Example #1
 def __init__(self, direction, position, health, mode, velocity, friction,
              maxspeed, points):
     self.direction = direction
     self.position = position
     self.health = health
     self.mode = mode
     self.velocity = velocity
     self.friction = friction
     self.maxspeed = maxspeed
     pnts_list = []
     for i in points:
             pnt_proj(self.position, self.direction + i[0], i[1]))
     self.body = Polygon(pnts_list)
Example #2
def line_gen(position, length, move = 0, para = True):
    pnt_0 = (position[0] + move[0], position[1] + move[1])
    if para:
        pnt_1 = (position[0] + move[0], position[1] + length + move[1])
        pnt_1 = (position[0] + length + move[0], position[1] + move[1])
    return Polygon([pnt_0, pnt_1])
Example #3
def poly_gen(position, points, move = (0,0)):
	newPoints = []
	for point in points:
		x = point[0] + position[0] + move[0]
		y = point[1] + position[1] + move[1]
	return Polygon(newPoints)
Example #4
    def __init__(self, direction, position, health, mode, velocity, friction,
                 maxspeed, points):
        self.direction = direction
        self.position = position
        self.health = health
        self.mode = mode
        self.velocity = velocity
        self.friction = friction
        self.maxspeed = maxspeed

        ship_nose = pnt_proj(self.position, self.direction, 10)
        ship_wing_r = pnt_proj(self.position,
                               self.direction + 7.0 / 9 * math.pi, 10)
        ship_wing_l = pnt_proj(self.position,
                               self.direction - 7.0 / 9 * math.pi, 10)
        ship_tail = pnt_proj(self.position, self.direction, 5.5)
        self.body = Polygon([ship_nose, ship_wing_l, ship_wing_r])
        self.line = Polygon([ship_nose, ship_tail])
Example #5
def rotate_body(body, pnt, theta):
    new_body = []
    for poly in body:
        new_poly = []
        for p in poly.P:
            dx = p[0] - pnt[0]
            dy = p[1] - pnt[1]
            mag = magnitude([dx, dy])
            angle = atan2(dy, dx)
            new_x = pnt[0] + mag * cos(theta + angle)
            new_y = pnt[1] + mag * sin(theta + angle)
            new_p = (new_x, new_y)
    return new_body
Example #6
def bodyrot(body, pnt, theta):
    new_body = []
    for poly in body:
        new_poly = []
        for p in poly.P:
            dx = p[0] - pnt[0]
            dy = p[1] - pnt[1]
            mag = magnitude(dx, dy)
            angle = math.atan2(dy,dx)
            new_x = pnt[0] + mag*math.cos(theta + angle)
            new_y = pnt[1] + mag*math.sin(theta + angle)
            new_p = (new_x, new_y)
    return new_body
Example #7
 def rotate(self, theta):
     new_body = []
     for poly in self.poly_list:
         new_poly = []
         for pnt in poly.P:
             dx = pnt[0] - self.position[0]
             dy = pnt[1] - self.position[1]
             mag = magnitude([dx, dy])
             angle = atan2(dy, dx)
             new_x = self.position[0] + mag * cos(theta + angle)
             new_y = self.position[1] + mag * sin(theta + angle)
             new_pnt = (new_x, new_y)
     self.direction = self.direction + theta
     self.poly_list = new_body
Example #8
def rect_gen(position, width, height, move = (0,0)):
    pnt_0 = (position[0] - width + move[0], position[1] - height + move[1])
    pnt_1 = (position[0] - width + move[0], position[1] + height + move[1])
    pnt_2 = (position[0] + width + move[0], position[1]- height + move[1])
    pnt_3 = (position[0] + width + move[0], position[1] + height + move[1])
    return Polygon([pnt_0, pnt_1, pnt_2, pnt_3])
Example #9

	# meteorite
	if generate:
		for i in met_positions:
			met_radius = random.randrange(10,15)
			met_edgenum = random.randrange(5,10)
			met_point_angles = []
			for j in range(met_edgenum):
				met_point_angles.append(2 * math.pi/ float(met_edgenum) *	 j + math.radians(random.randrange(15)))
			met_point_list = []
			for j in met_point_angles:
				met_point_list.append([i[0] + math.cos(j) * met_radius, i[1] + math.sin(j) * met_radius])
			meteor = Polygon(met_point_list)
		generate = False
	for i in met_poly_list:
		pygame.draw.lines(screen, (250,250,100), True, i.P)

