Example #1
def shifted_sites_after_prismatic_disto(struct, metal_index, angle):
    mini = MinimumDistanceNN(tol=0.3)
    print("rotating around index : ", metal_index)
    neighbor_O = mini.get_nn_info(struct, metal_index)

    [X, Y, Z] = struct[metal_index].coords
    print("metal coords : ", [X, Y, Z])

    trueSites = []  # list of dict with index and shifted coordinates
    O_above = [O['site_index'] for O in neighbor_O if O['site'].z - Z > 0]
    O_below = [O['site_index'] for O in neighbor_O if O['site'].z - Z < 0]

    symOperation = find_symmop(struct,
                               translation=(0, 0, 0),
                               center=[X, Y, Z])
    trueSites += find_translated_sites(struct, O_above, symOperation)

    symOperation = find_symmop(struct,
                               translation=(0, 0, 0),
                               center=[X, Y, Z])
    trueSites += find_translated_sites(struct, O_below, symOperation)

    return (trueSites)
Example #2
def get_MO_pairs(struct, metal_str="Mn"):
    print("getting {} - O pairs".format(metal_str))
    atom_pair_list = []
    mini = MinimumDistanceNN(tol=0.3)
    for center_index in struct.indices_from_symbol(metal_str):
        neighbor_O = mini.get_nn_info(struct, center_index)
        atom_pair_list += [[center_index, O['site_index']] for O in neighbor_O
                           if O['site'].species_string in ["O", "S"]]
    return (atom_pair_list)
Example #3
def get_metal_next_neighbor(struct, center_index):
    next_metal_neighbors = []

    # gather the indices of all metal next neighbors
    # metals around neighbor of neighbor Os
    mini = MinimumDistanceNN(tol=0.3)
    neighbor_O = mini.get_nn_info(struct, center_index)
    for O_index in [O['site_index'] for O in neighbor_O]:
        next_metal_neighbors += [
            M['site_index'] for M in mini.get_nn_info(struct, O_index)
            if (M['site'].specie.symbol not in ["Na", "Li", "O"])

    # remove the doubles and the metal center
    next_metal_neighbors = set(next_metal_neighbors)

    return (next_metal_neighbors)
Example #4
def metal_envt(struc):

    # Counts the Me environment in a structure
    # argument : pymatgen.core.structure
    # return : 2elt list of (7 element list) : the i th element is the
    # propotion of A with i A neighbors

    A = "Mg"
    B = "Mn"
    C = "Na"

    # neighborA = [0 for i in range(0, 7, 1)]
    # neighborB = [0 for i in range(0, 7, 1)]
    # A_indices = struc.indices_from_symbol(A)
    nbC = len(struc.indices_from_symbol(C))
    neighborC = np.zeros(6)
    #print("{0} {1}".format(nbC,C))

    sCopy = RemoveSpeciesTransformation(["O"]).apply_transformation(struc)
    # print(sCopy)
    mini = MinimumDistanceNN(tol=0.3)

    for i, site in enumerate(sCopy):
        # print(str(i))
        # print(site)
        siteName = site.species_string
        if siteName == C:
            neigList = mini.get_nn_info(sCopy, i)
            #print("{0} closest neighboors \n".format(len(neigList)))
            coordA = 0
            coordB = 0
            for neighbor in neigList:
                # index = neighbor['site_index']
                neighborName = neighbor['site'].species_string
                #print(" ( {0} at {1} ) ".format(neighborName,index))
                if neighborName == A:
                    coordA += 1
                if neighborName == B:
                    coordB += 1

            neighborC[coordA] += 1

    #print("neighborC list :" , neighborC)
    if nbC == 0:
        normalizedNeighborC = [0 for i in neighborC]
        normalizedNeighborC = [i / nbC for i in neighborC]
        print("coordination {0} : {1} \nnormalized by {2} : {3} \n".format(
            C, neighborC, nbC, normalizedNeighborC))

    return normalizedNeighborC
Example #5
def get_layer_indices(struct, separator_specie, refIndex=-1):

    # fonction to gather the indexes of all the atoms in layers separated by Na atoms
    # input : the layered structure, the index of one non-Na reference atom
    # returns : an ordered list of indexes of all the atoms in the layer of
    # the reference atom

