Example #1
def test_leapfrog_reversible():
    n = 3
    start, model, _ = models.non_normal(n)
    size = sum(start[n.name].size for n in model.value_vars)
    scaling = floatX(np.random.rand(size))

    class HMC(BaseHMC):
        def _hamiltonian_step(self, *args, **kwargs):

    step = HMC(vars=model.value_vars, model=model, scaling=scaling)

    astart = DictToArrayBijection.map(start)
    p = RaveledVars(floatX(step.potential.random()), astart.point_map_info)
    q = RaveledVars(floatX(np.random.randn(size)), astart.point_map_info)
    start = step.integrator.compute_state(p, q)
    for epsilon in [0.01, 0.1]:
        for n_steps in [1, 2, 3, 4, 20]:
            state = start
            for _ in range(n_steps):
                state = step.integrator.step(epsilon, state)
            for _ in range(n_steps):
                state = step.integrator.step(-epsilon, state)
            npt.assert_allclose(state.q.data, start.q.data, rtol=1e-5)
            npt.assert_allclose(state.p.data, start.p.data, rtol=1e-5)
Example #2
    def _step(self, epsilon, state):
        axpy = linalg.blas.get_blas_funcs("axpy", dtype=self._dtype)
        pot = self._potential

        q_new = state.q.data.copy()
        p_new = state.p.data.copy()
        v_new = np.empty_like(q_new)
        q_new_grad = np.empty_like(q_new)

        dt = 0.5 * epsilon

        # p is already stored in p_new
        # p_new = p + dt * q_grad
        axpy(state.q_grad, p_new, a=dt)

        pot.velocity(p_new, out=v_new)
        # q is already stored in q_new
        # q_new = q + epsilon * v_new
        axpy(v_new, q_new, a=epsilon)

        p_new = RaveledVars(p_new, state.p.point_map_info)
        q_new = RaveledVars(q_new, state.q.point_map_info)

        logp = self._logp_dlogp_func(q_new, grad_out=q_new_grad)

        # p_new = p_new + dt * q_new_grad
        axpy(q_new_grad, p_new.data, a=dt)

        kinetic = pot.velocity_energy(p_new.data, v_new)
        energy = kinetic - logp

        return State(q_new, p_new, v_new, q_new_grad, energy, logp)
Example #3
    def astep(self, q0: RaveledVars,
              logp) -> Tuple[RaveledVars, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:

        logp_q0 = logp(q0)
        point_map_info = q0.point_map_info
        q0 = q0.data

        # Convert adaptive_scale_factor to a jump probability
        p_jump = 1.0 - 0.5**self.scaling

        rand_array = nr.random(q0.shape)
        q = np.copy(q0)
        # Locations where switches occur, according to p_jump
        switch_locs = rand_array < p_jump
        q[switch_locs] = True - q[switch_locs]
        logp_q = logp(RaveledVars(q, point_map_info))

        accept = logp_q - logp_q0
        q_new, accepted = metrop_select(accept, q, q0)
        self.accepted += accepted

        stats = {
            "tune": self.tune,
            "accept": np.exp(accept),
            "p_jump": p_jump,

        q_new = RaveledVars(q_new, point_map_info)

        return q_new, [stats]
Example #4
    def astep(self,
              q0: RaveledVars) -> Tuple[RaveledVars, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:

        point_map_info = q0.point_map_info
        q0 = q0.data

        if not self.steps_until_tune and self.tune:
            # Tune scaling parameter
            self.scaling = tune(self.scaling,
                                self.accepted_sum / float(self.tune_interval))
            # Reset counter
            self.steps_until_tune = self.tune_interval
            self.accepted_sum[:] = 0

        delta = self.proposal_dist() * self.scaling

        if self.any_discrete:
            if self.all_discrete:
                delta = np.round(delta, 0).astype("int64")
                q0 = q0.astype("int64")
                q = (q0 + delta).astype("int64")
                delta[self.discrete] = np.round(delta[self.discrete], 0)
                q = q0 + delta
            q = floatX(q0 + delta)

        if self.elemwise_update:
            q_temp = q0.copy()
            # Shuffle order of updates (probably we don't need to do this in every step)
            for i in self.enum_dims:
                q_temp[i] = q[i]
                accept_rate_i = self.delta_logp(q_temp, q0)
                q_temp_, accepted_i = metrop_select(accept_rate_i, q_temp, q0)
                q_temp[i] = q_temp_[i]
                self.accept_rate_iter[i] = accept_rate_i
                self.accepted_iter[i] = accepted_i
                self.accepted_sum[i] += accepted_i
            q = q_temp
            accept_rate = self.delta_logp(q, q0)
            q, accepted = metrop_select(accept_rate, q, q0)
            self.accept_rate_iter = accept_rate
            self.accepted_iter = accepted
            self.accepted_sum += accepted

