Example #1
 def test_normal_context(self):
     with _DrawValuesContext() as context0:
         assert context0.parent is None
         context0.drawn_vars['root_test'] = 1
         with _DrawValuesContext() as context1:
             assert id(context1.drawn_vars) == id(context0.drawn_vars)
             assert context1.parent == context0
             with _DrawValuesContext() as context2:
                 assert id(context2.drawn_vars) == id(context0.drawn_vars)
                 assert context2.parent == context1
                 context2.drawn_vars['leaf_test'] = 2
             assert context1.drawn_vars['leaf_test'] == 2
             context1.drawn_vars['root_test'] = 3
         assert context0.drawn_vars['root_test'] == 3
         assert context0.drawn_vars['leaf_test'] == 2
Example #2
def test_mixed_contexts():
    modelA = Model()
    modelB = Model()
    with raises((ValueError, TypeError)):
    with modelA:
        with modelB:
            assert Model.get_context() == modelB
            assert modelcontext(None) == modelB
            dvc = _DrawValuesContext()
            with dvc:
                assert Model.get_context() == modelB
                assert modelcontext(None) == modelB
                assert _DrawValuesContext.get_context() == dvc
                dvcb = _DrawValuesContextBlocker()
                with dvcb:
                    assert _DrawValuesContext.get_context() == dvcb
                    assert _DrawValuesContextBlocker.get_context() == dvcb
                assert _DrawValuesContext.get_context() == dvc
                assert _DrawValuesContextBlocker.get_context() is dvc
                assert Model.get_context() == modelB
                assert modelcontext(None) == modelB
            assert _DrawValuesContext.get_context(error_if_none=False) is None
            with raises(TypeError):
            assert Model.get_context() == modelB
            assert modelcontext(None) == modelB
        assert Model.get_context() == modelA
        assert modelcontext(None) == modelA
    assert Model.get_context(error_if_none=False) is None
    with raises(TypeError):
    with raises((ValueError, TypeError)):
    def random(self, point=None, size=None):
        """Sample from this distribution conditional on a given set of values.

        point: dict, optional
            Dict of variable values on which random values are to be
            conditioned (uses default point if not specified).
        size: int, optional
            Desired size of random sample (returns one sample if not

        with _DrawValuesContext():
            (states, ) = draw_values([self.states], point=point, size=size)

        # This is a terrible thing to have to do here, but it's better than
        # having to (know to) update `Distribution.shape` when/if dimensions
        # change (e.g. when sampling new state sequences).
        bcast_comps = np.broadcast(
            states, *[dist.random(point=point) for dist in self.comp_dists])
        self_shape = bcast_comps.shape

        if size:
            # `draw_values` will not honor the `size` parameter if its arguments
            # don't contain random variables, so, when our `self.states` are
            # constants, we have to broadcast `states` so that it matches `size +
            # self.shape`.
            expanded_states = np.broadcast_to(
                tuple(np.atleast_1d(size)) + self_shape)
            expanded_states = np.broadcast_to(states, self_shape)

        samples = np.empty(expanded_states.shape)

        for i, dist in enumerate(self.comp_dists):
            # We want to sample from only the parts of our component
            # distributions that are active given the states.
            # This is only really relevant when the component distributions
            # change over the state space (e.g. Poisson means that change
            # over time).
            # We could always sample such components over the entire space
            # (e.g. time), but, for spaces with large dimension, that would
            # be extremely costly and wasteful.
            i_idx = np.where(expanded_states == i)
            i_size = len(i_idx[0])
            if i_size > 0:
                subset_kwargs = distribution_subset_args(
                    dist, expanded_states.shape, i_idx)
                state_dist = dist.dist(**subset_kwargs)

