Example #1
 def test_parse_lammps_dumps(self):
     # gzipped
     rdx_10_pattern = os.path.join(test_dir, "dump.rdx.gz")
     rdx_10 = list(parse_lammps_dumps(file_pattern=rdx_10_pattern))
     timesteps_10 = [d.timestep for d in rdx_10]
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(timesteps_10, np.arange(0, 101, 10))
     self.assertTupleEqual(rdx_10[-1].data.shape, (21, 5))
     # wildcard
     rdx_25_pattern = os.path.join(test_dir, "dump.rdx_wc.*")
     rdx_25 = list(parse_lammps_dumps(file_pattern=rdx_25_pattern))
     timesteps_25 = [d.timestep for d in rdx_25]
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(timesteps_25, np.arange(0, 101, 25))
     self.assertTupleEqual(rdx_25[-1].data.shape, (21, 5))
Example #2
 def test_parse_lammps_dumps(self):
     # gzipped
     rdx_10_pattern = os.path.join(test_dir, "dump.rdx.gz")
     rdx_10 = list(parse_lammps_dumps(file_pattern=rdx_10_pattern))
     timesteps_10 = [d.timestep for d in rdx_10]
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(timesteps_10, np.arange(0, 101, 10))
     self.assertTupleEqual(rdx_10[-1].data.shape, (21, 5))
     # wildcard
     rdx_25_pattern = os.path.join(test_dir, "dump.rdx_wc.*")
     rdx_25 = list(parse_lammps_dumps(file_pattern=rdx_25_pattern))
     timesteps_25 = [d.timestep for d in rdx_25]
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(timesteps_25, np.arange(0, 101, 25))
     self.assertTupleEqual(rdx_25[-1].data.shape, (21, 5))
Example #3
def dump_to_df(filename, write_csv=True, output="data.csv"):
    A helper function that takes a lammps dump file and returns a Pandas Dataframe. It is also recommended to write
    a CSV file. This has the benefits:
        (1) CSV files take up less space than dump files.
        (2) It is far more efficient to parse massive amounts of lammps data entirely through Pandas instead of
            using a list of Pandas DataFrames, as Pymatgen currently provides, it just requires a little more knowledge
            of how to use Pandas efficiently. A single CSV can be read as a DF and then processed.
        (3) We can pre-sort the particles. LAMMPS does not retain the order of its particles in the dump file, which
            can be very annoying for post processing. When the csv is written, it sorts the Pd dataframe so that at
            each time step, the particles are listed in order of their id.

        filename: (str) file name of the lammps dump.
        write_csv: (bool) Whether or not to write csv file
        output: (str) file name to output the csv. Include ".csv" in your filename.

        Pandas Dataframe of the dump

    dump = parse_lammps_dumps(filename)
    dfs = []
    for frame in dump:
        dfs[-1]['Timestep'] = frame.timestep
    df = pd.concat(dfs).sort_values(by=['Timestep', 'id']).reset_index(

    if write_csv:

    return df
Example #4
def readLammps(desired_return):
    from pymatgen.io.lammps.outputs import parse_lammps_dumps, parse_lammps_log
    from pymatgen import Structure, Element
    from pymatgen.analysis.elasticity.stress import Stress
    from numpy import unique, array, argmin
        log = parse_lammps_log(filename="log.lammps")[-1]
    except IndexError:
        return_dict = {}
        for ret in desired_return:
            return_dict[ret] = None
        return return_dict
    result_dict = {}
    result_dict["energies"] = list(log['PotEng'])[-1]

    for dump in parse_lammps_dumps("dump.atoms"):
        atoms = dump.data
        coords = [''] * dump.natoms
        forces = [''] * dump.natoms
        masses = [''] * dump.natoms
        for atom in range(dump.natoms):
            coords[atoms["id"][atom] -
                   1] = [atoms["x"][atom], atoms["y"][atom], atoms["z"][atom]]
            forces[atoms['id'][atom] - 1] = [
                atoms["fx"][atom], atoms["fy"][atom], atoms["fz"][atom]
            masses[atoms['id'][atom] - 1] = atoms["mass"][atom]

