Example #1
 def __init__(self, mpstate):
     super(RCModule, self).__init__(mpstate, "rc", "rc command handling", public = True)
     self.override = [ 0 ] * 8
     self.last_override = [ 0 ] * 8
     self.override_counter = 0
     self.add_command('rc', self.cmd_rc, "RC input control", ['<1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|all>'])
     self.add_command('switch', self.cmd_switch, "flight mode switch control", ['<0|1|2|3|4|5|6>'])
     if self.sitl_output:
         self.override_period = mavutil.periodic_event(20)
         self.override_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1)
Example #2
 def __init__(self, mpstate):
     super(SetRefModule, self).__init__(mpstate, "setref", "Sets IMU 0 reference point",public=True)
     self.override = [ 0 ] * 16
     self.last_override = [ 0 ] * 16
     self.override_counter = 0
     self.add_command('setref', self.cmd_ref, "Set IMU reference point", [''])
     self.add_command('print_ref', self.print_ref, "print IMU reference point", [''])
     self.waiting_for_command = True
     if self.sitl_output:
         self.override_period = mavutil.periodic_event(20)
         self.override_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1)
Example #3
def init(_mpstate):
    '''initialise module'''
    global mpstate
    mpstate = _mpstate
    mpstate.rc_state = rc_state()
    state = mpstate.rc_state
    mpstate.command_map['rc']     = (cmd_rc, "RC input control")
    mpstate.command_map['switch'] = (cmd_switch, "flight mode switch control")
    mpstate.completions['rc'] = ['<1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|all>']
    mpstate.completions['switch'] = ['<0|1|2|3|4|5|6>']
    if mpstate.sitl_output:
        state.override_period = mavutil.periodic_event(20)
        state.override_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1)
Example #4
 def __init__(self):
     self.gps	 = None
     self.msgs = {}
     self.msg_count = {}
     self.sock = 0
     self.counters = {'MasterIn' : [], 'MasterOut' : 0, 'FGearIn' : 0, 'FGearOut' : 0, 'Slave' : 0}
     self.setup_mode = opts.setup
     self.mav_error = 0
     self.altitude = 0
     self.last_altitude_announce = 0.0
     self.last_distance_announce = 0.0
     self.exit = False
     self.flightmode = 'MAV'
     self.last_mode_announce = 0
     self.logdir = None
     self.last_heartbeat = 0
     self.last_message = 0
     self.heartbeat_error = False
     self.last_apm_msg = None
     self.last_apm_msg_time = 0
     self.highest_msec = 0
     self.have_gps_lock = False
     self.lost_gps_lock = False
     self.last_gps_lock = 0
     self.watch = None
     self.last_streamrate1 = -1
     self.last_streamrate2 = -1
     self.last_seq = 0
     self.armed = False
     self.current_depth = 0
     self.xcenter = 0   
     self.ycenter = 0   
     self.circle_depth = 0
     self.isCircle = 0
     self.depth_stream = collections.deque([0]*5, 5)
     self.sock_failure_data = False
     self.socket_open = False
     self.pwm_val = 0
     self.auto = False
     # integrate rc module
     self.override = [ 0 ] * 16
     self.last_override = [ 0 ] * 16
     self.override_counter = 0
     self.sitl_output = False
     self.disarm_flag = False
     self.auto_t_started = False
     if  self.sitl_output:
          self.override_period = mavutil.periodic_event(20)
          self.override_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1)
Example #5
 def __init__(self, mpstate):
     super(CUAVModule, self).__init__(mpstate, "CUAV", "CUAV checks")
     self.console.set_status('RPM', 'RPM: --', row=8, fg='black')
     self.console.set_status('RFind', 'RFind: --', row=8, fg='black')
     self.console.set_status('Button', 'Button: --', row=8, fg='black')
     self.console.set_status('ICE', 'ICE: --', row=8, fg='black')
     self.rate_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1.0/15)
     self.button_remaining = None
     self.button_change = None
     self.last_button_update = time.time()
     self.last_target_update = time.time()
     self.button_change_recv_time = 0
     self.button_announce_time = 0
     self.last_rpm_update = 0
     self.last_rpm_value = None
     self.last_rpm_announce = 0
     self.showLandingZone = 0
     self.showJoeZone = True
     self.target = None
     from MAVProxy.modules.lib.mp_settings import MPSettings, MPSetting
     self.cuav_settings = MPSettings(
         [ MPSetting('rpm_threshold', int, 6000, 'RPM Threshold'),
           MPSetting('wind_speed', float, 0, 'wind speed (m/s)'),
           MPSetting('wind_direction', float, 0, 'wind direction (degrees)') ])
     self.add_completion_function('(CUAVCHECKSETTING)', self.cuav_settings.completion)
     self.add_command('cuavcheck', self.cmd_cuavcheck,
                      'cuav check control',
                      ['set (CUAVCHECKSETTING)'])
     #make the initial map menu
     if mp_util.has_wxpython:
         self.menu = MPMenuSubMenu('UAV Challenge', items=[MPMenuCheckbox('Show Landing Zone', 'Show Landing Zone', '# cuavcheck toggleLandingZone'), MPMenuCheckbox('Show Joe Zone', 'Show Joe Zone', '# cuavcheck toggleJoeZone')])
Example #6
    def __init__(self, master, sysID=1, compoID=250):
        if master == "/dev/ttyACM0":
            master = detect_pixhawk()
            print "Pixhawk Master is", master
            baud = 115200 
            reboot = False 
            baud = 57600
            reboot = True

        self.conn = mavutil.mavlink_connection(device=master, baud=baud,
        if reboot:
            logging.info("Reboot pixhawk !")
        self.sysID = sysID
        self.compoID = compoID
        self.heartbeat_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1)
        self.heartbeat_period.frequency = 1.0
        self.recv_msg_count = 0
        self.bad_data_count = 0
        self.param_names = {}
        for i in range(1, 8):
            self.param_names["RC%d_MIN" % i] = None
            self.param_names["RC%d_MAX" % i] = None

