class TestSphereManifold(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.m = m = 100
        self.n = n = 50 = Sphere(m, n)

        # For automatic testing of ehess2rhess
        self.proj = lambda x, u: u - npa.tensordot(x, u, np.ndim(u)) * x

    def test_dim(self):
        assert == self.m * self.n - 1

    def test_typicaldist(self):
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(, np.pi)

    def test_dist(self):
        s =
        x = s.rand()
        y = s.rand()
        correct_dist = np.arccos(np.tensordot(x, y))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(correct_dist, s.dist(x, y))

    def test_inner(self):
        s =
        x = s.rand()
        u = s.randvec(x)
        v = s.randvec(x)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(u * v), s.inner(x, u, v))

    def test_proj(self):
        #  Construct a random point X on the manifold.
        X = rnd.randn(self.m, self.n)
        X /= la.norm(X, "fro")

        #  Construct a vector H in the ambient space.
        H = rnd.randn(self.m, self.n)

        #  Compare the projections.
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(H - X * np.trace(,
                                   , H))

    def test_egrad2rgrad(self):
        # Should be the same as proj
        #  Construct a random point X on the manifold.
        X = rnd.randn(self.m, self.n)
        X /= la.norm(X, "fro")

        #  Construct a vector H in the ambient space.
        H = rnd.randn(self.m, self.n)

        #  Compare the projections.
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(H - X * np.trace(,
                                   , H))

    def test_ehess2rhess(self):
        x =
        u =
        egrad = rnd.randn(self.m, self.n)
        ehess = rnd.randn(self.m, self.n)

        np_testing.assert_allclose(testing.ehess2rhess(self.proj)(x, egrad,
                                                                  ehess, u),
                         , egrad, ehess, u))

    def test_retr(self):
        # Test that the result is on the manifold and that for small
        # tangent vectors it has little effect.
        x =
        u =

        xretru =, u)
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(la.norm(xretru), 1)

        u = u * 1e-6
        xretru =, u)
        np_testing.assert_allclose(xretru, x + u)

    def test_norm(self):
        x =
        u =

        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(, u), la.norm(u))

    def test_rand(self):
        # Just make sure that things generated are on the manifold and that
        # if you generate two they are not equal.
        s =
        x = s.rand()
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(la.norm(x), 1)
        y = s.rand()
        assert np.linalg.norm(x - y) > 1e-3

    def test_randvec(self):
        # Just make sure that things generated are in the tangent space and
        # that if you generate two they are not equal.
        s =
        x = s.rand()
        u = s.randvec(x)
        v = s.randvec(x)
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(np.tensordot(x, u), 0)

        assert np.linalg.norm(u - v) > 1e-3

    def test_transp(self):
        # Should be the same as proj
        s =
        x = s.rand()
        y = s.rand()
        u = s.randvec(x)

        np_testing.assert_allclose(s.transp(x, y, u), s.proj(y, u))

    def test_exp_log_inverse(self):
        s =
        X = s.rand()
        U = s.randvec(X)
        Uexplog = s.exp(X, s.log(X, U))
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(U, Uexplog)

    def test_log_exp_inverse(self):
        s =
        X = s.rand()
        U = s.randvec(X)
        Ulogexp = s.log(X, s.exp(X, U))
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(U, Ulogexp)

    def test_pairmean(self):
        s =
        X = s.rand()
        Y = s.rand()
        Z = s.pairmean(X, Y)
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(s.dist(X, Z), s.dist(Y, Z))
Example #2
class TestSphereManifold(ManifoldTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.m = m = 100
        self.n = n = 50
        self.manifold = Sphere(m, n)