                sample = state_dist.random(point=point)
                samples[i_idx] = sample

        return samples
Example #4
 def test_blocking_context(self):
     with _DrawValuesContext() as context0:
         assert context0.parent is None
         context0.drawn_vars['root_test'] = 1
         with _DrawValuesContext() as context1:
             assert id(context1.drawn_vars) == id(context0.drawn_vars)
             assert context1.parent == context0
             with _DrawValuesContextBlocker() as blocker:
                 assert id(blocker.drawn_vars) != id(context0.drawn_vars)
                 assert blocker.parent is None
                 blocker.drawn_vars['root_test'] = 2
                 with _DrawValuesContext() as context2:
                     assert id(context2.drawn_vars) == id(blocker.drawn_vars)
                     assert context2.parent == blocker
                     context2.drawn_vars['root_test'] = 3
                     context2.drawn_vars['leaf_test'] = 4
                 assert blocker.drawn_vars['root_test'] == 3
             assert 'leaf_test' not in context1.drawn_vars
         assert context0.drawn_vars['root_test'] == 1
Example #5
    def random(self, point=None, size=None):
        """Sample from this distribution conditional on a given set of values.

        point: dict, optional
            Dict of variable values on which random values are to be
            conditioned (uses default point if not specified).
        size: int, optional
            Desired size of random sample (returns one sample if not

        with _DrawValuesContext() as draw_context:

            # TODO FIXME: Very, very lame...
            term_smpl = draw_context.drawn_vars.get((self.states, 1), None)
            if term_smpl is not None:
                point[self.states.name] = term_smpl

            # `draw_values` is inconsistent and will not use the `size`
            # parameter if the variables aren't random variables.
            if hasattr(self.states, "distribution"):
                (states,) = draw_values([self.states], point=point, size=size)
                states = pm.Constant.dist(self.states).random(point=point, size=size)

            # states = states.T

            samples = np.empty(states.shape)

            for i, dist in enumerate(self.comp_dists):
                # We want to sample from only the parts of our component
                # distributions that are active given the states.
                # This is only really relevant when the component distributions
                # change over the state space (e.g. Poisson means that change
                # over time).
                # We could always sample such components over the entire space
                # (e.g. time), but, for spaces with large dimension, that would
                # be extremely costly and wasteful.
                i_idx = np.where(states == i)
                i_size = len(i_idx[0])
                if i_size > 0:
                    subset_args = distribution_subset_args(
                        dist, states.shape, i_idx, point=point
                    samples[i_idx] = dist.dist(*subset_args).random(point=point)

        return samples
Example #6
    def random(self, point=None, size=None):
        """Sample from this distribution conditional on a given set of values.

        point: dict, optional
            Dict of variable values on which random values are to be
            conditioned (uses default point if not specified).
        size: int, optional
            Desired size of random sample (returns one sample if not

        with _DrawValuesContext() as draw_context:
            terms = [self.gamma_0, self.Gammas]

            gamma_0, Gamma = draw_values(terms, point=point)

            # Sample state 0 in each state sequence
            state_n = pm.Categorical.dist(gamma_0, shape=self.shape[:-1]).random(
                point=point, size=size
            state_shape = state_n.shape

            N = self.shape[-1]

            states = np.empty(state_shape + (N,), dtype=self.dtype)

            unif_samples = np.random.uniform(size=states.shape)

            # Make sure we have a transition matrix for each element in a state
            # sequence
            Gamma = np.broadcast_to(Gamma, tuple(states.shape) + Gamma.shape[-2:])

            # Slices across each independent/replication dimension
            slices = [slice(None, d) for d in state_shape]
            slices = tuple(np.ogrid[slices])

            for n in range(0, N):
                gamma_t = Gamma[..., n, :, :]
                gamma_t = gamma_t[slices + (state_n,)]
                state_n = vsearchsorted(gamma_t.cumsum(axis=-1), unif_samples[..., n])
                states[..., n] = state_n

            return states
Example #7
    def draw_values(self) -> list[np.ndarray]:
        vars = self.vars
        trace = self.trace
        samples = self.samples
        # size = self.size
        params = dict(enumerate(vars))

        with _DrawValuesContext() as context:

            drawn = context.drawn_vars

            # Init givens and the stack of nodes to try to `_draw_value` from
            givens = {
                p.name: (p, v)
                for (p, samples), v in drawn.items()
                if getattr(p, "name", None) is not None
            stack = list(
                self.leaf_nodes.values())  # A queue would be more appropriate

