def test_to_dict(self): si = Specie("Si", 4) mn = Element("Mn") coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) struct = IStructure(self.lattice, [{ si: 0.5, mn: 0.5 }, { si: 0.5 }], coords) self.assertIn("lattice", struct.to_dict) self.assertIn("sites", struct.to_dict) d = self.propertied_structure.to_dict self.assertEqual(d['sites'][0]['properties']['magmom'], 5) coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) s = IStructure(self.lattice, [{ Specie('O', -2, properties={"spin": 3}): 1.0 }, { Specie('Mg', 2, properties={"spin": 2}): 0.8 }], coords, site_properties={'magmom': [5, -5]}) d = s.to_dict self.assertEqual(d['sites'][0]['properties']['magmom'], 5) self.assertEqual(d['sites'][0]['species'][0]['properties']['spin'], 3)
def test_get_primitive_structure(self): coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0], [0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5]] fcc_ag = IStructure(Lattice.cubic(4.09), ["Ag"] * 4, coords) self.assertEqual(len(fcc_ag.get_primitive_structure()), 1) coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]] bcc_li = IStructure(Lattice.cubic(4.09), ["Li"] * 2, coords) self.assertEqual(len(bcc_li.get_primitive_structure()), 1)
def test_interpolate_lattice(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) struct = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords) coords2 = list() coords2.append([0, 0, 0]) coords2.append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) l2 = Lattice.from_lengths_and_angles([3,4,4], [100,100,70]) struct2 = IStructure(l2, ["Si"] * 2, coords2) int_s = struct.interpolate(struct2, 2, interpolate_lattices=True) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(, int_s[0] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.angles, int_s[0].lattice.angles) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(, int_s[2] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(struct2.lattice.angles, int_s[2].lattice.angles) int_angles = [110.3976469, 94.5359731, 64.5165856] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(int_angles, int_s[1].lattice.angles) # Assert that volume is monotonic self.assertTrue(struct2.lattice.volume >= int_s[1].lattice.volume) self.assertTrue(int_s[1].lattice.volume >= struct.lattice.volume)
def test_primitive_structure_volume_check(self): l = Lattice.tetragonal(10, 30) coords = [[0.5, 0.8, 0], [0.5, 0.2, 0], [0.5, 0.8, 0.333], [0.5, 0.5, 0.333], [0.5, 0.5, 0.666], [0.5, 0.2, 0.666]] s = IStructure(l, ["Ag"] * 6, coords) sprim = s.get_primitive_structure(tolerance=0.1) self.assertEqual(len(sprim), 6)
def test_from_dict(self): d = self.propertied_structure.as_dict() s = IStructure.from_dict(d) self.assertEqual(s[0].magmom, 5) d = self.propertied_structure.as_dict(0) s2 = IStructure.from_dict(d) self.assertEqual(s, s2) d = {'lattice': {'a': 3.8401979337, 'volume': 40.044794644251596, 'c': 3.8401979337177736, 'b': 3.840198994344244, 'matrix': [[3.8401979337, 0.0, 0.0], [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.0], [0.0, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]], 'alpha': 119.9999908639842, 'beta': 90.0, 'gamma': 60.000009137322195}, 'sites': [{'properties': {'magmom': 5}, 'abc': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'occu': 1.0, 'species': [{'occu': 1.0, 'oxidation_state': -2, 'properties': {'spin': 3}, 'element': 'O'}], 'label': 'O2-', 'xyz': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, {'properties': {'magmom': -5}, 'abc': [0.75, 0.5, 0.75], 'occu': 0.8, 'species': [{'occu': 0.8, 'oxidation_state': 2, 'properties': {'spin': 2}, 'element': 'Mg'}], 'label': 'Mg2+:0.800', 'xyz': [3.8401979336749994, 1.2247250003039056e-06, 2.351631795225]}]} s = IStructure.from_dict(d) self.assertEqual(s[0].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(s[0].specie.spin, 3) self.assertEqual(type(s), IStructure)
def test_interpolate_lattice_rotation(self): l1 = Lattice([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) l2 = Lattice([[-1.01, 0, 0], [0, -1.01, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.75, 0.5, 0.75]] struct1 = IStructure(l1, ["Si"] * 2, coords) struct2 = IStructure(l2, ["Si"] * 2, coords) int_s = struct1.interpolate(struct2, 2, interpolate_lattices=True) # Assert that volume is monotonic self.assertTrue(struct2.lattice.volume >= int_s[1].lattice.volume) self.assertTrue(int_s[1].lattice.volume >= struct1.lattice.volume)
def test_get_sorted_structure(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) s = IStructure(self.lattice, ["O", "Li"], coords, site_properties={"charge": [-2, 1]}) sorted_s = s.get_sorted_structure() self.assertEqual(sorted_s[0].species_and_occu, Composition("Li")) self.assertEqual(sorted_s[1].species_and_occu, Composition("O")) self.assertEqual(sorted_s[0].charge, 1) self.assertEqual(sorted_s[1].charge, -2) s = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Se", "C", "Se", "C"], [[0] * 3, [0.5] * 3, [0.25] * 3, [0.75] * 3]) self.assertEqual([site.specie.symbol for site in s.get_sorted_structure()], ["C", "C", "Se", "Se"])
def test_bad_structure(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) self.assertRaises(StructureError, IStructure, self.lattice, ["Si"] * 3, coords, validate_proximity=True) #these shouldn't raise an error IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords[:2], True) IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"], coords[:1], True)
def test_interpolate(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) struct = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords) coords2 = list() coords2.append([0, 0, 0]) coords2.append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) struct2 = IStructure(self.struct.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords2) int_s = struct.interpolate(struct2, 10) for s in int_s: self.assertIsNotNone(s, "Interpolation Failed!") self.assertEqual(int_s[0].lattice, s.lattice) self.assertArrayEqual(int_s[1][1].frac_coords, [0.725, 0.5, 0.725]) badlattice = [[1, 0.00, 0.00], [0, 1, 0.00], [0.00, 0, 1]] struct2 = IStructure(badlattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords2) self.assertRaises(ValueError, struct.interpolate, struct2) coords2 = list() coords2.append([0, 0, 0]) coords2.append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) struct2 = IStructure(self.struct.lattice, ["Si", "Fe"], coords2) self.assertRaises(ValueError, struct.interpolate, struct2) # Test autosort feature. s1 = Structure.from_spacegroup("Fm-3m", Lattice.cubic(3), ["Fe"], [[0, 0, 0]]) s1.pop(0) s2 = Structure.from_spacegroup("Fm-3m", Lattice.cubic(3), ["Fe"], [[0, 0, 0]]) s2.pop(2) random.shuffle(s2) for s in s1.interpolate(s2, autosort_tol=0.5): self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(s1[0].frac_coords, s[0].frac_coords) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(s1[2].frac_coords, s[2].frac_coords) # Make sure autosort has no effect on simpler interpolations, # and with shuffled sites. s1 = Structure.from_spacegroup("Fm-3m", Lattice.cubic(3), ["Fe"], [[0, 0, 0]]) s2 = Structure.from_spacegroup("Fm-3m", Lattice.cubic(3), ["Fe"], [[0, 0, 0]]) s2[0] = "Fe", [0.01, 0.01, 0.01] random.shuffle(s2) for s in s1.interpolate(s2, autosort_tol=0.5): self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(s1[1].frac_coords, s[1].frac_coords) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(s1[2].frac_coords, s[2].frac_coords) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(s1[3].frac_coords, s[3].frac_coords)