Example #7
 def __init__(self, mav_param, observer):
     self.mav_param_set = set()
     self.mav_param_count = 0
     self.param_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1)
     self.fetch_one = 0
     self.mav_param = mav_param
     self.observer = observer
Example #8
 def __init__(self, mpstate):
     super(BatteryModule, self).__init__(mpstate, "battery", "battery commands")
     self.add_command('bat', self.cmd_bat, "show battery information")
     self.last_battery_announce = 0
     self.last_battery_announce_time = 0
     self.last_battery_cell_announce_time = 0
     self.battery_level = -1
     self.voltage_level = -1
     self.current_battery = -1
     self.battery2_voltage = -1
     self.per_cell = 0
     self.servo_voltage = -1
     self.high_servo_voltage = -1
     self.last_servo_warn_time = 0
     self.last_vcc_warn_time = 0
         MPSetting('battwarn', int, 1, 'Battery Warning Time', tab='Battery'))
         MPSetting('batwarncell', float, 3.7, 'Battery cell Warning level'))
         MPSetting('servowarn', float, 4.3, 'Servo voltage warning level'))
         MPSetting('vccwarn', float, 4.3, 'Vcc voltage warning level'))
     self.settings.append(MPSetting('numcells', int, 0, range=(0,10), increment=1))
     self.battery_period = mavutil.periodic_event(5)
Example #9
 def __init__(self):
     self.wp_op = None
     self.wp_save_filename = None
     self.wploader = mavwp.MAVWPLoader()
     self.loading_waypoints = False
     self.loading_waypoint_lasttime = time.time()
     self.last_waypoint = 0
     self.wp_period = mavutil.periodic_event(0.5)
Example #10
    def __init__(self, mpstate):
        super(ADSBModule, self).__init__(mpstate, "adsb", "ADS-B data support")
        self.threat_vehicles = {}
        self.active_threat_ids = []  # holds all threat ids the vehicle is evading

        self.add_command('adsb', self.cmd_ADSB, ["adsb control",
                                                 "set (ADSBSETTING)"])

        self.ADSB_settings = mp_settings.MPSettings([("timeout", int, 10),  # seconds
                                                     ("threat_radius", int, 200),  # meters
                                                     ("show_threat_radius", bool, False),
                                                     # threat_radius_clear = threat_radius*threat_radius_clear_multiplier
                                                     ("threat_radius_clear_multiplier", int, 2),
                                                     ("show_threat_radius_clear", bool, False)])
        self.threat_detection_timer = mavutil.periodic_event(2)
        self.threat_timeout_timer = mavutil.periodic_event(2)
Example #11
 def __init__(self, mav_param, logdir, vehicle_name, parm_file):
     self.mav_param_set = set()
     self.mav_param_count = 0
     self.param_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1)
     self.fetch_one = 0
     self.mav_param = mav_param
     self.logdir = logdir
     self.vehicle_name = vehicle_name
     self.parm_file = parm_file
Example #12
    def __init__(self, mpstate):
        super(WPModule, self).__init__(mpstate, "wp", "waypoint handling", public=True)
        self.wp_op = None
        self.wp_save_filename = None
        self.wploader = mavwp.MAVWPLoader()
        self.loading_waypoints = False
        self.loading_waypoint_lasttime = time.time()
        self.last_waypoint = 0
        self.wp_period = mavutil.periodic_event(0.5)
        self.undo_wp = None
        self.undo_type = None
        self.undo_wp_idx = -1
            "waypoint management",
            ["<list|clear|move|remove|loop|set|undo|movemulti|param>", "<load|update|save|show> (FILENAME)"],

        if self.continue_mode and self.logdir != None:
            waytxt = os.path.join(mpstate.status.logdir, "way.txt")
            if os.path.exists(waytxt):
                print("Loaded waypoints from %s" % waytxt)

        if mp_util.has_wxpython:
            self.menu_added_console = False
            self.menu_added_map = False
            self.menu = MPMenuSubMenu(
                    MPMenuItem("Clear", "Clear", "# wp clear"),
                    MPMenuItem("List", "List", "# wp list"),
                        "# wp load ",
                        handler=MPMenuCallFileDialog(flags=wx.FD_OPEN, title="Mission Load", wildcard="*.txt"),
                        "# wp save ",
                            flags=wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT, title="Mission Save", wildcard="*.txt"
                        "# wp draw ",
                        handler=MPMenuCallTextDialog(title="Mission Altitude (m)", default=100),
                    MPMenuItem("Undo", "Undo", "# wp undo"),
                    MPMenuItem("Loop", "Loop", "# wp loop"),
Example #13
    def __init__(self, mpstate):
        super(CUAVModule, self).__init__(mpstate, "CUAV", "CUAV checks", public=True)
        self.console.set_status('RPM', 'RPM: --', row=8, fg='black')
        self.console.set_status('RFind', 'RFind: --', row=8, fg='black')
        self.console.set_status('Button', 'Button: --', row=8, fg='black')
        self.console.set_status('ICE', 'ICE: --', row=8, fg='black')
        self.console.set_status('FuelPump', 'FuelPump: --', row=8, fg='black')
        self.console.set_status('DNFZ', 'DNFZ -- --', row=6, fg='black')
        self.rate_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1.0/15)
        self.button_remaining = None
        self.button_change = None
        self.last_button_update = time.time()
        self.last_target_update = time.time()
        self.button_change_recv_time = 0
        self.button_announce_time = 0

