Example #1
#Plot the prior
pyplot.title('Prior Distribution of X')

for i in range(10):

    #Create the KernelSmoothing node
    X = KernelSmoothing('X', x)

    # f(x) = x*x
    Y = X*X

    #Create the observed node with data generated from the true distribution
    OBS = pymc3.Normal('OBS', Y, 0.1, value=xtrue*xtrue+pymc.rnormal(0,1), observed=True)

    #Do the sampling
    model = pymc3.Model([X,Y,OBS])
    mcmc = pymc3.MCMC(model)

    #Get the posterior sample, to be passed into the KernelSmoothing node on the next iteration
    x = mcmc.trace('X')[:]

    #Display the histogram of the posterior distribution
    pyplot.title('Posterior Distribution of X: %d Iterations' % (i+1,))
# Set the size of the halo's mass.
mass_large = pm.Uniform("mass_large", 40, 180, trace=False)

# Set the initial prior position of the halos; it's a 2D Uniform
# distribution.
halo_position = pm.Uniform("halo_position", 0, 4200, size=(1,2))

def mean(mass=mass_large, h_pos=halo_position, glx_pos=data[:,:2]):
    return mass/f_distance(glx_pos, h_pos, 240)*            tangential_distance(glx_pos, h_pos)

ellpty = pm.Normal("ellipticity", mean, 1./0.05, observed=True,
mcmc = pm.MCMC([ellpty, mean, halo_position, mass_large])
map_ = pm.MAP([ellpty, mean, halo_position, mass_large])
mcmc.sample(200000, 140000, 3)

# In[ ]:

t = mcmc.trace("halo_position")[:].reshape (20000,2)

fig = draw_sky(data)
plt.title("Galaxy positions and ellipticities of sky %d."%n_sky)
plt.xlabel("$x$ position")
plt.ylabel("$y$ position")
scatter(t[:,0], t[:,1], alpha=0.015, c="r")
Example #3
plt.bar(np.arange(size), textfile, color="#348ABD")
plt.xlabel("Time (days)")
plt.ylabel("Text message received")
plt.title("Did the user's texting habit change over time?")
plt.xlim(0, size)

# Create the MCMC model with its parameters (lambdas, tau)
with pm.Model() as model:
    lambda_1 = pm.Exponential('lambda_1', alpha)  # create stochastic variable
    lambda_2 = pm.Exponential('lambda_2', alpha)  #create stochastic variable
    tau = pm.DiscreteUniform("tau", lower=0,
                             upper=size)  # tau has Uniform distribution
    print("Random output:", tau.random(), tau.random(), tau.random())

n_data_points = size
idx = np.arange(n_data_points)

with model:
    lambda_ = pm.math.switch(tau >= idx, lambda_1, lambda_2)
#pm.Poisson("obs", lambda_, value = textfile, observed=True)

with model:
    obs = pm.Poisson("obs", lambda_, observed=textfile)

model = pm.Model([obs, lambda_1, lambda_2, tau])

mcmc = pm.MCMC(model)
mcmc.sample(40000, 10000)

def predictionC(c0=c0, c1=c1, c2=c2):
    return fC(x, c0, c1, c2)

ymodelC = pymc.Normal("yC", predictionC, errC, value=y, observed=True)

# construct PyMC models:
modelA = pymc.Model([predictionA, a0, a1, ymodelA, errA])
modelB = pymc.Model([predictionB, b0, b1, b2, ymodelB, errB])
modelC = pymc.Model([predictionC, c0, c1, c2, ymodelC, errC])

# conduct inference separately for each model:
mcmcA = pymc.MCMC(modelA)
mcmcA.sample(niter * thin + burn,

mcmcB = pymc.MCMC(modelB)
mcmcB.sample(niter * thin + burn,

mcmcC = pymc.MCMC(modelC)
mcmcC.sample(niter * thin + burn,
Example #5
    def _pymc_bayes_method(self, exog = None, med = None, endog = None):
        """Estimate indirect effect and intervals with fully Bayesian model (pymc as backend).
           Default sampler is Slice sampling for all parameters
           Better to use pymc3 as backend if convergence problems appear since it uses NUTS sampler

        exog : 1d array-like
            Exogenous variable

        med :1d array-like
            Mediator variable

        endog : 1d array-like
            Endogenous variable

        indirect : dictionary
            Dictionary containing: (1) point estimate, (2) interval estimates
        indirect = {}

        # Standardize data if specified
        if 'standardize' in self.parameters:    # Check if key exists rather than throw error if omitted
            if self.parameters['standardize']:
                exog, med, endog = self._standardize(exog = exog, med = med, endog = endog)

        # Priors
        if self.method == 'bayes-norm':
            # Mediator model: M ~ i_M + a*X
            i_M = pm.Normal('i_M', mu = 0, tau = 1e-10, value = 0)
            a = pm.Normal('a', mu = 0, tau = 1e-10, value = 0)

            # Endogenous model: Y ~ i_Y + c*X + b*M
            i_Y = pm.Normal('i_Y', mu = 0, tau = 1e-10, value = 0)
            c = pm.Normal('c', mu = 0, tau = 1e-10, value = 0)
            b = pm.Normal('b', mu = 0, tau = 1e-10, value = 0)

           # Mediator model: M ~ i_M + a*X
            i_M = pm.Cauchy('i_M', alpha = 0, beta = 10, value = 0)
            a = pm.Cauchy('a', alpha = 0, beta = 2.5, value = 0)    