        self.steps_until_tune -= 1

        stats = {
            "tune": self.tune,
            "scaling": np.mean(self.scaling),
            "accept": np.mean(np.exp(self.accept_rate_iter)),
            "accepted": np.mean(self.accepted_iter),

        return RaveledVars(q, point_map_info), [stats]
Example #5
    def astep(self, q0, logp):
        q0_val = q0.data
        self.w = np.resize(self.w, len(q0_val))  # this is a repmat
        q = np.copy(q0_val)  # TODO: find out if we need this
        ql = np.copy(q0_val)  # l for left boundary
        qr = np.copy(q0_val)  # r for right boudary
        for i in range(len(q0_val)):
            # uniformly sample from 0 to p(q), but in log space
            q_ra = RaveledVars(q, q0.point_map_info)
            y = logp(q_ra) - nr.standard_exponential()
            ql[i] = q[i] - nr.uniform(0, self.w[i])
            qr[i] = q[i] + self.w[i]
            # Stepping out procedure
            cnt = 0
            while y <= logp(
                    RaveledVars(ql, q0.point_map_info)
            ):  # changed lt to leq  for locally uniform posteriors
                ql[i] -= self.w[i]
                cnt += 1
                if cnt > self.iter_limit:
                    raise RuntimeError(LOOP_ERR_MSG % self.iter_limit)
            cnt = 0
            while y <= logp(RaveledVars(qr, q0.point_map_info)):
                qr[i] += self.w[i]
                cnt += 1
                if cnt > self.iter_limit:
                    raise RuntimeError(LOOP_ERR_MSG % self.iter_limit)

            cnt = 0
            q[i] = nr.uniform(ql[i], qr[i])
            while logp(
            ) < y:  # Changed leq to lt, to accomodate for locally flat posteriors
                # Sample uniformly from slice
                if q[i] > q0_val[i]:
                    qr[i] = q[i]
                elif q[i] < q0_val[i]:
                    ql[i] = q[i]
                q[i] = nr.uniform(ql[i], qr[i])
                cnt += 1
                if cnt > self.iter_limit:
                    raise RuntimeError(LOOP_ERR_MSG % self.iter_limit)

            if (
            ):  # I was under impression from MacKays lectures that slice width can be tuned without
                # breaking markovianness. Can we do it regardless of self.tune?(@madanh)
                self.w[i] = self.w[i] * (self.n_tunes / (self.n_tunes + 1)) + (
                    qr[i] - ql[i]) / (self.n_tunes + 1)  # same as before
                # unobvious and important: return qr and ql to the same point
                qr[i] = q[i]
                ql[i] = q[i]
        if self.tune:
            self.n_tunes += 1
        return q
Example #6
    def step(self, point):

        for name, shared_var in self.shared.items():

        q = DictToArrayBijection.map(
            {v.name: point[v.name]
             for v in self.vars})

        step_res = self.astep(q)

        if self.generates_stats:
            apoint, stats = step_res
            apoint = step_res

        if not isinstance(apoint, RaveledVars):
            # We assume that the mapping has stayed the same
            apoint = RaveledVars(apoint, q.point_map_info)

        new_point = DictToArrayBijection.rmap(apoint, start_point=point)

        if self.generates_stats:
            return new_point, stats

        return new_point
Example #7
    def step(self, point: PointType):

        partial_funcs_and_point = [
            DictToArrayBijection.mapf(x, start_point=point) for x in self.fs
        if self.allvars:

        apoint = DictToArrayBijection.map(
            {v.name: point[v.name]
             for v in self.vars})
        step_res = self.astep(apoint, *partial_funcs_and_point)

        if self.generates_stats:
            apoint_new, stats = step_res
            apoint_new = step_res

        if not isinstance(apoint_new, RaveledVars):
            # We assume that the mapping has stayed the same
            apoint_new = RaveledVars(apoint_new, apoint.point_map_info)

        point_new = DictToArrayBijection.rmap(apoint_new, start_point=point)

        if self.generates_stats:
            return point_new, stats

        return point_new
Example #8
    def astep(self,
              q0: RaveledVars) -> Tuple[RaveledVars, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:

