest) )
    #		# Cast topic_nodes to list so we can assure element order
    #		topic_nodes = list(topic_nodes)
    #		# Select only the names of the topics being considered here
    #		# and store in a class attribute
    #		topic_names = topic_modeling.get_topic_names(topics, tokens)
    #		self.topic_names = {tid: topic_names[tid] for tid in topic_nodes}
    #		return topic_nodes, topic_topic_edges, topic_paper_edges, tokens

    #	def get_words_layer_from_db(self, doc_ids):
    #		'''
    #		Create words layers by retrieving TF-IDF values from the DB (previously calculated).
    #		'''
    #		word_nodes = set()
    #		paper_word_edges = set()
    #		for doc_id in doc_ids :
    #			rows = db.select(fields=["word", "value"],
    #											 table="doc_words",
    #											 where="paper_id='%s'"%doc_id,
    #											 order_by=("value","desc"),
    #											 limit=5)
    #			top_words, top_values = zip(*rows)
    #			word_nodes.update(top_words)
    #			paper_word_edges.update([(doc_id, top_words[t], top_values[t]) for t in range(len(top_words))])
    #		# Normalize edges weights by their biggest value
    #		paper_word_edges = normalize_edges(paper_word_edges)
    #		return word_nodes, paper_word_edges

    #	def get_ngrams_layer_from_db2(self, doc_ids):
    #		'''
    #		Create words layers by retrieving TF-IDF values from the DB (previously calculated).
    #		'''
    #		word_nodes = set()
    #		paper_word_edges = set()
    #		ngrams_per_doc = []
    #		for doc_id in doc_ids :
    #			rows = db.select(fields=["ngram", "value"],
    #											 table="doc_ngrams",
    #											 where="(paper_id='%s') AND (value>=%f)" % (doc_id, config.MIN_NGRAM_TFIDF))
    #			if (len(rows) > 0) :
    #				top_words, top_values = zip(*rows)
    #				word_nodes.update(top_words)
    #				paper_word_edges.update([(doc_id, top_words[t], top_values[t]) for t in range(len(top_words))])
    #				ngrams_per_doc.append(top_words)
    #		## TEMPORARY ##
    ##		mean_ngrams = np.mean([len(ngrams) for ngrams in ngrams_per_doc])
    ##		print "%f\t" % mean_ngrams,
    #		# Get get_rules_by_lift between co-occurring ngrams to create edges between ngrams
    #		word_word_edges = get_rules_by_lift(ngrams_per_doc, min_lift=config.MIN_NGRAM_LIFT)
    ##		print len(word_nodes), "word nodes."
    ##		print len(word_word_edges), "word-word edges."
    ##		for e in word_word_edges :
    ##			print e
    ##		for rule in sorted(rules, reverse=True) :
    ##			print rule
    #		# Normalize edges weights by their biggest value
    #		word_word_edges = normalize_edges(word_word_edges)
    #		paper_word_edges = normalize_edges(paper_word_edges)
    #		return word_nodes, word_word_edges, paper_word_edges

    def get_ngrams_layer_from_db(self, doc_ids, min_ngram_lift):
    Create words layers by retrieving TF-IDF values from the DB (previously calculated).
        word_nodes = set()
        paper_word_edges = list()

        doc_ids_str = ",".join(["'%s'" % doc_id for doc_id in doc_ids])

        MIN_NGRAM_TFIDF = 0.25

        table = "doc_ngrams"
        rows = db.select(fields=["paper_id", "ngram", "value"],
                         where="paper_id IN (%s) AND (value>=%f)" %
                         (doc_ids_str, MIN_NGRAM_TFIDF))

        ngrams_per_doc = defaultdict(list)
        for doc_id, ngram, value in rows:
            paper_word_edges.append((str(doc_id), ngram, value))


        # Get get_rules_by_lift between co-occurring ngrams to create edges between ngrams
        word_word_edges = get_rules_by_lift(ngrams_per_doc.values(),

        # Get the density of the ngram layer to feel the effect of 'min_ngram_lift'
        self.ngram_density = float(len(word_word_edges)) / len(word_nodes)
        self.nwords = len(word_nodes)

        # Normalize edges weights by their biggest value
        word_word_edges = normalize_edges(word_word_edges)
        paper_word_edges = normalize_edges(paper_word_edges)

        return word_nodes, word_word_edges, paper_word_edges

    def get_keywords_layer_from_db(self, doc_ids, min_ngram_lift):
    Create words layers by retrieving TF-IDF values from the DB (previously calculated).
        word_nodes = set()
        paper_word_edges = list()

        doc_ids_str = ",".join(["'%s'" % doc_id for doc_id in doc_ids])

        where = "paper_id IN (%s)" % doc_ids_str
        if config.KEYWORDS == "extracted":
            where += " AND (extracted=1)"

        elif config.KEYWORDS == "extended":
            where += " AND (extracted=0) AND (value>=%f)" % config.MIN_NGRAM_TFIDF

        elif config.KEYWORDS == "both":
            where += " AND (value>=%f)" % config.MIN_NGRAM_TFIDF

        rows = db.select(fields=["paper_id", "ngram"],

        ngrams_per_doc = defaultdict(list)
        for doc_id, ngram in rows:
            paper_word_edges.append((str(doc_id), ngram, 1.0))