        # For automatic testing of euclidean_to_riemannian_hessian
        self.projection = lambda x, u: u - np.tensordot(x, u, np.ndim(u)) * x


    def test_dim(self):
        assert self.manifold.dim == self.m * self.n - 1

    def test_typical_dist(self):
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(self.manifold.typical_dist, np.pi)

    def test_dist(self):
        s = self.manifold
        x = s.random_point()
        y = s.random_point()
        correct_dist = np.arccos(np.tensordot(x, y))
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(correct_dist, s.dist(x, y))

    def test_inner_product(self):
        s = self.manifold
        x = s.random_point()
        u = s.random_tangent_vector(x)
        v = s.random_tangent_vector(x)
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(u * v), s.inner_product(x, u, v))

    def test_projection(self):
        #  Construct a random point X on the manifold.
        X = np.random.normal(size=(self.m, self.n))
        X /= np.linalg.norm(X, "fro")

        #  Construct a vector H in the ambient space.
        H = np.random.normal(size=(self.m, self.n))

        #  Compare the projections.
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(H - X * np.trace(X.T @ H),
                                             self.manifold.projection(X, H))

    def test_euclidean_to_riemannian_gradient(self):
        # Should be the same as proj
        #  Construct a random point X on the manifold.
        X = np.random.normal(size=(self.m, self.n))
        X /= np.linalg.norm(X, "fro")

        #  Construct a vector H in the ambient space.
        H = np.random.normal(size=(self.m, self.n))

        #  Compare the projections.
            H - X * np.trace(X.T @ H),
            self.manifold.euclidean_to_riemannian_gradient(X, H),

    def test_first_order_function_approximation(self):

    def test_second_order_function_approximation(self):

    def test_euclidean_to_riemannian_hessian(self):
        x = self.manifold.random_point()
        u = self.manifold.random_tangent_vector(x)
        egrad = np.random.normal(size=(self.m, self.n))
        ehess = np.random.normal(size=(self.m, self.n))

            testing.euclidean_to_riemannian_hessian(self.projection)(x, egrad,
                                                                     ehess, u),
            self.manifold.euclidean_to_riemannian_hessian(x, egrad, ehess, u),

    def test_retraction(self):
        # Test that the result is on the manifold and that for small
        # tangent vectors it has little effect.
        x = self.manifold.random_point()
        u = self.manifold.random_tangent_vector(x)

        xretru = self.manifold.retraction(x, u)
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(np.linalg.norm(xretru), 1)

        u = u * 1e-6
        xretru = self.manifold.retraction(x, u)
        np_testing.assert_allclose(xretru, x + u)

    def test_norm(self):
        x = self.manifold.random_point()
        u = self.manifold.random_tangent_vector(x)

        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(self.manifold.norm(x, u),

    def test_random_point(self):
        # Just make sure that things generated are on the manifold and that
        # if you generate two they are not equal.
        s = self.manifold
        x = s.random_point()
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(np.linalg.norm(x), 1)
        y = s.random_point()
        assert np.linalg.norm(x - y) > 1e-3

    def test_random_tangent_vector(self):
        # Just make sure that things generated are in the tangent space and
        # that if you generate two they are not equal.
        s = self.manifold
        x = s.random_point()
        u = s.random_tangent_vector(x)
        v = s.random_tangent_vector(x)
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(np.tensordot(x, u), 0)

        assert np.linalg.norm(u - v) > 1e-3

    def test_transport(self):
        # Should be the same as proj
        s = self.manifold
        x = s.random_point()
        y = s.random_point()
        u = s.random_tangent_vector(x)

        np_testing.assert_allclose(s.transport(x, y, u), s.projection(y, u))

    def test_exp_log_inverse(self):
        s = self.manifold
        X = s.random_point()
        Y = s.random_point()
        Yexplog = s.exp(X, s.log(X, Y))
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(Y, Yexplog)

    def test_log_exp_inverse(self):
        s = self.manifold
        X = s.random_point()
        U = s.random_tangent_vector(X)
        Ulogexp = s.log(X, s.exp(X, U))
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(U, Ulogexp)

    def test_pair_mean(self):
        s = self.manifold
        X = s.random_point()
        Y = s.random_point()
        Z = s.pair_mean(X, Y)
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(s.dist(X, Z), s.dist(Y, Z))
class TestSphereManifold(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.m = m = 100
        self.n = n = 50 = Sphere(m, n)