        point_map_info = q0.point_map_info
        q0 = q0.data

        if not self.steps_until_tune and self.tune:
            # Tune scaling parameter
            self.scaling = tune(self.scaling,
                                self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval))
            # Reset counter
            self.steps_until_tune = self.tune_interval
            self.accepted = 0

        delta = self.proposal_dist() * self.scaling

        if self.any_discrete:
            if self.all_discrete:
                delta = np.round(delta, 0).astype("int64")
                q0 = q0.astype("int64")
                q = (q0 + delta).astype("int64")
                delta[self.discrete] = np.round(delta[self.discrete], 0)
                q = q0 + delta
            q = floatX(q0 + delta)

        accept = self.delta_logp(q, q0)
        q_new, accepted = metrop_select(accept, q, q0)

        self.accepted += accepted

        self.steps_until_tune -= 1

        stats = {
            "tune": self.tune,
            "scaling": self.scaling,
            "accept": np.exp(accept),
            "accepted": accepted,

        q_new = RaveledVars(q_new, point_map_info)

        return q_new, [stats]
Example #9
    def astep(self,
              q0: RaveledVars) -> Tuple[RaveledVars, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:

        point_map_info = q0.point_map_info
        q0 = q0.data

        # same tuning scheme as DEMetropolis
        if not self.steps_until_tune and self.tune:
            if self.tune_target == "scaling":
                self.scaling = tune(self.scaling,
                                    self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval))
            elif self.tune_target == "lambda":
                self.lamb = tune(self.lamb,
                                 self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval))
            # Reset counter
            self.steps_until_tune = self.tune_interval
            self.accepted = 0

        epsilon = self.proposal_dist() * self.scaling

        it = len(self._history)
        # use the DE-MCMC-Z proposal scheme as soon as the history has 2 entries
        if it > 1:
            # differential evolution proposal
            # select two other chains
            iz1 = np.random.randint(it)
            iz2 = np.random.randint(it)
            while iz2 == iz1:
                iz2 = np.random.randint(it)

            z1 = self._history[iz1]
            z2 = self._history[iz2]
            # propose a jump
            q = floatX(q0 + self.lamb * (z1 - z2) + epsilon)
            # propose just with noise in the first 2 iterations
            q = floatX(q0 + epsilon)

        accept = self.delta_logp(q, q0)
        q_new, accepted = metrop_select(accept, q, q0)
        self.accepted += accepted

        self.steps_until_tune -= 1

        stats = {
            "tune": self.tune,
            "scaling": self.scaling,
            "lambda": self.lamb,
            "accept": np.exp(accept),
            "accepted": accepted,

        q_new = RaveledVars(q_new, point_map_info)

        return q_new, [stats]
Example #10
    def astep_unif(self, q0: RaveledVars, logp) -> RaveledVars:

        point_map_info = q0.point_map_info
        q0 = q0.data

        dimcats = self.dimcats
        if self.shuffle_dims:

        q = RaveledVars(np.copy(q0), point_map_info)
        logp_curr = logp(q)

        for dim, k in dimcats:
            curr_val, q.data[dim] = q.data[dim], sample_except(k, q.data[dim])
            logp_prop = logp(q)
            q.data[dim], accepted = metrop_select(logp_prop - logp_curr, q.data[dim], curr_val)
            if accepted:
                logp_curr = logp_prop

        return q
Example #11
    def astep(self, q0: RaveledVars, logp: Callable[[RaveledVars], np.ndarray]) -> RaveledVars:

        order = self.order
        if self.shuffle_dims:

        q = RaveledVars(np.copy(q0.data), q0.point_map_info)

        logp_curr = logp(q)

        for idx in order:
            # No need to do metropolis update if the same value is proposed,
            # as you will get the same value regardless of accepted or reject
            if nr.rand() < self.transit_p:
                curr_val, q.data[idx] = q.data[idx], True - q.data[idx]
                logp_prop = logp(q)
                q.data[idx], accepted = metrop_select(logp_prop - logp_curr, q.data[idx], curr_val)
                if accepted:
                    logp_curr = logp_prop

        return q
Example #12
 def test_grad(self):
     self.f_grad.set_extra_values({"extra1": 5})
     size = self.val1_.size + self.val2_.size
     array = RaveledVars(
         np.ones(size, dtype=self.f_grad.dtype),
             ("val1", self.val1_.shape, self.val1_.dtype),
             ("val2", self.val2_.shape, self.val2_.dtype),
     val, grad = self.f_grad(array)
     assert val == 21
     npt.assert_allclose(grad, [5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
Example #13
    def astep_prop(self, q0: RaveledVars, logp) -> RaveledVars:

