Example #1
    def freeze(self, node, **kwargs):

        sel = selected()

        kwargs['rotate'] = kwargs.pop('r', kwargs.pop('rotate', True))
        kwargs['scale'] = kwargs.pop('s', kwargs.pop('scale', True))
        skip_locked = kwargs.pop('skip_locked', True)

        # Unparent all the joint's children to prevent any locked
        # attribute errors.
        children = dict([(c, c.listRelatives(allParents=True)) \
         for c in node.getChildren(type=['transform', 'joint'])])
        [c.setParent(world=True) for c in children.keys()]

        # Unlock any locked rotate or scale attributes, save their
        # values for later and set them to zero for now, so they
        # aren't affected by the freeze.
        atts = {}
        for rs in ('rotate', 'scale'):
            if not kwargs[rs]: continue
            for axis in 'xyz':
                a = node.attr(rs[0] + axis)
                if a.isLocked():
                    atts[a] = a.get()
                    if skip_locked: a.set(0)

        # Perform the freeze.
        makeIdentity(apply=True, **kwargs)

        # Restore and lock any rotate or scale attributes that
        # were locked before.
        for a, v in atts.items():
            if skip_locked: a.set(v)

        # Restore children to their original parents and delete any
        # automatically-generated parent buffers.
        for c, parents in children.items():
            p = c.getParent()
            if p: delete(p)

Example #2
	def freeze(self, node, **kwargs):
		sel = selected()
		kwargs['rotate'] = kwargs.pop('r', kwargs.pop('rotate', True))
		kwargs['scale'] = kwargs.pop('s', kwargs.pop('scale', True))
		skip_locked = kwargs.pop('skip_locked', True)
		# Unparent all the joint's children to prevent any locked
		# attribute errors.
		children = dict([(c, c.listRelatives(allParents=True)) \
			for c in node.getChildren(type=['transform', 'joint'])])
		[c.setParent(world=True) for c in children.keys()]
		# Unlock any locked rotate or scale attributes, save their
		# values for later and set them to zero for now, so they
		# aren't affected by the freeze.
		atts = {}
		for rs in ('rotate', 'scale'):
			if not kwargs[rs]: continue
			for axis in 'xyz':
				a = node.attr(rs[0] + axis)
				if a.isLocked():
					atts[a] = a.get()
					if skip_locked: a.set(0)
		# Perform the freeze.
		makeIdentity(apply=True, **kwargs)
		# Restore and lock any rotate or scale attributes that
		# were locked before.
		for a, v in atts.items():
			if skip_locked: a.set(v)
		# Restore children to their original parents and delete any
		# automatically-generated parent buffers.
		for c, parents in children.items():
			p = c.getParent()
			if p: delete(p)
Example #3
	def __init__(self, root_cls=None, *args, **kwargs):
			- bone_radius: br				(int, default:1)
				Sets all joints' bone radii. This flag only works if -vary_bone_radius
				is False.
			- nhpat								(string, default:<nt>_<s><ss>_<n><ns>)
				Establishes a naming convention where 'nt' is the node type
				(drive or bind joint), 's' in the side, 'ss' is the side sequence,
				'n' is the name and 'ns' is the name sequence.
			- long_bone_radius: lbr		(float, default:2.0)
				Sets -vary_bone_radius' maximum range. This flag only works if
				-vary_bone_radius is True.
			- short_bone_radius: sbr		(float, default:0.5)
				Sets -vary_bone_radius' minimum range. This flag only works if
				-vary_bone_radius is True.
			- test_bone_radius: tebr		(bool, default:False)
				Tests the bone radius settings without continuing the
				rigging process.
			- tip_bone_radius: tbr			(float, default:0.25)
				Sets all tip joints' bone radii. This flag only works if -vary_bone_radius
				is True.
		# Find the joint-chain's root joint.
		joints = ls(selection=True, type='joint')
		roots = []
		for j in joints:
			while True:
				pj = j.listRelatives(parent=True, type='joint')
				if pj:
					j = pj[0]
				elif j not in roots:
		assert len(roots), 'Selection requires at least one joint.'
		# Vary bone radius.
		self._short_bone_radius = kwargs.pop('sbr',
			kwargs.pop('short_bone_radius', self._short_bone_radius))
		self._long_bone_radius = kwargs.pop('lbr',
			kwargs.pop('long_bone_radius', self._long_bone_radius))
		self._tip_bone_radius = kwargs.pop('tbr',
			kwargs.pop('tip_bone_radius', self._tip_bone_radius))
		for r in roots:
		test_bone_radius = kwargs.pop('tebr',
			kwargs.pop('test_bone_radius', False))
		if test_bone_radius: return
		if not issubclass(root_cls, CharacterJoint):
			raise TypeError("%s class must be a subclass of %s." \
				% (root_cls.__name__, CharacterJoint))
		# NameHelper segments establish a naming convention for this character.
		self.name_helper = kwargs.pop('nh', kwargs.pop('name_helper', None))
		if not self.name_helper:
			self.name_helper = NameHelper()
		# In order to distinguish the character's left and right sides, first we need to
		# define the character's front axis.
		self.front = kwargs.pop('front', 'z')
		for jdict in [self.drive_joints, self.bind_joints]:
			jdict[root_cls] = []
		for i, root in enumerate(roots):
			# Clean-up the joint chain by freezing rotate and scale
			makeIdentity(root, apply=True, rotate=True, scale=True)
			# Recurse through the entire joint chain, assigning the appropriate
			# CharacterJoint class to each joint.
			self.drive_joints[root_cls].append(root_cls(root, self,
				jdict=self.drive_joints, *args, **kwargs))
				self, jdict=self.bind_joints, *args, **kwargs))
		# Recursion added joints to the lists backwards, so reverse it to
		# keep the joints in a top-down relationship.
		for jdict in [self.drive_joints, self.bind_joints]:
			[jdict[cls].reverse() for cls in jdict.keys()]
		# Change the name of the joints to something they would not use
		# to prevent any naming conflicts in the future.
		function_on_hierarchy(roots, rename, 'FooJoint#')
		# Name joints.
		for cls, dj_list in self.drive_joints.items():
			for i, dj in enumerate(dj_list):
				while True:
					if len(ls(dj.nodeName())) == 1:
						bj = self.bind_joints[cls][i]
						dj.bind_joint = bj
						bj.drive_joint = dj
						bj.side_sequence = dj.side_sequence
					dj.side_sequence += 1
Example #4
    def __init__(self, root_cls=None, *args, **kwargs):
			- bone_radius: br				(int, default:1)
				Sets all joints' bone radii. This flag only works if -vary_bone_radius
				is False.
			- nhpat								(string, default:<nt>_<s><ss>_<n><ns>)
				Establishes a naming convention where 'nt' is the node type
				(drive or bind joint), 's' in the side, 'ss' is the side sequence,
				'n' is the name and 'ns' is the name sequence.
			- long_bone_radius: lbr		(float, default:2.0)
				Sets -vary_bone_radius' maximum range. This flag only works if
				-vary_bone_radius is True.
			- short_bone_radius: sbr		(float, default:0.5)
				Sets -vary_bone_radius' minimum range. This flag only works if
				-vary_bone_radius is True.
			- test_bone_radius: tebr		(bool, default:False)
				Tests the bone radius settings without continuing the
				rigging process.
			- tip_bone_radius: tbr			(float, default:0.25)
				Sets all tip joints' bone radii. This flag only works if -vary_bone_radius
				is True.

