def set_settings(self): self.settings_dialog = Settings(mainform=self) self.settings_dialog.setWindowTitle("MetadataWizard Settings") utils.set_window_icon(self.settings_dialog)
class PyMdWizardMainForm(QMainWindow): max_recent_files = 10 def __init__(self, parent=None): super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self.settings = QSettings("USGS", "pymdwizard") self.cur_fname = "" self.file_watcher = None # list of buttons for opening recently accessed files self.recent_file_actions = [] # list of widgets that are currently styled as errors self.error_widgets = [] # the last error widget that was highlighted self.last_highlight = None self.last_updated = None self.ui = None self.metadata_root = None self.build_ui() self.connect_events() self.env_cache = {} self.sb_file = False self.sb_locator = SBLocator(mainform=self) utils.set_window_icon(self.sb_locator) self.load_default() use_spelling = self.settings.value("use_spelling", "true") if isinstance(use_spelling, str): use_spelling = eval(use_spelling.capitalize()) self.switch_spelling(use_spelling) def build_ui(self): """ Build and modify this widget's GUI Returns ------- None """ self.ui = UI_MainWindow.Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) utils.set_window_icon(self, remove_help=False) # Initial window size/pos last saved. Use default values for first time self.resize(self.settings.value("size", QSize(1300, 700))) self.move(self.settings.value("pos", QPoint(50, 50))) self.metadata_root = MetadataRoot() self.ui.centralwidget.layout().addWidget(self.metadata_root) for i in range(PyMdWizardMainForm.max_recent_files): self.recent_file_actions.append( QAction(self, visible=False, triggered=self.open_recent_file) ) self.ui.menuRecent_Files.addAction(self.recent_file_actions[i]) self.update_recent_file_actions() template_fname = self.settings.value("template_fname") if template_fname is not None: just_fname = os.path.split(template_fname)[-1] self.ui.actionCurrentTemplate.setText("Current: " + just_fname) if docx is None: self.ui.generate_review.setEnabled(False) self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.error_list = ErrorList(main_form=self) self.error_list_dialog = QDialog(self) self.error_list_dialog.setWindowTitle("FGDC Validation Errors") self.error_list_dialog.setLayout(self.error_list.layout()) self.error_list_dialog.resize(600, 400) def connect_events(self): """ Connect the appropriate GUI components with the corresponding functions Returns ------- None """ self.ui.actionOpen.triggered.connect(self.open_file) self.ui.actionSave.triggered.connect(self.save_file) self.ui.actionSave_as.triggered.connect(self.save_as) self.ui.actionExit.triggered.connect(self.exit) self.ui.actionRun_Validation.triggered.connect(self.validate) self.ui.actionClear_validation.triggered.connect(self.clear_validation) self.ui.actionPreview.triggered.connect(self.preview) self.ui.actionNew.triggered.connect(self.new_record) self.ui.actionSettings.triggered.connect(self.set_settings) self.ui.actionLaunch_Jupyter.triggered.connect(self.launch_jupyter) self.ui.generate_review.triggered.connect(self.generate_review_doc) self.ui.actionLaunch_Help.triggered.connect(self.launch_help) self.ui.actionCheck_for_Updates.triggered.connect(self.check_for_updates) self.ui.actionAbout.triggered.connect(self.about) self.ui.actionData_Quality.triggered.connect(self.use_dataqual) self.ui.actionSpatial.triggered.connect(self.use_spatial) self.ui.actionEntity_and_Attribute.triggered.connect(self.use_eainfo) self.ui.actionDistribution.triggered.connect(self.use_distinfo) self.ui.actionSpelling_flag.triggered.connect(self.spelling_switch_triggered) self.ui.anacondaprompt.triggered.connect(self.anacondaprompt) self.ui.actionOpen_sb.triggered.connect(self.open_sb_file) def anacondaprompt(self): if == "nt": root_dir = utils.get_install_dname("root") my_env = os.environ.copy() my_env["PYTHONPATH"] = os.path.join(root_dir, "Python36_64") my_env["PATH"] = ";".join( [ os.path.join(root_dir, "Python36_64", "Scripts", "conda_exes"), my_env["PATH"], ] ) pydir = utils.get_install_dname("python") my_env["PATH"] = ";".join( [os.path.join(pydir, "Scripts", "conda_exes"), my_env["PATH"]] ) self.ui.actionOpen_sb.triggered.connect(self.open_sb_file) activatebat = os.path.join(pydir, "Scripts", "conda_exe", "activate.bat") msg = "This is experimental functionality used for opening an Anaconda command prompt set to" msg += "\nthe Python environment shipped with the MetadataWizard.