            while stack:
                next_ = stack.pop(0)
                if (next_, samples) in drawn:
                    # If the node already has a givens value, skip it
                elif isinstance(next_, (Constant, SharedVariable)):
                    # If the node is a aesara.tensor.TensorConstant or a
                    # aesara.tensor.sharedvar.SharedVariable, its value will be
                    # available automatically in _compile_aesara_function so
                    # we can skip it. Furthermore, if this node was treated as a
                    # TensorVariable that should be compiled by aesara in
                    # _compile_aesara_function, it would raise a `TypeError:
                    # ('Constants not allowed in param list', ...)` for
                    # TensorConstant, and a `TypeError: Cannot use a shared
                    # variable (...) as explicit input` for SharedVariable.
                    # ObservedRV and MultiObservedRV instances are ViewOPs
                    # of TensorConstants or SharedVariables, we must add them
                    # to the stack or risk evaluating deterministics with the
                    # wrong values (issue #3354)
                        node for node in self.named_nodes_parents[next_]
                        if isinstance(node, (ObservedRV, MultiObservedRV)) and
                        (node, samples) not in drawn
                    # If the node does not have a givens value, try to draw it.
                    # The named node's children givens values must also be taken
                    # into account.
                    children = self.named_nodes_children[next_]
                    temp_givens = [givens[k] for k in givens if k in children]
                        # This may fail for autotransformed RVs, which don't
                        # have the random method
                        value = self.draw_value(next_,
                        assert isinstance(value, np.ndarray)
                        givens[next_.name] = (next_, value)
                        drawn[(next_, samples)] = value
                    except aesara.graph.fg.MissingInputError:
                        # The node failed, so we must add the node's parents to
                        # the stack of nodes to try to draw from. We exclude the
                        # nodes in the `params` list.
                            node for node in self.named_nodes_parents[next_]
                            if node is not None and (node,
                                                     samples) not in drawn

            # the below makes sure the graph is evaluated in order
            # test_distributions_random::TestDrawValues::test_draw_order fails without it
            # The remaining params that must be drawn are all hashable
            to_eval: set[int] = set()
            missing_inputs: set[int] = {j for j, p in self.symbolic_params}

            while to_eval or missing_inputs:
                if to_eval == missing_inputs:
                    raise ValueError("Cannot resolve inputs for {}".format(
                        [get_var_name(trace.varnames[j]) for j in to_eval]))
                to_eval = set(missing_inputs)
                missing_inputs = set()
                for param_idx in to_eval:
                    param = vars[param_idx]
                    drawn = context.drawn_vars
                    if (param, samples) in drawn:
                        self.evaluated[param_idx] = drawn[(param, samples)]
                            if param in self.named_nodes_children:
                                for node in self.named_nodes_children[param]:
                                    if node.name not in givens and (
                                            node, samples) in drawn:
                                        givens[node.name] = (
                                            drawn[(node, samples)],
                            value = self.draw_value(param,
                            assert isinstance(value, np.ndarray)
                            self.evaluated[param_idx] = drawn[(
                                param, samples)] = value
                            givens[param.name] = (param, value)
                        except aesara.graph.fg.MissingInputError:
        return [self.evaluated[j] for j in params]
Example #8
    def random(self, point=None, size=None):
        Draw random values from defined Mixture distribution.

        point: dict, optional
            Dict of variable values on which random values are to be
            conditioned (uses default point if not specified).
        size: int, optional
            Desired size of random sample (returns one sample if not

        # Convert size to tuple
        size = to_tuple(size)
        # Draw mixture weights and infer the comp_dists shapes
        with _DrawValuesContext() as draw_context:
            # We first need to check w and comp_tmp shapes and re compute size
            w = draw_values([self.w], point=point, size=size)[0]
            comp_dist_shapes, broadcast_shape = self.infer_comp_dist_shapes(point=point)

        # When size is not None, it's hard to tell the w parameter shape
        if size is not None and w.shape[: len(size)] == size:
            w_shape = w.shape[len(size) :]
            w_shape = w.shape