        point_map_info = q0.point_map_info
        q0 = q0.data

        dimcats = self.dimcats
        if self.shuffle_dims:

        q = RaveledVars(np.copy(q0), point_map_info)
        logp_curr = logp(q)

        for dim, k in dimcats:
            logp_curr = self.metropolis_proportional(q, logp, logp_curr, dim, k)

        return q
Example #14
    def astep(self,
              q0: RaveledVars) -> Tuple[RaveledVars, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:

        point_map_info = q0.point_map_info
        q0 = q0.data

        if not self.steps_until_tune and self.tune:
            if self.tune == "scaling":
                self.scaling = tune(self.scaling,
                                    self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval))
            elif self.tune == "lambda":
                self.lamb = tune(self.lamb,
                                 self.accepted / float(self.tune_interval))
            # Reset counter
            self.steps_until_tune = self.tune_interval
            self.accepted = 0

        epsilon = self.proposal_dist() * self.scaling

        # differential evolution proposal
        # select two other chains
        ir1, ir2 = np.random.choice(self.other_chains, 2, replace=False)
        r1 = DictToArrayBijection.map(self.population[ir1])
        r2 = DictToArrayBijection.map(self.population[ir2])
        # propose a jump
        q = floatX(q0 + self.lamb * (r1.data - r2.data) + epsilon)

        accept = self.delta_logp(q, q0)
        q_new, accepted = metrop_select(accept, q, q0)
        self.accepted += accepted

        self.steps_until_tune -= 1

        stats = {
            "tune": self.tune,
            "scaling": self.scaling,
            "lambda": self.lamb,
            "accept": np.exp(accept),
            "accepted": accepted,

        q_new = RaveledVars(q_new, point_map_info)

        return q_new, [stats]
Example #15
 def dlogp_func(x):
     return DictToArrayBijection.mapf(model.fastdlogp_nojac(vars))(
         RaveledVars(x, x0.point_map_info))
Example #16
    def astep(self, q: RaveledVars) -> Tuple[RaveledVars, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
        point_map_info = q.point_map_info
        sum_trees_output = q.data

        variable_inclusion = np.zeros(self.num_variates, dtype="int")

        if self.idx == self.m:
            self.idx = 0

        for tree_id in range(self.idx, self.idx + self.batch):
            if tree_id >= self.m:
            # Generate an initial set of SMC particles
            # at the end of the algorithm we return one of these particles as the new tree
            particles = self.init_particles(tree_id)
            # Compute the sum of trees without the tree we are attempting to replace
            self.sum_trees_output_noi = sum_trees_output - particles[0].tree.predict_output()
            self.idx += 1

            # The old tree is not growing so we update the weights only once.
            for t in range(self.max_stages):
                # Sample each particle (try to grow each tree), except for the first one.
                for p in particles[1:]:
                    tree_grew = p.sample_tree_sequential(
                    if tree_grew:
                # Normalize weights
                W_t, normalized_weights = self.normalize(particles)

                # Resample all but first particle
                re_n_w = normalized_weights[1:] / normalized_weights[1:].sum()
                new_indices = np.random.choice(self.indices, size=self.len_indices, p=re_n_w)
                particles[1:] = particles[new_indices]

                # Set the new weights
                for p in particles:
                    p.log_weight = W_t

                # Check if particles can keep growing, otherwise stop iterating
                non_available_nodes_for_expansion = []
                for p in particles[1:]:
                    if p.expansion_nodes:
                if all(non_available_nodes_for_expansion):

            # Get the new tree and update
            new_particle = np.random.choice(particles, p=normalized_weights)
            new_tree = new_particle.tree
            new_particle.log_weight = new_particle.old_likelihood_logp - self.log_num_particles
            self.all_particles[tree_id] = new_particle
            sum_trees_output = self.sum_trees_output_noi + new_tree.predict_output()

            if self.tune:
                for index in new_particle.used_variates:
                    self.split_prior[index] += 1
                    self.ssv = SampleSplittingVariable(self.split_prior)
                self.batch = max(1, int(self.m * 0.2))
                self.iter += 1
                if not self.iter % self.m:
                    # XXX update the all_trees variable in BARTRV to be used in the rng_fn method
                    # this fails for chains > 1 as the variable is not shared between proccesses
                    self.sum_trees = []
                for index in new_particle.used_variates:
                    variable_inclusion[index] += 1

        stats = {"variable_inclusion": variable_inclusion}
        sum_trees_output = RaveledVars(sum_trees_output, point_map_info)
        return sum_trees_output, [stats]
Example #17
def find_MAP(start=None,
             seed: Optional[int] = None,
    """Finds the local maximum a posteriori point given a model.