        # Get get_rules_by_lift between co-occurring ngrams to create edges between ngrams
        word_word_edges = get_rules_by_lift(ngrams_per_doc.values(),

        # Get the density of the ngram layer to feel the effect of 'min_ngram_lift'
        self.ngram_density = float(len(word_word_edges)) / len(word_nodes)
        self.nwords = len(word_nodes)

        # Normalize edges weights by their biggest value
        word_word_edges = normalize_edges(word_word_edges)
        paper_word_edges = normalize_edges(paper_word_edges)

        return word_nodes, word_word_edges, paper_word_edges

    def get_papers_atts(self, papers):
    Fetch attributes for each paper from the DB.
        atts = {}
        for paper in papers:
            title, venue = db.select_one(["title", "venue"],
                                         where="id='%s'" % paper)
            title = title if title else ""
            venue = venue if venue else ""
            query_score = self.query_sims[paper] if (
                paper in self.query_sims) else 0.0
            atts[paper] = {
                "label": title,
                "title": title,
                "venue": venue,
                "query_score": query_score

        return atts

    def get_authors_atts(self, authors):
    Fetch attributes for each author from the DB.
        atts = {}
        for author in authors:
            name, email, affil = db.select_one(["name", "email", "affil"],
                                               where="cluster=%d" % author)
            npapers = str(
                              where="cluster=%d" % author))
            name = name if name else ""
            email = email if email else ""
            affil = affil if affil else ""

            atts[author] = {
                "label": name,
                "name": name,
                "email": email,
                "affil": affil,
                "npapers": npapers

        return atts

    def get_topics_atts(self, topics):
    Fetch attributes for each topic.
        topic_names = db.select(fields="words",
        atts = {}
        for topic in topics:
            topic_name = topic_names[topic]
            atts[topic] = {"label": topic_name, "description": topic_name}

        return atts

    def get_words_atts(self, words):
    Fetch attributes for each word.
        atts = {}
        for word in words:
            atts[word] = {"label": word}

        return atts

    def assemble_layers(self, pubs, citation_edges, authors, coauth_edges,
                        auth_edges, topics, topic_topic_edges,
                        paper_topic_edges, ngrams, ngram_ngram_edges,
                        paper_ngram_edges, venues, pub_venue_edges):
    Assembles the layers as an unified graph. Each node as an unique id, its type (paper,
    author, etc.) and a readable label (paper title, author name, etc.)
        graph = nx.DiGraph()

        # These map the original identifiers for each type (paper doi, author id,
        # etc.) to the new unique nodes id.
        pubs_ids = {}
        authors_ids = {}
        topics_ids = {}
        words_ids = {}
        venues_ids = {}

        # Controls the unique incremental id generation
        next_id = 0

        # Add each paper providing an unique node id. Some attributes must be added
        # even if include_attributes is True, since they are used in ranking algorithm.
        for pub in pubs:
            pub = str(pub)

            #			if hasattr(self, 'query_sims') :
            #				query_score = float(self.query_sims[paper])  #if paper in self.query_sims else 0.0
            #			else :
            #				query_score = 0.0


            pubs_ids[pub] = next_id
            next_id += 1

        # Add citation edges (directed)
        for paper1, paper2, weight in citation_edges:
            graph.add_edge(pubs_ids[paper1], pubs_ids[paper2], weight=weight)

        # Add each author providing an unique node id
        for author in authors:
            graph.add_node(next_id, type="author", entity_id=author)

            authors_ids[author] = next_id
            next_id += 1

        # Add co-authorship edges on both directions (undirected)
        for author1, author2, weight in coauth_edges:

        # Add authorship edges on both directions (undirected)
        for paper, author, weight in auth_edges:
            graph.add_edge(pubs_ids[paper], authors_ids[author], weight=weight)
            graph.add_edge(authors_ids[author], pubs_ids[paper], weight=weight)


        #		# Add topic nodes
        #		for topic in topics :
        #			graph.add_node(next_id, type="topic", entity_id=topic)
        #			topics_ids[topic] = next_id
        #			next_id += 1
        #		# Add topic correlation edges (directed)
        #		for topic1, topic2, weight in topic_topic_edges :
        #			graph.add_edge(topics_ids[topic1], topics_ids[topic2], weight=weight)
        #			graph.add_edge(topics_ids[topic2], topics_ids[topic1], weight=weight)
        #		# Add paper-topic edges (directed)
        #		for paper, topic, weight in paper_topic_edges :
        #			graph.add_edge(pubs_ids[paper], topics_ids[topic], weight=weight)
        #			graph.add_edge(topics_ids[topic], pubs_ids[paper], weight=weight)