\n\n" msg += "The base conda env in this prompt is the one to use, so do not use the activate command." msg += "\nUse: conda install ...package.. to install new packages into the MetadataWizard envronment." QMessageBox.information(self, "Conda instructions", msg) subprocess.Popen( ["start", "cmd", activatebat, pydir], env=my_env, cwd=pydir, shell=True ) else: msg = "This experimental functionality not yet implemented for Mac or Linux builds" QMessageBox.warning(self, "Not implemented", msg) def open_recent_file(self): """ handles the opening of a recent file selection Returns ------- None """ action = self.sender() if action: self.load_file( self.set_current_file( def get_xml_fname(self): """ Returns ------- str: path and filename of the selected file or empty string if none was selected """ recent_files = self.settings.value("recentFileList", []) if recent_files: dname, fname = os.path.split(recent_files[0]) else: fname, dname = "", "" fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, fname, dname, filter="XML Files (*.xml)" ) if fname[0]: return fname[0] else: return "" def open_file(self, fname=None): """ Browse to a file and load it if it is acceptable Returns ------- None """ self.sb_file = False if fname is None or not fname: fname = self.get_xml_fname() if fname: self.load_file(fname) self.set_current_file(fname) self.update_recent_file_actions() def open_sb_file(self, hash=None): """ download a Parameters ---------- hash : str Tag of item to be edited on SB Returns ------- None """ def load_file(self, fname, check_for_changes=True): """ load a file's content into the application. Parameters ---------- fname : str full file path and name of the file to load check_for_changes : bool flag to check for save prompt if file has unsaved changes Returns ------- None """ if check_for_changes: changed = self.check_for_changes() if changed == "Cancel": return changed self.file_watcher = QFileSystemWatcher([fname]) self.file_watcher.fileChanged.connect(self.file_updated) self.last_updated = time.time() self.clear_validation() # check that we have read write access to the file file = QFile(fname) if not | QFile.Text): msg = "Cannot read file %s:\n%s." % (fname, file.errorString()) QMessageBox.warning(self, "Recent Files", msg) return file.close() self.load_file_content(fname) def load_file_content(self, fname): QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) QApplication.processEvents() self.metadata_root.clear_widget() self.ui.actionData_Quality.setChecked(True) self.use_dataqual(True) self.ui.actionSpatial.setChecked(True) self.use_spatial(True) self.ui.actionEntity_and_Attribute.setChecked(True) self.use_eainfo(True) self.ui.actionDistribution.setChecked(True) self.use_distinfo(True) try: new_record = xml_utils.fname_to_node(fname) self.metadata_root.from_xml(new_record) self.statusBar().showMessage("File loaded", 10000) except BaseException as e: import traceback msg = "Cannot open file %s:\n%s." % (fname, traceback.format_exc()) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() QMessageBox.warning(self, "Recent Files", msg) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() def file_updated(self): """ The function that fires when the file watcher detects that the current file has changed on the file system. Prompts the user and loads the new file if they choose to. Returns ------- None """ if time.time() - self.last_updated > 4: msg = ( "The file you are editing has been changed on disk. " "Would you like to reload this File?" ) alert = QDialog() self.last_updated = time.time() confirm = QMessageBox.question( self, "File Changed", msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No ) if confirm == QMessageBox.Yes: self.load_file(self.cur_fname) def save_as(self): """ Navigate to a new or existing file and save the current document into this file. Returns ------- None """ fname = self.get_save_name() if fname: self.set_current_file(fname) self.update_recent_file_actions() self.save_file() def get_save_name(self): """ launches a saveas dialog to browse to a file to save to. starts in the directory of the most recently sopened file Returns ------- str: file name and path """ recent_files = self.settings.value("recentFileList", []) if recent_files: dname, fname = os.path.split(recent_files[0]) else: fname, dname = "", "" fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Save As", dname, filter="XML Files (*.xml)" ) return fname[0] def save_file(self): """ Save the current xml document. Prompts for a filename if one has not been set yet. Returns ------- None """ if not self.cur_fname: fname = self.get_save_name() if not fname: return else: fname = self.cur_fname fname_msg = utils.check_fname(fname) if not fname_msg == "good": msg = "Cannot write to :\n {}.".format(fname) QMessageBox.warning(self, "Metadata Wizard", msg) return tool_comment = ( "Record created using version {} of the " "USGS Metadata Wizard tool. (" "fort-pymdwizard)".format(__version__) ) xml_contents = self.metadata_root.to_xml() comment = xml_utils.xml_node(tag="", text=tool_comment, index=0, comment=True) xml_contents.addprevious(comment) xml_utils.save_to_file(xml_contents, fname) self.last_updated = time.time() self.set_current_file(fname) self.statusBar().showMessage("File saved", 2000) if self.sb_file: self.sb_locator.put_fgdc_file() def new_record(self): """ Create a new record. Starts by making a copy of the template file 'CSDGM_Template.xml'. in the resources folder to a name selected in a save as dialog. Then updates the MD date to today. Returns ------- None """ self.load_default() save_as_fname = self.get_save_name() if save_as_fname: template_fname = self.settings.value("template_fname") if template_fname is None or not os.path.exists(template_fname): template_fname = utils.get_resource_path("CSDGM_Template.xml") shutil.copyfile(template_fname, save_as_fname) self.load_file(save_as_fname) self.set_current_file(save_as_fname) self.update_recent_file_actions() today = fgdc_utils.format_date( self.metadata_root.metainfo.metd.set_date(today) this_year = today[:4] self.metadata_root.idinfo.citation.ui.pubdate_widget.set_date(this_year) def set_settings(self): self.settings_dialog = Settings(mainform=self) self.settings_dialog.setWindowTitle("MetadataWizard Settings") utils.set_window_icon(self.settings_dialog) def load_default(self): template_fname = self.settings.value("template_fname") if template_fname is None: template_fname = utils.get_resource_path("CSDGM_Template.xml") elif not os.path.exists(template_fname): msg = ( "The previous template file specified, {}, could not be " "found.".format(template_fname) ) msg += "\nCheck that the file has not beed deleted, renamed " "or moved." msg += "Defaulting to the built in template.".format(template_fname) QMessageBox.warning(self, "Template file missing", msg) template_fname = utils.get_resource_path("CSDGM_Template.xml") self.load_file_content(template_fname) self.cur_fname = "" today = fgdc_utils.format_date( self.metadata_root.metainfo.metd.set_date(today) def set_current_file(self, fname): """ The procedure for storing and displaying a new current file The following get done: 1 - Display the file name without path in the apps title bar 2 - Insert the file name into the top slot of the recent files 3 - Save this list out to the setting variable Parameters ---------- fname : str The file name and path that will be used Returns ------- None """ self.cur_fname = fname if fname: stripped_name = QFileInfo(fname).fileName() title = "Metadata Wizard - {}".format(stripped_name) self.setWindowTitle(title) files = self.settings.value("recentFileList", []) try: files.remove(fname) except ValueError: pass files.insert(0, fname) del files[PyMdWizardMainForm.max_recent_files :] self.settings.setValue("recentFileList", files) for widget in QApplication.topLevelWidgets(): if isinstance(widget, PyMdWizardMainForm): widget.update_recent_file_actions() else: self.setWindowTitle("Metadata Wizard") def update_recent_file_actions(self): """ Update the actions (menu items) in the recent files list to reflect the recent file paths stored in the 'recentFileList' setting Returns ------- None """ files = self.settings.value("recentFileList", []) num_recent_files = min(len(files), PyMdWizardMainForm.max_recent_files) for i in range(num_recent_files): stripped_name = QFileInfo(files[i]).fileName() text = "&%d %s" % (i + 1, stripped_name) self.recent_file_actions[i].setText(text) self.recent_file_actions[i].setData(files[i]) self.recent_file_actions[i].setVisible(True) for j in