    `find_MAP` should not be used to initialize the NUTS sampler. Simply call
    ``pymc.sample()`` and it will automatically initialize NUTS in a better

    start: `dict` of parameter values (Defaults to `model.initial_point`)
    vars: list
        List of variables to optimize and set to optimum (Defaults to all continuous).
    method: string or callable
        Optimization algorithm (Defaults to 'L-BFGS-B' unless
        discrete variables are specified in `vars`, then
        `Powell` which will perform better).  For instructions on use of a callable,
        refer to SciPy's documentation of `optimize.minimize`.
    return_raw: bool
        Whether to return the full output of scipy.optimize.minimize (Defaults to `False`)
    include_transformed: bool, optional defaults to True
        Flag for reporting automatically transformed variables in addition
        to original variables.
    progressbar: bool, optional defaults to True
        Whether or not to display a progress bar in the command line.
    maxeval: int, optional, defaults to 5000
        The maximum number of times the posterior distribution is evaluated.
    model: Model (optional if in `with` context)
    *args, **kwargs
        Extra args passed to scipy.optimize.minimize

    Older code examples used `find_MAP` to initialize the NUTS sampler,
    but this is not an effective way of choosing starting values for sampling.
    As a result, we have greatly enhanced the initialization of NUTS and
    wrapped it inside ``pymc.sample()`` and you should thus avoid this method.
    model = modelcontext(model)

    if vars is None:
        vars = model.cont_vars
        if not vars:
            raise ValueError("Model has no unobserved continuous variables.")
    vars = inputvars(vars)
    disc_vars = list(typefilter(vars, discrete_types))
    allinmodel(vars, model)
    ipfn = make_initial_point_fn(
    if seed is None:
        seed = model.rng_seeder.randint(2**30, dtype=np.int64)
    start = ipfn(seed)

    x0 = DictToArrayBijection.map(start)

    # TODO: If the mapping is fixed, we can simply create graphs for the
    # mapping and avoid all this bijection overhead
    def logp_func(x):
        return DictToArrayBijection.mapf(model.fastlogp_nojac)(RaveledVars(
            x, x0.point_map_info))

        # This might be needed for calls to `dlogp_func`
        # start_map_info = tuple((v.name, v.shape, v.dtype) for v in vars)

        def dlogp_func(x):
            return DictToArrayBijection.mapf(model.fastdlogp_nojac(vars))(
                RaveledVars(x, x0.point_map_info))

        compute_gradient = True
    except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError, tg.NullTypeGradError):
        compute_gradient = False

    if disc_vars or not compute_gradient:
            "Warning: gradient not available." +
            "(E.g. vars contains discrete variables). MAP " +
            "estimates may not be accurate for the default " +
            "parameters. Defaulting to non-gradient minimization " +
        method = "Powell"

    if compute_gradient:
        cost_func = CostFuncWrapper(maxeval, progressbar, logp_func,
        cost_func = CostFuncWrapper(maxeval, progressbar, logp_func)

        opt_result = minimize(cost_func,
        mx0 = opt_result["x"]  # r -> opt_result
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, StopIteration) as e:
        mx0, opt_result = cost_func.previous_x, None
        if isinstance(e, StopIteration):
        last_v = cost_func.n_eval
        if progressbar:
            assert isinstance(cost_func.progress, ProgressBar)
            cost_func.progress.total = last_v

    mx0 = RaveledVars(mx0, x0.point_map_info)

    vars = get_default_varnames(model.unobserved_value_vars,
    mx = {
        var.name: value
        for var, value in zip(

    if return_raw:
        return mx, opt_result
        return mx
Example #18
    def astep(self, q0):
        """Perform a single HMC iteration."""
        perf_start = time.perf_counter()
        process_start = time.process_time()

        p0 = self.potential.random()
        p0 = RaveledVars(p0, q0.point_map_info)

        start = self.integrator.compute_state(q0, p0)