Example #10
class Entity:
    def __init__(self, direction, position, health, mode, velocity, friction,
                 maxspeed, points):
        self.direction = direction
        self.position = position
        self.health = health
        self.mode = mode
        self.velocity = velocity
        self.friction = friction
        self.maxspeed = maxspeed
        self.vposition = (position.x - viewerPosition[0],
                          position.y - viewerPosition[1])
        pnts_list = []
        for i in points:
                pnt_proj(self.position, self.direction + i[0], i[1]))
        self.body = Polygon(pnts_list)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.direction) + str(self.position) + str(self.velocity)

    def _rect(self):
        return self.body.get_rect()

    def update(self, delta_t):
        self.body.move_ip(self.velocity.x * (delta_t),
                          self.velocity.y * (delta_t))
        self.position = self.position.add(self.velocity.mult(delta_t))
        self.velocity = self.velocity.mult(1 - self.friction * delta_t)
        if abs(self.velocity.x) < 0.2: self.velocity.x = 0
        if abs(self.velocity.y) < 0.2: self.velocity.y = 0
        self.body.C = (self.position.x, self.position.y)

    def turn(self, angle, delta_t):
        self.direction = self.direction + angle * delta_t
        self.body.rotate_ip(angle * delta_t)
        if self.direction > 2 * math.pi:
            self.direction = self.direction - 2 * math.pi
        if self.direction < 0:
            self.direction = self.direction + 2 * math.pi

    def move(self, speed):
        delta_v = Vector(
            math.cos(self.direction) * speed,
            math.sin(self.direction) * speed)
        self.velocity = self.velocity.add(delta_v)
        if self.velocity.magnitude > self.maxspeed:
            self.velocity.x = self.maxspeed * math.cos(self.direction)
            self.velocity.y = self.maxspeed * math.sin(self.direction)

    def check_bounds(self):
        rect = self.body.get_rect()

        if rect.right >= 400 and self.velocity.x > -1:
            self.position.x = 400 - abs(rect.right - self.position.x)
            self.velocity.x = 0

        if rect.left <= 0 and self.velocity.x < 1:
            self.position.x = 0 + abs(rect.left - self.position.x)
            self.velocity.x = 0

        if rect.top <= 0 and self.velocity.y < 1:
            self.position.y = 0 + abs(rect.top - self.position.y)
            self.velocity.y = 0

        if rect.bottom >= 400 and self.velocity.y > -1:
            self.position.y = 400 - abs(rect.bottom - self.position.y)
            self.velocity.y = 0

    def shoot(self):
        if self.mode == 0:
            laser = Projectile(
                Vector(self.position.x, self.position.y),
                    math.cos(self.direction) * 500,
                    (math.sin(self.direction) * 500)), 5.0, (255, 155, 155))
            return laser

        elif self.mode == 1:
            laser_1 = Projectile(
                Vector((self.position.x + 3 * (math.cos(ship.direction + 90))),
                       self.position.y + 3 * (math.sin(ship.direction + 90))),
                    math.cos(self.direction) * 500,
                    (math.sin(self.direction) * 500)), 10.0, (0, 255, 255))

            laser_2 = Projectile((Vector(
                self.position.x + 3 * (math.cos((ship.direction - 90))),
                self.position.y + 3 * math.sin(ship.direction - 90))),
                                     math.cos(self.direction) * 500,
                                     math.sin(self.direction) * 500), 10.0,
                                 (0, 255, 255))

            return [laser_1, laser_2]
Example #11
from Vector import *
from Projectile import * 
from Entity import *
from Ship import Ship

import pygame
import math
from pylygon import Polygon
import numpy

wall_l = Polygon([(0,0), (0,400)])
wall_t = Polygon([(0,0), (400,0)])
wall_b = Polygon([(0,400), (400,400)])
wall_r = Polygon([(400,0), (400,400)])


screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400,400))
end = False
ship_laser_list = []

