def test_is_character_at_index_not_one_of_without_whitespace():
    Make sure that a string without any characters at the index is handled properly.

    # Arrange
    input_string = "this is a test"
    start_index = 0
    valid_characters = "abc"
    expected_output = True

    # Act
    actual_output = ParserHelper.is_character_at_index_not_one_of(
        input_string, start_index, valid_characters)

    # Assert
    assert expected_output == actual_output
def test_is_character_at_index_not_one_of_with_whitespace2():
    Make sure that a string with another one of the characters present at the index is handled properly.

    # Arrange
    input_string = "c"
    start_index = 0
    valid_characters = "abc"
    expected_output = False

    # Act
    actual_output = ParserHelper.is_character_at_index_not_one_of(
        input_string, start_index, valid_characters)

    # Assert
    assert expected_output == actual_output
def test_is_character_at_index_not_one_of_with_character_at_end():
    Make sure that a string with one of the characters at the index is handled properly.

    # Arrange
    input_string = "this is a test!"
    start_index = len(input_string) - 1
    valid_characters = "abc!"
    expected_output = False

    # Act
    actual_output = ParserHelper.is_character_at_index_not_one_of(
        input_string, start_index, valid_characters)

    # Assert
    assert expected_output == actual_output
def test_is_character_at_index_not_one_of_with_empty_string():
    Make sure that an empty string is handled properly.

    # Arrange
    input_string = ""
    start_index = 0
    valid_characters = "abc"
    expected_output = False

    # Act
    actual_output = ParserHelper.is_character_at_index_not_one_of(
        input_string, start_index, valid_characters)

    # Assert
    assert expected_output == actual_output