def main(argv): datetime = '' coords = '' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hd:c", ["datetime=", "coords="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print(' -d <datetime at 2018/07/05t23:59:59>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(' -d <datetime at 2018/07/05t23:59:59>') sys.exit() elif opt in ("-d", "--datetime"): datetime = arg elif opt in ("-c", "--coords"): datetime = arg # print(datetime) year = int(datetime[:-15]) month = int(datetime[5:-12]) day = int(datetime[8:-9]) hh = int(datetime[11:-6]) mm = int(datetime[14:-3]) ss = int(datetime[17:]) # print(datetime[:-15] +" "+ datetime[5:-12] + " " + datetime[8:-9]) mi = pylunar.MoonInfo((33, 00, 00), (-70, 33, 26)) mi.update((year, month, day, hh, mm, ss)) phase_name = mi.phase_name() percent = mi.fractional_phase() age = mi.age() print("Phase Name: " + str(phase_name) + " Percent:" + str(percent) + " Age:" + str(age))
def lunar(self): """Calculate age of moon as integer.""" m = pylunar.MoonInfo((31, 46, 19), (35, 13, 1)) # lat/long Jerusalem m.update((,,, 0, 0, 0)) age = round(m.age()) return age
def set_up_forecast(city, state, centering, new_loc=False): """ Sets up the forecast table Returns the context for the html :return: """ global current_hour, master_forecast global formatted_current # Determine if city/state or lat/lng, return loc data and location if request.form: geocoder_data, loc = get_user_locational_data(city, state) else: loc = default_loc geocoder_data = geocoder.geocode(default_loc) lat = geocoder_data[0]['geometry']['lat'] lng = geocoder_data[0]['geometry']['lng'] # Localize the time to where the data is being requested tz_obj = TimezoneFinder() my_date =, lat=lat))) localized_hour = my_date.hour if new_loc: master_forecast = request_data(lat, lng) hourly_forcast = parse_weather_data(centering) # Get a list of wind directions and ids wind_direction_ids = [] wind_directions = [] for key in hourly_forcast: wind_directions.append( u.wind_direction(hourly_forcast[key]['wind_deg'])) wind_direction_ids.append("direction" + str(key)) # Get moon rise / set times lat_dms = u.decdeg2dms(geocoder_data[0]['geometry']['lat']) lng_dms = u.decdeg2dms(geocoder_data[0]['geometry']['lng']) moon_obj = pylunar.MoonInfo(lat_dms, lng_dms) lunar_set_rise = pylunar.MoonInfo.rise_set_times(moon_obj, "UTC-07:00") # Return the context for flask html variables as a dictionary return { 'geocode': geocoder_data, 'darksky': hourly_forcast, 'wind_directions': wind_directions, 'wind_direction_ids': wind_direction_ids, 'date': u.get_current_date(), 'location': loc, 'phase': moon_obj.phase_name().replace("_", " "), 'lunar_times': lunar_set_rise, 'current_hour': localized_hour }
def lunar(self, date: datetime): """ Parameters ---------- date: datetime : Returns ------- """ m = pylunar.MoonInfo((31, 46, 19), (35, 13, 1)) # lat/long Jerusalem m.update((date.year, date.month,, 0, 0, 0)) age = round(m.age()) return age
def main(): url = "" querystring = {"api_key":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJlcG9uc2NAZ21haWwuY29tIiwianRpIjoiZjJmYzNhYTEtYmM4OC00ZTkyLTgyMTctOTI0MzdiZTI5NTkxIiwiaXNzIjoiQUVNRVQiLCJpYXQiOjE1NjkyNjEyNTAsInVzZXJJZCI6ImYyZmMzYWExLWJjODgtNGU5Mi04MjE3LTkyNDM3YmUyOTU5MSIsInJvbGUiOiIifQ.pD9llUZtFQqJCwpDjj8BG_deFOm7R5tSoJNxkBFWOfU"} headers = { 'cache-control': "no-cache" } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=querystring) url_municipi = response.json()["datos"] response = requests.get(url_municipi, headers=headers, params=querystring) prediction = response.json()[0]["prediccion"]["dia"] daily_sky_status = [] for day in prediction: daily_sky_status.append(day["estadoCielo"][-1]["descripcion"]) one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1) today = days = [] for x in range(7): days.append(today + one_day * x) mi = pylunar.MoonInfo((42, 7, 30), (2, 38, 19)) daily_moon_phase = [] days_string = [] for x in days: mi.update((x.year, x.month,, 22, 0, 0)) daily_moon_phase.append(mi.fractional_phase()) days_string.append(x.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) preresult = list(zip(daily_sky_status, daily_moon_phase)) result = [] for sky_status, moon_phase in preresult: if moon_phase < 0.5 and sky_status in ["Despejado", "Despejado noche", "Poco nuboso", "Poco nuboso noche"]: result.append("Very Good Night for stargazing") elif moon_phase < 0.5 and sky_status in ["Intervalos nubosos", "Intervalos nubosos noche"]: result.append("Good Night for stargazing") elif moon_phase < 0.2 and sky_status in ["Despejado", "Despejado noche", "Poco nuboso", "Poco nuboso noche"]: result.append("Perfect Night for stargazing") else: result.append("Another Night would be better") final_result = list(zip(days_string, result)) pprint(final_result)