def test_fractional_occupations(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) s = IStructure(self.lattice, [{'O': 1.0}, {'Mg': 0.8}], coords) self.assertEqual(str(s.composition), 'Mg0.8 O1') self.assertFalse(s.is_ordered)
def test_to_from_file_string(self): for fmt in ["cif", "json", "poscar", "cssr"]: s = self.assertIsNotNone(s) ss = IStructure.from_str(s, fmt=fmt) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual( ss.lattice.lengths_and_angles, self.struct.lattice.lengths_and_angles, decimal=5) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(ss.frac_coords, self.struct.frac_coords) self.assertIsInstance(ss, IStructure)"POSCAR.testing") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("POSCAR.testing")) os.remove("POSCAR.testing")"Si_testing.yaml") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("Si_testing.yaml")) s = Structure.from_file("Si_testing.yaml") self.assertEqual(s, self.struct) os.remove("Si_testing.yaml")"POSCAR.testing.gz") s = Structure.from_file("POSCAR.testing.gz") self.assertEqual(s, self.struct) os.remove("POSCAR.testing.gz")
def setUp(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) self.lattice = Lattice( [[3.8401979337, 0.00, 0.00], [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.00], [0.00, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]] ) self.struct = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords) self.assertEqual(len(self.struct), 2, "Wrong number of sites in structure!") self.assertTrue(self.struct.is_ordered) self.assertTrue(self.struct.ntypesp == 1) coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.0, 0, 0.0000001]) self.assertRaises(StructureError, IStructure, self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords, True) self.propertied_structure = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords, site_properties={"magmom": [5, -5]})
def get_pymatgen_formula(compound): """ given a string of 'A2B1Bp1X6' return its pymatgen standard formula Args: compound: a string of form 'A2B1Bp1X6' Returns: formula : a formula style defined in pymatgen """ m = re.match( "([A-Za-z]+)([0-9])([A-Za-z]+)([0-9])([A-Za-z]+)([0-9])([A-Za-z]+)([0-9])", compound) A, B, Bp, X =,,, struc = IStructure(lattice=[[1, 0.000000, 0.000000], [0.5, sqrt(3) / 2, 0.000000], [0.5, 1 / 2.0 / sqrt(3.0), sqrt(2.0 / 3.0)]], species=[A, A, B, Bp, X, X, X, X, X, X], coords=[[0.2500, 0.2500, 0.2500], [0.7500, 0.7500, 0.7500], [0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000], [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [0.2550, 0.7450, 0.2550], [0.7450, 0.7450, 0.2550], [0.7450, 0.2550, 0.7450], [0.7450, 0.2550, 0.2550], [0.2550, 0.7450, 0.7450], [0.2550, 0.2550, 0.7450]]) return struc.formula
def test_to_from_file_string(self): for fmt in ["cif", "json", "poscar", "cssr"]: s = self.assertIsNotNone(s) ss = IStructure.from_str(s, fmt=fmt) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(ss.lattice.lengths_and_angles, self.struct.lattice.lengths_and_angles, decimal=5) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(ss.frac_coords, self.struct.frac_coords) self.assertIsInstance(ss, IStructure)"POSCAR.testing") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("POSCAR.testing")) os.remove("POSCAR.testing")"Si_testing.yaml") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("Si_testing.yaml")) s = Structure.from_file("Si_testing.yaml") self.assertEqual(s, self.struct) os.remove("Si_testing.yaml")"POSCAR.testing.gz") s = Structure.from_file("POSCAR.testing.gz") self.assertEqual(s, self.struct) os.remove("POSCAR.testing.gz")
def test_get_primitive_structure(self): coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0], [0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5]] fcc_ag = IStructure(Lattice.cubic(4.09), ["Ag"] * 4, coords) self.assertEqual(len(fcc_ag.get_primitive_structure()), 1) coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]] bcc_li = IStructure(Lattice.cubic(4.09), ["Li"] * 2, coords) bcc_prim = bcc_li.get_primitive_structure() self.assertEqual(len(bcc_prim), 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(bcc_prim.lattice.alpha, 109.47122, 3) coords = [[0] * 3, [0.5] * 3, [0.25] * 3, [0.26] * 3] s = IStructure(Lattice.cubic(4.09), ["Ag"] * 4, coords) self.assertEqual(len(s.get_primitive_structure()), 4)
def test_interpolate_lattice(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) struct = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords) coords2 = list() coords2.append([0, 0, 0]) coords2.append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) l2 = Lattice.from_lengths_and_angles([3, 4, 4], [100, 100, 70]) struct2 = IStructure(l2, ["Si"] * 2, coords2) int_s = struct.interpolate(struct2, 2, interpolate_lattices=True) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(, int_s[0] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.angles, int_s[0].lattice.angles) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(, int_s[2] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(struct2.lattice.angles, int_s[2].lattice.angles) int_angles = [(a + struct2.lattice.angles[i]) / 2 for i, a in enumerate(struct.lattice.angles)] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(int_angles, int_s[1].lattice.angles)
def test_copy(self): new_struct = self.propertied_structure.copy(site_properties={"charge": [2, 3]}) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].magmom, -5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].charge, 2) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].charge, 3) coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.0, 0, 0.0000001]) structure = IStructure(self.lattice, ["O", "Si"], coords, site_properties={"magmom": [5, -5]}) new_struct = structure.copy(site_properties={"charge": [2, 3]}, sanitize=True) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].magmom, -5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].charge, 3) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].charge, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(new_struct.volume, structure.volume)