    A = "Mn"
    B = "Mg"
    C = "O"

    # if no reference is given, takes the first atom of A as a reference
    if refIndex == -1:
        layerIndices = [struct.indices_from_symbol(C)[0]]
        layerIndices = [refIndex]

    mini = MinimumDistanceNN(tol=0.5)

    # algorithm : 2 buffer list (prev and new atomList) and a definitive list
    # adds all neighbor of the old buffer  atoms to a  new buffer list
    # if they are non-Na and non-already counted in the definitive List
    # Stops when the new buffer is empty (all non-Na atoms next to the layer
    # have been counted)

    prevAtomList = layerIndices
    finish = False
    while not finish:
        newAtomList = []
        for prevAtomIndex in prevAtomList:
            neigList = mini.get_nn_info(struct, prevAtomIndex)
            for neighbor in neigList:
                index = neighbor['site_index']
                name = neighbor['site'].species_string
                # print(name)
                if not (name in separator_specie +
                        [struct[prevAtomIndex].species_string]) and not (
                            index in layerIndices):
        if len(newAtomList) > 0:
            previousAtomList = newAtomList
            layerIndices = layerIndices + newAtomList
            finish = True


    return layerIndices
Example #6
def metalBondCount(struc):

    # Counts the metal metal bounds in a structure
    # argument pymatgen.core.structure
    # return [ normalizedBonds, normalizedAA, normalizedBB]

    # normalizedBond = 3 elt list =[ nb AA bonds, nb BB bonds, nb  AB bonds ] / nb of metal
    # normalizedAA = 7 element list : the ith elt is the number of A with i A-neighbor
    # (ie if there are 1/4 of the Mg surrounded by 3 Mg, normalizedAA[3] = 0.25)
    # normalizedBB = idem for B

    # Logically, if nbA = nbB, normalizedAA = normalizedBB

    A = "Mg"
    B = "Mn"
    countAA = 0
    countAB = 0
    countBB = 0

    neighborAA = [0 for i in range(7)]
    neighborBB = [0 for i in range(7)]

    A_indices = struc.indices_from_symbol(A)
    B_indices = struc.indices_from_symbol(B)
    nbA = len(A_indices)
    nbB = len(B_indices)
    nbTot = nbA + nbB
    print("{0} {1}, {2} {3} : {4}".format(nbA, A, nbB, B, nbTot))

    sCopy = RemoveSpeciesTransformation(["Na",

    #    struc.remove_species('O')
    mini = MinimumDistanceNN(tol=0.3)

    for i, site in enumerate(sCopy):
        # print(str(i))
        neigList = mini.get_nn_info(sCopy, i)
        #print("{0} closest neighboors \n".format(len(neigList)))
        coord = 0

        for neighbor in neigList:
            index = neighbor['site_index']
            name = neighbor['site'].species_string
            #           print(" ( {0} at {1} ) ".format(name,index))

            if site.species_string == A:
                if name == A:
                    countAA += 1
                    coord += 1
                if name == B:
                    countAB += 1
            if site.species_string == B:
                if name == A:
                    countAB += 1
                if name == B:
                    countBB += 1
                    coord += 1

        if site.species_string == A:
            neighborAA[coord] += 1
        elif site.species_string == B:
            neighborBB[coord] += 1

    bonds = [countAA // 2, countBB // 2, countAB // 2]
    normalizedBonds = [i / nbTot for i in bonds]
    print("[{3}{3}, {4}{4}, {3}{4}] = {0} normalized by {1} : {2} \n".format(
        bonds, nbTot, normalizedBonds, A, B))
    if nbA > 0:
        normalizedAA = [i / nbA for i in neighborAA]
            "[Nombre de {0} avec [1-6] {0} autour] = {1} normalized by {2} : {3} \n"
            .format(A, neighborAA, nbA, normalizedAA))
        normalizedAA = neighborAA
    if nbB > 0:
        normalizedBB = [i / nbB for i in neighborBB]
            "[Nombre de {0} avec [1-6] {0} autour] = {1} normalized by {2} : {3} \n"
            .format(B, neighborBB, nbB, normalizedBB))
        normalizedBB = neighborBB
    return [normalizedBonds, normalizedAA, normalizedBB]
Example #7
def get_MMOO_quadruplets(struct):