        # Find the joint-chain's root joint.
        joints = ls(selection=True, type='joint')
        roots = []
        for j in joints:
            while True:
                pj = j.listRelatives(parent=True, type='joint')
                if pj:
                    j = pj[0]
                elif j not in roots:

        assert len(roots), 'Selection requires at least one joint.'

        # Vary bone radius.
        self._short_bone_radius = kwargs.pop(
            'sbr', kwargs.pop('short_bone_radius', self._short_bone_radius))
        self._long_bone_radius = kwargs.pop(
            'lbr', kwargs.pop('long_bone_radius', self._long_bone_radius))
        self._tip_bone_radius = kwargs.pop(
            'tbr', kwargs.pop('tip_bone_radius', self._tip_bone_radius))
        for r in roots:
        test_bone_radius = kwargs.pop('tebr',
                                      kwargs.pop('test_bone_radius', False))
        if test_bone_radius: return

        if not issubclass(root_cls, CharacterJoint):
            raise TypeError("%s class must be a subclass of %s." \
             % (root_cls.__name__, CharacterJoint))

        # NameHelper segments establish a naming convention for this character.
        self.name_helper = kwargs.pop('nh', kwargs.pop('name_helper', None))
        if not self.name_helper:
            self.name_helper = NameHelper()

        # In order to distinguish the character's left and right sides, first we need to
        # define the character's front axis.
        self.front = kwargs.pop('front', 'z')

        for jdict in [self.drive_joints, self.bind_joints]:
            jdict[root_cls] = []
        for i, root in enumerate(roots):
            # Clean-up the joint chain by freezing rotate and scale
            makeIdentity(root, apply=True, rotate=True, scale=True)

            # Recurse through the entire joint chain, assigning the appropriate
            # CharacterJoint class to each joint.
                root_cls(root, self, jdict=self.drive_joints, *args, **kwargs))

        # Recursion added joints to the lists backwards, so reverse it to
        # keep the joints in a top-down relationship.
        for jdict in [self.drive_joints, self.bind_joints]:
            [jdict[cls].reverse() for cls in jdict.keys()]

        # Change the name of the joints to something they would not use
        # to prevent any naming conflicts in the future.
        function_on_hierarchy(roots, rename, 'FooJoint#')

        # Name joints.
        for cls, dj_list in self.drive_joints.items():
            for i, dj in enumerate(dj_list):
                while True:
                    if len(ls(dj.nodeName())) == 1:
                        bj = self.bind_joints[cls][i]
                        dj.bind_joint = bj
                        bj.drive_joint = dj
                        bj.side_sequence = dj.side_sequence
                    dj.side_sequence += 1