# ship object
ship = Ship((3*math.pi/2), Vector(200,300))

movement = False
turnright = False
turnleft = False
holdingFire = False
firingDelay = 0
Example #12
class ShipEntity:
    def __init__(self, direction, position, health, mode, velocity, friction,
                 maxspeed, points):
        self.direction = direction
        self.position = position
        self.health = health
        self.mode = mode
        self.velocity = velocity
        self.friction = friction
        self.maxspeed = maxspeed

        ship_nose = pnt_proj(self.position, self.direction, 10)
        ship_wing_r = pnt_proj(self.position,
                               self.direction + 7.0 / 9 * math.pi, 10)
        ship_wing_l = pnt_proj(self.position,
                               self.direction - 7.0 / 9 * math.pi, 10)
        ship_tail = pnt_proj(self.position, self.direction, 5.5)
        self.body = Polygon([ship_nose, ship_wing_l, ship_wing_r])
        self.line = Polygon([ship_nose, ship_tail])

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.direction) + str(self.position) + str(self.velocity)

    def _rect(self):
        return self.body.get_rect()

    def update(self, delta_t):
        self.body.move_ip(self.velocity[0] * (delta_t),
                          self.velocity[1] * (delta_t))
        self.position = self.position + (self.velocity * (delta_t))
        self.velocity = self.velocity * (1 - self.friction * delta_t)
        if abs(self.velocity[0]) < 0.2: self.velocity[0] = 0
        if abs(self.velocity[1]) < 0.2: self.velocity[1] = 0
        self.body.C = (self.position[0], self.position[1])

    def turn(self, angle, delta_t):
        self.direction = self.direction + angle * delta_t
        self.body.rotate_ip(angle * delta_t)
        if self.direction > 2 * math.pi:
            self.direction = self.direction - 2 * math.pi
        if self.direction < 0:
            self.direction = self.direction + 2 * math.pi

    def move(self, speed):
        delta_v = array([
            math.cos(self.direction) * speed,
            math.sin(self.direction) * speed
        self.velocity = self.velocity + (delta_v)
        if magnitude(self.velocity) > self.maxspeed:
            self.velocity[0] = self.maxspeed * math.cos(self.direction)
            self.velocity[1] = self.maxspeed * math.sin(self.direction)

    def check_bounds(self):
        rect = self.body.get_rect()

        if rect.right >= 400 and self.velocity[0] > -1:
            self.position[0] = 400 - abs(rect.right - self.position[0])
            self.velocity[0] = 0

        if rect.left <= 0 and self.velocity[0] < 1:
            self.position[0] = 0 + abs(rect.left - self.position[0])
            self.velocity[0] = 0

        if rect.top <= 0 and self.velocity[1] < 1:
            self.position[1] = 0 + abs(rect.top - self.position[1])
            self.velocity[1] = 0

        if rect.bottom >= 400 and self.velocity[1] > -1:
            self.position[1] = 400 - abs(rect.bottom - self.position[1])
            self.velocity[1] = 0

    def shoot(self):
        if self.mode == 0:
            laser = Projectile(
                array([self.position[0], self.position[1]]),
                    math.cos(self.direction) * 500,
                    math.sin(self.direction) * 500
                ]), 5.0, (255, 155, 155))
            return laser

        elif self.mode == 1:
            laser_1 = Projectile(
                    (self.position[0] + 3 * (math.cos(ship.direction + 90))),
                    self.position[1] + 3 * (math.sin(ship.direction + 90))
                    math.cos(self.direction) * 500,
                    (math.sin(self.direction) * 500)
                ]), 10.0, (0, 255, 255))

            laser_2 = Projectile((array([
                self.position[0] + 3 * (math.cos((ship.direction - 90))),
                self.position[1] + 3 * math.sin(ship.direction - 90)
                                     math.cos(self.direction) * 500,
                                     math.sin(self.direction) * 500
                                 ]), 10.0, (0, 255, 255))

            return [laser_1, laser_2]
Example #13
import pygame
import math
from pylygon import Polygon
from numpy import array

wall_l = Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 400)])
wall_t = Polygon([(0, 0), (400, 0)])
wall_b = Polygon([(0, 400), (400, 400)])
wall_r = Polygon([(400, 0), (400, 400)])

icon = pygame.image.load(
    "C:\Users\Evan\Desktop\Code Projects\ShuttleDefender\SD - Sprites\Shuttle.PNG"