def lua(greet_bot, last_chat_id): # Brasilia mi = pylunar.MoonInfo((-15, 47, 38), (-47, 52, 58)) mi.update(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) percentual = mi.fractional_phase() idade = mi.age() x = mi.rise_set_times('America/Sao_Paulo') nascimento = datetime.datetime(*x[0][1]) topo = datetime.datetime(*x[1][1]) por = datetime.datetime(*x[2][1]) # New Moon. # Waxing Crescent. # First Quarter. # Waxing Gibbous. # Full Moon. # Waning Gibbous. # Last Quarter. # Waning Crescent. # lua = { "NEW_MOON": "Lua nova", "WAXING_CRESCENT": "Lua nova crescente ", "FIRST_QUARTER": "Lua cresente", "WAXING_GIBBOUS": "Lua cresente quase cheia", "FULL_MOON": "Lua cheia", "WANING_GIBBOUS": "Lua cheia minguando", "LAST_QUARTER": "Lua minguante", "WANING_CRESCENT": "Lua minguante quase nova" } print(mi.phase_name()) print(mi.magnitude()) greet_bot.send_message( last_chat_id, "Lua %s. %.2f percentual de cheia\nIdade %.2f\n" "Nascimento %s \nÁplice %s\nPor %s\n" % (lua[mi.phase_name()], percentual * 100, idade, nascimento.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"), topo.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"), por.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")))
def bokehTile(tileFile, jsonFile, TT=[0, 0, 0], DD=[2019, 10, 1], dynamic=False, plotTitle=''): citls, h =, header=True) w = (np.where(citls['IN_DESI'] == 1)[0]) inci = citls[w] if jsonFile is not None: with open(jsonFile, "r") as read_file: data = json.load(read_file) ## Coloring scheme palette = ['green', 'red', 'white'] dye = [] for tile in citls['TILEID']: rang = 2 # 'orange' if jsonFile is not None: if str(tile) in data: rang = 0 # 'green' #green default if len(data[str(tile)] ['unassigned']) > 0: # not assigned (red) rang = 1 # 'red' #'red' if (0 in data[str(tile)]['gfa_stars_percam']): print(data[str(tile)]['gfa_stars_percam']) rang = 1 # 'cyan' else: rang = 0 # green if qa.json is not provided dye.append(rang) dye = np.asarray(dye) w = (np.where(dye < 2)[0]) citls = citls[w] dye = dye[w] mapper = linear_cmap(field_name='DYE', palette=palette, low=0, high=2) ######################################################### TOOLS = [ 'pan', 'tap', 'wheel_zoom', 'box_zoom', 'reset', 'save', 'box_select' ] obsTime = dt(DD[0], DD[1], DD[2], TT[0], TT[1], TT[2]) # print(get_kp_twilights(TT,DD)) if plotTitle == '' or plotTitle is None: PTITLE = '' else: PTITLE = 'Program: ' + plotTitle p = figure(tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location="right", plot_width=800, plot_height=450, title=PTITLE, active_drag='box_select') # str(DD[1])+" - 2019") p.title.text_font_size = '16pt' p.title.text_color = 'black' p.grid.grid_line_color = "gainsboro" ############################### adding ecliptic plane+ hour grid ####################3 add_plane(p, color='red', plane='ecliptic', projection='equatorial') tiledata = dict( RA=citls['RA'], DEC=citls['DEC'], TILEID=citls['TILEID'], BRIGHTRA=citls['BRIGHTRA'][:, 0], BRIGHTDEC=citls['BRIGHTDEC'][:, 0], BRIGHTVTMAG=citls['BRIGHTVTMAG'][:, 0], EBV_MED=np.round(citls['EBV_MED'], 3), STAR_DENSITY=citls['STAR_DENSITY'], DYE=dye, program=citls['PROGRAM'], selected=np.ones(len(citls), dtype=bool), ) for colname in ['STAR_DENSITY', 'EBV_MED']: if colname in citls.dtype.names: tiledata[colname] = citls[colname] tiles = ColumnDataSource(data=tiledata) colformat = bktables.NumberFormatter(format='0,0.00') columns = [ bktables.TableColumn(field='TILEID', title='TILEID', width=80), bktables.TableColumn(field='RA', title='RA', formatter=colformat), bktables.TableColumn(field='DEC', title='DEC', formatter=colformat), ] for