def setUp(self): coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.75, 0.5, 0.75]] self.lattice = Lattice([[3.8401979337, 0.00, 0.00], [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.00], [0.00, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]]) self.struct = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords) self.assertEqual(len(self.struct), 2, "Wrong number of sites in structure!") self.assertTrue(self.struct.is_ordered) self.assertTrue(self.struct.ntypesp == 1) coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0., 0, 0.0000001]) self.assertRaises(StructureError, IStructure, self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords, True) self.propertied_structure = IStructure( self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords, site_properties={'magmom': [5, -5]})
def test_specie_init(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) s = IStructure(self.lattice, [{ Specie('O', -2): 1.0 }, { Specie('Mg', 2): 0.8 }], coords) self.assertEqual(str(s.composition), 'Mg2+0.8 O2-1')
def test_from_dict(self): d = self.propertied_structure.to_dict s = IStructure.from_dict(d) self.assertEqual(s[0].magmom, 5) d = { "lattice": { "a": 3.8401979337, "volume": 40.044794644251596, "c": 3.8401979337177736, "b": 3.840198994344244, "matrix": [ [3.8401979337, 0.0, 0.0], [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.0], [0.0, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603], ], "alpha": 119.9999908639842, "beta": 90.0, "gamma": 60.000009137322195, }, "sites": [ { "properties": {"magmom": 5}, "abc": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "occu": 1.0, "species": [{"occu": 1.0, "oxidation_state": -2, "properties": {"spin": 3}, "element": "O"}], "label": "O2-", "xyz": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], }, { "properties": {"magmom": -5}, "abc": [0.75, 0.5, 0.75], "occu": 0.8, "species": [{"occu": 0.8, "oxidation_state": 2, "properties": {"spin": 2}, "element": "Mg"}], "label": "Mg2+:0.800", "xyz": [3.8401979336749994, 1.2247250003039056e-06, 2.351631795225], }, ], } s = IStructure.from_dict(d) self.assertEqual(s[0].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(s[0].specie.spin, 3) self.assertEqual(type(s), IStructure)
def running(temp, pre, crt): # -- Run AIMD at (run00, run01, ...) # -- First step is heat-up. total_try = 1 #pre_dir = ("run%2d" % pre).replace(" ", "0") #crt_dir = ("run%2d" % crt).replace(" ", "0") pre_dir = ("run%03d" % pre) crt_dir = ("run%03d" % crt) # -- initiating if crt == 0: structure = IStructure.from_file("../" + structure_filename) crt_nsw = heating_nsw user_incar["SMASS"] = -1 inputset = MITMDSet(structure, 100.0, float(temp), heating_nsw, user_incar_settings=user_incar) inputset.write_input(crt_dir) # -- run else: run = Vasprun("%s/vasprun.xml.gz" % pre_dir, parse_dos=False, parse_eigen=False) structure = run.final_structure crt_nsw = nsw #structure = IStructure.from_file("%s/CONTCAR" % pre_dir) user_incar["SMASS"] = 0 inputset = MITMDSet(structure, float(temp), float(temp), nsw, user_incar_settings=user_incar) inputset.write_input(crt_dir) os.system("cp %s/WAVECAR %s" % (pre_dir, crt_dir)) os.chdir(crt_dir) os.system("mpirun -np $NSLOTS %s < /dev/null > vasp.out" % vasp) time.sleep(5) os.system("gzip OUTCAR vasprun.xml") os.system("rm -rf DOSCAR XDATCAR") write_log("try: %d" % total_try) properly_terminated = terminated_check(crt_nsw) while not properly_terminated: total_try += 1 os.system("mpirun -np $NSLOTS %s < /dev/null > vasp.out" % vasp) time.sleep(5) os.system("gzip OUTCAR vasprun.xml") os.system("rm -rf DOSCAR XDATCAR") write_log("try: %d" % total_try) properly_terminated = terminated_check(crt_nsw) os.system("touch vasp.done") os.chdir("../") os.system("rm -rf %s/WAVECAR" % pre_dir) # remove WAVECAR in previous dir to reduce storage
def featurize(self, structure): """Convert a pymatgen Structure to an immutable IStructure, Args: structure (`pymatgen.core.structure.Structure`): A structure. Returns: (`pymatgen.core.structure.IStructure`): An immutable IStructure object. """ return [IStructure.from_sites(structure)]
def load_jit_model(model_file, crystal_file_handle): model = torch.jit.load(model_file) model.eval() cif_str ="utf-8") struct = IStructure.from_str(cif_str, fmt="cif") dataset = StructureOnlyDataset([struct]) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1) input = next(iter(dataloader)) x, y = model(input) x = x.detach().numpy() y = y.detach().numpy() return x, y
def test_as_dict(self): si = Specie("Si", 4) mn = Element("Mn") coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) struct = IStructure(self.lattice, [{si: 0.5, mn: 0.5}, {si: 0.5}], coords) self.assertIn("lattice", struct.as_dict()) self.assertIn("sites", struct.as_dict()) d = self.propertied_structure.as_dict() self.assertEqual(d['sites'][0]['properties']['magmom'], 5) coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) s = IStructure(self.lattice, [{Specie('O', -2, properties={"spin": 3}): 1.0}, {Specie('Mg', 2, properties={"spin": 2}): 0.8}], coords, site_properties={'magmom': [5, -5]}) d = s.as_dict() self.assertEqual(d['sites'][0]['properties']['magmom'], 5) self.assertEqual(d['sites'][0]['species'][0]['properties']['spin'], 3) d = s.as_dict(0) self.assertNotIn("volume", d['lattice']) self.assertNotIn("xyz", d['sites'][0])
def test_copy(self): new_struct = self.propertied_structure.copy( site_properties={'charge': [2, 3]}) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].magmom, -5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].charge, 2) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].charge, 3) coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0., 0, 0.0000001]) structure = IStructure(self.lattice, ["O", "Si"], coords, site_properties={'magmom': [5, -5]}) new_struct = structure.copy(site_properties={'charge': [2, 3]}, sanitize=True) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].magmom, -5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].charge, 3) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].charge, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(new_struct.volume, structure.volume)