        # Add ngram nodes
        for ngram in ngrams:
            graph.add_node(next_id, type="ngram", entity_id=ngram)

            words_ids[ngram] = next_id
            next_id += 1

        #		 Add word-word edges (undirected)
        for w1, w2, weight in ngram_ngram_edges:
            graph.add_edge(words_ids[w1], words_ids[w2], weight=weight)
            graph.add_edge(words_ids[w2], words_ids[w1], weight=weight)

        # Add paper-word edges (undirected)
        for paper, word, weight in paper_ngram_edges:
            graph.add_edge(pubs_ids[paper], words_ids[word], weight=weight)
            graph.add_edge(words_ids[word], pubs_ids[paper], weight=weight)

        # Add venues to the graph
        for venue in venues:
            graph.add_node(next_id, type="venue", entity_id=venue)

            venues_ids[venue] = next_id
            next_id += 1

        for pub, venue, weight in pub_venue_edges:
            graph.add_edge(pubs_ids[pub], venues_ids[venue], weight=weight)
            graph.add_edge(venues_ids[venue], pubs_ids[pub], weight=weight)

        # Get the attributes for each author
        # Get attributes for each paper
        if self.include_attributes:
            add_attributes(graph, pubs, pubs_ids, self.get_papers_atts(pubs))
            add_attributes(graph, authors, authors_ids,
            add_attributes(graph, topics, topics_ids,
            add_attributes(graph, words, words_ids, self.get_words_atts(words))

        return graph

    def parse_tfidf_line(self, line):
        parts = line.strip().split()
        tokens = parts[0::2]
        tfidf = map(float, parts[1::2])
        return dict(zip(tokens, tfidf))

    def get_edge_contexts(self, papers, citation_edges):

        citation_edges = set(citation_edges)

        tokens_per_citation = {}
        for citing in papers:
            if os.path.exists(config.CTX_PATH % citing):
                with open(config.CTX_PATH % citing, "r") as file:
                    for line in file:
                        cited, tokens_tfidf = line.strip().split('\t')

                        if (citing, cited) in citation_edges:
                                cited)] = self.parse_tfidf_line(tokens_tfidf)

        return tokens_per_citation

    def get_venues_layer(self, pubs):
    Returns the venues' ids and edges from publications to venues according
    to the venues used in the publications.
        venues = set()
        pub_venue_edges = list()
        for pub in pubs:
            if pub in self.pub_venues:
                venue_id = self.pub_venues[pub]
                pub_venue_edges.append((pub, venue_id, 1.0))

        return list(venues), pub_venue_edges

    def build(self,
    Build graph model from given query.

            "Building model for query='%s', starting_nodes=%d and hops=%d." %
            (query, n_starting_nodes, n_hops))

        pubs, citation_edges = self.get_pubs_layer(query, n_starting_nodes,
                                                   n_hops, set(exclude))
        log.debug("%d pubs and %d citation edges." %
                  (len(pubs), len(citation_edges)))

        authors, coauth_edges, auth_edges = self.get_authors_layer(pubs)
            "%d authors, %d co-authorship edges and %d authorship edges." %
            (len(authors), len(coauth_edges), len(auth_edges)))

        #		topics, topic_topic_edges, pub_topic_edges = self.get_topics_layer_from_db(pubs, min_topic_lift)
        #		log.debug("%d topics, %d topic-topic edges and %d pub-topic edges."
        #										% (len(topics), len(topic_topic_edges), len(pub_topic_edges)))

        # Use the standard ngrams formulation if the config says so
        if config.KEYWORDS == "ngrams":
            words, word_word_edges, pub_word_edges = self.get_ngrams_layer_from_db(
                pubs, min_ngram_lift)

        # Otherwise use some variant of a keywords' layer
            words, word_word_edges, pub_word_edges = self.get_keywords_layer_from_db(
                pubs, min_ngram_lift)
        log.debug("%d words and %d pub-word edges." %
                  (len(words), len(pub_word_edges)))

        venues, pub_venue_edges = self.get_venues_layer(pubs)
        log.debug("%d venues and %d pub-venue edges." %
                  (len(venues), len(pub_venue_edges)))

        graph = self.assemble_layers(
            #														topics, topic_topic_edges, pub_topic_edges,

        # Writes the contexts of each edge into a file to be used efficiently
        # on the ranking algorithm.
        # 		self.write_edge_contexts(papers, citation_edges, ctxs_file)

        # Writes the gexf
        #		write_graph(graph, model_file)
        return graph
Example #21
def search_index(index_folder, query):
    index = Index(index_folder)
    top = index.search("text", query, fields=["id", "title"])
    print "\n".join(map(str, top))
Example #22
    def __init__(self):
        self.index = Index(config.INDEX_PATH)

        # Get all possible edges
        self.edges = model.get_all_edges()