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 400))
end = False
ship_laser_list = []

# Creates a polygon given a position a difference in angle, and a magnitude. This difference in angle
# to be a difference between a 'forward' direction and where this point should be relatively.
def pnt_proj(position, angle, magnitude):
    pnt_x = position[0] + magnitude * math.cos(angle)
    pnt_y = position[1] + magnitude * math.sin(angle)
    return (pnt_x, pnt_y)

# Similar to pnt_proj, but instead of an angle and magnitude, takes a difference in the x-axis and y-axis.
Example #14
class Entity:
    def __init__(self, direction, position, health, mode, velocity, friction,
                 maxspeed, points):
        self.direction = direction
        self.position = position
        self.health = health
        self.mode = mode
        self.velocity = velocity
        self.friction = friction
        self.maxspeed = maxspeed
        pnts_list = []
        for i in points:
                pnt_proj(self.position, self.direction + i[0], i[1]))
        self.body = Polygon(pnts_list)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.direction) + str(self.position) + str(self.velocity)

    def _rect(self):
        return self.body.get_rect()

    def update(self, delta_t):
        #self.body.move_ip(self.velocity.x*(delta_t), self.velocity.y*(delta_t))
        self.position = self.position.add(self.velocity.mult(delta_t))
        self.velocity = self.velocity.mult(1 - self.friction * delta_t)
        if abs(self.velocity.x) < 0.8: self.velocity.set_x(0)
        if abs(self.velocity.y) < 0.8: self.velocity.set_y(0)
        self.body.C = (self.position.x, self.position.y)

    def turn(self, angle, delta_t):
        self.direction = self.direction + angle * delta_t
        self.body.rotate_ip(angle * delta_t)
        if self.direction > 2 * math.pi:
            self.direction = self.direction - 2 * math.pi
        if self.direction < 0:
            self.direction = self.direction + 2 * math.pi

    def move(self, speed):
        delta_v = Vector(
            math.cos(self.direction) * speed,
            math.sin(self.direction) * speed)
        self.velocity = self.velocity.add(delta_v)
        if self.velocity.magnitude > self.maxspeed:
            self.velocity.set_x(self.maxspeed * math.cos(self.direction))
            self.velocity.set_y(self.maxspeed * math.sin(self.direction))

    def check_bounds(self):
        rect = self.body.get_rect()

        #checks if ship is leaving the screen and stops the ship from leaving the screen
        #Right, Left, Top, and then Bottom

        if rect.right >= 400 and self.velocity.x > -1:
            self.position.set_x(400 - abs(rect.right - self.position.x))

        if rect.left <= 0 and self.velocity.x < 1:
            self.position.set_x(0 + abs(rect.left - self.position.x))

        if rect.top <= 0 and self.velocity.y < 1:
            self.position.set_y(0 + abs(rect.top - self.position.y))

        if rect.bottom >= 400 and self.velocity.y > -1:
            self.position.set_y(400 - abs(rect.bottom - self.position.y))
Example #15
import pygame
from pylygon import Polygon

SCREEN_W = w = pygame.display.Info().current_w
SCREEN_H = h = pygame.display.Info().current_h
SCREEN_RECT = Polygon([(0, 0), (w, 0), (w, h), (0, h)])
Example #16
from numpy import seterr

_prod = lambda X: reduce(mul, X)                        # product

if __name__ == '__main__':

    SCREEN_SIZE = (800, 600)               # initialize screen size
    SCREEN = display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE) # load screen

    triangle = Polygon([(0, 70), (110, 0), (110, 70)])
    rhombus = Polygon([(0, 80), (20, 0), (80, 0), (60, 80)])

    triangle.move_ip(200, 200)
    rhombus.move_ip(300, 300)

    grab, other, theta = None, None, 0
    while 1:
        SCREEN.fill((0, 0, 0))
        draw.polygon(SCREEN, (255, 0, 0), triangle.P, 1)
        draw.polygon(SCREEN, (0, 0, 255), rhombus.P, 1)
        mouse_pos = array(mouse.get_pos())
        for ev in event.get():
            if ev.type == KEYDOWN:
                if ev.key == K_q: exit()
                if ev.key == K_LEFT: theta = -0.01
Example #17
def main():

    triangle = Polygon([(0, 70), (110, 0), (110, 70)])
    rhombus = Polygon([(0, 80), (20, 0), (80, 0), (60, 80)])

    triangle.move_ip(200, 200)
    rhombus.move_ip(300, 300)

    r = array([-25, -40])
    # no collision
    for i in xrange(1000):
        triangle.distance(rhombus, -r)
        triangle.raycast(rhombus, -r)