        self.fuel_change = None
        self.last_fuel_update = time.time()
        self.fuel_change_recv_time = 0
        self.last_rpm_update = 0
        self.last_rpm_value = None
        self.last_rpm_announce = 0
        self.showLandingZone = 0
        self.showJoeZone = True
        self.target = None
        self.last_recall_check = 0
        self.is_armed = False

        from MAVProxy.modules.lib.mp_settings import MPSettings, MPSetting
        self.cuav_settings = MPSettings(
            [ MPSetting('rpm_threshold', int, 6000, 'RPM Threshold'),
              MPSetting('wind_speed', float, 0, 'wind speed (m/s)'),
              MPSetting('wind_direction', float, 0, 'wind direction (degrees)'),
              MPSetting('button_pin', float, 0, 'button pin'),
              MPSetting('fuel_pin', float, 1, 'fuel pin'),
              MPSetting('wp_center', int, 2, 'center search USER number'),
              MPSetting('wp_start', int, 1, 'start search USER number'),
              MPSetting('wp_end', int, 3, 'end search USER number'),
              MPSetting('wp_land',int, 4, 'landing start USER number'),
              MPSetting('wp_recall', int, 5, 'recall Kraken USER number'),
              MPSetting('wp_release', int, 6, 'release Kraken USER number'),
              MPSetting('qnh_max_err', int, 50, 'maximum QNH error') ])
        self.add_completion_function('(CUAVCHECKSETTING)', self.cuav_settings.completion)
        self.add_command('cuavcheck', self.cmd_cuavcheck,
                         'cuav check control',
                          'set (CUAVCHECKSETTING)'])

        #make the initial map menu
        if mp_util.has_wxpython and self.module('map'):
            self.menu = MPMenuSubMenu('UAV Challenge', items=[MPMenuCheckbox('Show Landing Zone', 'Show Landing Zone', '# cuavcheck toggleLandingZone'), MPMenuCheckbox('Show Joe Zone', 'Show Joe Zone', '# cuavcheck toggleJoeZone')])
Example #14
 def __init__(self, mpstate):
     super(ParamModule, self).__init__(mpstate, "param", "parameter handling", public = True)
     self.mav_param_set = set()
     self.mav_param_count = 0
     self.param_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1)
     self.fetch_one = 0
     self.add_command('param', self.cmd_param, "parameter handling",
                       "<set|show|fetch|help> (PARAMETER)",
                       "<load|save> (FILENAME)"])
     if self.continue_mode and self.logdir != None:
         parmfile = os.path.join(self.logdir, 'mav.parm')
         if os.path.exists(parmfile):
Example #15
 def __init__(self, mav_param, logdir, vehicle_name, parm_file):
     self.mav_param_set = set()
     self.mav_param_count = 0
     self.param_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1)
     self.fetch_one = dict()
     self.mav_param = mav_param
     self.logdir = logdir
     self.vehicle_name = vehicle_name
     self.parm_file = parm_file
     self.fetch_set = None
     self.xml_filepath = None
     self.new_sysid_timestamp = time.time()
     self.autopilot_type_by_sysid = {}
     self.param_types = {}
Example #16
 def __init__(self, mpstate):
     super(BatteryModule, self).__init__(mpstate, "battery", "battery commands")
     self.add_command('bat', self.cmd_bat, "show battery information")
     self.last_battery_announce = 0
     self.last_battery_announce_time = 0
     self.last_battery_cell_announce_time = 0
     self.battery_level = -1
     self.voltage_level = -1
     self.per_cell = 0
         MPSetting('battwarn', int, 1, 'Battery Warning Time'))
         MPSetting('batwarncell', float, 3.7, 'Battery cell Warning level'))
     self.settings.append(MPSetting('numcells', int, 0, range=(0,10), increment=1))
     self.battery_period = mavutil.periodic_event(0.3)
Example #17
 def __init__(self, mpstate):
     super(WPModule, self).__init__(mpstate, "wp", "waypoint handling", public = True)
     self.wp_op = None
     self.wp_save_filename = None
     self.wploader = mavwp.MAVWPLoader()
     self.loading_waypoints = False
     self.loading_waypoint_lasttime = time.time()
     self.last_waypoint = 0
     self.wp_period = mavutil.periodic_event(0.5)
     self.add_command('wp', self.cmd_wp,       'waypoint management', ["<list|clear>",
                                  "<load|update|save> (FILENAME)"])
     if self.continue_mode and self.logdir != None:
         waytxt = os.path.join(mpstate.status.logdir, 'way.txt')
         if os.path.exists(waytxt):
             print("Loaded waypoints from %s" % waytxt)
Example #18
    def __init__(self, mpstate):
        super(WPModule, self).__init__(mpstate, "wp", "waypoint handling", public = True)
        self.wp_op = None
        self.wp_requested = {}
        self.wp_received = {}
        self.wp_save_filename = None
        self.wploader_by_sysid = {}
        self.loading_waypoints = False
        self.loading_waypoint_lasttime = time.time()
        self.last_waypoint = 0
        self.wp_period = mavutil.periodic_event(0.5)
        self.undo_wp = None
        self.undo_type = None
        self.undo_wp_idx = -1
        self.wploader.expected_count = 0
        self.add_command('wp', self.cmd_wp,       'waypoint management',
                          "<load|update|save|savecsv|show> (FILENAME)"])