colname in ['STAR_DENSITY', 'EBV_MED']: if colname in tiledata: columns.append( bktables.TableColumn(field=colname, title=colname, formatter=colformat)) columns.append(bktables.TableColumn(field='selected', title='Selected')) tiletable = bktables.DataTable(columns=columns, source=tiles, width=800) tiles.selected.js_on_change( 'indices', CustomJS(args=dict(s1=tiles), code=""" var inds = cb_obj.indices; var d1 =; for (var i=0; i<d1['selected'].length; i++) { d1['selected'][i] = false; } for (var i = 0; i < inds.length; i++) { d1['selected'][inds[i]] = true; } s1.change.emit(); """)) render = 'RA', 'DEC', source=tiles, size=9, line_color='chocolate', color=mapper, alpha=0.4, hover_color='orange', hover_alpha=1, hover_line_color='red', # set visual properties for selected glyphs selection_fill_color='orange', selection_line_color='white', # set visual properties for non-selected glyphs nonselection_fill_alpha=0.4, nonselection_fill_color=mapper) p.xaxis.axis_label = 'RA [deg]' p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Dec. [deg]' p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "14pt" p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "14pt" p.grid.grid_line_color = "gainsboro" p.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "12pt" p.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "12pt" p.x_range = Range1d(360, 0) p.y_range = Range1d(-40, 95) p.toolbar.logo = None p.toolbar_location = None # mytext = Label(x=180, y=-35, text="S", text_color='gray', text_font_size='12pt') ; p.add_layout(mytext) # mytext = Label(x=180, y=88, text="N", text_color='gray', text_font_size='12pt') ; p.add_layout(mytext) # mytext = Label(x=350, y=45, text="E", text_color='gray', text_font_size='12pt', angle=np.pi/2) ; p.add_layout(mytext) # mytext = Label(x=4, y=45, text="W", text_color='gray', text_font_size='12pt', angle=np.pi/2) ; p.add_layout(mytext) ## Javascript code to open up custom html pages, once user click on a tile code = """ var index_selected = source.selected['1d']['indices'][0]; var tileID =['TILEID'][index_selected]; if (tileID!==undefined) { var win =""+tileID+".html", " "); try {win.focus();} catch (e){} } """ taptool = taptool.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=tiles), code=code) ## The html code for the hover window that contain tile infrormation ttp = """ <div> <div> <span style="font-size: 14px; color: blue;">Tile ID:</span> <span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">@TILEID{int}</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 14px; color: blue;">RA:</span> <span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">@RA</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 14px; color: blue;">Dec:</span> <span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">@DEC</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 14px; color: blue;">EBV_MED:</span> <span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">@EBV_MED{0.000}</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 14px; color: blue;">STAR_DENSITY:</span> <span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">@STAR_DENSITY{0}</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 14px; color: blue;">BRIGHTEST_STAR_VTMAG:</span> <span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">@BRIGHTVTMAG</span> </div> <div> <span style="font-size: 14px; color: blue;">BRIGHTEST_STAR_LOC:</span> <span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">(@BRIGHTRA, @BRIGHTDEC)</span> </div> </div> """ hover = HoverTool(tooltips=ttp, renderers=[render]) hover.point_policy = 'snap_to_data' hover.line_policy = 'nearest' # hover.mode='vline' p.add_tools(hover) cross = CrosshairTool() # cross.dimensions='height' cross.line_alpha = 0.3 cross.line_color = 'gray' p.add_tools(cross) # Setting the second y axis range name and range p.extra_y_ranges = {"foo": p.y_range} p.extra_x_ranges = {"joo": p.x_range} # Adding the second axis to the plot. p.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name="foo"), 'right') p.add_layout(LinearAxis(x_range_name="joo"), 'above') p.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "12pt" p.