        # Try to determine parameter shape and dist_shape
        if self.comp_is_distribution:
            param_shape = np.broadcast(np.empty(w_shape), np.empty(broadcast_shape)).shape
            param_shape = np.broadcast(np.empty(w_shape), np.empty(broadcast_shape + (1,))).shape
        if np.asarray(self.shape).size != 0:
            dist_shape = np.broadcast(np.empty(self.shape), np.empty(param_shape[:-1])).shape
            dist_shape = param_shape[:-1]

        # Try to determine the size that must be used to get the mixture
        # components (i.e. get random choices using w).
        # 1. There must be size independent choices based on w.
        # 2. There must also be independent draws for each non singleton axis
        # of w.
        # 3. There must also be independent draws for each dimension added by
        # self.shape with respect to the w.ndim. These usually correspond to
        # observed variables with batch shapes
        wsh = (1,) * (len(dist_shape) - len(w_shape) + 1) + w_shape[:-1]
        psh = (1,) * (len(dist_shape) - len(param_shape) + 1) + param_shape[:-1]
        w_sample_size = []
        # Loop through the dist_shape to get the conditions 2 and 3 first
        for i in range(len(dist_shape)):
            if dist_shape[i] != psh[i] and wsh[i] == 1:
                # self.shape[i] is a non singleton dimension (usually caused by
                # observed data)
                sh = dist_shape[i]
                sh = wsh[i]
        if size is not None and w_sample_size[: len(size)] != size:
            w_sample_size = size + tuple(w_sample_size)
        # Broadcast w to the w_sample_size (add a singleton last axis for the
        # mixture components)
        w = broadcast_distribution_samples([w, np.empty(w_sample_size + (1,))], size=size)[0]

        # Semiflatten the mixture weights. The last axis is the number of
        # mixture mixture components, and the rest is all about size,
        # dist_shape and broadcasting
        w_ = np.reshape(w, (-1, w.shape[-1]))
        w_samples = random_choice(p=w_, size=None)  # w's shape already includes size
        # Now we broadcast the chosen components to the dist_shape
        w_samples = np.reshape(w_samples, w.shape[:-1])
        if size is not None and dist_shape[: len(size)] != size:
            w_samples = np.broadcast_to(w_samples, size + dist_shape)
            w_samples = np.broadcast_to(w_samples, dist_shape)

        # When size is not None, maybe dist_shape partially overlaps with size
        if size is not None:
            if size == dist_shape:
                size = None
            elif size[-len(dist_shape) :] == dist_shape:
                size = size[: len(size) - len(dist_shape)]

        # We get an integer _size instead of a tuple size for drawing the
        # mixture, then we just reshape the output
        if size is None:
            _size = None
            _size = int(np.prod(size))

        # Compute the total size of the mixture's random call with size
        if _size is not None:
            output_size = int(_size * np.prod(dist_shape) * param_shape[-1])
            output_size = int(np.prod(dist_shape) * param_shape[-1])
        # Get the size we need for the mixture's random call
        if self.comp_is_distribution:
            mixture_size = int(output_size // np.prod(broadcast_shape))
            mixture_size = int(output_size // (np.prod(broadcast_shape) * param_shape[-1]))
        if mixture_size == 1 and _size is None:
            mixture_size = None

        # Sample from the mixture
        with draw_context:
            mixed_samples = self._comp_samples(
        # Test that the mixture has the same number of "samples" as w
        if w_samples.size != (mixed_samples.size // w.shape[-1]):
            raise ValueError(
                "Inconsistent number of samples from the "
                "mixture and mixture weights. Drew {} mixture "
                "weights elements, and {} samples from the "
                "mixture components.".format(w_samples.size, mixed_samples.size // w.shape[-1])
        # Semiflatten the mixture to be able to zip it with w_samples
        w_samples = w_samples.flatten()
        mixed_samples = np.reshape(mixed_samples, (-1, w.shape[-1]))
        # Select the samples from the mixture
        samples = np.array([mixed[choice] for choice, mixed in zip(w_samples, mixed_samples)])
        # Reshape the samples to the correct output shape
        if size is None:
            samples = np.reshape(samples, dist_shape)
            samples = np.reshape(samples, size + dist_shape)
        return samples