        if self.continue_mode and self.logdir is not None:
            waytxt = os.path.join(mpstate.status.logdir, 'way.txt')
            if os.path.exists(waytxt):
                print("Loaded waypoints from %s" % waytxt)

        self.menu_added_console = False
        self.menu_added_map = False
        if mp_util.has_wxpython:
            self.menu = MPMenuSubMenu('Mission',
                                  items=[MPMenuItem('Editor', 'Editor', '# wp editor'),
                                         MPMenuItem('Clear', 'Clear', '# wp clear'),
                                         MPMenuItem('List', 'List', '# wp list'),
                                         MPMenuItem('Load', 'Load', '# wp load ',
                                                                                 title='Mission Load',
                                         MPMenuItem('Save', 'Save', '# wp save ',
                                                    handler=MPMenuCallFileDialog(flags=('save', 'overwrite_prompt'),
                                                                                 title='Mission Save',
                                         MPMenuItem('Draw', 'Draw', '# wp draw ',
                                                    handler=MPMenuCallTextDialog(title='Mission Altitude (m)',
                                         MPMenuItem('Undo', 'Undo', '# wp undo'),
                                         MPMenuItem('Loop', 'Loop', '# wp loop'),
                                         MPMenuItem('Add NoFly', 'Loop', '# wp noflyadd')])
Example #19
    def connectionMade(self):
        self.host = self.transport.getHost()
        print "Starting MAVLink via {0}".format(self.host)

        if hasattr(self.mav, 'set_send_callback'):
            self.mav.set_send_callback(self.master_send_callback, self)

        self.linkerror = False
        self.link_delayed = False
        self.last_heartbeat = 0
        self.last_message = 0
        self.highest_msec = 0
        #0.1 s send heartbeat

        self.msg_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1.0/15)
        #self.WIRE_PROTOCOL_VERSION = "1.0"
        self.fd = self.transport.fileno()

Example #20
def main():
    # Create a Joystick object
    js = JoyStick()

    # GCS Handling
    global in_emergcs;

    # create a mavlink serial instance
    master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(opts.device, baud=opts.baudrate, source_system=opts.SOURCE_SYSTEM)

    #master.mav.command_long_send(master.target_system, master.target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SWITCH_GCS, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,)

    # wait for the heartbeat msg to find the system ID
    print("Got HeartBeat")

    # Set the GCS_SYSID so that we handle lower packet com
    #mavparam = mavparm.MAVParmDict()
    #mavparam.mavset(master, SYSID_MYGCS, 255, retries=3)

    # Create loop timing
    js_period = mavutil.periodic_event(opts.rate)

    while True:
        # Sanity check to make sure that the traffic we want to be flowing is...
        # See note at bottom for messages

        # This should trigger at 60Hz and send rc override
        js_input = js.get_rc_override()
        handle_GCS_change(master, js_input[8:])

        if in_emergcs and js_period.trigger():
            # Send RC commands over mavlink
            master.mav.rc_channels_override_send(master.target_system, master.target_component, *js_input[:8])
Example #21
    def __init__(self, mpstate):
        super(WPModule, self).__init__(mpstate, "wp", "waypoint handling", public = True)
        self.wp_op = None
        self.wp_save_filename = None
        self.wploader = mavwp.MAVWPLoader()
        self.loading_waypoints = False
        self.loading_waypoint_lasttime = time.time()
        self.last_waypoint = 0
        self.wp_period = mavutil.periodic_event(0.5)
        self.add_command('wp', self.cmd_wp,       'waypoint management',
                          "<load|update|save> (FILENAME)"])
        if self.continue_mode and self.logdir != None:
            waytxt = os.path.join(mpstate.status.logdir, 'way.txt')
            if os.path.exists(waytxt):
                print("Loaded waypoints from %s" % waytxt)

        self.menu_added_console = False
        self.menu_added_map = False
        from MAVProxy.modules.lib.mp_menu import *
        self.menu = MPMenuSubMenu('Mission',
                                  items=[MPMenuItem('Clear', 'Clear', '# wp clear'),
                                         MPMenuItem('List', 'List', '# wp list'),
                                         MPMenuItem('Load', 'Load', '# wp load ',
                                                                                 title='Mission Load',
                                         MPMenuItem('Save', 'Save', '# wp save ',
                                                                                 title='Mission Save',
                                         MPMenuItem('Draw', 'Draw', '# wp draw ',
                                                    handler=MPMenuCallTextDialog(title='Mission Altitude (m)',
                                         MPMenuItem('Loop', 'Loop', '# wp loop')])
Example #22
context = zmq.Context()
socket_sub = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
socket_sub.connect('tcp://%s:%d' % config.zmq_pub_unreal_proxy)