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "12pt" if dynamic: # twilight_source = get_kp_twilights(TT,DD) # evening and morning twilights at every TT and DD circleSource_1 = skyCircle(TT, DD, 1.5)'RA', 'DEC', source=circleSource_1, size=1.5, color='black') circleSource_2 = skyCircle(TT, DD, 2.0)'RA', 'DEC', source=circleSource_2, size=0.5, color='gray') else: circleSource = skyCircle(TT, DD, 1.5)'RA', 'DEC', source=circleSource, size=1.5, color=None) ### Dealing with the Moon and Jupiter inFile = 'moonLoc_jupLoc_fracPhase.csv' # 'moon_loc_jup_loc_fracPhase_namePhase.csv' tbl_moon_jup = np.genfromtxt(inFile, delimiter=',', filling_values=-1, names=True, dtype=None) # , dtype=np.float) loc = EarthLocation.of_site('Kitt Peak') kp_lat = 31, 57, 48 kp_lon = -111, 36, 00 mooninfo_obj = pylunar.MoonInfo((kp_lat), (kp_lon)) m_ra, m_dec, frac_phase, name_phase = moonLoc(TT, DD, loc, mooninfo_obj) j_ra, j_dec = jupLoc(TT, DD, loc) #moonSource = ColumnDataSource({"moon_RAS": tbl_moon_jup['moon_ra'], "moon_DECS": tbl_moon_jup['moon_dec'], # "Phase_frac": tbl_moon_jup['moon_phase_frac']}) moonSource = ColumnDataSource({ "moon_RAS": tbl_moon_jup['moon_ra'], "moon_DECS": tbl_moon_jup['moon_dec'], "Phase_frac": np.round(100 * tbl_moon_jup['moon_phase_frac']) }) ####moon_RADEC = ColumnDataSource({"moon_ra": [m_ra.deg], "moon_dec": [m_dec.deg], "phase_frac": [frac_phase]}) moon_RADEC_ = ColumnDataSource({ "moon_ra": [m_ra.deg - 360], "moon_dec": [m_dec.deg], "phase_frac": [frac_phase] }) moon_RADEC = ColumnDataSource({ "moon_ra": [m_ra.deg], "moon_dec": [m_dec.deg], "phase_frac": [frac_phase] }) render_moon ='moon_ra', 'moon_dec', source=moon_RADEC, size=170, color='cyan', alpha=0.2) render_moon ='moon_ra', 'moon_dec', source=moon_RADEC, size=4, color='blue') render_moon ='moon_ra', 'moon_dec', source=moon_RADEC_, size=170, color='cyan', alpha=0.2) render_moon ='moon_ra', 'moon_dec', source=moon_RADEC_, size=4, color='blue') jupSource = ColumnDataSource({ "jup_RAS": tbl_moon_jup['jup_ra'], "jup_DECS": tbl_moon_jup['jup_dec'] }) jup_RADEC = ColumnDataSource({ "jup_ra": [j_ra.deg], "jup_dec": [j_dec.deg] }) twilight = get_kp_twilights( TT, DD) # evening and morning twilights at every TT and DD twilight_source = ColumnDataSource({ "eve_twilight": [twilight[0]], "mor_twilight": [twilight[1]] }) render_jup ='jup_ra', 'jup_dec', source=jup_RADEC, size=5, color='blue') render_jup ='jup_ra', 'jup_dec', source=jup_RADEC, size=4, color='gold') from bokeh.models.glyphs import Text TXTsrc = ColumnDataSource( dict(x=[350], y=[85], text=['Moon Phase: ' + "%.0f" % (frac_phase * 100) + "%"])) glyph = Text(x="x", y="y", text="text", angle=0, text_color="black") p.add_glyph(TXTsrc, glyph) TXTsrc_moon = ColumnDataSource( dict(x=[m_ra.deg + 10], y=[m_dec.deg - 10], text=['Moon'])) glyph = Text(x="x", y="y", text="text", angle=0, text_color="blue", text_alpha=0.3, text_font_size='10pt') p.add_glyph(TXTsrc_moon, glyph) TXTsrc_jup = ColumnDataSource( dict(x=[j_ra.deg + 5], y=[j_dec.deg - 8], text=['Jup.'])) glyph = Text(x="x", y="y", text="text", angle=0, text_color="black", text_alpha=0.3, text_font_size='10pt') p.add_glyph(TXTsrc_jup, glyph) callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source_sky1=circleSource_1, source_sky2=circleSource_2, source_moon=moonSource, source_moon_RADEC=moon_RADEC, source_moon_RADEC_=moon_RADEC_, source_jup=jupSource, source_jup_RADEC=jup_RADEC, sourceTXT=TXTsrc, sourceTXTmoon=TXTsrc_moon, sourceTXTjup=TXTsrc_jup), code=""" // First set times as if they were UTC var t = new Date(time_slider.value); var d = new Date(date_slider.value); var data1 =; var ra_1 = data1['RA']; var ra0_1 = data1['RA0']; var data2 =; var ra_2 = data2['RA']; var ra0_2 = data2['RA0']; var data_moon =; var ras_moon = data_moon['moon_RAS']; var decs_moon = data_moon['moon_DECS']; var phase_frac = data_moon['Phase_frac']; var moonRADEC =; var moon_ra = moonRADEC['moon_ra']; var moon_dec = moonRADEC['moon_dec']; var moonRADEC_ =; var moon_ra_ = moonRADEC_['moon_ra']; var moon_dec_ = moonRADEC_['moon_dec']; var data_jup =; var ras_jup = data_jup['jup_RAS']; var decs_jup = data_jup['jup_DECS']; var jupRADEC =; var jup_ra = jupRADEC['jup_ra']; var jup_dec = jupRADEC['jup_dec']; var Hour = t.getUTCHours(); var Day = d.getDate(); var Month = d.getMonth(); var Year = new Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); var all_FULdays = 0; for (var i = 0; i < Month; i++) all_FULdays=all_FULdays+Year[i]; all_FULdays = all_FULdays + (Day-1); if (Hour<12) all_FULdays=all_FULdays+1; var all_minutes = all_FULdays*24+Hour; if (all_minutes<8800) { moon_ra[0] = ras_moon[all_minutes]; moon_dec[0] = decs_moon[all_minutes]; moon_ra_[0] = ras_moon[all_minutes]-360.; moon_dec_[0] = decs_moon[all_minutes]; } var jupTXTdata =; var x_jup = jupTXTdata['x']; var y_jup = jupTXTdata['y']; var text_jup = jupTXTdata['text']; if (all_minutes<8800) { jup_ra[0] = ras_jup[all_minutes]; jup_dec[0] = decs_jup[all_minutes]; x_jup[0] = jup_ra[0]+5; y_jup[0] = jup_dec[0]-8; } if (t.getUTCHours() < 12) { d.setTime(date_slider.value + 24*3600*1000); } else { d.setTime(date_slider.value); } d.setUTCHours(t.getUTCHours()); d.setUTCMinutes(t.getUTCMinutes()); d.setUTCSeconds(0); // Correct to KPNO local time // d object still thinks in UTC, which is 7 hours ahead of KPNO d.setTime(d.getTime() + 7*3600*1000); // noon UT on 2000-01-01 var reftime = new Date(); reftime.setUTCFullYear(2000); reftime.setUTCMonth(0); // Months are 0-11 (!) reftime.setUTCDate(1); // Days are 1-31 (!) reftime.setUTCHours(12); reftime.setUTCMinutes(0); reftime.setUTCSeconds(0); // time difference in days (starting from milliseconds) var dt = (d.getTime() - reftime.getTime()) / (24*3600*1000); // Convert to LST var mayall_longitude_degrees = -(111 + 35/60. + 59.6/3600); var LST_hours = ((18.697374558 + 24.06570982441908 * dt) + mayall_longitude_degrees/15) % 24; var LST_degrees = LST_hours * 15; for (var i = 0; i < ra_1.length; i++) { ra_1[i] = (ra0_1[i] + LST_degrees) % 360; } for (var i = 0; i < ra_2.length; i++) { ra_2[i] = (ra0_2[i] + LST_degrees) % 360; } //// Here we gtake care of the moon phasde text var TXTdata =; var x = TXTdata['x']; var y = TXTdata['y']; var text = TXTdata['text']; var moonTXTdata =; var x_moon = moonTXTdata['x']; var y_moon = moonTXTdata['y']; var text_moon = moonTXTdata['text']; // x[0] = 1; // y[0] = 40; if (all_minutes<8800) { text[0] = 'Moon Phase: ' + phase_frac[all_minutes]+'%'; x_moon[0] = moon_ra[0]+10; y_moon[0] = moon_dec[0]-10; } sourceTXT.change.emit(); /////////////////////////////// Moon phase code ends. source_sky1.change.emit(); source_sky2.change.emit(); //source_moon_RADEC.change.emit(); //source_moon_RADEC_.change.emit(); //source_jup_RADEC.change.emit(); sourceTXTmoon.change.emit(); sourceTXTjup.change.emit(); //alert(d); """) if dynamic: ### TIME Timeslider = DateSlider(start=dt(2019, 9, 1, 16, 0, 0), end=dt(2019, 9, 2, 8, 0, 0), value=dt(2019, 9, 1, 16, 0, 0), step=1, title="KPNO local time(hh:mm)", format="%H:%M", width=800) ## DATE Dateslider = DateSlider(start=dt(2019, 9, 1, 16, 0, 0), end=dt(2020, 8, 31, 8, 0, 0), value=dt(2019, 10, 1, 16, 0, 0), step=1, title="Date of sunset(4pm-8am)", format="%B:%d", width=800) callback.args['time_slider'] = Timeslider callback.args['date_slider'] = Dateslider Dateslider.js_on_change('value', callback) Timeslider.js_on_change('value', callback) layout = column(p, Dateslider, Timeslider, tiletable) # show(p) return layout return p
#! /usr/bin/python3 import datetime import pylunar #import pytz location = {'lat': (17, 30, 5), 'lon': (-88, 12, 12)} location_name = 'Belize City' # pylunar takes UTC time as a tuple UTC_now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() observation_time = (UTC_now.year, UTC_now.month,, UTC_now.hour, UTC_now.minute, UTC_now.second) mi = pylunar.MoonInfo(location['lat'], location['lon']) mi.update(observation_time) now = print(f'Observation time: {now:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}') print(f'Moon age: {mi.age():0.2f} days') print(f'Moon phase: {(mi.fractional_phase())*100.0:0.2f} %') print(f'Moon phase name: {mi.phase_name()}') print(f'Azimuth: {mi.azimuth():0.2f}')