            # Endogenous model: Y ~ i_Y + c*X + b*M
            i_Y = pm.Cauchy('i_Y', alpha = 0, beta = 10, value = 0)
            c = pm.Cauchy('c', alpha = 0, beta = 2.5, value = 0)
            b = pm.Cauchy('b', alpha = 0, beta = 2.5, value = 0) 

        # Expected values (linear combos)
        expected_med = i_M + a*exog
        expected_endog = i_Y + c*exog + b*med

        if self.mediator_type == 'continuous':
            tau_M = pm.Gamma('tau_M', alpha = .001, beta = .001, value = 1)
            response_M = pm.Normal('response_M', mu = expected_med, tau = tau_M, value = med, observed = True)
            med_model = [i_M, a, tau_M, response_M]
            p_M = pm.InvLogit('p_M', expected_med)
            response_M = pm.Bernoulli('response_M', value = med, p = p_M, observed = True) 
            med_model = [i_M, a, response_M]

        if self.endogenous_type == 'continuous':
            tau_Y = pm.Gamma('tau_Y', alpha = .001, beta = .001, value = 1)
            response_Y = pm.Normal('response_Y', mu = expected_endog, tau = tau_Y, value = endog, observed = True)
            endog_model = [i_Y, b, c, tau_Y, response_Y]
            p_Y = pm.InvLogit('p_Y', expected_endog)
            response_Y = pm.Bernoulli('response_Y', value = endog, p = p_Y, observed = True)   
            endog_model = [i_Y, b, c, response_Y]         

        # Build MCMC mediator model and estimate model
        med_model = pm.Model(med_model)
        med_mcmc = pm.MCMC(med_model)

        # Specify samplers for mediator model (slice sampling)
        med_mcmc.use_step_method(pm.Slicer, a, w = 10, m = 10000, doubling = True)
        med_mcmc.use_step_method(pm.Slicer, i_M, w = 10, m = 10000, doubling = True)
        if self.mediator_type == 'continuous':
            med_mcmc.use_step_method(pm.Slicer, tau_M, w = 10, m = 10000, doubling = True)

        # Run multiple chains if specified
        for i in xrange(self.parameters['n_chains']):
            med_mcmc.sample(iter = self.parameters['iter'], 
                            burn = self.parameters['burn'], 
                            thin = self.parameters['thin'], 
                            progress_bar = False)

        # Build MCMC endogenous model and estimate model
        endog_model = pm.Model(endog_model)
        endog_mcmc = pm.MCMC(endog_model)

        # Specify samplers for mediator model (slice sampling)
        endog_mcmc.use_step_method(pm.Slicer, b, w = 10, m = 10000, doubling = True)
        endog_mcmc.use_step_method(pm.Slicer, c, w = 10, m = 10000, doubling = True)
        endog_mcmc.use_step_method(pm.Slicer, i_Y, w = 10, m = 10000, doubling = True)
        if self.mediator_type == 'continuous':
            endog_mcmc.use_step_method(pm.Slicer, tau_Y, w = 10, m = 10000, doubling = True)

        # Run multiple chains if specified
        for i in xrange(self.parameters['n_chains']):
            endog_mcmc.sample(iter = self.parameters['iter'], 
                              burn = self.parameters['burn'], 
                              thin = self.parameters['thin'], 
                              progress_bar = False)

        # Get posterior distribution of a and b then create indirect effect
        a_path = a.trace(chain = None)
        b_path = b.trace(chain = None)
        ab_estimates = a_path*b_path

        # If plotting distribution of ab
        if self.plot:
            self.ab_estimates = a_path*b_path

        # Save mcmc models if specified
        if 'save_models' in self.parameters:    # Check if key exists rather than throw error if omitted
            if self.parameters['save_models']:
                self.med_mcmc = med_mcmc
                self.endog_mcmc = endog_mcmc

        # Point estimate
        if self.parameters['estimator'] == 'mean':
            indirect['point'] = np.mean(ab_estimates)
            indirect['point'] = np.median(ab_estimates)

        # Interval estimate
        if self.interval == 'cred':
            indirect['ci'] = self._boot_interval(ab_estimates = ab_estimates)
            indirect['ci'] = self._hpd_interval(ab_estimates = ab_estimates)
        return indirect
Example #6
import pymc3
import mymodel

S = pymc3.MCMC(mymodel, db='pickle')
S.sample(iter=10000, burn=5000, thin=2)

Example #7
#    A = pm.Normal('A', mu=0.0, tau=A_tau)
#    C = pm.Normal('C', mu=0.0, tau=C_tau)
#    t = pm.HalfNormal('t', tau=t_tau)

    def y_mu(o=o, m=m, A=A, C=C, t=t):
        ret = A + t**m * xd**m + C * t**m * xd**m * np.cos(o * np.log(xd))

    y_sd = pm.HalfNormal('y_sd', tau=1)
    y_tau = 1/y_sd**2

    y_obs = pm.Normal('y_obs', mu=y_mu, tau=y_tau, value=yd, observed=True)

    model = pm.Model([y_obs, y_mu, y_sd, t, C, A, m, o])

    mcmc = pm.MCMC(model)   # MCMC not in pymc3. Use NUTS or HamiltonianMC
    mcmc.sample(iter=200000, burn=10000, thin=10)

    osamp = mcmc.trace('o')[:]
    msamp = mcmc.trace('m')[:]

    plt.plot(osamp, alpha=0.75, c='b')
    plt.plot(msamp, alpha=0.75, c='r')
    plt.scatter(xd, yd)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
    plt.hist(osamp, bins=25, alpha=0.5)