socket_sub.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, config.topic_unreal_state)
                      config.topic_unreal_drone_rgb_camera % drone_num)

mav1 = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udp:' % (14551 + 0 * 10))
print("Waiting for HEARTBEAT")
print("Heartbeat from APM (system %u component %u)" %
      (mav1.target_system, mav1.target_component))

event = mavutil.periodic_event(0.3)
event1hz = mavutil.periodic_event(1)
freq = 30
pub_position_event = mavutil.periodic_event(freq)

def set_rcs(rc1, rc2, rc3, rc4):
    global mav1
    values = [1500] * 8
    values[0] = rc1
    values[1] = rc2
    values[2] = rc3
    values[3] = rc4
                                       mav1.target_component, *values)
                condition='SYS_STATUS.mode==2 and SYS_STATUS.nav_mode==4',
                condition='SYS_STATUS.mode==2 and SYS_STATUS.nav_mode==4',

print("Setting declination")
mav1.mav.param_set_send(mav1.target_system, mav1.target_component,
                        'COMPASS_DEC', radians(12.33))
mav2.mav.param_set_send(mav2.target_system, mav2.target_component,
                        'COMPASS_DEC', radians(12.33))

set_attitude(1060, 1160)

event = mavutil.periodic_event(30)
pevent = mavutil.periodic_event(0.3)
rc3_min = 1060
rc3_max = 1850
rc4_min = 1080
rc4_max = 1500
rc3 = rc3_min
rc4 = 1160
delta3 = 2
delta4 = 1
use_pitch = 1

mav1.mav.action_send(mav1.target_system, mav1.target_component,
mav2.mav.action_send(mav2.target_system, mav2.target_component,
Example #24
 def __init__(self):
     self.mav_param_set = set()
     self.mav_param_count = 0
     self.param_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1)
     self.fetch_one = 0
Example #25
 def __init__(self, mpstate):
     super(CUAVModule, self).__init__(mpstate, "CUAV", "CUAV checks")
     self.console.set_status('Bottle', 'Bottle: --', row=8, fg='green')
     self.rate_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1.0/15)
Example #26
 def __init__(self, mpstate):
     super(MyPiModule, self).__init__(mpstate, "MyPiModule", "my commands")
     # my cmd
     self.add_command('mybat', self.cmd_mybat, "my battery information")
     self.add_command('myshut', self.cmd_myshutdown, "to shutdown")
     self.add_command('myreboot', self.cmd_myreboot, "to reboot")
     self.add_command('myrtl', self.cmd_myrtl, "change flight mode to RTL")
     # my settings
     self.settings.append(MPSetting('mytimebat', int, 5, 'Battery Interval Time sec', tab='my'))
     self.settings.append(MPSetting('mytimerc', int, 5, 'RC Interval Time sec'))
     self.settings.append(MPSetting('mydebug', bool, False, 'Debug'))
     self.settings.append(MPSetting('myminvolt', int, 10000, 'Minimum battery voltage before shutdown'))
     self.settings.append(MPSetting('myminremain', int, 10, 'Minimum battery remaining before shutdown'))
     self.settings.append(MPSetting('mydelayinit', int, 30, 'Delay before shutdown or reboot'))
     self.settings.append(MPSetting('myrcvideo', int, 6, 'Radio channel to change video on/off'))
     self.settings.append(MPSetting('myrcwlan0', int, 8, 'Radio channel to change wlan0 on/off'))
     self.settings.append(MPSetting('myrcyaw', int, 4, 'Radio channel to reboot/shutdown'))
     self.settings.append(MPSetting('myrcroll', int, 1, 'Radio channel to reboot/shutdown'))
     self.myversion = "1.4"
     # stats
     self.VFR_HUD = 0
     self.SYS_STATUS = 0
     self.HEARTBEAT = 0
     self.RC_CHANNELS_RAW = 0
     self.battery_period_trigger = 0
     self.start_time = time.time()
     ### battery low :
     self.shutdown_by_lowbat = False
     self.shutdown_by_lowbat_time = 0
     ### ByRadio resquested
     self.shutdown_by_radio = False
     self.shutdown_by_radio_time = 0
     self.reboot_by_radio = False
     self.reboot_by_radio_time = 0
     ### ByCmd resquested
     self.shutdown_by_cmd = False
     self.shutdown_by_cmd_time = 0
     self.reboot_by_cmd = False
     self.reboot_by_cmd_time = 0
     # default values
     self.armed = False
     self.mystate = 0
     self.myvolt = 0
     self.mythrottle = 0
     self.mycurrent = 0
     self.myremaining = 0
     self.myrcraw = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
     self.wlan0_up = False
     self.video_on = True
     self.rtl_on = False
     self.last_battery_check_time = time.time()
     self.last_rc_check_time = time.time()
     self.battery_period = mavutil.periodic_event(5)
     self.FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
     #self.FORMAT2 = '%Hh%Mm%Ss'
     self.mycountermessage = 0
     # default to servo range of 1000 to 1700
     #self.RC1_MIN  = self.get_mav_param('RC1_MIN', 0)
     #self.RC1_MAX  = self.get_mav_param('RC1_MAX', 0)
     self.RC_low_mark = [1200,1200,1200,1200,1200,1200,1200,1200,1200] 
     self.RC_high_mark = [1700,1700,1700,1700,1700,1700,1700,1700,1700]
     self.myseverity = 0
     self.mytext = "nulltext"
     self.myip = ""
     # to send statustext
     self.master2 = mavutil.mavlink_connection("udp:", input=False, dialect="common")
Example #27
    def __init__(self, mpstate):