def test_interpolate(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) struct = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords) coords2 = list() coords2.append([0, 0, 0]) coords2.append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) struct2 = IStructure(self.struct.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords2) int_s = struct.interpolate(struct2, 10) for s in int_s: self.assertIsNotNone(s, "Interpolation Failed!") self.assertArrayEqual(int_s[1][1].frac_coords, [0.725, 0.5, 0.725]) badlattice = [[1, 0.00, 0.00], [0, 1, 0.00], [0.00, 0, 1]] struct2 = IStructure(badlattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords2) self.assertRaises(ValueError, struct.interpolate, struct2) coords2 = list() coords2.append([0, 0, 0]) coords2.append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) struct2 = IStructure(self.struct.lattice, ["Si", "Fe"], coords2) self.assertRaises(ValueError, struct.interpolate, struct2)
def test_interpolate_lattice(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) struct = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords) coords2 = list() coords2.append([0, 0, 0]) coords2.append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) l2 = Lattice.from_lengths_and_angles([3, 4, 4], [100, 100, 70]) struct2 = IStructure(l2, ["Si"] * 2, coords2) int_s = struct.interpolate(struct2, 2, interpolate_lattices=True) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(, int_s[0] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.angles, int_s[0].lattice.angles) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(, int_s[2] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(struct2.lattice.angles, int_s[2].lattice.angles) int_angles = [110.3976469, 94.5359731, 64.5165856] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(int_angles, int_s[1].lattice.angles) # Assert that volume is monotonic self.assertTrue(struct2.lattice.volume >= int_s[1].lattice.volume) self.assertTrue(int_s[1].lattice.volume >= struct.lattice.volume)
def get_all_nearest_neighbors(method, structure): """Get the nearest neighbor list of a structure Args: method (NearNeighbor) - Method used to compute nearest neighbors structure (IStructure) - Structure to study Returns: Output of `method.get_all_nn_info(structure)` """ # pymatgen does not hash Structure objects, so we need # to convert from Structure to the immutatble IStructure method if isinstance(structure, Structure): structure = IStructure.from_sites(structure) return _get_all_nearest_neighbors(method, structure)
def get_input(data): couples = [] for item in data: structure = IStructure.from_dict(item) try: raman = torch.FloatTensor(item["raman"]) graph = CrystalEmbedding(structure, max_atoms=30) except ValueError: continue except RuntimeError: continue except TypeError: continue encoded_graph = graph.convert_to_model_input() couples.append((encoded_graph, raman)) return couples
def structure_stats(X): """ Transform the input X to immutable IStructure to use caching and call _structure_stats . Args: X: iterable structures, can be pymatgen Structure or IStructure objects Returns: _structure_stats """ X_struct = list() for structure in X: if isinstance(structure, Structure): X_struct.append(IStructure.from_sites(structure)) elif isinstance(structure, IStructure): X_struct.append(structure) return _structure_stats(tuple(X_struct))
def apply_transformation(self, structure): # get the new sites new_sites = self._voronoi_points(structure) if self._midpoints: dms = self._delaunay_midpoints(structure) for i in range(len(new_sites)): new_sites[i].extend(dms[i]) # insert the new sites with dummy species se = structure dummy = DummySpecie() for i, sites_list in enumerate(new_sites): for ns in sites_list: if self._bl == {}: se.append(self._sp, ns, coords_are_cartesian=True, validate_proximity=False) elif structure[i].specie in self._bl.keys(): bv = ns - structure[i].coords bv *= self._bl[structure[i].specie] / np.linalg.norm(bv) coords = structure[i].coords + bv se.append_site(self._sp, coords, coords_are_cartesian=True, validate_proximity=False) logging.debug("Starting moving to unit cell") se = IStructure.get_reduced_structure(se) logging.debug("Finished moving to unit cell") structure = se # .modified_structure # delete sites that are closer than the bond distance to_delete = [] for sp, d in self._bl.items(): neighbors = structure.get_all_neighbors(d * 0.999) for i in range(len(structure)): if structure[i].specie == dummy: for n in neighbors[i]: if n[0].specie == sp: to_delete.append(i) break se.remove_sites(to_delete) # replace the dummy species to get the correct composition if self._n: # amt = self._n / se.modified_structure.composition[dummy] amt = self._n / se.composition[dummy] se.replace_species({dummy: {self._sp: amt}}) return se # .modified_structure
def _get_all_nearest_neighbors(method, crystal): ''' Get the nearest neighbor list of a structure Args: method: method used to compute nearest_neighbors crystal: pymatgen structure Returns: nearest neighbors ''' # check that the passed crystal is a pymatgen structure object if isinstance(crystal, Structure): # make the structure an immutable object crystal = IStructure.from_sites(crystal) # get the voronoi info of the crystal return method.get_all_nn_info(crystal)
def struct_from_sgnum(sgnum: int, scale: float, lattice_vectors: Union[List[List[float]], numpy.ndarray] = None, init_coords: Union[List[List[float]], numpy.ndarray] = None, species: List[str] = None) -> IStructure: if init_coords is None: init_coords = [[0, 0, 0]] if lattice_vectors is None: lattice_vectors = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]] if species is None: species = ["Si"] * len(init_coords) lattice = Lattice( [x * scale for vector in lattice_vectors for x in vector]) structure = IStructure.from_spacegroup(sgnum, lattice, species, init_coords) return structure.get_primitive_structure()
def __init__(self, filename, grid_size=1): structure = IStructure.from_file(filename) self.grid_size = grid_size self.sites = structure.sites self.all_species = [site.specie.number for site in self.sites] self.all_coords = [site.coords for site in self.sites] lattice = structure.lattice a, b, c = lattice.a, lattice.b, lattice.c self.grid_a = self.get_grid_length(a, self.grid_size) self.grid_b = self.get_grid_length(b, self.grid_size) self.grid_c = self.get_grid_length(c, self.grid_size) # total_atom_info = get_cgcnn_atom_info() total_atom_info = atomic_info() empty_info = np.full(total_atom_info[0].shape, -1) empty_info = np.array([empty_info]) self.total_atom_info = np.concatenate((empty_info, total_atom_info), axis=0)