    AB_list = get_Mn_Mn_pairs(struct)
    print("nb of pairs to test : {}".format(len(AB_list)))

    quadruplets = []

    for A, B in AB_list:
        mini = MinimumDistanceNN(tol=0.35)

        O_A_indices = [O['site_index'] for O in mini.get_nn_info(struct, A)]
        O_pair = [
            O['site_index'] for O in mini.get_nn_info(struct, B)
            if O["site_index"] in O_A_indices

        # O_pair = O_A_indices & O_B_indices

        nb_O = len(O_pair)

        if nb_O == 2:
            quadruplets.append({"metal_pair": [A, B], "oxygen_pair": O_pair})

        elif nb_O > 2:

            O_pair_dict = [
                O for O in mini.get_nn_info(struct, B)
                if O['site_index'] in O_pair

            print("common O between atoms {} are not a pair : {}".format(
                [A, B], O_pair))

            for O in O_pair_dict:

                dA, imgA = O["site"].distance_and_image(struct[B], jimage=None)

                dB, imgB = O["site"].distance_and_image(struct[A], jimage=None)
                # print(imgA,imgB)

                O["hash"] = hash((tuple(imgA), tuple(imgB)))
                #print("O site : {}, dist : {}".format(O["site_index"],dA+dB))

            O_pair = [
                O["site_index"] for O in sorted(O_pair, key=itemgetter('hash'))
            print("sorted O list : {}".format(
                [dictA["site_index"] for dictA in O_pair]))
            while len(O_pair) > 0:
                O1 = O_pair.pop()
                O2 = O_pair.pop()
                    "metal_pair": [A, B],
                    "oxygen_pair": [O1, O2]

            print("Not enough O in the pair !!")

    print("Valid MMOO quadruplets : {}".format(len(quadruplets)))
    return (quadruplets)
Example #8
def get_OO_pairs(struct):

    AB_list = get_Mn_Mn_pairs(struct)
    print("nb of pairs to test : {}".format(len(AB_list)))
    O_found = set()
    OO_pairs = set()

    for A, B in AB_list:
        #print("A : {} , B : {}".format(A,B))
        # getting the common O in the neighboorhods of the two metals

        mini = MinimumDistanceNN(tol=0.35)

        O_A_indices = set(
            [O['site_index'] for O in mini.get_nn_info(struct, A)])
        #print("found O around A : {}".format( O_A_indices) )

        O_B_indices = set(
            [O['site_index'] for O in mini.get_nn_info(struct, B)])
        #print("found O around B : {}".format( O_B_indices) )

        O_pair = O_A_indices & O_B_indices
        #print("found O around A still untreated : {}".format(O_A_indices) )

        nb_O = len(O_pair)

        if nb_O > 2:
            O_pair -= O_found

            O_pair_dict = [
                O for O in mini.get_nn_info(struct, B)
                if O['site_index'] in O_pair
            # print("found O pair : {}".format([ (dictA["image"],dictA["site_index"]) for dictA in O_pair]))

            # O_pair = [ O for O in O_pair if O["site_index"] not in O_found]

            print("common O between atoms {} are not a pair : {}".format(
                [A, B], O_pair))
            #print("B site {} and image : {} ".format(struct[B],np.array(site_B["image"]) )  )
            for O in O_pair_dict:
                #jimg = np.array([site_B["image"][i] for i in [0,1] ]+[0] )
                dA, imgA = O["site"].distance_and_image(struct[B], jimage=None)

                dB, imgB = O["site"].distance_and_image(struct[A], jimage=None)
                # print(imgA,imgB)

                O["hash"] = hash((tuple(imgA), tuple(imgB)))
                #print("O site : {}, dist : {}".format(O["site_index"],dA+dB))

            O_pair = [
                O["site_index"] for O in sorted(O_pair, key=itemgetter('hash'))
            print("sorted O list : {}".format(
                [dictA["site_index"] for dictA in O_pair]))

        elif nb_O < 2:
            print("Not enough O in the pair !!")

        while len(O_pair) > 0:
            O1 = O_pair.pop()
            O2 = O_pair.pop()
            OO_pairs.add((O1, O2))

    print("Valid OO pairs : {}".format(len(OO_pairs)))
    return (list(OO_pairs))