        if not np.isfinite(start.energy):
            model = self._model
            check_test_point = model.point_logps()
            error_logp = check_test_point.loc[
                (np.abs(check_test_point) >= 1e20) | np.isnan(check_test_point)
            message_energy = (
                "Bad initial energy, check any log probabilities that "
                "are inf or -inf, nan or very small:\n{}".format(error_logp.to_string())
            warning = SamplerWarning(
            raise SamplingError("Bad initial energy")

        adapt_step = self.tune and self.adapt_step_size
        step_size = self.step_adapt.current(adapt_step)
        self.step_size = step_size

        if self._step_rand is not None:
            step_size = self._step_rand(step_size)

        hmc_step = self._hamiltonian_step(start, p0.data, step_size)

        perf_end = time.perf_counter()
        process_end = time.process_time()

        self.step_adapt.update(hmc_step.accept_stat, adapt_step)
        self.potential.update(hmc_step.end.q, hmc_step.end.q_grad, self.tune)
        if hmc_step.divergence_info:
            info = hmc_step.divergence_info
            point = None
            point_dest = None
            info_store = None
            if self.tune:
                kind = WarningType.TUNING_DIVERGENCE
                kind = WarningType.DIVERGENCE
                self._num_divs_sample += 1
                # We don't want to fill up all memory with divergence info
                if self._num_divs_sample < 100 and info.state is not None:
                    point = DictToArrayBijection.rmap(info.state.q)

                if self._num_divs_sample < 100 and info.state_div is not None:
                    point = DictToArrayBijection.rmap(info.state_div.q)

                if self._num_divs_sample < 100:
                    info_store = info
            warning = SamplerWarning(


        self.iter_count += 1
        if not self.tune:
            self._samples_after_tune += 1

        stats = {
            "tune": self.tune,
            "diverging": bool(hmc_step.divergence_info),
            "perf_counter_diff": perf_end - perf_start,
            "process_time_diff": process_end - process_start,
            "perf_counter_start": perf_start,


        return hmc_step.end.q, [stats]
Example #19
    def astep(self, q0, logp):
        q0_val = q0.data
        self.w = np.resize(self.w, len(q0_val))  # this is a repmat

        q = np.copy(q0_val)
        ql = np.copy(q0_val)  # l for left boundary
        qr = np.copy(q0_val)  # r for right boudary

        # The points are not copied, so it's fine to update them inplace in the
        # loop below
        q_ra = RaveledVars(q, q0.point_map_info)
        ql_ra = RaveledVars(ql, q0.point_map_info)
        qr_ra = RaveledVars(qr, q0.point_map_info)

        for i, wi in enumerate(self.w):
            # uniformly sample from 0 to p(q), but in log space
            y = logp(q_ra) - nr.standard_exponential()

            # Create initial interval
            ql[i] = q[i] - nr.uniform() * wi  # q[i] + r * w
            qr[i] = ql[i] + wi  # Equivalent to q[i] + (1-r) * w

            # Stepping out procedure
            cnt = 0
            while y <= logp(
            ):  # changed lt to leq  for locally uniform posteriors
                ql[i] -= wi
                cnt += 1
                if cnt > self.iter_limit:
                    raise RuntimeError(LOOP_ERR_MSG % self.iter_limit)
            cnt = 0
            while y <= logp(qr_ra):
                qr[i] += wi
                cnt += 1
                if cnt > self.iter_limit:
                    raise RuntimeError(LOOP_ERR_MSG % self.iter_limit)

            cnt = 0
            q[i] = nr.uniform(ql[i], qr[i])
            while y > logp(
            ):  # Changed leq to lt, to accomodate for locally flat posteriors
                # Sample uniformly from slice
                if q[i] > q0_val[i]:
                    qr[i] = q[i]
                elif q[i] < q0_val[i]:
                    ql[i] = q[i]
                q[i] = nr.uniform(ql[i], qr[i])
                cnt += 1
                if cnt > self.iter_limit:
                    raise RuntimeError(LOOP_ERR_MSG % self.iter_limit)

            if self.tune:
                # I was under impression from MacKays lectures that slice width can be tuned without
                # breaking markovianness. Can we do it regardless of self.tune?(@madanh)
                self.w[i] = wi * (self.n_tunes / (self.n_tunes + 1)) + (
                    qr[i] - ql[i]) / (self.n_tunes + 1)

            # Set qr and ql to the accepted points (they matter for subsequent iterations)
            qr[i] = ql[i] = q[i]

        if self.tune:
            self.n_tunes += 1

        return q