def get_data(normalize_y, sample_size): radius = 3 max_neighbor_num = 10 training = 0.9 test = 0.1 df = pd.read_csv("./Data/metal-alloy-db.v2/00Total_DB.csv") # df = df.sample(n=len(df)) df = df.sample(n=sample_size) cifs = "./Data/metal-alloy-db.v2/" + df['DBname'] + ".cif" structures = [IStructure.from_file(cif) for cif in cifs] encoded_structures = [ structure_encoder(structure, radius, max_neighbor_num) for structure in structures ] x_data = np.array(encoded_structures) formation_energy = df['FormationEnergy'] if normalize_y: mean = formation_energy.mean() std = formation_energy.std() norm_form_energy = (df['FormationEnergy'] - mean) / std def norm_back(val, mean, std): return val * std + mean y_data = [[val] for val in norm_form_energy] else: y_data = [[val] for val in formation_energy] y_data = np.array(y_data) total = len(df) train = int(float(total) * training) test = int(float(total) * test) x_train = x_data[:train] y_train = y_data[:train] x_test = x_data[train:train + test] y_test = y_data[train:train + test] return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test
def test_get_sorted_structure(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) s = IStructure(self.lattice, ["O", "Li"], coords, site_properties={'charge': [-2, 1]}) sorted_s = s.get_sorted_structure() self.assertEqual(sorted_s[0].species_and_occu, Composition("Li")) self.assertEqual(sorted_s[1].species_and_occu, Composition("O")) self.assertEqual(sorted_s[0].charge, 1) self.assertEqual(sorted_s[1].charge, -2) s = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Se", "C", "Se", "C"], [[0] * 3, [0.5] * 3, [0.25] * 3, [0.75] * 3]) self.assertEqual( [site.specie.symbol for site in s.get_sorted_structure()], ["C", "C", "Se", "Se"])
def test_from_dict(self): d = self.propertied_structure.to_dict s = IStructure.from_dict(d) self.assertEqual(s[0].magmom, 5) d = { 'lattice': { 'a': 3.8401979337, 'volume': 40.044794644251596, 'c': 3.8401979337177736, 'b': 3.840198994344244, 'matrix': [[3.8401979337, 0.0, 0.0], [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.0], [0.0, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]], 'alpha': 119.9999908639842, 'beta': 90.0, 'gamma': 60.000009137322195 }, 'sites': [{ 'properties': { 'magmom': 5 }, 'abc': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'occu': 1.0, 'species': [{ 'occu': 1.0, 'oxidation_state': -2, 'properties': { 'spin': 3 }, 'element': 'O' }], 'label': 'O2-', 'xyz': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, { 'properties': { 'magmom': -5 }, 'abc': [0.75, 0.5, 0.75], 'occu': 0.8, 'species': [{ 'occu': 0.8, 'oxidation_state': 2, 'properties': { 'spin': 2 }, 'element': 'Mg' }], 'label': 'Mg2+:0.800', 'xyz': [3.8401979336749994, 1.2247250003039056e-06, 2.351631795225] }] } s = IStructure.from_dict(d) self.assertEqual(s[0].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(s[0].specie.spin, 3) self.assertEqual(type(s), IStructure)
class IStructureTest(PymatgenTest): def setUp(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) self.lattice = Lattice([[3.8401979337, 0.00, 0.00], [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.00], [0.00, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]]) self.struct = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords) self.assertEqual(len(self.struct), 2, "Wrong number of sites in structure!") self.assertTrue(self.struct.is_ordered) self.assertTrue(self.struct.ntypesp == 1) coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0., 0, 0.0000001]) self.assertRaises(StructureError, IStructure, self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords, True) self.propertied_structure = IStructure( self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords, site_properties={'magmom': [5, -5]}) def test_bad_structure(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) self.assertRaises(StructureError, IStructure, self.lattice, ["Si"] * 3, coords, validate_proximity=True) def test_volume_and_density(self): self.assertAlmostEqual(self.struct.volume, 40.04, 2, "Volume wrong!") self.assertAlmostEqual(self.struct.density, 2.33, 2, "Incorrect density") def test_specie_init(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) s = IStructure(self.lattice, [{Specie('O', -2): 1.0}, {Specie('Mg', 2): 0.8}], coords) self.assertEqual(str(s.composition), 'Mg2+0.8 O2-1') def test_get_sorted_structure(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) s = IStructure(self.lattice, ["O", "Li"], coords, site_properties={'charge': [-2, 1]}) sorted_s = s.get_sorted_structure() self.assertEqual(sorted_s[0].species_and_occu, Composition("Li")) self.assertEqual(sorted_s[1].species_and_occu, Composition("O")) self.assertEqual(sorted_s[0].charge, 1) self.assertEqual(sorted_s[1].charge, -2) s = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Se", "C", "Se", "C"], [[0] * 3, [0.5] * 3, [0.25] * 3, [0.75] * 3]) self.assertEqual([site.specie.symbol for site in s.get_sorted_structure()], ["C", "C", "Se", "Se"]) def test_fractional_occupations(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) s = IStructure(self.lattice, [{'O': 1.0}, {'Mg': 0.8}], coords) self.assertEqual(str(s.composition), 'Mg0.8 O1') self.assertFalse(s.is_ordered) def test_get_distance(self): self.assertAlmostEqual(self.struct.get_distance(0, 1), 2.35, 2, "Distance calculated wrongly!") pt = [0.9, 0.9, 0.8] self.assertAlmostEqual(self.struct[0].distance_from_point(pt), 1.50332963784, 2, "Distance calculated wrongly!") def test_to_dict(self): si = Specie("Si", 4) mn = Element("Mn") coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) struct = IStructure(self.lattice, [{si: 0.5, mn: 0.5}, {si: 0.5}], coords) self.assertIn("lattice", struct.to_dict) self.assertIn("sites", struct.to_dict) d = self.propertied_structure.to_dict self.assertEqual(d['sites'][0]['properties']['magmom'], 5) coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) s = IStructure(self.lattice, [{Specie('O', -2, properties={"spin": 3}): 1.0}, {Specie('Mg', 2, properties={"spin": 2}): 0.8}], coords, site_properties={'magmom': [5, -5]}) d = s.to_dict self.assertEqual(d['sites'][0]['properties']['magmom'], 5) self.assertEqual(d['sites'][0]['species'][0]['properties']['spin'], 3) def test_from_dict(self): d = self.propertied_structure.to_dict s = IStructure.from_dict(d) self.assertEqual(s[0].magmom, 5) d = {'lattice': {'a': 3.8401979337, 'volume': 40.044794644251596, 'c': 3.8401979337177736, 'b': 3.840198994344244, 'matrix': [[3.8401979337, 0.0, 0.0], [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.0], [0.0, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]], 'alpha': 119.9999908639842, 'beta': 90.0, 'gamma': 60.000009137322195}, 'sites': [{'properties': {'magmom': 5}, 'abc': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'occu': 1.0, 'species': [{'occu': 1.0, 'oxidation_state': -2, 'properties': {'spin': 3}, 'element': 'O'}], 'label': 'O2-', 'xyz': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, {'properties': {'magmom': -5}, 'abc': [0.75, 0.5, 0.75], 'occu': 0.8, 'species': [{'occu': 0.8, 'oxidation_state': 2, 'properties': {'spin': 2}, 'element': 'Mg'}], 'label': 'Mg2+:0.800', 'xyz': [3.8401979336749994, 1.2247250003039056e-06, 2.351631795225]}]} s = IStructure.from_dict(d) self.assertEqual(s[0].