import pylunar, datetime # City lati/long in DMS format TEHRAN_LAT = (35, 41, 21.308) TEHRAN_LONG = (51, 23, 22.561) def get_shape_moon(phase): """ get shape of moon by passing phase :phase: current moon phase :return: string contain shape of moon """ with open('moon.txt', 'r') as file: lines = file.readlines() index = [lines.index(line) for line in lines if phase in line][0] return ''.join(lines[index - 2:index + 4]) moon = pylunar.MoonInfo(TEHRAN_LAT, TEHRAN_LONG) today = moon.update((today.year, today.month,, today.hour, today.minute, 0)) # normalize the phase name by removing '_' phase = moon.phase_name().replace('_', ' ') print(get_shape_moon(phase))
start_day = str(start_day).split(" ")[0].replace("-", "") end_day = str(end_day).split(" ")[0].replace("-", "") # Get the tidal data. url = f"{args.s}&" \ f"beginDate={start_day}&endDate={end_day}&datum=MLLW&unit=0&timeZone=0&dataInterval=60&format=text&Submit=Submit" resp = get(url).content.decode("utf-8") print(f"Got tidal data for station {args.s}") # Get the longitude and latitude. latitude ="\s+Latitude\s+:\s+(.*)", resp).group(1) latitude = (int(latitude.split(".")[0]), int(latitude[-4:]), int(latitude[-2:])) longitude ="\s+Longitude\s+:\s+(.*)", resp).group(1) longitude = (int(longitude.split(".")[0]), int(longitude[-4:]), int(longitude[-2:])) # Load the lunar data. mi = pylunar.MoonInfo(latitude, longitude) mi_start = (int(start_day[:4]), int(start_day[4:6]), int(start_day[6:8]), 0, 0, 0) mi.update(mi_start) print("Got the lunar data.") tidal_data = resp.split("<pre>")[-1].replace("</pre>", "") # The months of the Aquatic Jewish calendar. MONTHS = ["Tishrei", "Kheshvan", "Kislev", "Tevet", "Shvat", "Adar", "Nisan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tammuz", "Av", "Elul"] # The days of the Aquatic Jewish week. DAYS_OF_WEEK = ["Dag", "Gal", "Khof", "Zerem", "Ruakh", "Melakh", "Shabbat"] # LaTeX symbols for printing the moon phase. If the phase isn't one of the quarters, then no symbol is printed. MOON_PHASES = [r"\CIRCLE", r"\LEFTcircle", r"\Circle", r"\RIGHTcircle", r""] # Index of the current month. current_month_index = -1 # The current day of the month.
def update(): # current time cur_datetime = cur_utc_tm_info = time.gmtime() print("update at %s" % # loop over all channels for c, channel in enumerate(settings['channels']): print(" channel %d, %s" % (c, channel["name"])) # no update of the percentage in manual mode if channel['manual']: print(" manual mode, no update") pwm = channel["pwm"] # normal channel (new percentage calculated via interpolation of the data_points) if not channel['manual'] and not channel['moonlight']: # normal channel # new percentage updated via linear interpolation of the data_points print(" regular channel") # first load percentage and time values into the lists datetime_list and percentage_list datetime_list, pwm_list = [], [] for i in channel["data_points"]: # list of datetime.datetime values datetime_list.append( datetime.datetime.combine(, datetime.time(*map(int, i[0].split(':'))))) # list of % values pwm_list.append(float(i[1])) # periodic boundary conditions, so one interpolate between the last time of the day and the first time of the next day datetime_list.append(datetime_list[0] + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) pwm_list.append(pwm_list[0]) datetime_list.insert( 0, datetime_list[-2] - datetime.timedelta(days=1)) pwm_list.insert(0, pwm_list[-2]) # searches the two times the current time is inbetween and interpolates linear the pwm value for i in range(len(datetime_list) - 1): if datetime_list[i] < cur_datetime < datetime_list[i + 1]: pwm = pwm_list[i] pwm += (pwm_list[i + 1] - pwm_list[i]) * ( (cur_datetime - datetime_list[i]) / (datetime_list[i + 1] - datetime_list[i])) # moonlight channel # calc current brightness of the moon # percentage is max_moonlight_percentage times moonlight_brightness in percent if not channel['manual'] and channel['moonlight']: print(" moonlight channel") # create moonlight object using the location moon = pylunar.MoonInfo(latitude=tuple(settings['latitude']), longitude=tuple(settings['longitude'])) # feed time (utc time required) moon.update((cur_utc_tm_info.tm_year, cur_utc_tm_info.tm_mon, cur_utc_tm_info.tm_mday, cur_utc_tm_info.tm_hour, cur_utc_tm_info.tm_min, cur_utc_tm_info.tm_sec)) # ratio