        super(Autopilotmodule, self).__init__(mpstate, "autopilot", "autopilot command ", public=True)
        self.add_command('autopilot', self.cmd_ap, "Autopilot input control")
        self.add_command('current_imu', self.print_imu, "prints out current IMU data", [ '' ])
        self.add_command('open_socket', self.cmd_sock, "connect to socket", ['sockno'])
        self.add_command('close_socket', self.close_sock, "close socket", ['sockno'])
        self.add_command('current_depth', self.cmd_depth, "get current object depth") 
        self.add_command('kill', self.cmd_kill, "sets rc values to 0")

        # camera parameters
        self.cam = None
        self.most_recent = None
        self.CAPTURE_WIDTH = 640.0
        self.CAPTURE_HEIGHT = 480.0

        #create cross-correlation templates
        self.col_temp = np.ones((self.CAPTURE_HEIGHT,1), np.uint8) #ROWS by 1 array
        self.row_temp = np.ones((1,self.CAPTURE_WIDTH), np.uint8) #1 by COLS array

        # for keeping track of vision loop speed
        self.t = 0

        # classifier output
        self.target_in_frame = False
        self.last_frames = collections.deque([0]*10, 10)
        self.frame = 0

        # RC radio data trims
        self.ch1_trim = 1500
        self.ch2_trim = 1500

        # Initialize PID coefficients
        self.x_Ap = 0.7
        self.x_Ai = 0.05
        self.x_Ad = 0.6
        self.y_Ap = 0.8
        self.y_Ai = 0.05
        self.y_Ad = 0.6

        # initialize errors
        self.x_error, self.y_error = 0, 0
        self.old_x_error, self.old_y_error = 0, 0
        self.xcenter = 0
        self.ycenter = 0

        # initialize error accumulators
        self.x_sigma = collections.deque([0,0,0,0], 4)
        self.y_sigma = collections.deque([0,0,0,0], 4)

        # initialize deltas                                                                                                                                                   
        self.x_delta = 0
        self.y_delta = 0

        # initialize timer
        self.t = time.time()
        self.dt = 0.5

        # flag for pid first output behavior
        self.delta_flag = True
        self.sigma_flag = True

        mpstate = None

        # socket variables
        self.sock_option = False
        self.auto = False

        # set initial PWM values for movement states
        self.pwm_val = 1400
        self.hover_pwm_val = 1530

        # Depth values from realsense
        self.depth = 0
        self.last_depth = collections.deque([0]*10, 10) # for summing last ten depth samples
        self.target_altitude, self.depth = 0, 0
        self.waiting_for_command = True

        # override commands for motors
        self.override = [ 0 ] * 16
        self.last_override = [ 0 ] * 16
        self.override_counter = 0

        # consistant IMU data update
        self.check_imu_counter = 0

        #AHRS Filtering algorithm variables
        self.recipNorm = 0
        self.beta = 0.1
        self.sampleFreq	= 512.0		# sample frequency in Hz
        self.q0 = 1.0
        self.q1 = 0.0
        self.q2 = 0.0
        self.q3 = 0.0	# quaternion of sensor frame relative to auxiliary frame
        self.port = 0
        self.s0, self.s1, self.s2, self.s3 = 0, 0, 0, 0
        self.qDot1, self.qDot2, self.qDot3, self.qDot4 = 0, 0, 0, 0
        self.hx, self.hy = 0, 0
        self._2q0mx, self._2q0my, self._2q0mz, self._2q1mx, self._2bx, self._2bz, self._4bx, self._4bz, self._2q0, self._2q1, self._2q2, self._2q3, self._2q0q2, self._2q2q3, self.q0q0, self.q0q1, self.q0q2, self.q0q3, self.q1q1, self.q1q2, self.q1q3, self.q2q2, self.q2q3, self.q3q3 = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

        if self.sitl_output:
            self.override_period = mavutil.periodic_event(20)
            self.override_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1)
Example #28
    def __init__(self, mpstate):
        super(CUAVModule, self).__init__(mpstate,
                                         "CUAV checks",
        self.console.set_status('RPM', 'RPM: --', row=8, fg='black')
        self.console.set_status('RFind', 'RFind: --', row=8, fg='black')
        self.console.set_status('Button', 'Button: --', row=8, fg='black')
        self.console.set_status('ICE', 'ICE: --', row=8, fg='black')
        self.console.set_status('FuelPump', 'FuelPump: --', row=8, fg='black')
        self.console.set_status('DNFZ', 'DNFZ -- --', row=6, fg='black')
        self.rate_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1.0 / 15)
        self.button_remaining = None
        self.button_change = None
        self.last_button_update = time.time()
        self.last_target_update = time.time()
        self.button_change_recv_time = 0
        self.button_announce_time = 0

        self.fuel_change = None
        self.last_fuel_update = time.time()
        self.fuel_change_recv_time = 0

        self.last_rpm_update = 0
        self.last_rpm_value = None
        self.last_rpm_announce = 0
        self.showLandingZone = 0
        self.showJoeZone = True
        self.target = None
        self.last_recall_check = 0
        self.is_armed = False