        # For automatic testing of ehess2rhess
        self.proj = lambda x, u: u - npa.tensordot(x, u, np.ndim(u)) * x

    def test_name(self):
        man =
        m = self.m
        n = self.n
        assert "Sphere manifold of " + str(m) + "x" + str(n) in str(man)

    def test_dim(self):
        assert == self.m * self.n - 1

    def test_typicaldist(self):
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(, np.pi)

    def test_dist(self):
        s =
        x = s.rand()
        y = s.rand()
        correct_dist = np.arccos(np.tensordot(x, y))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(correct_dist, s.dist(x, y))

    def test_inner(self):
        s =
        x = s.rand()
        u = s.randvec(x)
        v = s.randvec(x)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(u * v), s.inner(x, u, v))

    def test_proj(self):
        #  Construct a random point X on the manifold.
        X = rnd.randn(self.m, self.n)
        X /= la.norm(X, "fro")

        #  Construct a vector H in the ambient space.
        H = rnd.randn(self.m, self.n)

        #  Compare the projections.
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(H - X * np.trace(,
                                   , H))

    def test_egrad2rgrad(self):
        # Should be the same as proj
        #  Construct a random point X on the manifold.
        X = rnd.randn(self.m, self.n)
        X /= la.norm(X, "fro")

        #  Construct a vector H in the ambient space.
        H = rnd.randn(self.m, self.n)

        #  Compare the projections.
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(H - X * np.trace(,
                                   , H))

    def test_ehess2rhess(self):
        x =
        u =
        egrad = rnd.randn(self.m, self.n)
        ehess = rnd.randn(self.m, self.n)

        np_testing.assert_allclose(testing.ehess2rhess(self.proj)(x, egrad,
                                                                  ehess, u),
                         , egrad, ehess, u))

    def test_retr(self):
        # Test that the result is on the manifold and that for small
        # tangent vectors it has little effect.
        x =
        u =

        xretru =, u)
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(la.norm(xretru), 1)

        u = u * 1e-6
        xretru =, u)
        np_testing.assert_allclose(xretru, x + u)

    def test_norm(self):
        x =
        u =

        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(, u), la.norm(u))

    def test_rand(self):
        # Just make sure that things generated are on the manifold and that
        # if you generate two they are not equal.
        s =
        x = s.rand()
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(la.norm(x), 1)
        y = s.rand()
        assert np.linalg.norm(x - y) > 1e-3

    def test_randvec(self):
        # Just make sure that things generated are in the tangent space and
        # that if you generate two they are not equal.
        s =
        x = s.rand()
        u = s.randvec(x)
        v = s.randvec(x)
        np_testing.assert_almost_equal(np.tensordot(x, u), 0)

        assert np.linalg.norm(u - v) > 1e-3

    def test_transp(self):
        # Should be the same as proj
        s =
        x = s.rand()
        y = s.rand()
        u = s.randvec(x)

        np_testing.assert_allclose(s.transp(x, y, u), s.proj(y, u))

    def test_exp_log_inverse(self):
        s =
        X = s.rand()
        U = s.randvec(X)
        Uexplog = s.exp(X, s.log(X, U))
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(U, Uexplog)

    def test_log_exp_inverse(self):
        s =
        X = s.rand()
        U = s.randvec(X)
        Ulogexp = s.log(X, s.exp(X, U))
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(U, Ulogexp)

    def test_pairmean(self):
        s =
        X = s.rand()
        Y = s.rand()
        Z = s.pairmean(X, Y)
        np_testing.assert_array_almost_equal(s.dist(X, Z), s.dist(Y, Z))