        box = dump.box

    unique_masses = unique(masses)
    ref_masses = [el.atomic_mass.real for el in Element]
    diff = abs(array(ref_masses) - unique_masses[:, None])
    atomic_numbers = argmin(diff, axis=1) + 1
    symbols = [Element.from_Z(an).symbol for an in atomic_numbers]
    species_map = {}
    for i in range(len(unique_masses)):
        species_map[unique_masses[i]] = symbols[i]
    atom_species = [species_map[mass] for mass in masses]

    result_dict["structures"] = Structure(box.to_lattice(),
    result_dict["forces"] = forces

    pressure = [
        1e-1 * list(log['c_press[{}]'.format(i)])[-1] for i in range(1, 7)
    result_dict["stresses"] = Stress([[pressure[0], pressure[3], pressure[4]],
                                      [pressure[3], pressure[1], pressure[5]],
                                      [pressure[4], pressure[5], pressure[2]]])
    return_dict = {}
    for ret in desired_return:
        return_dict[ret] = result_dict[ret]
    return return_dict
Example #5
def read_lammps_dump_file(filename=''):
    ''' Attributes: path of a LAMMPS dump file
        Returns: pymatgen structure of final relaxed structure.
    dump = parse_lammps_dumps(filename)
    for i in dump:
        a = i
    lattice = a.box.to_lattice()
    df = a.data.sort_values(by=['id'])

    element_array = []
    for i in df['type'].tolist():
        if i == 1:
        if i == 2:
        if i == 3:

    cord_np = df[['xs', 'ys', 'zs']].values
    pymatgen_struct = mg.Structure(lattice, element_array, cord_np)
    return pymatgen_struct
Example #6
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from subprocess import run
from pymatgen.io.lammps.outputs import parse_lammps_dumps
This script converts a single dump file (with one or more frames) into dump files (with a single frame)
and xyz files (with a single frame)

cwd = os.getcwd()
dump_file_path_pattern = os.path.join(cwd, 'dump.*.dump')

Dump_files = glob.glob(dump_file_path_pattern)

if len(Dump_files) == 1:
    run(['mkdir', '-p', 'trj_files/rdf_files'])
    run(['mkdir', 'xyz_files'])
    Dump_file = Dump_files[0]
    wd, Dump_file_name = os.path.split(Dump_file)
    Dumps = parse_lammps_dumps(Dump_file)

    for Dump in Dumps:
        trj_name = Dump_file_name[:-4] + str(Dump.timestep) + '.lammpstrj'
        xyz_name = Dump_file_name[:-4] + 'alt.' + str(Dump.timestep) + '.xyz'
        Dump.as_txt_file(trj_name, output=True)
        Dump.as_txt_file(xyz_name, convert='xyz', output=True)
        if Dump.timestep % 500000 == 0:
            run(['cp', trj_name, 'trj_files/rdf_files'])
        run(['mv', trj_name, 'trj_files'])
        run(['mv', xyz_name, 'xyz_files'])
Example #7
if args.msd_type:
    msd_type = args.msd_type
    msd_type = 'com'
'''Values used for testing'''
# file_pattern = 'trj_files/msd_files/dump.0.5_dhps_2.5_naoh_spce.nvt_production.*.lammpstrj'
# fs_per_step = 0.5
# msd_type = 'allatom'

print('File pattern used: ' + file_pattern)
print('Timestep used: ' + str(fs_per_step) + ' fs')
print('Cutoff time used: ' + str(cutoff_time) + ' ps')
print('MSD type used: ' + msd_type)
# # Convert dump files to list of LammpsDump objects
# file_pattern = 'trj_files/msd_files/dump.0.5_dhps_2.5_naoh_spce.nvt_production.*.lammpstrj'
Dumps = list(parse_lammps_dumps(file_pattern))

print('Number of frames found: ' + str(len(Dumps)))

# # ps per timestep conversion factor
ps_per_step = fs_per_step / 1000

# # Instantiate data object. Time is in ps, msd is in square Angstroms
Data = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Time', 'msd_x', 'msd_y', 'msd_z', 'msd'])

for i, dump in enumerate(Dumps):
    print('Processing frame number ' + str(i))
    # # Sorting for atom id
    dump.data = dump.data.sort_values(by=['id'])