range(num_recent_files, PyMdWizardMainForm.max_recent_files): self.recent_file_actions[j].setVisible(False) def check_for_changes(self): try: if self.cur_fname and os.path.exists(self.cur_fname): cur_xml = xml_utils.node_to_string(self.metadata_root.to_xml()) disk_xml = xml_utils.node_to_string( xml_utils.fname_to_node(self.cur_fname) ) if cur_xml != disk_xml: msg = "Do you want to save your changes?" alert = QDialog() self.last_updated = time.time() confirm = QMessageBox.question( self, "Save Changes", msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No | QMessageBox.Cancel, ) if confirm == QMessageBox.Yes: xml_utils.save_to_file(self.metadata_root.to_xml(), self.cur_fname) elif confirm == QMessageBox.Cancel: return "Cancel" except: pass return None def exit(self): """ Before exiting check if the current contents match what is on the file system. If the do not match ask user if they would like to save or cancel the exit Returns ------- str : 'Close' or 'Cancel' depending on user choice. """ changed = self.check_for_changes() if changed == "Cancel": return changed else: self.close() return "Close" def closeEvent(self, event): """ Intercept the builtin closeEvent so that we can check for changes and ask if we should change. Parameters ---------- event Returns ------- """ if self.exit() == "Close": self.settings.setValue("size", self.size()) self.settings.setValue("pos", self.pos()) event.accept() else: event.ignore() def use_dataqual(self, sender=None): self.metadata_root.use_section("dataqual", sender) def use_spatial(self, sender=None): self.metadata_root.use_section("spatial", sender) def use_eainfo(self, sender=None): self.metadata_root.use_section("eainfo", sender) def use_distinfo(self, sender=None): self.metadata_root.use_section("distinfo", sender) def clear_validation(self): """ Remove the error highlighting from all the error widgets Returns ------- None """ annotation_lookup = fgdc_utils.get_fgdc_lookup() for widget in self.error_widgets: if not sip.isdeleted(widget) and widget.objectName() not in [ "metadata_root", "fgdc_metadata", ]: widget.setStyleSheet("""""") print(widget.objectName()) shortname = widget.objectName().replace("fgdc_", "") if shortname[-1].isdigit(): shortname = shortname[:-1] try: widget.setToolTip(annotation_lookup[shortname]["annotation"]) except KeyError: widget.setToolTip("") self.error_widgets = [] self.error_list.clear_errors() self.error_list_dialog.hide() def validate(self): """ Check the current record against the schema and highlight any error widgets Returns ------- None """ if self.metadata_root.schema == "bdp": xsl_fname = utils.get_resource_path( "FGDC/BDPfgdc-std-001-1998-annotated.xsd" ) else: xsl_fname = utils.get_resource_path("FGDC/fgdc-std-001-1998-annotated.xsd") from pymdwizard.core import fgdc_utils errors = fgdc_utils.validate_xml(self.metadata_root.to_xml(), xsl_fname) self.clear_validation() marked_errors = [] # We need to expand / populate all attributes that have an error for error in errors: try: xpath, error_msg, line_num = error if "attr" in xpath: try: detailed_index = xpath.split("/detailed[")[1].split("/")[0][:-1] detailed_index = int(detailed_index) - 1 except IndexError: detailed_index = 0 try: attr_index = xpath.split("/attr[")[1].split("/")[0][:-1] attr_index = int(attr_index) - 1 except IndexError: attr_index = 0 self.metadata_root.eainfo.detaileds[ detailed_index ].attributes.attrs[attr_index].regular_me() self.metadata_root.eainfo.detaileds[ detailed_index ].attributes.attrs[attr_index].supersize_me() except: pass widget_lookup = self.metadata_root.make_tree(widget=self.metadata_root) self.metadata_root.add_children( self.metadata_root.spatial_tab, widget_lookup.metadata.idinfo ) self.metadata_root.add_children( self.metadata_root.dataqual.sourceinput, widget_lookup.metadata.dataqual.lineage, ) error_count = 0 for error in errors: try: xpath, error_msg, line_num = error if xpath not in marked_errors: self.error_list.add_error(error_msg, xpath) marked_errors.append(xpath) # widget = self.metadata_root.get_widget(xpath) widgets = widget_lookup.xpath_march(xpath, as_list=True) for widget in widgets: if isinstance(widget, list): for w in widget: print("problem highlighting error", xpath, widget) else: self.highlight_error(widget.widget, error_msg) self.error_widgets.append(widget.widget) error_count += 1 except BaseException as e: import traceback msg = "Error