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(s[0].specie.spin, 3) self.assertEqual(type(s), IStructure) def test_site_properties(self): site_props = self.propertied_structure.site_properties self.assertEqual(site_props['magmom'], [5, -5]) self.assertEqual(self.propertied_structure[0].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(self.propertied_structure[1].magmom, -5) def test_copy(self): new_struct = self.propertied_structure.copy(site_properties={'charge': [2, 3]}) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].magmom, -5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].charge, 2) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].charge, 3) coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0., 0, 0.0000001]) structure = IStructure(self.lattice, ["O", "Si"], coords, site_properties={'magmom': [5, -5]}) new_struct = structure.copy(site_properties={'charge': [2, 3]}, sanitize=True) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].magmom, -5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].charge, 3) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].charge, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(new_struct.volume, structure.volume) def test_interpolate(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) struct = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords) coords2 = list() coords2.append([0, 0, 0]) coords2.append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) struct2 = IStructure(self.struct.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords2) int_s = struct.interpolate(struct2, 10) for s in int_s: self.assertIsNotNone(s, "Interpolation Failed!") self.assertEqual(int_s[0].lattice, s.lattice) self.assertArrayEqual(int_s[1][1].frac_coords, [0.725, 0.5, 0.725]) badlattice = [[1, 0.00, 0.00], [0, 1, 0.00], [0.00, 0, 1]] struct2 = IStructure(badlattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords2) self.assertRaises(ValueError, struct.interpolate, struct2) coords2 = list() coords2.append([0, 0, 0]) coords2.append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) struct2 = IStructure(self.struct.lattice, ["Si", "Fe"], coords2) self.assertRaises(ValueError, struct.interpolate, struct2) def test_interpolate_lattice(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) struct = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords) coords2 = list() coords2.append([0, 0, 0]) coords2.append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) l2 = Lattice.from_lengths_and_angles([3,4,4], [100,100,70]) struct2 = IStructure(l2, ["Si"] * 2, coords2) int_s = struct.interpolate(struct2, 2, interpolate_lattices=True) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(, int_s[0] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.angles, int_s[0].lattice.angles) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(, int_s[2] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(struct2.lattice.angles, int_s[2].lattice.angles) int_angles = [(a + struct2.lattice.angles[i]) / 2 for i, a in enumerate(struct.lattice.angles)] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(int_angles, int_s[1].lattice.angles) def test_get_primitive_structure(self): coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0], [0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5]] fcc_ag = IStructure(Lattice.cubic(4.09), ["Ag"] * 4, coords) self.assertEqual(len(fcc_ag.get_primitive_structure()), 1) coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]] bcc_li = IStructure(Lattice.cubic(4.09), ["Li"] * 2, coords) self.assertEqual(len(bcc_li.get_primitive_structure()), 1) def test_primitive_structure_volume_check(self): l = Lattice.tetragonal(10, 30) coords = [[0.5, 0.8, 0], [0.5, 0.2, 0], [0.5, 0.8, 0.333], [0.5, 0.5, 0.333], [0.5, 0.5, 0.666], [0.5, 0.2, 0.666]] s = IStructure(l, ["Ag"] * 6, coords) sprim = s.get_primitive_structure(tolerance=0.1) self.assertEqual(len(sprim), 6) def test_get_all_neighbors_and_get_neighbors(self): s = self.struct r = random.uniform(3, 6) all_nn = s.get_all_neighbors(r) for i in range(len(s)): self.assertEqual(len(all_nn[i]), len(s.get_neighbors(s[i], r))) def test_get_dist_matrix(self): ans = [[0., 2.3516318], [2.3516318, 0.]] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(self.struct.distance_matrix, ans)
def check_converged(crt_step, RSD, ASD): converged = False if crt_step >= min_step: if RSD <= min_RSD: if ASD <= min_ASD: converged = True if crt_step >= 300: converged = True return converged if __name__ == "__main__": structure = IStructure.from_file(structure_filename) # -- Find neighboring specie distance sites = structure.sites specie_sites = [s for s in sites if str(s.specie) == specie] distance = [] for specie_site in specie_sites: nbrs = structure.get_neighbors(specie_site, 5) nbrs = [nbr for nbr in nbrs if str(nbr[0].specie) == specie] for nbr in nbrs: distance.append(nbr[1]) distance = np.array(distance) avg_specie_distance = distance.mean() working_dir = "%dK" % temp mkdir(working_dir) os.chdir(working_dir)
class IStructureTest(PymatgenTest): def setUp(self): coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.75, 0.5, 0.75]] self.lattice = Lattice([[3.8401979337, 0.00, 0.00], [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.00], [0.00, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]]) self.struct = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords) self.assertEqual(len(self.struct), 2, "Wrong number of sites in structure!") self.assertTrue(self.struct.is_ordered) self.assertTrue(self.struct.ntypesp == 1) coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0., 0, 0.0000001]) self.assertRaises(StructureError, IStructure, self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords, True) self.propertied_structure = IStructure( self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords, site_properties={'magmom': [5, -5]}) def test_matches(self): ss = self.struct * 2 self.assertTrue(ss.matches(self.struct)) def test_bad_structure(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) self.assertRaises(StructureError, IStructure, self.lattice, ["Si"] * 3, coords, validate_proximity=True) #these shouldn't raise an error IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords[:2], True) IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"], coords[:1], True) def test_volume_and_density(self): self.assertAlmostEqual(self.struct.volume, 40.04, 2, "Volume wrong!") self.assertAlmostEqual(self.struct.density, 2.33, 2, "Incorrect density") def test_specie_init(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) s = IStructure(self.lattice, [{Specie('O', -2): 1.0}, {Specie('Mg', 2): 0.8}], coords) self.assertEqual(s.composition.formula, 'Mg0.8 O1') def test_get_sorted_structure(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) s = IStructure(self.lattice, ["O", "Li"], coords, site_properties={'charge': [-2, 1]}) sorted_s = s.get_sorted_structure() self.assertEqual(sorted_s[0].species_and_occu, Composition("Li")) self.assertEqual(sorted_s[1].species_and_occu, Composition("O")) self.assertEqual(sorted_s[0].charge, 1) self.assertEqual(sorted_s[1].charge, -2) s = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Se", "C", "Se", "C"], [[0] * 3, [0.5] * 3, [0.25] * 3, [0.75] * 3]) self.assertEqual([site.specie.symbol for site in s.get_sorted_structure()], ["C", "C", "Se", "Se"]) def test_get_spacegroup_data(self): self.assertEqual(self.struct.get_spacegroup_info(), ('Fd-3m', 227)) def test_fractional_occupations(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) s = IStructure(self.lattice, [{'O': 1.0}, {'Mg': 0.8}], coords) self.assertEqual(s.composition.formula, 'Mg0.8 O1') self.assertFalse(s.is_ordered) def test_get_distance(self): self.assertAlmostEqual(self.struct.get_distance(0, 1), 2.35, 2, "Distance calculated wrongly!") pt = [0.9, 0.9, 0.8] self.assertAlmostEqual(self.struct[0].distance_from_point(pt), 1.50332963784, 2, "Distance calculated wrongly!") def test_as_dict(self): si = Specie("Si", 4) mn = Element("Mn") coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) struct = IStructure(self.lattice, [{si: 0.5, mn: 0.5}, {si: 0.5}], coords) self.assertIn("lattice", struct.as_dict()) self.assertIn("sites", struct.as_dict()) d = self.propertied_structure.as_dict() self.assertEqual(d['sites'][0]['properties']['magmom'], 5) coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) s = IStructure(self.lattice, [{Specie('O', -2, properties={"spin": 3}): 1.0}, {Specie('Mg', 2, properties={"spin": 2}): 0.8}], coords, site_properties={'magmom': [5, -5]}) d = s.as_dict() self.assertEqual(d['sites'][0]['properties']['magmom'], 5) self.assertEqual(d['sites'][0]['species'][0]['properties']['spin'], 3) d = s.as_dict(0) self.assertNotIn("volume", d['lattice']) self.assertNotIn("xyz", d['sites'][0]) def test_from_dict(self): d = self.propertied_structure.as_dict() s = IStructure.from_dict(d) self.assertEqual(s[0].magmom, 5) d = self.propertied_structure.as_dict(0) s2 = IStructure.from_dict(d) self.assertEqual(s, s2) d = {'lattice': {'a': 3.8401979337, 'volume': 40.044794644251596, 'c': 3.8401979337177736, 'b': 3.840198994344244, 'matrix': [[3.8401979337, 0.0, 0.0], [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.0], [0.0, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]], 'alpha': 119.9999908639842, 'beta': 90.0, 'gamma': 60.000009137322195}, 'sites': [{'properties': {'magmom': 5}, 'abc': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'occu': 1.0, 'species': [{'occu': 1.0, 'oxidation_state': -2, 'properties': {'spin': 3}, 'element': 'O'}], 'label': 'O2-', 'xyz': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}, {'properties': {'magmom': -5}, 'abc': [0.75, 0.5, 0.75], 'occu': 0.8, 'species': [{'occu': 0.8, 'oxidation_state': 2, 'properties': {'spin': 2}, 'element': 'Mg'}], 'label': 'Mg2+:0.800', 'xyz': [3.8401979336749994, 1.2247250003039056e-06, 2.351631795225]}]} s = IStructure.from_dict(d) self.assertEqual(s[0].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(s[0].specie.spin, 3) self.assertEqual(type(s), IStructure) def test_site_properties(self): site_props = self.propertied_structure.site_properties self.assertEqual(site_props['magmom'], [5, -5]) self.assertEqual(self.propertied_structure[0].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(self.propertied_structure[1].magmom, -5) def test_copy(self): new_struct = self.propertied_structure.copy(site_properties={'charge': [2, 3]}) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].magmom, -5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].charge, 2) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].charge, 3) coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0., 0, 0.0000001]) structure = IStructure(self.lattice, ["O", "Si"], coords, site_properties={'magmom': [5, -5]}) new_struct = structure.copy(site_properties={'charge': [2, 3]}, sanitize=True) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].magmom, -5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].magmom, 5) self.assertEqual(new_struct[0].charge, 3) self.assertEqual(new_struct[1].charge, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(new_struct.volume, structure.volume) def test_interpolate(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) struct = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords) coords2 = list() coords2.append([0, 0, 0]) coords2.append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) struct2 = IStructure(self.struct.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords2) int_s = struct.interpolate(struct2, 10) for s in int_s: self.assertIsNotNone(s, "Interpolation Failed!") self.assertEqual(int_s[0].lattice, s.lattice) self.assertArrayEqual(int_s[1][1].frac_coords, [0.725, 0.5, 0.725]) badlattice = [[1, 0.00, 0.00], [0, 1, 0.00], [0.00, 0, 1]] struct2 = IStructure(badlattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords2) self.assertRaises(ValueError, struct.interpolate, struct2) coords2 = list() coords2.append([0, 0, 0]) coords2.append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) struct2 = IStructure(self.struct.lattice, ["Si", "Fe"], coords2) self.assertRaises(ValueError, struct.interpolate, struct2) # Test autosort feature. s1 = Structure.from_spacegroup("Fm-3m", Lattice.cubic(3), ["Fe"], [[0, 0, 0]]) s1.pop(0) s2 = Structure.from_spacegroup("Fm-3m", Lattice.cubic(3), ["Fe"], [[0, 0, 0]]) s2.pop(2) random.shuffle(s2) for s in s1.interpolate(s2, autosort_tol=0.5): self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(s1[0].frac_coords, s[0].frac_coords) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(s1[2].frac_coords, s[2].frac_coords) # Make sure autosort has no effect on simpler interpolations, # and with shuffled sites. s1 = Structure.from_spacegroup("Fm-3m", Lattice.cubic(3), ["Fe"], [[0, 0, 0]]) s2 = Structure.from_spacegroup("Fm-3m", Lattice.cubic(3), ["Fe"], [[0, 0, 0]]) s2[0] = "Fe", [0.01, 0.01, 0.01] random.shuffle(s2) for s in s1.interpolate(s2, autosort_tol=0.5): self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(s1[1].frac_coords, s[1].frac_coords) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(s1[2].frac_coords, s[2].frac_coords) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(s1[3].frac_coords, s[3].frac_coords) def test_interpolate_lattice(self): coords = list() coords.append([0, 0, 0]) coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75]) struct = IStructure(self.lattice, ["Si"] * 2, coords) coords2 = list() coords2.append([0, 0, 0]) coords2.append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) l2 = Lattice.from_lengths_and_angles([3,4,4], [100,100,70]) struct2 = IStructure(l2, ["Si"] * 2, coords2) int_s = struct.interpolate(struct2, 2, interpolate_lattices=True) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(, int_s[0] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(struct.lattice.angles, int_s[0].lattice.angles) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(, int_s[2] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(struct2.lattice.angles, int_s[2].lattice.angles) int_angles = [(a + struct2.lattice.angles[i]) / 2 for i, a in enumerate(struct.lattice.angles)] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(int_angles, int_s[1].lattice.angles) def test_get_primitive_structure(self): coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0], [0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5]] fcc_ag = IStructure(Lattice.cubic(4.09), ["Ag"] * 4, coords) self.assertEqual(len(fcc_ag.get_primitive_structure()), 1) coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]] bcc_li = IStructure(Lattice.cubic(4.09), ["Li"] * 2, coords) bcc_prim = bcc_li.get_primitive_structure() self.assertEqual(len(bcc_prim), 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(bcc_prim.lattice.alpha, 109.47122, 3) coords = [[0] * 3, [0.5] * 3, [0.25] * 3, [0.26] * 3] s = IStructure(Lattice.cubic(4.09), ["Ag"] * 4, coords) self.assertEqual(len(s.get_primitive_structure()), 4) def test_primitive_cell_site_merging(self): l = Lattice.cubic(10) coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.5], [0, 0, 0.26], [0, 0, 0.74]] sp = ['Ag', 'Ag', 'Be', 'Be'] s = Structure(l, sp, coords) dm = s.get_primitive_structure().distance_matrix self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(dm, [[0, 2.5], [2.5, 0]]) def test_primitive_on_large_supercell(self): coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0], [0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5]] fcc_ag = Structure(Lattice.cubic(4.09), ["Ag"] * 4, coords) fcc_ag.make_supercell([2, 2, 2]) fcc_ag_prim = fcc_ag.get_primitive_structure() self.assertEqual(len(fcc_ag_prim), 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(fcc_ag_prim.volume, 17.10448225) def test_primitive_positions(self): coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.3, 0.35, 0.45]] s = Structure(Lattice.from_parameters(1,2,3,50,66,88), ["Ag"] * 2, coords) a = [[-1,2,-3], [3,2,-4], [1,0,-1]] b = [[4, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [3, 0, 1]] c = [[2, 0, 0], [1, 3, 0], [1, 1, 1]] for sc_matrix in [c]: sc = s.copy() sc.make_supercell(sc_matrix) prim = sc.get_primitive_structure(0.01) self.assertEqual(len(prim), 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(prim.distance_matrix[0,1], 1.0203432356739286) def test_primitive_structure_volume_check(self): l = Lattice.tetragonal(10, 30) coords = [[0.5, 0.8, 0], [0.5, 0.2, 0], [0.5, 0.8, 0.333], [0.5, 0.5, 0.333], [0.5, 0.5, 0.666], [0.5, 0.2, 0.666]] s = IStructure(l, ["Ag"] * 6, coords) sprim = s.get_primitive_structure(tolerance=0.1) self.assertEqual(len(sprim), 6) def test_get_all_neighbors_and_get_neighbors(self): s = self.struct nn = s.get_neighbors_in_shell(s[0].frac_coords, 2, 4, include_index=True) self.assertEqual(len(nn), 47) self.assertEqual(nn[0][-1], 0) r = random.uniform(3, 6) all_nn = s.get_all_neighbors(r, True) for i in range(len(s)): self.assertEqual(len(all_nn[i]), len(s.get_neighbors(s[i], r))) for site, nns in zip(s, all_nn): for nn in nns: self.assertTrue(nn[0].is_periodic_image(s[nn[2]])) d = sum((site.coords - nn[0].coords) ** 2) ** 0.5 self.assertAlmostEqual(d, nn[1]) s = Structure(Lattice.cubic(1), ['Li'], [[0,0,0]]) s.make_supercell([2,2,2]) self.assertEqual(sum(map(len, s.get_all_neighbors(3))), 976) def test_get_all_neighbors_outside_cell(self): s = Structure(Lattice.cubic(2), ['Li', 'Li', 'Li', 'Si'], [[3.1] * 3, [0.11] * 3, [-1.91] * 3, [0.5] * 3]) all_nn = s.get_all_neighbors(0.2, True) for site, nns in zip(s, all_nn): for nn in nns: self.assertTrue(nn[0].is_periodic_image(s[nn[2]])) d = sum((site.coords - nn[0].coords) ** 2) ** 0.5 self.assertAlmostEqual(d, nn[1]) self.assertEqual(list(map(len, all_nn)), [2, 2, 2, 0]) def test_get_dist_matrix(self): ans = [[0., 2.3516318], [2.3516318, 0.]] self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(self.struct.distance_matrix, ans) def test_to_from_file_string(self): for fmt in ["cif", "json", "poscar", "cssr"]: s = self.assertIsNotNone(s) ss = IStructure.from_str(s, fmt=fmt) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual( ss.lattice.lengths_and_angles, self.struct.lattice.lengths_and_angles, decimal=5) self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(ss.frac_coords, self.struct.frac_coords) self.assertIsInstance(ss, IStructure)"POSCAR.testing") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("POSCAR.testing")) os.remove("POSCAR.testing")"Si_testing.yaml") self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("Si_testing.yaml")) s = Structure.from_file("Si_testing.yaml") self.assertEqual(s, self.struct) os.remove("Si_testing.yaml")
return batch_x, batch_y if __name__ == "__main__": radius = 3 max_neighbor_num = 10 training = 0.9 test = 0.1 df = pd.read_csv("./Data/metal-alloy-db.v1/00Total_DB.csv") # df = df.sample(n=len(df)) df = df.sample(n=500) cifs = "./Data/metal-alloy-db.v1/" + df['DBname'] + ".cif" structures = [IStructure.from_file(cif) for cif in cifs] encoded_structures = [structure_encoder(structure, radius, max_neighbor_num) for structure in structures] x_data = np.array(encoded_structures) x_data = np.expand_dims(x_data, axis=4) formation_energy = df['FormationEnergy'] y_normalization = False if y_normalization: mean = formation_energy.mean() std = formation_energy.std() norm_form_energy = (df['FormationEnergy'] - mean) / std def norm_back(val, mean, std): return val * std + mean y_data = [[val] for val in norm_form_energy]