of the illuminated part of the moon fractional_phase = moon.fractional_phase() print(" fractional phase: %.3f" % (fractional_phase)) # hight of the moon at your location altitude = moon.altitude() print(" altitude: %.3f°" % (altitude)) pwm = float(channel["max_moonlight_pwm"] ) * fractional_phase * math.sin(altitude) # if moon is not visible -> percentage = 0 if pwm < 0: pwm = 0 # update percentage in the settings settings['channels'][c]['pwm'] = pwm print(" pwm: %.3f" % pwm) # calculate current power settings['power'] = 0 for channel in settings['channels']: settings['power'] += channel['max_power'] * channel['pwm'] print(' power [watt]: %.2f' % settings['power']) print()
def main(year, month, day, body='moon'): #find alt-az between observer and waterfall lib = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(observer[0], observer[1], target[0], target[1]) az_obs_targ = np.radians( lib['azi1']) #azimuth in radians. Geodesic returns degrees if az_obs_targ < 0: az_obs_targ += 2 * np.pi #no negative azimuths d = lib['s12'] #distance alt_obs_targ = np.arctan2( target[2] - observer[2], d) #altitude of target as viewed by observer, radians print("The distance, elevation, az, alt from observer to the waterfall is: " + \ str(int(round(d))) + ' m, ' + str(int(round(target[2]-observer[2]))) + ' m, ', \ str(round(np.degrees(az_obs_targ), 1)) + '°, ' + str(round(np.degrees(alt_obs_targ), 1)) + '°.') print() #initialize dates and ephemeris parameters date_pst = ephem.Date( str(year) + '/' + str(month) + '/' + str(day) + ' 0:00') #midnight local time on date date_utc = date_pst - timezone_offset * ephem.hour) #UTC of midnight local time me = ephem.Observer() me.lon = str(observer[1]) = str(observer[0]) me.elevation = observer[2] me.temp = 5 #deg C me.pressure = 12.2 / 14.7 * 1000 #mbar = #get sunrise/sunset/moonrise/moonset times sun = ephem.Sun() sunrise = me.next_rising(sun) sunset = me.next_setting(sun) moon = ephem.Moon() moonrise = me.next_rising(moon) moonset = me.next_setting(moon) print("On " + str(datetime.strftime(date_pst.datetime(), '%a %b %d %Y')) + \ ", sunrise occurs at " + str(datetime.strftime(* ephem.hour).datetime(), '%X')) + \ " and sunset occurs at " + str(datetime.strftime(* ephem.hour).datetime(), '%X'))+' local time.') print("Moonrise occurs at " + str(datetime.strftime(* ephem.hour).datetime(), '%X')) + \ " and moonset occurs at " + str(datetime.strftime(* ephem.hour).datetime(), '%X'))+' local time.') print() #initialize moon object to get the phase later mi = pylunar.MoonInfo([round(observer[0]), round((observer[0] - np.floor(observer[0]))*60.), 0], \ [round(observer[1]), round((observer[1] - np.floor(observer[1]))*60.), 0] ) #initize booleans to guide later code flow moonbow_occurring = False moonbow_occurred = False #Now do a for loop over each minute in the 24 hours of the date given to see if/when moonbows occur for time_offset in np.arange(0, 24 * 60, 1): = + time_offset * ephem.minute) if (body.lower() == 'moon'): #Are we interested in moonbows? if ( > sunrise) & ( < sunset): #if daytime, skip to next loop iteration continue v = ephem.Moon(me) bowtype = 'moon' body = 'moon' elif (body.lower() == 'sun'): #Are we interested in rainbows? if ( < sunrise) | ( > sunset): #if nighttime, skip to next loop iteration continue v = ephem.Sun(me) bowtype = 'rain' body = 'sun' else: #The user was ham-fisted and mis-typed something print("Set body='moon' or body='sun'. Cannot continue.") return m_alt = v.alt #radians m_az = #radians if m_alt < 0: #if the moon is below the horizon, you're not getting a moonbow. continue #skip to next minute #The relevant vector for calculating moonbows is directly opposite the vector from the observer to the moon. m_alt_opp = -1. * m_alt #moonbow is opposite the moon m_az_opp = m_az + np.pi #calculate angle between (observer to waterfall vector) and (observer to opposite moon ray vectors) angle = ephem.separation( (az_obs_targ, alt_obs_targ), (m_az_opp, m_alt_opp)) #saves me from doing a cross product and dot product #print( + time_offset * ephem.minute), np.degrees([angle, m_alt_opp, m_az_opp]) if np.abs( 41.5 - np.degrees(angle) ) < mist_radius: #Is a