encountered highlighting error:" msg += "\t" + xpath msg += "\n\n" + traceback.format_exc() QMessageBox.warning(self, "Bug encountered", msg) widget_lookup = self.metadata_root.make_tree(widget=self.metadata_root) if errors: msg = "There are {} errors in this record".format(error_count) self.statusBar().showMessage(msg, 20000) msg += "\n\n These errors are highlighted in red in the form below." msg += "\n\n These errors are also listed in the Validation Errors Form that just popped up." msg += "\n Clicking each error will take you to the section it is contained in." msg += "\n Note that some highlighed errors can be in collapsed items, scrolled out of view, or in non-selected tabs" QMessageBox.warning(self, "Validation", msg) else: msg = "Congratulations there were No FGDC Errors!" self.statusBar().showMessage(msg, 20000) QMessageBox.information(self, "Validation", msg) def goto_error(self, sender): """ super highlight the selected error and switch the tab to the section that contains this error. Parameters ---------- sender : QWidget Returns ------- None """ xpath = section = xpath.split("/")[1] if section == "idinfo": subsection = xpath.split("/")[2] if subsection == "spdom": parent_section = self.metadata_root.switch_section(2) else: parent_section = self.metadata_root.switch_section(0) elif section == "dataqual": parent_section = self.metadata_root.switch_section(1) elif section == "spdoinfo" or section == "spref": parent_section = self.metadata_root.switch_section(2) elif section == "eainfo": parent_section = self.metadata_root.switch_section(3) elif section == "eainfo": parent_section = self.metadata_root.switch_section(3) elif section == "distinfo": parent_section = self.metadata_root.switch_section(4) elif section == "metainfo": parent_section = self.metadata_root.switch_section(5) if self.last_highlight is not None and not sip.isdeleted(self.last_highlight): self.highlight_error(self.last_highlight, self.last_highlight.toolTip()) widget_lookup = self.metadata_root.make_tree(widget=self.metadata_root) bad_widget = widget_lookup.xpath_march(xpath, as_list=True) try: parent_wizwidget = [ thing for thing in parent_section.children() if isinstance(thing, WizardWidget) ][0] parent_wizwidget.scroll_area.ensureWidgetVisible(bad_widget[0].widget) except: pass self.last_highlight = bad_widget[0].widget self.highlight_error(bad_widget[0].widget, sender.text(), superhot=True) def highlight_error(self, widget, error_msg, superhot=False): """ Highlight the given widget and set it's tooltip msg to error_msg Parameters ---------- widget : QWidget error_msg : str the message that will appear in the tooltip superhot : bool whether to use the regular highlight or also include a black thick outline Returns ------- None """ if widget.objectName() in [ "fgdc_attr", "fgdc_edomv", "fgdc_edomvd", "fgdc_edomvds", "fgdc_attrlabl", "fgdc_attrdef", "fgdc_attrdefs", "fgdc_codesetd", "fgdc_edom", "fgdc_rdom", "fgdc_udom", "fgdc_rdommin", "fgdc_rdommax", "fgdc_codesetn", "fgdc_codesets", "fgdc_attrdomv", ]: self.highlight_attr(widget) if widget.objectName() in [ "fgdc_themekey", "fgdc_themekt", "fgdc_placekey", "fgdc_placekt", "fgdc_procdesc", "fgdc_srcused", "fgdc_srcprod", ]: self.highlight_tab(widget) if superhot: color = "rgb(223,1,74)" lw = "border: 3px solid black;" else: color = "rgb(223,1,74)" lw = "" color = "rgb(225,67,94)" if widget.objectName() not in ["metadata_root", "fgdc_metadata"]: try: widget.setToolTip(error_msg) widget.setStyleSheet( """ QGroupBox#{widgetname}{{ background-color: {color}; border: 2px solid red; subcontrol-position: top left; /* position at the top left*/ padding-top: 20px; font: bold 14px; color: rgb(90, 90, 90); }} QGroupBox#{widgetname}::title {{ text-align: left; subcontrol-origin: padding; subcontrol-position: top left; /* position at the top center */padding: 3 3px; }} QLabel{{ font: 9pt "Arial"; color: rgb(90, 90, 90); }} QLineEdit#{widgetname}, QPlainTextEdit#{widgetname}, QComboBox#{widgetname} {{ font: 9pt "Arial"; color: rgb(50, 50, 50); background-color: {color}; opacity: 25; {lw} }} QToolTip {{ background-color: rgb(255,76,77); border-color: red; opacity: 255; }} """.format( widgetname=widget.objectName(), color=color, lw=lw ) ) except: pass def highlight_attr(self, widget): widget_parent = widget attr_frame = widget while not widget_parent.objectName() == "fgdc_attr": widget_parent = widget_parent.parent() attr_frame = widget_parent self.error_widgets.append(attr_frame) widget_parent = widget_parent.parent() widget_parent.supersize_me() error_msg = "'Validation error in hidden contents, click to show'" widget_parent.setToolTip(error_msg) widget_parent.setStyleSheet( """ QFrame#{widgetname}{{ border: 2px solid red; }} """.format( widgetname=attr_frame.objectName() ) ) self.error_widgets.append(widget_parent) def highlight_tab(self, widget): widget_parent = widget.parent() while not type(widget_parent) == QTabWidget: widget_parent = widget_parent.parent() error_msg = "'Validation error in hidden contents, click to show'" widget_parent.setToolTip(error_msg) widget_parent.setStyleSheet( """ QTabBar {{ background-color: rgb(225,67,94); qproperty-drawBase:0; }} """ ) self.error_widgets.append(widget_parent) def spelling_switch_triggered(self, e): spelling_action_text = self.ui.actionSpelling_flag.text() use_spelling = spelling_action_text == "Turn Spelling OFF" self.switch_spelling(not use_spelling) def switch_spelling(self, use_spelling): """ Handle click event of the Turn Spelling (OFF | ON) action Changes the action's label and updates the widget's highlighter. Parameters ---------- e : Qt event, not used Returns ------- None """ if use_spelling: self.ui.actionSpelling_flag.setText("Turn Spelling OFF") else: self.ui.actionSpelling_flag.setText("Turn Spelling ON") self.recursive_spell(self.metadata_root, use_spelling) self.settings.setValue("use_spelling", use_spelling) def recursive_spell(self, widget, which): """ Turn on or off the spelling highlighter for this widget and iterate through the widget's child widgets to recursively do the same for them. Parameters ---------- widget : Qwidget which : bool flag to turn spelling on or off True = turn spelling highlighting on False = turn spelling highlighting off Returns ------- None """ try: widget.highlighter.enabled = which widget.highlighter.rehighlight() except: pass for child_widget in self.metadata_root.get_children(widget): self.recursive_spell(child_widget, which) def dragEnterEvent(self, e): if e.mimeData().hasUrls: e.accept() else: e.ignore() def dragMoveEvent(self, e): if e.mimeData().hasUrls() and e.mimeData().urls()[0].isLocalFile(): e.accept() else: e.ignore() def dropEvent(self, e): """ Drop files directly onto the widget File locations are stored in fname :param e: :return: """ try: if e.mimeData().hasUrls: e.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction) url = e.mimeData().urls()[0] fname = url.toLocalFile() if os.path.isfile(fname): self.open_file(fname) e.accept() else: e.ignore() except: # if anything goes wrong at all, pass silently. # This is just a convenience function pass def preview(self): """ Shows a preview window with the xml content rendered using stylesheet Returns ------- None """ xsl_fname = utils.get_resource_path("FGDC/FGDC_Stylesheet.xsl") transform = xml_utils.load_xslt(xsl_fname) result = transform(self.metadata_root.to_xml()) tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".html") tmp.close() result.write( self.preview = Preview( self.preview_dialog = QDialog(self) self.preview_dialog.setWindowTitle("Metadata Preview") self.preview_dialog.setLayout(self.preview.layout()) self.preview_dialog.exec_() def launch_help(self): root_dname = utils.get_install_dname("pymdwizard") help_html = os.path.join(root_dname, "docs", "html_output", "index.html") if not os.path.exists(help_html): gui_fname = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) help_html = os.path.join( gui_fname, "..", "..", "docs", "html_output", "index.html" ) self.preview = Preview(url=help_html) self.preview_dialog = QDialog(self) self.preview_dialog.setWindowTitle("MetadataWizard Help") self.preview_dialog.setLayout(self.preview.layout()) self.preview_dialog.exec_() def generate_review_doc(self): if self.cur_fname: out_fname = self.cur_fname[:-4] + "_REVIEW.docx" if self.metadata_root.schema == "bdp": which = "bdp" else: which = "fgdc" if time.time() - self.last_updated > 4: msg = "Would you like to save the current file before continuing?" alert = QDialog() self.last_updated = time.time() confirm = QMessageBox.question( self, "File save", msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No | QMessageBox.Cancel, ) if confirm == QMessageBox.Yes: self.save_file() elif confirm == QMessageBox.Cancel: return try: cur_content = xml_utils.XMLRecord(self.cur_fname) review_utils.generate_review_report(cur_content, out_fname, which=which) import os, sys, subprocess def open_file(filename): if sys.platform == "win32": os.startfile('"{}"'.format(filename)) elif sys.platform == "darwin": opener = "open"[opener, filename]) open_file(out_fname) msg = "Review document available at: {}".format(out_fname) msg += "\n\nReview document now opening in default application..." QMessageBox.information(self, "Review finished", msg) except BaseException: import traceback msg = "Problem encountered generating review document:\n{}".format( traceback.format_exc() ) QMessageBox.warning(self, "Problem encountered", msg) def launch_jupyter(self): """ Launches a jupyter notebook server in our examples directory Returns ------- None """ last_kernel = self.settings.value("last_kernel", "") jupyter_dnames = self.settings.value("jupyter_dnames", []) if not jupyter_dnames: install_dir = utils.get_install_dname() jupyter_dnames = [os.path.join(install_dir, "examples")] self.settings.setValue("jupyter_dnames", jupyter_dnames) self.jupyter_dialog = JupyterStarter( last_kernel=last_kernel, previous_dnames=jupyter_dnames, update_function=self.update_jupyter_dnames, ) utils.set_window_icon(self.jupyter_dialog) def update_jupyter_dnames(self, kernel, dname): jupyter_dnames = self.settings.value("jupyter_dnames", []) try: jupyter_dnames.remove(dname) except ValueError: pass my_env = os.environ.copy() # my_env["PYTHONPATH"] = os.path.join(root_dir, "Python36_64") jupyter_dnames.insert(0, dname) del jupyter_dnames[PyMdWizardMainForm.max_recent_files :] self.settings.setValue("jupyter_dnames", jupyter_dnames) self.settings.setValue("last_kernel", kernel) def about(self): """ Display an 'about' message box with contanct info and current version number Returns ------- None """ msg = "The MetadataWizard was developed by the data management team <br> at the USGS Fort Collins Science Center,<br>" msg += "with support from the USGS Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS), " msg += "and the USGS Council for Data integration (CDI).<br><br>" msg += "Ongoing support provided by the USGS Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS)<br>" msg += f"<br><br>Version: {__version__}<br>" msg += "<br> Project page: <a href=''></a>" msg += "<br><br>Contact: Colin Talbert at [email protected]" msgbox = QMessageBox.about(self, "About", msg) def check_for_updates(self, e=None, show_uptodate_msg=True): """ Check if the usgs_root repo is at the same commit as this installation Parameters ---------- e : qt event show_uptodate_msg : bool Whether to display a msg if no updates found Returns ------- None """ try: from git import Repo install_dir = utils.get_install_dname("pymdwizard") repo = Repo(install_dir) fetch = [r for r in repo.remotes if == "usgs_root"][0].fetch() master = [f for f in fetch if == "usgs_root/master"][0] if repo.head.commit != master.commit: msg = "An update(s) are available for the Metadata Wizard.\n" msg += "Would you like to install these now?" confirm = QMessageBox.question( self, "Updates Available", msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No ) if confirm == QMessageBox.Yes: self.update_from_github() elif show_uptodate_msg: msg = "MetadataWizard already up to date." QMessageBox.information(self, "No Update Needed", msg) except BaseException as e: if show_uptodate_msg: msg = "Problem Encountered Updating from GitHub\n\nError Message:\n" msg += str(e) QMessageBox.information(self, "Update results", msg) def update_from_github(self): """ Merge the latest version of the Wizard into the local repo Returns ------- None """ try: from git import Repo install_dir = utils.get_install_dname("pymdwizard") repo = Repo(install_dir) fetch = [r for r in repo.remotes if == "usgs_root"][0].fetch() master = [f for f in fetch if == "usgs_root/master"][0] merge_msg = repo.git.merge( msg = "Updated Successfully from GitHub." QMessageBox.information(self, "Update results", msg) except BaseException as e: msg = ( "Problem Encountered Updating from GitHub\n\n" "Please upgrade to the latest release by reinstalling the " "application from GitHub " "\n(\n\n" "Error Message:\n" ) msg += str(e) QMessageBox.information(self, "Update results", msg) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()