Example #1
    def setUp(self):
        if "VASP_PSP_DIR" not in os.environ:
            os.environ["VASP_PSP_DIR"] = test_dir
        filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, 'POSCAR')
        poscar = Poscar.from_file(filepath)
        self.struct = poscar.structure

        self.mitparamset = MITVaspInputSet()
        self.mitparamset_unsorted = MITVaspInputSet(sort_structure=False)
        self.mithseparamset = MITHSEVaspInputSet()
        self.paramset = MPVaspInputSet()
        self.userparamset = MPVaspInputSet(
            user_incar_settings={'MAGMOM': {
                "Fe": 10,
                "S": -5,
                "Mn3+": 100
        self.mitggaparam = MITGGAVaspInputSet()
        self.mpstaticparamset = MPStaticVaspInputSet()
        self.mpnscfparamsetu = MPNonSCFVaspInputSet({"NBANDS": 50},
        self.mpnscfparamsetl = MPNonSCFVaspInputSet({"NBANDS": 60},
        self.mphseparamset = MPHSEVaspInputSet()
        self.mpbshseparamsetl = MPBSHSEVaspInputSet(mode="Line")
        self.mpbshseparamsetu = MPBSHSEVaspInputSet(
            mode="Uniform", added_kpoints=[[0.5, 0.5, 0.0]])
        self.mpdielparamset = MPStaticDielectricDFPTVaspInputSet()
Example #2
 def __init__(self, compat_type="Advanced", correct_peroxide=True,
     module_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
     fp = os.path.join(module_dir, "MITCompatibility.yaml")
     i_s = MITVaspInputSet()
     super(MITAqueousCompatibility, self).__init__(
         [PotcarCorrection(i_s, check_hash=check_potcar_hash),
          GasCorrection(fp, correct_peroxide=correct_peroxide),
          UCorrection(fp, i_s, compat_type), AqueousCorrection(fp)])
Example #3
 def test_lda_potcar(self):
     coords = list()
     coords.append([0, 0, 0])
     coords.append([0.75, 0.5, 0.75])
     lattice = Lattice([[3.8401979337, 0.00, 0.00],
                        [1.9200989668, 3.3257101909, 0.00],
                        [0.00, -2.2171384943, 3.1355090603]])
     struct = Structure(lattice, ["P", "Fe"], coords)
     p = MITVaspInputSet(potcar_functional="LDA").get_potcar(struct)
     self.assertEqual(p.functional, 'LDA')
Example #4
    def test_to_from_dict(self):
        self.mitparamset = MITVaspInputSet()
        self.mithseparamset = MITHSEVaspInputSet()
        self.paramset = MPVaspInputSet()
        self.userparamset = MPVaspInputSet(
            user_incar_settings={'MAGMOM': {
                "Fe": 10,
                "S": -5,
                "Mn3+": 100

        d = self.mitparamset.as_dict()
        v = dec.process_decoded(d)
        self.assertEqual(v.incar_settings["LDAUU"]["O"]["Fe"], 4)

        d = self.mitggaparam.as_dict()
        v = dec.process_decoded(d)
        self.assertNotIn("LDAUU", v.incar_settings)

        d = self.mithseparamset.as_dict()
        v = dec.process_decoded(d)
        self.assertEqual(v.incar_settings["LHFCALC"], True)

        d = self.mphseparamset.as_dict()
        v = dec.process_decoded(d)
        self.assertEqual(v.incar_settings["LHFCALC"], True)

        d = self.paramset.as_dict()
        v = dec.process_decoded(d)
        self.assertEqual(v.incar_settings["LDAUU"]["O"]["Fe"], 5.3)

        d = self.userparamset.as_dict()
        v = dec.process_decoded(d)
        #self.assertEqual(type(v), MPVaspInputSet)
        self.assertEqual(v.incar_settings["MAGMOM"], {
            "Fe": 10,
            "S": -5,
            "Mn3+": 100
Example #5
 def test_get_nelect(self):
     coords = [[0] * 3, [0.5] * 3, [0.75] * 3]
     lattice = Lattice.cubic(4)
     s = Structure(lattice, ['Si', 'Si', 'Fe'], coords)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(MITVaspInputSet().get_nelect(s), 16)
Example #6
    def __init__(self,
        This constructor is necessarily complex due to the need for
        flexibility. For standard kinds of runs, it's often better to use one
        of the static constructors. The defaults are usually fine too.

            vasp_cmd (str): Command to run vasp as a list of args. For example,
                if you are using mpirun, it can be something like
                ["mpirun", "pvasp.5.2.11"]
            output_file (str): Name of file to direct standard out to.
                Defaults to "vasp.out".
            suffix (str): A suffix to be appended to the final output. E.g.,
                to rename all VASP output from say vasp.out to
                vasp.out.relax1, provide ".relax1" as the suffix.
            final (bool): Indicating whether this is the final vasp job in a
                series. Defaults to True.
            backup (bool): Whether to backup the initial input files. If True,
                the INCAR, KPOINTS, POSCAR and POTCAR will be copied with a
                ".orig" appended. Defaults to True.
            default_vasp_input_set (VaspInputSet): Species the default input
                set (see pymatgen's documentation in pymatgen.io.vasp.sets to
                use for directories that do not contain full set of VASP
                input files. For example, if a directory contains only a
                POSCAR or a cif, the vasp input set will be used to generate
                the necessary input files for the run. If the directory already
                contain a full set of VASP input files,
                this input is ignored. Defaults to the MITVaspInputSet.
            auto_npar (bool): Whether to automatically tune NPAR to be sqrt(
                number of cores) as recommended by VASP for DFT calculations.
                Generally, this results in significant speedups. Defaults to
                True. Set to False for HF, GW and RPA calculations.
            auto_gamma (bool): Whether to automatically check if run is a
                Gamma 1x1x1 run, and whether a Gamma optimized version of
                VASP exists with ".gamma" appended to the name of the VASP
                executable (typical setup in many systems). If so, run the
                gamma optimized version of VASP instead of regular VASP. You
                can also specify the gamma vasp command using the
                gamma_vasp_cmd argument if the command is named differently.
            settings_override ([dict]): An ansible style list of dict to
                override changes. For example, to set ISTART=1 for subsequent
                runs and to copy the CONTCAR to the POSCAR, you will provide::

                    [{"dict": "INCAR", "action": {"_set": {"ISTART": 1}}},
                     {"file": "CONTCAR",
                      "action": {"_file_copy": {"dest": "POSCAR"}}}]
            gamma_vasp_cmd (str): Command for gamma vasp version when
                auto_gamma is True. Should follow the list style of
                subprocess. Defaults to None, which means ".gamma" is added
                to the last argument of the standard vasp_cmd.
            copy_magmom (bool): Whether to copy the final magmom from the
                OUTCAR to the next INCAR. Useful for multi-relaxation runs
                where the CHGCAR and WAVECAR are sometimes deleted (due to
                changes in fft grid, etc.). Only applies to non-final runs.
        self.vasp_cmd = vasp_cmd
        self.output_file = output_file
        self.final = final
        self.backup = backup
        self.default_vis = default_vasp_input_set
        self.suffix = suffix
        self.settings_override = settings_override
        self.auto_npar = auto_npar
        self.auto_gamma = auto_gamma
        self.gamma_vasp_cmd = gamma_vasp_cmd
        self.copy_magmom = copy_magmom