    # raycast collision
    r = array([25, 40])
    for i in xrange(1000):
        triangle.distance(rhombus, -r)
        triangle.raycast(rhombus, -r)

    # collision
    for i in xrange(1000):
        triangle.distance(rhombus, -r)
        triangle.raycast(rhombus, -r)
Example #18
import pygame
import math
from pylygon import Polygon
import numpy

wall_l = Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 400)])
wall_t = Polygon([(0, 0), (400, 0)])
wall_b = Polygon([(0, 400), (400, 400)])
wall_r = Polygon([(400, 0), (400, 400)])

icon = pygame.image.load(
    "C:\Users\Evan\Desktop\Code Projects\ShuttleDefender\SD - Sprites\Shuttle.PNG"

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 400))
end = False
ship_laser_list = []

viewerPosition = [0, 0]

def pnt_proj(position, angle, magnitude):
    pnt_x = position.x + magnitude * math.cos(angle)
    pnt_y = position.y + magnitude * math.sin(angle)
    return (pnt_x, pnt_y)

def pnt_move(position, x_d, y_d):
    pnt_x = position.x + x_d
Example #19
from pylygon import Polygon
import numpy

icon = pygame.image.load(
    "C:\Users\Evan\Desktop\Code Projects\ShuttleDefender\SD - Sprites\Shuttle.PNG"

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((160, 160))
end = False

#Automatic Fire
A_position = [10, 10]
A_shape = Polygon([(A_position[0] - 3, A_position[1] - 6),
                   (A_position[0] + 3, A_position[1] - 6),
                   (A_position[0] - 3, A_position[1] + 6),
                   (A_position[0] + 3, A_position[1] + 6)])
A_shape2 = Polygon([(A_position[0] - 3, A_position[1] - 2),
                    (A_position[0] + 3, A_position[1] - 2),
                    (A_position[0] + 3, A_position[1] + 2),
                    (A_position[0] - 3, A_position[1] + 2)])

clock = pygame.time.Clock()
while not end:
    #events, keys, etc.

    tick = clock.get_time() / 1000.0

    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            end = True
Example #20
from operator import mul

from numpy import array
from pylygon import Polygon
import pygame
from pygame import display, draw, event, mouse, Surface
from pygame.font import Font
from pygame.locals import *

if __name__ == '__main__':

    SCREEN_SIZE = (800, 600)  # initialize screen size
    SCREEN = display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE)  # load screen

    triangle = Polygon([(0, 70), (110, 0), (110, 70)])
    rhombus = Polygon([(0, 80), (20, 0), (80, 0), (60, 80)])

    triangle.move_ip(200, 200)
    rhombus.move_ip(300, 300)

    font = Font(None, 24)

    r = mouse.get_rel()
    grab, other = None, None
    while 1:
        SCREEN.fill((0, 0, 0))
        draw.polygon(SCREEN, (255, 0, 0), triangle.P, 1)
        draw.polygon(SCREEN, (0, 0, 255), rhombus.P, 1)
        mouse_pos = mouse.get_pos()
        for ev in event.get():
Example #21
def main():

    triangle = Polygon([(0, 70), (110, 0), (110, 70)])
    rhombus = Polygon([(0, 80), (20, 0), (80, 0), (60, 80)])

    triangle.move_ip(200, 200)
    rhombus.move_ip(300, 300)

    r = array([-25, -40])
    # no collision
    for i in xrange(1000):
        triangle.distance(rhombus, -r)
        triangle.raycast(rhombus, -r)

    # raycast collision
    r = array([25, 40])
    for i in xrange(1000):
        triangle.distance(rhombus, -r)
        triangle.raycast(rhombus, -r)

    # collision
    for i in xrange(1000):
        triangle.distance(rhombus, -r)
        triangle.raycast(rhombus, -r)