moonbow occuring now? Moon/rainbows form ~41.5* circles if not moonbow_occurring: #is this the first minute of the moonbow? moonbow_occurred = True moonbow_occurring = True print('A ' + bowtype + 'bow begins at ' + str( datetime.strftime( + time_offset * ephem.minute).datetime(), '%X')) + '.') mi.update( + time_offset * ephem.minute).datetime()) print('The ' + body + ' is at az, alt: ' + str(round(np.degrees(m_az), 1)) + ', ' + str(round(np.degrees(m_alt), 1)) + '.') print("The moon has a phase of " + str(int(round(mi.fractional_phase() * 100.))) + '%.') else: #moonbow is not occurring at this minute if moonbow_occurring: #but moonbow occurred the previous minute print('The ' + bowtype + 'bow ends at ' + str( datetime.strftime( + time_offset * ephem.minute).datetime(), '%X')) + '.') print('The ' + body + ' is at az, alt: ' + str(round(np.degrees(m_az), 1)) + ', ' + str(round(np.degrees(m_alt), 1)) + '.') print() moonbow_occurring = False if not moonbow_occurred: #if nothing happened on this date print("No " + bowtype + "bow occurred on this day.") print()
(25 / 100)): return 'New Moon' elif (fractional_phase >= length_of_lunar_cycle * (25 / 100)) and (fractional_phase < length_of_lunar_cycle * (50 / 100)): return 'First Quarter' elif (fractional_phase >= length_of_lunar_cycle * (50 / 100)) and (fractional_phase < length_of_lunar_cycle * (75 / 100)): return 'Full Moon' elif (fractional_phase >= length_of_lunar_cycle * (75 / 100)): return 'Last Quarter' # Detroit mi = pylunar.MoonInfo((42, 19, 53), (-83, 2, 45)) moon_phase = [] moon_fraction = [] for index, row in df.iterrows(): date_year = row['Order Date'].year date_month = row['Order Date'].month date_day = row['Order Date'].day mi.update((date_year, date_month, date_day, 12, 0, 0)) fractional_phase = mi.age() moon_phase.append(translate_moon_phase(fractional_phase=fractional_phase)) moon_fraction.append(fractional_phase) df['Moon Phase'] = moon_phase
def get_moon_info(x): if isinstance(x, datetime) == True: # convert datetime to string x_str = x.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # slice string to use in pylunar function year = int(x_str[0:4]) mes = int(x_str[5:7]) day = int(x_str[8:10]) hr = int(x_str[11:13]) min = int(x_str[14:16]) sec = int(x_str[17:19]) # call pylunar MoonInfo function with correct coordinates moon = pylunar.MoonInfo((37, 32, 10.82), (-77, 27, 24.85)) # use the current date in UTC format moon.update((year, mes, day, hr, min, sec)) # moon phase: print(moon.phase_name()) fp_now = moon.fractional_phase() print('{:.1%}'.format(fp_now) + ' full') # age since last new moon age = moon.age() print('{:.2}'.format(age) + ' days since last New Moon') # get the local rising and setting times rise_set = moon.rise_set_times('US/Eastern') # list # have to slice through list for i in range(3): if 'rise' in rise_set[i]: rise = rise_set[i] rise_time = rise[1] #0th in list is the label # create datetime, will be naive rise_dt = datetime(rise_time[0], rise_time[1], rise_time[2], rise_time[3], rise_time[4], rise_time[5]) # make datetime aware of local time zone rise_dt = eastern.localize(rise_dt) rise_dt_str = rise_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # compare rising time to current time if rise_dt > now: print('The Moon will rise today at: ' + rise_dt_str) elif rise_dt < now: print('The Moon rose today at: ' + rise_dt_str) else: print('It seems that the Moon is rising right now!') elif 'set' in rise_set[i]: set = rise_set[i] set_time = set[1] #0th in list is the label # create datetime, will be naive set_dt = datetime(set_time[0], set_time[1], set_time[2], set_time[3], set_time[4], set_time[5]) # make datetime aware of local time zone set_dt = eastern.localize(set_dt) set_dt_str = set_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # compare setting time to current time if set_dt > now: print('The Moon will set today at: ' + set_dt_str) elif set_dt < now: print('The Moon set today at: ' + set_dt_str) else: print('It seems that the Moon is setting right now!') # we don't care about the transit times elif 'transit' in rise_set[i]: pass else: print('Something has gone wrong with the datetime verification!')