        from MAVProxy.modules.lib.mp_settings import MPSettings, MPSetting
        self.cuav_settings = MPSettings([
            MPSetting('rpm_threshold', int, 6000, 'RPM Threshold'),
            MPSetting('wind_speed', float, 0, 'wind speed (m/s)'),
            MPSetting('wind_direction', float, 0, 'wind direction (degrees)'),
            MPSetting('button_pin', float, 0, 'button pin'),
            MPSetting('fuel_pin', float, 1, 'fuel pin'),
            MPSetting('wp_center', int, 2, 'center search USER number'),
            MPSetting('wp_start', int, 1, 'start search USER number'),
            MPSetting('wp_end', int, 3, 'end search USER number'),
            MPSetting('wp_land', int, 4, 'landing start USER number'),
            MPSetting('wp_recall', int, 5, 'recall Kraken USER number'),
            MPSetting('wp_release', int, 6, 'release Kraken USER number'),
            MPSetting('qnh_max_err', int, 50, 'maximum QNH error')
        self.add_command('cuavcheck', self.cmd_cuavcheck, 'cuav check control',
                             'checkparams', 'movetarget', 'resettarget',
                             'showJoeZone', 'set (CUAVCHECKSETTING)'

        #make the initial map menu
        if mp_util.has_wxpython and self.module('map'):
            self.menu = MPMenuSubMenu(
                'UAV Challenge',
                    MPMenuCheckbox('Show Landing Zone', 'Show Landing Zone',
                                   '# cuavcheck toggleLandingZone'),
                    MPMenuCheckbox('Show Joe Zone', 'Show Joe Zone',
                                   '# cuavcheck toggleJoeZone')
def initMAVProxy():
    from optparse import OptionParser
    parser = OptionParser("mavproxy.py [options]")

    parser.add_option("--master", dest="master", action='append',
                      metavar="DEVICE[,BAUD]", help="MAVLink master port and optional baud rate",
    parser.add_option("--out", dest="output", action='append',
                      metavar="DEVICE[,BAUD]", help="MAVLink output port and optional baud rate",
    parser.add_option("--baudrate", dest="baudrate", type='int',
                      help="default serial baud rate", default=115200)
    parser.add_option("--sitl", dest="sitl",  default=None, help="SITL output port")
    parser.add_option("--streamrate",dest="streamrate", default=4, type='int',
                      help="MAVLink stream rate")
    parser.add_option("--source-system", dest='SOURCE_SYSTEM', type='int',
                      default=255, help='MAVLink source system for this GCS')
    parser.add_option("--target-system", dest='TARGET_SYSTEM', type='int',
                      default=1, help='MAVLink target master system')
    parser.add_option("--target-component", dest='TARGET_COMPONENT', type='int',
                      default=1, help='MAVLink target master component')
    parser.add_option("--logfile", dest="logfile", help="MAVLink master logfile",
    parser.add_option("-a", "--append-log", dest="append_log", help="Append to log files",
                      action='store_true', default=False)
    parser.add_option("--quadcopter", dest="quadcopter", help="use quadcopter controls",
                      action='store_true', default=False)
    parser.add_option("--setup", dest="setup", help="start in setup mode",
                      action='store_true', default=False)
    parser.add_option("--nodtr", dest="nodtr", help="disable DTR drop on close",
                      action='store_true', default=False)
    parser.add_option("--show-errors", dest="show_errors", help="show MAVLink error packets",
                      action='store_true', default=False)
    parser.add_option("--speech", dest="speech", help="use text to speach",
                      action='store_true', default=False)
    parser.add_option("--num-cells", dest="num_cells", help="number of LiPo battery cells",
                      type='int', default=0)
    parser.add_option("--aircraft", dest="aircraft", help="aircraft name", default=None)
    parser.add_option("--cmd", dest="cmd", help="initial commands", default=None)
    parser.add_option("--console", action='store_true', help="use GUI console")
    parser.add_option("--map", action='store_true', help="load map module")
        help='Load the specified module. Can be used multiple times, or with a comma separated list')
    parser.add_option("--mav09", action='store_true', default=False, help="Use MAVLink protocol 0.9")
    parser.add_option("--auto-protocol", action='store_true', default=False, help="Auto detect MAVLink protocol version")
    parser.add_option("--nowait", action='store_true', default=False, help="don't wait for HEARTBEAT on startup")
    parser.add_option("--continue", dest='continue_mode', action='store_true', default=False, help="continue logs")
    parser.add_option("--dialect",  default="ardupilotmega", help="MAVLink dialect")
    parser.add_option("--rtscts",  action='store_true', help="enable hardware RTS/CTS flow control")

    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if opts.mav09:
        os.environ['MAVLINK09'] = '1'
    from pymavlink import mavutil, mavparm

    # global mavproxy state
    mpstate = MPState()
    mpstate.status.exit = False
    mpstate.command_map = command_map
    mpstate.continue_mode = opts.continue_mode

    if opts.speech:
        # start the speech-dispatcher early, so it doesn't inherit any ports from
        # modules/mavutil

    if not opts.master:
        serial_list = mavutil.auto_detect_serial(preferred_list=['*FTDI*',"*Arduino_Mega_2560*", "*3D_Robotics*", "*USB_to_UART*"])
        if len(serial_list) == 1:
            opts.master = [serial_list[0].device]
Please choose a MAVLink master with --master
For example:

Auto-detected serial ports are:
            for port in serial_list:
                print("%s" % port)

    # container for status information
    mpstate.status.target_system = opts.TARGET_SYSTEM
    mpstate.status.target_component = opts.TARGET_COMPONENT

    mpstate.mav_master = []

    # open master link
    for mdev in opts.master:
        if ',' in mdev and not os.path.exists(mdev):
            port, baud = mdev.split(',')
            port, baud = mdev, opts.baudrate

        m = mavutil.mavlink_connection(port, autoreconnect=True, baud=int(baud))
        m.mav.set_callback(master_callback, m)
        if hasattr(m.mav, 'set_send_callback'):
            m.mav.set_send_callback(master_send_callback, m)
        if opts.rtscts:
        m.linknum = len(mpstate.mav_master)
        m.linkerror = False
        m.link_delayed = False
        m.last_heartbeat = 0
        m.last_message = 0
        m.highest_msec = 0

    # log all packets from the master, for later replay

    # open any mavlink UDP ports
    for p in opts.output:
        if ',' in p and not os.path.exists(p):
            port, baud = p.split(',')            
            port, baud = p, opts.baudrate

        mpstate.mav_outputs.append(mavutil.mavlink_connection(port, baud=int(baud), input=False))

    if opts.sitl:
        mpstate.sitl_output = mavutil.mavudp(opts.sitl, input=False)

    mpstate.settings.numcells = opts.num_cells
    mpstate.settings.streamrate = opts.streamrate
    mpstate.settings.streamrate2 = opts.streamrate

    mavproxy.msg_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1.0/15)
    mavproxy.heartbeat_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1)
    mavproxy.battery_period = mavutil.periodic_event(0.1)
    mavproxy.heartbeat_check_period = mavutil.periodic_event(0.33)

    mpstate.rl = rline.rline("MAV> ", mpstate)
    if opts.setup:

    if 'HOME' in os.environ and not opts.setup:
        start_script = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], ".mavinit.scr")
        if os.path.exists(start_script):

    if opts.aircraft is not None:
        start_script = os.path.join(opts.aircraft, "mavinit.scr")
        if os.path.exists(start_script):
            print("no script %s" % start_script)

    if not opts.setup:
        # some core functionality is in modules
        standard_modules = ['log','rally','fence','param','relay',
        for m in standard_modules:
            load_module(m, quiet=True)

    if opts.console:
        process_stdin('module load console')

    if opts.map:
        process_stdin('module load map')

    for module in opts.load_module:
        modlist = module.split(',')
        for mod in modlist:
            process_stdin('module load %s' % mod)

    if opts.cmd is not None:
        cmds = opts.cmd.split(';')
        for c in cmds:

# run main loop as a thread
    mpstate.status.thread = threading.Thread(target=main_loop)
    mpstate.status.thread.daemon = True
Example #30
print("Heartbeat from APM (system %u component %u)" % (mav2.target_system, mav2.target_system))

print("Waiting for MANUAL mode")
mav1.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', condition='SYS_STATUS.mode==2 and SYS_STATUS.nav_mode==4', blocking=True)
mav2.recv_match(type='SYS_STATUS', condition='SYS_STATUS.mode==2 and SYS_STATUS.nav_mode==4', blocking=True)

print("Setting declination")
mav1.mav.param_set_send(mav1.target_system, mav1.target_component,
                       'COMPASS_DEC', radians(12.33))
mav2.mav.param_set_send(mav2.target_system, mav2.target_component,
                       'COMPASS_DEC', radians(12.33))

set_attitude(1060, 1160)

event = mavutil.periodic_event(30)
pevent = mavutil.periodic_event(0.3)
rc3_min = 1060
rc3_max = 1850
rc4_min = 1080
rc4_max = 1500
rc3 = rc3_min
rc4 = 1160
delta3 = 2
delta4 = 1
use_pitch = 1

mav1.mav.action_send(mav1.target_system, mav1.target_component, MAV_ACTION_CALIBRATE_GYRO)
mav2.mav.action_send(mav2.target_system, mav2.target_component, MAV_ACTION_CALIBRATE_GYRO)
Example #31
    # log all packets from the master, for later replay

    # open any mavlink UDP ports
    for p in opts.output:
        mpstate.mav_outputs.append(mavutil.mavlink_connection(p, baud=opts.baudrate, input=False))

    if opts.sitl:
        mpstate.sitl_output = mavutil.mavudp(opts.sitl, input=False)

    mpstate.settings.numcells = opts.num_cells
    mpstate.settings.streamrate = opts.streamrate
    mpstate.settings.streamrate2 = opts.streamrate

    msg_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1.0/15)
    heartbeat_period = mavutil.periodic_event(1)
    battery_period = mavutil.periodic_event(0.1)
    heartbeat_check_period = mavutil.periodic_event(0.33)

    mpstate.rl = rline.rline("MAV> ", mpstate)
    if opts.setup:

    if 'HOME' in os.environ and not opts.setup:
        start_script = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], ".mavinit.scr")
        if os.path.exists(start_script):

    if opts.aircraft is not None:
        start_script = os.path.join(opts.aircraft, "mavinit.scr")
Example #32
 def __init__(self, period, cmd):
     self.period = period
     self.cmd = cmd
     self.event = mavutil.periodic_event(1.0/period)